Trick of the Trade | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

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elor is the best player he the Super League takes a week off and I can finally get rid of this hideous sock tan [Music] ah all [Applause] right huh really now ah a Super League news blast come on I'm on holiday here hello super Leaguers Miss alivo if it isn't Miss entertainment herself what's she up to this time you're all super talented but have you ever wondered who really is the best well here's your chance to find out out [Music] latest all you need to do is film your latest trick and upload the video the super leager with the most views wins the grand [Music] prize super and the grand prize is the Prototype super car of the future the Maximo stall the maximos real I heard Space Engineers built the Prototype imagine the speed imagine the power imagine how good it will look with me in it h you all disgust me especially you Bruno entries closed 24 hours before the award ceremony contest open to Super League players only W I'm your official cameraman okay shakes I can see it now first move round the world no ways spins coach said we must use this week to relax no soccer yeah yeah not even Super League 4000x sorry buddy for the record this is [Music] lame woohoo we've been invited to a barbecue at dancing ARA's house you mean I've been invited come on I want to see what crazy tricks the other Strikers are coming up with uh these are professional footballers there's no ways they'd waste time with stupid trick [Music] videos oh [Applause] yeah [Music] o you didn't hit the can scar because I was aiming for the stellano wow Miss altivo look at all these entries but still no sign of shakes why do we need shakes entries are coming in thick and fast views are on the rise thousands of views thousands Devon Susan's cats and pajamas video has got a million views since lunch good job Susan thank you Miss elivo thank you Miss elivo alivo entertainment isn't here for just a few clicks what we want is global attention every screen every eyeball and how do you think we'll get it Devon uh cats celebrities funny videos funny videos of celebrity cats no it's conflict Devon the world wants to see conflict okay I think I finally got it what the weird yeah tiger dude what is this my latest trick is a sequence of smaller tricks it requires creativity planning and perfect [Music] execution whoa my comb I've been looking for that every trick needs the one before it to work perfectly the slightest miscalculation and so close tigers at it dude guys miss Alo is counting down the top three tricks your latest trick videos are blowing up stand by for our current top three Co these tricks had better not interfere with your rest before the Invincible United game no no we're totally chill just blowing off steeve that's our way of relaxing good now move I can't see the screen and without further Ado three North Shaw Golden man in [Applause] red wo by K two yeah me El Matador yeah play pigeon shooting El Matador style P too easy that was so hard 126 shots but I finally did oh uh we can cut that last part out right nice one he guys grubs up if you can catch w oh you're kidding not scar not him behold the awesomeness pretty good I've seen better more like your lamest trick yeah V here had number one hey do I smell something burning yeah a sick burd oh he got you there man you got to admit that's kind of funny you're not going to let him get away with that are you you know he got you [Music] this fine get me a ball just make sure you get this from a decent height [Music] Spence [Music] you did good sh you did real good not quite a billboard nose Blaster but [Music] okay shakes it's on Scara woohoooo we finally got shakes so what do we do now Devon celebrate we can have balloons and Susan can bake a cake decorated no Devon we've initiated conflict now we intensify it and I know just the guy for the job yo want to make videos get views and go viral then you come to the right face I'm Jord e your goofy guide to internet stardom the most important thing about creating your latest trick is Showmanship you've got to make it look cool hot weird wacky K [Music] [Music] blam next up to get a strong audience response you you need to respond and there are only two correct reactions confidence indifference aka the thug or crazy celebration you just got to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] boners last confront your enemy sto the fire of jealousy by dropping lines in a diss track don't even matter if you can't rap right let's do this ninja uh Ninja come on he says it doesn't matter if you can't rap ah You're So [Music] Vain listen up punk do you know your tricks are junk the last one's stunk Fame is shrunk career sunk like an old ship take a hot tip bite your lip cuz he ain't prepared are you cold or just Running Scared shivering and shakes you ain't got what it takes nods like a lap dog hair like a hedgehog yeah I'm taking aim taking names taking down in flames when you just sit there playing video game yes Scara is nailing it again oh Devon the Fun's only just starting okay you guys ready uh-huh yep let's do this and action you think your Rhymes are so ill think you burned my nostrils H I'll show you a burn Scara and I'm just warming up yeah yeah we're heating up like it's tropical you're spitting hate cuz you're like a troll I'm laughing at you cuz you're comical while my lyrics keeping topical doing tricks like there's no obstacle don't second guess me cuz I'm in [Music] control what up son your rap is done but if you want another rhyme try why aren't you relaxing at home like I told you coach if I don't finish this video scar is going to win the competition the deadline's tonight and the United game is tomorrow what's more important to you shakes come on shakes where are you yes time's up and we have a clear winner well rules are rules I guess we should pack up go home and get some rest right well I haven't really slept in 3 days Deon this is our competition and we make the [Music] rules match day at striker land and everyone's in town for the your latest trick award ceremony tonight pretty obvious who's going to win right Super Striker should have the advantage on not the game Riano I mean your latest trick oh yeah SCA is Miles Ahead I can't believe I've come all this way and that pipsqueak has trumped us all I don't care who wins I'm just here for tonight's party got to say even though Scara is getting the Maxima I'm just glad this competition's over H me too shakes dude yeah you and scarv are going nuts you even tried to rap yeah what were we thinking [Applause] huh you've seen the tricks the triumphs and the tragedy but two players stood out from the rests so to decide who really deserves the Maximo we're extending the deadline till the ceremony [Applause] tonight don't worry coach and don't forget your views decide your latest tricks winner so rewatch your favorites as many times as you like what you doing there man nothing Brenda uh look the game [Music] starting [Music] great buildup place and the T Matador in the danger [Music] zone wa thrilling start to the game but the fans don't seem interested absolutely unacceptable Brenda [Music] I have a plan to distract shakes hey Duma sends it to stara hey North check out my latest trick [Music] dude phenomenal skill from the forward but a weak shot on goal perfect yes your turn [Music] [Music] shakes oh it's on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh you're supposed to distract shakes with the tricks not yourself whatever no ways I'm letting shakes get that [Music] sty no and it's off the crossbar Duma pushes Scara out of his way picks the ball up off the rebound [Applause] and I mean go no coach is subbing me no shakes m not yet anyway guys look I've been a little selfish more like spectacularly selfish no kidding I'm wrong all right I'm sorry but I have an idea remember twisting Tiger's sequence of Tricks sure I still don't have my comb back well thanks to your latest trick we've all got new moves right interesting restart from super strike they've sent it all the way back to the defense creativity planning and perfect execution all right block now B Kake Burger special get it w f what no way huh fcking [Music] low over to you [Music] [Music] shakes what was that that's a little flick called [Applause] teamw that'll do shakes H nice job ruining our chance of a win and looks like it was all for nothing too what that's so unfair shakes on his whole team helping him Mr Scara we have a team that can help you who are you see you later Bruno the atmosphere is electric at the your latest trick Awards night Mac can we forget about commentating for once mind if I comment on the fact that Scara hasn't shown up with shake so far ahead I don't blame them the stallo will suit you my friend you're both one of a kind I might actually have a shot uh I think you mean we might have a shot team trick team car I B Saturdays I got Tuesday ladies and Gentlemen please take your seats and get ready for the grand finale of your latest trick funny thing happened after the game Miss alivo offered to help me make a new trick video crazy right let's have a look at our final scores wait wait wait the competition organizer offered to help you it looks like we have a clear winner and you don't think she made the same offer offer to anyone else and the winner is whoa there stop everything what this is most irregular Mr Scara sorry I'm late had to take a cap cuz tonight I'm driving home in the stallo I suppose the contest hasn't been decided yet load it up [Music] Devon huh new video from Scara not gonna watch it not gonna watch it bour Miss go and fry an egg you P fist POS ah Patty they love me here anyway here's my latest trick I call that one taking out the trash Next Level what a trick yeah Scara you rock to parison back in 2 hours a special effects you are a natural yeah bro I've like never even been to France all elivo cares about is getting more views and look it's working good job Devon I did a good job I did a good job I did a good job looks like we finally have a winner [Music] Scara introducing the maximos [Music] Dio oh dude that is perfect [Applause] no it's so teeny tiny she did say it was the Prototype looks like Scar's not the only one who could do trick photography sure Scara made a fake video but I'm the one who was really being fake sorry I got so carried away guys no problem hey we all get a little carried away sometimes right oh here's my ride ah ninja nobody cares about your flashy motor vehicle Bruno Bruno Bruno Bruno Where Are You Bruno Bruno what have I done [Music] Bruno I don't know huh whatever losers I'm out of here look at that car me it's a cutest little po I ever saw oh look at that big kitty cat wardrobe bring the giant [Music] pajamas [Music] so uh who is Gavin Brinkley and why is he making a musical about us yeah football and music don't go together huh all depends how you play brother sir Gavin Brinkley can turn anything into a musical haven't you seen fizzle Boom the musical sir Gavin insists on extensively researching his subject fter faster uh can we get on with this well excuse us ah super strikers so glad you could join us for our final dress rehearsal sure no problem looking forward to the show hope it isn't boring oh we had the Press here last night and they loved it another brinkly hit the call come one come super world football what [Music] I run fast and then I kick it that last that is in brecket Slam DK we got to get a hold in one that shakes is important High States no reinforcement he's the reason that we w [Music] he's the reason that [Music] we at least it's over uhoh but to understand the winning we must start from the beginning you ready son yep huh how about you nothing dropped that you could couldn't catch never stop never missed a match you're the kind of guy who always sees things true and I'll always be right here for you now see here fellows I'm glad we won but let's not rest on our Laurels yay I'm still in the show and I'm gone again they all want a piece of me they won't quit and this guy smells like cheese trophies Fame and scoring goals I'll admit I want all of these but the truth is the most fun I've ever had was barefoot in the backyard playing soccer with my dad you ready yep how about you you got me Dad and I've got you shakes so beautiful I feel Joy rising up inside me I feel something rising up inside me too my lunch that was the worst even I was bad how dare you I'm sorry