"Tricky towers" Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Sykkuno - Corpse Husband, etc...

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it random? Uh I think it's random. I think it's race for now, right? Yeah, just making sure. Just making sure I want Oh, you can select uh where where did Mio go again? I'm sure she'll come back once we started. Uh yeah, probably. Oh, there she is. I don't understand. How do you win in this game? Well, toast, you haven't even started playing yet. Uh Wait. Wait. Where am I? Alright, here we go. Where am I? Where am I? You know, you know where you are. What do you mean? is this Tetris? It's it's pretty much it's sweat. If you sweat while we have a new person playing that is actually really stinky. Didn't you just say you train? So, actually, even though he's never played the game, you will actually smell really bad. What? Oh my god, I messed up already. messed up already. Good. Good. You know, this is bad. Oh, what's the balloon do? It just slows people down. It's honestly not one of the worst sabotages sabotages. This is probably toast. Do you ever see cutthroat Kitchen? I feel like that's sabotages. guys. We should do IRL cutthroat kitchen stream 1 day. You guys ever see that? What does that even mean? So, Cutthroat Kitchen is where it's it's like a cooking stream. We can instantly lose but. no, I wouldn't. Yeah, you do because you can sabotage the other player so we can be like you can't use uh you have to play on the left. I mean, right. I don't know. My god. that's you. That's you. I don't know my directions. Oh wait. you're in the middle. What the Relax. Relax. Oh. Oh. the wind got to him. Oh, so it's to go just to be the first one to get to the top. Yes, you can reach harder with the wind. They they keep blowing my parts over. Yeah. Yeah. The wind. It's going to be hard. It's it's the wind. This little break. Oh no. it's it's it's bending. It's oh no. It's gone. It's gone bad. Well, that went wrong. First game of the day. It's going to be blowing forever. Yeah. Yes. Yes. And it just blows forever. What is the tower? Just No, wait, Really? I cheated. I literally don't even have a tower up there. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. I don't even know how to. I don't want to play. I have zero. I don't want to play. I want to play. I don't know. You cheated yesterday and you're going to cheat today too. I literally don't even have a block up there. I'm a I'm a gaming Like I can't play. I can't play. Wait, we only did one game. That's fine. We can do this mode. Yeah. One more. One more. Which one is usually we do cup but do this one because it's puzzle special. It's the most fun mode. Wow. And this one's not about reflexes. This one's just about, you know, taking your time doing it right. Stuff like that. I already missed them. I don't want to talk about it. Don't look at me. Alright. What? That's not going to fall, right? Oh, thank god. Wait a minute. Where can I even put this thing? like this. You don't want to drop Don't drop the. wait. How it should have been locked in. It should have been a lot to us to use you and I to to jiggle it. Oh my god, this is so bad. I what? Um jiggling. I don't know how to say it. Uh I don't know how to say it. You don't want to drop the pieces here. You don't want it. There you go. Don't don't drop the pieces here. Wait on how did that happen is what you should have been shot and you're washed up guys. It's the first game. This one doesn't even count. It doesn't even washed the this one doesn't even count guys. This literally doesn't count. It doesn't count zero in my life really. I have I've gotten zero a few times but okay. and you want to fit as many pieces. So, this is the power of a topping. I'm so sweaty. I can barely keep up jiggly. So sweaty. We stop Jesus. Jesus. How does she sweat so much? How does she sweat so much? She must have to buy a new shirt every day for shut up. Oh god. Okay. Okay. II can read because there's no way I was like, you know, No way. Wow. Me and you actually practice so you could beat me in toast in a game. We barely play Unbelievable in a game where you still have like three times. I have zero. Um the first time I've ever won this against you. Alright. alright. It's time. It's time. it's a cup so it doesn't even matter. what is that It doesn't. Alright, one more, one more. one more. That one didn't count. That one didn't count. This is the one. This is the one for all the juice, All the marbles. Everything's on this one. The juices. Yeah, the juice. The pieces don't you don't want to drop drop. This is the only thing I'm dropping is a work of art. Watch this. Bam. Wait a minute. Did I do that right? No, I didn't. Did I? Maybe? I did. No, I don't think I did. Yeah, whatever. It's fine. You Smack right there. Where can I put this? Someth ing's wrong. I think I messed up that. Whatever. Perfect. Perfect. I don't know where to put this. I'll be here. I have to do this. Oh, this is it. This is the play right here. there. Alright. Perfect. Perfect. This goes here Somehow stays magic. This one. Bam Right there. Okay. The game's clearly rigged against me. The game is rigged against me but I'm going to make it work anyway because I believe in myself. Do you Of course, I do. Of course, I do. Watch this smack right there. Yellow one goes in here. You just gotta jiggle it in the right way like that. Okay. Okay. And then please, please, please, please. This one goes right like that. orange one. reinforcement right Right here. Right here. Oh god. I'm getting distracted. I'm getting distracted. Why are you laughing? What? What was that? the note for? What happened? What happened? Nothing. Like I've I've done, I've finished so fast. I goddamn it. instant car but it hurts. It hurts. Wait, me on toast is going to be both of us. He's Wait, Can we all agree that puzzle special mode is the best mode? No. No. Okay. But we can all agree that the wind and rain mode is the worst. I don't understand. I can't like I kind of like it Really? Yeah. because at least I have a fighting chance in that one. Wait, we tied. This is the game you guys been playing for hours and hours. Yeah, it's pretty much Do you want to play a few games? Are you guys playing tricky towers? I'm playing tricky join us. Join us. Um I would love to. Let's go. Alright, let me invite him. Let me invite him. Um uh I can host, You'll make a new lobby. Yeah. Oh yeah. Make uh oh wait. Toast should make it toast. Should make it make uh. yeah. Yeah. yeah. No one wants to be on the left. Oh, you guys have the glitch just said it's a special random super cup. super cup special. cup. Yeah. super super cup or you guys just send Let me win that round. Yeah, that's yeah. Yeah. It's your handbag. I didn't I wasn't greedy. Let me invite. It's so we're learning curve to it. Some people are just really good, right? Yeah. And then other people have 40 hours. Yeah. Some people out here have 40 hour game plays and strangely enough, some people get worse as they play which makes almost no sense but you know, know, it couldn't be me though. It wouldn't be me. the corpse. Did you get the invite? Yeah, I'm the wolf. Okay. Sit. Sit. let's go. Whoa. That's a sick **** skin. How'd you get that? Skins are so cheap in this game. They're like 99¢. It's pretty worth it. Oh, no. it's not my favorite. A corpse nose. Alright, it's time for the masterpiece. and here it comes. Alright, watch Young Patty ones. I'm just going to copy exactly what sauna does exactly that you do that. exactly as I do. the sponge. Exactly. the exact same. Exactly As you do. Are you guys Okay. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. What exactly. No, I can't. Oh, the blue one, The masterpiece. What I get for not copying. Bam Right there. Exactly. This one. What are you guys good? Okay. There's no way it's here again. This might be bad. No, that was a bad move. That was a bad move. No, no. you. I have to do this. I have to do this. I have to. I have to. I ruined it. I ruined it more. I didn't think it was possible but I've somehow ruined it more. So, it's possible. I could say this. No, you can't. I just need a big brain. Okay. There's no way of all the yet. Bam. Alright and then I greet it with a half in half out. at me and then one. Wait. No. No. I panicked. this. That's a bad idea. Yeah, I've had worse. What's that? This is this will stay. Please. I need this to stay. I need this to stay. Alright. Alright. Bam. Right there. I think. think what's to do with this like this. Will this stay? Yeah. I don't see why not. a clean clean. This will definitely say the power of the purple block will overtake the. There we go. and this one goes here to connect the two No. No. It hurts. It hurts my brain. My brain. Jesus. Okay. Okay. I'm done. I'm so done here. Yeah, I gotta read it. I have No, I shouldn't have upgraded it. Nice. thick. It hurts. That was pain. It was pain. It was so good up until it went wrong. **** is this your first time? It's toast. First time playing. There's no way. It's the first time. What the **** There's no way guys. We're all warming up. It's warm up game warm up game. We're all just warming up, warming up. It's impossible. It's impossible. What? What you want? What? They kill those? You want to end it at the top with you. If you don't know where to place it, you would just want to walk the talk Yeah. you would have been second there. Well, guys, I got six. I got six. Oh god. No one told him. No. no one told them. we kind of sabotage him there. What? what are you talking about? Because he dropped the block, the wind. This is all just going out, right? Okay. Yeah. No, no, it's going down for me guys. It's gone bad, bad, bad. What are you? It's always what It's actually going bad. Lay the foundation for a solid You know, toast reminds me of me when I first started. I used to be able to do things. Now, I just lose and say, are you trying to say it's all like he's good. He's able to do things. All I do is lose and say it's gone bad, bad, bad, repeatedly true and then most of the time, isn't it? It's not the hands. Oh, man. Oh, that was that was lined up. this **** Oh **** though. How is this even How does that make any sense? Who bubbled me? No one. It's me. How do I do that? Why would you wrap me up? Because my bubbly. So, what do you mean? What? Don't let me out. You know, the bubble works on everyone but yourself, right? Well, you don't have to say who did it but you did it to me. You've betrayed me for the last time. I don't know. That was from a movie. I just forgot which one. I've got to. I need this one. Why is it crumbling? It's folding like a crepe. You fold crepes, right? Uh huh. What is it? I think you do? Wait, that was helpful for me. that this gives me a stronger base to work with. This is insane. This is do for me. Who did that? This is sable. Oh my god. Oh my god. I've ruined it all. I've it's gotten worse. It's gotten all worse. It's all Holy Jesus. It's just gone absolute bad. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Is this stable? No. My god. I got the worst power. Alright, new strategy holding down. It's making it worse. I thought it would make it better somehow. It's a really good strategy. I really like it. Listen, listen. You you think I'm going to lose but here's what's going to happen right here. It's going to give me the Mega Hyper Speed Foundation. I back, I win. I'm done Help help. My thing is just, it's all real but come on, I need the hyper speed transmission. Oh my god. Corpse. What? What? Yes. Corpse. one. He's a wolf. He's the wolf. You're sick. How do you guys spell uh Jay's like it's supposed to be helpful for you and then K is for everyone else. It's like a sabotage. I don't know. Guys, I'm in last place. I've lost every single one I I'm washed up. True. Yeah. Yeah. did you just say true? No. Alright. You've been one. so, I'm going to. You don't want to drop pieces here. Just want to live. Yeah, you just want to live but it's also sort of a race. Yeah, I think uh you have Fifty-seven people whoever finishes first wins but if you drop any pieces, and you can lose from losing lives. So it's like a race but you gotta be a little careful. I can't see Oh my god. Oh god. Oh my bass. The structure is so bad. What the I can save this. Oh No0. That's bad. Oh, wait. This is good. I can save it right there. completely saved. Never mind. It's kind of slanted but whatever. It's good enough. I am going to die. I want to say that's a good thing but that sounds kind of messed up but yeah, that would be messed up. Going to that messed up. Oh, actually, I'm trying to mess up. Oh well, not really. We're we're we're it's a competitive game. a competitive game. It's gone bad. It's it's gone. Absolutely horrendous. Oh, somebody. somebody lose Oh no. This is, I need a big foundation. Big big foundation. Oh my. I have to do this. I have to do this. It's the only way. Oh, that actually saved it. What the **** What is it? Oh, how are there so many What is this? Oh, thank god. Thank god. Why are there so many of those? I don't know. It was just Wait, am I still in last? Oh, guys. Me is the top eight player. She's she's I need the puzzle please. Oh, dang it. The way I need special puzzle. The only one I'm good at. special special. puzzle. Just let that one fall. Don't even need it. You don't got a fortification. No. What did you just say? No, you didn't. When I literally can see it on your screen. I did not. What do you mean? I get to see it. You got it. You got AT shaped fortification. How can you even see you? Look at your own screen. It is my screen sort of in a weird way. Oh, this is bad. This is bad. Not the ice, not the ice. Yeah, I get the ice kids. Alright. Yo, why is this going so bad? It's gone horrendous. Oh my god. Why is the wind so strong? My new technique will carry this. smacked that. there. It's done. It's done. I did it. Oh. Oh man. He's too good. I'm in last place. Is that possible? Let's smack that one in. I think this one goes in like this. Perfect. Perfect. Smack this one in like that. Just want to just put uh like this. that way. the square fits there. This one will go like this. I see it. I see it. The masterpiece is coming together. It doesn't have to, you know, that It's it's happening. It's happening. What's happening? You'll see Toast. You'll see how how is that possible in our world? I need a blue. I need a blue. Okay, this is fine. This will work the blue right here. Alright, it's happening. **** me. Oh my god. I don't know if it'll stay or not. I have to put this one here. Alright, this is the test. If this fails, the masterpiece is gone. Good. good, good, good. But it won't fail because I believe in it. It worked. It worked. Alright, that doesn't make sense. But where can I even put this? That's put it here. This is bad. This is bad. I gotta put this one here. I think. Alright. The yellow This is going to be the hardest maneuver ever because I have to wait for it to go over I couldn't rotate it in time. That's so hard to do. That's like almost impossible. It's it's so hard because it would have touched the side. I had to rotate it. No, that's that's insane. Alright, let's do this. I don't even know about it. Crumbling down. Only I didn't mess up that that yellow but it's so hard to do because I couldn't No, that's bad. Like, will it touch the red? I don't want to risk it but if I don't, it's not going to. I'm just going to have to risk it. Yeah. risk it. Okay. Okay. I'm holding on. I might have to take a bet here. I'm just going to have to put it on the right side. Oh, my masterpiece is ruined. If only I didn't mess up that yellow Finally, I didn't mess up the yellow. It's gone bad All gone wrong. All gone. wrong guys. I decided to try new things. It didn't work. You're thank you. Wait, what? But but it didn't. No, it touched it. touched. Oh, man. Okay. Now, this is bad. This is bad from the right. What do I do? Speed. Speed. Speed. Run. Speed. Run. Did you say it's blowing from the right? Perfect. I'll record you to my strategy. What? You know, I have it. what do you, you said II don't have AA. What? Nothing. You're really just going to. You're going to love me. Like how how would you, how could you predict? That is what I'm thinking. It's the weather man. It's the weather. Yeah. But Okay. if you want to reset those blocks, you should use you and I to like, oh my god, toast. Uh that's so unfortunate use you and I nudge it off, nudge it off. Oh no, he's always begging you. It's not me. You gave up. You're made it. You made it worse. Oh, wait, no, we're going to find this one. Oh, no, no. It made it worse. He's he's just slapping them. He's no, I see it. It's what is this big chunks? or two can play that game? Not the ice, not the ice skating but the ice Oh, that just happens. There you go. Oh, I'm doing it guys. This is I feel the stability of this tower. It's so stable. Oh. What? Oh, this is Alright, this is. I'm done. I'm done. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. Send me to the next game because I'm about to win. Wait, he wins. There's no way he lifted my thing up into the. There's no way you win. There's no way you in here. There's no way in. No, no, no. You're kidding me. I needed this one. I needed this. I needed that win. Oh, Alright. Alright, give me the it's the true power of the top eight. Wait a second. There It is. she got a second. She's Smurf. I was hoping for puzzle again. If I get first place on this, will I win? I won't. I know but you're just so sweaty. What? You're so sweaty. There's no way that falls. It actually fell. Unbelievable. Clean, clean. Um there Oh, thanks . Now, I can finish the game faster because it's speeding. Okay. let's see. Oh. Oh, this is bad. I think. I can't move it. Oh, wow. What do I do with this? Oh, holy Jesus. I barely barely survived that one. That was a close one. Oh, that was. Oh god. Oh god. Oh, what happened? Wait, what? I just, I just died. What do you think? I'm washed? I'm washed up. What do you even have wrong? It's all gone. It's all gone bad. It's gone absolutely bad. I Who's dog is that? Is that Abby? What do you you don't know? That doesn't sound anything like Abby. Oh, what? Sorry, that was me. Oh, no, no, it's fine. I was you confused now. Wait. Corpse. Do you have a dog? Oh, maybe I should not. The wind. not blend. Oh my. Alright, look guys. I'm just going to clean this one out. I think it's about time to end the game. I just wanted puzzle mode but since it won't give me that, I have to end this now. What? what the nerve of this guy Oh, alright. Right here. Smack like us. Who did the grass? It wasn't me sick. You're sick. Jesus. There there. right. Wait, not queen. Oh. Oh. I'm not going to look at the last. I won't look. Don't look at mine. Don't look at mine. I will. Look. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Mine is not even the I mean, I've seen more. I I'm just going to keep playing the game. I was tilted. I won't say who I won't does it. Me. It's probably me. No. No. Is it you know II? Can't say who's still who's tilted? Who's who's tilted? Oh no. She's um he no, I mean, I can barely understand what you're saying. What was that? He said, he can rebuild Oh, that's what it. He's lost. Oh god. He's he's finally gone off the deep edge. There's no way. No, not the bubbles. Oh my god. I need a fortification. Where's my, where's my thing? Where are you Up all the way here. You guys. are you? Where's my thing? It's crazy. There's no way. Oh my god. Oh. Oh my god. It's over. It's over. I Wait, what place did he get? Guys, me is too good. She's too good. Toast. Got third with that. Oh my gosh. Yeah. man. It's just it's a good place. Second place. Yeah, the tables have turned. the towers have tricked. This is how it goes when you're up against the top eight player. They're just the next level as long as there's no puzzles, I can't do puzzles. I need puzzle please. just one good puzzle puzzle puzzle. Good puzzle. No puzzles. I just need to a quit. Good one. Good puzzle. That's all I need. That's not possible. It's not disable. The window. Um it's on special. So, it's I've got a new strategy guys. Don't look at me but this is a new strategy. What Right here. Bam. Bop Vines. Oh, how is it? Keep going. Keep going on the first place. First place, first place. