Tricks, Treats, and Talkin’ Porn with Kyle Kinane and Matt Braunger | Something’s Burning | S1 E20

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but we take a hose shove it up her and then on each other you didn't do that no see I grew up in Florida things were a little different where I grew up that does sound florish hey something's something's something's this is a Halloween episode I think a true haunted house would be as a man having to come back as your mom and then witness you when you first discover masturbation and just have to be a woman cleaning jizz off of everything and that's a true that's like that's tlight Z then I look back like there's no way they'll know and I was like I was [ __ ] I was hanging car posters in my room with that [ __ ] like it was like Ferrari staying up for another six months t-shirt standing up by themselves dude a life of their own thought were so smooth about it and you were like like I feel like the appreciation of my mom for how she didn't just be like stop doing this to your penis all the time it's natural some of the time but this is all the time we're late for everything out we're out of all detergents yeah and also that would make a terrible haunted house cuz haunted houses are like 50% black light yeah we are definitely talking about Spook Houses Spook Houses are one of my favorite things in the world I want to introduce my guests uh Kyle Canan Matt bronger both out of the Chicago scene correct that is the Chicago scene what people don't understand is there uh there's New York and LA but there are literally just a a handful of scenes that popped up outside of those places that would show up to LA or New York and then Blossom Florida had a little bit of a scene in Miami Joey Diaz came out of there um Bay Area the B yeah the Bay Area is like the the Patton um Blaine K like all those guys but Chicago was like I was when I came out here I was already working and you guys just showed up and then all of a sudden you guys were the comedy Scene It was it literally was it was um you guys camale um TJ Pete yep uh it was like just an awesome like and a group of comics that all had a sensibility that were you guys weren't open micers you guys were legit Comics walking into the LA scene also we you you move out from Chicago to a city where bars close at 2: instead of 4: and you get so much more done yeah that might be it I could see how that would do it getting up at 8:00 I'm keeping my you guys were all hard parters too I remember s being like you don't want to party with any of these [ __ ] they'll drink you under table and I was like I don't know about that You' be all right but I might be that was a big part of it I'm making a Suburban Maple cider cocktail for a spooky treat a that was a perfect Martha Stewart turn yeah yeah yeah so enough about jiz swap everyone today we'll have a cocktail made of bourbon Adriana Chic is her name Adriana Chic that's the porn star oh God she's pretty [ __ ] hot okay and great great teeth and great teeth kept the real name dude yeah she didn't keep the real name wow that is interesting you keep that name if you do porn how hot is a porn star if you were just like you were just like uh Leanne Cher and people were like wow she didn't Jazz it up at all huh she just [ __ ] here to do the job yep just sleeves rolled up getting in there Jonah Hill's last name is like Fel fedan or something well we can see why he's joah hill hill is his middle name yeah and he cuz his sister is a phenomenal actress she's amazing and she kept all the all the original material like her name's beanie felderman or something yeah if your first name's beanie you can get away with the last name that's a great name a good name beanie I love it um but yeah I did you ever think about changing your Cal name is a great one Matt bronger I can see my name sucks like I know bronger is fine but it's like it's just it doesn't even really exist in Germany and everyone wants to say brog Nur for some reason it does something to the human brain my mom's knowing you no one can [ __ ] like Jen Kirkman said it wrong for like 15 years she's like it's Bronner right I'm like it's never been Bronner she was not she was sticking it to the Man by doing that Jen Kirkman is one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram lashing out at my patriarchy I've gotten in so much trouble by listening to the Jen kirkman's advice for men when like with like don't if a guy if don't ever ask me to put my bag up there I'm a woman I can do it so many times I've just been watching a woman and struggle with her bag I'm like you do a [ __ ] you're a woman Jen Kirkman said you can [ __ ] do it yeah yeah and you're like and then the woman's like is any going to help me and I was like I'm sorry I thought I was being the patriarchy I love Jen I love Jen I Jen and I started with legit beef when I first met her really oh this was like the this wait why am I surprised of course she loves beef the we um I went on Jason Nash's podcast and it was a long story but the very short of it is I went on Jason n podcast and kind of trashed her a little bit like just I was I wasn't being kind and I but I don't remember exactly what I said but I said so then but I liked her I liked her you know obviously she's beautiful she's funny it's like I liked her and I liked her act a lot and but I just whatever I said was shitty so then I'm getting on a flight from South Africa to LA right 33 hours playing 33 hours country drop all the time oh you know it's a spooky treat so so I uh I it's about to take off and I see oh Jen kirkman's on Jason n's podcast oh this should be a good listen so I started listen and the first words are who the [ __ ] is Bert Cher and she lights me up just [ __ ] this guy he doesn't know [ __ ] about comedy he's a [ __ ] hack like just lights me up so I go I write like a [ __ ] slam you email right on the plane I'm like I want to [ __ ] tear AP and then I stop and I go hold on I'm really angry right now what do I really want to say I was like I really want to say I'm sorry I was wrong I'm sorry and I was wrong to say that stuff M that's what I want to say and I was like all right how about this as a as a writing experiment write the email that that you think would you'd never send that one but that's how you feel so I wrote it then I read it and I sent it and I was like you know what [ __ ] it I sent it and I didn't hear anything back for like six months and then six months later I get an email from Jen she goes okay I read your email 6 months ago and I've been waiting to send this email I forgot to send it but I'm sorry also and it was like the perfect like the the most grownup way to handle anything and I was like immediately she said that I was like I [ __ ] love her and then I waited 6 months to send my reply but she's [ __ ] great I'd love Jen I hope it didn't come out negative I hope I didn't just get me toed no but all like podcast and everything like you get caught up like yeah we're just hanging out we could talk a little [ __ ] about whoever we want and then it goes out to x amount of people and you're like oh yeah that wasn't just a conversation with my friend some tag you on on Twitter and go like hey man you saw this or dude I [ __ ] hate Stitch tags twiter are filled with they're going to hear they're going to find out and especially if they like I did it once to Jeff Ross I said something about Jeff Ross but it wasn't bad it was like it was a joke like how come I never get invited to his parties like I want to go to his parties I look cool as [ __ ] I was like I guess no one wants to invite a dad with two kids to a cool party where everyone's [ __ ] young and half naked and someone's like and someone just wrote Jeff BR talking [ __ ] about you and then Jeff's like bro what the [ __ ] and I was I know Jeff's not going to go find the podcast I'm like I wasn't