(ALL POV) SYKKUNO proves that he is a LEGEND in TRICKY TOWERS ft Rae ,Leslie & Yvonnie!

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okay we're in let's go okay okay okay hell yeah we should just let her learn by playing the best way ah are you just gonna farm me or what yeah exactly so you want to not lose any blocks oh wait is this literally like tetris no kind of i trust oh no no no oh that's real bad oh no my lives use your abilities oh my god wait you have abilities yeah the little items that float above your head you can use those wait how [Music] oh nothing lucky all right here we go all right my neck's gonna hurt from cringing this one here okay uh this is the one that build it is it a race or no uh yeah it's a race oh it's trying as high as you can can you lose pieces in this and it's fine uh yep okay yeah oh no oh this is a solid tower right here it's a really solid tower i'm building not as solid as mine mine is literally built like a brick is that even our bricks [Music] oh that's a good one okay this doesn't look like your tape how do you what key do you seize your abilities jay oh jake i thought it's k oh is it okay all right this will stick oh no i am just having a hard time going great you guys are tetris masters doing a bad what oh no i'm doing a very bad job oh this is bad this is bad i don't know how i'm gonna save it oh this is bad i'm just gonna try and oh god i'm just bamboozling it no no stop okay okay oh no stop stop trying guys yeah guys please please i was in the lead i was in first place a little bit easier it's cool everything's going wrong how much time do we have left where's the timer on this game no oh no no oh no stop stop oh any way i can any way i can oh straight and vertical that'll work at that point [Music] oh i don't know how rey's is literally missing blocks he's literally missing boxing how's that evening no matter what that's sick oh this is the one you try and fit as many below the laser as you can wait as many below the laser as possible as many below the laser below the laser okay yes oh [ __ ] are you able to hold any of these like that oh god what the hell no i meant to delete them oh god like this we have to we can't we can't throw them away you can but your tower goes up yeah the tower goes up more if you do oh god oh [ __ ] i have so much regret and pain oh that's what it does oh this is good is this good um i'm done i'm done i goofed wait all right i got a lot i got a lot wait i forgot that we're supposed to fit as many as we can but yeah as many as wait who's the second who's second wait i forgot how this one worked who's the second player oh i don't have any more darn it who's second that's me oh no no i'm still in the morning um no way there's no way yvonne can keep going oh she's already dead oh no who knows third could have gotten more than me i don't know repeatedly this one you i don't get this one ever i don't get this one ever either wait okay so this is uh what's it called on a rare occasion what was that what is this one uh what is that probably don't know what this one is oh you don't you you have lives lives lives lives lives i don't know what the hell what does this do why the heck is that that stays that's weird that shouldn't stay mine oh gosh can i can we throw them off oh those are the lives wait what is god oh this is bad no i'm okay okay i'm doing terrible i think no stupid what i lost first there we go this oh jesus oh i'm so bad at this one oh i'm so bad at this wait i did it i used all of my blocks in time well i don't know i'm so bad the whole time oh my god oh me and ray are tied we're tied we won't eat oh this one's everyone always looks at this one [Music] okay you're all going down right here that's what i'm saying what happens if they fall off is that that bad nothing happens okay it's okay that just ruined it for me i think uh i don't know the long stickies [Music] am i doing this right is that gonna oh my god it's come in already [Music] oh this is real bad oh no i've bamboozled it i've completely ruined it yes you have just give up now hey she's actually a sicko she's actually funny oh man oh this is so bad i can't get any higher are you kidding oh no oh i know what to do like this i'll just make a new this is the it's gonna work i just have to do it perfectly no if i just do it perfectly it'll oh [Music] wait i'm almost at the top oh my god i could have won i uh i think okay up oh come on why is it not staying yeah wait who won who won how is she but she's new we're supposed to we're supposed to farmer wait the thing has to stand for three seconds it has the standard oh okay i'm right my strategy is not gonna work then puzzle normal this is the one i'm best at this wait wait same thing as before right we can't let it fall or as many as possible this looks like it'll hook on perfect oh this is bad stay okay how is this gonna stay oh this is bad i i barely could get any blocks on there okay i don't get any left uh this is bad this is bad i no no i tried it's just so hard to fit anything on there oh it's all gone wrong no no i think i win if i just this is this is fine oh it is i might have gotten last night wait someone else got two dang it you know per second not bad not bad i need to use my abilities oh wait i win wait what oh i think it's