sir Brinkley it's just not us and it's definitely not me you got some pretty basic stuff wrong no slam dunks and football dude yeah you need to do your rese who cares what you think uh sir Gavin you care what they think without their consent you're legally barred from using their lives in a theatrical production I need their approval listen up boys let sir Gavin do his thing we have an invincible United match to prepare for I agree with the man in last year's suit you should do what he says no way never going to happen we're shutting it down this show is just wrong it's not like you could do any better yes that's genius super strikers should tell their own story they're the ones who've been on the field scoring runs slamming dunks and whatnot I'll write the music of course but the lyrics must be theirs interesting would be good to get the story straight oh and make the songs a little more M out of the question come on Coach do you really want to be portrayed by that guy listen up boys H could be better ah lend me your ears fellows okay but you must get someone else to play me Cedric you're F no Gavin This was meant to be my breakout roll that's Showbiz vinced check it out super strikers are going to be so busy whistling show tunes and signing autographs for old ladies will destroy them perhaps but the extra attention could boost their confidence well the Brinkley company has sent us tickets to opening night maybe we can find a way to ruin it for them I don't mind getting our story straight with Brinkley but let's make sure we're also match ready for invincible United absolutely you got music to my ears don't worry Nanny Garcia will get it sir Gavin Brinkley good Heavens a gold piano oh it's like the books display purposes only until now shakes why don't you start where did I go wrong with your story well firstly how could my dad be at all my games he went missing on Mount kilamanjaro when I was a little kid oh I see Jo Mo Vince and I all played footy together back then Jomo was by far the most talented but he disappeared before he could reach his full potential he spent a lot of time playing soccer with shakes though didn't he teach you the bicycle kick yep taught me everything I knew at least till I was six ah yes that's good he taught me everything I knew till I was 6 years old yes like how to run and TI my Sho not just that I got the bicycle down cold jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it [Music] good but I've had lots of things to do since I was 6 years old I moved on and dad did too some things you can't control way to go shakes yeah maybe we could actually do this we can totally do this all right guys you see that's how it works we make it up as we go we improvise all right dude let's do it fantastic who's next I uh I once bought a giant octopus see now you're catching on to this when tiger spins the fans rejoice and cool Joe's got a golden voice Bravo our captain served a submarine block battled his twin machine I'm that guy who loves the strudle and Ino tried to fry my noodle Spike and big boo have an ancient Feud shakes is young but a legend dude you guys push hard but you pull together 1 2 3 I push hard but we pull together I push hard but we pull [Applause] [Music] together nicely done just a couple more songs to go I must say I can never get my actors to work this hard oh we're used to it listen up boys get up for practice we leave for strike a land in 10 I see what you [Music] mean uh uh shakes all right all right I'm on my way there's someone here to see you it's been a long time shakes oh hi and uh you are I'm shak's [Music] father so uh Joo how'd you find us yesterday I was reading the paper when I came across a review of your Musical three stars from the ayy they'll give us five when they hear the new songs it mentions Shake's childhood sure a lot of it's wrong but as I read it it started flooding back you see I had an accident that affected my memory Mount Kilimanjaro shik said that's where you disappeared the last thing I remember is a loud crack and a rockfall by the time I woke up I was buried in snow and hypothermia had set in you survived that legendary I must have clawed my way up to reach the surface at least that's what I was told by the guy who found me shakes I'm sorry I couldn't remember remember anything but I remember now so you uh call this strategy the funnel yep and we build Slowly by controlling the Midfield using the entire width of the pitch accurate passing is key the wings hang wide then Sprint in field finally one of them chips it over to shakes it all funnels to him the bicycle you know who taught him that right gnarly there dude and a smooth finish it is a lot of pressure though shakes think you can handle that in a match sure no problem H That's My [Music] Boy classic a through the legs you mean nutmeg perhaps some of the game's terminology has set your mind Joo but one thing no footballer ever forgets is how to handle a ball come come on show us what you can do Joo hey what is this you want me to perform like I'm some circus Sideshow you don't have to do anything you've been through enough truth is I haven't been able to play quite the same since a lion attack when I was a game Ranger my you fought off a ravenous Li nah she was protecting her Cubs all I did was get the tourists back in the Jeep and fractured my ankle in the process you saved those people that's pretty cool got any other stories that's enough back to practice and the power grow never F we [Applause] [Music] BR that might not be quite right but let's keep improvising dinner is ready what I like the little squares okay it's weird dude even IC think that's weird and what's with the sippy cup and that old blanket my blankie is for sleepy time and if I don't have my sippy cup I might spill the apple juice hey Joo how about another one of your adventure stories yeah cool sure but this is more of a funny dentist story than an adventure it all started when shakes ran up to me one day shouting Dad Dad my tooth loose you should have seen that smile he was stop please just stop what I don't know who you are but I think you should leave hey I I know I'm probably getting in your way so I'm happy to go if shakes is cool with that I [Music] uh please excuse me I'll see if he's all right 10 oh Mr Matador doesn't do endorsements for less than 20 mhm uh-huh don't give me that that garbage Neil run the numbers again but I want to speak to all of son I've never played a socer game that you were there to see I'm not saying you're to blame but you weren't there for me son I know that things have changed I've been away so long let's just face it this is strange can't fix it with a song I've missed a lot of birthday cakes I waited for you every year this is how a promise breaks I've had enough I'm out of here I'll do whatever it takes come on don't leave me hanging shakes can't we pick it up from here remember how I let you steer got my license just last year I taught you how to ride a bike there's another bicycle I like ah jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it good so your memor is kicking up gear so we're picking it up from here we're picking it up from here we're picking it up we're picking it up from [Music] here you've got some mad guitar skills and you're not bad on piano maybe it runs in the family I'm going to head out but I'll see you at opening night right wouldn't miss it for the world shakes looks like he's about to cry sounds like you really made an impact well the background info you gave me was spoton you and Shake's dad must have been good mates eh you know what they say keep your friends close and your Rivals closer anyway I got to get down there don't want to miss the start of the show you're not watching the show you're taking the money and leaving town but I told shakes I'd be there promises promises wait [Music] okay now listen up boys we're picking it up from here I push hard but we pull together you push hard but we pull together amazing we actually pulled this off all thanks to Gavin Brinkley sir Gavin Brinkley I feel inspired yeah makes me want to play football can't wait to crush Invincible United tomorrow right shakes oh a poor shakes did daddy let you down just wait till he sees the score in the match tomorrow now that'll be a real disappointment all according to script bra [Music] smashing match day at striker land and the stage is set for an epic showdown they may be the subject of a new musical but can super strikers play in harmony today [Applause] oh when the wings find a perfect Rhythm up the middle the move crescendos with Cool Joe but can shakes take it home come on get up there shakes who but he doesn't have the elevation for his signature [Applause] move anything we can do for you sir a taxi to the airport thanks of course I can charge room 514 this arrived for you earlier it's a ticket for today's game Shake sent it himself we can still pick it up from here uh this isn't for me your name isn't Jomo just the taxi [Music] thanks coach please you got to sub me I'm blowing this I'm sorry you have to keep trying shakes shakes [Applause] man can't hit the high notes a shakes Duma to me are you sure about this coach he's really struggling out there shak's struggle is with confidence taking him off will only make [Applause] it dude if you're not feeling up to it you're never going to get up to it but it's okay shakes we understand yeah we're sorry your dad didn't show up he's not my dad my dad would have been there right I even sent him a ticket to the game so stupid shakes you have a visitor you you got my message wait I'm sorry shakes I'm not your dad what what dude you better start talking fast or I'm going to just an actor someone hired me to play the role who hired you the the Invincible United guys they told me everything about J I should have guessed the only person who knew Jomo better than me was Vince Joo and Vince friends shakes I pushed hard oh hi and uh you are he's no one clous and he's leaving look I know I'm just some random actor guy but if I was your dad I'd be really proud it's too bad was kind of hoping I'd inherited your guitar skills ah I know a couple chords just improvised you know sir Gavin would approve you know we can improvise too right guys um Block rock a beat oh I see where you're going with this I push hard but we pull together I push hard but we pull together i p hard but we pull [Applause] [Music] together jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it good goal Mark shakes all three of you not much time before the final curtain and the scores are tied does either team have anything left but a big [Applause] finish so predictable he's got the air but he's also got company huh leaving almador completely unmarked Go My Little B what a performance what kind of bicycle is that sometimes you got to improvise bro yeah look who is back in the show I can see it now El Matador the musical how about Nanny Garcia the musical has a nice ring to it I'm already tearing up H interesting make it 60 and we talk what we had a deal promises promises right hey thanks for what you said about my dad if only he could see you now yeah I guess it's time I Let Go he's not coming back H poor chump he'll never see his dad again well sometimes you want your Rivals close and other times very very far away huh you know where Shake's dad [Music] is [Music] guys if we can keep up our current four we'll freee to the Super League final nothing can stop me uh I mean us you [Applause] ah Co oh man not looking good coach um coach don't you think you should be at home getting some rest rest I need to keep you lot on form for the technical game but coach man there won't be a game if we catch our C please it's the not that bad that bad it's on [Music] me all right I'll go home and rest yeah yeah yeah problem we'll never forget you coach dancing roster you're in charge until I fully recover you got it coach all right guys first who there resta you're going to need this and a whistle megaphone first aid kit second aid kit flat cones training bibs tactics board yoga mat and spare balls oh and one more thing uh yes coach good [Music] luck [Music] you guys warmed up it's time for some [Music] [Applause] football tiger switches shakes modon run into space Jo cross dancing R oh that's me El [Music] Matador not bad now turn turn pick it up good now jump good boy ref can super Striker's winning streak continue [Music] got you now hello co I'm Ill very ill I need something to get me back on the field with my boys oh uh I'm sure I