Catch A Flight | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

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foreign [Applause] and both super strikas and Sultans are looking for the Breakthrough yes [Applause] [Applause] one last chance for super strikas every time one team closes in the other team closes them out tiniest Advantage could make all the difference in the return link but what will it be Fitness strategy huh enjoy the trip to Dubai super strikers I know we will foreign Stadium a giant hotel and now a giant airplane something sure know how to live large dudes imagine seats that actually recline if the shake is really serious about luxury he'll have gold toilets oh come on guys the Sultan's plane may be big and fancy but think about the good times we've had in the striker jet like when we landed on that Iceberg ah we almost died or when you guys Skydive almost died again but about the time El Matador clogged the toilet mid flight a piece of me did die that day Focus guys luxury travel doesn't make a winning soccer team practice does [Music] oh super strikers I see you've spotted the sky Palace yeah out of the corner of my eye hey excuse me Chic does your airplane have gold toilets don't be ridiculous Mr matador our lavatories are made from diamond encrusted 24 karat gold no no well considering we're all going the same way why not find out for yourselves coach it'll be character buildings [Music] hmm I could use some peace and quiet to work on strategies remember practice as soon as we land no loyalty so you like sing-alongs goodbye Striker jet you're the airplane I'll never forget [Music] welcome to the sky Palace each cabin has fully automated seats that convert into beds now This Is My Jam huh doesn't look that comfortable and state-of-the-art video conferencing facilities [Music] gold bathroom accessories yeah yes and the diamond encrusted golden toilet and the best part [Music] [Music] Hey where's that go oh to the uh cargo hold dull in comparison to the dining room [Music] wow you must have a massive freezer this isn't a school cafeteria shakes we get the freshest food flown up to us [Music] and stew anyone ah finally some peace and quiet hmm so we set up a perimeter around the Box free up space by drawing Sultan's defense and blam no idea what you're talking about coach so how long to Dubai now there's something I can't help you with eight hours coach it's a striker Jet's meals are just as good the old mystery lasagna tastes like plastic yeah but it's made out of melted El Matador action figures my action figure tastes much better than that long story presenting habsburg's finest pastry [Music] I was told strudel was your favorite but gave you that idea foreign oh I'm afraid we'll have to cut dinner short we're in for some turbulence [Music] hmm whoa these seats Rock and check this out massage function and this display tells you everything speed altitude how many times El Matador has gone to the toilet oh very funny tiger [Music] um where are you right now guys do you actually feel any turbulence this plane's probably too big to notice it then why would the Sheik send us to her cabin come on shakes live a little you're in the sky Palace brother just sit back and enjoy [Music] after something crunchy anyone need a munchie I'm flaky but in a good way my pastry is not pasty I'm Crispy and tasty of course won't you put me away ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] maybe just one bite [Music] this is [Music] can't believe Klaus likes this stuff coach everything okay yeah it's great just great got loads of ideas here so five-star luxury old away Coach and get this it even has a mid-air food delivery system sure beats the striker jet lasagna so I was calling to get your input on a possible strategy for the game Court man we touched down in 12 hours what can't this wait till then did you say 12 hours roster hello The Coachman hmm [Music] cellular reception ended Chic that's better sweet dreams super strikers [Music] can you give me the sky palace's location for sure Maura coach we need to make a little detour Sky Palace this is Alpha a foxtrot one Niner loud and clear one Niner we have a food delivery from a room Italy yeah we know where Rome is one Diner I request the permission to initiate a middle transfer 10-4 near Clear [Music] wow good riddance [Music] [Music] this is just the best presenting another Exquisite culinary delivery genuine Italian lasagna from Italy faint carcinogenic Aroma plasticky tones on the nose it can only be a house you had the striker jet lasagna flown here no I'm not hungry but not because I ate any of this mediocre food then how to get here um coach hmm guys there's a note in the lasagna better than an El Matador action figure I suppose hey if you're gonna be rude it's from coach Sky Palace off course the Sheep's making this best practice but Howard making us late give Sultans the advantage yeah we're all in the same boat um I think you'll find it's an airplane of course non-existent turbulence something is up last night during the turbulence I needed something from the dining room not strudel okay Sultan's past the seat belt sign was still on hello facial recognition failed typical shakes we're on the world's fanciest airplane and you have us crawling through a dark smelly fence not cool just you guys wait you are not gonna bully hang on wrong way whoa whoa don't back up and down you impressed now Klaus uh-huh turns out the Sheik agrees with Coach training Trump's luxury travel so how about we take our game to new heights so super strikers are trying to level the playing field cheek time for some real turbulence [Music] yeah now this is what I call in-flight entertainment [Music] don't give up guys this is our chance to get the advantage back [Music] [Music] standby foreign haha [Music] [Music] match night at Goliath Stadium the biggest and fanciest home ground in the Super League even the comms Booth is pure luxury and here they are Sultans versus super strikers I knew the Sheik was up to something I didn't realize it was this bad you look like you were in the cargo hole we kind of worked out of this guy's house guys please one at a time turns out the coolest feature of salt is plain is something that wasn't included on our tour a secret soccer pitch very smart welcome to Dubai coach so did you get to use it the Chic made training tough coach even by your standards so coach you got any good ideas you weren't the only ones who had an unproductive flight [Music] teams were evenly matched last week are we heading for another drop shakes this noodle is worth glassy Brenda let's see if Sultans can make this count well