<i> This is</i> Couples Court
with the Cutlers. This is a case of
Ross vs. Rudolf. y'all have been together for
five year, engaged for two years and you say he's cheating
and blowing money on strippers
and casinos? Yes, your honor. Okay, tell me about that. He have three
different personalities. And one is Ira, I love to diff. Rudy. He odd. I don't wanna say
nothing about that. But, "Rude boy", I can't stand. What's you call him? "Rude boy." Well, I don't even like
the name... right off the top. I'm Ira. I love her.
I'm Ira. I'm here because
let her know I love her. So do you ever let her
see Rude Boy? No. Not really. Okay, so where you keep... Yes, he does. Yes, he does.
All the time. When? No! All right, you tell me
what Rude Boy looks like? Rude Boy, just like the name
goes, "Rude Boy", is very rude. (RUDOLF CHUCKLES) He love the woman,
he love the strip... he go on Facebook
and like all the women... I don't have no compliments
on my Facebook page from him
at all. DANA: Is that true? I compliment you all the time.
It ain't gotta be on Facebook. Really? All the time. No, that's not true. I'm... But, he let the strippers
know how they look
so good on Facebook and they be coming...
"Inbox me, babe". And when I screenshot
and send it to him,
he'll be like, "I don't even know them and
I would never see them."
and all that. All right, so Mr. Rudolf,
so, are you a Rude Boy?
Are you cheating on her? No. No, I'm not. You're not? Do you love her? Yes, I love her.
She know I love her. I wouldn't be here
if I didn't. Ms. Ross, let me ask you
something, when you first
met him, who did you meet?
Ira? Or, did you meet Rude Boy? Ira. Okay, tell me about that. I met him in the mall. I was walking, me and my cousin
and she tapped me
on the shoulder, she said this guy keep trying
to get your attention. So, I turned around
and I looked at him and he asked me for my number
and I said, "sure". I mean, me and him,
was matching,
we both had Grey on and... (CHUCKLES) And he asked me to call him
and I called him and... See how she made me
a better man? <i>Fourth of July, it was actually
the fourth of July.</i> <i>And that night, we went
and watched the fireworks.</i> So, you met him at the mall,
he was eyeballin' you? So... and you've been together
ever since? She my "ride or die".
I proposed to her and
she my "ride or die". All right, it sounds like
y'all had a lovely beginning. I mean, and it was
a good relationship?
A solid relationship? It was. It is. Still is. It was. 'Cause right now,
I don't trust him at all. All right, tell me about
this trust issue. Why don't
you trust him? Well, at first, I was taking...
he was taking a bath, so I went in the bathroom
after him. He left his phone. And I picked up the phone
and I see some... "Boobies" all in the phone
saying, "Good Morning baby" (CROWD WOOTING) Okay, tell me one... And, these were not yours? KEITH: On the phone. No. These were some bright boobies.
I'm not bright like that. Oh, okay. All right. That was someone
in the past though. It was
somebody in the past. And when I been,
broke it off. DANA: Okay... Well, that's how they do it,
she up and just go in there
get my phone out the bathroom. And went through it.
And when I tried
to explain to her, that, there's nothing there
between me and that girl
no more. I gotta tell you,
if I walked in and my husband's phone was open
and there was some "bright"
boobies, I'll be tight. So how did that play out? What about non-bright boobies,
is that allowed? It doesn't matter. Non-bright, big, small,
anything, that will not
go down well. All right, just checking. All right, so... now why are you having
to check that? You should know that.
Anyway... All right, just checking. So what was that conversation
like, when you said... Can you explain this to me? What'd he say? He said, this was some girl
in the past that I used to take over to my
candy shop and she used to
just give me... Oh! (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Wow! Well, there it is y'all. Okay, well, Ms. Ross,
he says that was
in the past. You brought this case today
because you believe
he's cheating now. What does that look like?
Why do you think that? Well, I "catfished' him. And I pretend like I was another
woman that he had a... you know, used to mess with
in Arkansas. Okay, so what did you do? I took a random woman picture
off of Facebook, and I started texting him, and telling him that me and him
met in Arkansas, which he used to live,
there and after that, And he was like, "Yeah!"
and he come in the house
all smiling (IRA LAUGHING) He come get "funky fresh"
and everything. IRA: (LAUGHING) Wait, wait. DANA: Wait. What is funky fresh? When you just, go in there
and throw water on and try to put some good clothes
on 'cause he though the woman
was coming for him. But that funky fresh because
he didn't really clean up. (EVERYONE LAUGHING) DANA: All right. So it was like a half bath? IRA: I didn't even take a bath. No, we were sitting by a fire,
in the bathroom me and my family You didn't take a bath? He was so happy when he came
and he was smiling... and after
that when he... It was cold outside, I went to
put on... more clothes. finished being funky fresh... He was happy.
He was very happy. It was cold. Then he ain't
change more than... IRA:Thing about it, yeah,
you got me on that one. Because I overlooked my text. Because the text who you
claiming to be, I never met
nobody with that name. but when it was Texarkana,
Arkansas, I was like, somebody
trying to catch up with me from Texarkana, Arkansas? All right, wait a minute.