can come up with a come at us Captain coach [Music] dude hello boys don't look so shocked it's just a little something Prof hooked up for me now I can coach from the comfort of my all right now that I uh have your attention let's get to work this sure beats coaching from the side line yes blog tiger flick your wrists for even more Back Spin shakes watch your non huh alador practice isn't over dancing rosta send it to clous clous to almador back heel to shakes sh yep got this one coach nice boys keep this up and beating technical will be business as usual no problem coach drone dude we're here at stri land for a special press conference ahead of tomorrow's fixture against Technical and it seems the rumors were no exaggeration the new technical tour bus is magnificent look at the size of that thing Tony you're a geni yes you've done it again your luxury bus gets a 10 out of 10 that is one you what we call it Tony you could just call it genius but why would you need something so big it's a home away from home it has everything my boys need on tour well I'm sure one thing your boys would really like is to beat super strikers what's the strategy Tony I've run a few new drills you know calibrated some tactical listen at least I bothered to show up for this pesky press conference sorry I'm late wow I'm a little under the weather that's pretty cool so Innovative huh he just stuck a tablet on a drone it's not rocket science but it sure saves time in the traffic now any question here dancing rosta you are on fire today coaching rer yeah you were all like do this do that blammo go would have been pretty interesting if coach hadn't come back yeah somebody doesn't know when to take a break guys it's been fun but coach deserves our respect and cooperation trust me he knows what he's doing it took a while but I think I've got the hang of hey surely this contraption isn't super leag approved oh I called Super League headquarters it's all perfectly legal anyone can do it nice Tony you're a genius a is a fact just wish you built this carpet with an auto retract Tony Tony it's so cramped my arms my elbows my whole body why can't we have real bed yeah Tony why can't we just stay in a hotel because if you lot weren't all sleeping in here this gigantic bus would look suspicious and if I gave you all real beds I wouldn't have room for all the suspicious stuff Tony I can't feel my legs if we sleep like this Tony what chance do we have of beating super strikers oh please like winning has anything to do with you [Music] lot well of course it has everything to do with who's in charge begin facial mapping now initiate voice match 1 2 3 match day at striker land hm after a night in their luxury bus I expected technical to be in better shape today well at least they showed up in person Super Striker coach is a flying robot doing his job for him come on Mac what if drone coaching is the future it'll soon be a thing of the past Brenda um max listen up boys surprise two can play this game coach good listen up boys I know this isn't ideal this drone might even be annoying some of you maybe a little but we have a game to win so how about you put my cold in these ridiculous drones aside and focus on playing some world class [Applause] football dangerous cross into the box ooh and super strier form continues to impress yes now that's world class football we can do this huh eight crazy ways this coach ruined his Super League career number seven will make you cry H 24 puppies that'll make you want to be a better coach win a private island a billion dollars and a solid gold elmatador action figure come on Who falls for this stuff how to get rid of popup ads yes please no what n coach you should know better than to click on suspicious ads right assume control of Coach drones now let's have some fun woo dancing roster huh I want the guys to slow the game down way down it's okay Coach We're Half slower run slower play slower understand um you got it [Music] [Applause] coach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ooh So Close they're all over us this isn't working captain guys we got to trust coach even if his methods are Stranger than usual yes oh come on computer I've got a game to coach North Shaw and the big one you're going too soft on their Striker yeah these dudes are kind of lightweights don't call the technical guys lightweights but you always call them lightweights oh I do do I just get out there and show me why I keep you guys on the team it's another great chance to go one up on super strikers ooh punching Tackle by the super cers Defenders what rans how dare you coach Ruffians your players are lightweights lightwe Waits your players are Neanderthals neander please don't use big words I don't understand of course the ref has awarded a penalty it's the chip up said chip come on computer now why is coach that's it you can do it computer good computer Tony you're a genius let's keep this one short no one is more qualified for it support this is it support hello I'd like to report a problem with your call is important to us please [Music] hold well that sucks what even happened over totally lame don't worry guys I'm sure coach has an explanation explanation our best strategy is squandered do you have anything to say for yourselves coach your new strategies suck there I said it they suck brother Co [Music] uhhuh I can't believe it we're winning Tony you're right it's not over yet but you're not mad at us are you so you're saying you're proud out of us Tony L best ever and that's why this really isn't my fault it's time you boys learn to take some responsibility you're right Coach man really winning is up to us and the team divided cannot stand so what do you say boys let's get behind coach and fall in line with his plans for the second half um whatever you say sure Captain your genius the king of the drones while coach lies at home and waits on the phone dancing raster what is going on you're acting as crazy as coach his illness is clearly worse than we thought so what do we do it hurts me to disobey coach but there is no other way can technicality extend their lead oh not if shakes has anything to do with [Music] [Applause] it this is more like it from the home team that's the way guys huh a cing shot from alador nice try dancing roster but remember who calls the shots around here what this then the super Striker's Captain is being [Music] subbed coach's strategies have been absolutely bizarre but benching dancing roster now that takes the [Applause] [Music] take wait what coach says whatever you think you should do do the opposite that way technically won't know what to expect you want to go left go right you want to go high go low you want to over with you [Applause] [Music] bet now twisting tigers on the left [Applause] wing shakes looks pretty confused block his way up in a striking position and um brinda I see it Mac El matador's back in defense what is going on Shu T chipperson looks dangerous and nor nowhere near the [Applause] action okay circle around hold hold now break I want to play anymore any come on guys don't quit on me now that's [Music] meuh now now coach I mean me no need for violence against [Applause] yourself oh sorry about the interruption you've got 1 minute call it injury time hey coach nice work destroying your own drone what a blunder my only blunder was trying so hard not to let you guys down that I forgot you have one of football's greatest leaders among [Music] you r good boy ref looks like it's up to you Captain coach dud we're in the final 15 minutes can super strikers pull it back without a coach Mac you're even a drone coach Brenda shakes El Matador push [Music] up Tiger Switch K Joo again shakes nutman elor draw out the keeper and cl you know what to [Applause] [Music] do you mindless meat bags I got you a two nil lead and you still blow it let's hope this is the end of drone coaching Brenda but why Mac because the only time a coach should be six ft off the ground is when he's earned [Music] it you were right boys seems all I needed was a little rest [Music] at you're all sick not all of us coach in my custom-designed hazmat suit I'm immune to all this filthy disgusting JK my [Music] beautiful Mr bird we from the Super League disciplinary board Mr bir we know you're in here if we catch you you may never coach again can't believe Tony fell for thaty love this bus bro music [Music] soda my fans [Music] [Applause] here I'm elor what you know this is just practice right yes shakes I'm practicing my grand entrance now let's play some football that's right rter to Cool Joe nice cool Joe now cross to shakes shakes to me yes no wo wo wo [Music] huh new strategy just get them ball to El Matador that's me come on dude talk about eag that's it Amador you need to learn what it means to be a Super Striker and I know a place where you'll get the special treatment you need Co I'm sorry oh no won send me away special treatment you [Music] say nine goals in five games a hattick against Invincible United clearly their Danger Man is El Mador uh yeah coach Ino I don't think he's going to be a problem latest news is he's on his way to some secret getaway The Oasis location unknown must be really exclusive no ways that ponytailed putts is going to score past me after a week on vacation Glover there's far more to the Oasis than Leisure that place can change a person you've been there been there I used to work [Music] there ah he thinks I'm doing this to punish him hey I just fly the chopper The Oasis will do him good tough love hey coach coach why are we stopping here coach coach where's the [Music] resort all alone in the desert where did you you got some problem or whatever the case is and now you're wondering what the heck this place is to the L and you'll be fine as we teach y'all about the [Music] Oasis what did you make this with hey lawnmower this place looks like a hospital at a vegetable garden hello Mr Mador my name is Carmen I'll be your minder minder a minder is a mental trainer to the minde that's you get that away from me do you know who I am of course and coach wants us to help you learn what it truly means to be a Super Striker I know what it means ah but there's a huge gap between knowing the truth and living the truth and in that Gap you'll find the Oasis how are disgusting smoothies going to help me score more goals Kirk if you don't mind taking care of your physical health protection taking a good look at yourself reflection reaching out to make a new friend Connection achieve our goals in the end Direction that's it I'm calling Coach I got to get out of sorry Mr Matador but your experience at the Oasis must be free of distraction you'll be with us right up until your Cognito game in the meantime it's very important we restrict your access to the outside world but we do allow mindes to send postcards postcards protection reflection connection Direction and if you do what Carmen says Perfection ooh our new mind is El Matador he's so awesome has potential he's a rebel arrogant headstrong but the Oasis will put him in his place I'd like to see how the new minder applies though Whispers well she specially requested Mr Matador as her first minde so I'm sure she's right for the job doctor collected good name for a minder huh we'll [Music] see yours huh AO totally d dude that's the third chance they've wasted CL but that was your shot Shake but you were on March next time I'm just going to take the shot myself that is what El Matador would have done all right maybe I shouldn't have sent him away for the whole week but shakes clouse you need to communicate yeah coach close communicating isn't just about calling for the ball it's about listening too Begg your pardon coach sorry what did you say coach painful that actually hurt can we just get done with it [Music] guys hey man good morning life is groovy get up and embrace it with the seaweed smoothie and if you won't be a friend of mine car change your mind hey where are the mirrors in this place sorry Mr Matador no mirrors here at the Oasis we don't reflect on what's outside but what's inside oh brother the only thing inside you people is broccoli smoothies let's get into the program for today shall we now let's meet your fellow mindes what a brute what an animal what a pass well this is actually pretty [Music] [Applause] awesome uh uh huh dear super strikers help this place sucks get me out of [Music] here Cool Joe turn inside now switch it to tiger tiger run it wide and cross it to shakes all yours buddy message [Music] received