they have the numbers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're wondering why one of your fancy toilets isn't working that was me [Applause] I can't believe just a couple of practices are making such a big difference for sultan I know they're all over us out there man if only we had had a chance to use that Sky pitch properly we did do something they didn't uh we stayed in our seats we crawled through a smelly vent we didn't eat anything the whole time no the crazy turbulence training describe it guys one at a time actually I've realized I need a bit of chaos to do my best work okay [Music] the second half is underway and Sultan's pick up where they left off I Total Domination warmer Up victory flyover in 45 minutes show-offs are well into the second half here at Goliath stadium and Sultans worked the ball up field Zoom is waiting for it can Sultans double their lead did you see that Mac back just rest in my vocal cords now tigers in on the action six months buckle your seat belts turbulence foreign [Applause] this is the sky Palace on Goliath approach preparing for victory flyover Sky Palace this is a alpha foxtrot the one-niner reading you loud and clear one-niner standing by for a food transfer surprise nothing like being back on the old Striker Jet right guys who needs gold toilets hey we're flying soccer pitches and the lasagna is just as good as any Sky Palace strudel uh huh okay which one of you Jokers did this you're the next nice person incredible lasagna flavors all right boys gonna be a tough one this weekend Barca are extremely skilled dominate possession and on the rare occasion they do lose the ball they press High to get it back immediately fast counters and high balls are our only weapons and that means our preparation for the game has to be perfect coach I can't watch one of your super entertaining tactical briefings this out triple chalk marshmallow peanut butter popcorn just hurry up will you Klaus nearly done 30 seconds oh [Music] triple choc marshmallow peanut butter popcorn anyone welcome to Kuala Lumpur International Airport super strikers oh disgusting so gross dudes what kind of cleanup we looking at popcorn chocolate marshmallow and don't forget the peanut butter oh sticky oily and crunchy how long is this going to take we need to get to Barcelona as soon as possible at least 12 hours oh nice one bro sorry guys I owe you one you you sure you don't want some triple chop marshmallow no [Music] how long a hour dude I'll be out as soon as I've done my facial wash cleansers don't do it man okay you're definitely showering next good luck getting in there in the next century stuck at airport for 12 hours any ideas to save me from the boredom erase duty-free chocolate duty-free chocolate do some training for the Barca game all the duty-free chocolate [Music] you think you're going I just want to look around stretch my legs I'm going nuts here coach ah fine yes but be quick I don't want any more delays everything needs to be perfect for the Barca game [Music] what's this it's a sipak tack raw ball is that like could you setback Tech raw isn't some old Legend it's the most awesome sport in the world yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with you there you don't get better than football check out poster a42 then say that [Music] uh next one wow [Music] s shakes what are you doing hiding there I found the perfect training for the Barca game but I need to go do it without coach finding out uh but coach loves a new strategy why don't you just ask him tiger get away from there wet floors cause 1 16 of all ankle injuries [Music] sorry dancing Rasta I can't risk paper cuts don't don't even think about it Virgo so can you cover for me I don't know shakes he's already angry at me from the whole triple chalk marshmallow peanut butter popcorn mishap come on it could really help against farca besides you said you owe this one oh anyone know where to catch some sepaktakra in Kuala Lumpur check out the aces take on Mighty juggernauts show sightseeing seeing this and did I get a photo come to my mom's house so much for keeping a low profile [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now that's what we need to beat Barca bad posture causes injuries uh come on Coach you can't make us just sit here for like another six hours yeah and how come Chase gets to go off while we're stuck in the vi please make it end Lounge where is he hi this is shakes leave a message uh Shake said he was going to the duty-free shop it's very very on the other side of the airport the rest of you stay exactly where you are glad I'm not shakes right now totally yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly told him not to eat that stuff off his pants [Music] it all comes down to this folks match point at the supply to cross semi-final who's gonna take it the aces or the juggernauts [Music] [Applause] ah my knee smashed it on the way down do you think you'll be okay for tonight we're doomed maybe I can help uh who are you uh [Music] hey did you see shakes from super strikers was here no wait I heard shakes was here where exactly did shakes go well I didn't actually see him but she did oh man he's gonna bust me sharks are signing boots at the sports store he could get a repetitive strain injury [Music] uh you guys don't watch a lot of soccer do you nope we're all about this pack to craw which is exactly why we're not gonna give some random newbie a place on the team [Music] whoa whoa huh not bad not bad for a newbie but why you want to play for us what's in it for you just trying to take my game to the next level okay fine we'll let you try out yes awesome one thing though what are the rules ah yeah we're totally doomed play along with what I say and I'll owe you one okay anything for a Super Striker good now if anyone asks shakes signed these boots couch it's in here yeah he signed These Boots hmm [Music] this is Shake's signature but different like it was written by a child or a trained monkey you have a nice day now coach thanks I owe you one wait sign these for me and where's Square your name this time I gotta stop telling people I owe them one if you're gonna do anything but embarrass us tonight newbie you're gonna need to know some key moves inside kick got it outside kick yep knee kick piece of cake hmm I've definitely done that training Sun back Spike I call that one a bicycle kick wow maybe we're not that doomed maybe but if we really want to stand a chance tonight you gotta do the roll Spike roll Spike yes now that's what I need let me give it a try [Music] forget what I said we're definitely doomed huh I knew you amateurs were bad but this guy wow you're