She Measures His Cologne To See If He's Cheating (Marathon) | Couples Court

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this is couples court with the cutlers this is the case of Briggs versus Maxwell you've been dating one year is that correct yes your honor yes your honor and why did you bring your boyfriend here I brought him here because I need someone to help me crack this case on whether he is the perfect guy or the perfect cheater and Mr Maxwell why are you here I I want to prove to her that I'm not lying that I'm not a cheater and give her Assurance you know so that way we could just move forward but you've only been together a year if it ain't good the first year I'm kind of concerned about what it looks like two years from now I need to find out if he's telling the truth he's very convincing like he acts like nothing is happening you ask him a question he knows nothing about it even though everything points to him knowing if I find out today that he's lying that that's it I'm done all right so what is on the line here is your relationship either you're in or you out it's either we right or we not and you understand that if it comes back that you have cheated she's gone that's what she says yeah I I know what she said I asked you did you understand you see how he answer this question no I I get it I mean I get what she saying you know well miss Briggs here's what I want to know how did you all become a couple tell me about how you met I met him at a friend's Gathering and I noticed him he had like a nice little swag or whatever he came over we talked and one thing went to another we went out he used to pay me like compliments I mean just the way he carried himself that's why I said like he knows what to do so he just made me believe that shy wasn't Dead all right Mr Maxwell what do you remember about the first time you saw her I mean it it's exactly like what she said uh we met like through through a mutual friend and when I seen her I mean she's beautiful I mean just look at her she she's very beautiful you're a little reluctant to you know step to her n not at all I'm not that I'm not reluctant to step to any female look at this oh okay of course but it's more so like look at her I need to have her in my life so I had to St to her after like getting to talk to her and getting to know her I mean she's a really humble Spirit she put a lot of people in front of her um and that's just like some of the qualities that I really admire about her on our first date like he kind of planned this whole thing we went and we had dinner um and even during the dinner he was telling me how like I was wifey material and he's saying all the right things and so I you know I was into that and then afterwards we went to this Rea club and you know I'm like dancing doing all this stuff like showing him my Beyonce or whatever and he's just he's just like hey he is just like like doing his little twostep the whole time but I mean it was all good it was a nice little time and I mean that's really where we started vibing and okay so she said oh the first date you popped out with you wiy material that's strong man no no I mean you don't understand like she looks amazing right absolutely standing next to me I look even better just just having having a woman like this Next to You see there you go right there you he look just because you next to him yeah I had to have her so you know she said it was a nice night out man that night was more than just a nice night it was like it was a magical night that's how I remember it know so I I just knew at that moment you know like all right I got to have this woman even more so okay so me but when you I'm sorry love go ahead go ahead no go ahead go ahead okay I see the smiles on your faces mhm as you talk about the past but when we open this case you look mad and you look mad so I want to know what brought us to where we're standing here today I have suspected that he has been cheating he's done some things that has made me feel that way and it started by um last July we went to a club and afterwards everyone decided to go back to his house when everybody got there my friend told me she was like oh you need to go check on Mr Maxwell so I went into the room and there's this girl sitting on his bed and I'm like is he in the bathroom and so she was like yeah he's in the bathroom so I knocked on the bathroom door and it took him a minute he opened the door and you know I'm just trying to be like a nice girl and just see if my man is okay and so we both come out the room me and him the girl is still in the room girl you found a woman sitting on his bed yes like by the headboard is she dressed is she not dressed is she partially dressed she fully dressed I mean it was a it was a bunch of people in my house I mean some girls there they did like me it was something that liked me but I wasn't obligated to but we need to know about the girl on the bed right did she like you she like me too okay she did I mean how did she end up on your bed she walked in there where were you were you in the room I was in the bathroom okay so you did you know she was in the in the bedroom no I didn't all right that wasn't the bad part though so we're in the kitchen and this girl she she says this comment like you're doing too much what do she mean by that exactly that's where all of this starts okay so I'm asking the girl like what is she you know are you talking to me are you talking to him who are you talking to because I don't even know like how are you in our business right and I literally asked her I was like are you sleeping with him oh she went straight there no I look him dead in his face face and I said why is she saying this and I still back and he said I don't know I don't know why she's saying this okay but what does that mean you doing too much doing what were you doing what were you doing long story short she never explained that night why she said that he never explained that night why she said that the other girl was making it seemed like I was in a relationship with the girl that was sitting on my bed and I wasn't I mean not at all but she was making it seem like oh you supposed to be with her or he supposed to be with her but I didn't I didn't get that news all right so is this the only incident that you have no um he ended up giving me his password to his phone I gave him my password to uh my phone so after that it was cool it was like back to how it was cuz you're figuring if he's giving me the password to his phone he's a open book yes yes yes then all of a sudden again like just randomly I would walk in the room and he would clearly be on his phone texting and when he see me walk in he just put it down is it possible he was just texting his friends and just when he came in he wanted to turn his attention to you here here's my thing with a phone all right one is my phone all right right I paid a bill on this phone and if I want to text somebody on it I text somebody on it if I want to call somebody on it I'll call somebody on it was there anything in the phone that you shouldn't find no it's nothing in the phone at that she got password she ain't going to find nothing in my phone um question you how long have you guys been married Mar 28 years 28 years you've been married right and I'm quite sure those 28 years you ain't been happy to hold 28 years right oh I have been yeah okay right see that so so so the whole time so the goal to a successful marriage is to try to stay happy right so why would you look for something to be unhappy so so you're not questioning why she's looking in your phone you're question why she's looking I don't think she want to be she don't want to be happy that is one situation another situation all right I spend the night over there and it must have been about 2:00 a.m. I see this light from the wall blink blinking up he's laid over the bed like looking on his phone like his head is clearly off of the bed so I'm like I Tred to get to see what he was doing and he instantly like turned it down so I can't see the light anymore but I mean I didn't say anything I just act like I was just turning you know like in my sleep or whatever so a couple days later I went in the phone and I opened the phone the passw still work and I see all these social media like different apps okay and so I tried to open the apps and he had it logged off so I don't know his username or password to these social media apps but I have a friend that knows everything about social media okay so she goes on there and less than 30 minutes see again we looking to be unhappy she finds a profile of his um on a dating site and I have the screenshot that she sent if I could submit it Ron would you please pick that up for us yes y thank you man oh boy and do you go by Max at times yep is that you that's me okay age 31 see there we go right there I'm not 31 it's old that stuff is old wait a minute wait a minute this looks very similar to some of the pictures we've been flashing up of you all your couple pictures it's me this is you on your dating profile right mhm can you put up one of the pictures that we uh you submitted to the court mhm that's you two together right them ain't the same glasses they both Gucci Shades but they ain't the same on look at them go in a closeup those AR the same glasses help us they they I got more than one pair of Gucci shakes look at look at the look at the Gucci frame up here and then look on the side go closer y'all ain't about to catch me up on that okay well is that the same hat you know how many hats I got I I don't know how many but I'm asking you about this hat I no it can't be well why still have it up all these years I don't have it up they got it up I don't the last time you used this dating profile I don't use it so it's just out there I guess so this guy right here he he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing all right Mr Maxwell and Miss Briggs at this time the court would like to call cyber security expert Gregory Evans um Ron would you please just scort Mr Evans into the courtroom [Applause] yes hello yers hello how are you Mr EV to great yourself right all right Mr Evans you had access to Mr Maxwell's phone is that correct yes yes what kind of things can you get from phones oh we can get text messages emails videos pictures anything that's ever been on a phone can be retrieved even if it's deleted even if it's deleted that's where forensics comes in what did you uncover Mr Evans if you go to the home page on the iPhone and use your thumb and swipe down it shows the apps that you use the