So you said she got you? Yeah, she got me on that one. My question to you is,
you sent him the message,
did he respond back? He sure did. What did he respond with? "Can you come meet me?" Did you do that? I don't remember. No, I did not... (STAMMERS)
I do not remember. You don't remember some
strange woman textin' you,
and you... Yeah, I remember her text but
I don't remember nothing
about come over. So, how often do you get
"Strange texts from women"? Twice. And she did both of them. All right, so you catfished him
the second time? Right. And what happened? Well, I took another random
girl picture off of Facebook. And I text him. And I told him
I have been watching him. And I asked him
to send a picture,
he sent a picture. Okay, let's take a look
at this evidence DANA:<i> "Hey Rudy,
I've been watching you.</i>
(KEITH CHUCKLES) <i> "Are you dating anyone?</i> <i> "If not, can we
get together sometime."</i> And this is you pretending
to be this other woman? Correct. BOTH JUDGES: All right. And Mr. Rudolf, you respond,
"Really good game.
Send me a picture. <i> "Okay, you can call me."</i> DANA:<i> "Can I ask you a question
is it serious?"</i> KEITH:<i> And you responded,
"Is what serious"</i> DANA:<i> Your girl.</i> And you send a picture
responding, "It's complicated". Okay, so what's complicated
about the woman that you been
together with for 5 years? And engaged for two? IRA: You know what? I went along with her game. Thank you, your honor.
Thank you. I knew it was you
the whole time. You knew it was her? IRA: I knew it was her. How did you know it was her? Because I told my best friend
who was there, I said, "This ain't nobody
but Lisa, but I'm gonna
go along with it." And that's the story
you're sticking to? That's the story I'm sticking to
and she know it. Ask her what happened when she
picked that phone up and I said,
"Good morning, Lisa."? "Oh, this ain't Lisa" And I knew it was her. But if I
had gone that far she
wouldn't knew it was me. I knew it was you
from the start. IRA:
And called he that next morning. So you picked up the phone... And before she...
when she picked it up before she could say anything,
I said, "Good morning, Lisa" Yes, he did say
"Good morning Lisa." I knew it was her. He did. She got me once,
not twice. He loves to gamble
at the casino. I can never find him. Can I show you,
I intercepted a... Please step
to the monitor. Okay, I had been
calling him all day trying to get in contact
with him, so I could put the insurance card in the vehicle. DANA: Okay. No response,
all day long. So, I leave my house, and I go to
the first casino. DANA: All right. I page, no Rudy. DANA: Okay. So I go 45 minutes away, to the next casino,
second casino, page, no Rudy. And you're doing all this,
'cause you, at this point are thinking, he's with
some other woman? Correct. DANA: All right. All, right, where'd you
go next? So, we go to the third casino. I page, no Rudy. DANA: All right. So I go
to the fourth Casino, still, no Rudy. Then the fifth casino
I went to, it was a rain storm,
we had to go over
a big high bridge. I got down this time, and I went upstairs, and downstairs
and page, no Rudy. Went to a restaurant, and I text him,
and I say, "Either you "respond, or I'm coming
to get the vehicle "and you will be walking "and I will be
calling the police. And what I bet, I'm just, Ima bet cause we got
casinos involved, he responded? He responded. Okay, wait a minute.
Where are you? Home, asleep. DANA: What kind of sleep... I was asleep. No, he wasn't.
No, you was not. Yes, I was.
I was at the house, sleeping. No, 'cause I talked
to his roommate. She didn't know
I was there. So, Mr. Rudolph,
that particular text, got you awake.
It woke you up. Well, I was just waking up. DANA: Uh-huh. KEITH: Okay. All right, you can
come back to the podium.
Thank you, Ms. Ross. Ms. Ross, all this disappearing
makes you think
that he's cheating? Correct.
You know, the cat fishing, his responses, you can't find him.
You hunt him down
at the casinos He's not there. He's not
where you think he is. All this makes you believe
that he's cheating? You also forgot that
he's sending messages and so forth, to women, and strippers
on Facebook and direct messaging them.
Don't forget that part. Okay, that's important? That is important,
cause I gotta tell you if you were sending messages
to women on Facebook or anything else,
I'd be mad about it. That ain't acceptable. LISA: I agree. I'm not cheating.
I'm not cheating. KEITH: You're not cheating? Well the court engaged
the services of a licensed private
investigator to perform surveillance
on you. CROWD: Ooh. And he is here,
with his findings. Ron, would you please escort
Mr. Echols into the courtroom. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Echols, good day,
how are you? How're you doing,
Your Honors? Doing well. Now, you performed
surveillance on Mr. Rudolph,
is that correct? Yes, I did, Your Honor.