right to hide your face cause you're embarrassing yourself who are these weirdos oh wish you had nasta here we go Venom Rattler hit together we are [Applause] that is our opposition [Music] VIP lounge please where is he the brother is addicted to natter maybe try message him there hmm naughty hey no not her dear shanks where have you gone I have been looking everywhere for you our flight leaves in three hours come back to the VIP lounge right now or hey I think it's broken no it isn't you only get 120 characters what that's stupid how do you say anything in such a short amount of space I don't know we manage somehow oh very clever LOL [Music] are you really gonna wear that uh I'm kind of shy besides it's not like there's a dress code [Applause] if you have a point welcome to the Kuala Lumpur set pack to crawl final it's the micros [Music] [Applause] we're gonna win this hey who's the new guy still no reply on natty never that's it unless I actually see shakes I'm calling the police what am I gonna do what am I gonna do [Music] hello I'd like to report uh oh never mind Hey shakes stop right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the aces man where did they find that guy fight like get over here someone's gonna know who our mystery man is kale can I get a photo come to my mom's house our flight leaves in three hours I know who he is and how to stop him hey super fans don't miss shakes playing in the setback takra final hey Viper earned the right to do that move cool little buddy uh guys according to natter it shakes is busy playing in the final of some kind of crazy volleyball soccer tournament oh man coach is going to lose his mind when he finds out so is he winning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Joe to me oh my God yeah [Applause] this is not good [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] no second set goes to the Vipers Focus newbie you're all over the place uh I just gotta go take care of something quick oh a percent [Music] don't miss shakes playing in the setback apparently shakes is playing so packed a Croc and Kuala Lumpur any photos totally photoshopped fake news no proof yet hey I'm in here we know shakes why don't you call your coach for help oh right he doesn't know you're here let's settle this on the court not like this no use fighting it cause you've just been bitten by the Vipers you're doing the pose aren't you duh hurry up shakes if your teammate isn't back in five minutes you forfeit double dude [Music] rumors are true I'm rocking some sepak takra but I'm stuck in the locker room hell got a game to win man coach is gonna kill me [Music] did you guys see shakes off his house gotcha now hmm wow it really is huge [Music] [Applause] [Music] who did you say you were again just some guy who wants to take his game to the next level good enough for me one two three that feels kind of weird [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Match Point cases shakes if we're gonna win this you gotta change things up gotta do the roll Spike I don't know that didn't end so well last time come on your shakes from Super strikas or so these crazy fans keep shouting [Applause] [Applause] oh my God [Music] [Applause] yes shapes nice improvisation newbie but you still haven't got the roll Spike down yeah I'll have to work on it [Applause] oh yeah [Music] that's it shakes we're leaving in 30 minutes if you don't come out there right now I'm gonna bash down this door three two one hey coach shakes where have you been oh you know I had to sleep some food sent a few naps you said take it easy right hmm fine just get back to the VIP lounge okay wait one more thing please delete Nadder off my phone I can't deal with it constantly beeping at me sure thing coach [Music] stay at the full Camp Barca take on super strikas so what are the rules of this game again Barca are showing why they're the team to beat but here's a chance speculative ball from dancing Rasta but Klaus makes a lightning fast run wow looks like he's been doing some serious Fitness training Klaus has options but it's moving all over the place thank you [Applause] where on Earth did that come from finally got it not bad for a newbie iron tank take on the super League's newest team Cognito FC a draw for the newcomers would be a remarkable result Max well I suspect cognito's boss has Grand Theft Brenda Inyo is known for her strategic prowess and not giving anything away foreign s are rocking yeah but they've still got a big obstacle in their way [Applause] this is gonna be bad [Applause] since when does Johan Uber pull out of a tackle well I and tank aren't the only one suffering at home my apartment's fine I beg to differ Sheik's man come on when they gonna fix this thing no that place is Tiny never again shakes really needs a bigger house and a whole lot of style too I don't think having a statue of yourself in every room counts as style El Matador hey I'll have you know my house is being featured in Posh Pads magazine and they say my style is classic kitchen you don't even know what that means it means my house is awesome okay hey guys uh spenza we've met like a hundred times oh guy El Matador I cleaned your boots for three months you said I was like a brother to you I got nothing oh that Spencer of course yeah please hey spins hey shakes take a look at this I've never seen Uber so freaked out Uber how do you explain backing out of a key tackle to Lenin the decider I I didn't feel like myself out there something just wasn't right [Music] um Inyo seems your reputation is a master of Mind Games is Justified like any coach my job is to understand the opposition know every detail about them and use that knowledge to my advantage so how exactly did you do that against iron tank ah now that would be telling um we'll be fine against Cognito right listen up shakes forget Cognito and focus on what matters right now trying to beat me at sl4000x yeah [Music] so how's the research going hmm more of a challenge super Striker's coach is one of football's great minds so we need to go deeper places coach won't think we'll look classic Kitsch contemporary it's the next big thing read the article [Music] wow El Matador won't let the house thing go here is my shoe closet it's twice the size of shakes's house that guy really needs to get a new place come on wouldn't hurt to have a home theater would it we spend enough time playing sl4000x speak for yourself spins cheers uh hello hi can I help you your teammate sent me and you are Penelope Van Der voodlin estate agent to the Stars oh boy foodlin you like a new house uh listen Penelope this is great and all but uh we're kind of busy but shakes just imagine