uh we have to do what happens okay this one is not a race what is this one again always you just have to yeah this one's definitely not a race just have to live okay yup you just live well not really very simple but like it's not very simple just survive super simple you just survive and just live and that's pretty easy just survive oh you just survived easy are you serious i've already lost two pieces i've already lost three oh my god i injured myself wait that's unfortunate oh wait just do it down there we go side right side left side again no oh god this is oh [ __ ] okay i'm trying my best to hold on well you know this is kind of you know it's a little scarf but oh god this is so bad come on come on i can't it's all oh jesus i thought i was done i wasn't even looking at yours i i did it look at that balance impeccable balance that one's really hard okay i get it now i'm ready to go again i did it all right i got my one win of the day so uh no matter what happens after this i got my one winner well well [Music] no i think that was a warm-up one that didn't actually count yeah what do you mean that was something that's a warm-up yeah first one's always warm warm-up we're learning it it's just cut it's kind of the rule okay i'll get it now all right but if i win this one though yeah this one's for real oh wait what the what the hell wait wait what is it what do you mean wigglers there's a big risk there's a big risk but i'm going for it because i'm a psychopath oh i did it oh my god what the [ __ ] did you get that troll oh wait no no there's no way that actually works no oh my god oh my god oh my god no stick it in there stick in there [Music] again again wait for it i can't believe you guys got into the little slots no i ain't risking it i'm just gonna take this and leave what it's fine it's fine everything's fine i didn't need that space anyway everything's fine just all right this should center of mass be over it this should work all right this is also good no clean run right here okay this could be bad this could be bad but i'm willing to risk it this is the worst idea i've ever had but i gotta greet if i want to win i knew it all right i can't give up i knew it i greeted too no it's much disaster it's staying on how's this even working right here no i i think i'm done i'm done i did everything i could i what the heck is so hard our towers i've never seen some divots like that it looks so ridiculous thank you action fire for the touch from sip ah that was good that was good okay race i'm ready this is my specialty this is my worst one okay okay i can just all i have to do is just win why don't i just win this one why hadn't i thought of that before good one good one okay okay so solid foundation builds a solid tower solid foundation built a solid tower yo clean i'm doing some of the cleanest red on gameplay side purple on that side clean yellow right there wait how's this even gonna there's no way that fits it does okay oh god here i go again oh my here i go again i'm throwing it i'm throwing it boys this is bad it's jiggling about i am just something's wrong with my brain wait just throw this one away yeah i can just throw it away if i don't like it i just throw it away forgot about that just throw it away just can't wait just remove this throw it away no this is such a solid tower i feel it this is the one i hate this one so much i stick right there oh no this is bad for me please what i want to restart come on this square will pull no i i hate it i hate this oh it's getting really wobbly remove this [Music] oh my god i can barely even oh no that's my life no please oh i could go like oh jesus no stay still let me steal the stability oh the game feels bad for me see me out this is stressing me out oh god oh i don't want dude no more oh stressful two one no [Laughter] literal engineering god right there engineering and genius is what that was that was just a stroke of genius right there uh just have to survive okay okay survival this isn't hard i i don't think i should have won that one but i'll take it yeah does using the blocks at the top mean anything [Music] what do you mean like the number at the top like does that mean it like what does that mean no um it means that's how many blocks are left right so do you win if you get to zero so you want to go fast but like not too fast otherwise uh things go terribly wrong it's already happening they've all it's happening yeah it's already gone wrong oh oh wait i didn't want that okay oh this should be good that should work no it's my worst one this is fine right like this oh no like that down here i'm done boys i'm done oh god when you're done yup how okay are you supposed to go faster i refuse to be lasted we did it yeah you have to you have to get to zero blocks fastest without all right so uh you guys we all agreed last game was the warm-up game right it was the warm-up game last night all right that's why i have to stop the first game to get oh it's not yeah it's not over yet oh you're right sorry give me five more minutes oh my okay what does this mean [Music] this is the worst idea i've ever had i think i'm about to lose this i was copying you and then you you're obviously you make your decision soon enough and now i'm screwed on earth would you copy me yeah but i threw