most on there on that's Universal on his it showed that he uses mail notes tender and a new one I never heard of Soul Swip Soul Swip what is soul they their definition and here's the evidence for that your honor oh thank you the definition is soul swi black dating whoa Mr Maxwell Are you a participating member in Soul swipe or Tinder no I'm not can you explain why they come up as your one of your top four cuz he probably put it on there I didn't do that exactly he okay so you're what you use forensics okay and we use forensic software see computers don't lie it shows his device name his Emi name the serial number to his phone the fair the firmware in his phone so we were able to look at all the apps that was on his phone okay so and we're also able to see apps also was deleted but these ones were not deleted and it still showed that these were the top two on his phone if we were to add these apps like he's claiming we would have needed his iCloud password to go into the Apple Store to download them well what was funny was is when I was going through his phone and I was just received it from the courts I did ask for the iCloud username and password he said he couldn't find the iCloud username and password he forgot it so he gave us five passwords none of them worked so I'm just looking through the phone and I'm looking through his notes now an hour before he turned in the phone he had just put a brand new note in of a a restaurant a popular restaurant here right I got out of that note went back into another note came back out that note was deleted I was like what happened to that note one of my team members says well when I went in there to talk to him it looked like he was logged in to his iCloud account and he might have been deleted I just know one thing that note was there and then it wasn't there I had one note that said the name of a restaurant because I wanted to go eat at a restaurant and somebody told me about it I put the note in there to remember the name of the restaurant but but Mr Evans if you had the phone how else could it have been deleted by being logged into the iCloud account using the password he said he couldn't remember how can I delet got my phone can you log in from another device yeah you can log in from from anything you just go to and just log in with your email address and your password to your iCloud account Mr Maxwell did you delete that information from the phone no everything that he said is hear safe speculation on what anybody could do no the only person who gets to make that decision is me and him Mr C's question to you was did you delete it no I did not it's a restaurant what that don't like why would I delete a restaurant we don't know I don't either I I mean this is what I deal with all the time every time we have a situation he's always back pelling I you know skating around what it really is when all the proof is right there all right Miss Briggs we're going to get you some additional information because we had Mr Maxwell to sit down with the certified polygraph examiner are you ready for the results yes Shor thank you sir there you go live prior to July 2016 had you had sex with a woman who was sitting on your bed during your party and you answered no the Lae detector determined that you were being [Music] deceptive what's going through your mind just the fact like you act like you did not know what was going on nothing I did not know her until after that like what did she have a trash bag on like really all right well miss Briggs and Mr Maxwell we have a second question Mr Maxwell you were asked have you had any sexual intercourse with other women while dating Miss Briggs and you answered no the law detector determined that you were being deceptive [Music] okay now I'm telling the truth we're done we're done you two are in a relationship you're living together is that correct yes ma'am your honor you met on Facebook but now allegations of infidelity are destroying your home tell me why you're here miss hor me and my girlfriend wanted to get married and before I make that kind of commitment I want her to prove to me that she's not cheating on me with men or women so you think both may be going on right in fact she saying that they aren't going to get married until you have confirmation that she's not doing that yes ma'am yes your honor all right Miss Brooks why are you here I'm here because she believes that I'm cheating on her though I'm not sure how she believes that's possible since she's with me 24/7 prove to her that I'm not cheating on her because she's driving me crazy you look upset I'm just tired of fighting with her every day about something that is not humanly possible every day she accuses me of cheating and every day she's with me all day long Miss Brooks it is humanly possible we have stories every day of folks yeah it's kind of why we're here I'm doing this I'm doing that when do I have time to cheat and then boom they're cheating Che that's what I'm saying that's happening but I'm just saying she's literally with me 24 hours a day all right so what warning signs what evidence do you have that Miss Brooks is cheating three months ago she would hand me her phone and say look up this such and such and such or call such and such and such on my phone and now it's gotten to the point where if I grab my phone goes dead and I grab her phone to use it she she'll grab the phone from me and say what are you doing what are you looking at Everything's changed this past month it's like I can't even touch that don't touch that phone well that's because she will not give me any private thoughts I can't even she's reading my text message between me and my mother she's letting me use your phone to call my daughter but what she really means is let me go through your emails and then she's texting people back pretending like she's me well that's because you want take up for us and you should tell somebody if they're flirting with you and being disrespectful to our relationship you don't do that at all I have to be the one to do it so you know and another reason would be lack of sex your honor I have to wait four or five hours it might be five or six o'clock in the morning before she gets through watching court on TV all night on the toilet and then she wants to come to bed well I'm tired I'm already asleep by then I can't really blame her for that one I mean a good a good use of time there's a great Court out there to see I me that's for my personal experience that this great I mean that's crazy so now she's experienced a lack of sex cuz I'm not giving it to her either oh wow so I mean is she cheating I don't okay so you're thinking what if she's not doing it with me she must be doing it with somebody right I mean you you just she's too sexually active not to I am getting it from somewhere else me well Miss Brooks she's not concerned about you cheating with yourself she's concerned about you cheated with somebody else she is your honor she's concerned about myself either all right so what I want you to do is take me and Mr Cutler back to when it was lovely tell me how did you meet how did you hook up I met her through Facebook but I already knew her like I knew some of the same people we hang around with some of the same people we'd see each other hey and you know keep going so we hooked up one night you after I talked to her on Facebook and uh we went there we went out to eat and and everything was great I liked her I mean I didn't I don't know how she couldn't tell I liked her the first night I mean I've always liked her but I don't know if she's doing it to me what you know what me and her were doing she was with somebody at that time so you had you had I took her from her I took her I mean I did there it is you she trying to make it play no you didn't that relationship we were not happy we were not together like that and when I met you you were my person well you know M color when they say how you get them and sometimes how you lose them and Miss wh That's what you worried about but if you got her from somebody somebody's going to get it from you right want to be hurt and cuz all my past relationships I've been cheated on or hurt and some type of way and I don't want that to be the case with her because I really want to make a commitment with her so why do you believe that Miss Brooks is cheating on you now I wake up and every time that I've ever woke up she's always been right there beside me in bed well on one occasion she when I got up she wasn't there and the car was gone I seen her dad I said Hey Dad I said where's uh Jessica and he said oh she's gone with Mom to town and so I call she don't answer I call again she don't answer call the third time she answers I was like who was with y'all you know I could hear a dude talking and that's when she told me it was her her uh friend they grew up together I mean okay tell me tell me about this situation the van that I was driving needed something fix on it he's the cheapest person in in town they can fix it and unless you go get a second job for mechanic we rode by there to see if he could fix the vehicle and then he wanted to hear what it was doing so he rode with us she started in as soon as she called and I answered the phone she automatically started cheating you're doing this you're doing that she ask any question she automatically seems that's what's going on she said you've changed your pattern now you just get up and leave without her knowing about it why have you started this Sudden Change in behavior that was one time that I left while she was asleep and she was really tired and I thought that I was doing a nice thing I let her sleep and taking my mom to the store and so why didn't you answer her phone when she call I keep my phone on vibrating a lot because she freaks out anytime it goes off if it's a message or a notification or whatever before you can even look at it she's like who's that what they want what are they calling for well the reason the reason for that is because I had the phone I had the phone she wanted me to look at something and a text came through and they said uh are you going to be able to come out tonight the next text up under it said uh bring that with you that you know vagina I know he wasn't talking about her bringing me with she said what it meant Miss Horn you submitted that text to the court is that correct your Rec this is a recollection of this text yes ma'am the other man says you going out tonight want to meet up and then it says bring that female part with you is that correct yes ma'am yes you're honor and you found that