it's like he was never even here it's like who was never here go easy there elm Matador is still on the team is it okay he's missing out on practice Yeah won't he mess with our groove when he gets back protection reflection direction connection when he gets back from the Oasis elmatador will be a new man all of the talent none of the ego Mr Matador we are trying to help you I hope now you'll [Music] cooperate there we go now we'll begin with The Whispers taking care of your physical health protection taking a good look at yourself reflection get in there reaching out to make a new friend Connection and Achieve our goals in the [Music] end [Music] direction hey guys check out all these postcards we got oh right more fan mail nope they're all from elmatador this one's for you clous oh dancing rter Cool Joe dear clouse this place sucks get me out of here the smoothies taste like grass STS no one ever became a better person by staying comfortable coach he'll be back in scoring goals in no time you will dream of sharing hugs and being a team good night buddy good night Mr Matador good night Miss [Music] Carmen [Music] didn't think we'd let you escape without us did [Music] you huh let me guess the Rebel's trying to escape we have a code red in sector 4 so how' you know I was going to break out I saw you playing along with Carmen while secretly taking stuff what did you do with the breaka blocks huh we have a visual oh guess I kind of left them lying around nice work just checking you're not a robot from the future sent to destroy me really they are real and they are coming wolf man come [Music] on got you collected welcome to the minders recck room don't think they had this place back when you first worked here so who are we watching uh don't be alarmed but your mind D Mr Matador has Escape it's not unusual for a new minde to run away when their minder is especially tough you think I've been too hard on him four Whispers work on extreme cases like pho and old robots from the future but elmatador could lose his true personality if you keep using the whisper technique really I thought he might even need a dose of the secret Whispers what no I'm kidding you had me go in there the secret whispers are no laughing matter I used one on a guy once when so loopy he hugged a tree for 6 days straight wait what tree needed a [Music] hug the robots they've come for me I wish it was killer robotss from the future so you see Mr Matador there is no escaping The Oasis thanks for nothing [Music] Co the atmosphere is electric as crowds gathered to welcome back super Striker's Danger Man El Matador the ego has landed buckle up for the show dudes not this time is's being nice elor elor I love you I love you too random guy what you're supposed to call me a siop fanic minkoo who are you who am I I am nothing without my brother welcome awesome skills and a cool hairstyle he's got it all [Music] course see all of the skill and none of the ego match day at s land I hope our mind e does us proud he was a tough case at first but Carmen really changed him he might be a nice guy but can he still play [Music] [Applause] [Applause] football we watch everything you do inspection inspection take the shot elor come on shoot H you keep it Chi what [Applause] alador no one loved the old you rejection [Music] [Applause] you were broken but we fixed you correction correction correction this ain't goodby my friend it's hello to a future self made meow la la la la [Music] [Applause] la what action what drama what a joke elmatador is the worst player out there but he has given the most hugs you think Carmen used the secret Whispers nah only a monster would do that come to think of it where is Doctor collected yeah haven't seen her since El Matador left elad what's happening with youare you're not even trying a my friend trying is merely a symptom of our dissatisfaction with the present moment's Bountiful provision no I think it is English block dude I blame myself I sent him to Oasis yeah but look at the postcards this place sucks come get me out maybe there was something bad going on that was the old me so angry so hostile I have some new postcards that show my true feelings I miss you I love youuh that's what mine says mine's just a picture of puppies with our faces on them uh Why didn't didn't you post these from The Oasis they refuseed to send any of my postcards after I tried to escape tried to escape that was the old me again huh oh this postcard is addressed to me dear future elmatador this is past elmatador listen carefully Carmen is trying to scramble your brain she Whispers weird stuff and oh come on the old me is a raving madman do yourself a favor take a good look in the mirror m oh at the Oasis we don't reflect on what's outside only [Applause] inside me me me me me me that Carmen collected she mangled my mind he's he's bad Carmen collected what a beautiful name uh maybe not leave him he's not playing in the second half la la la la la la la la Hey Cognito no heart feelings okay though we do battle on the field I still love you like brothers and you too Ino inspection rejection correction you you are her uh you are my sister in football h la la la so looking forward to watching the second half from the sideline in's going to pay for this I'm subbing you sorry coach no time to chat I've got a score to [Music] settle you've got to help me brother is my doctor at the Oasis was in you huh I just want to be my old self again well the the El Matador I know would just want to score goals but who would pass to me don't worry I'll get you the ball who would do that for me yeah you better shakes to me huh to me huh to me ah that does [Applause] it [Applause] woohoo yeah go El Mador you told you he's a rebel I love you alador back off creep thank you I also love you El Mador and there was a wolf man and a woman who must fight robot from the future we're just so glad to have you back elmatador welcome back El that's our guy so Ino and Carmen are the same person oh yeah that reminds me oh Ino Not So Cal and collected now are [Music] you still friends coach nice work out there alador you too coach you too hey looks like you made some new friends at the Oasis please I would never make new friends anywhere oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah touch that one coachmont it's Grim's Jubilee this weekend how do you plan to celebrate in the 25 years since Grim joined the Super League we have developed a reputation for Showmanship so we can think of no better way to celebrate than by playing super strikers because your first Super League match was against the men in red precisely they beat you 2 N back then that would definitely dampen the celebration oh this time we plan to reverse that score line for Grim for [Music] Grim for real got to love that Grim Spirit but too new no way yeah not with our three Striker formation right guys totally shakes just get me the ball and I'll score the goals come come on if anyone should get the credit it's Big B without his Rock Solid goalkeeping we couldn't all play forward give me a B for Big B he is a hero of this song and besides his awesome keeping he's also very strong come on Big B aren't you excited to be roomies well I did bring noise cancelling headphones to block out all the humming singing and incessant talking wow thanks big bow don't look at me brother I've done my time he once sang me a lullabi all through the night close I'm going to need those back wa so quiet perfect for composing new CHS give me a b give me an I give me a g b oh # [Music] twinsies oh it's you two you know who is here in the crowd as I expected well try not to cause a fast [Music] do you know who I am whatever I'm still the greatest player Grim ever have when they see what I do to Big fo they'll be begging me to come [Music] back welcome to the castle super strikers where we treasure everything Grim from our countless trophies and the tacon omicon to our beloved cauldron and the infamous ghost train question does the ghost train contain any actual ghosts Grim may have a reputation for being haunted but that's all Superstition finally we have the Hall of Heroes Batar the bright nogan the not so bright Tim tiny face dubinski and Neville Neville his Dad paid for The Cauldron but let me tell you about the man who built the cauldron Legend has it that when the pitch was laid the cauldron's groundsman came across a stone of peculiar shape though many tried no man could lift it none but mlav marovic who dude shreded awesome that's going on N I'm making my own Hall of Heroes where's the stone now some say it was lost when The Cauldron was revamped others say it never existed uh coach Belmont it looks like someone's been removed from the Hall of Heroes everything even associated with Spike Dawson is strictly banned from these grounds heavy but he deserved it yeah right Big B I've moved on I'm sure Spike has [Music] too this disguise our fancy dress costume was useless please accept our apology sir you can have another one on the house what else you got Mort what you got sorry Mr Dawson all the other costumes are booked out for the big game what about hey why are these in The Bargain Bin that's the garbage bin here I am with the perfect plan to help Grim beat super strikers but I can't get my message to Big B because my only way past security is a pink bunny suit why don't you just call him huh nice cover yeah we have costumes for everything even phones nope those are for display purposes only all we've got left is this you know what I'll take it and the bunny suit hey for Grim for grim can you at least deliver this peace offering to Big B for [Music] me if I can't go through security I'll go under it no one knows these grounds like old Spike cooler A C number and sharper than the cactus zero ons his number because he likes to practice so let's go big bow good luck for the game thanks clouse oh hey where' the fruit come from huh if it wasn't you then The Cauldron is [Music] haunted gson a simple than you would suffice what do you want spike I want you to understand how important this game is to grim Grim want's nothing to do with you oh that'll change when I tell everyone your secret what secret ever since you injured your wrist a few years ago I'm sure clouse doesn't want to hear about [Music] that so you know my secret and soon so will everyone in the Super League what I'm going to post it on N fine what do you want me to do I'm going to take you on a little tour at the end there'll be a question get it right and I'll cancel the post where do we start pull on the candle holder oh not that one big bow big bow is a ghost it's time for the real Grim tour right first up calling the stadium The Cauldron that was my idea and eating all those ice lollies also your idea maybe next up is the famous ghost train my idea and finally Grim FC's legendary Showmanship your idea my idea Grim has tried to erase my legacy but you can't rewrite history so who's responsible for making Grim the club it is today um Neville careful now big bow all right it's Spike Dawson You Bet Your Life at Spike Dawson so are we done oh there will be two more lessons answer the banana within three rings or the post goes live wait how do I get out of here huh hm back at the hall of [Music] Heroes third Striker coming through yeah the three Striker formation is rocking dudes well it's easy when there's no one to stop the ball CL where's Big Bo I don't know coach he disappeared just like a girl sorry I'm late coach I got a little lost all right well let's get on with it [Music] yes the three Striker formation is working great it's not our fault we've got the best goalie in the Super League yeah as long as he doesn't disappear again [Music] huh huh big bow this a guy could stop a freight train he could catch an aerplane is get back ghost of shakes it's me dude big B's gone missing again step onto the plate Pig po the skull Stone huh come on Spike if you want to play footy just ask oh we're playing a game called what it feels like to be Spike weighed down by the burden of unrealized talent I couldn't move forward instead I spent my time watching and re-watching every game you played I noticed something everyone else missed how good I look in Tights you're weakness in 5 minutes that Cannon will fire save the goal or I release your secret and if I can't lift the stone then you'll stay down there and be forgotten just like they forgot old [Music] [Music] Spike oh oh so close Big B I guess this means you post my secret on matter not if you've