I followed Mr. Rudolph for about three days. Now, what where
your findings? Well, here's
the surveillance here. So, I followed him
to a popular club, near town. And as you can see
Mr. Rudolph, is here, identified
in the circle. And as he's talking
to his friend, he's getting ready
to walk into the local clubs. (SARCASTICALLY) oh, but
you don't go into clubs. Did your investigation
end there? Oh, absolutely not. DANA: All right, tell me
about that. CROWD: Whoo. Mr. Rudolph, as this ting
that he does, with his tongue, when he's looking at women, (RUDOLPH CHUCKLES) yeah, you remember,
you stick your tongue out, (CHUCKLES) when you look
at the women, yeah. So, did you see him doing this "tongue" thing
at other women? Oh, absolutely. And what was your impression
of what he was doing? Well, that kind of identifies
to a woman that you know,
you use your tongue. (CROWD CHUCKLES) LISA: Really, really. All right, Mr. Rudolph... I always, you know
I always lick my tongue. Yeah, you do, No, not every... you know I always lick
my tongue. It's a habit. DANA: Mr. Rudolph, ...especially when I'm
drinking, you know that. (DANA BANGS GAVEL) Mr. Rudolph, Yes, Ma'am. Were you sticking
your tongue out in a nasty way No. I do that when
I'm drinking. When I'm drinking to women? Whenever I'm drinking, I lick my tongue. At women? No, around my lips. Was he doing this
after he was drinking, or was he doing this
at women? He had one beer when he started licking
his lips and then I worked my way
into their group, they invited me
to another club and we hung out that night. LISA: Hmm. And so you got
to observe him do this tongue thing,
more than once? Oh, absolutely. Okay, you have enough sense
to know when someone's licking your lips after
having a beverage versus licking their lips at a women? (CHUCKLES) Absolutely. Okay, you know the difference
between those two? Yes, I do. What was
Mr. Rudolph doing? He was licking it
at the women Hold on. Mr Echols, did you observe
anything else while you were
in the club with him? Oh, absolutely. Tell me about that. Well that's when I got the information
that I needed. Okay. There's a recorded
conversation with Mr. Rudolph. All right, what did you
find out? I don't know if you
remembers this,
but you will but there's a recorded
conversation that I had,
when I had a conversation with Mr. Rudolph. All right,
let's listen to that. <i> You about to give me a room.</i> <i>I'm going home.</i> <i>Couples Court.</i> <i> Okay, all right,
as long as you cheating.</i> DANA: Okay, wait a minute,
hold up. He, admitted to you that I am cheating. Yes, Your Honor,
he admitted to me
that he was cheating. And he's cheating
with females as well as, the casino. Okay, all right. Would you please
play that audio again? <i>Okay, I'm going home,</i> <i>Couples Court.</i> <i> Okay, all right,
as long as you cheating.</i> <i>Well, I ain't telling nobody...</i> <i> But you can't tell them
you're cheating?</i> <i> I ain't gonna let em know.</i> <i>Oh, you cheat, you ain't gonna
let em know?</i> So Mr. Rudolph, you admitted
to cheating, we heard it. What exactly
did you do? Nothing. You admitted to cheating. That's...I Nothing. I had sex
with no woman, but her. You know, sometimes,
us, mens, wants to fit in
with others, so, you say things that
make you look like you're macho. Come on! No, not at all. He always try
to be macho. Mr. Rudolph, I don't care what you say,
you are totally busted. You all are married,
you been together ten years. You appeared
previously in the court,
because Mr. George, <i> you accused Ms. Johnson
of cheating.</i> <i>It was determined
by this court that
she, in fact, was not cheating.</i> And now, Ms. Johnson,
you have brought this case
against Mr. George because you believe
he is cheating. Is that right? Yes, Your Honor. Yes. What are the warning signs
that you seen to make
you believe he's cheated? Well, Your Honor,
um, there's a lot
of warning signs, um... He doesn't come home
at night. He texts
other women. This might sound
a little strange
but I call his bank sometimes to check his bank account
because of the insecurity
that I have sometimes about him cheating. So I call the bank, like,
"Hello, my name is Larry, "I wanna check
my bank account." And he told me he was going
to Long Island to visit
family and friends, so when I gave
his social security number and got the five transactions
of, you know, the debit card, he take out money
in Pennsylvania when he's supposed to be
in Long Island. And then when I call him
a million times,
he does not answer. Mr. George, why are you not
where you say you are? Oh, I was. I went
to Long Island,
I spent time out there, I spent a couple of days
out there and then, after that, you know, I got
with a couple of friends, and it's like, "Oh, let's go
to Pennsylvania," so we just
went over to Pennsylvania. You went from New York
all the way to Pennsylvania? No. GEORGE: Yeah. You said... And you didn't
mention a word of it. Nah. JUDGE DANA: Were you sleeping
with another woman
in Pennsylvania? Not at all.
I don't do things like that. Your Honor... JUDGE DANA: You were not
in Pennsylvania
with another woman? No, not at all. JUDGE DANA: Why wouldn't you
tell her then? I was with the bros. JUDGE DANA: There was no reason
not to tell her
about the bros. But it is a reason
not to tell her
about the other woman. I got a little absent-minded.
I just didn't call, that's all. JOHNSON: Your Honor, that's on
a regular basis.
Absent minded. JUDGE KEITH: So what
do you need
to prove, Mr. George? GEORGE:
Prove that I'm not cheating,
I ain't doing nothing. JUDGE KEITH:
Because Ms. Johnson
is convinced that you got somebody
or somebodies on the side, that you're messing with.
She's convinced of that. Old friends. JUDGE DANA:
Were these old friends
you were ever sexual with? Uh, no. JUDGE DANA: "Uh," sounds like
it might be. No, not at all. These are not...
These old friends, you never
had sex with any of them? No, not at all,
we're just friends. I gave 'em rides,
stuff like that,
you know. JOHNSON: Your Honor. Ms. Johnson, have you found
any evidence to make you
believe he's cheating? I have evidence right here.
Would you like to see it? JUDGE DANA: Ron, would you
get that, please? So, one time,
I have a friend... GEORGE:
What's she got right there? That we were over
visiting her,
and he lost his phone, he had a new phone,
so he had no one's name
programmed, but the phone's ringing
and I see a woman's
picture on here, and he's like,
"Oh, not right now." So I texted her. JUDGE DANA: Okay. You know, she was like,
his name is Mike. Who is Mike? His name's not...