on her phone yes your honor and so you believe that she was hooking up with some man either previously or was planning to to hook up with the man that night pretty much and I try not to look too deep into it but you know I got feelings and I've been hurt before and when I seen that it was like so HT before is not my fault Miss Brooks why is a man sending that to you I don't know why he felt to need to send that to me but I didn't respond to it you know what didn't I get something like this similar that direct message well you did yeah okay so what happened was I got a text and it said hi I was like hi Dana hi Dana and I was like who is this the next day he came home I forgot about it but then I got a text at midnight they said hi beautiful I was upset it was like I can't keep them from dming me no I was like oh hold up wait a minute I gave it to him he looked at he said who is this I'm like I don't know I think you went to school with him and then I recognized the name I'm like okay why would he be sending this to my wife and so she's like look you respond however you want to respond to you respond using her phone so I responded and said hey you know I think you got the wrong Dana this is Keith Cutler's wife and he wrote back put a ring on it you see yeah yeah he that's right and he wrote back and said oh you're right I'm sorry I apologize for that okay so now you can't control what people send to you but you can control how you respond and so she did respond from my phone your honor she did respond and I spoke to him the next time he came in the store and told him that that upset her and he said that he was just playing but did it upset you well I mean I don't know if it upset I just really it didn't mean anything to me one way or the other I do not date men I don't have sex with men I haven't in a long time I don't understand why the men is the biggest issue for her okay well there's also another incident I was going to call my best friend back my phone was dead I plugged it in I said let me use your phone to call era and boom I got the reading and it said something about a side Chek she going to get her a side chick cuz I get mine and go to bed every night and this is your best friendes do you think she was hitting on your best friend could have been well there's your side there's her side and there's the best friend's side we have that best friend here okay R we just scor her [Music] in [Music] [Applause] would you please state your name for the court Eris Smith all right now we just heard about a text from between you and Miss Brooks can you tell us about that yes um I've been trying to get in touch with Jennifer one night and um she wasn't answering her phone and usually if she doesn't answer in text or call you know I will try to hit up Jessica and see if I can get her that way you okay so um anyway she ended up being asleep and so U we got to talking and um basically Jessica ended up kind of doing the whole complaining thing because she fell asleep and and when you said the complaining thing Miss Brooks is complaining about Miss Horn going to sleep well see what had happened was okay basically um she had gotten what she needed out of the evening and then rolled over and knocked on out all right all right so so she was so Miss Brooks was unhappy about having taken care and satisfy Miss horn but Miss Horn hadn't done the favor to her right all right and this sounds like a conversation you've had more than what uh maybe okay yeah all right so this is a regular complaint from Miss Brooks about Miss yeah for for a little short period of time but yes on that particular evening she had made the comment she doesn't do better than I'm going to have to get me a side chick huh so what did you think about that comment I was like hm okay here's the first question is why are you asking me or saying that to me I'm yourself sweetie oh no don't even go there let's not go there let's back that truck up because first of all there's more than one option to the answer okay so the second option to why she would have said that to me in particular maybe well maybe she's testing the waters to see if I'm loyal to see if I'm you know going to just like run back and try to start something you know I mean because otherwise I mean there's got to be a reason why you would say that to the best friend and all of this was via text message is that right that's right and I have evidence that right here okay Ron would you grab that for us please yes thank you this is a text exchange between you and Miss Brooks that is correct and you write I text her telling her I was going to watch videos on her phone LOL and miss Brooks responds yep and we had sex twice today and I am yet to benefit I'm going to get me a side chick Miss Miss says no no that's no good and you respond she better start blanking me instead of getting off and falling asleep so you did send that text message I did send that I was just I was joking hoping that maybe her best friend would talk to her best friend probably does not want to get in the midst of all that if she could help it well I think we've heard enough testimony because here's what we have Miss Horn thinks that Miss Brooks is cheating with both men and women Miss Horn has found sexual text messages on Miss Brooks's phone and she wants to know did she sleep with the sender of those messages Miss Brooks sent you text messages talking about getting a side chick because she's not sexually satisfied all of this is causing Miss Horn to think there's got to be something going on Miss Horn if you find out that Miss Brooks is cheating with someone else your relationship is over yes you're done done over over and Miss Brooks you understand that I'm not cheating with anybody else so I'm if she doesn't accept these L detective test results today and accept that I'm not cheating on her and let's just move forward then it's over anyway a lot of test says that you're not guilty then I will never speak of it again there will be no reason I mean that would be proof the court has done a full and complete investigation to determine is she cheating at this time the court will call licensed certified polygraph examiner Tom Platt into the courtroom Ron please escort Mr plaen yes sir [Music] [Applause] how are you Mr pla good good afternoon your honors good to see you good to see you sir you conducted a polygraph test of Miss Brooks is that correct yes ma'am all right you asked Miss Brooks have you ever had sexual contact with the guy who sent you sexual text messages what was her response she stated no what did the polygraph reveal the polygraph determined that she was being truth all right you don't look surprised at all Miss Horn what are you thinking thank God all right I do love her you asked Miss Brooks were you soliciting sex from Miss Smith when you sent her the side chick text what was her response she stated no what did the PO gra determined the polygraph determined that she was being [Music] true you asked Miss Brooks since being in a relationship with Miss Horn have you ever had physical sexual contact with anyone else what was her response she stated no what did the lie detector determine the polygraph determined that she was being truth Miss Horn you came here for answers Miss Brooks you came here to prove that you were telling the truth and you got your proof now miss H I have to say to you you are highly suspicious and you are overwrought when things don't go the way you think they should you going to have to pull up or she's going to pull away you all have been together 11 years you're married you have two count them two sets of twins together and you are worried and this marriage is on the Rocks because you believe he's with another woman half your age Miss Butterfield tell us why you brought this case and what's at stake your honor I'm here today to proved that he is cheating in my house and when I find out he's cheating in my house I'm going to blow the roof off this courtroom okay in your house not near your house but in your house in my house but Mr Williams I got to think that these allegations of that are being thrown at you have got to bother you tell me how you're feeling about this well I feel uncomfortable you know I always be on the road a lot and when I'm coming home and stuff it's like stop lying always excuse me I get yelled dad and well what you doing now and all this stuff here and and this is like it's uncomfortable and I'm like I'm just trying I'm here to just pretty much get down to the bottom of it like really I'm just sick of it all right what about me what about how I feel and that's what I was get ready to ask you miss Butterfield how are you feeling in this situation I'm feeling hurt because it's like I took people in to help them out I've been with him I married him I want to be with him and it really hurts to know that he's sleeping around with somebody in my house house yeah I got to say that would not uh pass the test in the Cutler home that would not be the that would not be going on I couldn't live with that so in order to see how we got here I need to understand how we got here so tell me how you all met and how you got started well I met him on a dating website okay and he inboxed me about 10 times really come on now we used to go out spend time together and it was like after my first set of twins were born everything he was the one he was everything so after you had been together and started your family it was like okay this is the one for me yes all right so what was it about her that you liked her personality I mean she was Charming she pretty much you know made me feel that this is the one that I want to be with that I want to spend my life with and that's how it was C clicked it's like 1 two three everything is clicked and we was on so you knew that you had found the woman of your dreams right so miss Butterfield I got to know I gotta know how did he propose to you what did that look like I proposed to him that's what I'm talking about well well well well well that's what I'm talking about yeah she what you talking about Mr Cutler I'm talking about script yeah you I'm all for men proposing to women but every once in a while it's good to hear a woman take that first step and say you know what I want him so much I'm going to step up I'm going to ask you it's okay it's okay for woman to do that right so miss Butterfield what did you do and how did you do it well I planned a big party and I ordered the Rings offline I had his family there and my family there okay then I got down on one knee and I asked him to marry me he was