learned your lesson whose career did you destroy say it Spike Dawson correct all right what's my final challenge oh I'm saving that for tomorrow but tomorrow's the game no So You Think Big B is a ghost I know he's a ghost but he is alive yes how' he suddenly become a ghost maybe he was touched by another ghost I don't think that's how ghosts work you're thinking of vampires clouds and werewolves and zombies you're telling me zo monsters can make other monsters but ghosts can't make other ghosts enough it is there's no such thing as go oh G oh big bow SE he's not a ghost we were worried about you brother yeah where have you been and why are you wet you sure you want to know of course we Brothers a few years ago I injured my wrist against the upright it wasn't long before I was back in goal but Spike had made it his mission to watch my every move and eventually he figured out my weakness what weakness you us the best whenever I dive low to my left I hesitate about one in three shots goes in now unless I do what Spike says he'll put my secret out on matter you'll be a soft target for the Grim Strikers tomorrow we'll be lucky if the score line is only 2 N that's scarier than you being a ghost big bow hey we're always counting on you big bow but tomorrow you can count on us yeah we'll score a bunch of goals each D we got you take the pressure yeah give me a beat no match night at The Cauldron as usual the Grim fans have really got into the spirit of the occasion and so have the commentators right Mac well I hate to be out done brender too [Laughter] [Applause] late guys footy isn't about how how you look it's about how I look if you see this man report it to security Spike Dawson that weirdo some guys just don't know when to quit tonight fedia is like a ghost town because everyone's at The Cauldron yeah everyone except me thanks for nothing Belmont wow those masks are getting pretty [Music] good gone to the game duh h a little rude yes perfect the first half draws to a close as super strikers turn up the heat but the home team stays cool under pressure at this stage it's anyone's [Music] game come on we got a score for big boo let's do it me first okay fine me [Applause] second come on take a mask that's it look at me I'm the guy who almost ruined Grim free I wouldn't wear one if you paid me Dawson is the work I need to get in [Applause] there finally it's my turn oh and it's Grim on the counter with super sters P fitting that attack they've left gaps in the Midfield GM closes in on big [Applause] [Music] bow [Music] two and A2 Rings big bow that's cutting it fine what's the last lesson Spike identify my rightful place in grim and you'll get to cancel the post yourself H Spike's rightful place my last challenge is at the castle but we got you covered brother Spike has left me no choice you want make it back in time I know a shortcut hey yo what do you know my room is the best and his name is big huh huh hey you can't go in [Music] there I said you can't where did they go that's [Music] freaky you hear that maybe The Cauldron is haunted [Music] [Music] a oh spike your rightful place [Music] huh don't do it big b shakes I know it's going to give Grim an advantage but it's not worth letting Spike control you like this you can cancel this post but how will you stop the next one or the [Music] next it's another post from Spike DAW and if he's right Big B has a weakness to his bottom [Music] left where are they we can't do this without them how do you keep doing [Applause] that whoa to his left Spike was right one and three go for SP for and the fans show their appreciation there he [Applause] is cool man give me looks pretty good look at this finally I'm getting the recognition I deserve hey I'm real happy for you buddy but you're standing on my foot sorry thanksg Grim is really hammering big B's weak spot and it's another save that's two will the next one be a [Music] goal but Super Striker Defenders concede a corner Belmont is waving his whole team forward he really wants the reverse that historic score line and win 2 N my room is kind of gloomy and sort of acting like a ghost but I know he'll all of his bees have and his team needs him the most don't bother close all I've done is let a goal in I'm not cheering because you never let a goal in I cheer because to do our best we need to focus on our strengths not what holds us back besides your roomies release your S I hesitate your weakness in three shots focus on nice one Big B epic save do me one big bow defies the odds and it's a massive goal kick can his teammates deliver on the opposite end yes they 10 give me a b give me an I give me a G give me another B give me an how do we find him it's like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles this sucks a draw Spike Dawson's theories done nothing for Grim for Grim oh sorry no please you can kick me out but I'll be back you will see finally the skull stone is where it belongs that's not the only thing that's where it belongs I guess we pulled it off Big B I got to admit clouse you're a pretty awesome room that's very supportive could you try it in chant form I'll help you it's clous clous MC in the house really you're all ghosts now I guess this place isn't haunted huh it is haunted it is haunted right all my latest invention needs now is a little fine [Music] tuning you clumsy cluts you helpless hippopotami Tony this is really hard hard you know what's hard being a genius surrounded by idiots seriously how can we play football when we can't stay on our feet yeah Tony I just feel kind of out of control that's it my device will work I just need a test subject who can handle being out of control nope but no pretty close but uh we have a winner and by winner I mean [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] loser [Music] you boys are on top form take the rest of the day off thanks Co all right see you back here on Monday wow guys wasn't that like the hottest you've ever got at practice yeah even my sweat is sweaty Z it would be nice to cool off imagine someone had a new swimming pool with waterfall feature Infinity Edge and enclosed spiral water slide that's the one I'll race you guys there not so fast okay I'll let my limited edition elat coin decide heads we swim ponytails you lose head all be party hey Bruno you miss me home time hey watching Bruno are you okay did they hurt you radical yo it's Croco styling seriously shakes crocky the smilo DI I borrowed it from clous had it since I was five huh looks like you haven't ridden it since then either yeah I never progressed past beginner so I switched to two vs instead of dissing my board how about teaching me some moves of course I can show you some gnarly tricks but only if you can keep up yes shove it carving kickb ghost Ollie into G hydr Star first time thought I wouldn't catch up huh not bad shakes but we got to go back to the basics and for that there's no place better than the gnarly Ali skate shop huh an original crocky short Cruiser gnarly really no I tried to tell you shakes so let's get him a new deck some decent trucks 52m wheels and the rest of the grommet starter kit grommet come on tell me I'm past grommet uh hold that thought Mr sha this is he whoa that's actually pretty cool the what the Los Angeles Academy of magnetic electr technology we need you to help us develop a new electromagnetic shoe no dude I'm not the shoe endorsement Guy seriously you're the only person with the radbad skill combo we need skateboarding and uh uh skateboarding and uh just skateboarding so what about it deck trucks beginner Wheels helmet pads and Shove It magazine no way that's impossible look dude if you want to pass on skateboarding's most Bodacious breakthrough since the wheel I guess we could call liido got a r check on that lesson shakes dude but check out chub's triple page spread on moves every grummet should know I'm in great it's going to be the gnarliest thing I've ever done may [Music] I I just can't get enough of this pool sure but what about the old pool drained it I'm deciding whether to turn it into a parking garage or fill it with elata coins so I can swim in them fill it with elata coins I thought you said they were limited edition there it is parking garage hey Shak join us brother are you going to escap or be shot out of a cannon very funny where's Nora oh he had to head out of town something about the gnarliest thing he's ever done classic northaw I bet it's a hydrofoil sftb n n got to be stratospheric base jumping ha it's Stratos stros the second one moves every grommet should know start with the basics G boring [Music] [Music] wow Mr Shaw welcome to the Los Angeles Academy of magnetic electr technology thanks you do know that spells lame right and I don't mean to bust your chops but did you fly me all the way out to Los Angeles just to ride a halfpipe huh waa so you weren't yanking my chain real free technology the next level of skateboarding is here actually not quite yet Mr Shaw the academy has failed to fine-tune the mag Lev ratio due to trial subject's inability to maintain equal weight distribution we need a skater with the radical skills to balance how the magnets in the surface help control the metal in the shoes well then I'm your guide let's do this time to shred [Music] ow yes yes yes yes haa sorry dude maybe you should call a quo actually my recalibration seems to have worked you should be able to do it now I don't think I can take another fall I've got a game against technical next week huh it should be working now Mr [Music] Shaw woohoo ah first time bull rider start with a low [Music] Arc dude one last thing all this gnarly stuff is highly classified sign here your secret safe with me and that's the final whistle sealing a massive upset for the home team at the Hub I've never seen technical move with such Grace and speed nether has scar on Ma that is what technical did to Invincible United in La this week and if the boys in yellow beat us we lose our place at the top of the table all right coach what's the plan how do we beat some I've prepared some intensive training for you we work on speed passing and communication testing thermal vision goggles for night scheme give it a break I even signed a non-disclosure agreement what what what leave him alone guys he's had enough of our constant questions is it an anti-gravity chamber a spider silk Vu dudes I'm not saying anything not What Not Who and not where we'll soon be touching down at LAX welcome to Los Angeles super strikers and welcome back Mr Shaw not where huh just stop asking questions all right you'll have plenty of time for guessing games at the Hotel because you're all on lockdown a come on we in [Music] [Music] laach can I get you a ride sir no thanks got my own wheels dude [Music] huh huh come on wanted to have another little run at it a little run at what exactly ah now you're following me around nah I'm just here for my skateboard lesson yeah right sheesh I bet you could fit an indoor skydiving wind tunnel in this Warehouse nice try dude or even a fake mountain for base jumping I ain't biting how about hey yep that's a positive ID come on let's get him time for that lesson shakes [Music] dude first up it's the lose wa yes [Music] hey this isn't a skate park [Music] wa all right [Music] woohoo time time to [Music] shred we got him awesome move shakes dude yep just like you said one with a mop of hair and the other H you're right I don't think there is a name for that skating is not a crime officers it's for you get back to the hotel right [Applause] now pop shove it into a 50/50 grind with a late flip on the landing yeah sick move telling everyone about the warehouse jerk move sorry North I thought giving them more info would calm them down but it only made us want to no more can into a w pool for kiteboarding spider Sil suits hot air balloon Maybe it's a massive Hightech distraction before an important game technically are on form but with your Speed and Agility you can close down their passing options with our Speed and Agility there's no way they can stop us sorry we ever doubted you Tony your new technique's a total game Cher for us all right all right now get out there and show them what you got and by what you got I mean what I've given you H this isn't so hard yeah how could Invincible United lose to these guys yeah now to me Crack what it's John J Johnson Jr like a bolt of blue Lightning wao that kind of looked like a shove it too much skating North Shaw huh [Applause] [Music] Ollie