having a walk-in pantry a swimming pool a home theater system huh come on what do you got to lose besides a couple of hours of sl4000x uh fine what do you make of this one no chap dare I say to Posh [Music] spooky classic hitch contemporary yeah to El Matador you guys are so funny well I have one more to show you and it has a lot more than just a working doorbell the house has sweeping views a glass swimming pool Waterbeds in each of the 10 bedrooms [Applause] and of course a state-of-the-art home theater system oh man this place is the best now say arm uh arm s home alarm system armed disarm all very cool but I don't need any of this stuff I'm on tour half the time anyway well there is one last thing [Music] ways the current owner is something of a soccer enthusiast s yes yes yes so is the new owner I Wanna Live here forever whoa whoa whoa that's it I'm renovating just promise me we're gonna have a big party at your pad if we beat Cognito when we beat Cognito gentlemen but right now we have a press conference to watch and now over to lean along who's at cognito's training camp near strikerland so Inyo how do you feel about cognito's next test the men in red in their legendary tactician coach if I was at all concerned would I let you film our practice Lena [Music] wow dudes we need to rethink our approach perhaps we should play a 353 formation strengthen our attack no no that's what she wants us to do change our strategy but perhaps inyo's shown us more than she planned what do you mean coach the strikers were intentionally avoiding one area her goalie's weak spot you guys need to put in extra practice shooting into the top right corner not until you get it right but until you can't get it wrong I've got just the place for after hours training coach uh who's that let's make that home ground Advantage count [Music] hello Windows lights fire water I could get used to this hey shakes hey spins time for some sl4000x Son no can do coach has me on a double dose of footy training that's cool I need to practice too sl4000x be afraid [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning sir it's time to wake up thank you you have a call from unknown answer she hello Penelope so how amazing pretty amazing and have you been using your favorite feature even more than I thought I would I I'm so pleased everything's worked out hey why not come to the game I'll organize VIP tickets oh that's sweet shakes but I can't I have something really important on today okay cool [Music] goodbye [Music] strike a land she set the bottom against iron tank last week can Inyo do it again against the men in red prepare for a display of football's two greatest Minds uh I fancy I might have one of football's greatest minds too Brenda okay prepare for a display of football's three greatest Minds so shakes dude ready to do some damage oh yes got in plenty of extra practice glad you moved after all day yeah sure no need to think huh hope you clean the place up brother party time tonight game on [Applause] good thinking from coach that are not in possession but Cognito push forward then force a mistake now super strikers draw Cognito up field super strikas can counter [Applause] it's the first real chance of the match [Applause] that with close chicks man but I was nailing it at practice thank you an unusual strategy I would definitely be trying to get the ball in the goal if I was coach shakes what happened out there I trusted you to do the training but maybe you just hung out playing video games with with Spencer him but coach something's wrong I did practice coach is right you aren't ready for the lifestyle of a soccer Superstar it was your guy's idea I get a new place I mean you even hooked me up with your estate agent we did Penelope Van Der voodlen Vander udalin voodlin you like a new house I still got nothing but if you guys didn't send her did the number you have dialed does not exist not a great first half for you shakes what's going on out there uh hi Lena yeah just not uh feeling myself I guess uh you guys get a sense of deja vu right there I didn't feel like my cell phone Sam dare I say deja Woodland mystery estate agent a new house can't play soccer uh you guys don't think that strategy is to know every detail about the opposition and use that knowledge against them but how could a house be used against you I have no idea but I do know someone who can find out you know the guy yeah what his name benza shakes what's up I was sleeping you're not watching the game I'm missing the game listen we think Penelope might not be who she says she is I need you to go to my house and Shake I know it's a mission and investigate the pitch shakes I gotta go spins I'm in your house dude the coaches Step Up For What promises to be another tightly contested half [Applause] does it spenza identify yourself hello it's Jake's I'm home dialing police what I'm saying please dispatch come on house plate fam sedating intruder super strikers proceed with caution yep coach has got a problem up front and he needs to construct his chances carefully foreign [Applause] identify yourself identify yourself identify yourself identify yourself uh hi Shake's voice identified please confirm yeah explain myself I guess identity confirmed welcome home sir the police will be here shortly to confirm your identity drop back drop back the confusion here for super strikers defense come on grass looks normal nothing strange here pitch is level balls round ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if I was coach I'd just take shakes off [Applause] hold it he's got to me coach you have [Applause] couch how big is an official Super League goal 24 by 8 feet everyone knows that well coach shakes's goals are almost a foot bigger so so I practiced scoring in a bigger goal mouth over and over and over again well in your tricked both of us that whole press conference was a setup so you still want to come off good because it's time for some mind games of our own huh staying on maybe I'm not the third greatest mind in the Super League come on come on no ways am I missing the end of this game Mr shakes for your own safety please exit the house and identify yourself hi [Applause] and tension is mounting between the coaches Mac no you had a side business in your on real estate my business is the business of winning coach hey revealing your Keeper's weakness to lure us into a trap Brave move but it's backfired now that we know your plan [Music] shakes will adjust his shot perhaps that was a Double Bluff coach maybe that is my Keeper's strong side [Applause] double double block [Applause] what an easy goal yeah looks like the goalie just misjudged it so