going to say yes cuz if he didn't I was going to beat his oh really huh so you did this in front of all the W all your family both Ty of family you proposed to him yes so you had to know he was going to say yes cuz that's really being out there yes your honor I'm I'm a family man you know at the time you know we already had kids together you know trying to start a family so the right thing to do is go ahead and close the the the the next chapter and move over as a family all right this sounds so sweet and it's Unique that you asked him and you sound like you all found each other's soulmate what were the warning signs that You' seen that he's cheating because your honor we was walking down to our room and I heard his phone go off and I know it was a notification ringtone so when he left I went through his phone and I seen the same dating app on their de when we met oh Mr willim so the dating app that you found the love of your life on you still had open you still had active and you were receiving notifications on it h how do you explain that I'm playing around you know we men do stupid stuff and don't think hey hey hey hey don't bring all of us into this you did stupid I do stupid stuff and don't think and I realizing what type of person I have already in my life we sat down talked about it I admitted to it I was wrong I shouldn't it shouldn't happened and we moved on from there and you were done with looking at other women yes right right right right okay Miss Butterfield right no excuse me really why wasn't that the end of I did I thing I supposed to do five months ago five months I had a family friend move in oh wow and his eyes get every time I look at him he looking at her so you thinking he's looking at her wishing something was going on yes do you think something actually is going on yes I do specifically share with the court why you think he's cheating with this particular woman because I went to his truck because my daughter's shoes was in the truck so I'm looking in the back seat for the shoes I reach my hand under his seat I feel a rapper and so I pull the rapper out it's condoms oh boy and I'm like what is you doing with condoms so I took a picture and you submitted that picture to the court yes I did your honor and then that that's the three pack where's the other one at oh I don't think so all right why you got C in the car I don't even know what Brandon is you sure she ain't playing them now why would she do that I don't know she accused me of everything else she might do that too and that's your story yeah all right then your honor well miss Butterfield you know have you found anything that makes you think that he's cheating with this younger woman yes I did I'm going through my laundry basket to find my pants then when I look in his I found her panties and his laundry basket like what is our panties doing in our room yes well how do you know they were hers I know they're hers because she wears panties too tight for her let me show you all right no all right you see your honor this mine they're nice and clean well adjusted these are hers she ripped them cuz they're too tight for her and you trying to figure out why are your underwear in my husband's hamper exactly she don't come in our room so why why is her stuff in our room Mr whims here we are right here in this moment right now what's your explanation as why these panties are in your hamper and your basket cuz he having sex with her excuse no I don't do stuff like that I'm a grown man and a family man and I don't do stuff like that sorry you got the wrong one sister I don't know how they got in the hamper I can't tell I didn't put him there miss Butterfield where is this hamper that you found it is in your bedroom yes it is okay and does this woman who's half your age who's living with you this family friend does she sleep in your bedroom no she does not does she have any clothes in your bedroom no she does not okay so Mr Williams she doesn't sleep in the bedroom she doesn't have any clothes in the bedroom she doesn't stand in the bedroom why in the world how in the world did her panties get in the hamper the basket that's in your bedroom I have the clues clu is clu to found out cuz is didn't put him there Mr William have you slept with this woman no ma'am you have not your testimony is you have not slept with this younger woman the woman that's half your wife's age no I don't do stuff like that I'm a grown man all right so there's your wife's side there's the husband's side and there's the woman who's living in the house side she is is here would you please escort Miss [Music] H Miss hun look at this homeworking trap you doing too much you doing too much you doing too much Dr like that no a never a never never ladies' ladies you're in a courtroom step up here step up here and have a this Butterfield is still a courtroom you will govern your your accordingly okay yes your honor all right would you state your name please for the court Miss Kennedy hunt Miss hunt you've been listening to the testimony yes I have how did you come to live in their home well your honor I've moved down here recently actually I've only been living with them for about maybe 6 months and I was with the wrong people so she took me in I knew she was living in the same area I was so she took me in to get me on my feet and I'm very grateful for that I would never do I would never do anything to stab her in the back she knows that friend to yes she's a family friend to me and I've always had her back you understand had his back too M Miss okay Miss Butterfield didn't so miss hunt you understand that Miss Butterfield believes that you're sleeping with her husband I don't know why okay but she found your panties in her husband's laundry can you explain to the court how that happened first of all yes I can okay I do laundry for the whole house maybe if you weren't so lazy and cleaned up I would you could do your own laundry but I'm nice enough to do everybody's laundry in the house everybody's laundry gets mixed up it's a coincidence why have you not said anything to my face like a woman like you should have but now it's coming out but you didn't say nothing before you should have came to me like a woman if you if I have that respect for you you should have respect for me why you sit there and you stare ey to eye I don't why you stare eye to eye Lord he sitting on the couch you move closer to him please help this girl this girl's delusional Miss Butterfield pull up okay I'm a man I got eyes I'm going look but as long as I don't touch you you a't got nothing to worry about you hear me on what so you admit you were looking I mean I got eyes I'm a man what do you expect I'm a man going to look look I like what I see but like I say I have boundaries I a man could have looks he can like what he see but he also have boundaries now if you step those bondage that's when you have a problem baby no sometimes you got a problem just looking what M I think we got it I mean here's what we're looking at I mean we have this family friend who was living in the house and Miss Butterfield thinks that Mr whims is is got something for her some kind of Attraction for her and she believes that one because her panties were found in his laundry there were condoms found in the truck and they don't use condoms and it was one missing yeah and all this has caused Miss Butterfield to believe that Mr Williams has been cheating and she's concerned that he's been cheating with Miss hunt yes well this court has done a complete investigation at this time the court would like to call forensic voice analyst guy wolf to determine is he cheating R would you might be cheating on you but not with me baby step right over here how with me we about to find out today yeah we really is yeah okay can you talk now you all came here to get answers we're about to get answers let's hear what our expert has to say how are you Mr W I'm wonderful your honor how about you good it's good to see you you as well would you share your credentials for the court record and then explain how forensic voice analysis Works yes ma'am I've been in law enforcement for more than 20 years and I've been a certified voice forensic voice analyst for more than 12 and have conducted more than 900 exams forensic voice analysis works by analyzing the spoken word when you speak you have am and FM frequencies on your voice like on a radio and when you tell a lie the FM frequency goes away we can then look at that algorithm and determine where somebody's being deceptive there it is all right let's take a look at the first question Mr Williams was asked have you ever had sexual intercourse with Kennedy no what did the forensic voice analys determined the forensic voice analysis determined that he was being truthful your honor all right told told you I sorry Miss Butterfield you just found out that he did not have sexual intercourse with Miss hunt how does that make you feel it makes me feel a little bit better but that's just one question so you're still not convinced no well let's take a look at the next question since being married to Pepper did you use the condom she found in your truck to have sexual intercourse with another woman no what did the forensic voice analysis determine the voice analysis determined that he was being deceptive yard what no man uhuh cuz for one I don't even know what brand that is and number two if it was any brand it should have been Magnum cuz I'm a big size you heard me so I don't know so if if it was a brand you recognized then that means you use it with another woman no yes uh that man knows his job okay Mr Williams now is the time to try to make this right you going to only get this one moment I'm going give you three seconds you might as well just tell now it's all now one two three go okay I did use one of them at the time it was Employee at my job and it was pretty much like four four months ago and where did you have sex with this woman in a truck come on back my van but I can say it was on a one time thing it wasn't nothing that was going to occur time and time and time again and I always you know if you going to cheat you know okay it ain't what how you it a what do youan you cheat it's how you cheat you shouldn't be cheating at all you shouldn't be cheating at all you had the unmitigated go to suggest well it was just one time it was just I mean you know I could you get one freebie you know you don't you don't get a free right you don't where you're now so you can you can do this but all I'm hearing is la la la la la la cuz that's what it sounds like you miss