He goes by the name
of Mike, Mike Larry. And so, I'm like, "Mike"? JUDGE DANA:
When his first name
is actually Larry. His name is Larry. JUDGE DANA: But he's going
by Mike Larry. When he's being a player, he's Mike Larry. JUDGE DANA: All right, so
this message you
handed us says... From another woman... (JUDGE DANA READING) JOHNSON: "A wife." He doesn't mention me. JUDGE DANA:
And then she continue this
and says... (READING) She's just insecure. JUDGE DANA: No, no, no, no. I don't know
who that person was. Not me, you know... How many women do you have
calling you Mike Larry? JOHNSON: 2,500 on Facebook. Hold on, I'm talking
to him. Where you gettin'
all these numbers now?
You countin'? Where you gettin'
all these numbers now? You tell women...
You tell women
your name is Mike Larry. Correct. Yeah. So this woman knows you, and she's saying you never
told her that you got a wife. And that you have told her
in fact, that you love her. Who is this woman that you're telling you love
and she don't know
you got a wife? Listen, listen, when people
hit people up on Facebook, and harass them,
and stalk them, ain't nobody
got nothing nice
to say to you. They warned me,
you know. JUDGE DANA: You know what? In somebody else's courtroom,
that might have sounded
like an answer, but up in my courtroom,
you didn't answer not
anything I asked you. I don't know the woman,
I don't know. That's what he does,
Your Honor. JUDGE DANA:
So I'm gonna ask you
one more again. Huh? Who is this woman? She is a friend
of mine. JOHNSON: That you
been trickin'. It's a friend of yours,
it's a friend of yours
that you didn't tell that you had a wife. She just said at the hub... Mr. George, Mr. George? Huh? This had nothing
to do with her. This is me
and you talking. Okay. You didn't tell this friend
you had a wife, did you? Uh, no. Okay. JUDGE DANA: All right. Ms. Johnson, what other reasons
do you have to believe
your husband is cheating? Well, we was walking
to the store, and I know
a friend, and we were goin'
as a family, we decided that was nice
and, you know, we could
use the exercise. So we walkin'.
We get to the store,
we walk in front of the store, I see some friends,
I'm like, "Oh, hey, girls." So I'm like,
"Well, where's Larry?"
'Cause he has the money. He's gonna pay for the stuff
at the store. Your Honor, Larry's behind
the min-van hiding. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So... Now, wait a minute. Okay, you said
he's hiding behind a minivan? Yes, he's hiding. Show me how
he's hiding behind the minivan. I was sitting on the car. Okay, so say,
this is the van. JUDGE DANA: Uh-huh. And these are the people. This is how Larry is.
On the side, like, because, like,
you know it's a van,
so it's hiding him. JUDGE DANA: So he's just... Yeah. So he's watchin'... She lyin'. He supposed to come
into the store
and pay for the stuff. But he's scared, because... JUDGE DANA: Why is he scared? Oh, because they know him.
You know what they know him by? They know him as Mike. That's Mike. So you asked him,
do you know him? JOHNSON: "Yeah, I know him
from somewhere. "Oh, that's Mike."
I say, "No, that's
my husband, Larry." They know him as Mike. Do you believe that
those women at the store
are his girlfriends? Yeah, that's... JOHNSON:
Your Honor, it was three women. Number one, he was trying
to get with her, but she say,
he was a little too big. Number two say
that he bought her
some food, and they chill
for a little while
but nothing sexual happened. But number three... JUDGE KEITH:
Door number three. Oh, number three. Number three said... She lying. They had sexual relations. Listen, Your Honor.
Listen, Your Honor. All right, so when you guys... My feet was hurtin' that day.
I just sat down on the back
of the van, right. I was just sitting.
We was walkin' around,
my feet was hurting. I sat down
at the back of the van. JOHNSON: Your Honor,
we walked two blocks. Then she started
trippin' out. Two blocks, 'cause
he wanted to... She stopped and questioned all the women in there. Oh, you know him? So, Mr. George,
your position is you are not cheating
on your wife. No, I didn't cheat. This is all a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding.
Her. She jealous, she's crazy,
I don't know. Your Honor, why should
I be jealous? Ms. Johnson, are there any
other women that you are
concerned he's cheating with? JOHNSON: Okay,
I went to the city. JUDGE DANA: Okay. My husband didn't feel well. Well, he said,
he didn't feel well. No sooner, I ain't even
get to the city yet, he done took a shower
and he shaved and now he's
at my neighbor's house, knocking on my neighbor's door, asks her,
do she wanna chill? My neighbor said,
"Absolutely not." So now the grandmother,
cute as a bun, little old lady. Blew that out of proportion. She said to me, she said,
"Carla. "I don't want nothing
to do with him,
I don't like him. "He's sneaky." That's a lie. "And he's always trying..." Lie, lie, lie. "...to have sex
with my granddaughter. "And we respect you
and we like you
as a person, "so it didn't happen." So I go back
and asks him.
You know what he said, "Grandma lyin'." JUDGE DANA: Wait a minute. You got better
as soon as she
left the house, didn't you? I just say, "You wanna chill,
y'all?" You know what I mean? JOHNSON: Grandma is not telling
no stories. Why would a grandmother
lie about that, of all things? JOHNSON: All things. All I said is,
"Do you wanna chill?" And they blew it
out of proportion. What else do you
wanna chill for? JUDGE DANA: Why are you goin'
out and hangin' out
with another woman? He could've came
with me. She didn't go... JUDGE DANA: You couldn've
gone with her. You could've
hung out with the bros. You could've laid in the bed. I had no bros at that time. I just moved to the South. Ms. Johnson, I can tell,
if you find out he's cheating, we confirmed
that you are done. "Done" ain't the word.