much for complex strategy hmm I think you and I are the two greatest football in mind Brenda [Applause] yeah go Strikers go Strikers go Strikers all right so what'd you say your name was again spinza yeah yeah you're coming with us ah yes ah remember the deal brother party at my place how's this for a party the place is passed was not the deal shakes yeah brother it was meant to be it's a new place we never even got to see the house that caused all the trouble I don't know sounds like that place was way too awesome for you shakes whatever I have everything I need right here even got the doorbell fixed bye everyone you're standing on my foot brother foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how's it feel to be on the verge of super league history personal records aren't a big deal to me as long as super strikas win I'll be happy wow so humble shakes but in achievement this big deserves a little attention [Music] you rocked it brother enough already the precious interviewed him for like four hours oh he is on the verge of making history on Matador come on I have like a a hundred records oh yeah here we go the Super League records book El Matador El Matador El Madden nope I must have at least one North how about best hairdo in the Super League they don't have records for the best hairdo actually liquido has that what guy looks like a sea creature fell asleep on his head guys enough about records hmm don't worry coach I'm sure the hype will die down soon enough [Music] oh sorry Nico trust me you are not the problem stop good yes that's good now skip to track 11 for Fitness training where is he welcome to Moore's as advertising where we turn your dreams into bigger dreams we synthesize and satisfy making your voice heard in the hearts of those who matter most to you because you matter most to us oh you're done I need to celebrate a momentous occasion and football history great you've come to the right place who is your target market he's young he's sporty he's fun and professional he has big plans for the future but he wants them now what are you lathering about this is the guy shakes from super strikers he is our target market single person marketers I feel a level five brain hurricane coming on get that copy machine uh most shots on target nope basketball celebration no a best meme uh uh worst meme really okay most matches played wearing glasses uh third place but I'm the only one who wears glasses whoa [Music] wow shakes looks like Tokyo is behind you my man a nice welcome gesture I suppose [Music] Hey where's my welcome gesture [Music] [Music] whatever it takes shakes wow who writes this stuff [Music] yes this is perfect wow it is so great to help people achieve their dreams yeah something like that it's so beautiful this is the whole reason I got into this industry now take it all down but why this ad space is costing a fortune target the target market only people uh come on looks like the pressure's taken its toll yeah yeah I didn't expect there to be so much attention on him here so let's give him a confidence boost [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on youth goals ever scored at practice well that didn't go quite as planned hmm I need to work on an alternate strategy you guys go ahead huh well I never [Music] hey [Music] I'm really sorry coach I guess the pressure's getting to me it's not your fault shakes you just need some time to get your mind off the Record relax enjoy yourself kick back and get a good night's rest you okay Coach fine fine in fact why not sleep in tomorrow really of course [Music] don't worry guys I'm here oh look you do hold a record El Matador longest time spent in front of the mirror really no uh so cruel so what's with the early morning meeting coach I believe the shakes campaign is aimed at shakes only oh yesterday when you guys left kashuku the ads disappeared as you drove away so if shakes doesn't see the odds does he play okay that's what we're about to find out hey guys what have I missed heads up you were right coach I just needed to clear my mind shakes how about you go and get some breakfast uh don't you guys need me here so how we gonna pull this off coach good old-fashioned teamwork today I'm arrived arrives more a clash of wheels and skills and drills it is the moment each of us has to Sir Sir give me one second huh loan twenty word five what is that it sees as in Carpe DM seize the day that's the motto we live by at Moore's address yeah whatever is the moment each of us has to seize the day Carpe Diem you know I've had enough of this you're our coach we need to hear coaching coaching means ensuring we win and that is exactly what I'm doing well how you're not even writing your own speeches I I have to go I'm very busy right now anything to report Mr Geary super strikers are on the Move prepare the campaign most helpful teammates now it's not the time El Matador target market is taking alternate routes to Stadium okay people the target Market's gone Rogue ideas brighter colors Bolder statements no we don't have time to change the creative brand ambassadors now that's got some jazz great idea nice one presenting the walk and talk it's a shoe and a phone target market spotted heading through the main Gallery ooh something do something activating rolling Banner main gallery let's go come on I got them street level heading south Shibuya Crossing is go yeah hey shakes what did the soccer ball say to the gold no no I see myself in you foreign [Music] [Music] nice to finally have a decent hairdo right Burger struggling to pinpoint him oh come on there is one last thing I might be able to triangulate his phone come on we've got a game to get to fastest footballer ever guys what are you waiting for almost there almost there shuku okay we're in business [Music] [Music] I thought they'd given them the slip give me your phone just give me your phone oh it's over we did everything we could sure whatever actually that isn't necessarily the case Stadium Brenda you did it dude nice one coach we pulled it off and what a match it could turn out to be Matt shakes is on the verge of rewriting history and you backing him to pull it off oh I'm a commentator blender I must remain impartial get up there shakes man keep them peeled shakes okay in three two enough guys I've got this could this be the Magic Moment oh it's a fingertips fantastic effort from the striker hmm yes Mr Geary bring out the blimp super strikers are on the attack again [Applause] I've been waiting for Here We Go foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that may just be the record for the biggest Miss uh how big is the existing record exactly don't even think