but you it's like the F person who shoots first on Twitter wins so if you just go [ __ ] that guy then I don't know how make it's just it's just like how people people think they own you I'm sure there are people who think they own you that are just like oh no man I'm Different dude like we're like the same dude and this this guy of course is probably like Thrice divorced and like has just you know gets gets booed my favorite thce album is divorced thce divorced thri theor that could be a [ __ ] song a band called Thrice and I just what would be let's let's Workshop th for everyone Thrice divorced third apartment like what would the line what would be the the lyrics in Thrice divorced I think uh you'd want to like start happy like I did it I did it again uh did it I did it again I convinced myself uh dropped my bronze medal we could no he gained it this time it's a third divorce oh okay or would be the third the bronze medal for well I think Thrice divorce parentheses bronze medal I think is the title of the song right I am eyeballing the [ __ ] out of this you could just give me that much like they much like they did the constitu it TR to be smart comic you know what I always think it would be a rad idea did you ever use a bartend no I mean obviously no that's that's like a that's like a was that a 5-second por yeah was going to put me by the bar I think it'd be great a doctor with guy with the opioid problem do you want to write prescriptions okay it's the only Buffalo Wild Wings operating at a loss in the country I think they should uh they should have like the three of us do like a charity bartending event at a bar where you know all the we we don't get tips all the people can tip but it goes to like whatever charity you know it's not a bad idea bikers we do comic relief I want to start comic Rel back up problem in our in our city is so astounding oh yeah and I for some reason I'm like I'm a super cynical person and I always always I always [ __ ] on everything but I have this weird hardcore soft spot for homeless people like I don't get upset I I I'm very empathetic for some reason I don't know why that mixed emotions when I see him partying did you just put two different kinds of whiskey in there yeah yeah yeah and I'm about to put Maple you to tell anybody what you're doing isn't this like sort of a like no yes I do good call good call good call good call Martha Stewart this is a bourbon Maple cider cocktail can you just put eyes on here so it looks like I'm talking to you I've seen those fake deep fakes have you seen the Deep fake of Bill hater and it's all over the world's over the world's over yeah man we're done anyway this is that's your spooky part 4 oz bourbon 4 oz Apple Jack 2 oz maple syrup one dash of bitters strain into a cocktail glass or poured over ice I love over ice maple syrup the most expensive fluid in the world way more expensive than gasoline I don't want to have to go back to how much do you think this cost I don't want to have to go back to the jizz conversation exactly how much is Royal [ __ ] that's a good question that's the second song off of th's album Royal [ __ ] that's a single that didn't uh do as well maple syrup is like $22 for like something like this is like $18 yeah and versus gasoline I remember when I lived alone I had a a maple a bottle of maple syrup and I want I was like I want something sweet and I just drank the inch that was left I was like it would be less sad if I was drinking out of a little Pine of whis cream like this is so pathetic just drinking maple syrup I uh my my recent effort into that and and none of us are are hard times right now no on hard times or hard time drink not on Hard Times okay thank God but like the bottom of the chip bag where they're all little bits and I'm like I'll just make like some sort of Mexican cereal with this and poured the chips into what was left of the salsa made it you didn't put milk on it no no I used a salsa was the liquid and then the chip so I'm like I'll reverse instead of Dipping the chip and the salsa I'll eat the the last of the chips out it is Real gross poorest I've ever been it wasn't poor it two months ago garlic and peanut butter and I was like this tast Jes this will give me a tie flavor just a clove I had a whole thing of garlic and I just do you mean a bulb of garlic not only makes the [ __ ] burn your mouth but it sticks it all your mouth so the burn doesn't leave you put Napal in your mouth I can eat garlic did you dip the bulb into the no I had an empty thing of peanut butter and so what I did is I took the garlic I put a little olive oil in the garlic shook it up in the peanut butter like this like crazy and then I just let it cook in a pan think think you would give it a Thai Flavor it didn't dude I eat garlic aggressively like I eat I bet dude you probably never get sick huh can you get sick I think I have gotten sick I just don't no no no I'm I'm not being factious like that is like Bobby Le said that he eats whole garlic and I can too but it's like I sick but you don't get sick it keeps your immune system pretty strong I'm like that I'm like I do that with onions I eat them like a dust bowl orphan I love them by the way I only wore this hat for you to hear your jokes about me in this hat cuz I we were on we did a tour it was four of us and I had this hat on and every [ __ ] time I showed up at the airport with this hat Kyle just lit me up but this is a new hat and let me let me can I do a can I do an impression to Kyle seeing your hat for the first time yeah sure you look like Smokey the gay bear there we go I I uh why is going to go with something it's see the the thought the thought before it gets I'm not quick is something about like you're Indiana Jones but you're just trying to excavate a higher IQ I didn't I you get I that's why I sit in the back for a while and then after a few drinks I jump in with a bunch of burns cuz I've been insulting everybody in my head for two hours before you look like Indiana Jones in that ball that was chasing him I have had a kid I [ __ ] it up take it again take it from the top take it from the top no you know what we won't use that one don't do it I love there's nothing worse than when you have the sentence in your head and you go to say it and I ran I ran that joke over with my own ball in my head just trampled it as I said it and then it's crazy in in standup you you'll get your Cadence down on the way something says um like uh I used to slip up on this thing that's like go that's like but oh [ __ ] no I can't even do it used to slip up uh I [ __ ] I can't even remember what it was here cheers guys let's try this drink Che happy Halloween happy Halloween oh by the way if you're watching this you're probably saying hang on bird it's sober October what are you doing drinking we actually shot this in September so that's syrup mhm that's some that is some aggressively sweet I might not drink the whole thing I might not either or any more of it you want try one of these ciders yeah maybe we you had a cider yeah let's just why don't you put this in a goblet and I'll open that and put that upside down like a weird Halloween marar yeah this should come with pancakes for dipping you put cider in it oh oh we're supposed to put cider in it more sweet stuff we're B more sweet more sweet stuff yeah let's melt down some candy corn and complete the whole thing my daughter got candy corn at the grocery store the other day like just got it and I go it's not Halloween she goes I like candy corn I was like no you don't also that's like your daughter knows a guy also that's fresh candy corn not that there's such a thing but that's even older candy corn than candy corn yeah I used to work on a candy corn farm and that's the best stuff really that's where that Hat's from Candy Candy all right boys the uh I know how you did that this is there's just too