I'm... It's... Your Honor, I love Larry. <i> But, ten years,
I can't do it no more.</i> And I... He wanna
butter me up and stuff, I'm not goin'
for that, no more. Because if he doesn't pass
this lie detector test, then, honestly, Larry, we have to get a divorce. GEORGE: What? I don't want to be
with you anymore. What? It's like that? I wanna get "Carla" back. JUDGE KEITH:
So, Mr. George, are you
hearing this? GEORGE: I hear
what she's sayin'. No, he thinks it's a game. GEORGE: She talking. Do you understand
what's at stake here? JOHNSON: He doesn't CARE. Yeah, I understand
what's at stake. JUDGE DANA: All right. JOHNSON: Can I say
one thing, y'all? Your wife just said,
she wants to get
Carla back. JOHNSON: Yes, Carla back. She's tired
of dealing with "Mike Larry." Mike Larry. She's gonna
deal with Carla.
And get Carla back. Yes, Your Honor. Do you understand that? She ain't going
nowhere, Your Honor. She ain't
going nowhere. Because Mike Larry's
gotta like... I'll go home and like woo her. When I'm here,
everything good. JOHNSON: Well, you think,
he used to have it like that,
Your Honor. JUDGE DANA: All right, well,
here's the thing. So now it's... JUDGE DANA: I think we have
enough evidence. She believes
he's cheating. And if he is,
she is beyond done. JUDGE KEITH: This is a marriage
on the line. So this court
has done a full
and complete investigation. At this time,
the court will call
licensed private investigator, Eric Echols, to determine
is he cheating? Ron, please escort
Mr. Echols in. JUDGE DANA:
How are you, Mr. Echols? Fine, Your Honor.
And yourself? I'm great. Good. Good. The court ordered Mr. George
to submit his phone
for examination. Is that correct? ECHOLS: Yes, they did,
Your Honor. JUDGE DANA: Can you tell us
about that. My team conducted
a full forensic examination
on Mr. George's phone. We were able to recover
more than 700... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I gotta go. I can't... ...text messages
from Mr. George's phone. Well, I talk to people,
you know, you could
talk to people. ECHOLS: Out of those
700 messages, there were actually
two sexual, explicit messages, one, that included
a conversation between Mr. George
and his friend
just five days ago. JOHNSON: Mmm. JUDGE DANA: All right. And this a new phone. And you have that message?
All right. ECHOLS: Yes. It's sayin'... (JUDGE DANA READING) Y'all should've... (continues reading) Mmm. This is what he do
but... He chillin'. JUDGE KEITH: And you recovered
that from Mr. George's phone. That's my phone? Just five days ago. JOHNSON: Yeah,
that's your phone. ECHOLS: Yes,
Your Honor, we did. You sure that my phone? Did your team find
any other concerning
communications during your investigations? We found this text thread
between Mr. George
and another woman, about eight days ago. JOHNSON: And this a new phone. (JUDGE DANA READING) Oh! JUDGE DANA: It refers to
a woman... A vagina. I know him like a book. JUDGE KEITH: You know
what that is? You sure that's my phone? JOHNSON: Absolutely. Are you sure it's my phone? (JUDGE KEITH READING) (JUDGE DANA READING) Are you sure
it's my phone? Oh, I'm sure.
It's his burner. (JUDGE KEITH READING) What are you trying to see? GEORGE: Are you sure
that's my phone? JOHNSON: While he laid
next to me. That's his phone. That ain't my phone. JUDGE DANA: I know you think... That's his phone. JUDGE DANA: Mr. George, I know
you think this is a joke. Ha ha. It is not a joke. It is your phone.
It is the phone this court
ordered you to turn in. And cried about it all night. And you up here,
smilin' and grinning. And your behavior,
based on this,
has been awful. 'Cause she's not smilin'
she's not grinnin'. JUDGE DANA:
And, you know what? I this has been
your behavior throughout,
I understand why she's done. You can't even take
this moment seriously. She ain't
going nowhere, Your Honor. She ain't going nowhere. Your Honor, I'm not, I'm not... And you've got a stupid smirk
on your face. And your wife
is virtually in tears. JUDGE KEITH: You don't care
about this woman. You take her
for granted. And you've taken her
for granted, one time too many. But that's okay,
you gonna learn.
You gonna learn the hard way. JOHNSON: I'm over done. He needs to be
by hisself. I came here to prove that... She ain't going
nowhere, Your Honor. ...I know what
I'm talkin' about. JUDGE DANA: Well, let's
find out the results
of the polygraph exam. Okay? JUDGE KEITH: To further
investigate this case, the court order
a polygraph examination of Mr. George,
and we have
those results. At this time, the court will
hear from certified polygraph
examiner, Tommy Platt. JOHNSON: He gonna need you. Ron, please escort Mr. Platt
into the courtroom. JOHNSON: Trust me. Your Honors. How are you, sir? Oh, taking the seat,
this is serious. JUDGE KEITH:
Good to see you, Mr. Platt. Good to see you all. You conducted
a polygraph examination
of Mr. George, is that correct? Yes, sir. JUDGE DANA: All right,
Mr. George was asked... Mr. George was asked
"Since being married, "have you had sexual
intercourse with any woman
other than your wife?" What was
his response? Your Honor, he made
an admission
and stated yes. Loser. (SCOFFS) But I'm the cheater? So, Mr. George,
you've been with other women? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) You've been with other women
and you've lied
about it, correct? GEORGE:<i> Yeah, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE KEITH:<i> Okay.</i> But since the... JUDGE KEITH: Your wife told you
that if it came out that you were cheating,
she was leavin' you. And she has walked out
of this courtroom
and out of your life. I'm leavin'.