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Let me know. This is it. This is what we've been waiting for. I learned a trick. The more blocks you drop, the faster your ability comes down. So, So, by dropping a bazillion blocks, get more abilities and by having more abilities, I just win the game faster. Oh my god, you're just, you're just, you guys just got your first ability, right? Yeah. You just got your first ability. I'm already on my second one. Check this out. Wow. Damn. second ability right there. Good luck. Good luck dealing with that. I'm dropping tons of blocks. My ability is coming. on the way with more abilities. I can roll to get a good ability that Insta wins me. the game. Are you So you guys only have gotten one ability so far, right? I'm already on my third ability and it's a fortification. So now I start actually building up do this, hit that bam. Another ability bam hoop bop right there. Another one comes up. Do this. This is what I actually start doing it This will most definitely stay. It's good. It's falling. It's all. it's all gone bad. It's all gone bad. It's it's okay. My strategy will never fail me except for the times it does What? next, stability, Stability. Give me something good. Something really lightning and grass. It really just hit me with a lightning grass. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. It really hit me with that. me. Stop. Stop. You're you're you're your sweats getting in my eyes. I can't see. I can't see. How can I play like this? It's it's all over. It's on. Actually, I thought. What the heck? What the I'm joking. Look at that. Look at that tower. Look. Look at that tower. She's I couldn't see. I couldn't see that II. Can't see Damn. Oh god. Guys. help. Help. I've fallen and I can't get up. I can't get up. Yeah, it's bad. I'm just going to have to sweat this one. Why are you not me? I literally got last place. say You are you trying to say here? This is the one. This is the one. This is it. Why? Why do I see nudging to my to my left? modification? Exactly what I Okay, that's fine. I can I can save it. I'll just save it. I'll just save the game. That won't fall, will it? No, it didn't. Oh, It hurts. It hurts badly. I'm so bad at this game now. I don't know what happened. What? it didn't jiggle in. I'm about to lose Oh, these things do happen on a occasion. This is real bad. Oh god. Don't make it big. do that. No. What do I do with this? No. a piano. There's no way that falls. Oh, I got last again. This is as bad as everyone's gotten so much better and I've gotten worse. What do you want? corpse . You did it. I've done it. I'm going to win this game. Your time is up. I'll I'll I'll get like a trophy eventually. We had one round. Oh, thank god. Finally, it's time. It's time. After all these years, I've never won before. This is the one. This is the one I win. I have to I have to. I have to I'm going to copy. I'm going to copy This one is here. This one goes here. I just think you think where would I put this if I were a good player? I don't want to talk about it. I would put it here. and then I would slap this one here, A blue one go straight down into the wiggle room. Oh, I see it. Alright, this is possibly a bad play but Okay. Okay. Is that a bad play? Let's go here. I have to put the yellow one. I think I messed it up. Oh no. Will this touch? It's definitely going to touch. I have to do the trick. Oh, okay. The trick doesn't mean I can't do the trick. I don't know where to put this. Oh. Maybe I won't get lost this time. Maybe. Maybe I'll at least get third this time. No, no. Maybe I'll get third. Oh, this is so risky. This is just your first day. What? What am I looking at? How is that possible? He's crazy. I ruined everything. and take the risk. Why it should stay if you go, oh oh **** So, you kind of worked out. You didn't lose any I'm sure I'll get like a trophy of it. Oh my god. He won. He's crazy. I'll get one. You just go to the game. Yeah, guys. Don't don't worry about me. I get one next time. Next, you can't do the wrong **** race one though. He's angry. Hee haw. Alright, I'm going to have to try a new strategy here. Uh I've never seen psycho not get a point. It's long. Yeah, I'm just, it's just I'm just struggling. I'm struggling. Oh, hell Here it is. Here it is. Okay. Yeah. That's my god. Oh, that's really cool. Alright, my strategy is working. All I have to do is get my next stability. 000. God. Oh god. Come on. Come on. It's coming. It's coming. The ability is coming. It's coming. It's just coming slower than usual. This again. Oh, no. No. Come on. Not the vines. I needed a fortification. Wait, I could just delete it but it's too late. I'll get it. This is **** me. Oh my god. Oh god. That's the wind. It's **** **** Oh god. Holy Jesus, man. that kind of worked. I think I saved it. I think it's working. I've done that. not have done that. Oh god. He's they're all he's in it. Come on a balloon. I'm getting the worst of the worst luck. I've gotten so many powers and they all suck. guys. My game is bugged. I can't even see what I'm building. Your game is. Look at my tower II. Literally can't see what I'm building and half of it's off the screen. Good. This kid's I can't even see what I'm building. How was I supposed to build How am I supposed to build if I can't see what I'm building? stabilize stabilize. So, come on. Oh, Oh god. What happened? Oh. haven't seen this before. I'll get I'll get the trophy eventually. Yeah. Maybe I should just go to bathroom. I mean, it's not like a I'll get this one in a minute. Get the same amount of trophies. So, I mean, what difference will it even? I don't know what to say. I don't really make, you know, it's not even going to be different. I'll get the same, get the same amount of trophies. So, why why you've been uh uh you know, Oh god. Yeah, I get the same trophies anyway, even if I'm not here. Oh god. Okay. No. no, no. I can win. I have the least. Um I'm going fast. That is. Oh no. Yeah, I'm still here. This guy's here. So, what the I can't even get the heart. Wait, it didn't let me go to the right. Oh, Oh, it's it didn't let me. It didn't let me connect it flat. Okay, maybe it's stable. Don't I don't want to die. Oh my god. It didn't it wouldn't let me go. Oh. oh, it has to stay. It has to. It's not saying it's not. Oh. Oh god. You got a medal. At least I got a third. At least I got that. It could have been worse. Oh, wait. Corpse is got you. Oh god. I've done it. Oh, at least I got I got third. I'm going to win. against the top eight. Oh no. Not again. My god. not the racist. race. The race. This is it. Alright. Alright. Give me the juice. Just give me the Come on. Come on. Oh, it's falling. It's falling. Really? What? What happened to you? Oh god. Nice. Come on. Give me the power. Give me the power up. Alright, I got the power up. This is where it comes back. No, it's not. This sucks. Why did I do that? Why did I do that? That made no sense. He's ruining it. Alright, I need the power up. I need it. Come on. No, no, no. The whole tower. The whole tower. Oh, it's gone. It's gone. The whole towers gone again. I need the the hyper speed fortification. Literally, nothing else will bring me back in. It gave me a lightning bolt. Yeah. Lightning bolt. That's sick. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's bent. It's bent. It's slanted. Come on. Just give me the power. At least at least let me make it back to the power. It's not working. It's everything I put down. You ever know that the dude meet us. Everything he touches turns into gold. Everything I touch turns into the ocean because it just falls off my tower. I just, it just doesn't work. It just doesn't work. Oh god. it's not working. guys. call an ambulance. My towers dying. It's dying. It's been the whole thing. Oh no. call an ambulance. Call an ambulance Guys, it's time. What happened? What happened? Yeah, it's my towers. Call the police. Call the police. There's been a murder There's been a murder guys. Oh god. Oh my god. Yeah, the wind one's pretty toxic. No one is the II got like third. Maybe I'm just saying. This is no this is where it comes back. This is where it comes back. Alright, guys. This is it. This is it. Alright, it's time. It's time. Which player am I? What do you mean? This is it. Bam. Right there. The square. The square goes into this one. This is weird because the music's overlapping. Forget it. Alright. I hate it. Okay, play right here. Slap this one on. It's not perfect but this is what I planned for because it provides more support for the red one. Where am I? There we go. Alright. Alright. Here's the thing. The red one's jammed in so much that this one can easily go in. What? This has to stay or I'm done. Stay. Thank god. Thank god. this up with this what I'm doing where I put this like this. I don't know what to do. I don't I don't know. It's this is bad. This is bad. Maybe the red goes over here. I'm not going to talk about it. Alright, Red goes in here. Wait for it to be halfway. Slap that down. This one goes down here. Yellow goes in like this. What? How did how did that happen? Oh man. It's it's it's over. It's I don't I don't know how it keeps going So wrong. Oh, I pushed the wrong button. Oh, oh no. I panicked and it's all too um Maybe like this. No. No, I don't know what to do anymore. I uh. oh god. I hate puzzles. Don't exist. Oh. Oh god. Oh my god. It's there. It's I get a third Oh man. There's no way I get to see you. Got this. Wait, wait, wait. There's no. Wait. Wait. You're crazy. Wait. It's impossible. You don't do we stop. He's doing it again. What are you, what are you doing? I've tested. What are you doing? Testing for Oh god. I'll be honest. There's oh my god. What do you mean? There's no way. Don't do it. Don't do it. He's done it. He's a legend. It's It's not like he can do worse than I have. Right? There's no way that's not going to. No, no, no, no, no, no. Why does it bounce off? I don't get that part. Why? That was my main problem too. I was trying to double those and apparently double one does the physics carry over? That's what I'm trying to figure out as well. What are you doing? You guys are doing this on purpose. I cannot put into the double one. I'm not sure it's possible. Actually, I've tried a lot of times Oh my god. I'm good. I'm good. 1234. It again. Let's see. No, no, no. Just end it. Just end it. Just put it in. He's going through that one. Oh, that's so hard. I don't know what's the thought process. Did I get third baby? I love it. Oh. oh, I'm good. You got it, Corpse. You can win the next one. Oh my god. Corpses gets second. Everybody throw No, no, no. I gotta try it. There's no way. There's no way. There's no way. There's no way. That was possible. this game and everything about it. Oh god. Oh god. And the balloon. That's sick. What? I threw this one so hard. I believe corpse. You'll make a comeback. Uh I want to restart but like my tower. It How is that possible? Oh my god. Oh no. I thought I had everybody on my side. that way and blow it. Oh god. This is it. This is it. This is this is around It's survival. How did that count for two? It's over. I choked. when it zooms out, when someone's really far ahead. At least I got you got three medals. Oh my god. I want to win. I was so close. It was really close. The yeah. yeah. That was that was a that was a close one. I've got I could do one more and then I think the game night is starting. So, this is the last one for me. Last one for me like last round or like Well, Leslie's game night. I was going to game night. you know, the one that you are joining Yeah. she's shy. I'm too shy. At least you're in Oh my gosh. Did you want to join Leslie's game night? Well, it's Leslie so I don't want to like. Yeah. Oh. oh, she didn't. Did you want it? No, it's Leslie's game night. She oh, it's okay. I'm already messed up. I give up. I mean, after last round, I I'm just done. I'll never win again. I'm like that dude who used to be good at a sport but then he got a permanent life threatening injury or how it or had it. except II wasn't really that good. Wait, what was that about a child? He said, I had a child. Yeah, except like I wasn't even that good and I didn't get an injury. I just got worse. What do you mean these thoughts? so like pretty much nothing like that. Let's be honest. What the heck? Holy Another There's no way. There's no way it's capable. capable. I can't see. stable . It's not Hold it. Oh my god. Yeah, It's from Spongebob. Yeah. You know, I feel like corpse and toast. You both have watched a lot of Spongebob a lot. A lot. I feel like has not It's just me. **** me. How god guys, Oh, I want. Oh my god. I thought you said you weren't going to try. I was, I mean, I just got lucky. That's Kevin Gloss. He harnessed his abilities. Oh my god. He did. Why is it never puzzle? Yeah. Where's the puzzle? I want puzzles. It's always racist. I want we want the guys with the big brains. Get out of here. I got three kids. Get out of here. Oh, what are you talking about? Oh, thank god. We got puzzles and I got last on them. Every time you're kind of going crazy. I'm not, I'm not going to lie. You're losing it. Yes, I was losing. I already knew that. No, you're losing it. Like mentally. I can't. I literally know I was losing You're really, really rubbing that in. come on. I have three trophies. Of course, I knew I was losing it. My god. I already knew I was losing. I'm just rubbing that. I'm out. out. I'm out. I'm just rubbing that one in, aren't you? Oh, the bubble No. Holy Pinocchio. That's gone bad. How did that even happen? Come on. How do you even Oh god. Oh Jesus. Damn. the a strong foundation for the future. Now, all according to my plan, time for the cheesiest plan you've ever seen. You just kind of cheap shot your way up to the top and then you just go like this. Hit him with the rotator, the rotator right there. This is how to balance the holy Jesus. Well, luckily, it doesn't even matter. Are you kidding? Because this is the last block. I need that So, I was originally winning something That's what the heck He's crazy. No, guys. I'm washed. I'm just getting a few lucky rounds. You stop throwing. You're try Harding for the last, I literally wasn't throwing Guys, I just got for the last game. You want to just rub it in? Uh huh. I just got one lucky round. That's right. No, I'm over. That's two rounds in a row, buddy. Two rounds of lucky games That is so lucky. I cannot what what do you what what can't you too? Oh, I can't even. What are you talking about? No, it's fine. Whatever. Where am I? Where am I? should not have done that. That was a bad move. Not too late now. Oh, here we go. I used to do it. Maybe. It's a smack odor. It's perfect. You can see a minor problem here. I think I have to do this. I don't know what to do. Let's do this. I guess. could be a bad move but I gotta risk it. That seems so bad but It's all gone. Alright, this is uh my psychotic psychotic brain maneuver. My brain is more like my blocks. Alright. Huge galaxy brain maneuver here. What? It didn't jiggle in. I can't believe it didn't jiggle in it. Should have for the double jiggle and it failed. I went for the single. It was a single jiggle. I can't believe that didn't work. It should've Look at this. I have to do it like this. He's so bad. This is so bad. You know what? It's fine. It's fine. Where else can I put this? This is a absolute Topeka brain idea. Toast. It works. you. Fs. yeah. What's your favorite part of them? uh proving my superiority to other players. So, you pick them and you're like, you're like, hey, my dick's way bigger than yours. What the exactly I am and then they kill you and then you meet up again the next round and you guys just keep you going each other. Exactly. the rush of adrenaline. Just slap this one down here. Holy **** Corpse the rush of adrenaline. When I put this far enough to the side and I clutch out around. Oh, the laser hit What the his brain. Look at it. He's trying to get to thirty. God, I've ruined the masterpiece, guys. I've ruined it. Oh my god. Like puzzles. Oh god. I messed up. I messed up bad. Messed up bad. Okay. Alright. Now, you're only getting first. Cool. I'm barely holding on. I'm washed. I'm not. Okay. Alright. Oh, no. Alright, let's do it again. I'm washed guys. I'm washed. We're going to do it again. I want to Do it again. An absolute absolute I'm going to say horrendous when you're horrendous wrecking. I literally just made up a word. a horrendous. Okay. I'll see you in the dictionary. I got a sweat. It's the only way it's the only chance I have. It's a bubble. You guys ever try and eat bubbles when you're a kid? Yeah. Like you know, you have like a little bubble blower and you blow it around and you're like to eat it. Yeah. And then it taste disgusting and you regret everything. I've definitely done that. No one's ever done that except for me and Corp. Okay. Oh, You have a little bubble blower and then you're like, ha ha bubbles. Ha ha. It's trash, You guys try to eat it. Yeah. How was the taste? No, it's It was disgusting. Oh, are you guys? I was a kid. No, No, I stopped but like I was a kid. I didn't. but how many, how many times did you have to keep trying? I don't know. like five. I'm just going to go ahead. there's no way this stays up. Oh my god. I've completely ruined everything. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm stuck here to help. Okay, I think this is workable. Like, Oh god. Oh god. Okay. See you later. Oh god. It's so stuck. Oh. oh. Big chunks. Eat the bubbles. No, The bubbles. This will work. Okay? And the wind will keep that one here. This one will go like that a little more to the right. Perfect. No. What? Wait, did I win? You broke the game. you. Well, guys. I, you think I have to go to the game night? Um I guess I can't I can't win today. So, I'll try and practice off stream a little bit and I'm just washed up guys. I'm just um oh my god, I'm bad. Oh god. See you at 3 AM. Yeah. Oh yeah. Um I'll see you guys later. I'll just uh I guess I'll just good luck. in the games. Yeah, I busted up. It's not You really broke the game this time. You actually broke it. No. no. You're just winning too hard and it all broke. Good luck. Alright. Well, um that was that was fun. Toast. What do you think of the game? It's your first time playing Pretty fun. I'm going to practice off stream and get really good at. We're live. then That's yeah, that's what I said and then I got worse the more I played It's kind of weird. really weird. Yeah. Oh, toast. You're winning. What? Who's winning? I don't know. It just said toast. Got points. That didn't pop up for you. No. No. You broke the game. Um you won too hard. It's broken now. Well, I guess I'll go check on that. You have that game night to get to, right? Yeah. Yeah. Um Well, thanks for playing guys. This is fun to play again sometime. Hey, Corpse. Have you ever played uh uh I'll link it to you if it's a game you like. I don't know if you. Okay. So it's like a old school It's the one from I might know one. It's an old school thing that you know, and uh like this thing, it's but anyway, uh I guess I'll go. I'll see you guys there. Bye. Alright, I'll see you guys win a single game. I can't believe it. Oh my god. He's actually gone. Wait, you guys want to play Valor with Ray? I'm bad at the game but I would play one. Let's go. Who just won? I just want to play one. I've been I've been wanting to play one. What about you to I'll play one. Are you going to rage at me if I do bad? No, I only rage on myself in that. That's a cap. Sorry, I thought I was muted. I'm going to kill myself. Valkyrie. What's going on here? Uh she's deaf and a classic. ray. Oh, Ray Ray. Notice us. Hello. one game of aloe. Just one game. One six. clean win Is there one other person you guys know that might want to play one game of aloe Um no. If you do find one, can they be like iron please? Oh, I don't do that. I don't think I'm ranked Oh, you're we we can last time with you. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I've I've we're about to learn your rank. Oh, no. I think I think you need like two more wins. I don't know. Wins wins. What? Hi, are you guys playing Tricky Towers? No, we're playing What'd you say it like that? So, I joined the wrong. I'm sorry. I came to the wrong neighborhood. Uh yeah, there he goes. He came to judge and then he dipped Alright. That's a little messed up but okay. nothing new. I know I finally got the game open. Let's go. I don't think I have you on it. Hold on. It adds you. What is, what is that mean? There's no way you're talking to me. You're right. Yeah. I Um no. No, John. Okay. I had, I had What is that name? Nice. Nice. We ran out of one. Who found one. Oh, who else is Lori? I'm just going to ask a few people. Vaughn actually said yes. We are all bronze though. Oh my god. This is it. We're going to. we're going to win. I can feel it. Yes. Wait. is silver too high? Um it's oh wait. I'm a guy like me. She said 4 minutes. Do we kick her? Bye. and maybe we should warm up. Yeah, a good old spike rush. warm up. Oh no. I can't use it. Not being warmed up as an excuse. I crushed as a cat. You know what? To be fair, it's not real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the warm up to the warm up. Yeah. You're you're genius. absolutely II use this all the time. I got it. Who's streaming? Uh are we all is I think you are is toast. You see here? Hello. Banquet. He's gone. He's gone. We lost him. Oh, No0. My god. Hello. What is that? What is that? Do you guys hear that sound? No. Wait. What are you talking about? I couldn't. I don't know. It's like every time I said something, there's a sound. your headphones. Maybe. Alright. So, I have no idea. It was like, I don't know. Someone was like breathing. I don't know though. That's so bizarre. Maybe it's my earbuds. Are you haunted? Maybe. Wait, you wear one earbud on one ear, right? Are you That's what I've heard. Wait. Yeah, I'm going to have a secret. What? What's your secret? I also do that. Oh my god. Let's go. I have it on my left right now. I don't wear one on my right side. ever. Both of us combined. We could be able to hear everything. It bothers me so much Having headphones on on both me Oh my god. I can't believe it. Finally, someone like, yes, yes, yes. exactly that too. It's just overwhelming. Oh my Yvonne. you you may not believe this but me and Corpse combined, we make one whole person. Okay, well, I'm sorry. way. like okay. Like it's called No, no, don't call my phone. Well, okay. Okay. Well, okay. Let's play the. Can you just get on? Can you just go on? Um so, I mean, you're the one that brought up so you don't want to explain. She just called me half a person. you. no. no. Listen. Listen. Corpse. I got your right side. Okay, You got my left. I got your right. It's perfect way. You can actually wear it on the right side. Yeah, I do. Are you left handed? I'm right handed. Interesting. Why are you left handed? no II mean. I'm kind of like am in some ways, I'm not fully but in like in like a lot of weird ways. and she's saying this because you also play ball with one hand. well II. Well, I always have one headphone on one ear and not the other. This is it. My god, I am. So the only time I put both on is when I'm mixing music like you, I'm panning things. Yeah. Other than that, I only wear both for music That is crazy. I can't believe this. Wow. Yeah. I thought I was alone this whole time. when we played proximity among us back then, I wouldn't be able to hear things like, oh, oh, my god, II also wear an eye patch on my right eye. So, I'm like very like, oh my god, like, I don't know how I've gotten this far. This is this is it. This is it. I'll stay left side. You stay right? Yeah. Yeah. exactly. Oh my god. This is perfect, right? Actually, perfect. And of course, you listen, you have your right earbud. No, I have my left headphone on you. Oh, you guys are literally opposite. and now, if we're both facing the same way like we got each other covered. it's it's genius, I guess it'd be unstoppable. I don't know. Valor could be so coop but it can It's two troll. No, no, no. This is perfect. This is perfect. Yeah, I know that you mentioned II don't know anyone else that does that. They're actually crazy. No one's ever pointed it out to me because I don't have like a face cam obviously and then I saw people. Oh yeah. no one right way to do that too. Every day, every day. Play ball. Wow. They scream at me and they're like the Finally, finally, how do you eat your pizza? Stop. If okay, I'm not a **** freak out. Okay, cool. Cool. I took everything back. You know what? No, that is messed up. I don't know how she did. Do you like take all the toppings off and put them into a little bowl and like spoon feed you? Like, what do you do? I'm haven't heard about this. That's only one part of it. Oh, she actually does it. can't. I can't. I can't. Please. please. Something with cereal to kind of weird. do that. What? What do I do with my cereal? What do I do with my cereal II? Don't know the sushi like it's not normal. What? There's something else too. I can't remember. I'm I'm just so shocked right now. I thought we're buddies. What? What happened? Yeah. I mean, imagine, imagine us when we found out all the how you eat. what? Don't You know, it's fine. You know, what is everyone even here? They don't want to talk to us. It's what I think it is. What is this? Ice box. I am. I play Brimstone. What about other people? Okay. Does anyone else made brimstone? That should take priority over me. No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't think anyone. Yeah, that's all yours, man. Is he bad? No, it's just like you usually want people to play smokes but it's for people with you. Where's Ray? Yvonne, this game. Do I see? Yeah. Yeah. It's so **** good. It's great. Yeah. Okay. Well, I don't like that. She's using her own ego now. You know, there's a difference between sweat and being good. I Don't don't even you're one but not the other. The epic plays pose in the sweat pose yells at you if you don't do anything. right. But you said you wouldn't yell at me. Nothing. I won't. We are You corpse. Oh, but can I yell at the others? Okay. my dad right there. Yeah. Selective yelling. but that's not a real thing. It is. No, it's not. I just don't like who you have. You ever considered that? I know That's impossible. It's not selected yelling. You're just imagining that. I don't believe it. Hello, Ray. welcome back. Sorry, it's my agent. Call me. What happened? Oh, I got everyone's getting bullied here. Who's being mean? Everybody. What's your epiphany? Don't let us get yelled at one headphones. Wait, and my only wear one earbud. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Wait, wait. Where's the last one? Where's the right? Yeah. Oh, together. You guys can listen to what I'm saying. Oh my gosh. Wow. That's so cool. So, maybe you guys should stand together on the same site. Yeah, we should. And then like say like I hear someone so you'll know that they're on the left side and on the right side, right there is the right headphones like on the back of my head, I hear it like it's very faintly. Wait. Okay, Why do you do that corpse? It's like I feel overloaded. Oh, that's exactly what says. Yeah. Hi, Yvonne. Hi, thanks for joining. I was expecting you to say no. I can't believe you say this. dude. I was in bed and I was like, oh **** Someone's you. There's a few tunnel. There are few kitchens. Few kitchens. Yeah. they went in. Oh, they're sick. They're stickers. Yeah, they're sick. Oh, oh, That guy tripped on it. Yeah. You see him? Oh god's planted. Let's go. One enemy remaining. Oh yeah. Oh god. Oh my god. Oh yeah. Diffusing. Go for it. Go for it. I'm diffusing. Well done, Toast. We're good. Thank you. Team effort. Well done, team. There it goes. Off to a good start. Who wants a frenzy? A what? A frenzy. I've never heard of that gun in my life. What the? Get it away from me. No, no, no, no. You go for it, man. Want it. I don't I don't want it. You don't want it. I don't I don't want it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you don't want it. Yeah, I don't want mine sucker. Okay, I'll it's going to get. Oh, alright. Oh, wait. Are we forcing I mean, we won first round and it's it's bronze. you know, they they you know what? Oh, oh spray. You say it's no cage triggered. I hear a couple of footsteps. Yeah. Yeah. Three footsteps. There's a lot of footsteps. They're not pushing in yet. Oh. oh, I think about it. Oh, they're trying. Nice pick. Oh my nice pick again. Oh god. Brimstone knows that. Oh, she's trying to get smart. one remaining. nothing. I love this one. I got one. I got one. Nice. They're nothing but flies. My dog. Uh it's all in a day's work. Is this like? are we supposed to save for next? No, never mind. I don't. I thought that was like a bonus but maybe we just buy up. I don't know. Just go here. here. There's 1 Minute. 1 minute. I might be here. They're here. Thank you. Reloading. Spike planted. Yeah. And bleeding out. Oh, I'm just going to put this up and I'm going to do this. and then I'm going to go start to diffuse that. Oh my gosh. One enemy remaining. Let's try it. So close. Shoot the bad guys. How's that for a plan? Now that I've got the uh it's over here. we are. We're then Don't do what we're, you know what? **** it. Let's go. Gotta support the opera. Oh my god. Alright. Alright. He's an okay. Alright. This is it. He's going to pop off. Don't do what I did And what did you do? But wait, a lot of money. They're coming. Oh god. Yeah. Give it to him. I wish you a on it. Oh. Oh. nice. Okay. There's more. Oh, we're good. Okay. Anyone with an off. He picks it up. Oh no. I've given them the option. Oh, he doesn't know how to use it. Oh, what a loser. He's coming. Oh, they're planting. Nice. Nice. Go to plants are insane. Oh my god. Where is it? is destroyed. Last player standing. 30 seconds left. Cage triggered. Spike planted. One enemy remaining. What does she just the right direction to pay attention. Alright, wait. That's so why we're where? I can't believe I did that. The box through the box, The box. I'm rushing out of me. I was not expecting that. They're alright. So, let's be poor together. It's uh huh. We're going in Mia. Okay. Yeah, She was I'm going Oh, what's that? I'm going to you Thank you. I've been sniped by this old man every time. Parks has the flame. What happened? Lit fifty I think. I'm going Oh, okay. Alright. Oh, they're planting. Where Spike planted. What? What to do? You're going to tell me no carbs. No carbs. No. yell it. Yell it. Yell at him. player standing. Okay, there's one belt. What's a belt? Hey, it looks like a convection just because you don't, they can't hear you if you tell me that they're, you know, I'm just scared. and look, they told you the moment that he planted, know, he had bombs two guys on your side. two guys on my side, I've got the opposite. It's over for them. I'm having deja vu corpse II feel like I can tell you a judge. Okay? he's evolving. Have 200 ping. Wait, tell it to stop. guys up. He isn't enough to. He has it off. Oh god. I didn't know that. Oh god. s an almond out there. Standing kitchen. This guy's a guardian. God. guardian. God. that's crazy. Oh, okay. I'm I'm leveling up. Okay. Level up. Level up after this around because it's a safe one. leveli we're just going to run in. No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to run in anymore. do you mean we're going to play like rats like rats? Yes. very sneaky. Okay. al rats. Okay, Tactical radical rat. rats. rushing rats, rushing rats. we're g. I'm **** down. Oh, they're definitely a huh? They're oh oh, but I mean we we all of us all I'm going to. like, oh my god, get him, get him. You got this. We got this. Oh, I got blocked. Yeah, I got that. Oh. Honestly, we did some damage. Okay, that was a great around. What do you mean? I'll say Yvonne. No. Well, I took uh the bop to the face so that you could run Yvonne. Notice how you're being very frightful about g shot in the face. Why won't you be frightful when you plan to on breeze? It's a how it one case we win in one case we lose. It's a different, it's a different Yvonne. You just justify your own death when it's convenient for you. No every death helps. My old was nerd. Eww. Oh god. She went through in my killer. No, She said we got it. You're dead. is AA. No. Yeah. I think they just wait for us to push out. yeah. That's Spike planted. I mean, it's time to rush it. Hey, I'm rushing it. I see anyone on your right. I I'm not. I die. I die. s one. Oh, by the way, one's on your right and uh no. oh. Oh, close. if they try something, I'll see it. Close. close, close, close, close. Another round. anotheday. Alright. This is internet and died all day. Uh me, it's kind of lost it. I think it's a bad everywhere. You know what? Our head is pretty good today actually. Let's go. are receiving 000. Yes, sir. Oh, no one knows. You really like it. It's me. god. He's coming up. We're not Don't worry, I didn't give away our location. You definitely need to do that. uh kitchen. twinkly. Brims out. Sixty-seven Allen. He's the second floor of the tower. the middle of the site. info. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, she's on the way. I hate this guy. I hate pistols. Uh the sheriff is rough. It's okay. I'll see. We're we're attackers. If we can get three on this side, we win. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is it's going to swap for sure. Then they'll suffer the way we have. Okay, I'm staying away from me. They have Ups too and I can't handle it. Yeah, they're crazy. Don't let them off me. I'm scared. I'll reveal their secrets. I'm in Oh, one belts. They always look for flanks. So we have to be careful. Yeah, it might be. It's definitely not. Be nice. Pick corpse. Mister chunks. Actually, I'm going to anchor me. I'm surrounded. Are they on site? No. No. I heard something. How about I take out one's a nest? You will not kill my allies. Oh my There's a there's like two here. It's nice. You're doing wonderful. 30 seconds left. Oh my god. one remaining. Spike. down. Settle down a little bit. Okay. You want the A. Who wants to the Yeah. you're not here. Here it is to uh two hops. I could go on. Um it's nothing Nothing. Can you find me so I can find my abilities? Thank you. two. we survive. Oh. Oh. What was that? Careful. I think they're going to be super long. Yes. Yes. Yes. No more charges. They're getting orb right now. so she can look to the right. can't even. They're close. They're close. There's one. Oh god. Let's wait for them to play. She's out. She's not planting. Got an elbow. I got one 0. one's yellow. Alright, Aubrey. It's close to toast. It's crazy. Uh hell you got this quiz. 30 seconds left. Spike planted. I don't know the map. It's okay. This map sucks. You can see the app too. What? beacon down. is crazy. Everyone behind you too. Yeah. It's okay. He's safe. Look. look. Look. I didn't see. Oh, oh, me. I've heard it because of the left earbud. No, no, I'm the right here but. oh my god. Right here. Is this the right? Oh my god. It was a visual. It has a visual. It was like a pair of his body. Oh, that was close. No, don't worry. We'll have the up again. 1 day. 1 day. This goes here. Oh yeah. That's one. I forget that I usually go right now. I can't see it. looking like a Maybe I shouldn't. I'm going to take out I'm terrified. it begins. is. Nice job. 30 seconds left. I haven't planted. Okay. Okay. I will watch for the cross. Oh, they're planted. Spike planted. one's here. One remaining. Oh, where is the? I think he go. Oh, he's on top. Oh. oh, nice shot. My god. I'm dying like that. I wasn't even aiming the craziest vandals ever. It's like, it's like, it's insane. Wait a second corpse. When you put your hands I don't know. I'm lagging. I thought you guys would have it. I don't see the enemy yet. Jeez. Jeez. Oh, what are they saying? What are they saying? Cheetos. My Cheetos. Okay, guys. What's the plan? We get banned eventually. Oh god. Yes, I should do. And what did they say? What did they say? He hasn't. The Cheetos shaped Odin. spotted me. no more. a demon. God, I don't I don't like sheriff's. you. Are you ready to trade? Oh, okay. Alright. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. What's good? I'm reloading. Oh, geez. Oh, pussy. Stop running Pussy I'm playing B. Oh my god. Sorry. I forgot you guys are streaming. I'm dropping my smoke. toast. No. Oh my god. It all went wrong. You know. Oh. Oh man. That was my bad. Alright. Every time I say that line, I die. I get too What's the line? What's good? pussy? Oh my god. What happened? What happened? What happened? What the heck? I think it's like a secret, right? Everyone knows I've never seen it on the streets only in Valor and Off-street one time. Okay, sorry, Mia. I'm sorry. Mia's viewers. My actions are not a representation of her. Hey, there's a Phoenix Nadal. Alright, we're running in. We're running in it. Oh, what the hell is he pushed out? I'm a sicko. What? Yeah. In fact, who killed you? Oh, oh, nice kick. Just push it on the right. Yeah. Yeah. Right there. Right there. Nice. Thank you. Thank you. Where are we going? Where are we going? We're busy clapping people in. There's one clapping people. man. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Okay. Don't worry guys. You want the good? Alright, Yvonne, you out? you push up, Yeah, Yeah. No, they're not. No push up because they're going to rotate. Yeah. Like that. Like that. Yeah. You just go from the back. Oh my god. You are I'm dropping my smoke. terrifying. One in the kitchen. I missed my smoke like this last time. It was terrible. Oh, oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. my god. They don't me. Brendan Sr. here. I'm going in. I will die for this bomb. Nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. we did it. We won. We won. Wonderful. All of us together as a whole as a whole. The collective unit. Oh my god. Okay, That's one person. That's me. I'm we're Exodus. now. Stop. Who wants to be the left limbs? I'll beat Wait. Wait. Mia. you have a right earbud. Okay. Yeah. You have the right arm. Corpse is the left toes is the head. Yvonne, Do you have a preference on leg? Um I left and right leg. Okay, I'll the left leg. I'll take one for the team. I don't know if you want to see the drawing of this. I mean, I just feel like Wright is right. You know, I don't know. It I'm cursed. We're we're doing something crazy. pushed out of me. I mean A. Okay. Okay. Wait. What do we do? What do we do? I'm just following to one killed me. Help collapse on me. Nice. Okay, we go. We go away. We go away. Right way together. Oh, we forgot where they are. Okay. Okay. We're just. Okay, go ahead. Take it. Take it. Hey, Okay. Alright. play off my trip if you want. hide and raise smoke. won't expect that I'm here. You're a genius. Yvonne, I give you such simple instructions that you blatantly ignore and and then surprised when it doesn't work. Instructions on I know you want like, prove me wrong. Holy **** But sometimes when I say things, oh my god, you're yelling at me. What I told you. Stay away. I wasn't yelling your gaslighting yourself and you're gaslighting yourself. what he did. He doesn't have time. He's he's Come on. Don't let yelling at you. No. Nobody yelled at you. I've said to go in the smoke. What? You need to focus and you're like, mom and dad don't fight. Please. not on my birthday. Happy birthday, Kim. Thank you. Wait, is it really your birthday? I don't think it's really her birthday. Oh, I was like, it's Anna's birthday. What the **** Oh my god. Yeah, I have to wish you a happy birthday, Emma. Hey, Brianna. Happy birthday. Thank you. I just, I just like rush or something. Yeah, I'm running in. I'm running in. Oh, okay. I'm I'm I'm going to follow you. I'm rushing in. It's I'm putting up a wall Reloading As the kids are there and now I'm not even in that has perished. It's one of the top of That's coming from me. Plank. That's one. Raptors. There's still uh brimstone rafters. Yeah, you're ready? Yeah. Uh Phoenix out but he went back to it. He could still be Franken. Most likely. Yeah, I don't think this begins. Alright. I think there's one above me. Yeah, I'm with you up. last player standing. That's the line up. Oh, wow. You saw he saw his little I will take half the blame for that. like 49%. Someone else messed up with. That's not even. That's the reason. Yeah. Yeah. Someone messed up more than me by 1%. am I poor? Are we poor? Yeah. Oh, okay. Okay. We should we should say we're Reloading. Alright, let's just run in. What could go wrong? But we're thank you. I thought of it all by myself. Alright, guys. I'll be the cannons water. This is it. I'm going. I'm going in. We're going in. Oh, Yeah. Okay. I didn't like that. I don't like that at all. Spike. Spike, Right? No. Don't even worry about it. No. No, don't. don't worry about that. But this is what we wanted to happen, right? Yeah. Yeah. And now they won't expect us to do it again. Yeah. Alright. Well, this guy's fun. It's fun There are no, I bet he's great at parties. Oh my god. What are you guys? What is he making me want to see what they're saying? It's Geo even smell like Oh my Oh **** Someone **** on him. Oh my god. Let's go on. Alright, you know what? There's no, no, no. Never mind the smoke here. halfway. far, far, far. very far in the corner. You know what I mean? Maybe they are eating Cheetos. So cheesy like a blind out here. Yeah, I think a blind would work. 000. He left 0000. my god. Nice. I won't. I can't spawn this one. Yeah. Here. We gotta beat him, right? You and me, you and me. Spike down B. the right. cages triggered. Where is everyone hiding? Oh. Oh. someone's blank. Saw one plank. Behind you. Behind you. Oh. Oh, you're right. I should turn it a little earlier. Oh, I'm so close. I'm so close. match point. I'm in third. Oh, okay. Okay. New plan Kitchen. Kitchen guys. Kind of worked. Would it be nice to get that pick on boiler when I have I have my own. Okay, Do I just Al here? Is it um watch and learn. I'm doing it. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Is it this is the one right here. I'll do it. Here's it. Oh, I can't see. I can't see. Go in. I don't see anyone. Alright, I see I saw literally nobody. What? Oh, there's no nice You want to grab that gun? Yeah, I want to but I was shocked. There you have it. Defenders win. Oh god. Well, I mean this ice blocks really count as a match. I mean, yeah, I feel like Icebox never really counts. I always lose an icebox. Yeah. Oh, it's like it's not Okay. That was a good warm up to the warm up to warm up. Yes. right? Yes. exactly. Oh, when you press into it, it's you. I'm sorry. Oh, oh yeah. Rey Rey What the hell? is that possible? match found. What is this man? Uh oh Haven, why did you say bind? I don't know. I'm not is uh instincts Instincts. her inner intuition. Whatever they run, I will find them because I saw and I said, find Oh. You can choose anybody. Wait, what are we doing? I don't know who to play. I don't know who to play. I'm not. It is. How are you feeling? What am I feeling? Yeah. Which would make you feel the most confident with one earbud Oh god. when you say it like that, Okay, this is it. This is it. That is not what I would have thought with one earbud. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. This this is it. Alright, we're going in. Oh, I can last for you. Okay, we have our dos. Okay. We have information, man. Who's information, man? Uh John. Okay, John. and then we have, yeah. Okay, I'm we have the furry. Oh, the I mean the fiery Brooke, isn't it? Oh my god. So, she's just been enjoying. She's going to be like, what did you say? She'll be here now. She'll be here any second. Where do I go? Should I go Garage? Okay, you guys. We have to win this or else. we'll feel really bad and my screen went black. Oh god, I can't see anything and hello. I don't open your eyes. What the my screen, My monitor Is it what is it unplugged? Oh god. it's packed. It's put it in reverse. Where am I? Where do I go? Okay, let's go. I'm here. let's see. Okay. Okay. Alright. Okay. Oh god. Smokies. There's one eight. I hear a Oh, they get it. There's there's how many? Oh, it looks like it's it's Yeah. Yeah. I don't have frenzy for you. spotted. One window. Yeah, Let's go. Retake together. Okay. Alright. Did they? Oh, they didn't. There's one. Hell yeah. I can wall off. I'm the wall. Okay, I'm going to wall in a sec. Oh my god. Planted He's scamming ahead. Oh god. They are seven. seven damage. hay. I'm Hawkeye. Let's go Hawkman. Oh. Nice. Oh my god. I didn't know how I use guns. Np. Np. it to the spike sites. Is this rain forest? Yes, it is. I don't play jet. but you are feeling it. You know what? That round didn't count and so we have real guns. Anyway, so yeah. Yeah. Are we saving for next week? Of course, I need I need an app. This is my practice off. there's and they're really, see you again. They're really good. Wait. They're so good. There's two eggs. Oh god. Oh, nice Kenny. She's like and started running away. Oh yeah. Yeah. Hold this. Hold this. Hold this. Hold this. Die for your country. What the **** They did a good job. That's not what you were trying to say. Oh, nice spike down a cool shotgun. 11111. Okay, Last one right here. Right here. I'm in the arm. I'm a vandal. I'm going to save this. Oh yeah. yeah. Oh yeah. yeah, yeah. that's that's money right there. Wait, that really is. But yeah, just stay safe bikes here. We'll play for 30 seconds left, okay. We are awesome. We can be question mark or the the the spikes down Right here. Yeah, it's here. So, yeah. 00000. Sure, Sure, sure, sure, sure. Scamming ahead. Nice. Nice. free vandal. to kneel. you know, I want a speck three. Alright, hold on. I could buy someone something. You want something fancy? You got it. We are ready. What happened? Buy a gun. Oh, I'm getting a judge. Okay, good. We're live. Okay. Revealing area. They're so **** good. They're 100. I let everyone for a million a million a million got it. Yes. Alright. You said 1 million 108 KO. 34 stages forty, Reyna. Oh, thank god you let him 108. **** uh Oh, Okay, Yvonne. we have a good. Oh my god. Nice. That's Spike Spike everyone now. Oh. oh, I'll tell you that. Well, you know guys, all I need to uh I didn't see it. I just didn't see it. This jet is really good. He's he's just been dinky corpse every round one head shot. I'm not going anywhere. I mean, when you go to the high carbs, this guy bullying you this bothered. Wait, what do you call this? What do you call this area that I'm this is what you're talking about. Oh, this is garage and I want to be in the garage. Oh yeah. Yeah. Be in Grudge. many cars. Oh **** I should Get out of my way. I didn't know where it is. Oh god. You see me from here. I'm here to revealing area. if you're sure as well, they're split right now. Like Hey, Nice vengeance. You want my wallet? I'm putting my wallet for a bit. Yeah. Yeah. I'm running. I'm going to drop it on the right. On the right. on the right One long. Yeah. It's nice. Last one was short. I'm about it. I don't want to talk. Oh no. He did nothing. What happened? to you? Yvonne? Pick a side. Left or right. Now, go left and then go right and then go left and then go right to kill them when they went to the other side and they're just, they were avoiding me. If I or I mean uh me and you want to go garage again. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's good for your judge. Yeah. corpse. Don't forget to buy it. I didn't make it. Oh, I see. Um If there's two in garage. That's so **** **** fine. You're fine. Oh, you're insane. standing ahead. At least I'm alive. how you can save my life. was uh go to garage here. You didn't see that. Let's go. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. That's what I yelled at me. You know, he's dead and I'm alive. That's all I'm at. Okay. a hobby. Okay. Alright. Okay. **** Alright. This is definitely a safe. I think they're both There's one back corner and oh my Oh, that's another one. They just keep coming. Well, they were kind of all up. I think that's how alright, guys. We're kind of poor Yeah, I don't want to. End of the day again. but someone keeps lying a judge and you'll never see him anything I can. I'm going to see Garage I have knives. I have knives. Okay. people don't buy usually. I'm guys. Garage. Garage. Um who's not? Why is no one there? Come. Come. Come to the garage. Can't see. I can't see. Alright, watch this. and I feel like I'm going to miss everything. They're going to a get ready. Of course. A or B. from where? Uh probably long flank. I mean, yeah. Yeah, that's right. Click with knives. Yeah. Yeah. He's he's going to come through. The fun begins. The Silvis player standing. This is the worst day ever. now. I have nothing to live for. You **** think that? I think I can see seventy-eight besides the **** Jets ruin their day. I shouldn't have it. Alright, you know what? I'm going to try the Odin Okay. Am I in Yes, but it's okay. It's okay. Wait. You think I'm venting? No. standing ahead. What do you see? cheating. Help uh garage has a lot of people. outside grass. A bee. Okay. Oh yeah. You can't move the snow. your mouse irritated. Spike down a. Oh goodness. um Oh goodness. Um I don't know where to go anymore. Okay. Alright. Is it a No, it's not a it's not a a dart. 30 seconds left to be What does it mean? Ding. I planted. today. It was probably planted like **** Oh **** Nice try. Nice try. Nice try. They're fast. Fast. You know, we're tax sided. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Yes. They're also a tax sided. Uh oh. So, I think we're doing fine. No, this is good because they're winning on the side that they're supposed to. Okay. okay. Yeah. Sick. for those who hurt us. There's a area. There they are. I hate that guy. No one's Where she go to? Oh, wow. Don't die. Just don't. She ran away. Oh my god. Okay. Alright. I know. a song. Okay. I say you just won. one. Alright. toxins going up. Oh, no0. My mouthpiece is permanently there. It's on the left side. No idea. Probably right. because I had to guess. god. Oh, big freeze. Oh, **** I'm going to go try to get the off. Do it. She got it. She's insane. You know what? I'm getting it all That is exactly what that calls for. Two ups. Let's go. I'm so excited. I'll make you proud, right? Let's go. Make me proud. Anyways, I'm going to drop the up up here so no one can get it. Bye. Oh, she's That jet. Just follows me. If I, if I go a the Jets, I can see the Jets. She's great. She comes just to kill you when she leaves. It's sick. don't know. That's her. it's a it's a I'm going to put my wall Hey, going to drop my uh you're going to die for your country. I'm saying that. Why can't she live? That's what I'm saying. You know, No, I'm not in Oh god. I see. Nice Mia. Oh my last stand. No, you're not powerless. Uh huh. What? Spike planted. What the heck is that? I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. He's being rested. Oh yeah. He's getting right now. That's what that is. Yeah. Oh, Oh my god. Get me out. next game. So, wait. Next game. No, this is it. We're attacked by. Remember what? It's just we're a tax Id and this is what we want. Okay, I'm just going to see like you. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. You too. You know what? If we push out, You know what? I'm down for that. Okay, You know what? We'll push it. Let's go. What are they going to do? Kill us. Standing ahead. Oh god. very possible. You know, I did Twenty-two. Okay. One. All up to you now. Yes. no worries. Hey, you guys. get out of my way. I had Twenty-two. Alright, I'll have to. Oh, okay. There's no chance. Nice. Alright. Spike planted. Time is going in. **** you with that. It's going up here. you'll find them. This is always looking at the right place. That I got a crosswalk. the entire time. They're just aiming there. I can get the Odin or I can get the Odin. This is it. Where do I avoid the chat? Uh you're not on long. Just don't go along. There's no way you can run. Yeah, I sees you. He knows where you're at. Two more rounds till we switch. True. **** Oh Jesus. scared. Careful garage. Oh god. This is enemies come in. Oh god. 120. two. I'm going to this Careful. Be I want to go. Oh my. That's huge. Right down. gay. No. That's just crazy. Don't tell me the player standing. I mean, yeah. you got this. Yeah, it's 130 seconds left. Stay down. Nice. Now, get ready. Get ready to go. Oh, **** Just Twenty-five. Don't wake up. last round before the switch. Save nothing. I just realized she's been hopping on attack. Oh my god. She's definitely going to hop on defense. Yeah. Yeah. Rough out here. We all rushed them at once again. Shoot us Yeah. Okay. We can we should rush the jet on C and we know they'll shoot me first. Oh, that's a good thing. No, it's like it Mission Abort a Meanwhile, revealing Yvonne. You can't just leave a like that 101 for Jet Jet. Yes. Come on. The fun begins. He loves me first. It hurts. Okay. Well, this is it. Yeah. Spike planted. You will not kill my ally. She's back. That's wrong. Now, what we wanted three on defense. We did it. We did it. This is exactly what we needed to three wins on our team is attack sided. I think I know where it's it's yeah, we're attacked by and we're attacked If they didn't have a jet, I think it would be more balanced but yeah, I think the dreads killed me like she's killed me like every almost every day. Are we going? Uh I don't know. I'm following the do list. So, you two pick. I'm going to see. Alright, let's see. I'm in the garage. Maybe we split. Push. See, she won't have an up this time. Let's go. What's good? I have no blinds. Let's go. We don't need blinds. Just dignity. boxes. Boxes. boxes. one. There's one and I'm just sticking it. There's still one girl. 130. So, Huh? Oh, one long one long Last player standing. one remaining. Oh, **** That's a **** Jets, dude. Like they're naughty. Should we force should we just force and just go? Yeah. Yeah. You know what? Yeah, let's just let's just forcing. Go. Yeah. Yeah. Like it. I keep my skills but I don't use them. Don't even buy skills. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well, you don't dash. I don't use that. Yeah. Yeah, I put them down. Alright, it's time. Where are we going? Oh my god. What are you doing? again? one's in the garage. in the garage. I did it. You did it. You asserted your dumb **** feet on her. Nice garage. Triple garage. my god. He just went out and then. Oh my god. That was she has a judgement. I'm kind of scared. launching smoke. Nice. Oh, I didn't mean to. One long Nice. Bullets. Jen. Jen. We're making it. my god. Okay. Well, we're still 410. That's uh you know, maybe you're fine. We're fine. with my eyes. We didn't. We did it. Now, we get to force. Alright, I can't take that shot to the ego. So, they're going to challenge me again and see which means we should go Okay. True. True. True. Okay. Oh my god. My corpse. You're a genius. You're actually a radiant smurf. Go. Go. Go. Go. Oh, she's she's here. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. What? Oh my god. He pushed out of it. It's okay. It's okay. We got this. Uh is it okay? Yeah, I'm going to. It's going to be a couple of times. Yeah. Watch Blink. I'm heaven. heaven heaven, heaven spotted. Has anyone You see one coming from long Yvonne's turning it on. Sage was having you. and I think so. Yeah. Oh god. Great job, Peggy. What is that? This is a good job. Yeah. Jet was like, well, Corpse knows that I've been **** on him. Yeah, he just killed me on seat. So, he must think that I'm going to rotate and stay on seat. I put it. Oh my god, there's what the heck? He said uh precise said exactly what I was thinking. begins. out of my face. standing ahead. There they are. You ready? Selena's I'm going to. wait. Where's my shield? the Jets down? You know, she seems a lot weaker. Yeah, something's wrong with her. Oh my god. I'm okay. I'm going to plant Bk left side. I'm planting. Be. Come on. my three, four. Where is my? Okay. Why am I going to shield? What happened to me? That's 144. She was leaning side. Excuse me as bait guys. Watch out. Quarantine. go. There's a guy shooting. Nice. Nice. I'm oh my. That's okay. Great. Let's see. Oh, that's You turn it on. That was an accidental killer in the midst In the midst. We got this. I can buy you John. John need to draw. Thanks. Should we just zoom Zoom. Zoom, Zoom. Zoom in right now and then I'll use you as bait. Okay. Alright. Do you do this to me? anything you get, we've all been revealed this time. Oh god. He's done. I'm bleeding out. Oh. Oh my god. Okay. Okay. We tricked them now. What? Oh my god. I'm going to repeat it for a million years That. yes. Nice. Nice. Nice. That's a jet. No, we're going to come in. I can't. uh window. Okay. I'm just Yeah, I know. it's saw that. No one saw that. Yeah, there's a guy very close to you. Oh, yeah. Make sure that guy doesn't run. You're ready to trade. Devon. the stage is right. A window. She was. you're you're burning him. You're burning him. An enemy remaining. Okay, do I go to see as long as you're playing together? Okay, let's go. Let's go see Okay. Oh, nice work. Nice. That was leaking, guys. We're **** guys are freaking **** All of a sudden, it I'm telling you because we're attacking it's attack sided player. rabbits. got it. Would you like a gun? Yes. Yes. purchase it. I don't know what to buy though. It's going to be great. It's time to try new things right now. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Ready? Go. Oh. Oh, it's just uh it's just a marshal guys. We can take here. Okay, I'm going in. Let's go. Let's go. What she going to do? You kill us all? Yeah. Why is she going to do what she going to do? Why is she going to do really? They just gave us sight for free. and then I'm going to hold this because I'm asserting my dominance. Okay, let's go. We do II. Feel like I'm not safe anywhere. I can't see. Not a small head shot. Ten is all I get. on the sofa. Nowhere to run. one remaining. Nice. Long lasts. long. What is that? Is that the lucky? How dare? How dare you like a fish? Go ahead. Oh, I couldn't get it in. Let's win and get out of here. Is it time to stop going to see Honestly, I feel feel like they're so demoralized. We can go anywhere and win. Damn. what they're discussing if they should Fs standing ahead. Oh. want one. Oh, spike down and behind the bar. They're not ay. What happened to us? They're just Dia. II. Need a recharge. Hmm. broke. You're broke. Should we go He's rich. I'm rich. Thank you. Alright. Should be contested. Let's check them. two of them. That's that's that's all. Yeah. I don't get it. Oh, okay. Who's next? Who's next? Uh do I get next begins but there's a jet that's enemy spotted. A for the Jets One here. guys. I'm in a bad place here. I have the spike. Spike down mid. Oh, she's so fast on that one. I have this bike. a hair garage. spotted. You're breaking it down. I feel like 30 seconds left. Oh, I shoot right spike. Flawless. Maybe we avoid mid Maybe we should have just kept going to see We need to fight. You know, the way to this event. Let's not fix what is wasn't broken. Oh, we have a ton of volts. Maybe we just just go, you know, let's see and go. Yeah. yeah, maybe. Yeah. Oh, backside. Oh, deploying. Go. What do you want? What do you want All be? And I sit on it. Alright, we got sights Blended News. revealing area. found them. Nice pick. Two more. Two more. I can't see. I can't find one. Oh, there's another one. I think it's because I know. Oh, don't worry. I got your gun. I can can I get them? Alright. what can we do now? That's just the same thing. We just do the same thing. Do the exact same thing. You don't have our oats. What do we do? It Oh, shoot up on backside instead. Okay. Oh, yeah. yeah, yeah. That'll be intimidating, right? Oh, the rain is off. Oh my god. Okay, maybe it's getting ahead. Yes. I'm just going to throw uh oh my god. Oh, cut. 113. 190. 