much weight use your boot we're in a whole kitchen you don't have a bottle opener doubt it what's that he did it I want to do it yeah Spook Houses have you ever been you can do it you'll both out manly me Spook Houses have you ever been oh yeah they're [ __ ] amazing MH like I don't think they get enough respect because you people are like I'm not going to do it but then when you go to one that's done well so we're not calling them haunted houses anymore we're going with the more risque a option I I think Spook Houses what is what they call them in the Midwest and that's where I've only gone to them in Ohio those were different houses those are really they existed year round and it's why uh white people moved away I don't think he's being racist like you're being racist I thought you going to say and that's why Trump got elected B no that's uh no Spook Houses is I I for travel chel we had to go every year we had to go to a spook house and man I'm telling you I've never the they take them so seriously in Ohio there are there are straight up places where it's like five different houses on one location and they've just set it up so that you get the living [ __ ] scared out of you we'll try this like this see if that helps that at all well like a like a corn maze that's full is the most [ __ ] up thing cuz it's just you're not only lost you're also yeah it's Primal dude uh horrifying do you know you know they do that at like at like Six Flags they go like they do House of hor like where it is the funniest things I've ever seen is they have like kids at work there dressing masks and outfits and hide and scare other kids and man some kids beat the [ __ ] out of them yeah I've seen so many come on man let me go man I work here and the guy's like no you scared me just beating the [ __ ] out of each other I laughed so I used to there's like some some Haunter house in in Pennsylvania always does like freeze frame photos and it's like one of these psycho ones where like you got to sign like there's something you have to sign a waiver and the waivers are like we're going to do anything we want to you literally anything thing we want we're going to St we're going to put dog [ __ ] in your mouth and then we're going to tape it shut and we're going to waterboard you and people are like I love being scared like that's past that that's not they've got ones like that that's not even jokes they've got ones that where you do sign a waiver and it's almost like an escape room and they bring you in and you've and they're like we've got your friends in the other room we killed them and they're like no my sister signs up for the the kidnapping ones that's like just me on this on this park bench and some guy in a van comes and snatches her up back when the Cubs were like winning the World Series it wasn't the last game but it was one of the games in the world series like holy [ __ ] the midd and no I'm like were you watching the games she live Chago where were you she's like ah they dropped me off in a body bag like Damon and North after my thing I'm like what are you doing I'm like we had normal childhoods yeah that is what happened to you I'm a comedi that's West that's nowhere near Ry field I know they didn't they weren't concerned for hery in the game they weren't that was the real horror of it it's amazing not sports fan do you guys like scary movies yes I like all scary stuff but I like don't I like scary don't touch my body how is that egg cracking right now not is this are these do it in water I think that's half real half Cadbury egg oh those are hardboiled eggs yeah these are hard and they're not did you who did these yeah someone didn't salt the water this is like reverse this is like reverse SMR right now is whatever you're doing to that egg yeah you're stripping the white off it's angering some okay so we got a little extra Yol for these deviled deep fried debled eggs this one's not working right am I doing this that's just the devil this is just the devil y'all just want yolk balls y deep fried yolks deep fried yolks y making deep fried Yol stop your heart right now do you guys are you guys good at peeling eggs I'm not bad I'm not great no [ __ ] I think of one of Kyle's jokes every day when I brush my teeth oh boy I don't know what's the one about you aren't that bad are you no this well this one's coming off okay will you do this find a bubble there's a little bubble in there you should be you roll it around a little bit roll it around find a bubble and then you get going are we going to use this cutting board for something else nope all right I'm already [ __ ] this up go on about the joke that you left mine what's the joke you have you go the other day I was brushing my teeth and I threw up oh yeah and then I thought does that count for brushing my teeth was that the joke I think of that every time I brush my teeth and I go to brush my tongue and I gag and I go I did it again the other week are you serious yeah and the thing I said before that happened to my girlfriend was regarding something else but my last sentence before barfing was I'll try my best I'll try my best and then I barfed up a bunch of Rosé cuz I tried to brush my tongue I have an electric toothbrush that's real narrow I'm like I'm going to get real back in there and get the freshest breath for bedtime and I stood up throwing up Ros I'm 42 years old it's not a throat brush Kyle but I I figure the further back you get the better your breath will smell then you barf and you ruin the whole I know well hence the origin of this whole I like that that's my one of my favorite jokes are we're going to cut these in half we're going to make de double eggs we're going to deep fry these the crunchiest deviled eggs anybody's ever had yeah by the way we only need three eggs peeled technically this guy's doing okay the devilish part is all the shell it I got the pants off this guy pretty easy somebody the first time I said that there's the Deep fake that's come out of this one yeah I like deep fakes where's a knife do you think this is your kitchen theoretically you would think it's in here you have several episodes of this show do you not know do you ever you just microwave something uh We've we've gotten to a place where it didn't work a few times what that that what didn't work the the meal really this is working Nick schwartzon this is working a lot better than it did with Nick schwartzon why he was on some weird diet that Adam Sandler made him do oh God and so man I don't know about this business anymore this business has changed so [ __ ] much it's almost unrec imagine telling somebody Adam Sandler is your dietician yeah what was the diet what did Adam the most ridiculous [ __ ] diet I think it was what did Adam Sandler tell him to eat I have no [ __ ] idea here I'm going to try to peel these other two just so we have them I'm heating that soil up we're going to dip them in a dredge dump them in going to be really good can you do another one for me yeah I really I talked a big game about this and I blew it um I am molesting this egg this is [ __ ] they just time lapse they just Speed Ahead no they they keep all this footage real time oh [ __ ] I started putting the shells in here started yeah like I got put the shells in too soon I got into the biggest fight with my daughters right before I left and I was and my wife's like I want you guys to go to your room and I want you to think about what's going on when dad comes home after his show we're going to have a conversation and I was like I'm going to be half in the bag I don't know if that's the best time to parent talk rationally about our emotions and I'm going to be [ __ ] up I think I'm just training my daughters how to deal with needy men like they're going to be like oh my God I know you you're like my dad men of certain appetites yeah you're crossing your arms and not talking and looking