Butterfield you got a family to raise you got to take care of you and you need to get about that business uh you all have known each other since you were kids uh you dated as teenagers and now you're in a committed adult relationship uh Miss Watson why have you opened your case today over suspicions of him cheating you know I he's secretive on his cell phone every time his cell phone rings he's always talking to his boys but he's got to leave the room or or or get away from me to have secret conversations um I I buy his clone so it's I I've been measuring it because it's always being used extensively yes no because I'm buying it see see that this is what we go through all the time this is why we're here today you know I'm tired of being accused over and over again of cheating well as you can see I have to constantly we go back and forth back and forth but I'm here today to prove to you that I am not cheating and and it has to stop I have known you way too long and I know your I know his demeanor your honor and things are just different so you're measuring his colog yes ma'am I haven't heard that one so what does that look like because it's cologne is expensive and I buy it so I just mark it on the on the edge you know when we going out and stuff I like my man to smell good and he has other little things he can put on for you know you know daily activities or what have well when we going out I want you to smell good you know but I didn't I didn't know for what one squirt two squirts I mean cologne I thought two is plenty two is plenty all right so you're measuring his cologne and you think he's smelling good for other women yes sir okay and and so how many bottles of col are we talking about is it just one or a couple different that I measure because that's the one that he seems to be squirting excessively and that's the most expensive one and these are the Coles you bought for him yes sir you're hon I think it's all in her head and I just think she's crazy at times Well Mr McNeil you've known her since childhood has she always been crazy paranoid for the most part but no you honor that it's not true so if she's always been like that why did you get with her I mean she's I mean I love her you know we we've we've been through a lot but she's always had my back and we I've had hers well Miss Watson you knew him as a child but as an adult what do you like about him as a man well he does keep me grounded he he does and he makes me laugh and you know he keeps me mentally balanced you know sort of speak so let me get this straight you're the one that's out here yes and he pulls you back yes exactly I know that person know like I know that person you got to have one person who's grounded like me really yeah you're the grounded person no okay all right you got to have one person who's grounded one person who's out there and somebody to bring them back he does this he's like come on yes heest person I know it's hurting me to to feel the way I'm feeling you know and I just I just want answers I just want the truth I mean we've been together and going through this since we were four years old I've known this man okay well I I had since since you've known him all these years has he had a history of being a player there was girls and little girls that liked him and you know oo and not but he he he always showed me the attention he always showed me the respect and now I feel like his attention is elsewhere all right so he had been a player in the past but you still felt even though these girls were be running behind him it was all about it was always all about me which it always has been you know I've never never sted away or anything so why do you believe he's cheating right now the phone calls he's always talking to his boys well if we're sitting there watching TV and what have you okay I can see you don't want to be rude you want to go step out and have a conversation with your boys but it shouldn't take no longer than five minutes you on the phone you just grinning and giggling and you in another room and I'm not supposed to have no suspicions so is there a time limit on how long he can talk to his boys only for 5 minutes it seems to be Yan it seems like she's sitting on sitting there with a stopwatch these are not calls for women these are call from his friends his male friends that he said that's what he says you don't you don't believe that I don't believe that I mean there's all kind of weird little codes and names in his phone not that I go through it but of course wait look but I'm just saying you know we were supposed to be you know going out or what have you and he says I got a stain on my shirt and I'm thinking well I do your laundry so I don't see no stain but I you know he changing everything but as he was taking off the shirt I got a whiff of a perfume that doesn't belong to me cuz I only wear a Pacific kind of perfume see these these are the things that she makes up in her head she goes through my La had a ketchup stain on a shirt that I never seen goes through my laundry I mean every Everything cuz I do your laundry all right so miss m you had on the shirt yes on but then you decided to take that shirt off because they had a catchup stain yes R but you Miss Watson you double checked the shirt I sure did and and when you double checked the shirt you found that it smell it didn't have no ketchup say cuz we was going to also grab a bite to eat so what was you doing with ketchup in the first place so is it your belief that he had been in that shirt with another woman absolutely hugged up somewhere hugged up somewhere and it wasn't any ketchup I didn't see no ketchup you're so he lied in your mind he lied about the ketchup thing where did the ketchup thing come from I mean it was just faint I don't know if it was like from a different time but it was there so why didn't she see the ketchup stain I don't know if she kind of slacking with the laundry I'm I'm not sure I'm not sure were you hugged up with another woman in that shirt no your honor we went we we had date night and I come home from work and he's in the bed with tissue he don't feel good now so we're supposed to go to the movies I said okay you know that's fine so I said well I'm going call some of my girlfriends and and I'll have them go out and we'll watch the movie together so you know my girls come and we leave and we're not even on a e yet so it wasn't even 15 minutes that I had left the house I turned around because it it's cold in the movie theater so I forgot my sweater so I come back in the bed made he gone and I smell his cologne that I bought him so I'm like okay well so I call him I said where you at and why do I smell cologne and he flips out of me I I I like to smell good I just went to get some medicine no that that that wasn't the case she knew I was sick so after she left I went to go get medicine like she said drug store and then I and I brought you soup and you never came home you didn't come home until that next afternoon these These are the lines these are the problem that we had Mr why didn't you ask her to get medicine for you or tell her you were going to the store she told me that she was going with the girls and you know I didn't want to to to bother her and take her out of her way so I figured the drugstore is not even 10 minutes away spray some cologne and EAS on out the back door see we always go back to this cologne he just had sprayed it so I just had missed them but think about it though you can see how that looks right I can understand I can see but this is the stuff that we go through no matter if it if it looked like that or not in her head it's it's cheating why did the room smell like cologne because right now it don't smell so good up in here you need more perfume to cover this yeah I need some perfume to cover this thing up all right now you said something key you said that he didn't come back to the next day yes you're H I was home laid down and then the next we live in the same we live in the same apartment complex so I have a key to his and he has a key to mine I practically burned a damn hole in the rug walking back and forth waiting on him you're he didn't come back to the next afternoon right before I went to work I was home well I had made him a little picnic with fried chicken potato salad fruit wineing stuff and we just go right we going to have a pic together and I go to the house and some little boy answers the daughter I don't know and he says oh well Roland they just left I'm figuring that they means him and his boys so and I brought evidence of that can you cross over and show us at the plasma yes ma'am okay that's me and this is the vehicle the basketball Court's over here okay everybody's over here like you know the peoples that I do know that he plays basketball with and stuff so they kind of looking at me and I'm looking at them and they kind of look different you know the looks in their faces okay so you have gone to the basketball court because you've been told by this unknown young man at his apartment he's gone to the basketball cour yes your honor okay and what do you find so I see this car you know and I'm looking and then all of a sudden he gets out the passenger seat so I'm thinking he sees me so I'm standing there cuz I'm cute you know I'm just standing there you know feeling myself so then all of a sudden he goes around to the driver's door when she gets out I'm like what he is embracing her so then that's when all the media comes out of me and I went for him and her and the boys on his boys on the basketball court they come flying off everybody trying to get me because I'm trying to get her I'm trying to get what is you touching my man for she gets he ushers her back in the car like you go get in the car go get in the car and go you know and she all scary until she gets in that car and then the heers got a nerve to ride past me and wink mhm Mr mcneel he said he can explain this all right yeah cuz I've heard of Basketball Wives and basketball girlfriends so I want to hear about this basketball girlfriend nothing like that we was at the basketball court and I did run into a platonic friend she was having some issues relationship issues okay but why is this woman coming to a basketball court looking for advice what advice were you giving her she was having relationship problems and you having relationship problem see but yeah so we were just talking relating because you know her her man was accusing her of some things and I was just we were going back and forth and I told her I understand how you feel because this is what I go