carving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kickflip first path is almost over and nothing can stop these Fleet footed men in blue and [Music] yellow dude what have I [Music] done okay dudes I'm ready to tell you about you know the thing really now your timing is whack brother was it the spider silk Bing suit got to be the amphibious jet enough I'm settling this with a [Applause] flip the truth is I wasn't snow King Wing suiting highlighting anything I was asked to help calibrate a wheels-free halfpipe a skateboard ramp with no skateboard using magnets and metal shoes so that's what was in the warehouse hey North any chance we could try it out yeah where's ES ramp now oh yeah it's right here it's the Hub who did you say you helped some guy who said he was running a tech startup okay a Technical startup you helped our opposition develop technology that allows them to move like ghosts the heck we're getting thrashed because of you sorry dudes I can't believe I got suckered in like that hey it only happened because you're such a ripping footballer and skater H if only you had met metal boots North hey Elma dude how many of those coins do you have only the one North they're sold out oby elmatador special edition elata coins anyone only 1 million ever made all right what are you doing oh the grotesque Injustice nope this is how the Grom and I huh Grom okay intermediate skater and I are going to serve Justice to Technical and we're back for the second half let's hope super strikers have a new [Applause] [Music] strategy Super League disciplinary board yes I'd like to report a pitch with some irregularities super strikers are defending in numbers while shakes pushes up with a new stri partner North Shaw prly an orthodox Brenda but an orthodox could be just what super strikers need [Applause] ol I've got you dude we can do [Applause] this such graceful football now from both teams what how did they get metal boots no matter North Shaw just gives it away and he steals it right [Music] back finally super strikers are ping off some epic [Applause] moves [Applause] g m lots of goals but now the style of football has gone from gra SCH to [Music] disgraceful too much mag left power shakes dude let's lose some coins way ahead of you wo oh intermediate no more shakes [Applause] D time for the lose dude the [Music] [Applause] lose and super strikers win it with a nomenal [Applause] [Music] comeback and by by [Music] mean sorry coach only a regular thing we found is your boys filled their shoes with coins highly unusual but not illegal pool party at my place ha ponytails it is that coin was in shake I thought I told you to burn the infected ones nah you keep them all they smell like Fe get ready for practice but Tony we never practice just after a game please put us down why this is the closest you fools will ever get to being on top in the Super League changed my mind only 2 minutes left in this semi-final and Technical are in total control oh it's a surprise tackle from twisting tiger giving super strikers their first chance to score but shakes blows it he really has struggled towards the end of the season ma he just looks finished well now so's his team because Technic Al's winning streak takes them all the way to the Super League final Tony you're a genius you got to admit technically and the trophy are a perfect fit we're in the final game over let's move what's this Super League agents are swarming the pitch Mr ver technical is officially disqualified for using performance-enhancing nanotechnology oh please I don't know what you're talking about tiny bots in your boy's brains improving allround athletic ability but how did you find out out an anonymous tip huh some snooping busy buddy snitched on me super strikers FC wins by default whaton but why did we have to play the whole game lab results only came in 20 minutes ago Super League rule 7.94 never interrupt a match report to the vice next week for the Super League final yes all that training paid off I thought we were out for sure hooray can't [Music] wait super super league final here we come you said it block but coach you think we're ready for iron tank yeah some of us haven't been playing our best lately I know you mean me and I know I've been sucking lately but why does it even matter uh what are we actually playing for we play for the team the fans the thrill of winning the lucrative endorsement deals okay sure those things used to work for me too but now that I'm playing so badly I can't think of a single reason to keep going ah Coach man maybe shakes should sit this one out the pressure is too much for him it is the final after all we have to face facts the dude just can't hack it listen guys we're not going to bench shakes just because he's not playing well he's been with us every step of the way this season and now we need to support him so he'll be in the starting lineup this weekend and all we have to do for the final is apply the four fundamentals of football skills training strategy and teamwork so get out there and play your hearts out together you'll get through this shakes just keep moving forward thanks coach I'll do my best but I think this will be my last game ion tank have fought hard for their place in the final and super strikers look ready for an epic Clash it's the stuff of Dreams fantastic interplay from super strikers come on give him a [Applause] chance oh he leans back on the strike should have kept his head down over the ball rookie mistake from shakes something's up with shakes maybe he just needs a new cheer shakes shakes he's got what it takes shakes shakes he's got what it takes shakes shakes he's got what it takes shakes shakes he's got what it takes shakes you [Applause] got look who's awake hey man you had us worried there buddy glad your back shakes did we win uh we lost dude but don't worry about that yeah you got bigger problems just relax chicks man problems what are you talking about tiger huh hey handcuffs when the doctors scanned your head after the concussion they found performance-enhancing nanotechnology like technically dude maybe you did it by accident yeah someone could have put it in his food did you eat or drink anything weird before the final guys how could anyone think my performance was enhanced my game's been so off lately people are saying that's the reason you cheated so what now you'll stand trial before the Super League disciplinary board if they find you guilty you'll be banned for life sheesh but I'm innocent so we'll figure it out right guys um I don't know man evidence is pretty overwhelming shakes M hey this patient needs rest get out of here all of you now just take it easy Mr shakes watch some TV relax I always knew that loser was faking the good guy stick we all trusted him I just feel so betrayed super Le take a hit we know shakes is in Super Striker musical now with all new songs about shak's tragic Fall From Grace but how do we know shakes is guilty Dr tono Verona we scanned his brain here at athletech labs and the results are irrefutable Lena it seems shakes will retire young and disra ton Verona looks a lot like Tony ver maybe he thinks I ratted him out and this is some kind of weird Payback 4:00 a.m. front entrance status report all clear boss rear fire escape all clear interior lock down the birdie is in the cage hey guys can you keep it down I'm trying to escape here forget it shakes there's no way [Music] out the birdie has taken flight repeat the birdie has taken flight carving grind accidental 360 try the pudding cup it's delicious uh-oh ow huh all right we've got him cornered South stairwell game over [Music] shakes sorry to disappoint you but the game's just getting started the birdie has flown the coupe you better get that cleaned up before the boss sees you m it is delicious all right here's what we know our fugitive has a 2-hour Head Start he's fast fit and we're in his hometown but shakes isn't just another athlete who crossed the line he's one of the world's most recognizable Stars which makes hiding hard and public transport not an option so he'll need help people he can trust super strikers they're like his brothers we'll stake him out but he won't go there first too obvious um rule 43.6 all agents wear black suits Sorry boss I had it dry clean this morning left it in my car and it's gone so our fugitive is wearing a black suit freshly dry cleaned and about two size is too small what you waiting for a formal invitation get out of here go go go go find him I didn't want to point out the obvious but why doesn't he wear a black suit special agent John hacket always gets his man and when you're that good you make your own rules shakes is innocent standy check shakes is innocent online petition check shakes his innocent snack Supply double check shakes his innocent period who buddy Jakes I thought you would have left town by now I've been framed and I'm pretty sure Dr Tona Verona or should I say Tony Vern has something to do with it cheating and Technology it's got to be Tony Super League agents okay uh I need you to sneak into athletech prove the evidence is fake and call me when you unmask Tony ver call you I want to see Tony's face when you catch him you have 3 seconds to open this door or you won't have a door one two three we're looking for shakes the shakes here in my little old place unlikely well um yes he was here [Music] uh wooho go shakes sorry I'm a fan move move move [Music] dude you're blocking my awesome getaway shakes [Music] [Music] uhoh the birdie is not in the vehicle after a dramatic Hospital Escape shakes is on the run with agent John hacket in Hot Pursuit hey Vanessa isn't that our house oh please don't be such a doofus Terry H it is him who huh go [Music] shakes the secret to a great barbecue is never take your eyes coming through hey my chicken is Tony Vern's nanotech making shakes faster hard to say but he's certainly staying ahead in this foot chase hey you there yes you didn't get your visitors passes without these babies you wouldn't have access to all the labs thanks wait a second each pass is valid for a free cappuccino at the cafeteria I always forget that [Music] part end of the line shakes come on I could really use that proof now buddy Spen BR you won't believe what we got shakes what spins what free cappuccinos got to admit you're pretty fast kid but now everyone gets to see us take you in come on shakes they've really got him now but it is better if they bring him in right at least he'll be out of danger what this is a joke to you we've got you surrounded you're not from around here are you well this is where I grew up my Elementary School is right around that corner and the field where my dad taught me the bicycle kick just two blocks from here that's real sweet kid you're missing the point home ground advantage and old Jimmy the school bus driver he's a real stickler for punctuality [Music] no cherson Johnson Kowalski shakes here it is all right and the scans clear shakes is innocent oh hello Tona fona oh it's no time well well well famous sakaar still trying to get a free ride don't never let him keep you down shakes thanks Jimmy ah just in time for the main event Dr Verona or so you claim you can call me Tonia how can I help by telling the truth Tony oh no we are so sorry you're not Tony Vern in disguise you sound disappointed I assume it has something to do with shakes skins well yeah why' you tell the Super League shakes has nanotech in his brain when the scan is obviously clear you must remember it is nanotech W the Bots find their way to the medulla football a where they enhance all round athletic ability you got them out right yep and handed them over to the super league as evidence I'm sorry buddy we're we're not giving up shake thanks guys you've you've done everything you can H come home shakes we're worried come home shakes we're worried come home shakes we're worried any activity nope just the saddest barbecue I ever spied on guys imagine how he feels out there all alone he needs us coach I know as his team we have to support him and the best way to do that is to help help the authorities bring him in safely he'll have a fair trial and I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt hey why are there two twisting Tigers shakes wait shakes come back you all betrayed me no shakes man it's not like that this is for your safety there's no point running nice one sick move yeah go shakes the brothers Still got it my bike huh he stole my [Music] [Music] keys [Music] [Music] ah what how' you your Nanobots from Dr Verona