like you're about to cry oh this reminds me so much of my dad yeah they'll be like I should throw on some 38 special and put put out some tall boys what's crazy is in this you know in this culture where we're all supposed to be learning and listening especially us white men huh my guys he got we'll do it for a living he's there have you seen some of your problem problematic Behavior rise up in your heart and you can't share with anyone you're like I guess I won't say a thing that you're going to get us in an accident you're a woman and you can't drive it's me every Fu I know what you said I might really so you bottle it up around your wife but then do it on your cooking sh she doesn't watch this that is the best place for a comedian to confess their problems as a podcast significant others aren listening to it I've been talking [ __ ] about my family kind genius they're never going to no yeah my wife doesn't listen to my podcast plus one of you snitches does some Twitter tag Kevin Brennan cheated on his wife well and he talked about it on um Jim and Sam back in the day or uh he talked about it on opian gym but he talked about it in the last five minutes of the show and he and they came back and they're like hey how was your last appearance he goes my wife left me and they're like really and he's like yeah she heard that I cheated but I was like it was in the last 5 minutes minutes who listened to the last 5 minutes of a show [ __ ] and that's such a comedian thought where you're like why the [ __ ] would you listen to that you heard it on my podcast the [ __ ] are you a fan Jesus Christ you're my wife you shouldn't be listening to my podcast and the sad thing is he cheated on someone who had commitment that we don't enjoy yeah yeah exactly [ __ ] that was one of the best episodes this show is sponsored by DraftKings with the playoffs heating up now is the perfect time to get in on the action with my partners at DraftKings Sports right now all new customers who bet us $5 on anything will get $150 in bonus bets instantly so what are you waiting for download the DraftKings app now and sign up using my promo code burning that's right new customers can bet just $5 on anything and receive $150 in bonus bets instantly DraftKings has got something for the returning customers as well score 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it when you're nice TJ Miller called one time and was like hey man I heard you were talking [ __ ] about me I was like it's an old Colin Quinn back joke I was like yeah behind your back Jesus but I can't imagine anything you said was that bad it wasn't I know you pretty well it wasn't my [ __ ] I think that's why I get in trouble for [ __ ] talking the most because people are like it's not bad it's just like I didn't think Bert would say anything like usually I just I don't say anything I'm like speaking of [ __ ] talking are you sponsored by Angry Orchard no I I just had my first ter yeah it's a little it's you know what it's a it's for like I don't know which of these British Comics love love it what happened in this Orchard it was angry who touched these apples the wrong way to cider gives you heartburn pretty quick now this is very easy I think I should probably look at the recipe but I think we've got this heating we're going to make this dredge we're going to make that right now and you do h 2 tbspoon mayonnaise 2 tspoons relish two teaspoons Dijon can we get up and help yeah we have to stay sitting here uh no yeah you can help yeah move that out of the way you want to see this hot action of mayonnaise going on egg yolks yeah yeah mayonnaise going on egg y you definitely want to see this pure sex my wife right now is going speaking a beaten off somebody is what my wife is watching this she's going you're cross contaminating you're cross cont yeah I are you going to use the relish for another sh no so oh threw away the shells the paly so you used your sweaty Palm end of the fork to not contam smash it like a gorilla we need three fingers of relish for this particular recipe a drink two second pour of mustard everyone do a shot of mayonnaise then you eat the egg I'm going to pour these out I'm going to pour this drink out and get something else is that get something real yeah yeah make it make one for me and Matt please too my God the [ __ ] Angry Orchard is an awesome beer and I love him as a sponsor is that it's fun cuz it's a PR got bit by a bat once what yeah I got bit by a bat in Costa Rica what you going end it end the story there yeah and then you know you got to get think I might have put too much mayonnaise in this well I'm not going to act surprised I'm a mayonnaise fan so I say let it rip I'm a huge mayonnaise fan yeah you want it nice creamy I heard a black comic when I first started stand up he was like and white people put mayonnaise on everything and and all the black people were like yeah what's up with that and I was like you guys really don't like mayonnaise like not like we do like I love mayonnaise I put it I put mayonnaise on literally everything hot dog I was I was about to go through a list of mayonnaise throw throw it out I know you're a hot dog guy I'm a hot dog guy but I'm like would you put mayonnaise I'm a mayonnaise on a hot dog guy waffle waffles no got Fried Chicken yeah [ __ ] off if I got waffles and fried chicken I'll throw mayonnaise on there somebody right now is making mayonnaise ice cream I love mayonnaise I'm going to boot mayonnaise ice cream um you're a Matt you're a foodie mayonnaise ice cream are you a foodie I like food yeah a lot of people just call it fat yeah but you know but you know stuff sometimes do you eat yeah I mean that's like my favorite thing to do on the road is like find the the place the locals go problem is it's the problem with being like a a comedian you can't be healthy because every every [ __ ] local favorite is like you got to get a fried chicken lard bucket how much oil that's our thing it's a lot we're going to we're going to dip them it's going to fry it yeah we're going to make a dredge and then dunk these dip them in you guys want to do the you guys want to do the heavy lifting of this I want to cook mine in this I want to cook mine in this do you do like kind of turned off didn't it EG wash first here we'll do we'll do like an assembly line cool yeah we'll do an egg wash first one-handed these are warm eggs do people eat the food at the end yeah yeah yeah we're going to eat it you're going to love it you're going to be shocked I bet you go wow that was a spooky treat I'll be shocked we go into some kind of shock this is our wash anaphylactic after seeing how this I mean oh wait oh we'll need that we'll probably need that and then we'll put some salt and pepper in here Rachel am I right yeah oh we need some panko in here is this the this is flour this is flour right that go hang on what does it say p as well dredge egg whites in the flow another bowl with the panc eggs this one oh you going to mash up the rich crackers hang on hang on drain eggs and the flow that's going to blow I'm helping what does it say there you go yeah we're doing this then that then that okay yeah yeah yeah yeah we're yeah yeah yeah yeah Crush that up Crush that up I was doing it sexy like see see that's where I was going I got four worn how many of these just go a lot look I'll sprinkle it over it oh look at this are you getting a shot of this this is how food shows get made that's right man that's sex chew some of this spit in each other's mouths straight up food porn yeah that's going to be great that's going to be really good all right Perfect all right let's get this assembly line going like this ches go we go this this this this can go up here okay and then in here okay so is it is a is that ready to fry it is hot hey what drink did you go with uh bourbon you just went straight bourbon yeah right I'm