I don't want you. JUDGE DANA: And you standin'
up there still smirking. Can you see if you can
bring her back, please? Listen, Your Honor.
Listen. Right. What happened was, right?
She started acting funny
with the goods. So once you started
acting funny with the goods,
anything can happen. We married. What's the sense
of me being married to you, you ain't
showing me no love? JUDGE DANA: Who wants to
have sex with a man acting
the way you act. That was before
I started doing it. It started with her. And it's ending
with me, that's all.
It worked out. She started givin' up
the goods, acted funny with,
arguing, fighting
and doin' this. Your Honor, can I say
something to you, please? And then I go wander. JUDGE DANA: Ms. Johnson. How can you have...
How do you expect me to wanna show you love,
when you're out there
in the street? So when you withhold,
what's the sense
of me being married to you? Well, guess what?
You ain't never
gonna get no more, so... (AUDIENCE CHEERING) That's a lie. That's lie. Your Honor, he doesn't
take me serious. Ms. Johnson, you need
to drop this zero,
and get you a hero. There you go. And that's why I love your show
because I admire y'all
marriage. And we sit at home
and we watch y'all
and I'm like, we could be
like you guys. But he chooses
to go the other way because he don't,
he don't know
what love is. You all have been married
for ten years, and I notice
from the court papers you are all from Alaska,
is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
-That's correct, Your Honor. [Judge Keith] We know
it gets pretty cold in Alaska. Whether this relationship
gets colder than that depends on what happens here
today, is that right? -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Gould] Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Keith] Okay. Ms. Monigold,
you've opened up this lawsuit. Tell us why. After being with someone
for ten years you get to know behaviors
and patterns. And lately his behaviors have been very shady
and very suspicious. -And, um...
-[audience exclaiming] There's been a lot of heartache
in our marriage for the last year,
a lot of arguing. I feel like I'm in the same room
with him and he's a million miles away, that the connection
has been lost, the bond has been broken,
and I miss him. I miss the affection
we used to have and the romance, <i> and... I don't know
where he's gone.</i> It must be really distressing to be in the room with someone
and there's-- it's-- you might as well be in a room
with this. -Right.
-[Judge Dana] Okay. [Judge Keith] Mr. Gould, now, what are you here
to prove today? Well, Your Honor, um, I'm here
to show her that, you know, I'm not cheating on her,
that, you know, I've been loyal
and I want her to, um, start trusting me. You know, there was trust
and trust has been eroded, and, um, you know, I wanna bring
that back in the relationship, so, things work out
between us a lot better. So, Ms. Monigold,
there was cheating in the past, and so you have concerns
that he's back to his old tricks again.
What are those warning signs? Like he will go run errands
or go to the store and be gone--
his time's not accounted for. He'll be gone for three hours
to go to the store and come back with one thing. And it's usually something
that he wouldn't even buy for himself. So, I think,
he's buying it for somebody else or his phone will be off
while he's gone and I can't get a hold of him. And he just always has an excuse
for these things. Well, you know,
sometimes lines are long at the supermarket.
You know, a lot of people there. Sometimes. But every time... -[Judge Dana] Ye-- Yeah.
-[Judge Keith] Okay. Once or twice
you might be able to buy, but every time he's gone,
just for a little shopping errand,
it takes three hours. [Monigold] Right. And women are attuned
to these things like, yeah, the first time it happens
you're like, "Hey, that took a while." And you might look
at what he bought and say... "When did he start using that?" And then the next time
it happens you're like, "Okay. Wait a minute." And then the third time
it happens, you're like, "Okay. We got a problem here." -[Monigold] Right.
-[Judge Keith] So, you got a running clock going
in your head every time I leave the house
and go to the store? -[Judge Dana] No.
-[Judge Keith] You say women are attuned to it,
so, it's like, "And go." -No. No, no, no.
-[audience laughing] I'm just saying
that you don't know that until you realize, "Hey,
it's something amiss here." [Judge Keith] It's just
a feeling? But it's a feeling.
I mean, we notice everything. We notice when you wear
different cologne, are you putting on cologne
more often, or if you start wearing
your fancy underwear or if you-- all those things. Women notice -all that.
-My fancy underwear? Well, I'm not saying
you have fancy-- -Look, Ron's chucking, look.
-[audience laughing] Ron, do you have
fancy underwear? -Not really, no.
-[Judge Keith] Okay. Okay. Well, like,
if you go from boxers to... -[Ron] Right.
-...tidy-whities or vice versa, or-- all those things
we take in. If you start showering
more often, even though it appears to be
a good thing, but it, like, you only take a shower
once a day, now you're taking two a day. Those are all the things
that kind of get on our radar and say, "Now, what is that?" [Judge Keith] And so,
Ms. Monigold, are these the kinds of things
you're seeing just like after you've been together
for so long, you start to see these,
these drastic changes? Right. Right. And so, all of them add up
to one thing, like, one morning we went
for an appointment and after the appointment
he dropped me off at work. -[Judge Dana] Okay.