now turn this thing around but I'm innocent I don't want to fight you then you should have stayed in [Music] bed [Music] [Music] hold it shakes I can keep chasing you for the rest of your life but you got to ask yourself what are you running from from you duh you know what I mean you tried nanotech but no tiny Gizmo is going to replace what you've lost You've Lost Your Love of the Game a classic case of burnout maybe it's time you move on get a commentating game much day at stri land we could even get you a job at Super League headquarters the birdie is on the team you'd make one heck of an agent kid me with your football skills you've got the four fundamentals down coold crazy skills committed training smart strategic moves and teamwork they were just trying to protect you kid now come on let's get you a new start thanks but if I'm not playing the game I want nothing to do with it just saying it out loud feels good I'm [Music] done seems there's not a whole lot left for you at stri land yeah even coaching the guys don't believe me hey what if I tell folks I'm never caught you that you didn't make it okay on condition you disappear never play soccer again deal just make sure big Bo gets his bike back all right you got it [Music] kid [Music] ow hey if you're not too busy how about a little help Dad huh you used to play soccer right I gave that up a lot long time ago but you always tell me to never give up fine pass me the ball [Music] yes all right I forgot how much fun this is Dad the bicycle oh yeah jump off your kicking foot you've got just one chance to make it good [Music] wo you should watch for your going pipsqueak you all right brother you you guys didn't abandon me what you talking about Chi's M you took a mighty knock there dude pupils responding normally do you have a headache feeling dizzy nauseous never felt better great no concussion you're sure you don't want to go off I'm good I just remembered what I'm playing for the fifth fundamental of football fifth yeah fun with the score tied Tank's defense is sitting deep holding on for the penalty shootout Captain to me but shakes is making a cheeky run he's in the worst form of his career but he's smiling like it's his birthday wo [Applause] skills [Applause] training [Music] strategy and team work super strikers have won the Super League final in spectacular style woohoo you really turn things around shakes brother doesn't M shakes he's back looks like I was wrong shakes dude turns out you can hack it after all hack it you still think this will be your last game not a chance but you were burnt out yeah shakes you were like I'm over this soccer thing we thought you were going to quit come on guys why would I quit I'm playing the game I've loved since I was a little kid it's in my blood Nothing Else [Music] Matters [Applause] what guys that thing's about to blow a hole right through our [Music] planet what do we do guys aim for the Mother [Music] Ship come on come on force fields [Music] H okay the only way in is that ventilation shaft you are Earth's Last Hope Jones I believe in you you got this hey aliens you want some fun have a ball that line is the worst the climax needs more oomph more boom more compl bam uh a little help please Mr director this veggie just me um uh [Music] Intergalactic I am tired I am hungry hungry the bathroom out of the way great work guys that was amazing fantastic badao but it also you know it sounds shakes your line is the climax the blammo of the whole shebang the line has to Wham so tonight I'll be perfecting that line because tomorrow we make magic Kaboom Mr plosion tomorrow we play Invincible united we agreed you would wrap your shoot today couch don't worry nothing could prepare your guys better have you seen their moves they're like boom bam pow H it's true they are working on accuracy and the suspension scenes could improve their aerial game exactly now have you tried the choca croissant they are all gone after thr analysis a super strikers on form player I've identified what a setting shakes apart you mean besides being a total dork Sonia please rather than taking on the defense there's a 47% probability shakes will attempt a longrange shot it's simple Shake scores more goals because he takes more shots H yes from the people who brought you Strike Team give me that comes a motion picture about family mommy mommy what is that fear our planet is simply in their way fate we're out of options people we need them again and football from Maverick director Alex explosion and starring super strikers Strike Team too a soccer lips now ha those losers made another stupid movie they're almost done filming imagine being football stars and movie stars Sonia in conclusion shakes is the dangerman you have to neutralize him before he shoots thank you man this acting gig is actually kind of boring it's too easy just pretending you're someone you're not oh BL but life onet has its perks only some perks are better than others right elmatador all right which one of you has been using my private luxury to toilet not me I used the portalon I Ed the one on set I use the one built into my suit you have a toilet in your spacit yeah of course your guys's acting skills are pretty good but I will find the culate let's get the ball rolling nah time to kick up a storm lame think Alex think open your eyes and shut your trap it's time to put on your thinking cap I'll give it a shot yes that's it huh hello uh we're done for the day get out of here picture this a young overrated Super League Striker stars in a big movie but one day on set a harness snaps tragic or maybe he gets locked in a dressing room he help help I'm a big baby boohoo no one heard his cries but the director received a load of cash for his next big movie hey I built my career on two things gam Machu explosions and boom honesty can you even spell honesty h o n e s t y huh and do you have any idea how hard I've worked how many shipo movies I've made how many people I've had W off my sets Mr Blan everything okay yeah Jerry everything's fine thought I heard something must have been a little kitty cat me me me I love that song what song doofus h o n e s t y we do the right thing h o n e s d y we love to sing h n s yion was singing a song from crocky the Smo di you mean that stupid show from when we were kids yeah and he sounded just like crocky okay let's do this all right Strike Team guess what I had security cameras installed on my trailer again with the mystery toilet user oh give it up El Matador let's see fast forward blah blah blah ah prime time after our morning coffee break big bow how could you what can I say that is one great place to practice my lines okay line what is your line big bow it's a oh man line bombs away right yeah bombs away updated script from Alex got it show off bada boo final scene take two and action the only way in is that ventilation shaft take you you can save the world Joan I believe in you you got this urgent package for you Alex not now Evan who's Ashley nutbutt huh I'll give it a shot cut that's it you can't cut now clear the set the match is tonight coach the uh the line still needs work you know how it is perfection takes time well as long as they finish in time for the game okay back in 10 everybody Mom are you videoing this hey friendly friends no today someone asked me to tell a lie but I said no do you know why not Croy h o n e s t y cuz we do the right thing h o n e s t y we love to sing h o n e s t [Music] y I was young and stupid Golly Wow friendly friend I wonder if this video could ruin your Macho reputation don't bother Nutter butt we made copies yeah and now you have to sign my thinking cap I'll never take it off all right what do you want me to [Music] do and action the only way in is that ventilation Cho think you can save the world J I believe in you you got this I'll give it a [Music] shot come on brother um I've read that you scored the most goals this season shakes all we need here is one take four and action and nothing fancy shakes just get it in the hole Take [Music] Five Focus on the ball shakes but also focus on the target take six keep your head down brother yeah but keep your eyes up don't overthink it just relax I mean don't underthink it either right take seven take eight take 30 take 56 take a break can we take a break Alex no okay okay I'll do it ah forget it the only reason you L her here is your soccer skill it's not like you can act or anything we'll finish the scene in post that's a wrap everyone wait we're done that's what rrap means no more wedgies hey you think there'll be food at this party this this [Music] [Music] Jake shakes shakes you still off saving the world Jones I guess I am pretty spaced out Captain our fans aren't here to watch us fly around with pretend jetp they're here to watch us do what we do best so let's trade these tuxedos for something more our style time for some real action uh elmad Dude Locker Room is that way why would I use our stinky old locker room when luxury awaits bomb [Music] away it's all yours elmatador [Laughter] [Music] this summer one group of footballers must face another group of footballers in an epic battle for possession Mac this isn't a movie trailer it's Invincible United versus super strikers hey there friendly [Music] friends so at the start of a game it's always 50/50 unless you can neutralize the danger man H we'll [Music] [Music] see Invincible United have their box on lock down they're like in an army but an army is no match for one man on the edge of the Box they do call him the Long [Music] Ranger focus on the ball focus on the target keep your head down brother but keep your eyes up all we need here is one one one take eight take nine take 32 take 56 anytime you're ready shapes yes take the shot what no shakes passes back instead of [Music] [Music] shooting [Applause] he walks off defeated but shakes will return in the sequel you mean the second half Mac that's what I said Brenda huh C then you're looking for a friend and you've been searching a while it's time to play with C the smile I love that show I mean loved of course in the uh past that's what I meant too today I met the real crocky what he signed my thinking cap and everything you met Ashley nut this is Alex explosion signature yeah Alex and Ashley are the same person that's another thing I learned [Music] today I hope none of those strategies include me coach think I've forgotten how to score goals yeah I never thought I'd say this but can you please stop passing to me missing all those shots on set today really messed with my head then you've tried your best but you look like a jerk lift your head puff your chest and just get back to what is that dude it's a cheer up song from crocky a smil oile from when we were little kids that show was lame I stopped watching it before I learned to walk please it's a classic and did you know Alex explosion was Croy the Lile hey people still love croi all right I mean dingan got his thinking cap signed by Alex just today that can't be we were shooting all day yeah doing that scene over and over crazy nice try Big B but I got you on poop cam give it a rest elor yeah now's not the time okay guys wait let me see that footage ding gun was on set and not without his babysitters huh what were those dudes doing on our movie Set coach oh no no no no no no there's no way you'll make it to the set and back before the second half I beg to differ okay okay whoa it's gruno okay that is really [Music] sweet I have a theory I just need to that stung a little almost almost hello sure I can take a survey okay higher no lower higher higher [Music] yep one man no two men in red [Music] missing huh sabotage there's a plastic cover the shot was impossible hey it wasn't your fault Chase Invincible United must have put Alex up to [Music] this Alex you're kind of blocking our awesome getaway I can't just let you vroom off into the night Scar and Vince wouldn't like that they they might tell the world My Little Secret what that you were crocky the smile aile what how did you but crocky was awesome he he was sure uh yeah everyone knows you are the most popular TV amphibian ever reptile still my reputation as a kapow director could be ruined no crocky's legendary man yeah everyone's favorite TV show when they were babies and all this time I've been embarrassed so are we cool friendly [Music] friend abandoned by the ones they trusted most I'm sure shakes and Al Matador will be back any minute Mac Go Croy [Applause] dance elmatador you're acting was awesome