going straight angry or I'll just murder this [ __ ] put like the Star Wars theme over this all right see that's not going to feel good Kyle yeah what do you want me to do do we have a smaller [ __ ] spatula good luck you're going to get the eggs out should put that in like right now we'll put the eggs on top of it so you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll put the eggs in there and then you lower them in I can just B I think we got it's a really good call a good call it's a great call okay all right you ready all right oh we got to put some salt in there okay and then we'll mix this around and then Dred dredge dredge it's crazy that three [ __ ] in the kitchen has over 5 million subscribers right so okay going to do it flour flour okay and then yeah then the wash feel like a fairy godmother like a fairy go give me that little dirty [ __ ] oo this doesn't look so bad yes it does come on we got to put them all in at the same time no yeah you know let's load them up they need like they need like more I mean if we're already deep frying stuff I think we can go little nuts don't don't touch that maple syrup bottle dude what about an orange don't fry it de fried orange slice deep fried orange SLI explod it would definitely exp and blind you no we'll poke it we'll poke it this is going to be good yeah you got to like you got to like spoon some stuff in there got it got to really soak it got to dig it in yeah these are going to be really good I think they're going to be really crunchy too see we use an expression it's culinary one you really got to get in its butthole that's what you do with an egg you got got to really dig in like it's someone you know and love and you know they love it you got a Michael Jackson this thing [ __ ] you man really thumb it apart oh as as you said that really thumb it apart I got way too excited are we going to use this Frankenstein one or no no we don't need to okay all we need we just need a few okay this will be my flower hand I'm still I'm ready just letting you know I like that you want I have one egg hand that I didn't predetermine and then a flower hand there you go teamwork oh yeah teamwork I would over this I would put in uh the country western song corn holand just play that how about the first time you saw corn holand and you were like that's what you guys call it huh I was confused about that one too yeah you're like that's we also call that [ __ ] dude's in the ass but whatever he was going to say that yeah I want to cornhole you Iowa guys cornhole just sounds so down homey and fun yeah know and it gives the homophobe something to bond there you go my dad oh never mind I'm going to save that conversation for a time we don't have your dad does watch the show my mom's my mom's watching I met your mom my mom yeah you met has the most eclectic group of friends I've ever met in my entire you know when people go I'm not racist and you go oh okay everyone says that and then you meet Kyle and his friends you're like oh you really not only are racist racist you don't know anyone like Kyle has you have like a a cast of Friends like it looks like Star Trek like everyone's something totally different but but they're all racist like a Vietnamese guy an Indian guy a black guy a big biker [ __ ] thing just lesbian like you really have like the most eclectic group of friends well I mean that's his history like the first season of the real world over there the first season of the real world I like that do you know one of the real world guys from Boston is now like the mayor of Massachusetts or mayor of uh Wisconsin or something or I don't know something I don't politics or something or something do you know he's like the president of some place yeah I hear one thing on the news and then I kind of try to tell you something that you know identity politic is really you should do you should do some [ __ ] happened you guys it was way out it was somewhere well the TV credits help we got nobody wants to see what's going on here oh this is this is where it's going to go going full Kyle you ready you I'm going to put them on there you lower them down I'm hoping M play you ready okay put the basket I'm going to put them on here for you and you lower them down yeah all right okay I'm getting Harm's Way here all right there we go and then is give it a little that's not going the way we thought it would no just drop give it a little razzled Dazzle just just give a little tilt there we go there we go there we go not bad not bad now we're frying all right you really got to get your hands in there and just toss them just really toss them I worked in an ice cream parlor when I was in high school and this uh this lady blind this lady [ __ ] I had so much ice cream it's a good move to get fat the year before College go right to college just [ __ ] just a thick Tire mommy doesn't want me getting distracted with the girls you got fat before College yes it was a great it was a great plan but somebody like dropped something in the deep fat fryer and went after it was working oh shut up yeah I was just like oh I don't want to be here just simmering going workman's comp [Music] baby let's get rid of these abortions all right how long how long I don't know I don't well Brown they got to get brown I think they're brown they look pretty brown they look Brown like hold on how Brown more Brown more Brown more Brown more Brown I think so okay how Brown is now it's my um favorite Mexican Mor Brown now cow that's like Mario Lopez Mario Lopez he got fired no one ever said Mario Lopez should use his own words what the hell did Mario Lopez get fired from he said Saved by the Bell not in this case he the bell went off a little bit early before this statement bell went off and he was like I have more thoughts about transgender children I know I've been on the road too looks the person I see the most in my life is Mario Lopez welcoming me to the hotel cable oh not anymore he got fired from that gig would be a good idea that would be a good idea there you go that's this pan of hot grease harder I speak my own thoughts a lot and I stay away from that [ __ ] subject D like going to win tell I want to know what Mario Lopez said he said it's problematic uh that I don't I don't know what he said it was something about uh about transport I believe trans children trans children on on his like on a podcast like right podcast something no I think he was like in line at a Chick-fil-A and he just started yelling that's how rumors started like tell me when the new how much the new Spiderman cost and this days in it's just so funny when you get a guy like Mario Lopez who never has used his own thoughts as words ever and you're like what are your thoughts and he's like finally no Zach no Screech no heyar we're going to toss back to the studio this is Mario time time for the kid to shine I kind of want to hear more of his ideas I'm like I'm not done Mario I'd like I that I story you want to you want to Pat the butth holes dry just like in real life I'm not going to light up on this all right now I think do we let them cool no we just you you have a joke about put spitting on a spitting on a paper towel and calling it an Alabama wet wipe that's I do you ever put moisturizer in your butthole it's seems appropriate for these no oh my God these are going to put moisturizer in our but holes and then eat these no just for life for itch management um I have definitely tried everything I put an ice cube up my [ __ ] recently that doesn't feel good at all up it I had so much pain inside my [ __ ] that I just shoved an ice cube up there what did you what happened to your [ __ ] uh it just slowly leaked the entire show oh yeah it was but what was causing the leakage like a snake no no it leaked the The Ice Cube leaked well yeah but they asking why you had such infernal pain I have no idea up your P have a hard time