this one great great uh good copy and be the one that i threw you know i like the confidence leslie i appreciate it how was i supposed to know just guided slightly oh okay there's no way this stays on there's no way oh i messed up oh i should have put it more to the right i wasn't looking no oh my god ray's gonna put this one by a mile yeah ray you can just stop now you've already won you've literally you've already won right right wow ray you did so well i know she literally piled that in like a mongolian barbecue bowl i love barbecue you know those ones where they like charge you the same no matter how much you pack oh yeah yeah yeah oh my god oh my god i missed that so much yeah that was ray right there you just made me [Music] don't know where to find it anymore i'm pretty sure there's like some malls have it yeah it's such a mall but oh god it's so good this is good ah poop unbelievable unbelievable um oh my god wait it's a race wait this is the race this is the race i forgot i forgot i got to gotta join them [Music] oh my god this build has issues no my build has so many issues it's kind of painful to look at [Music] oh i messed it up oh that's bad [Music] all right this is it i've got it i've got it just stack it stack it oh three please three seconds man oh man babe i hear you come on hook it on hook it on oh you're trolling me uh oh god oh this is bad maybe like this how can i be lost there's no way oh my god i actually give up my entire time please three seconds oh come on this game this game's my entire next even wiggling it's not even wiggling okay i did it i didn't my entire tower leslie yeah hey babe i didn't think you could be worse at games until i watched this game this is so different than tetris 99 it is so different it's exactly so different good skills clearly guys how come every time i win you just call it a warm-up again they're new well yeah one warm-up i've been doing just fine leslie's literally not new she said she was playing for like 10 minutes if anything she's all ready i'm new all right well i didn't want to have to do this guess i'll just have to win again [Music] just got lucky i was lucky that's all it's just a lucky round a couple of lucky rounds [Music] no wait what now i'll actually have to try you know what do you like uh who's that dude you're like rock lee leslie you you had your weights off this whole time exactly what does this dude a present uh also leslie i chose that example for a specific reason because he still loses when he takes his weights off okay you talked sick wait you're saying i'm still gonna lose i'm not saying you're gonna lose i'm just saying there's a chance that you do in fact still lose somehow possible not possible pretty possible it's fairly what's wrong with you guys you gotta let me have some of the rounds this is bad how do i i can't be foreign um i don't even know how to what how is that staying on god damn it oh this is bad no i'm gonna lose it's tilting it's tilting please though come on just stick on oh it's saved all right center center [Music] this is so bad this is so bad what does that do just take it slow i don't even want it i don't even want it just slap this in there okay [Music] how much time do we have left guys mine is not balanced anymore it's not balanced anymore it's over it's oh my god mine oh no guys oh this is it the big vines wait it didn't give me the vines what happened oh my god oh my god [Music] i'm glad you won avon i'm glad [Laughter] oh god oh no wait what's this one again survival you just have to survive but use your blocks fast enough just don't get this one at all i'll just win this one i just have to win this one that's all can't be that hard to just win one so you want to go fast on this one fast but not die like a balancing oh oh that worked out sort of no this is bad this is real bad i'm about to lose i think [Music] oh no no no oh this is bad i have no space to work with towers getting too tall huh oh not this again oh god it's it's been worked it's been worked i can tell oh god i can't see hey okay i'm okay oh this is so bad i think i ruined it oh this is i think this is bamboozled i have completely boosted my own okay this will fit oh man this is it's jiggling so much how am i supposed to no no no i lose i lose i lose oh god i'm jiggling so much it's jiggling um oh [ __ ] wait wait ray how do you have a separate island i want to hate this is my least favorite mode but you won on it yeah you won let's go oh no no not the line i used up all my focus in the first two rounds not the lazy let's go what's the best way to place this one like this oh my god ray's got the strat stop peeking stop peeking [Music] oh no i messed it up for sure will this work no there's no way that one works this is so no that's not going to work that's not there's no way that one works will this work oh i shouldn't there's no way this works i don't do it like i'm doing it i don't even care i shouldn't have done it i thought it would work there's no way this works oh my god i'm done oh my god this is so bad leslie leslie how do i save it why did i copy i messed up like this this is gonna work absolute giga brain what that actually worked okay yeah yeah yeah wrap it up you win you won we're happy god i did it i did it i'm back in it guys i'm back in