back there no your performance was amazing no you were amazing no okay I was amazing so you up for one last amazing performance they're back and this time they're playing football like last time so where you been shakes uh after that first half I wasn't sure I could carry on a I needed extra long halftime break leave him alone skara hasn't he been through enough time is ticking for super strikers and there's only one unmarked man in red not surprisingly it's [Applause] shakes you ready to save the world Jones huh I'll give it no a [Music] [Music] shot not all right everyone we did it now let's go home bom away wo Yeah we actually kind of rock your toilet is the real star elmatador [Applause] incredible response from the audience you must be so proud thanks Lena now tell me is it true you were crocky the smile aile as a matter of fact I was that show was so bad hey Alex h o an S why did you even make that stupid show you guys said it was awesome it's a little thing called acting it's not our fault we're so good at it boom hey I'm the one who talks in explosion noises ooh a movie premiere 80% chance of fun and there's a 90% chance the soccer lips now will be a box office hit and there's a 100% chance that I fire I've already called a [Music] cow Del Aqua to the floating Stadium come in floating Stadium yeah we read you boss loud and clear nothing to report down here I'm coming back no [Music] wait [Music] but guys it's so rad it says here the austronesian people built it over a thousand years ago shakes dude I was amped for our trip to East Malaysia yeah pretty cool place to Anchor the floating Stadium but they have to listen to you Riff on about these ruins all the way from Strike a land and get this the ruins slipped onto the Pacific seabed during a massive earthquake make it stop and now it's in a dry Dome so archaeologists can research it maybe we can convince Del Aqua to take us down there huh forget the Lost legend shakes and focus on super Striker's own living legend L Matador hey even Legends can have a one-off bad game awkward fine three one-off bad games in a row but my luck is about to [Music] change super some say a bir pooping on you is good luck really your problem has nothing to do with luck El metad dude oh please against technical I laced my boots up using my Tuesday configuration no wonder I played badly then during the cosmos game I found out ninja bought the same Lamborghini as me no you expect me to be able to concentrate on a yeah what is that Mom a whale farting maybe no that's the air from the Dome they Purge it when oxygen levels get too low then suck fresh air back down there so our team of archaeologists can continue unlocking the secrets of the ruins coach Del Aqua Hoy there let's get you settled in so what were the ruins built for it's an Amphitheater public meetings perhaps celebrations entertainment and how long can someone stay down there at a time only 30 minutes before the Dome floods and the air automatically purges wa the moonpool room uh that's right it's the base of our ruins operation that's where you launch the aquapods from SIM to the moon pool room Sim to the moon pool room self decompressing solar powered Max dep 200 M right wow you really do know your stuff shakes yeah all thanks to the nerd manual Good Old National aquatic every Last Detail hey so any chance we get to go down there what does it say in your manual uh archaeologists only we must do all we can to preserve such a precious archaeological site that's why we have Simon here what's up Mr Del Aqua Sir Simon is in charge of moonpool security today but I was hoping to watch the game oh you can still watch the game match day at the floating stadium so close to the action but so far yeah I know how you feel what a spectacular setting for this Super League double header ma indeed Brenda off the coast of East Malaysia and above mysterious ruins get me the ball guys I'm feeling [Applause] lucky yes El Matador sets his sights on the highy [Applause] go ah just my luck what do you mean the Monty H are breaking my dry spell and hiding come up with some impenetrable defense come on elmatador enough with the excuses the only person responsible for your form is you Hydra take the first encounter by only a narrow margin and despite being surrounded by water Elm matador's drought [Music] continues can this day just end please yeah easier said than done this is crazy black may be at the Forefront of research at se yeah but he sure ain't at the Forefront of comfort at se guys please we need to be rested for practice tomorrow don't worry Captain I've been reading up on the science of sleep what you got method one sleep in your socks research shows warm feet mean better sleep I guess it's worth a [Music] shot SP wow Claus your sleep science actually works yep I feel good as new what did I tell you guys vur okay okay block we try something different tonight y right I have three ways to get us some goals against Hydra over the top come on Shak nerd manual isn't going to help us beat Hydra okay but first up we're going to create space in the middle by using shakes and alador as decoys decoys but then how how do you break your dry spell your dry spell is our dry spell we break it [Music] together me a decoy no I'm a glorious goalgetter a stylish Sharpshooter I am not a decoy heads up sleepy head sorry North dude water perhaps who brother what a loser can't score any goals bird poop on me at least I still have my glorious hair [Music] huh so beautiful huh Hydra players in the nerd Dome guys I think I know how Hydra are stopping me from scoring goals let me guess you forgot to wear your lucky Underpants you put your boots on the wrong feet is it because it's full moon or something no no no guys listen El Matador change your clothes and your attitude or you're on the bench tomorrow method two listening to soothing sounds will put you right to sleep H makes me want to go surfing makes me want to go to the twin hey anyone seen my national aquatic oh shut up everybody and go to sleep please so tomorrow we can Implement our team oriented strategy against Hydra archaeologist only my butt okay so I grab a submarine thingy ZIP down to the door shut up why the sudden interest in the nerd Dome I discovered a new sleep technique reading about boring old [Music] ruins okay confession doodling helps me sleep it's match day at the luxurious Cosmos Universe can the home team out maneuver ion tanks brof force and tactics [Music] get out of the Pod elmatador no shakes I figured out how Hydra beat us so get out of the Pod and we can talk about it the reason their defense is so good is because they've been training down there wow that is a crazy excuse for playing badly even by your standards it's not an excuse shakes you heard Del Aqua only archaeologists are allowed in the dome that's all lies anyone can go down [Music] there elmatador huh how' you even come up with this crazy idea when I fell into the water I saw hydr players in the dome you're telling me Del Aqua has intentionally misled the whole world so we can use an ancient austronesian ruin as a training pitch yeah except it's more of an ancient austronesian training [Music] [Music] machine wow pretty cool huh uh-huh glad you came along yeah H shakes any idea how to park one of these things you tell me you're the one with the nerd manual see anyone can do this oh you have 30 minutes of oxygen you have 15 minutes of oxygen only 15 minutes good thing we didn't bring the whole team down right [Music] [Music] wa you're right I know looks like deak didn't tell National aquatic everything goal posts field markings and Defenders and soccer balls how about we do some research of our own we figure out the way past these Stones we figure out how to beat Hydra and I break my gold drought once and for all do the honors it will be my pleasure you have 1 minute of oxygen okay time to get out of here come on Chase we've almost got it huh initiating air purge yeah we need to get out of here now shase please tell me you know what to do I haven't finished reading I guess that differ is truly aquatic National [Applause] aquatic a dream that's all dude get up we overslept hey looks like method two worked a charm tonight method three research shows having a caregiver watching over you makes you sleep easier listen up boys tonight we sleep hi coach bye coach you two have some explaining to do you remember remember the plan right yeah I know what to do and there's these crazy Stone circles that move back and forth but for real they're like actually Defenders and it's kind of like playing against Hydra but whoo whoa whoo a Mador and you shakes what did you see down there well the Dome purged as I arrived but it just looked like beautiful ruins to me so you only went down there to save Elm matador's hide yeah I was scared he'd get stuck oh shakes you're such a hero seems your attitude hasn't changed at all elmatador you know the deal ah the bench please coach not the bench great performance El Mador Next Step convince coach match day at the floating stadium and elmatador is on the bench Simon why not watch this game for real really coach Del Aqua I think our little security threat has been eliminated elmatador is on the bench and his body language speaks volumes Mac looks to me like it's still saying dry [Applause] spell okay boys the [Music] decoy [Applause] okay over the [Music] top all right run it in [Applause] so you were right about Hydra modeling their defense on the ruins I know but shakes you said that we couldn't let Del Aqua know what we saw on the Dome coach and we needed me on the bench let me guess so you can go down there and figure out a way through the stones yeah but won't tell a would notice if elmad dude's not there in the second half clouse has that covered yeah uh I do Hydra have fended off every Super Striker's attack so far the coach is sticking to his game plan elmatador is still on the bench I and his body language is even worse than it was in the first half seems the once great Striker has given up on breaking his dry spell you have 30 minutes of [Music] oxygen [Music] H Push Up Guys super strikers build the pressure by pushing players forward but the higher the pressure the quicker the release super strike is rush back to [Applause] defend no oh it's too late [Applause] [Music] go no [Music] you have 1 minute of oxygen yeah no kidding I can almost smell the whale fart correction you have 30 seconds of oxygen 1 minute divided by you please Mr Matador put the pickaxe down okay no yes no yes no initiating air purge help don't worry I've done this before if I ever needed to break my dry spell it's [Applause] now look who's finally off the bench Brenda much more positive body language from Elm Matador and did your crazy plan work I have a theory but there's only one way to test it get you the ball could there be any other way last ditch effort from coach sending on matter I can't imagine moving around on the bench has done anything for his form Brenda all you elmatador elmatador not yet come on what are you waiting for perfect moment just [Music] shoot and [Music] now triple [Applause] nutman we'll be sending a few um updates through to National aquarum yeah soon the secrets of the ruins will be accessible to everyone Simon Simon you're off home pole security forever two goals in one game what a return to form for El Matador so El mude you finally broke your dry spell sure but the really important thing is that we won just kidding I broke my dry spell I broke my dry spell hey uh could I borrow your haird dryer my national aquatic needs a drying spell not funny I'm really looking forward to getting some rest method three here we go I don't think that'll be necessary turns out the best way to get to sleep is soccer am I right clous
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 451,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, Supa strikas, american soccer, anime, best football show, best football team, cartoons, cartoons for kids, football, football cartoon, football compilations, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, rookie season, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer cartoon, soccer goals, supa league, supa strikas in english, supa strikas in hindi, super estrikas, super league, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Id: RQLwwrvjhC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 59sec (11219 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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