saying no I think that's number one wait you don't know why you put an ice cube up your ass no I had burning [ __ ] like burning fire [ __ ] and I was like how it and it was burning inside my [ __ ] and why I put an ice cube up my [ __ ] but you just have hot you just have a hot wet [ __ ] then yeah well I know and then I they called my name I went out and Stage we were in Fort Lauderdale and slowly the Ice Cube started to drip out of my [ __ ] ice melts BD yeah I know but I thought I thought my butthole would keep it all up there and then I could just [ __ ] it out later why would you think it would cuz enas you ever done an enema not one made of ice we used to do in high school we'd take a hose and shove it up our ass and call it public enema my buddy Mason cooksie did it in college and that became his his nickname public enema number one but we take a hose shove it up her ass and then [ __ ] on each other you didn't do that no see I grew up in Florida things were a little different where I grew up that does sound Florida you put the hose is Big yeah how's it fit you did you have a an applicator which camera's going to get that's a hose you shove you just shove it that's an inch you just shove it lip to lip o-ring to o-ring oh you just hold it there and then you got to open up your butthole and welcome the water in you can't just if you're pushing like if you're blocking it it's kind of a core exercise you got to let it in and then you let it in and then you'd hold it and You' go hey S I want to tell you a secret and he be like what and you just turn around slowly like no and then you just [ __ ] on him dude we did that a lot have you had a doctor just been like what have you done to yourself dude [ __ ] like looked at your body and been like there's you can explain what happened here I can't guess but you should tell me what you did I just one time I [ __ ] in a wine cup when we were like seniors in high school did you just say a wine cup I [ __ ] into a wine cup my buddy s goes bur not from a guy who shits in one he had wine cups as a child I'm understanding a lot now here's your wine cup baby I was [ __ ] in a wine glass and I gave it to my buddy s and he thought it was he thought I'd farted in it so as was a joke he went like this and it hit him on the face and he [ __ ] he got so [ __ ] mad why did you do any of this stuff I don't know we were just curious boys that's not curiosity dude like I'm real Curious I would go to the library did you I look things up did you ever [ __ ] like if you were going to take a [ __ ] did you leave the door open and your friends would come in and talk to you while you [ __ ] no no I've like hung out I've hung out I've hung out taking a dump and I water parked at one time I did that water parked just where they got they got like the fountain and you like I'm GNA try it oh i' I've let the I've got and it didn't work out well but I never like took a ho hoses are just attached to the outside of your home yeah neighbors see you yeah well I mean you're not not doing it like you're doing your backyard it's Florida it's Florida the other guy's doing it too that's how you learned it hey har hey Norm that guy always like having a good time if you didn't try you would get [ __ ] hazed like everyone did it and they're like do it you're like I'm not going to do it like oh [ __ ] we'll hold you down and make you do it you're like okay I don't want to be assaulted let's do it and this is like the'80s yeah there had to have been a guy who was just like you're not going to shoot stick a hose in your ass full full of water what are you gay yeah dude [ __ ] yourself with this hose or we're going to [ __ ] you that had to be a guy you don't shove [ __ ] in your ass you're gay dude there's so many times I tell a story and then people go I think you were molested and you're like huh there's so many times you tell a story dude bird what happened I was running a half marathon with Jim uh quarantine and he goes and we're talking about concussions and I go I had a lot of concussions he's like really and I was like yeah I said I had one so bad one time they had to wait me up every 30 minutes and check my testicles and he was like what I was like yeah they had to like wake me up and feel my genitals like every 30 minutes and he was like it's not a thing who I said the priests and he was like I think you were molested and I was like what he was like they don't need to check your genitals at all when you have a concussion I was like wait are you sure and look you get too much water up your ass with that hose it settles in the scrotum we need to maintain not to play proper pressure not not to play pedophile advocate here but why would they wake you up to make I'm I mean I'm I'm sorry why would they wake me up I don't understand so otherwise it's creepy like you see I'm being medical yeah are you awake all right just checking Tes all right there's nothing wrong with this they're still intact you're okay you're fine I'll wake up in 30 minutes that's my thing yeah Florida was a weird [ __ ] place where did you grow up Oregon oh that's now now it's weird was it weird it weird it was weird then now it's like cute fun weird like but no back then it was yeah hose up your [ __ ] from peer pressure I'm sure that happened not to me but yeah I'm sure that kind of but you guys had the Rednecks outside the city oh and then you guys were all liberal inside the city yeah well people that were like almost like Splinter Group Progressive would kind of come it was a place you'd end up if you didn't fit anywhere else at least Portland the rest of Oregon is kind of uh just ranging all over the place for the most part that's what they say that's why all the bad stuff or not the all the clashes are happening in Oregon in Portland is cuz the city's super Progressive well it's it's just a it's a Target so you get a bunch of uh [ __ ] that want to start [ __ ] like come it's stin that people gets a Portland gets a bad rap cuz I I port's one of the best places in the world awesome and I would say this to people on the left and the right life is not [ __ ] Star Wars you're not going to attack people and beat them and then you win and Everything's changed it's like Jesus Christ let's eat some presentation of this next time if your [ __ ] starts to burn that's why I brought up the moisturizer oh is this how your [ __ ] started burning proba I wouldn't be shocked by the way these are sh out egg shells in an hour and a half these are keto as [ __ ] bro are they I'm I don't know no there's breadcrumbs I think you're going to like them yeah should we get hot sauce too yes please what are the odds we have ooh Sriracha you guys like Sriracha I love I love it let's get something spicy roer sauce let's get something [ __ ] y to fall into the cuts the eggshells make yeah come on in Kyle come on over here come on over beautiful presentation Kyle gather around here put a little razzled Dazzle on these wait how do we make them spooky we'll turn them into bats chiv it chiv it oh oh good call good call I'm just going to continue with the theme these are your Halloween bloody [ __ ] oo bloody [ __ ] with a little bit of yellow and green and then we'll give them a little we'll give them watch this watch this you ready oh I'm trying to give him little [ __ ] didn't work with it would is there not like there's not like a health code thing you have to follow see that did you see that I like it you made little uh uh Sriracha fangs there been nobody from the health department that's come in here ever and been like you're going to kill somebody no the rest [ __ ] it yeah no you know you can start getting licenses to make food out of your house now you can serve up to 50 people God damn it you just spit on I just spit I just spit I just spit food come on over here let's try you ready come on come on Kyle come on Kyle all right