-And when I come home from work that day, we go to take off
our jackets to hang them up. He has a no shirt on
underneath his jacket. And he took the shirt off
with some other woman... [Monigold]
That's what I believe. Okay. Now, Mr. Gould, I would love
to be able to advance the argument
that you just got hot and you took your shirt off.
But you live in Alaska. So, that-- I don't think
that's gonna fly very well. Why did you have your shirt off
at a point in time where she thinks, oh, yeah, you definitely
should have had your shirt on, she saw you
before with the shirt on. [Gould] Right.
Well, Your Honor, I grabbed whatever, threw it on,
and my jacket was right there, so, I just threw it over
not thinking and went about the day. I know, you know, it sounds
ridiculous, but, you know, when I came back home and, uh,
unzipped it, you know, it was like, "Okay.
Oh, I forgot," you know, "I wasn't wearing a shirt."
I mean you get used to it-- you don't notice the layers
so much. nevertheless
you could understand why your wife is like, "Really?" Because I'm sitting here
going, "Really?" -Right, right.
-[Judge Dana] Okay. Well, I-- I guess you could leave
your shirt off, -but I'm not sure.
-As long as you're not going anywhere
where you've got the "No shirt, no service" sign, -you're okay.
-I guess so. [Judge Keith] Yeah.
But you don't believe-- -I mean you think it's...
-I think all these things add up to another woman. Have you found anything
that makes you think that he's cheating? Yes. When I've done
laundry around the house I found clothes
that aren't mine. [audience exclaiming] [Judge Dana] Like
what kind of clothes? Um, one occasion,
I found an underwear. They were too big to be mine. [audience exclaiming] Recently, I found another pair
of underwear, they were too small for me. I-- I found them at the end
of the bed and... [Judge Dana] Oh. [Monigold] Also found a pair
of socks at the end of the bed. And the pair of socks I found,
I saw on a woman that had been
over to our house previously. Was this woman a friend
or who was this woman? [Monigold]
More of an acquaintance. A friend of a friend. [Judge Dana] So, you--
these socks, you saw on another woman
who had been to your house, an acquaintance,
and you're trying to figure out, "Why is this woman's socks
at the end of my bed?" Absolutely. It makes--
it leads me to believe that the underwear
were hers, too. [Judge Keith] Mr. Gould,
you seem to have a problem with clothes.
You don't have clothes when you're supposed to,
clothes that are not supposed to be there are showing up. I mean, I was okay
with the no shirt thing, -but now this is another level.
-Yeah. Women's panties
that don't belong to your wife in your house
at the end of your bed, how in the world
can you explain that? Well, the explanations
I came up with was that, um, you know, maybe she--
when she was-- she likes to use multiple dryers
from one load of clothes when she washes them. And so I thought, you know,
sometimes maybe somebody forgot
their underwear in. I know it sounds crazy,
it sounds ridiculous, but I honestly don't have
a real good explanation for it. Um, and another thing could be
I also told her, you know, my ex lives down the road.
You know, this is something that could've been, you know,
she's been trying to get even with me so maybe she planted
them, I don't know. You know, we do leave our door
unlocked and whatnot. I know it sounds ridiculous,
but... But I picked up on you said,
"One of the excuses I gave," -like--
-No. "One of the excuses I came up with." -Came up with.
-That was his phrase. Yeah. I mean,
that doesn't sound-- Well, one of the reasons--
I meant one of the reasons why it was there at the time, yeah.
I mean excuses, but I just-- honestly
I don't have a real good reason for it being there. -I don't know why it got there.
-[Judge Dana] Okay. But please don't suggest to me
that now we have a pair of underwear, a pair of socks, that had been planted
by somebody else. -Not--
-At two different times. Not just somebody else. -But his ex.
-An ex. -Okay.
-[Gould chuckling] So, you're not telling us that,
are you? I don't know, Your Honor. You know, I have no good reason
for why it's there. I just-- it wasn't me. So, I mean,
it's all I can say, really. Honestly, I didn't have anything
to do with it. -[Judge Keith] That's what
you got.
-That's what I got. [Judge Dana] Okay, I got to ask
this question, Cutler. The socks. You said you saw these same socks
on an acquaintance? [Monigold] Yes. If it were me, I'd have to do
a little bit more of an investigation
of that woman. Have you perchance done that? Well, I didn't really need to.
I, uh, last week, when I came home
from work-- I don't take my phone to work
with me. -[Judge Dana] Okay.
-I leave it at home. -[Judge Dana] Okay.
-When I came home from work that day and opened up my phone, I can see that this woman's
socks I thought they were-- had logged into her Facebook
account on my phone. [woman] What? [Monigold]
And I don't understand how that happened,
unless she was there that day. So, you're wondering
why is some woman... -Why Sock Lady?
-Why is this--Yeah. This particular woman
in your house. Right, and he knows
I'm uncomfortable with her being there, at all. I'm uncomfortable with her,
period. Okay. So,
why was Sock Lady at the house? Your Honor, um, you know what, I have no good explanation
for that, either. Um... -[Judge Dana] Okay. Wait.
-[audience exclaiming] Was she at the house? I-- as far as I know, no. But, you know what I mean,
I have no idea why it just came in
and she brought that up and I don't know, Your Honor.
I have no idea. We leave our doors unlocked,
our windows open. It's hot in the summer.
It could be a possibility
that maybe she came into the house, and-- and um,
I don't know, you know. [Judge Dana] Okay.
You know what, this is not Goldilocks
just trying to find some porridge
and a comfortable bed or a nice chair to sit in.