199. You know, honestly, not a bad come back from um the 30s. They had a smurf. You know, we did Well, Luckily, that was the warm up. That was the warm up Warm ups. Yeah. Are you guys you guys want to play No one Last one. I'm going for one. One is Lg. This is LG and this is the wind. I can feel it in my bones in my little feets corpse. You got your right, your bronze too. bronze. We're back now. This is good news. This is good news because now we're not in the the qualifying queue. I don't know if that's a thing. is it? You know, maybe we're playing against harder people to see if you're supposed to be a higher rank or something. you know, So now, we're fully bronze except the bonnet. Oh, oh, don't worry. I can I can get there. I dropped you. I'll be there soon. Howie Mandela's don't know me. Let's go. He was farming likes all along. in a twist. that no one expected. You can't let him get away with this. What am I going to do? Oh god. Go on America's Got Talent. Oh my god, you're a genius like me. You're a genius. That's exactly what you need to do. Yeah, that's exactly. You know what? I'll do it for you. I'll get it. You know, maybe it's busy, right? You might not recognize me, Howie but it's me. I traveled this far to tell you this. He's going to say, who No, he won't. He he knows he has pictures of me saved on it. What if he has a social media manager? He doesn't, he doesn't even tell he's crazy, right? You have to go. You have to go in his place. You gotta, you gotta go. your corpse, aren't you? I saw the video. What did you say to him? What is he doing? Oh, I see it. He's a quick hello to Twitch. Okay, look. Listen. So, he said he wanted to play games with me and he said, deal. Let's do it. I I Dm him and then he unintended and images of us are maybe he is. Yes, he is. Does he have a wife? Maybe she got jealous. He probably has seven. Yeah, it's Howie. Oh my gosh. It must have been right about Baldwin Clan. Yes. Or maybe something happened. They're like, no, you can't play with them. They'll know you're like, he's too close. He knows too much. He knows too much. I was going to blast him on the stream and ask him what he knows about it. That's probably why. Yeah. Yeah, man. I just got the eclipse. We need someone on the inside. Bs can't speak. or holy **** what would be. this is also a bald. So, bing bing is like Taraji and combined, huh? to one thing. That's me. I'm going to say what does what would it sound like? me? I can't tell if it'd be like ominously or or like the opposite and sound like ethereal like they have reverb and delay on their voice. natural reverb when they speak. I think it's actually just barks. not another jet. Oh, they have a what if it's fine. It's fine. right? We're going to pop off this game because it's our LG and our real final real game, Our first real game. Let's roll them. There's the. yeah. yeah. The lint roller. Wow. Yeah, I'm inspired. Oh yeah, me too. Me too. That's it. Oh, did you just leak a line in one of your upcoming songs? That's that would be the line in one of my songs. Yeah. It's sounds like an automated sentence in the rap game on track box. Okay, he's running in. Wait, who's running in? you? Oh, not you. Alright. she's our okay with the how many smokes do we have? We have one and a half. Okay. I smoke this Smoke this bada Boom. Bada. We go run, run, run, 123, Run, run, run, run, Run that. do that, do that. Okay, let's go. Watch out for Molly's. Watch out for let's do it Alright, I'll look at the right to the left. Good good clear one's heaven, one's heaven and then I don't know if it nice. Reloading. Okay. A poisoned Nice. You guys are nuts. That's it. Alright, Ray, you have to spike Close eyes close. Yvonne, I'm with you. I'm with you. Let's get it. I take one please. Nice. Nice. Good job. Last one. Last one. Last one. Garage. No mercy. 123. Oh my god. He got to his head. You kill him. was. I was going. Why would you want to eat? Oh **** Oh, sorry. I was just used to replicate Ray, you would love to wait. Oh, really? Let's play. I love, I mean, I would love your reaction and you will hate it. 000. That was. I actually wasn't expecting that. I'm not going to lie. That was it II. Don't know. actually after what to said your reaction in that game will be a here. I promise. It's pretty **** fun and beacon here. Really? What? where's the shop calls? Oh, this this Guys, I'm full now. I'm the doulas. How big chunks he's got. I got one remaining. Nice. Oh, man. We're just holding down for you now. You guys are just smurf. I literally just holding. Do. You're a killer killer. The queens and disorders a killer. I don't know what she see her pistol. Oh, that's ad. That's a vandal. Don't don't get it. Okay. What do you mean? That's a vandal. Okay, let's go. Let's go. She has a vandal. Nice. It's a vandal and now you have the van. two I got it here. If anyone wants to see. Let's go. Would anyone like a gun? Like bye. what's going on? What are you offering to the table? I need this. Yeah, my thanks. Where's where's the shop called? What's the next shop called? And it was so that's the exact same thing. Yeah, exactly. It wasn't even peaking it. I'm just going in guys. There's something on the floor in front of you Right here. Right there. Oh god. It's quite. Oh my god. Corpse is a corpse. He's in there. Oh, there. He's where? Careful. Careful. Nice pick. There's a few more. Careful. Careful. I'm going to take a with toast. There's more. Yeah. Mm hmm. Okay, I have a Grammy. I get it. drone. Okay. Alright. Alright. I don't know. Okay. I don't really see any but I heard someone at. Let's go. I'm planning a. Yeah. sides up here. by the way. there. there might be some do I'm on my way. Kevin to heaven. my eyes are down. Nice. We have it still one haven't. Nice. One more. I'm scared. Yvonne. We're not friends anymore. Alright. Yeah, I'm right. Look at that. Look at that. Nice. is coming to you. Yeah. Nice. Nobody saw that, right? But I did. I did. I actually didn't see it. Alright, I can buy somebody. Oh, we're we're wealthy. We're healthy. We're happy. This has never happened before. and this is it. This is the one. That's it. It's over. Oh my god. It's because we're starting on attack. Oh my gosh. Would you like an offer? Yeah. Yes. Yes. I request Thank you. Oh, **** It's a Marshall. No, no, no. We sell it. Sell it. Request an app. You need equipment. don't have enough money. I thought it was 4700. Nice pick. I like his enthusiasm, That's for sure. Oh, what? Oh, he's he's gotta be one on B. We're going in. Okay. Okay. I'm going to wall up heaven and stuff. Oh, I'm going to cage triggered. to heaven to heaven right now. I'm going to be. Oh my god. Oh my god. Toast has such a good bloody Whoa. there's two. Have it. please. Please. Oh god. Please don't look at each other. Love it. Oh my god. yeah. Yeah. You look like, right? No, no. You look at your body where they're both gone. Turn around. Look at your, look at your, look at your. Yeah, just look at your van. Look at it. Yeah. Yeah. Look into her eyes. One remaining and now, Where is that? Good job. Good job. Tell me where they are. I'll take care of the rest. Okay. Oh. Oh. Are we still following her? No. Yvonne was a good girl. and she paired Don't believe that. You know what a sounds good. A sounds good. What kind of how did to get to where he is now? He's, oh, this is definitely an A plus. Wow. No wall. Heaven Besides not really cleared. I'll be honest with you. I think they kind of rotate fast or something. Alright, I'm out. going to grab this one. I'm planning for heaven. Oh, how was that? It's killer. Now. She's killer 0510. my god. Oh god. Oh god. This isn't looking too good. It's okay. You got this. You got this. No. Yes. Where are they? 30. Seconds on site. on site. Oh, **** I should just give up. No, no. No0. No one was that. It's crab walking. This is iron. You can do anything. or bronze. Actually. They're going to get greedy. 10 seconds left. I really don't want to be kind of surprised. They didn't try to get the up. You're too scared. They're too scared. They're scared. Okay, that was my bad. I should've cleared sight before planting after toast said I wasn't cleared. That's okay. Okay. Now, we shall learn from my mistakes. Oh, well, where is the shop called? He he also died in like the first 2 seconds of the round. so that you're right. It's a god's fault. Okay, I'm down and I'm a look at this. Okay, we have we have it. It's what Oh, I didn't break the door. Wait, that means they're not in the boxes, right? Yeah. Okay. I'm all in. Let's follow the drone. Oh, backside drones. Oh, there's one back. Oh, she left. She Do you still want to go? Um grabbing the like Oh, there's someone's behind. Woman's above on the. Oh, he's dead. He said, Nice. Nice. One enemy remaining. Nice clean. ahead. I saw the sage. I sort of thought. oh, Oh my god. Did She she ran that hard to heal or something. It wasn't me. I swear I didn't. know someone else no more. We're ready. Whoo hoo. That Omen was. Yeah, right there. Kate Corps. It's time for a pick. What do you want me to take The spicy Yeah, that's going to cost you. Yeah. What are they called? The comms. Uh Corps is going to get a pick and then we're going to go in. Oh, you know, honestly, I feel like they stack be now because we always go beep but we win anyways. So, it's going to be, I need to pay Enemy's We got uh sages in the ropes. Oh. I hear the. there's some Oh, what? down. That's that's pushing me. I'm bleeding out. She's like, look man. look at me. Yeah. Yeah. Keep looking at it. Keep looking at me. Okay? because the gem might try to swing on me. Push up. Nice cross. This is a ball. Do you think it's always stage uh sage plays vents? Okay, so maybe. Alright, let's go with you. You will not kill me. That one is uh mayo. I'm going to be right here. I'm planning for heaven. I'd like to be you know when I'm leaving. I mean, I hear a chicken first. Why is that? Why do I get a chicken forks? One, two. Heaven. Heaven. Heaven. and you should run. One enemy remaining out of my god. I'm going to take it. Oh god. Do I take it? Do I take it? Do I take it? I'm not taking it. You can't even take it even if you wanted to. put your hands. could've, I could've Thank you for not taking for not taking it. up. You should take it. I don't want it. So, you guys, we have so many Os. Is it? Oh, all of ours. We have all of ours and we're six one and we're rich. Life's good. Wow. I could sell it. right. It's so what? what? He's in position. Oh, he's pushing out with this shot. What a sicko. Ouch. Oh my god. Sometimes I feel like my words just don't beat you. Yvonne. I feel like hey, you're cute. Yeah, that's right. Oh, they're all here guys. Okay, but it's fine. Yeah, we can, we can still plant B but uh we're going to flake it I did the bolt I don't want to talk about it. I really don't. Oh, man. Can you just rotate your you want me to go? Yeah. Yeah. Go go a long way around. Yeah, let's go. Let's go. And then you want me to plant Yeah. And you want me to not die? cages. We have a five. One enemy remaining. Why? Why? Why? you rotated them into us? You're twenty and four. Thank you for noticing. I'm I'm I thought it was I thought I was popping off. You are but you're not. It's not it's not Oh my gosh. That's insane. Wait, what are you, how have you seen twenty people There you go. Achilles. I know. How did you do it? I don't know. Just how does he do it? He's right. Um I see you. tired of me. there's definitely people. haven't. they haven't. Okay. Yeah, I hear that. One enemy remaining. Three. Oh my god. You're too close. One of those games boys and boys. and and and Oh my god. You guys are so much better than my last one. I don't even need to be here. I can actually be a and go. do things but you guys, they could do the same thing to us on attack. We're on where we're at. it. Let's here. Oh, we kind of are They actually, be demoralized. Yeah. By then, they'll Ff. Yeah, exactly. By then, Alright, I'm going to die here. It's just. No, it's just. Wow. There's no way I live guys. that was the first time you guys got this one. Oh, our spikes now. Nice shot. Now, what do I do? Oh yeah. my Last player standing. I want this is my right. Let's go. One's coming from Blink. Nice. Nice. Okay. he's going to do it. Okay, She's doing it. Oh, one. all one bullets. You also might be muted. Uh I had one's but I think I might have died to the upshot. Anyway, **** That was soo. Enough with the did you just try to justify having one bullet? by saying you would have died to the upshot anyway. I mean, you need to stop downplaying these things. you needed to reload. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I didn't notice though. I never noticed. I didn't either. A 6 year old. They're all glowing and purple and stuff and a very nice job. Nice pick. I'm going in. I can't use the phantom for some reason. Oh my god. There's two heavens. Oh, he's **** **** I had absolutely no one and that's okay. Oh, one uh flanking. Eww. Yeah. I'm going to just to the right. To the right. To the right. Move out. You're going to chase him. You're going to kill him. The remaining. Yeah. And now what? On your left on your left. Oh, nice. Well done. Where's the where's the apple? Oh, no0. No, wait. We're so rich. You just buy another You can just fine. This isn't it? Yeah, you can buy, you can buy a ton of for I'm going to try hopping actually. Okay. Uh you know, we all get on. Uh there's an extra vandal. It's spawn. If I change my mind, Guys, what if we just, we just, we just go in Where is this? I don't know. Oh my god. I'm so excited. My eyes are brighter than yours, right II dropped it off. I don't want to We got it. We should probably go with this. Is everyone hiding? one remaining. **** genius. He's a **** genius. Oh, I did that too soon. Molly herself up. Oh my I was so I think I'm always going to plant there. Switching sides up. Alright, this is our side. Yeah, it actually is. How long do you think I could just ignore my wisdom teeth growing in This is the most stupidest. Um so you don't want it starts to hurt really bad. You don't want to wait for that. Wait a second. Wait, what? Well, if it doesn't hurt, what's the problem? Oh, I have three of them because I'm a freak. No, no, no. Well, I guess also it might shove your teeth to be more crooked if it gets crammed but you have a room and it doesn't hurt, then I don't see what this is. Honestly, I know Revealing area. I think it's a Yeah. Can you watch on the right. They're not committing to my it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um but wait, you wait. what? How did he III? Don't even he was smoking. He was smoking. Oh my god. Oh my god. In heaven. Oh god. there's two One enemy remaining. Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry. I should've killed him. I don't know why they were. I felt like I emptied the entire clip. I'm shaking. Oh, I found her. She's right here on this bike. to see. Oh. Oh. Fifty-two. She's on her. She was on her wall and she's in ropes. Now. I am I looking at it. I don't know. 30 seconds left. At least she's in. She's in She's yeah, she's letting it I figured she would do that. Oh, she's never going to see this coming. I'll be having of course planted. Yeah, I'm getting her to look at me. Oh my god. That's like out of a horror movie. Oh my gosh. My morale would be at an all time low from that Wow. That. wow. What a twist. Yeah. you've really committed the whole Oh my goodness. And you didn't stop. It's crazy. chili and thing. The enemy. I don't believe in a Hey, you guys. Uh There Spike down. B. One enemy remaining. Last one's garage. They they really try to rush it and uh yeah, they tried. them. I hate when I feel bad destroying another tea but then all my other games I get destroyed. You know, you can't feel bad. You can't feel bad. Yeah. Yeah. You don't feel bad because you're popping off Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta make it quick and painless. We just gotta keep rolling. Yeah. Yeah, they can if they want to. deleted. **** hell, bro. On the on the last two. I don't want to hear it. They had an off match .3. Sorry. There you go. II ran out. I don't normally run out. It went crazy with power. She's just too strong now. They want me. How do you guys feel? Alright, let's go. Let's go. What? I mean, what are they going to do after You think you think we'll just lose like ten in a row? Alright, who's going first? And we said, okay, of course is going There's a Oh, we're behind. What do you mean from behind? I didn't know about the like Oh god. Please. please. Of course, of course. Of course. there's always a PM there isn't there? Yes. Where will they go this time? Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Uh It was almost fun. He's really padding his KD. I can't believe it. Yes. You want to help I was having a good time. Alright, rolls off. spike down. Mid. one remaining. This one's market. It is what it is. It's just a dizzy. How you guys feeling? Take the insanely. We're all still bronze. Yeah. Oh, I almost demoted. So that that brought me up nice. Oh, wow. Actually, you were going to demo if we lost them. Yeah. No, I really was really close to nice. We came in clutch when it mattered. Mm hmm. You done Okay, thanks for the games. Is everyone else done? What's happening? What's happening? What's who's still going? Oh, okay. I I'll play if everyone's still playing. I just woke up. You just woke up at four. later guys. Bye bye. Thanks for the games. Yeah. thank you. Later. Do we need someone? Yes. Preferably someone low rank but it has a low rank. I like ending on a win. Oh, wait. are you trying to end right now? Um I was one one. I'm feeling good about it. I see that means we'll always end on a win. Is this you? What uh what game are you guys playing? Uh he's blinking too. Yeah. Yeah. Flick. flick it passed Alright. Wait, we have. we're very low low rate. Sean. Very low rank. Yeah, me too. Uh huh. Okay. Wait, how low is low? bronze? Silver. silver. We have a silver three or our lowest is bronze. Bronze. Three. ears dying. with my food. I can't. There's no way I can continue. Just go get your food. I'll get you. Can. Are you crazy? You want me to get my food plate And listen, You gotta play one more. Are we going to win? We're going to win. Don't worry. We're going to win. We're going to win. We got the. Alright, let's stand together. Okay, fine. This is it. This is we're going to end on a win. Why are you? What is that? Just it's going to be **** hilarious if we lose and it's like uh we had a lot going on. You know, we don't make the rules. we lose and we will play again. Yeah. Yeah. She only ends on wins. I'll keep that in mind. Wait. What do you mean? No. Okay. We shouldn't lose on purpose to. Okay. Uh the fate will be in your guys' hands. It's not mine. That's too much pressure. Hey, you guys heard of Fortnite among us yet? Yes. Yes. Oh my god. Can you tell me more about it? No. Alright. you. You just wanted to say that I toast like you want to make a lobby. I'm just asking if you have a Fortnite among us. How many players? Max? Is it? probably ten? Is it like top down or is it like Fortnite? It's like Fortnite. I think it'd be fun to try. There's also um Fortnite. I mean, the Fortnite. There's among us us in VR and it's like hyper realistic and the graphics are like insanely good. What the heck? I don't know if you guys would like it though. It's kind of scary looking The future is now Just you can't say that. No, you guys can't say that. Oh, we can say in the Korean accent. Google. who are you? You you guys are going to go stop Stop. No. What's up? This is this is so messed up. It's okay. You guys are. I can't. I can't. I said if every morning you said, oh, I to be honored No, I'm just what? I'm offended that you greet me in my second language every morning. What the heck? I can see uh Tess if you want to play something else, I'm going to play a little rock I'm Yvonne. Can you please plant the spike? No. How about I make you a deal? It's not like you're no, I'll make you a deal each time you plant the spike. I'll buy you I'm Starbucks. I can't plant the spike. We should all die so we can all the spike. Yeah, you should plant this spike **** lineups and stuff. Don't you want, you know, that's the whole reason