they don't look that bad right look it's got it it looks it's got its little bat ears and it's little teeth is that it kind of looks like an infected Stab Wound that's pretty spooky yeah hey guys make these at home for your Halloween party and send us piics Cheers Cheers oh they crunch cheers they do they're not bad they're fried up pretty good it's not terrible it's not terrible at all it's really good I'm surprised yeah it's not bad right this is this is heart healthy too mayonnaise Dijon M it's fried SE it's mostly egg it's mostly egg somebody had these before DED of a heart attack yeah this is inadible this is first off wait who's Ryan what's that who's Ryan sorry R sorry Ryan that was your rooster sauce where amazing you [ __ ] dicks my name was on that Ryan's going to be like probably ate my lunch is why we sep all things this a pretty good wild guest on the mayonnaise relish Mayo combo I appreciate you going heavy on the Mayo that's what I do when I make deviled eggs though it's like I just I don't measure he's going to measure double eggs yeah you got to measure bread that's apparently the one thing these are great for trick-or-treaters you know they keep their shape what you do dump that in the bag with them you take that right dump it in the bag grab the bag give it a good shakee it back there you go buddy it's safe the the neighbors will like you hard to hide a razor blade and a deviled egg be popping top so they know coating around all your Snickers now were we the last generation of the razor blades in the that never happened it never happened never once I think so no my my neighbor's kid knew somebody my cousin totally happened Two Towns over wait wait go through a round let's do a round of those my buddy uh his he got pulled over by the cops he had a sheet of BL acid threw it in a sock sweat in the cop car he's crazy now thought he was turned thought he turned into new glass orange juice yep thought his head was an orange tried to peel it that's one of my jok he when he swallowed uh bunch of David Bowie come oh oh Rod Stewart swallowed so come there to pump his stomach no same same kid same kid swallow three time the three-way Tom Tom Stewart and Dave BWI there were other neighborhood kids but he had a belly full [ __ ] belly full of [ __ ] you had a pump that's crazy because I've seen women that have taken a lot of [ __ ] they never had to pump their stomach oh my God you have daughters you're leaded the happy look on your face too I've seen women that take a lot of come okay they have to pump their stomachs is This Racist but if I watch porn with a black lady I feel worse if the [ __ ] gets in their hair cuz I know it's harder to wash no that's I think that's caring that's actually you're an ally yeah I think that's caring you're an ally in that moment nice not for me to say but that's the observation yeah not for me to say I've seen porn with so much come in it that I start swallowing does that ever happen to you where you're just like going how much C porn do you watch L um why is I know I never have to ask your fetish dude I um it's but I ghost bite GH bite like if I make you something and like go I'll show you a perfect example of ghost bite take a take a bite of that and I go tell me if you like that take a bite this is exactly what I do okay you made you ghost bit oh dude I ghost kiss when I see in movies the couple kissing I'll go like this I will pay you to go to a food court and ghost kiss around like teenagers oh my God how funny would that be you in a bush just first time it ever happened name the rose do you remember that movie name of the Rose was the movie uh Sean connory and yeah and there's a sex scene and I'm sitting with my dad watching it and I start ghost kissing like my dad goes what the [ __ ] are you doing and I was like huh what I was like into the movie and five gallons of water fell out of your ass in front of and you [ __ ] a bucket's worth and I'm G swallowing I got put up for adoption when I was 16 your dad was like sorry I asked sometimes when I watch pornite ghost blow I could talk about porn so much lately I've been off it for like a month and I just started back got a real horny Halloween episode with old bird huh yeah that is spooky do you do you can you watch you you don't probably watch porn at all do you sometimes yeah really mhm I didn't see that coming do you watch you definitely watch it like but that's is that profiling was I being racist when I looked at you and I was like you definitely would like porn how is that racist I don't know I don't know both white I don't understand oh oh yeah not racist it's just problematic no man I watch I appreciate that they're doing it yeah thanks I want to your service there's I'm sure they'll let you that's like a director for a standup special they really don't have to do much yeah and [ __ ] that's that's a that's an old that's an old you guys got your cameras on right that's an old joke and how how hard can it be and suck it is that really an intelligent uhuh yeah um yeah double penetration I don't even know why the ladies there when they're doing that that's like two gay guys that just won't admit it Adriana c her again [ __ ] three it's I don't like who's who needs it I don't know how that like what what's the car ride home like you're like no speed bumps please that's like watching my 600 lb life when they don't want to do the exercise anymore like they want to quit so like you got to keep going I don't feel good I don't feel good for them at all I feel bad what if you were just like hey guys I've been done for like two minutes are you guys close yeah I've been I finished wiped out I'm just here yeah you know and I'm Sorry by the way do the best porn star out there is this guy Owen gray he is awesome you ever seen him he's got a black leg tattoo that turns into letters up here okay yeah oh I mean I watched I watched him they called it cover up yeah people get the all black and people like that's a used to be SW there Hello Kitties in that he got on a dare I'm this guy now it's hard with tattoos to change your move I was and he's a big dick but and I said on a podcast I was like he's got a big dick but he's probably one of those skinny tiny guys so like it looks like he has a big dick right yeah and then he just heard it and emailed me and he was like I'm 6'2 that's all he wrote I'm 6'2 that's all he wrote and yeah I was like oh God he's got a hog he's got a hog and he knows where I live I love that he's going to come over and knock on your door with it the opposite of Red Riding Hood it's a big hog that's trying to not your door breaks the doorbell yeah he's awesome to watch [ __ ] he's really good cool yeah are we getting flagged on this video do you think this is how you don't get sponsorship I did a oh what what possibly could have stopped any sponsorship I did a I did a thing with this like uh YouTube star girl is killing you get sponsored by porn and she was like about that you the pornography they like to eat they got to eat I would I would definitely take a porn sponsorship if they just gave us all like passcodes you know more than that that's like maybe I should uh Power great responsibility get a passcode yeah and like $100 you direct if you look at porn you're like I want to look at it this way now now I want to look at it this way you're already directing if you're just looking at porn you change which porn you're looking at you want to see that's directing I want to make a porn where it starts this is how this is how I direct a porn Okay it would start with a girl in her room and she'd be like this and she start to go like this and then in the video it would just fast forward and then you see her just sucking a dick and then fast forward again the way I watch it where I go no let's just get to the end yeah just and then and then it would come back come back come back and then yeah