it my eyes my eyes are dried out i was focusing so hard my eyes are dried out here i'm thinking of the two month reset welcome back whoa i don't know how to race my worst event wait is this the same as others had three blocks only oh here we go right here all right i found something oh i shouldn't have done that actually i'm gonna make this the most stable tower in the history what is this game called um tricky towers in the history of trickle towers oh my god and he still says it wrong he still managed to say it wrong this is the one i feel it big one right there up and down up and down you know what i don't even want this one i don't even want it like that solid slapper on the side down like that this here okay oh my god right there that'll solidify the base this thing is leaning like crazy but i'm going to save it oh my god towards the left side build towards the left side like that swoop like that combine this one like this maybe i feel it i feel it it's coming right there another one don't chill like that the pressure guys like that i hate this game yes she's sweating guys she's actually she's sweating [Laughter] what do we do oh it's survival flats how do i restart it's gone wrong it's so weird bad i have a diagonal i have a diamond like that okay this should stay up i think no like that that's a bad idea but i'm doing it oh wow what how did that what even is bugged oh my god i don't know how that fell down i actually don't know no oh shoot okay oh this is really bad for me isn't it oh no that's like extremely bad for me okay please stay up can we stay up no oh no oh i don't know how this is working but oh no oh so close god i mean this is the obvious move here clearly this is the obvious one oh right here this will barely hold on i'm gonna do this are you kidding me is this even gonna all right uh there's no way this stays on i'm just gonna do full papiga greed mode this is the only way what all right uh that doesn't make much sense to me but uh i think i got nothing left yeah that's it that's it here let me help you out oh wait i can't use items anymore you failed i have to get first place just let it let it [ __ ] oh no please please guys i need first place to beat ray i need you guys looking at first place i beat ray shove it in the crack my ears crazy the left guys are there like powers like i can use besides k oh my god hey in a row boys i've been using jay jay okay oh was that another warm-up or that one was the final warm-up and now it really begins oh no this is my worst event too soon oh no no no what is this one race uh it's race yeah it's my worst event i'm really bad at this okay okay um how did that fall over it was solid oh what wait the store makes this way worse this is already hard oh gosh scuff the storm is insane oh my what oh my god let's sound something this is fine oh wait the storm's nerfing you guys i've barely noticed a thing with my superior engineering i'm just kidding i don't know i don't want it i'm joking guys i'm joking i'm chelsea oh no i've i've bamboozled it oh no it's done it's done i'm done i'm actually done oh no wait oh what's happened this storm i think i made it worse i hate this storm no wait how do i save this it's doomed it's doomed the storm oh my god my whole turret my whole tower oh my god hey it's safe oh my what is the hoo-ha this is so stuffed guys hook it on genius no what the worst day ever is that gonna work no this is scuffed bad uh [Music] wow how is that staying on this game makes no sense anymore what i'm saying [Music] [Music] oh my god i just don't want to touch it anymore i'm just not going to touch it nobody makes it higher than this anyway right no chance anybody makes it higher this there's no way wait wait if ray b beats me it's over it's overtime this is a save this is a clean statement i barely held on but this is it oh my god we got it three in a row guys good job three in a row happy for you what dammit how good he is guys i just got lucky girls aren't into me that was the final warm-up okay that was the final warm-up okay let's go okay i'm not done okay oh no oh god uh should i put it is that too risky oh no oh my god oh boy oh no no no i cannot oh you just win a vote if you don't lose any okay okay i think it was so good until it was so bad oh okay here we go oh yvonne won second place isn't bad but we tied for third leslie we didn't we tied for third time okay race this is a race okay okay okay solid foundation solid foundation solid foundation okay let's do this extra solidness you know i don't even want this thing i'm throwing it away most solid foundation of all time right here oh that's bad that is not solid in the least uh for me i need a doctor what does that do what the hell is that i don't know it jiggled my foundation uh-oh what i'm desperate she's desperate she's gone crazy this is desperate oh i mean i guess oh i solidified it again with the vines i think that how it works okay oh man okay okay this is this even this tower does not look like it should be standing but i'm not [Music] complaining oh you're trolling me of all the times to slip up oh hold up what happens what the [ __ ] what on earth is this uh oh this is bad this is bad um um um please please no please no please don't save it please why is it like this at the end oh man this is so