Trick to Simplify your Wardrobe in 20 min! | Minimalist Mom Life (2018)

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well I don't know about you but for the longest time I put off simplifying my wardrobe because it was just too overwhelming and the problem was the whole what happens when we put it off it doesn't get smaller it just keeps getting bigger right so coming up next I want to share with you a really easy trick of how you can simplify your entire wardrobe in 20 minutes or less it doesn't have to take a long time and it doesn't have to be emotionally draining either well hi I'm dawn from the minimal mom and if we have a mecca for my family and I just enjoy sharing tips and tricks of how you can simplify your life really quickly so that's what you'll find here on our Channel and today we are gonna tackle wardrobe so this is actually my entire wardrobe right behind me and I want to share with you a trick of how you could sort through it really quickly and basically the end goal being that when we have a smaller wardrobe it's easier to get dressed in the morning it's easier to decide what to wear but I also noticed that it kind of just took away a lot of guilt by getting rid of the things in my closet that I never wore or didn't fit into anymore I didn't have to look at them every day and move past them and sort through them and feel guilty about them anymore and so I'm excited for you to have a pared down wardrobe so you can start enjoying some of those benefits as well and also in this video we're going to talk about how to simplify your wardrobe quickly and then coming up in the next video I'll actually show you a closer look at my wardrobe okay so to get started today here's the process we're going to take one we're gonna determine how many clothes we need and what types the second step is just to pull out only the things we need to fit our new inventory and then the third thing is to decide whether we're gonna store or donate what's leftover so here's how we decide how many clothes we're gonna need to keep let's look at the different roles that we play during any given week or the different hats that we wear for example here's the three different types of outfits I'm gonna wear run in any given week professional whenever we're selling real estate these are the clothes I'll need working at home mom so I've tried to kind of up my game a little bit in the types of clothes I wear around the house during the day but I still like to be comfortable so I've tried to pick a little bit nicer clothes that I wear around the house and that if I still needed to stop by the office I wouldn't be horrified or embarrassed and then the third would be like either going out on dates with Tom or just going to lunch you know with a friend or with my mom or sister so those are the three types of outfits that I wear so once we decide the roles or the types of outfits we need then we need to decide how many and so I talked about this in the kids video on simplifying their wardrobe but it's way less than we think it is it's so much less and and so my hope is that we can kind of go to the street extrema simplifying our wardrobe you can just try it out see what it feels like and then if we need to add some pieces back in we can do it but we do it strategically I think you know most of our wardrobe it just kind of happens right we buy something here we get something in there we get this at a thrift store this and so by just kind of pushing the reset button and getting back to just a really simplified wardrobe and you're gonna find that it's really simple then to add just the pieces you need and you can really shop with confidence okay so I'm just gonna give you my numbers for example so for my professional wear I like to have five tops at any given time and three bottoms for around the house the same thing five tops and three bottoms and then for the more casual clothes that I wear out really about three to four tops and two bottoms is plenty okay so jot that down on a piece of paper once you have that we're gonna gather all of our clothes so our house is a little weird Tom and I actually took out our bedroom closet to make the bathroom bigger so all we have is an Ikea wardrobe in our bedroom so about a half or a third of it is my hanging clothes and then I have a dresser in our bathroom I know it's a little unconventional but it works for us and so I wonder with tops one door with bottoms they are overflowing because I never like switched out seasons in the spring and I haven't done it yet right now and so I'm excited to go through this process with you literally and so I just grabbed everything out of all the places I have clothes and I put them here on the couch with me okay so once you have all your clothes we're also going to need a donation bag and then some kind of storage bin or box or whatever to put stuff in and that we're gonna keep and so here's what I'm gonna put into it I'm going to put stuff that's out of season and then also stuff that's either too small or too big I mean we think we're the only ones that do it but if I had a nickel for every piece of clothing I've bought thinking that oh just a few more pounds and I'll fit into that or I couldn't pass up the deal because it was so nice and I knew that when I lost somebody I'd be glad to have it well those days don't always come and I want you to get rid of everything in your closet that taunts you either because you spent money on it and never wore it or because it's a size that you don't fit into and don't wear it we need to be nicer to ourselves and get those things out of our closet okay so we have our supplies we have our bins and our bags and so now what we just really want to quickly do is just pull out so like I said I want to keep five tops for professional wear I want to keep five tops for around the house we're and then you you know to wear out and so literally I'm just gonna go through these piles of clothes behind me I'm gonna pull out those tops that I want to keep and everything else is gonna go into my storage bins and let's also keep this in mind too I don't know about you but like I like adding to my wardrobe seasonally so I like to buy a new piece or two every season so when we're going through these things like let's err on the side of just getting rid of stuff that we just don't wear [Music] like you're gonna come across these things like hey pay like $25 or this shirt at Macy's and I really like it but it's too big now and so I only worked like one or two times so what do I do is a info but again I don't like I don't want to have this in my closet being like oh why did I buy it like why did I spend money on it or I wish I hadn't bought it or anything like that like I just need to cut my losses learn from my mistakes and move on okay [Music] so just like that I have I have my cat I have I have three casual tops and I have five tops to wear for a dress and so this is what's gonna go back in my closet and then I have a big pile of toys and to donate and then some Suffolk but that summer that's gonna go into the bid to stay for summer and then I do also have like this denim dress that I can wear for business and then this other dress that I've done many people as well that I've ordered like weddings and sex so those are gonna go back in the closet - oh I can't tell you how good this feels already just to be getting this all is simplified okay so now that I'm done this is my bin of stuff that either doesn't fit or is out of season here is two bigs that I'm gonna donate there are my clothes I hung back in my closet for good where my at home close to dresses and then my pants and a couple t-shirts that I'm gonna keep and I know from experience that this is me more than enough to get through the fall in winter season and like I said if I need to add something now I can do it with confidence well I hope this helps a little bit I was surprised how many clothes I still had to donate so if you feel like oh my goodness where did all these clothes come from you're not alone it's pretty amazing how they add up or like I said before if it's kind of an emotional process or stressful or any of that I know how it goes but I do think it's worthwhile just to take a little bit of time just sort it all out and just kind of to go back to the beginning and kind of recalibrate your wardrobe and I think you'll find that moving forward it's actually kind of fun for me to shop now we're in the past I didn't always enjoy it because it felt stressful or I felt like I was always making mistakes but now it's more fun and I don't feel like I make the same mistakes that I did in the past and coming over the next video I will show you a little bit closer look at the clothes that I did decide to keep in kind of my thought process now behind it buying clothes and of course if you have any questions please leave them below in the best compliment that you can give us is always a thumbs up [Music]
Channel: The Minimal Mom
Views: 329,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall capsule wardrobe, ideas, simplify wardrobe, fall wardrobe, easy, quick, comfortable, minimalist, minimalism, the minimal mom, the minimalist mom
Id: WeZ_0t4RM6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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