through every day so Miss Watson if he's cheating what happens I'm done I'm done I can't do this I've loved him way that will not be the case I love you too I mean but I'm tired of being accused of something that I didn't do so you have not cheated with anyone else not at all your honor to get to the bottom of this the court has engaged the services of licens private investigator Todd reading Ron would you please escort Mr reading into the courtroom yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] SE good day Mr reading how are you good day your honor I'm fine thank you uh Mr reading what was done to investigate this case our team uh conducted a full forensic examination of Mr mcneel's uh cellular phone to see if we could determine whether or not he's been cheating so my question is did your team find any interesting communication between Mr mcneel and other women uh your honor we found that Mr mcneel had a total of 9,395 text messages in his phone wow we recovered two of those messages that required further investigation the first text message sent at 316 a.m. and uh at 50:6 a.m. all right says thought about your sexy blank probably sexy behind right that's exactly what it said yeah and then the next one at 5:06 in the morning it says 10 minutes away boo bear in root Mr mcneel you said you had an explanation for everything we've talked about do you have an explanation for that I don't y I don't even recall those text I mean of course I don't even remember those I mean were they were they sent out from me or I mean I I I don't recognize those at all so Mr Ry did you determine anything about these text messages yes your honor they were sent to Miss Watson oh so after all that you see you see how much I love you but it's still like I'm always cheating never It's never enough and I really want to work through this I was going to choke you if you call somebody else boo bear no that's my name there only one boo bear that's you is that what he calls you boo bear to further investigate this the court has also ordered a forensic voice analysis of Mr mcneel and we have those results Ron would you please escort Mr guy wolf into the [Music] [Applause] courtroom good morning Mr Wolf good morning I'm I'm well thank you how about you we're good good we're good awesome Mr Wolf remind the court how does voice analysis work well your honor operates off of the spoken word so it records the frequencies in the voice and when you're being deceptive one of the frequencies drops away and it's recorded on a computer all right let's take a look at the question that you asked during your 4month relationship with Miss Watson have you ever had sexual intercourse with anyone other than Miss Watson no so what did the forensic voice analysis determine about Mr Nail's response the forensic voice analysis determined that he was being the forensic voice analysis determined that he was being [Music] deceptive that's not true I'm I have I have never cheated I haven't Miss Watson what are you feeling at this point I can't even breathe I can't breathe it's explain to him how you're feeling and why you just crushed my whole world I've never cheated on that I I promise so this man is just lying and his little tested and all that that it's just lies m m this is your chance you want to move forward now is the time to come clean I want to move forward and and I love you I I just assure you I I did not cheat I mean I don't know how I didn't maybe I didn't misunderstood the question I mean I'm not sure I love you I want to work through this I want us to stay together I'm done I'm done I will come over and get all my stuff I will give you all stuff and I'm done it's been 30 plus years I just want to know the truth I told you the truth yeah no that gentleman over there told me the truth this Watson you deserve to be in a relationship where you're loved appreciated and you don't have to go around measuring your cologne that you bought you don't have to worry about ketchup stains you are beautiful you really are cute than and you're smart so you don't have to settle for second best you deserve a first class man you all are married you've been together for eight years you had three children together together you're expecting another child is that correct all right so at the point where you should be preparing to rock the cradle allegations of infidelity are rocking this relationship yes your honor Miss Williams tell us why you're here today I am here today because one I dreamt about this day right now that I'm standing here talking to you all because I'm having serious marital issues with my husband he's lying he every time he talks he's oh hush you're with your friends don't know where you at I cannot find you you don't answer no phones no text no nothing boy quit it your kids even be looking for you so you dreamed about being here yes ma'am I did tell me about this dream cuz like I want to hear his dream he took the L to take the test and he failed and he went to Glory he went to Glory Glory trying to go he went to Glory I want to ask how he got Glory I don't think we need to know how Glory occurred but that's what he went to Glory why are you here Mr Jackson I'm presuming it's not to go to Glory not to go to Glory that I'm not cheating your honor okay so that's why you here yes every time I come home she checking my drawers and everything you all that like I can't even really walk out the door without her checking me my phone she got my phone I don't even really have my phone like that no more cuz she basically has it but what he's not telling you guys is that for once I cannot enjoy my life because I'm trapped every day in the home I don't have any friends cuz he didn't ran them all off always accusing me and my friends every time we go somewhere because my friends are single and I'm not oh you messing with this person I'm not even allowed to look at a Chris Brown video I'm not allowed to go to a Chris Brown concert and I'm a huge fan of Chris Brown that's not true y'all yes that is I can't even get on YouTube the way you treat me is the way I'm going treat you got hearing what I'm hearing love is this house is a mess it is and it does not sound like a place you want to be landed and they're about to bring another baby into this and so we've got to get this figured out yes got hurry yes that's what I I'm here for today because we have too many children and a dog and a baby on the way to be dealing with this foolishness and I'm tired and and it some it got to stop somewhere I want happy and peace in my home it's going to happen I understand I understand love so this this is tearing you up I can I can see that when you see her just weeping yeah I'm kind of hurt cuz I love her I love her I love you I know I'm here to prove to her that I'm not ching cuz I really do love my wife Miss W what do those tears represent pain hurt you hang with your friends that cheats on their wives you know I don't condone that I don't allow that I don't like that misery and toxic foolishness around you I'm here to protect you like you're here to protect me there no good for you honey they're no good that's true though that's true messing up our marriage every every dude are not the same that's what I'm trying to get her right now every dude is not the same just because they're doing that that don't mean it's telling that I'm doing that okay but here's the thing and my daddy says this m you can jump if it's a a puddle of Mud right there yes you can jump back and forth back and forth but at some point you going to mess up and end up in that mud yes so if you stay away from that puddle you ain't never going to get in that mud true so she's worried you amped it up there yes and then it increases the likelihood you going to miss step y so you she wants you to find some new friends yes right now I don't have no friends behind this right now so behind this all right let's let's find out what's going on here what is ripping you all apart now well I rode up on him while I was pregnant and see him chilling on the porch with a female she so me being me I'mma let you know y I ain't lying you know where I'm from baby I rolled up on them she did she yeah I rolled up on them baby I said excuse me who is you and who what you got going on oh I'm so and so and blah blah blah blah blah and we slept together and he paid my bills and he bought me shoes hold on wait a minute wait a minute stop who you did once and we got too many children that's stilling diapers only reason the girl said that cuz she felt attacked the way she came and that's the only reason why she said that ain't nobody going to pop off to a man's woman and the most important part why did this woman and say you were sleeping with her oh cuz she was mad at the time mad at who my wife I guess the way she came out of the allegation it don't matter I am who I amwe you supposed to respect it and bow down any I I left with my wife what do you mean I don't your family member come up in here they got somebody down cuz I am your wife in the Bible go say your wife comes first don't play with me I up here now baby I lay hands like a pastor to come on now don't play me I'm just trying to scenario you sitting there with this other woman and an angry woman with blue hair R up angry angry pregnant one with blue hair rose up and this person all of a sudden says oh yeah I'm sleeping with him he's paying my bills if it's not I mean that was fear making her say that that wasn't hate and I got to tell you if she was scared of her what you don't say to her is I'm sleeping with your man and she playing my you might just try to get her mad or something cuz I'm she was already mad that's why know this girl didn't pop that off unless it was true it's not true so you're saying you did not have any kind of relationship with this person Beyond a friendship yes people sleep with family friends thank you they're not relations so let me ask you have you caught him with any other women yes ma'am at this costume party oh so as y'all can see I bought our pirate costumes oh my God you can see my pregnant belly but and um you know I took Kim we're there um I do have an exhibit your honors is it possible that I can show it to you all go ahead child oh Lord yep yes call on the Lord cuz you going need them dressed as pirates at a costume party yes ma'am all right what we looking at this this is the party right here on the first floor this is my friend's home so I don't care about nobody else I'm welcome to walk to third to the bottom you know what I mean um so with that being said we were starting off right here