This is-- She can't just walk in folks'
houses and say, "Well, let me see.
Oh, her phone. Let me go in there,
let me use her phone." Well, it kind of is
like Goldilocks because you had one pair
of panties that were too big, we had another pair of panties
that were too small, and then you had the socks
that fit -just right.
-Just right. Okay. -[audience applauding]
-I mean-- I'm-- it--
I don't have words for this. I don't have words, either, only because for each scenario
he's like... -Mm-mm. Yeah.
-"Yeah. You got me." And, you know, at some point, you know,
it points to one thing. Either you're not been fully
forthcoming or you are, by far,
the world's unluckiest person. [Gould chuckles] Well, it just don't make sense
to me. -It-- me and you. We're here.
-Well... -[Monigold] Right.
-It doesn't make sense. And not only
does it not make sense, it's very hurtful to you,
isn't it? Oh, my heart aches every day. I-- I still very much love him. I very much--
I still have a crush on him. [Judge Keith] Tell him
how it makes you feel. It hurts me every day. I--
every day we're going through it where we should having
good memories, you made room-- we're making bad ones. [Judge Dana sighs]
Well, Mr. Cutler, this is a ten year marriage
on the line. They have been together
11 years. She feels distant
and apart from him. And it's because
of this evidence. She found-- she has found
mystery panties, one too small, one too big,
twice in their home. Once in the foot of their bed. One of them in the foot
of the bed. She's found socks that belong
to an acquaintance... and that-- and those socks
were also found in the bedroom. -Uh-hmm.
-[Judge Dana] And when she came home from work one day, picks up her phone,
she's left her phone at home for five hours, picks it up,
and this woman, the Sock Lady I've dubbed her,
has used her phone to log in to Facebook. And what we have is basically
no response or a nuh-uh -from Mr. Gould.
-Yeah. [Judge Dana] And she says
if this continues, if this is true, she's done. -Am I right, Ms. Monigold?
-Yes. [Judge Dana] You just
can't continue
to have this heartache. Right. Right. Every day it seems I'm crying
over something or we're arguing over something,
It's just, uh, been very dramatic
the last year. And... You're just like,
"I can't. Whatever..." [Monigold] I need him
to come back to me or tell me he's in love
with somebody else. But what you're not gonna do
is stay in limbo. Absolutely not.
I can't do that. [Judge Dana] So the stakes
are high? [Judge Keith] So Mr. Gould,
are you in love -with somebody else?
-No, Your Honor. -[Judge Keith] Is there
somebody else?
-No, Your Honor. There isn't. You know, I know
she doesn't believe me, but it is what it is
and, you know, that's how it is. And, you know,
I'm not guilty of that, so... And you're here
to prove that today? [Gould] I'm here
to prove that today. -Once and for all?
-Once and for all. Absolutely. [Judge Dana] All right. This court has done a full
and complete investigation. At this time,
the court would like to call former military interrogator,
Lena Sisco, to determine is he cheating? [Ron] Ms. Sisco. [Judge Dana] Ms. Sisco,
would you please state for the court record
your credentials? Yes, Your Honor. I'm a former military
interrogator, certified by
the Department of Defense, and shortly after 9/11,
I was deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
where I interrogated members of Al Qaeda and Taliban. And since that time
I have been training law enforcement personnel,
military personnel, and government agency personnel in interviewing
and interrogation techniques. Some people
have even gone to jail based on your analysis
and your interrogation, -correct?
-That is correct. So, can you tell us
what you did to investigate this particular case? -[Sisco] Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Dana] All right. I first had the accused
write a witness statement, so, I go through that
and I look for any indicators of truthfulness and deception. I study their case files.
I put together an interrogation plan
and then, with those two pieces
of evidence I call them, I create an interrogation plan
and interrogate the accused to see if they are cheating. [Judge Keith] So, you conducted
a full investigation. What were the results
of your investigation? At first, Mr. Gould's
body language was very difficult to read because
he was closed off during the entire interview. However, he's still engaged
in conversation with me. He admitted that he had cheated
in the past, but he told me
that for the past two years that he's been faithful
and he hasn't cheated. Now, Ms. Monigold
has found mysterious panties around the house,
mysterious socks, and she believes that may belong
to a mutual friend of theirs. In your investigation,
what did you find out about this mutual friend? Mr. Gould admitted to me
that he wanted to engage in a threesome with this woman. So, he said that she was
very young and attractive. But then he told me
that he did not play with her or have sex with her. Hmm. Is there anything else
you learned while you were interrogating,
Mr. Gould? Mr. Gould did tell me... He also feels that, and again,
I'm going to quote him, "For the last two years of being faithful I feel
like it's been for nothing because I'm still
being accused to be cheating." [Judge Dana] Hmm. So, at the end
of your interrogation, what was your conclusion
about whether Mr. Gould is cheating or not? So my overall conclusion
is that Mr. Gould has not cheated
and has been faithful for the past two years. Ms. Monigold,
upon hearing those results... what's going through your mind
right now? I'm excited. I'm happy.
I'm very happy. You can go over there
and let him know. [Monigold chuckles] I love you. [Judge Keith] I'm glad
the results showed that he was being truthful,
that he was not cheating. But Mr. Gould,
I do have to answer one of your questions. Your question was if you're gonna be accused
of cheating, what's the point
of not cheating? The point of not cheating
is you made a promise to this woman
that you wouldn't. So, you have to be a man
of your word, even if you were accused
of cheating, because you made a promise
to her that you wouldn't.