bad how did this oh god it's going to poop onto food stop this game oh my god [Music] oh [Music] oh my gosh she's a prodigy she's a preacher actually a prodigy got me melted look guys i already won three in a row so i mean i think shut up i let's he's already got so many wins already got [Music] i'm just trolling yeah yeah yeah i just all i gotta say is you're lucky you're in vegas like you know oh what does that mean oh you know what it means oh wait well what does that mean oh wait are you guys building so high you're just gonna get it no this is bad this is bad something bad's happening um this maybe like that like that okay here we go here we go here we go here we go this is it this is it there's one right here big one right here wait who wins oh i wonder oh my god oh so close it's like a split second oh this could be this is gonna throw it for me or it's gonna oh wait i know what to do oh god how opia are the vines like can you do this what um i shouldn't be able to do that oh no it's it's so bad like this right here this work oh [ __ ] it doesn't work it doesn't connect to the ground i messed up so there's no way this thing oh my okay oh it's over i forfeit my forefit no no no no no that one here and all this stay i feel like it shouldn't no no this is the worst idea i've had ever but what let's try this oh of course that doesn't work okay oh my god of all i don't get this game i don't understand vines what are vines i'm so scared lions connect with their blocks but they don't connect to the ground so when i can use him whenever yep you push j to use it on yourself okay you found someone else but why would you ever want to use them on someone else doesn't it help them um yeah it usually helps them yeah yvonne i think you've won already you just you could just call it you've heard oh my god oh my god this one can't stay unless you slink it on the right no he's trying to he's trying to make you not already pieces over oh frick i think you wanted me you want to have one i think oh sadness and pain it's like looks pretty waist wait mine looks pretty oh my god i'm a legend all right this is race easy mode wait i don't understand easy mode why does it say that uh because it's easier got it got it i just i don't actually know the difference either i'm not gonna lie yeah why does it say easy i think it's because it's shorter maybe it's pretty short doesn't it it's pretty short can i throw them off if i want oh [ __ ] yeah i think you can just throw them off on this one there's no way this thing stays up all right no no this is so mega rigged oh my god mega rigged oh mega ring oh god is gonna stay what no way no way oh how could that stay up there jay jay i need to use my vines [Music] no one big win survival survival i just don't get this one it's just like just like play tetris right oh i was hoping i could catch that down to one life i can save it i can save it oh it's going so well it was all going so well this is bad this is bad oh wait i think i've already saved it uh [Music] there's no way this thing stays up what no no i hate this so much cringing on to the bitter end i just it's all scuffed but i'm trying anyway what is that what is that is that new oh it locks the piece i actually don't know what it does yeah oh [ __ ] okay mines all right this is it this is it the vines just saved me i used the vines i used them what the [ __ ] is going on what does that do the ghost took away my piece we can declare you the winner i guess um guys we can we can keep going so we beat him you're right you're right we're going until we beat him okay one second then i need to grab my sushi how many more be right back longer guys or warm-up games how many more warm-ups we need five warm-up games all right five five warm-up games all right warm-ups are over oh my god i can't take it but just kill me oh [ __ ] wait can we restart i don't think it works that way but you know one round never decided the whole game well except for the times how did i miss that uh this oh this is so bad for me this is so bad um like that okay i mean it kind of worked you know if i just kind of slap this in like this okay that worked [Music] oh wait if the fog catches you you also lose it oh [ __ ] i was better when i was afk i literally the second i touched the keyboard i lost a life for reals man how are you building this so high no there it goes oh [ __ ] okay oh this is bad this is real bad for me um oh wait a minute the vines oh i'm saved okay okay okay oh god that's so bad oh jesus okay oh man that was a close huh oh yeah just another lucky round say another sure you don't want to try a different game [Music] they still pick up
Channel: Reo Yan
Views: 40,089
Rating: 4.9089694 out of 5
Keywords: PODCAST, sykkuno, valkyrae, toast, pewds, pewdiepie, corpse, jacksepticeye, close the door, among us, imposter, crewmate, ej gaming, jess no limit, indonesia, USA, mobile legend, league of legend, arena of valor, king glory, epic seven, dota, dota 2, james charles, minecraft, moment, funny, clips, pokimane, otv, offline.tv, fuslie, quarter jade, animal crossing, the forest, intro, backsound, green screen, valorant, OnlyFans, Patreon, ender dragon, UNO
Id: MD4DRJN4dpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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