okay Lee went to walk around or whatever you know mingling yeah and I went to the bar don't get me wrong I went got me a little sprite on the rocks and me being pregnant I had to tinkle oh and as I go upstairs who do I find well I imag aaging M A Captain with no hook oh why in the bathroom he's what a captain with no hook he went in there with a hook now he's out without a hook where's the hook at captain oh she said she found a m m and a captain with no hook honey we got a jack raria that he don't even play with at home and she's going on 2 years old hello what you doing at the party playing with a poodle uhoh play with me and I presume the poodle uh was in a costume yeah she was yeah she was was a PO costume that why she's a Ming mud honey okay all right I was coming out the bathroom really I was really coming out the bathroom and please sh say that for somebody else okay Miss W I want to make sure you understand this you go upstairs and you see him and a woman in the bathroom she's dressed as a poodle that's why you call her the mangi mut but you see him without his hook right and her yes and they saw me coming out of the bathroom the dog ran downstairs left her fur all over it was so she had to be having M or something all right so when you saw him in a woman she all a sudden just ran downstairs yeah they all scared so evidently something had that happen H where's the hook baby I left it in the bathroom left it in the bathroom down we bumped into each other as soon as she came upstairs that's what she seen where was your hook I left it on the sink in the restroom you didn't L that hook trying to pet that dog no no no no I don't even know thought was smart Y no no no no I was using the restroom and I was so drunk that I left it in there I rushed out and I bumped into her and she seen us talking like that and she went off she went crazy sound like he was in the bathroom you know with a dog doing a pirate style oh so y think I hit with the hook that's what it sounds like love all right so Miss Williams you ain't beli in none of this you believe Captain Hook was hooking up in the bathroom with the woman in the poodle costume is that right do you make Kool-Aid was salt no I don't okay so there's your story there's his story and there's the woman who will stand outside the bathroom story she is here Jesus would you please her in Please Come on B I want to see what she look like outside of the P I must be SPCA then [Applause] huh girl you tried it you going to be right along with him take you to the king too good day ma'am how are you I'm good how you doing I'm doing all right thank you uh would you state your name please for the court record I am Asha price and and Miss price so that we're clear uh you are the woman who was wearing the poodle costume at the costume party is that correct it wasn't a poodle I was dation hey okay oh that's why you don't have your fur on today honey cuz you probably have thre thank you so here's my question what happened to Captain Hook's hook oh I don't know about what he got going on or what happened with his hook but I went to the bathroom I saw him I don't know what he was upstairs by himself for but I saw him I was like oh what's up that's my partner my friend you know we was talking and she came and when I saw I know about her because you know everybody know about her he talk about how miserable he is with this woman so I mean I saw almost like oh what's up you know then she came I'm popping out all these babies look I don't know what that's about but I saw her coming I saw her coming why I'm married not and she's pregnant and she a look crazy so I was like oh let me go down here the little swe I'm insane honey got time you lucky Ain touch you when you hug them I don't play them games you as like you said you know about me you know who I am and you know what I'm about why in the world would you come up here and touch my husband while I'm standing right here I don't give a dam that was most giving you a Lo of bread you don't touch with mine you got okay well can I touch you know what insecurities oh baby I don't have no insec baby I'm pregnant with baby number n Ladi please please here's the thing let's just say that she did get with your husband that girl ain't stood up in front of nobody and said she was going to be faithful to you he did so you don't beat her up or beat up you get with him I'm not saying beat him up no he was going to Glory she was going to get beat up it's just both of them got the feeling no no no no no queens don't do that thank you okay trust me well since we going to handle like that we just going to go ahead on and go go and get this divorce done and over with I'm done why is that why is that because you keep disrespecting me and all I do is give you everything you want and need and you talking about you're miserable I'm miserable I can't even go to a Chris Brown concert and that I invite you to I can't do none of that but you can hug a female in my face and think it's cool I should say I'm miserable I do everything I'm the real life Cinderella and I'm tired that's why I act the way I act your honor because I put my heart and soul into this marriage and you can't keep constantly disrespecting me have me look like I'm the crazy one when you out here doing what you're doing Miss Williams we understand how you feel but you came here to get some answers right yes sir and H to prove them we want to give you those answers yes sir all right I think we've heard enough testimony right now and let's kind of sum up what we have you you believe that Mr Jackson is cheating yes and you have said if he is you out yes ma'am and Mr Jackson you deny that you've cheated right yes sir you all are just friends yes sir there been nobody else yes sir and that's what you're here to show her today yes sir this court has done a full and complete investigation at this time the court would like to call forensic voice analyst guy wolf to the courtroom to determine is he cheating all right please show Mr WF to the court guy wolf sep Mr Wolf how are you today I'm wonderful thank you your honor you are a forensic voice analyst correct that is correct and what does forensic voice analysis entail uh it measures the frequencies in a person's voice you have am and FM frequencies and when you're being deceptive one of those frequencies goes away and it shows up a certain way on our computer right let's take a look at the first question you asked him did you have physical sexual contact with oosha price at the costume party you attended last month no what did your forensic voice analysis determine the voice analysis determined that he was being truthful your [Music] honor I apologize Asha baby I'm a woman real women do that you understand I apologize baby I accept it that's a beautiful thing that's how means that let's look at the next question since you got married to Tiara in 2015 have you had sexual intercourse with any other woman no what did the forensic voice analysis determine the forensic voice analysis determined that he was being truthfully [Music] [Applause] Rock can I get my last's name Miss Jackson all right Miss Williams soon to be apparently Miss Jackson uh you get ready to make that move to make it Miss Jackson it should have been that long time ago all right there it is there it [Applause] is I'm so glad you got here I hope we made your dreams come true you did y'all did I actually look up to y'all so I just want to hear it face face maybe the Lord sent me here to he and see my idol couple my couple that I look up to now I don't look up to and Beyonce I look up to the cutlers we do and you all are realistic to me you all show me what I need to do you all have been together 5 years you're currently engaged but Miss Bailey you're not going to be strung along by Mr string if he's cheating please explain what is at stake today your honor I feel like my family's falling apart we've gotten to the point where I've even taken off my engagement ring I don't know if I can trust him we're supposed to be buying a house and getting married and I don't want to marry somebody I feel like I got a babysit all right and you're like if so if you find out he's cheating that's it I have to move on with my life I can't keep putting myself and my kids through this I've gotten to the point where it's I lose sleep over it I've lost hair I mean just the anxiety it's it's it's bad have you shed many tears over this yeah over five years it's hard not to yeah yeah Mr string you're heard Miss Bailey she has shed tears over the thought of you cheating yes J how does that make you feel it upsets me because judge I'm here today to prove that I'm innocent I have not cheated on her at all I want to show her that I'm not cheating on her I want to prove to her and I just you know I just want to show her what does she mean to you a lot to me you know that's my girl she been there for me you know she's a good girl smart educated everything you know I don't want to lose her I want to lose my family all right cuz you are engaged right yes sir have your fears of of the cheating and infidelity have they ever caused a separation between you two we did separate for about two months um we were still communicating we were still sleeping together to my understanding was that we were still basically together he told me throughout the time that we he wasn't sleeping with anybody else then when we did get back together I found out that he had he had slept with another woman while we were SP up so during this two-month period while you all are taking a break you're still trying to work it out you're still intimate with each other yes you're seeing somebody else you could say judge yes no I can't say you say cuz we don't know yeah yes you would say somebody else but even after finding this out you all still got back together yeah I I felt maybe it was worth being together and he proposed so okay what is it about him that made you say baby I want you back what is it I I don't really have much family okay okay it's okay Ty's always been there for me it didn't matter what it was if I was stuck on the side of the road he would jump up in the middle of the night to come help me it didn't matter I mean anything me and my kids we were struggling for a while and he would him they would bring over food and you know what I mean just anything that I really I never really had to worry about anything being with him and I just I didn't want to lose that I mean he was your rock but now you're worried that he's cheating what was the first sign that made you think let me tell you oh