about it El Matador yes coach coach is left with no choice looks like shakes you guys are geniuses we got more zaz than anyone no nah call off the blimp are things costing me a fortune hey close yeah coach sit down a moment won't you oh right now okay warm up yes sit down warm up yes sit down no warm up yes sit down no warm up yes sit down no I don't believe it man yep right here most nefarious coach in the Super League urigiri man and he's even got to me here inside the stadium but unlike last night we don't have any time for you to clear your mind I'm sorry Shanks you're coming off great game so far we are not playing well shakes is played badly [Music] now my coaching's paying off big time what do you mean you haven't even been here well I'm here now aren't I sometimes I feel like there's nothing I can do to make you laugh happy coach you've got to put me on the record isn't going away I have to face it this isn't the right game shakes there's too much pressure just give me 15 minutes please fine yes but if you can't overcome the effects of the campaign Klaus is going off yeah yeah I mean hang in there shakes hey shakes remember only one thing matters beating the comma got it coach [Applause] just can't let that record go away shakes hmm coach hasn't subbed shakes unusual decision given his form but it does mean he still has a shot at the record [Applause] clumsy taco from the defender what's the ref gonna do so who's gonna take it cheeks deserves the chance right he does but so do I I know man nothing more high pressure than a penalty dudes guys I've got this this is massive for shakes and the history books and the game and the fans and the comments [Music] [Music] what it's just a touch [Applause] very smart boys yeah remember coach only one thing matters [Music] hey look what I just got a hold of cool the new Super League records book and check it out first ever pass penalty in the Super League shakes yes and yes El Matador yes even if you have to share it with me I did the important part shakes and that's not all the record for the most expensive ad campaign ever goes to keep added it you can do it blah blah blah I thought this craziness was over yeah coach where could you possibly be this time I don't want to know carpet clean seize the mob that's another thing we always say at Moore's ads you can do it only another eight years and you'll work off all the money you owe us let's go get some from chocolatinos offer clients only only only so why do I think I'm the Ultimate Super strikas Fan this guy oh this is why my scarf my sign Jersey still haven't washed it my complete collection of action figures including the very rare El scarador misprint Lenny the lightning bolt the official Club of rosella almada boots Shake standy dancing raster plush toy and my super strikas chant book my dad took me to my first ever super strikas vs Invincible United Darby I asked for a Super Striker shirt he said Freddy once you've chosen a team it's for life are you sure you're ready as you can see I was [Music] I gave her attendance and made me cry category but that filthy shirt minus five for Hygiene still less weird than the fan who legally changed her name to secret training compound or the dude who keeps on sending us cakes with our faces on I like that guy so we're all decided uh-huh yeah then let's get up there the fans are waiting [Music] the vibe is almost as epic as the Darby yeah of course they're excited they have a chance to win the fan competition come on svenza being disqualified for being Shake's best friend that's a pretty big win but my entry video was so epic and this is Capture the Flag Chateau de Scarborough yes it was also so illegal details super fans please welcome oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on that was awesome fans we have a decision the winner of the first secret training compound all access superfan tour competition is crazy [Music] are you okay little girl I just wanted super strikers this time my ball but do you change consider it done huh oh thanks Fran everything you see down here is strictly confidential of course coach I'm excellent into keeping secrets great just sign here this one time my friend Caitlyn accidentally burned down an entire toilet block and I've never told anyone oh maybe you should sign here too oh and a seeing as we're signing things do you mind oh now that we're done with the formalities welcome [Music] the air pressure chamber helps us prepare for gains at high elevation we're taking on iron tank at The Fortress right twisting tiger the motorized obstacle course perfect training for the double against United way cryosana is that from the slide tackle against Rihanna two weeks ago this is where the real magic happens the strategy room minute by minute analysis of every game thrilling three hour strategy sessions yes more like three hour nap sessions get back to practice and finally the training pitch [Music] hey friend just in time for the show [Music] I give up how are you reading me your non-striking foot always points in the direction You're Gonna Kiss jeez really hey guys would you sign my ball it's for a friend it always is so shakes you're nervous for the Darby nah I got a couple of tricks up my sleeve anything you can show me okay now check this out [Music] my fake out isn't quite ready yet but when it is no way Invincible United will see it coming thank you there you go I sell that online and I'm getting 50 okay thank you just remember strictly confidential your toughest challenge will be not telling spenza I can handle ham oi can I have my ball back now you must be friends friend we all signed your ball huh you're welcome [Music] super strikers are going down no it's called The Secret training compound for a reason super high pitched pretty please don't make me give you the look hey friend pretty please with onion rings and extra cheese now come on let's get this chant right for tomorrow fine the super League's biggest Showdown is upon us and it's not just the teams battling for Supremacy the fans are out in full force [Applause] [Music] you sure about this star just trust me I've got it all worked out super strikas go on the attack but United read the move with ease now they counter come on everyone hey scar [Applause] [Music] hey Vince you're gonna win [Music] what Spence hold the board a minute okay friend where are you going we need you United on the attack again [Applause] but super strikers aren't safe anywhere started storage is Target your weak side logo [Applause] this area is restricted but what about her she can go wherever she likes that's Mr scarra's niece [Music] [Applause] a rare chance for super