why I can't plant the spike is because I have lineups. I mean, what are you going to play? Um Sean can do it. Probably the usual Ray can do it. Yeah, I just want to pick up the spikes of Avon has to. What the? Come on, man. No one pick up the thing you got the turds. Okay, I'll be a healer for us so we can heal. I'll be right back. Oh, she's going to slash us. What? I meet a woman. in a flash. Well, I'm going to blind you. Huh? the sun into your eyes. Oh no. They have a they have a they have, they're they have They also have a I got this and I'm not leaving until we're done out here. Yeah. I'm good at Okay, I'm going to throw um a long C and I'll let you guys know what it is, okay? Okay. This guy's name. Is it Dory? So, he's a **** weeb. We have to kill him. Who's that from again? That's the new one. down. The one with the curse. Oh, there you go. That's fun. I'm with a knife. What is going on? I can't keep him right there. Oh, oh, she's still on the left. I can hear all this stuff. That's right. Oh, they're planting already. Spike planted. Reloading. You're crazy. Oh my god. I'm right behind you. Launching smoke. Oh my last player standing. I got it. The rain is coming up behind me. Yeah, the rain is **** you dumb **** **** Oh yeah. Tell em. Tell em. Okay. That's right. Oh. Oh. Straight under. I did it. I love you. still hungry. I'm sure I can chase after the game. Sean And then I'm buying a marshal and I need you to pick something that can be fifty damage. I love this. Don't give them ground. Are we doing it all? Yeah. we just stick together the whole time. Yeah, I had to. Chanel. Oh. Oh. She's in the cabin. The cabin? Yeah. Okay. I have a poison for Cubby. Oh, I hit her. She's um yeah, we'll grab How do you know? Head shots. Oh, one garage. There's some garage. Yvonne. Okay. That was that. spikes planted. It's a warm up. It's a warm-up. Wait, what? We're we're we're done. We got some bad news. Wait, wait. Guys. you problem is I'm not. I promised I am was and I will Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. What the hell? I got one. launching smoke. See? See? See? See? Oh yeah. They're in the garage. You hold window. I hold garage. There's one more. Nice one remaining. That's it. Oh yeah. it. jeez. Can I play a long Okay, I'm going to give you all the information you need. Okay. Time to mobilize my Oh, they're rushing. now. Smoke's down. Oh god. buried. here. Nice. us. One down. One enemy remaining. Oh, Yvonne with the biggest flank. Yvonne Name blank. Spike is me. like he's garage. could be wrong. Oh, I wish so hard. Thirty-five. I'm going to watch it one more time. It's not so tough. Oh, this wall is prevention. So, we know what we're doing. Trust each other and we'll be fine. Alright, Yvonne, do you buy here? gun here. You're doing business. Yes. Is that how you do business? Talk I'll never know. I'll be like this. Oh. Yes, sir. Launching smoke. spotted. I hear short a lot. Short. That **** out of me. Yeah. Nice. Someone's it hurts. Oh my god. You got spike. Spike. Okay, Up. down. It's her. It's her race. Bianca. on your right. On your the right on the right. Go. Go. Go. Go. I'm going to pick right here. Right here. Oh, she's dead. What? She saw me. Oh, AT shirt. T shirt. AT shirt. Holly. Okay, I have two 360. Oh yeah. He's in that hallway. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. Why was it so close? Huh? What? I want I didn't for anyone. If anyone wants to off, I'll give you the option as well. anyone with a practice? No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A fun They're not. Are you okay? Smoke's down. Come on. Oh my god. They're rushing anytime now. They're all the all five one C. Oh man. What we're doing. Spike planted. Easy. Easy. Easy. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah, yeah. I'm not getting here. We're pushing you. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I missed every single shot. No, no, you don't. You don't need to think you did. We saw, we saw this is one we we we were there. I'm going to this Oh, so weird with this lag all the time. Oh, you're lagging. Oh yeah. The internet is not great today. You know, we're all but don't you and toast share the same internet. Yeah, but we might be a different line, you know, launching smoke. I hear you. I've got your trial. Okay, I need help. out of my way. Just a different thing. the nouns. One. One. My god. One enemy remaining. There's one That's right. Wow. You saved me. Nice. Oh my god. Oh my god. Saved my life. Oh, I want their life not yours. Oh, I'm going to see I think they're not going to come see me. I will play over here and I will run back if you want me. I feel like I got a launching smoke. I'll go Oh, okay. he's spotted. one. one garage. Spike down a There's someone here. Check your right. Move forward. Move forward. You have to help them move forward to the right, To the right, to the right. You want me to you want me to do you want you want? No. No. You won't go through it. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go through it. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's to the right. Look to the right. Yeah. go. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Alright, now, go for it. Go left. Go. go forward. Go. Yeah, right here. Right here. Right here. Right here, right here. Okay. This um Another short one. Okay. Okay. And you're walking. You're still walking. So confused in my life. Go for it. You can help you. Oh, good try. Good try. Oh, wait. Your mom's got this. She's the best radar in the world. It's good. It's good. That's great. Let's ruin their day. That's a great job. Dang you. That was the most confusing calls I've ever heard You did it perfectly. That's four left, right, right, right. Because of those combs Uh I think a horn kind of just, I don't know. Um yeah, you're welcome. Don't get in my way. I'm just going to be okay. Is that Oh my god. Dude, I could've collided all of the **** Is it me? They're all see right now. Yeah. Yeah. Down on site. Spike down C. garages, garage. You know what's the planted? Yeah. Yeah. You want, you want to clear your mouth first? Oh yeah. yeah, yeah. The one garage. one back side and move up and look to your right. Oh, she was on the left. **** Oh my god. Hey, boy. Drink some water, Reload your mags, and let's get back out there. Yeah. Are you a garage? Are we leaving? on You can see we can save Yeah, I'll wipe out here. launching smoke. Oh, wow. Wow. Are you kidding me? Oh, I got hit through the wall. Oh my god. It's It's garage. Garage. You gotta push up. Open up the sky. Oh. Oh. well done. Is there a gun there? Uh Yvonne has a gun, right? Wait, that means they're a right. Let's hear it II. hear me. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Enemy's Spike planted. You got it. **** you're standing. no. Not like this. Yeah. I'm going to start playing at Tuscany, right? Yeah. Yeah. They like to uh swing out of right here. Mm hmm. Okay. That's nice. Very consistently. It's okay. Then I'll uh. can you play the garage after or you can come to you? I'm going to challenge you all I can. Poison garage. Smoke's down. He's out. That's right here. Oh my I've got your trailer. and beacon down. nice to save my life for you there. Uh I'll take a garage right now At least two more. Nope. Not yet. Maybe. Nice. Like be god. No. Oh. what the **** Last round before the switch. Don't say anything. Last chance to use our stuff. Alright, last round. Would you like to see him in the garage II? Like both. It doesn't matter if you have a preference. I'm going to put in garage with a shotgun. Oh, good. Yeah. they've really, really like garage. we survive. Get out of my way. Oh, okay. Oh, out of charge. Oh, they're pressing a right now. One could be there. launching smoke. two On-site. One behind you. Wow. Oh my god. Switching sides. You can block the enemies. What? They're blind. This is our side. You guys don't play. I love Yeah. Same. I'm going to flash garage. actually. Check out this I'm going to try and get into the cubby here and then I'll do for us. Safety's off. Uh are you going to, are you going to like this? uh what's left and right? Not garage. I can walk garage in Ct. Are you ready? Set smokes down. Oh. Oh god. I can't believe I'm shorty shorty. oh oh no. Go. go. go. go. right side right side. He's behind the box. Nice. Nice. Oh, is not clear. That is not cleared. One more on the left, Yvonne. Two more. Two more. PC PC. Thirty-two 1820. Last player standing. One enemy remains. Oh. No0. It's on top. That's six shots on the jets. Deep breaths everyone. Okay. What what is, what's the call here? Are we forcing? It's I'm feeling confident. Yeah, I'm alright. I'm in and we still going to see We can play AI. Think it's a with uh Mgs. Sucks. Let's go right here and wait. Let's go. Launching smoke. There's 101 short as well. Whoa. Like everyone's dead. Oh, nice. Wait, how did you get six bullets? that window. Yeah, I went down. when he's jumping around like a moron. One remaining down. so hard. Yeah. Let's go. I don't know what to do. You're fine. How about how how do you feel about It's a take. Oh, I don't have any my god. I forgot I didn't have poison. He's alright. That's good. Oh my god. Poison **** nuts. One V five actual one V five. I can't believe it. Uh you're actually so cracked. Wait, that was **** crazy. Holy Holy macaroni and cheese and pepperoni another day. Uh you know what? I have That's what you get. Get out of my way. Oh yeah. Bulldog. Uh 000. They're pushing up in. They're pushing out in out. Yeah. Oh, nice. He's he's in the window. One window. Oh. to. I'm going to plant it. See? One enemy remaining. Do they have guns a chance? Uh there's a Bando in here. Okay. And there's a on my body. Where is that? Is that? They said Afk. I guess we could check. Alright, man. I'll go check. Yeah, they're checking. What's your knife out? There's no lying. Oh, that was stabbed in the back. It's okay. You can't call it here. Wait, I didn't get a gun. I didn't get a gun. I didn't get it. I didn't get a gun. Wait, wait. I don't need a standing in between us and I just had to. Yeah. Yeah. Need equipment. 0000000. My goodness. What? Oh my god. Made him rage. Quit. So happy. I love when they quit. Oh my Smokes down. even says right. you guys to watch out. I'll be It's nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. Okay. I think we got going on that good. Yeah, I'm on a wall right side. Oh, the rain is out in the garage. Okay. We're in the last one. This is on B. He's like, yeah. Alright. 30 seconds left. If I got this spike. Oh and that's the it seemed funny up there. Oh, it's on. What about Yeah. Well, there's five of us and four of them. We should just. Yeah, we should just. Yeah. Yeah. True. I have Yeah. You follow my brussel sprouts. There's no way. Oh, honey Bacon and Brussels sprouts. I just followed the cabbages with guns out. We got some roasted. That's Are you running it? Oh, don't. I'm running it. Oh, that's we got this one. I'm still running. It's just the it's just the it's just it's just the it's just. Oh Well, we can't see. It's not right. I just got. I'm going to smoke. He's down. Hello, Reloading. One remaining. Oh, I got him. Oh heaven. heaven. heaven. Last one's heaven. Oh, she dashed Yeah, she got launching smoke. I'm to you. one. Oh, nice. please. So, we do the same thing as what you're saying. Uh sky's back. Oh, you need to drop I'm the rage but oh my god. Thank you. Oh, this guy's back but not really kind of. I think I have. you know what to do. I'm I'm going to go in. Okay, I'm here. down. That's clear. Are you guys ready to go see on the flash? Okay. it. Backside. Almost. Almost. Almost. one in to see. Yeah. Jett. One enemy remaining. She's the last one. Oh, they haven't typed AFK yet. It could be any. It's defender. Yes. Six. Six. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Ivonne. it's time. It's time. You have to, you have to plant the spike. Whoa, whoa, whoa, me. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You want vandals? Oh, wait. I don't want the phantom. Wait, wait. Where the vandal go? Hey, wait a minute. I could have bought this. Come on. This ain't you. Hi, push up. Push up. Push up. Push up. Push up. Nice. Oh, they're losing it. They're losing it. Where the **** are you? He's still there. He's still there. Holy **** I got him. Go for the default is B. Spike. Oh, wait. No, that's not. No. No. it's good. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Oh, that's default. Careful garage. You will not kill my allies. Oh **** Okay. Out of charges. I think it missed toast. No way. No way. Last player standing. Open up the sky. I can I'll do it Is your enemy in the eye. It kills Reina. Reina, Get out of my way. Get I swear to god I just have to throw one. Nice. Nice. I'm you. Thank you. Thank you. that be launching smoke and if we go Missy, I have no idea. Okay, I'm in a wall garage, and city. I'm just going to go in. I'll flash again. I'm planning default. I've got your trail. launching smoke. the cop one in the garage. I don't think anyone's. Thank you. Okay, one's back left. Nice. Me. I got it. Yeah. Oma's garage. Nice. Wow. I got a bird and then I woke up and I thought I was. I was I was wondering. I was like, I've never seen anyone chill in my smoke like this before. Ever. Waiting for it to end. I think it's a little crammed in here but it's okay. Okay. the good news is the rain is really impatient. So, she's definitely, yeah, I think they're angry. It couldn't come back from ace. Yeah, it is what it is. and then they had a DC Oh, oh, one's pushing out bid right now. Oh, Oh. Nice. Oh, nice save. Nice save. Thank you so much. What? Oh, one. Uh B. that's You're bird. Yeah, I **** **** What am I burning in? Oh, I'm just going to do this. Thank you. man. What is good? Just boxing. oh, one enemy remaining. Oh, oh, I think. See here. 2120. so lit. Sneeze on him. What do you say? Yeah, he was long. Oh my god. Okay. 120. It's just that easy. match point. Alright, man. You are you ready to lead us in? Yes. Lead us in Lead us in. Thank you. Um I will go see just in case. Oh, Just in case. just in case Why do we lose this? I'm feeling confident. I do. You think you're Wait. Wait. wait. Wait. I don't like. I don't like that question. I really don't like that. I really don't like that question. Oh, it's you. You're dying on purpose. Oh no. I just died. Spike. one garage spike planted. They never like me. I help you. Yeah, right there. Right there. No, no, You got look. Yeah. Perfect. Right here. Right here. Oh yeah. Yeah. One. Oh, you see him. You see him? Nice. Alright, now, Sean in on purpose. Oh, she's a she has. she's a right to go get the skin. Hey, there's no there's no, there's no way. she's tricking us, right? She's alive. Oh. Oh my god. Attackers win. out. Oh my god. This city We are not funny because it's true. It's satisfying. Okay, we are. she was the one who started it. Yeah. She started it. We started it. We're only defending ourselves. Yeah. She's I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't II always have it muted. So I trust us. Trust me. We'll throw it back. She was the person that she laughed at me a lot. Yeah. Imagine laughing at me aces to her after. Oh my god. She activated my trap card. It actually did the the rain So, how is that? Lg Is that it guys? Oh, listen. You guys are the streamers. Alright. Is there anyone who wants to go What's up? My food's not here. So, let's go. You go get your food. I think I did already. I don't I don't want to eat. You can make your camp super small. It's so tiny. It's a scent. you know, and II like that. Even though I do. You can't just pick. I'm going to eat. What do you mean? You can't? I can't. I can't and I don't know. I don't like eating on cam either. I don't like it. You make your can really small or like, you know, really, really small. Yeah. Yeah. You make it super small cam. Yeah. There's no way. There's no way. There's no way. Oh my god. It's so cute. I thank you so much. Is that you can't see me waving my hands. Hi, Is that your hands? They look like toothpaste. You Hi. I can't see. it. must be the rain. Oh god. is perfect. I can eat now without feeling judged. It's so cute. match found. Are you sure that you want to keep playing brim? I legit looked over and thought that was a bug on my screen. it's it's moving and it was so tiny. It was like in my peripherals. That's you were moving it like the way a fly flies. No. No, I wasn't. Well, you're that fast. so fast before you eat, if you rub your hands together like a fly does. What is that? Oh my god. No, I don't. I've seen her do that before. What a great Before she peeled off the cheese from her pizza. slammed burritos and she absolutely slander uses the wrap as a bowl and it's not like it's you. That's actually not even my thing. Alright, Mia, I literally have it like proof video proof of it. It's in one Listen, guys, You're being fooled right now. You guys are in a different parallel universe and I'm I'm getting I'm actually getting free for that one. The burrito, I'm getting framed. Are we sure you're bringing that to Tiktok? Tell them Literally video Tell them. Tell them. Tell them. Bye. Hang on. I'm I'm googling Icebox. Brimstone. Unbelievable. I never, it's never on my side. We'll check the. Does anyone have a classic skin? I didn't. Such a **** lineup. We came up with this one. Oh, that's kind of tough. No, no. I'll take the skinny one. Oh, this one. Nice. Okay. I'm a medic. You are SpongeBob. could yell my leg. You need to yell that in order for me to come heal, you yell me. What the **** Don't worry. I only revealed like who's legs Malik who's running in? That's it. But we don't post. I can't see. I can't see. Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, I'm above above. That's it guys. Alright. Alright. Give me the spike. Give me the spike. Okay, I know you have the spike. No, It's like that. You can keep it. Oh. oh, there's a camera there. There's a camera there. There's a camera. You don't I think that's what you do. alright. I got you right. No one will work. be okay. You have a lineup, right? I have a lineup. Do you have lineups? Right. Do you have your uh I have one Molly. Yeah, that way. That way. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Alright. Alright. Oh **** One more Spike. Spike. Shoot the box. Me. Shoot the I interrupted. I shot him in the face. Nice. Nice. I don't You just. Okay, Mia, just walk. Keep walking up. He's he's on it. He's not on it. Run up. Run up. Run up. Run up. Go. Go. Run. At least you got him. At least you got him. We didn't know it's half. It's okay. Yeah. Let's try. Let's try. Oh, you want. I know. No. no, I don't. but I won't. I won't. I already bought it. Oh, we're forcing. I told us the secret agent. I'm going to zip line in plant and zip line now. like a secret agent. Um but you need us and then there's a problem with your toast. It has to be secret and they're all going to see you. It's not, I don't know. No, no, no, no, no. You guys. when I'm about to zip across. You guys need to do is shoot a lot of gunshots. So, it's the sound Don't use that III Can't yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. I'm I'm secret lining. first headshot. What's good? What's good? It's a specter in heaven. Oh, I see it. Oh, he raped her. Oh, CTC 1ct Me. I'm going back. Okay. Alright. It takes about an hour for me to get to my spot. Are you there? Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. You're not there. You're there. Oh, I missed my job. you guys. yeah. One more. One more. Okay. Oh, he's up. He's up. If I'm dead, does that mean II? Got it. I got a weed Oh, wait. That's a cool plant spot. That's ages. what I'm back. That's sad. I died. That means I don't get a cool gun this round. I don't ever feel like they're having hella fun. Yeah. it's you hear me? Yeah. Where's okay, I got it right here. I try it. Try to cover the the rusty. Oh. Oh. uh huh. Alright, It's my it's my you need this. Here you go. I'm I'm a doula now. I'll I'll run first and then you can take my gun if I die. Oh, let's go. One's on the left side. I'm blind. I'm blind. I'm blind. in launching smoke. Oh, what's up? It's a fantastic and I'm out, baby. Oh, **** I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Why are you here? 111. Yes. Yeah. I don't know what to do here. one screen. Oh my god. **** I accidentally. I saw that. on my hand slipped on the rope and I fell I'm in this one. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's just the first couple of it's we got guns Now, here's what we do. That's what we do. We actually run it this but I'm going to smoke A. Okay. Okay. So, actually, no, no, we're going to walk here. We walk here. uh sword in the blue bird. Yeah, I'll get hit by it. I'll get hit by it. You guys walked right here but don't go just yet. I won't pull them off. We're going to wait in this room. Okay, we're going to do this in this room among us, among us. again. I'm among us. Alright, go. Push. Push. Push. Push. I don't think I don't think they're confused. They're confused. No. Go. Go. Go. Go. They are 100%. confused. There's one more. There's one behind you guys. Got him. Got him. Get down. Get down. Go. Go. Go. out of him. Okay, I get the ball. Get the ball. Huge wall. **** yeah. There's one. Mia. You guys like One enemy remaining. Oh, I got you. Oh, he knows where I don't want to teleport me for stealing. Is he blind on your right? He's behind me. Oh, what was what was the telephone? Oh, well, you see, sometimes it Doobie. Sometimes it's Scooby Dooby Doo Scooby Doo Doo. You're just, I don't know. Alright, back to the old plan. Secret agent. No good agent. I'll force with you guys. I could um I can't alt as well if I can get the spike down. I'm going to play through. I want to see you after after smokes. I'm going to try and get a blank on the cover now. battle suit. One boiler. I had no one make noise for the next 20 seconds. I'm going to need another. I am I supposed to have uh wait? You're not a secret agent. Am, am I supposed to come get it to you? Well, I need one more. Yeah, yeah. Come give it to me. Drop down, drop down, drop down, drop down, drop down, drop down, drop down. Am I flank. Yeah, you saw one. Let's kill him. I did. You just saw one on your right, did I? Yeah. Straight and right. She might be behind you. Oh, never mind. Der ist verrückt. Hi. launching smoke. Oh, wait. Oh, backside. backside. Backside. spotted. That's the Baltimore. Look up. spotted AC's out of cages. Nice one. Let's go. It's over. You're dead. Molly. no. Last player standing. Walled it. Oh. Oh. they learn from last time. I need a gun that can walk like that. alright. I got you. Well, if you if you plant closer to the window, then she can't build the wall there. Oh. oh, that's true. It'll break you. You want to try it again? Twist it right in front of the details. So, um this direction Yeah. I'm going to watch for flank this time. cover going out. Get out of my way. Okay, there's there's a lot happening. That would be right back there. The left side up here. I think they stacked B. launching smoke. There's another one. Oh, nice. Frank. Frank. Frank. Wow. Nice. Thank you. Thank you. What heaven. Oh, AK backside. Nice. Nice. Nice. This is uh greens. He has to wait. It's that up. That's our up. Yeah. I don't have to pick in the. I'm peeing. I'm peeing. Oh, heaven. Heaven. Alright. Alright. Stomping Fortnite. Nice. stay in the range of my beacon. I'm mow them down. Alright, Who wants to be a secret agent? Not I don't do it. uh secret agent Sean. He can also wall off the right side so they can't climb up. Oh, here's a spike. There you go. So, do you like just not get shot while while you're doing it or Well, it's hard for them to actually like react in time So, I would actually suggest you like this off and then. plants It's a little controversial. I'll be honest. I need 6 seconds for uh okay. 104 Phoenix. He has a specter. Alright. let's I did. You get in position up here and let me know. Oh, I'm not inside. He's not there anymore. Oh, he just. Yeah, he is. Wait, where'd he go? I'm in plank. Nice, man. What gun is that? He left to the left side of the Oh, it's the one that killed me. I think comes to join you guys. Uh they have a better gun if you want me. Y'all some old. Okay. 30 seconds left. I ain't coming. I'm going to I wait for my smokes. to go for a plan on default. Okay. Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah. Watch the secret agent. Secret agent. Oh, you have to go fast. Yeah. Yeah. 000. She got it. She another one. One. got it. Where is nice. We don't know where the last one is. Oh, it's Etc. Oh, this is don't don't be here. wait. I'm going to hurt you but I thought I heard here. Yes, that's right. I thought I heard screams. now II don't know. Nice. the rope. Pull up the guy. Yeah. Wait, was he? He was watching you. Yeah. Nice. Oh my god. I was not ready for that. Thank you. Need a drop. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh my god. He's rich. You're sure. Bye. Let's do it. If that's the case, then you're going to buy me this instead. Thank you. You have to make them forget that. Uh sometimes we have to go. Maybe they don't know beacon down. Oh, I'm swinging 321. Okay, go. He's coming. You're dead. Oh, I see his body. I see his body. I'm all for you. Oh, **** Oh **** They're having. They're having, I'm I'm in a bad place. I'm going to play it now. My allies This is. Oh god. This is crazy. I don't know what's going on. One remaining time. I'm done. they were What the **** happened? I can't believe I'm alive. What's up? I don't even know. Oh my god. I hit six different people somehow. Oh my god. I hit the phoenix. then I hit his alt. Then I hit the jet and then I hit him again. When he got. You're toasty. If you're old, you want to plant for it. You have a lineups? I do. right now. actually red. You could use it out. Okay, where do I plant it? Oh, you just zip across and you plant it. Okay. It's really that easy. Alright. So you you zip up to our going in Alright, let me smoke for you first. Alright, go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Yeah. it it it Why'd you play it? What are you doing? Oh, there's one at the fridge. one remaining. Uh please. come on. You're not I'm out of here. Get me out of here. I hope I don't die again. I did my job. Okay, I'll be embarrassing. Great work. It's probably going to say right? It's probably not. It's not my legs. need some water. Reload your mags and let's get back out there. This plan never fails. It never fails. Let's just keep doing it. I have another plan but it's might just be too crazy. No, let's just do it. Okay. So, we're going to get everyone on a like. We're going to fight them all. We're going to win this fight and then you're going to hold here and play at the bomb. Okay? I hear me. Here we go. I love it. Perfect. Perfect plan. Let's go. Yeah. let us let us let us scan us. Nice one. Oh, that's he's. There you go. Not yet. Not yet. Keep looking. Keep looking at plank. Okay. See I had to kill the flag. Get the flag to me. Oh **** Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. They're standing. Uh Cypher. one shot. He's up in heaven and they're just running to the spike. Yeah. no, it's cool guys. You get for sure like It happened so fast. Yeah. I would say come up with the loss. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh. my god. It's like whack a mole. Wait. We want this site all about. We're on Max. You're supposed to come with us. Yeah. Yeah. What the heck? What? What? What the heck? Well, we need to redo the plan. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Stay away. me. Stay away. I don't think this is it. Me, I'll hold it. I'll hold it. Yeah, I'm Walker Walker Walker. Yeah. Let's go. Yeah, come outside with us. Our secret agent today. Okay, I'm watching Strategically calm down. Oh yeah. but he's at the top top middle thing. You know what I'm planting a No, I can't. I can't even know that. I guess II. Okay. Oh my Wait, I have to like this. Don't die. Don't die. Don't die. Move to the left. To the left. Back up. Back up. Back up. Back up. I'll I'll go out. Go out now. Out Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Good. Planted. Go. They're kitchen. the kitchen right now. So, guys, wait. They're going to fuse. wait. Do you hear him fussing? No, we're we're not. We got it. Nice. Nice. Let's go. I'm just going to cut her off. You think that's? Oh, I didn't have a specter this time. Last round in the half. Wonderful. That was great. Uh No, I died instantly right after. So, it wasn't that you did your job. It was great to shake hands with Carlos over here. Right here. Oh, yes. I should be there please. Crouch and so you can see he's small. He's beacon here. I love it. you. Why do Smoke's down. Okay, Well, let's just run. you know, why are we walking? That's one. Okay, I'm just going to poop. It's a plane. Oh, it is there. One point. 1.2. 1.20. I'm still flanking. Yeah. No. spike you. Oh yeah. Let's all stay in. Hell yeah. One remaining. That's the fun. Yeah. There's no way. trying to get. Let's go. And I just saw they're switching sides. Because I killed the jet. You saw her? She was dangling to the smoke. If you want to do this the the brass. What? What is that You need teleport So, I don't have be a ghost and teleport you those two things. okay? This one. Yeah, Just one. Okay. Great Will also be your tag team partner here. What is that? It's called the push and pull. You're going to, you're going to teleport right there. and you're going to crouch. Okay. You want me to tell How do I don't wear? No, no, wait. The wall will go down and then you can tell it from there. You just can't get right. When this wall goes down, then teleport. Okay, Launching smoke, huh? Go, go, go, go, go, go for it. Go for it. You can do it. You can do it. Okay. Now, Okay. I think it's going to be a but we have Yeah. Quite a few. You can Okay. Uh uh I wrapped it on real, real, real. middle, middle, middle, middle. Oh my god. Oh, he's down. to the screen. Down. One enemy remaining. Okay, guys. This is bad. They did not see. You can do it again. Okay. Clean, clean. Alright. Okay. I'm going to fold them to you. Okay. I don't know what that means. Like, I'm basically, they're going to do that. Me and they're not even going to look at you. Okay. I can't wait as long as you want. You can even wait for me to die if you want. No, II. don't know. I don't have to discipline. Okay. you can do it. Okay. She's learning almonds. It's down. Oh, it's alright. I want to see it. work, isn't It's a again. I can hear you. one Afk. Reload. Oh, he jump in. Jump in. Nice guy. Oh **** that's what the heck. I did not expect that. She was just camping there. Yeah. Oh, Phoenix with it. Yes. he quit it. He quit it. Okay, But now they will come be request. 000000. Wait, No0. Okay, wait. What is this? No, this is the bonus round. We have enough for next round, right? Yeah. Yeah. This is a bonus bonus bonus. We never at the dude. confused. I don't know. Oh, I guess it didn't matter because they have four players like, what are they going to do? Oh, Oh god. Oh the other one. He drafted. He's probably on top of yellow. Yeah, he's doing that. They're on. Be ready. All of them. What the Last two. Oh my god. is actually drew a circle around him. I smoked to block the enemies line of sight. Once they're blind, What happened to the plan? What's the plan, guys? I didn't go. Yeah. Oh yeah. You gotta do it again. You gotta do it again. Okay. Now for sure that you're going to go up but you have to hurry It's too far. I won't make it in time. I'll teleport up there. Yeah. I can't wait to teleport up there. I'll be This little one. I'm going to sit right here. They're here. They're here. They're here. They're here. They're here. Let them come. get this one. Oh, that's so true. Pull him Pull them. smoke on Cypher. I mean, you're just killing them. I'm just. You're just killing it. Oh, he dropped her gun up there. I had a vandal on my body. You guys are totally going A. That's alright. It's a four V two. As long as we go together and definitely not split up, we'll be fine guys. The fastest way to catch the criminals to split up a Scooby Doo. True. I mean, Scooby Doo where are you? Okay, the ice, the ice ball. Let's go. Spike planted. demons. Yvonne's blinding. one. Nice. not the you hoped for. Look at me. and know that I am by your side. Come by. You just drop. Thank you. And you. Safety's off. Get out of my way. I'm leaving. Oh god. The Jets in the sky with knives. god. We're powerless. Rest It's not where Where are you? Where are you? Spike planted. There's one. Open up This. One enemy remaining. Yeah, right. Wow. Mia and I suffered so you guys can run. Yeah. this is dispensing. it was miserable. He altered and then the splashes and then the chest the dashing and the dies. to the party. Your duty is left over. Oh, wait. I'm alive. Wait, wait. Did you, do you have for us? Oh, it worked out. I thought that was some sort of like, you know, resin and keep your res Oh yeah. above. I don't like me very much. everyone. I'm going to post this and if I die, remember me. Alright. They're here. They're good. Where is he? launching smoke. You will not kill my wife. He knows. Oh, I'm so bad. I lost. It was ghost for the Phantom. shots. Five bullets in me so bad. Spike planted. Last player standing. bro. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to. Oh, nest. Oh my god. There you go. I'll make them. Oh, I'm poor. and I can buy I can buy. Okay, now, I need this. Please. John, please. Do you remember? If I hear them again, I'm I'm just kind of old to a right here, Right here. in Beacon here. There's two here. Reloading. beacon. I did eighteen jet forty pages. That's all she's got. Yellow box. yellow box. mode. the yellow box. I can't tell. you is one remaining. Oh, wow. Like an assassin. that I like I did. That was so sick. Yeah, I totally did it on purpose, guys. Totally. It was it was. I didn't think so. I think I just hope they hit him and sometimes they do. we win with your back. beacon here. Oh, it's a Come on out. Nice. Oh, that was a clean shot. Oh, I'm going to watch. I think that might be enough. Yeah, that's enough. Oh, they're still pushing sites right here on site now. That was the one. Oh, clean. Clean, clean. There's an awkward. Oh, that you don't swing it. Alice Nancy. Can you actually have Hey, you clutched one round today. on down. this. This is for you. I know they're fighting with each other. Why? here. He's still alive. Smoke's down. Hey, Bea. down. Oh. Oh. Careful. A spawn side. that Jets. Jets here. Yeah. Ninety-eight. It's not. there's an offer that too. no one fourteen 101 get one explode. She's remaining. Yeah, she was getting orb Orb. Okay. I think we have spike. Yeah, we we should. I heard the cipher trying to plant We hear we hear we hear him. 30 seconds left. Good. That was my Lg. and a win win. thanks again. Oh. Oh my god. It's the perfect number for Oh, I know what you're going to say. What is he going to say? He's going to say split eight. Is that true, Sean? I am not a predictable Peter. So, what were you going to say? Um to the four player games. Let me know. Anyone else got any other ideas? split it. Split. clone drone in the danger zone. What is that? A real name? Avocado. Let's play skateboard. Kick that take bash. What is cake bash? That's I got the Alright, let me open my steam. Let me look through some games. Kick, kick, bash. Oh, there's this game. Oh god. It's called just Shapes and Beats. That sounds like I'm the best at it. You guys know about just shapes and beats. just shapes. $20. Oh, wait. Me. I'm into the room. I think she's gone. Can help? How do you guys need for split Exactly Four. Oh, I thought that was a three player game. No, it's not. No, that's Apex. Yeah. Uh okay, I'm going to do a game. or whatever. I honestly hung down for whatever is a rhythm game. just shapes and oh, oh, can we play? Can we play that? Can we play that? Can we play that? Wait, this looks crazy. Is that a game? Can we play? Can we play that? It's a six game. I'm really bad at rhythm games like I actually think I'm me too Or can we play rivals of other either? I don't know. just shoots and beats. that's like that this game will be fun if we play it Uh just shapes and beats Let's play it. Uh I love you. Let's play it and then we'll play rounds. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. That's what is chips and pets. Yeah, that's a good game. It's a good game. You know what? I'm opening it as we speak. or we can play Sniper Elite four action. Wait. I would actually pay you guys to play this game. Let's play the other game. Sniper. Oh my god. We're getting sponsored by Sean. Let's go. Yeah, I'll respond to you guys to play this game. What do you mean? Let's we're playing chess, shapes, and beats. Oh, sorry Sean. Wait, did you just get overruled? No. No. No. We can't. You guys can't play the sniper game because it's a single player. Oh, also photos, sensitivity, Seizure warning. Oh god. This is very flashy. No, no, no, no, no. It's not. flash bangs. Yeah. Wait. This looks really flashy. I'm actually a little photons. No cap like this actually is the heart. It flashes for, you know. options. Oh, it's just No. I don't know. I'm just saying that I'm on the butt. You didn't know Sean? Uh I don't want to. I don't want to own. Oh, I was going to download this game and throw all of it but I already finished downloading. Invite, invite, invite. Invite. Oh god, my eyes. It's already hurting. Yeah. Wait, who's this game? Wait, are we actually playing it? Because I'm going to, I'm going to buy it. Yeah, yeah. yeah, we are. Okay. But if I stop talking, come check on me. Oh my god. can reduce tyrants. You want to enable it? No, no, I didn't enabled it. Maybe, maybe we play something else too. That's what I'm saying. Oh my god. We don't have to. Oh, wow. Okay. that or not. I just love it. We are. Oh yeah. That's good. Twenty bucks to play too. Oh, okay. How about this? We play for exactly less than an hour. So, we could just still refund it. Okay, I'm good. How do I, how do I play? Uh dude, $20 is a lot to try a game. Yeah. Wait, this is sick. Dude, you'll love this. It's so cool. Thank you. It's a multiplayer mode like I have. Oh, you're a player. Wait. Multiplayer challenge. It's all in. I don't know. They're all Alright. How's that? Uh yeah, it's a challenge. Challenge, friends. Yo, Hardcore not normal. We're not beat masters. Yeah, hardcore. I can't even do normal. Yeah, I'm pretty in the lobby. not if I create the lobby first. Oh, jeez. Okay. the vibrate What? Oh, sorry. check. check. Check. Okay, you guys said it's live, right? Yeah, it's really loud. Okay. A guy that yells at you. My earbuds. I'm it's. what is that what I'm hearing? It's a warning guys. up on him. He's already losing it. on Oh. Oh. And what is it? How do you keep going? And you're in one? He said it's pick up what? you need to do in Ow. It's still so loud. I'll turn it down. I'll check. Check, check. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. I do not like hearing noises. What did you know? Can you imagine? I go up to this music. It'll just be like two beats. we've lost and we've officially lost them Who's that? Oh, check Guys, I don't know how to change my settings. Yvonne's Yvonne's at the bottom. We've lost the bonnet. I won't take my sound settings. Okay. Yvonne, Yvonne. Alright, press your windows key, Yvonne. and then right click the sound icon in your tool bar on the bottom, right? Yeah. Volume mixer. Uh huh. And then scroll till you find that the game. Js B and turn it down but like I want to turn it down in the game. It doesn't matter. You can't. Yeah. And I learned that it's better to do it like this because in game, it's still really **** loud for some reason. Okay. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm hearing the sound man. What's up? It's fine. Okay. He's not okay anymore. Okay. The the star No. join our lobby. Oh, okay. Yo, what's up? What's up? Welcome to the club. How are you doing? Oh, that's the Est alright. Alright, Yvonne Wsp. Oh, you're orange. Alright, it's invincible Dash. Alright, let's go. select your be Wait, how do you think you're being Oh, that's for sure. Light speed. It's for sure. Light speed. Speed. Let's go. I'm going to I'm so aerodynamic. How are you Dashing space? space That also is like what am I supposed to do? God This is just dodgy. I was just. Oh, who's on the left? No, How do you do that? We can arrest her. Wait. Oh, not anymore. I think she's super dead. Oh my god. Oh, how do you help? You just got all the shapes until the song's over. Oh my god. Help No0. God. Oh god. checkpoint. We're still live. Oh, you're you're you're you're you're back. Oh. oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, wait. did I-0. Oh. Oh. Thank you. Oh, help me. Help me. Oh my Oh. Oh. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We lost one. Thank you. my boy. Oh god. I'm not even right now. I just remember guys, Space bar is like, oh **** space bar is like stallion. Oh, oh, help him. Help him. Help him. We did it. Oh yeah. And I use a very very collective. We This game is so hard. We got the same rank. We all got the same point. on the right side of the screen. Wait, Why? Doesn't mean I have so much points already? 172. But you can't I'm pretty you. go. Oh, I got one. Oh, I like this one. Oh, yeah. Deadlock. Sounds good. Good luck guys. I'm going to have the left side of the screen. Oh, **** I don't like this. Just feel the music, Yvonne. Oh my god. I got you. Uh revive me. Revive me. Revive me. revive me. revive me, revive. Right there. We revive you again. Revive me. Revive me. Revive us Revivals. She's floating away. solo Chick fil A. We're back. We're back everyone. Dance, Dance. dance. My triangles bleeding. Oh **** Oh, you can fall off the screen. **** Holy **** I'm barely, I'm barely. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. What is this? space bar to swim. All gone. All gone. Oh, don't bite me. Don't bite me. Oh, thank you. I died again. You're home. You keep touching space Space. Space. Yes. Good. Oh god. It's only shot. feel the inner rhythm. in the inner rhythm. Hi. it's fine. Rewind. Alright, hang on. Let me draw some **** first. Okay. Guys, this game gives me too much anxiety. It's a good practice for the real world. is it? Yeah. Don't you have a lot of anxiety from work related stress? Oh yeah. and now you know how to handle it through this game. Oh, come on guys. Come on. What better than this? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I know that that explodes. It's all you, Yvonne. You can do it. No, I don't. Go, Sean. I have to make it to a checkpoint, right? No, it's the end. You make it. That's way better this time, right? I did. You get AD I feel like if you could, I would've gotten it. Oh, it's weird. I thought I submerged it this time around. Oh **** So intense. Long live the new fresh. Oh **** What? 000. My Oh my god. That was not fair. So, guys, come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. Okay. How do you do this **** Oh, He's charging up. Oh god. Oh god. I don't like it all stuff together. I know. pussy. I got you. Oh **** again. We gotta get your ball. Get your ball. off and get me. Thank you, Sean. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, he's swinging his first Oh, he's got two arms. That's AV at the top. Yikes. It's only you. There's no, there's no way guys. There's no way. Okay, come on. Come on. Let's get it together. Oh god. You've there's no checkpoints in the box. Remember, he grows guys. Okay. Oh, aw. Aw. Aw. I shouldn't have went. Oh my Yvonne, stop touching the boss. intrigue. I'm so **** good at this game. Oh god. He's going to drop this. No, no, no, no, no. He punched me in the face. don't like it here. Oh my god. Good. Oh my god. How was that? I don't think it is. I'll help. Oh, I've got it. Good luck. There's no way. we start all over again. Yeah, there's no checkpoints. It's been the last try to Alright. is the top like until we're done? Yeah. Oh god. Oh god. I want a clean game play boys. Uh oh yeah. Clean. You got your Pac-man already. I'm going to keep running into things this time. Well, the further you are from the bossy, the more time you have to react. Yeah. Oh god. He's still smashed me. Oh god. Oh god. Look at this. You want to look trapped under him. I am trapped. but this is where exactly where I want to be. Duke. Duke. I'm joking. Duke. Duke. Duke City. Oh **** Oh god. If you haven't yet. I'm a half square. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. **** Oh god. Come on. Nice. Nice shot. Look at that. Looks clean. Our so called holy **** I mean, we we die. We die a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Uh I don't think this is really Yvonne's game. I'll be honest. I hate the game. Yeah, I Okay. I'm going to refund this game. You know what? Me too. How do you refund the game? Uh that's a good question. Okay. settings. a refund. Well, I'm keeping it. It's so good game. How do you refund? You're refunding it now? Unbelievable. That's awesome. So much fun. Yeah. Purchases I'm going to, I'm going to type click. No, it's not what I expected. Like, where's purchases? You have to log in. like on uh the website. Uh yeah, I'll give you the link. Okay, I'll do it after then. Well, Great four player game and let's see. We could play tricky towers. I've never played that game. Well, well, well, Shawn, you're in luck. You guys ever heard of Yeah. What? Why does that sound hella full? Ragdoll fighter. Yeah. there's also cake bash. Which one sounds more fun to y'all? Cake. Cake Bash. $20 too. What's the other one? What's the other one? Avocado. A cake looks so cute. Yeah. Cake bash is definitely more of a Yvonne game. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, what do you mean? A lot of games are games. What's that game? We just played the Yvonne game. What did you say? That's just one out of like the 1% uh in cage C bash. You cook a marshmallow and eat them before they're overcooked. I'm so bad at that. That's that's stroll. You can't eat it too early or too late because nobody likes **** marshmallows. Okay, I'm done. I'm already down. It's it's one gigabyte. It's one. Okay. I watched you guys play. How about No, no, no. It's a foreplay game. It's not. Yeah. Yeah. You guys can find a four. No, it's it's time to take me. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be the tastiest cake. Yeah. Yeah. I'll I'll watch it. I'll watch it. Come on. Come on. Come on. Last game. Last game. What game? I guess I could do that. I'm surprised. team isn't worried. Like, why are you downloading all these games? and then refunding it? Yeah, no, but this one looks like it has promised I bet there's like a free steam game. that's like **** good but there's no one's discovered it. downloading Echo. No. Oh my god. She just went to go pee. Have you ever thought about pranking Yvonne? And then you put plasma? Let's crank through it. How do we prank her right now? Oh, she's gone. Hurry on. How do we prank her? It's the same. She doesn't know. I can't believe I live. She doesn't know. Alright, everyone that's listening when she sits back down to like what she doesn't know, she can't even see it when they see it now and they can say it now. She doesn't know that they laugh. Okay, the joke is our spaghetti under her bed That's the inside joke. Okay, everyone. Thank you for listening and there's spaghetti under her bed. It's under the bed. Oh my god. Oh my god. It's so you just can't see it. It's right there. I don't know. How long has it been there? She's just keeping it for fun. It looks, it looks like it's still How long has it been? There you go. That's disgusting. She doesn't hide that. She just lets anyone on stream. see it. Yeah. it's kind of annoying because sometimes like the Milwaukee like to me, it's like, oh, oh my god, of midnight snacks. Oh my gosh. She doesn't know can see the spaghetti. She does not know. There's so many noodles there. You know. It's everywhere on the floor Like she doesn't even have it on a plate. It's just on the floor. Get it. Oh. my god. That's freaking gross, dude. Well, that's just disgusting. It's actually not I got good news. This game is **** funny. Okay, You guys will love it. okay? I'm a going to download it. Wow. You are literally fighting to be the tastiest cake. This reminds me of um What's the food Movie where they'd like try to get bought and then they end up being bought and then they're they find out that they're like, oh, I can't hear anything going on. It's so loud. Oh, oh my god. Does anyone? It's so, what's it called? Hot dog food. sausage party. These controls are already so scuffed. I want to be the the chocolate cake. Yeah, there's pink cupcake, chocolate cake. What the **** is this? Come on. ring. Oh, he declares doughnuts. Chocolate muffin. How do we play? Did you do tutorial yet? Oh, you do tutorials? Wait, I can just go online. What do you have to? Yeah, Yeah. tutorial. I don't think so. Let's see if I can add to you guys and hopefully get it and I think you're, we all see it. Avon, you'll see it. We see it under the bed. It's what? It's gross, dude. That's **** gross. It's pretty gross on them. It's kind of weird but so he's ramen bed. No, no. under your actual bed. Yeah, it's literally on the screen with the good Oh god. What are you doing? I'm talking about there's nothing. I be a little weird champ. That's the mega weird. guys. I'm being weird. Okay. I mean, if you want to show it to them, it's fine. I just, we just thought it was weird. What is wrong with you guys? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Yeah, but I mean, if that's what you want, like, it's fine though. Next time I see you guys She's threatening us. Oh. Oh god. You're going to get it. Alright. Don't say I didn't warn me. I accept my invite. I'm trying to pick my character. Join a friend's game. Join and then I think you pick join and then I want you to be the doughnut. Hi, I'm the Eclair. I'm the doughnut lemon frosting. I'm the I'm the matcha cake. Oh my god. That's so funny. but you're not. you and you're like matcha. Do you want to be the matcha cake? I'm going to be the, I want to be the chocolate cake. Okay, I'll pick a different character. What are you Mia? Are you a doughnut? Yeah, I'm a doughnut. Do I just click ready to bash? Wait, how do I wait? No, I don't need anyone. I do it. Not. Yeah, I think it's like ready to bash and then you join. Okay. Wait, is that I got invited again? Oh yeah. Just uh pick a character. I think Oh my god. I want this dude. Oh, it doesn't wait. I'm like this. It's so cute. How do I wacky silly pink trees. Ha ha. Look at the way our arms move. II Dab. My special move is dab. You dab. Oh, I can spin. Wait, how do you know you're, how do you know you're uh we have, what's that? What kind of what kind of pastry are you, Sean? I'm butter with whipped cream. Eww. it's not purple. Yeah, I'm I'm moldy. I have a doughnut. Okay, I'll come in the center. A doughnut holes. So like, what is the purpose of that? Like, why not just give someone a full so people can eat doughnut holes. I love doughnut holes. Yvonne, what's taking you so long? Uh I thought I'd, I thought I'd start and it didn't work on. Are you serious, man? Yeah, we're all in here waiting for you. I love to meet this long. Yvonne, what's up? Really? Yvonne? Let's go. and then you select your character ready to bash. There you go. Let's bash some cake. I'm going to be the tastiest one. How old are you? I'm going to be. We're so cute. I can't. I vote for factory What does it do? Uh I have. oh, you guys didn't even vote. You guys didn't even vote, bro. Oh, how do you vote? You guys didn't do the tutorial. What? There's a tutorial. How do you do it? Well, how to beat the **** out of you? Huh? How do I grab this? Yeah, I know. I'm going to go Get out. I'm going to hit you guys. What's the controls? I'm on my on my. I'm literally trying to hit every key. I don't want to. Wait. what are the controls? There's only two. There's punch. which is what button? What button did you press? The punch it punch dash and grab. It's probably the ecstasy like that. So, it's the goal of this game is to hold a sparkler until it runs out out. How do you grab the Oh, Mia has it beat it up? She's going to. Oh, she's she's getting points. Oh, it's burnt out. Yeah, he gets you get points for holding sparklers. Get it. Get it. Beat him up. Stop. Stop. Are you can't press and hold. Punch to charge up a punch too. How do I find you? Wait, what? I'm broke. Oh god. Get it. Get it. He's trying to. She's she's holding the sparkle. I'm going to hold this for Yvonne. You are pressing punch earlier. Oh, there. There you go. Wait. Come back. Alright, **** it. I'm going to use a screwdriver. Oh my god. Mi is holding this. up on me. Oh, nice. Oh, I'm going to hold this one. away. a thingy. Oh god. I'm the tastiest. Ta this game. hopping, shopping. I love this. Oh my. Okay, that's good. I want some bumblebee. You might even have enough money to buy anything. I can buy Oh, I'm going to, I'm going to do the gacha game. I can buy. I got the be Give me the catcher. What? I got paid. I got paid in the be. I got ABI guess how do you how do you I didn't I didn't get anything What did you guys press? will like? What Fortnite? Oh, **** No. Let's go. Huh? Oh. what's this? Which 1? AM I-0. You're trying to throw it on? I'm blue. Yellow. Oh, we're trying to get in the center. I think as much. Yeah. Yeah. I think you have more points. Yeah. Oh, we got ten. **** What is this doughnut? I don't think I'm red. Look at this time. **** It's got ten. I can't see like which one mine is. There's this red Yvonne. Oh yeah. But like when I toss it though, No0. Oh, wait. That gives it to me. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I'm the tastiest. You play this game? Like no. This is so. no. he grinds this off stream for sure. time. is that is a little sad man. You play it by yourself. It's by himself. I feel like I've seen this before. Why do I feel like I've seen that? This is real. Alright, here we go. This is just a fight, I think. Okay, come here. Oh, wait. The sweets get the streets. We got the sweets. Oh, oh, I got, I'll get the sweets you want. Oh, you want to hold as much sweets as you can. How do you do that? You need to tell. You can grab it. Let's go on eggs. I mean, no eggs. Oh, eggs slow you down. 000. Hey, Mia. come here. Oh, Candy. Candy. Candy. come here. Come here. Oh, Go get the kitty. Get the kitty. Get the kitty. Come on, kitty. kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. Oh, I dropped off my candy. Oh my gosh. I got a sucker. Happy birthday, Yvonne. Hey, Oh god. My candy. It's in the lead. She's in the lead. Shout out to the lead. I can't resist punching Yvonne in the face. Alright, Nobody can hear me. I have a weapon. of. give me a shot. Oh, I missed when you get hurt when you get. Yes. Beat him up. Let's get it. Get it. Get it. Thanks for the candy. It's a blast. Get close. Nobody get close to it. I'll punch you. Oh no. my candy. Are you going? Where are you going? No. I had the tastiest cakes for sure that my life, this game, he does. What do you think I do with my free time? This obviously Devon, I was hanging out with you in the living room last night. Yeah. And then you left early to go back to your room and I know why now. Oh, oh, I got stinky fish. Oh no. I got stinky cheese. Oh god. Oh god. Oh, I got two stinky cheese. Can we just get accessories on us? Snack time. Oh, what the Aw. Aw. I'm getting on this. Oh, Are we throwing it? What is this? Oh, **** And then what? Oh, you okay? You skewer them. Oh and then you put it on the plate. Okay. come here. Delicious cake. Can we steal from each other? Okay. Come on. Let's go. so much. I want this one. Look at him. Oh, give me a **** god. I **** Come here. Come here. Don't play with me, bro. Come back. God so fast. No, you guys blocked me and I'm still first. I'm the tastiest kitty. Oh my god, dude. There's no way. that you recommend this game. Wow. You just nuts every single round. Alright, this is a bash fight. Oh, wait. can go to the moon. Okay, I guess I'm stinky. You too. Alright, this is a get sprinkled sprinkled. Don't give me the sprinkles. Get out of my sprinkle. Watch out. You guys stay in the sprinkler and I'm going to throw a moon rock at you. Oh, enjoy the moon rocks. over here. Oh god. No, I need sprinkles. Please. That's keeping me out. So, we're we're good. Give me go. Oh, you don't want that one. I see. Oh, lollipop. What? The doughnut. It's Doughnuts. Doughnuts. Doughnuts. Don't you get it? So, Did you get it? No. Oh my god. We got greedy. She's going to win but we can at least beat her up. Come here. Come here. Come here. Oh **** Oh, I got extra sprinkles. sprinkles, sprinkles, and I'm out and I'm out. Oh my gosh, Shawn. He's going to win Get him out. Get out. Get him out. Oh my god. Oh, you guys. It's hot. Oh, I just shared it. Wow. I'm just tied. Exactly. to shopping. do. We do this to throw away the green stuff. Yeah. I want this. lollipop? It's cute. Yeah. you do have to throw away the you know what this is you. I got two lollipops now that it's a big one. What the **** Do you ever know it? the green stuff. Don't let Yvonne. Hi. Hi. Okay. Oh god. What is this? A flies. I'm squatting. What's with the ketchup though? Oh my god. Can we swat each other? No. What is it? How are you guys? So good at this. Wait, am I like This is so this seems so hard. I like I don't line up with that. I know. It feels guys. I feel stupid. I've been denied for that. Uh the longer you go without missing the combo adds up. play the game. I'm the tastiest cake. You're such a can't believe of all games. He's sweaty at. It's a game called Kick Bash. Like it's the cutest little game ever and you're sweaty at this. I'm the tastiest escape Don't let him get away. Corner in. you. Look over on us. I don't know. I in green. What is this bash? What's in the fortune cookie? Oh, you get points for a fortune cookies. Oh, you dropped it. Oh, you dropped it. man. Go to the fortune cookie. Oh, she got it. Oh god. She's going to eat us. No way, right? Give me the for Oh, you got it. I still got it. This is chasing me. Oh, we got two from me. No, I was to be the tastiest kid. What the **** Oh, I caught up. Can you please stop Sean? Jesus Christ. I don't want to win together. I want to win by myself. I just want to be I just want to be admired. Okay. One of us has to get a good dodger, right? Is it? Yeah. Yeah. I have a giant lollipop lollipop. Okay. This is so funny. I got two and hold on. Let me use the trash. It's my favorite. Yay. It's time. It's time. Oh no. One of you will be chosen to be fed. Oh, wait. That is so fun. I'm the tastiest cake. Eat me. Is that what we want? Yeah. Ignore the radiator keys though. Oh, wait. Oh, you're supposed to buy it as many things as you want as you can with your money. Is that it? Why you actually have a lot of good stuff? Yeah. And look delicious. Alright. No, I want to lose. I don't want to die. the tastiest. She didn't win a single fight. minus 120. There you go. Take that. It's just some cheese, bro. People love cheese. I can't believe it. Wow. Who would have thought? Huh? We grinded the game just to lose. honestly, if you told me Yvonne's going to win this like 2 minutes ago, I wouldn't be in my life on a She lost every mini game. Whoa. But did I know? Because it looks like she walked every mini game. Just how is this possible? So you guys just gotta be better. Okay, this one is definitely Yvonne was just the queen of shopping Alright, we're on site. GG's everybody. Gigi. Gigi. Gigi. That's one. Good night. Good night everyone. Farewell friends. Farewell. Farewell.
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 15,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tricky towers, disguised toast, disguised toast behind the scenes, disguised toast tricky towers, sykkuno, sykkuno tricky towers, corpse, corpse husband tricky towers, kkatamina, kkatamina tricky towers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 334min 50sec (20090 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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