boy I had got a text message from a random woman I didn't know who it was I have it if I give it to you Ron would you get that uh exhibit please and where did you find this text message uh it was in my unopened messages and uh it basically as you can see it says I just wanted to see if you were still with him okay so this is from another woman and it says one to come to you woman to woman to see if Tai still talking to you cuz he say he not and you respond yeah we're together been together over a year I love him and we are supposed to get a place together yeah how long ago did you see this um that was a year after we got back together so just but towards the end of last year okay and this mentiones him by name yes so this isn't just something that's random hey I'm with your man it's I'm with Tyrie all a lie Anna who would do that as a j she she she's an old woman that I used to talk to and she just jealous of her she's mad cuz I didn't want to be with her and I came back to her so she wanted to break us up a year later did you say a old woman or just a woman from a while back yeah a woman from a while back back in the day not a senior citizen yeah yeah yeah yeah myad okay so but here's the thing at the time that you got this you all have been back together for over a year so how did you pop up on this former or this ex's radar a year into your relationship well it's just old friend you know I just seen her you know just back in day I wasn't really talking to her like that we was just good friends at the time and then you know we okay wait a minute let me let me decipher man Mumble you know you got man speak thank you you got man Mumble so what I got was there was contact yes you all talked mhm you talked more than once MH and she caught feelings mhm you didn't catch feelings yes sure and she's like but I I love you and so she decided Well since I can't have you she can't have you yeah that's what your that's what was in the Mumble right yeah all right okay I'm good I'm good all good I'll give you a high five on that one I'll give you a high five now Mr string was this the woman that you were with during your two-month breakup with Miss Bailey yes be Hest oh okay we were doing some chores around the house he uh put the clothes in the washing machine he went off to do some other stuff when they were done I went over to put them in the dryer as I'm putting them in the dryer and I submitted a picture I found a pair of hot pink pants with love across the bottom that are two sizes too small for me all right honor yes I like I said that was my that could have been my mother she came over and washed clothes at my house his mother my mother she said those was her pants so there was something something else I found too what else you a couple weeks later I was going through clothes to put them away and found a pair of hot pink lacy panties okay and those were submitted a picture of those were submitted I wanted a picture of those too all right so this ain't even at the same time this is two weeks later those panties wouldn't fit one leg so they're not yours no they're not mine not even if I wanted them to be okay are you going to tell me your mama wears these kind of panties my mother wear panties I don't know exactly what I didn't know she wear panties you you know so like I said those everything had to be my mom she washed clothes at M so that's what it had to be sorry well there's your side there's his side and there's your mother's side and she submitted a statement to the court she says one day I was at the house doing laundry and I heard Megan and Tyrie arguing about some pink pants I told Megan to chill because those were my pants I know she was shocked I had pants like that but I told her I ain't no old lady all right on beh have for 50 year 50 year old women everywhere then she says Megan called me on the phone asking me if I left some pink panties at her house I told her I do own some pink panties but they ain't Lacy so who were they Ty I don't know who they was it could have been any of her friends was hers at first well there's a last part of your mother's statement she says I love watching your show and I really do think you can help those two Knuckleheads get it together because I'm ready to plan this [Music] wedding all right Mr color she didn't she didn't put it down she put the challenge down she said we can do this oh there's more tell me you haven't found anything else I mean we got pans and panties don't tell me it's anything else oh here's the kicker are you ready for this this is the reason why my engagement ring came off okay Tyrie and I were having sex we were having a good time I have a video if it's okay what I brought a video if that's okay not of okay I was like Ron R are you not that video not that kind of video you got a video of something else we can see what I found okay okay you st to the plasma please woo I was like I'm not old enough for that video so this is our bed um this is where we were enjoying ourselves my phone fell over here by the projection screen um I didn't think nothing of it but afterwards when he walked away I went to get it cuz I remembered it had fallen and then down here you see between the backx spring and the frame there is very obviously a condom rapper oh we don't use condoms your honor okay where could it have come from Mr Str your honor Mr string please tell me that's not your mama's that ain't my mom but like I said I was partying it it I partied that night and um a friend of mine came over with this lady and like I said they they asked could they use my room I was cool with it I was fine with it I changed the sheet I didn't realize that he left his condom are you saying your testimony to this court is that you let your friend use the you all's bedroom I was pretty I was pretty toe up uh I was drunk yeah go on ahead you know we was all partying and everything I just went I I changed the sheets it a like I didn't change the sheets and didn't wash the covers and everything cover yeah but just I mean there just some lines you don't cross I mean you got other places me that is our private place our sanctuary that is our personal it ain't like I'm it ain't like I'm nasty and just left the sheet on after they with they was change the sheets all day cond hold on you can change the sheets all day long that's just that doesn't make a difference no that's that's just a line you just don't cross it a yeah thank you Mr string I don't think you get how much this is hurting Miss Bailey tell him how this is hurting you I feel like you're you're killing our family I feel like you're you have all these lies and these skeletons in your closet and you'd rather build a a whole relationship on lies than to even kind of be honest with yourself I don't understand my daughter I mean she she needs a positive male role model she can't see her mom being hurt and being lied to all the time cuz she's going to think that's okay that's true that's absolutely true well I think we have enough information at this time the court would like to call Court expert Gus diatris and certified polygraph examiner Michael Williams to determine is he cheating Rob would just them [Applause] out how are you gentlemen good afternoon joh how are you good to see you Miss Bailey has concerned that Mr String's recent Behavior may be because of him having sex with another woman So based on that what did you do to investigate this case sending an associate in undercover capacity he was posing as an individual coming to court also being accused of cheating and what did your associate uncover Mr string and my associate had a little bit of small talk after the become comfortable Mr string advised my associate of his activities and you have that on tape I do your honor video Let's watch I'm trying to away from hero was with her all last night that's I'm saying I was with my cousin bro you he want me to come by myself cuz he had a little couple females on the FL but I couldn't cuz she was on my a whole another blank at the crib dog Mr Str man that was all talk yeah and that was all talk I'm going to be honest I was just having a conversation with him man it was just a guy conversation like we was just talking I it wasn't but you got a whole another girl at the crib that was just taught what is that about no be honest about it we're here now that was all taught well Mr Williams you conducted a polygraph examination on Mr string is that correct that's correct you're you asked him a series of question that's correct you asked Mr string did the pink lace panties Miss Bailey found mixed in your laundry belong to a woman with whom you have had physical sexual contact what was his response to that question your aonor he said no what did the lie detector determine the lie detector determined Mr string was being deceptive who do those panties belong to like I said honor that's my story but it's clearly a lie so Mr Williams you asked Mr string was the condom rapper found on the side of your bed left from sexual intercourse you had with a woman other than Miss Bailey what was his response he said no what did the lie detector determine the lie detective determined that on this question concerning the condom rapper Mr string was being deed receptive that ain't true man like I said I don't know what's going on with the lot T all right I am so sorry that you found this out this way I was really hoping I was wrong what is going to happen next I'm done I'm [Applause] done is there anything that you want want to say to her right now I want to say I'm sorry for everything I've done to you I know I was wrong I know I you know I lied about a lot of things I know I broke your heart and you know it's a lot of things I grew up and I you know went through so I'm sorry and I love you and I you know I want to make things right and if you please let me put that ring back on your finger no you know what it might have been a chance Mr string if you come clean but you let them tell your story and once they tell your story story The Accuser can't trust you anymore cuz you won't even come clean when your back is in the corner up against the wall that's the [Applause] problem
Channel: Couples Court
Views: 110,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, couples court full episode, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 1, season 1 full episodes, cheating, polygraph test, lie detector test
Id: ZcJuP248xOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 23sec (5603 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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