strikas against the Run of play and they better get it right it's almost full time [Music] [Applause] [Music] keeper read him like a book and now the counter is on [Applause] Justin's teamwork from United and some soul-searching ahead for the men in red [Applause] uh anyone else feel United knew like everything about our game they were playing the blocks weak side keeper read all my shots were we being that obvious no there's only one way they could have known our game plan there's gotta be another explanation yeah totally you know anyone else who's been in the training compound recently nah as difficult as this is for me to say Fran has betrayed us [Music] what's going on friend You Stand Accused of leaking super strikas strategies to Invincible United huh that's [Music] I have to ask for your non-refundable season pass [Music] wait the little girl from The Day of the tour she scars niece but why would but why would she want Super Striker signatures exactly I'll try see you friend has anyone seen diagram 42b we have to know all of these hey spins where are you at STC since the leak coach has given us like a thousand new strategies to learn keep up boys make that 2 000. I still can't believe Fran sold us out yeah she says that ball she got you guys to sign belongs to scara's niece oh that weird little girl maybe friend didn't sell us out or maybe she's in cahoots with Invincible United spends [Music] sorry Vanessa I'd love to study but I have to go model [Music] come to take something else I love run well you're not getting my triple fudge to life Fran I spoke to shakes we have a theory so there's gonna be like a micro camera hidden in the ball but where would it be at Levi's no scarra would have it somewhere he can show it off let me see your video for the fan competition I know it's so great right how do you like that scar up there see he's got a trophy room in his house It's gotta be there let's get that ball clear my name and help our boys win the game hey that's pretty good [Music] we've got three hours till the game scarra's house has crazy security 24-hour guards and the hounds so how are we gonna do this [Music] Francesco dispenza Pizzeria you'll be loving what's made in our oven [Music] oh [Music] my God nobody ordered pizza but it's really good what about my tip here's a tip get out of here laughs [Music] huh no match night at strikerland and the fans have really upped their game for the return [Music] well not all of them super strikers hey what's going on here people come on let's hear it seem super strikers aren't feeling any more at home at home let's go for a ride to the magical four-wheel Kingdom [Music] [Music] Duma versus block United were all over the big Defender last game hahaha but this time block is ready [Applause] Super Striker push forward shooting opportunity for shakes [Applause] peare but the super Slickers couldn't finish it off where is the ball [Music] [Music] you don't watch the world's best team your whole life without learning some skills [Music] no ways Ben's almost right how are you eating me you ready check this out so United don't know about the fake out [Music] playdates over Fran [Music] the men in red have plenty of good ideas out there but their execution is lacking Invincible United on the other hand are a well-oiled machine oh so close thank you oh you want this [Music] all right strikerland [Music] sorry Miss Fran chops I have to get a message to shakes [Music] United gear bite here nowhere else to get your gear you're not a real fan unless you get in here one two three Invincible United [Music] we're well into the second half and there's still no score not great for super strikers on their home turf now that's more like it no but shakes has been caught offside things are just not going super strikers way [Applause] [Music] sheesh Fran had us totally fooled maybe the super Striker's Jersey isn't for life after all that's 10 points in the Betrayal category now let's not jump to any conclusions takers are all out of ideas Invincible United are camped in their hats thanks friend [Music] come on come on friend [Music] hey guys listen up you move two places to the left and you way over there to the right huh uh Captain I've got an idea tell me shakespa I I got a good feeling just get the ball to me North Shaw looks like pencil lasted is after something yeah shakes chips it to himself [Music] wow [Applause] somehow shakes digs deep and scores in the nick of time a victory lock for Shades why is he running to the United fans Ben you're a legend like I said once you've chosen a team it's for life so the old fake Audi been doing that move since we were 12 son with everything I know I learned from you buddy hey guys not sure I approve of your new look super friend I'd be happy to trade it in yeah kind of figured you'd need these [Music] thank you no problem friend hey guys check with me and a few million other people found scaramon what if we pay you a billion a season would you take over as Captain for me I beg you never I'm way too cool to plan your stupid team boy Loser come back you traitor you better not put this on the internet I guess you can choose your team but not your family [Laughter] foreign [Music] come on chicks man let's get this over and done with [Music] so uh coach say anything about practice his phone's been off all weekend oh that's bad isn't it last time coach was this mod he made us walk to a game through the Arabian Desert junk food you know the rules Big Bowl sorry I eat when I'm nervous super strikers your performance against Invincible United unfocused incompetent oh I would go on but you have a long day ahead of you get up and head for the bottom floor foreign [Music] little surprise I mean big surprise is almost ready good are you sure this is quite necessary oh yes by the time we're through they won't dare lose again [Music] you guys ever been to the bottom floor never I didn't even know there was a bottom floor I wonder what coach has in store for us down there I Don't Wanna Know this is such a great idea Tony I always thought I could be a chef why would I open a food truck in the middle of nowhere John Jay Johnson Jr well if we aren't stealing tasty snacks why are we here because super strikers got that box kick and whenever those King Bean go get us lose they always come back stronger and guess who they're playing next us but I still don't get what that has to do with our food truck oh this is much more than a food truck [Music] foreign listen up guys today is going to be tough but if we work hard think fast and stick together we can't get through this yeah let's do this bring it down shakes man I know your game was Nightmare