is that genius that hat looks so hot it is I'm sweltering under it I'm so [ __ ] underneath it how the [ __ ] you talking about porn just sweating in front of deviled egg fix tell me if this is an por start look though it's a whole thing right all right is everyone I need a monacle if I had a monacle and I walked in all right who's ready to make a movie is that a porn guy do your impression of you as a porn director me as a porn director yeah yeah yeah yeah and and scene good enough good enough I walked out that's it uh I'm going to take a break where're everyone smoke if you got them yeah what's what's your porn director I what oh boy dig deep I mean just I I I like the natural [ __ ] I like when these two people set up a camera I'm a true uh I like uh what that cin ver I think me too I'm the same way kids get in there and express your feelings that's it that's the impression the challenge would be like I'm straight so I know what I like you draag gay porn cuz that's like all right I got to think of something different for what cuz I don't even know and that's where you get the outside perspective MH I would do this is if I had to Dr a gay porn it would be two guys stuck in an elevator that's so you're about scenario oh I never go the scenarios doesn't do anything for me oh yeah two guys stuck in an elevator and they're like looks like we're going to be here for a while looks like we're going down I like I like 10 guys in the elevator oh shut the [ __ ] up there's one guy and he's got to [ __ ] his way out o I like that okay MCS your staircase drawing like that but 10 guys all pcking in a poking for Infinity that's probably more of a GI it like this I like this I like this like a screen saver it's aen guy with a Maga hat gets in an elevator right and then someone goes oh hold that door and he's like oh and then he holds the door and he goes hold on come on boys and it's just nine guys right so they're all sitting there they get stuck in an elevator and like well we're going to be here for 15 minutes let's start sucking and [ __ ] boys and then the one guy in the magah Hat's not into it and then he's like oh [ __ ] and then he starts [ __ ] them and they're like he's like fine puts it on a hook that's got to be you think that's got to be out there with like the retaliation there's got to be magah hat a I'm not into girls blowing dildos you're like that's there's a better way to clean it I don't think that's what they're trying to do the dishwasher oh that's not how you dis amazing you open that dishwasher just full of this is how you clean a dildo we're sponsored by I shot some at a porn place I just had dishwashers for all our stuff oh the place we're in the prop room and then there's just a trailer hitch oh for putting in your but a trailer hitch I'm assuming yeah I don't think they're just throwing it on an F-150 great how great it would be if they walked out and and Kyle's got the trailer hitch up his ass like actually that's a legit trailer hitch we're trying to get thats to transo now we got to have a like a Teamster is like just put it there has anyone seen the trailer agge [ __ ] this is a real trailer every time I park my truck here somebody [ __ ] it in this place I swear to God man not everything's for [ __ ] guys it's so smooth and shiny I mean guys you can't leave it with all the dildos and me not expect me it's like labeling your lunch in the office refrigerator like this is Dave it's not for [ __ ] okay it's just don't hey guys this is Ryan do not put this in your [ __ ] okay come on Ryan you don't think I'm in a little bit this is why you're had that ice cube yeah anyway the moisturizer thing is a great trick if you get a fiery butthole I like spicy foods and I've been dabbing a little bit of Hotel moisturizer up there to just uh relieve the the burning so that's a cheap it's a cheap fix and saves the embarrassment of buying a cream or an ointment if you're a little shy around the uh customer service represent take alongs I'd love them as a sponsor but wouldn't you just walk into a CVS that's what I'm saying I don't want or if it's just like you're in a hotel and you're like ah [ __ ] man I Hae a lot of I'm just dab a little on there my balloon knot is on fire right now just kiss it my [ __ ] got to the place where it is dry heaving just like ever take a a hot [ __ ] where it's going that was a great episode guys um anything to promote guys how do we end this episode I always have a hard time ending episodes Matt you're good at improv improv us out of here for a while it's all on me it's always all on you guys we learned a lot we had some laughs and we we talked about our lives most importantly we made fried Halloween butth holes for you and your family to enjoy make them drop them in a trick-or treat bag on a kid grab the bag give it a good shake and tell them old Bert sent you CU that I'd like to see Kyle's version of an outro yeah yeah Kyle Kyle want you to take the seat I got take the I actually have those seats at home do you have trick-or-treaters at your house BD 100% you ever just like when you drop the candy in the bag do you just kind of Kick the bag just to let him know who's boss no I always give them a trick go trick or treat and I go oh okay here's a deck of cards kids and they're like all here's an ice cube don't ask where it's been yeah oh you got a quarter stuck behind your ear there you go that quarter's for you kiddo I really hope you don't poop out treats into their bag oh I got a I got a drink for you all right I got a drink for you come on guys let's go around to the hose watch this teach your buddies you I'll be honest though every part of you is just is just probably smooth and like cuddly so you probably have this like a round can we just do a closeup of this halfe and thing like Barefoot Contessa and then the conversation is what goes to the credits yeah yeah yeah close we're all holding glasses of Ros no reason there's a field behind us like if a kid was just looking right near your [ __ ] really hoping for candy but it still was in candy like you dumb kid of course Candy's not going to come out of my [ __ ] right now Angry Orchard's like how did we get in this [ __ ] conversation God damn it what the [ __ ] Buffalo Trace we're getting [ __ ] in the ass with a garden hose right now speaking of Angry Orchard I got a mean Apple you could check out and then you just bend over in front of the kids that come to your door hey guys try to take it out who wants to go bobbing for apples huh guys God this is getting horrible Kyle give us a great outro that that was my I went directorial I said close up on this with the audio coming over there and then slowly Fade Out yeah I like that and make it we're in a field of wheat oh yeah can we green screen this is it too late to Green Screen can we green screen a green screen be green screen oh [ __ ] you got to put the green screen up it's got to be up before this show starts you can't green screen it afterwards you can't just throw green behind us for real they do that on Apple movies hey here we go hey when in doubt three fingers of mayonnaise and canola that's perfect thank you [Music] [Music] guys this episode was brought to you by the machine
Channel: Bert Kreischer
Views: 36,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bert Kreischer, BertKreischer, Bert Stand Up, The Machine, Bertcast, Podcast, comedy podcast, stand up comedy, bert kreischer netflix, bert kreischer stand up, comedy, bert cryshure, 2 bears 1 cave, bert Krisher, bert Kriesher, bert Crisher, Kyle Kinane, kyle kinane stand up, kyle kinane dirt nap, kyle kinane shocks and struts, kyle kinane margaritaville, Matt Braunger, matt braunger doug, matt braunger wildcattin, matt braunger big dumb animal, matt braunger owl
Id: 5rW2AVIy86I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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