TRICK SHOTS FUNnel Perfect! SILLY SHAWN RETURNS! Microwave Challenge FUNnel Vlog

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my ATP second I pick my nose third will full still came like that's why I go sleep at night alright hey wait wait wait wait wait wait this for the challenges for the challenges for the challenges for the challenges for the challenges for the we have some peeps ghost from a year ago because Sean was gonna have a ghost birthday party for his first bday but we did something different so Sean you ate the second one give it to ease its gonna poke you you got it what we have here are ghost fighters there's a marshmallow Pete video you may remember our tour guide from our last Florida video she gave us this idea he's a little flat alright so here's how I think this work we've never done this before you're supposed to play with regular peeps we have two fighters here now they each have a sword so you guys have to put your swords in and we're gonna put them in the microwave and supposedly to see whose peep will pop the other peep oh my goodness Mike you see two more taking Shawn eat you know they said no no no more candy cuz you had to this is chases fighter it's chase versus Mike oh it's been stabbed alright we have our battlers and supposedly we're gonna watch them attack each other I don't know how this works they put them like that all right we got our bad others alright let's get one minute on the clock and let's what alright let's see what happens they should start to blow up you see that all my gonna go get another toothpick you see it oh my gosh it's so big okay go oh so that's what's supposed to happen if there's no Stu like get blown up big and then one of them is supposed to likes dad the other one but ours been a good thing we have four more yeah you like try are you I'm okay that's actually why we have ghosts everywhere well it's because of Halloween but still these ghosts were also purchased for Sean's first birthday party but we changed it and you had petting zoo animals look at the inside it turn to peanut butter what do you want we're not doing a pit bull oh my god okay it's a toothpick can I have that hi here's what we're gonna do this time instead of toothpicks we are going to see that we can crazy glue of ghosts yeah no you can't do that hot [Music] glue no are you kidding all you said I eat glue but you can yeah it's hot and non-toxic you need toxic cold glue okay here we go we have our little ghost sanctuary me oh you're on there oh there you're so oh you just washed your face no they don't shine I know you're smashing no that's cuz you're smashing are you sad I think that'll work they're all getting ready to pop each other and you close to me I'm gonna pop you if you bark me I'm gonna pop you ain't nobody popping nobody except for me I'm knocking somebody I closed it I've got that one minute and go all right oh no they all fell whoa no the microwave is melting the Blues they're turning into hot pockets we'll get out those pockets oh geez okay cheese [ __ ] [ __ ] puppy puppy for sure you want to pop it to eat it shine that was not very cool that one yeah more you wanna do more okay it looks like you're more we put on a plate the less bigger they get so let's just try one in the middle more okay just one size a 100 job I let's see how big this one get look at this one oh my god oh yeah just like a monster would be Frankenstein say about his artwork it was a monster piece right good job chase you just mean joke hey what's it goes [Music] [Music] in their bellies oh my goodness now I wasn't getting that Johnny Johnny telling lies I'm making a book for chase Spreadshirt calm it's not fair you won you won you won mm-hmm you what no you what oh you what oh you what all right we're done with one fail and we're gonna see if this is a part two we've got a domino to hit a ball and to go down into the box then the three boxes okay Michael go do that filled on so many levels one two three four levels from Michael go it doesn't go like this boom Shakalaka somebody called the doctor doctor your shoes yeah because his shoes his deets because he's trying to say feet go get your deets [Music] [Music] hey China No you want go timeout let's go in the crib don't go see be okay you can't throw say sorry gotta give me a hug Michael do that no vision here but Sean just made up the name in this game he a bad guy yeah Sean okay are you good boy down there you're gonna go see Baghdad okay go see bad guy why you have to come with you hey I'm a very responsible safe hairy thing with you okay okay I'll race you no you can't jump from there get him you just take it from your baby brother Jason kid says you took that [ __ ] chase cats Megan yeah okay again you try to hire love straight game coming I got him shine taste throw it well all right there's my ATP second I pick my nose third on weald for like still peeing like that's why I go sleep at night [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry for those people that tried to watch this video it had four views but over 5000 comment when you try to play it it says it's unavailable thanks a lot YouTube for messing up my day nice pumpkin Regina to wake up the spider [Music]
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 9,859,820
Rating: 4.6180673 out of 5
Keywords: chases corner, fv family, doh much fun, funny videos, family vlogs, funnel vision, fgteev
Id: 020mcaa_49Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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