none of us were much better and there's nothing we can do about it what we must do is make sure we're ready for the next game yeah I hear you Captain you can have a sip of my soda if you want no oh thank you [Music] [Music] listen up boys you're passing against United was embarrassing but there's no final whistle to save you here you won't get out of the accuracy queue without a past success rate of over 90 percent coach hot assistant [Music] okay guys match the colors and we get to points shakes over there cool joke to my right Klaus hey where's Klaus oh yeah yes funnim sees bad boys and I'll be ready for whatever coach throws at us access tonight access denied access denied these Adventures of Soul Old Coach should call this place the secret training Museum oh [Music] and boom [Music] yeah that's it guys rough coach what's going on someone is hacking the compound they're trying to dig problem [Music] nice try coach but now I'm in charge can I have a burger fries and soda where the cactus did you come from you gonna serve me or not let me see a square root and drop the three not Tony the customers always right hey if you're not selling food what are you people doing out here one Burger special coming up foreign [Music] how about one hand on that Captain [Music] ah coach calls this difficult training where are the spikes the lasers the robo sharks oh that's why I'm here [Music] [Applause] well here goes huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh why is this place so secure Prof well you did want it to be a secret training compound I've managed to regain some control yes but whoever hacked us still has access to everything everything [Music] so what do we do well the only way someone could have hacked the compound is with the direct Connection in the control room oh check all the uh USB ports Hardware slots yep the motherboard and the plan connections good one question though yeah what do those words mean [Music] it's over it's not over seriously come on guys we know what we got to do thank you come on Jake almost there dudes [Music] I told you we could do it guys [Music] too easy ah Klaus can I help you slip into something a little more powerful [Music] come on machine access Grove [Music] Auto control [Music] what are you doing oh [Music] this is going to be fun guys I'm sorry I almost messed that up for everyone again your confidence is down dude we get it United scored four past us I'm pretty sure it was four dude denial see we all have our own way of dealing with defeat we sure do where did you even get that from hit it in my Underpants disgusting foreign [Music] words got out people really like our food well just keep them busy actually I could use a bit of help on the chip fryer hey that's the spirit it's going crazy moving by itself quick this way [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] come on dudes hey oh what about this is something important that's a phone charger oh I was looking for that oh is there supposed to be a robot spider back there definitely not oh oh you did insist on reinforced titanium coach did I I guess that's where we're headed boys okay but how do we get up there let me guess coach our fitness against United wasn't good enough hello Coach the guy just said a crazy mess dude after us I don't think he's in the talking mood come on guys there's only one way out of here [Music] thank you a giant treadmill time to wrap things up your say surely oh no super strikers looks like your problems are escalating order 43 order 43. yeah I'm coming okay no rush guys let's take a break then try again let's get out of here Brothers [Music] thank you [Music] come on guys come on [Applause] I'm sorry Captain go on without me I told your shakes and there's only one way out of here and it's together [Music] you okay brother he's not your brother anymore dude [Music] take that you metallic mad man [Music] come on Tony order 43. scoring as fast as I can ah I don't think it's working out I'm gonna have to let you go please don't fire me I need this job wait a second I don't need this job this isn't even a real restaurant I expect knock your burgers and the fries are made from old newspapers he's lying our fries are made from from potatoes enough messing around nope nope nope nope finally something worth my attention [Music] nicely done guys yeah despite coach going way over the top I'm not in control the secret training compound has been October look out behind you [Music] [Music] I've got this uh why would you even make this thing called to test your nerve under pressure also I was really angry come on mech suit you're part of the team too stops this right now Klaus huh I knew you could hear me oh over here from the suit has gone crazy it's not just your power and exoskeleton someone has control of the entire compound oh no your teammates need you now I've been trying but so soon there's a manual override switch inside the collar [Music] ah 80 for the Target that's how we shut this thing down [Music] hey no fair ah weird [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no way out of here ah great entertainment and the food's not bad either no Brave as if one can a robot wasn't bad enough don't worry guys I'm back in control and ready hooray we're saved hey stop shooting balls at my friends robot no man this is our best chance no waves oh great guys shoot [Music] [Applause] [Music] shakes Shanks time to put the United king behind you all you gotta do is shoot [Applause] close brother close hey you okay close oh please no no this suit rocks yes [Music] oh why come on [Music] yes yes yes so you guys ever gonna lose a game again [Music] hurry up John if super strikers find yourself super strikers fancy meeting you guys here small world right customers eleven Burgers please and you guys want anything oh is that the time we're closed being slaving away but you know what they say the customers always wrong thank you
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 1,592,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, Supa strikas, american soccer, anime, best football show, best football team, cartoons, cartoons for kids, football, football cartoon, football compilations, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, rookie season, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer cartoon, soccer goals, supa league, supa strikas in english, supa strikas in hindi, super estrikas, super league, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Id: FvCA8zNqzxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 49sec (7369 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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