Skarra's Revenge | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

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[Music] one two three [Music] seems we can't keep you out of the headline Scara next week super strikers vs Invincible United it's the same every time who will score more goals shakes or scarra scarra or shakes ba scar your anger is of no use to Invincible United but it's driving me crazy being compared to him all the time when we Face super strikers I want to show the Super League once and for all who is the greatest well there are three easy steps to achieving that step one find out what your opponents have planned step two either destroy their plan or use it yourself in step 3 step 3 don't mess it up right so how do we find out what super strikers have planned read more [Music] twisting tiger is an alien not that one super strikers coach spotted leaving Fitness Institute ahead of United fixture [Music] oh back to it and whatever you're doing double it what are you doing step one [Music] [Music] any battle against Invincible United is epic this one will be no exception so coach how are we gonna find out what United has in store for us sometimes shakes the best preparation is being prepared for anything so coach these rumors of us working at the fitness Institute they are true yeah and is it true twist and tiger is an alien can I park my Flying Saucer on your soccer pitch yes Klaus the professor has almost completed work on the match measure a machine that compares you to your marker and computes a training program to help you match him physically step one find out what your opponents have planned brilliant genius by accurately analyzing super Striker's opponents this machine can calculate the perfect training program for each player step one check this machine will certainly help super strikers climb to the top of the Super League step two either destroy their plan or use it yourself um I'll take both thanks match measure off coach it really is ask which will give super strikers The Edge you're looking for excellent professor professor [Music] the machine is uh it's broken huh you should know I learned Jeet Kuno from Bruce Lee himself really well it it was his aunt's husband's cousins dad pity you didn't learn anything from Harry Houdini's aunt's husband's cousin's dad well what are you waiting for I refuse to [Music] come on Welcome to the match measure the match measure computes the perfect training program for any marker in the Super League please select your opposition team you have chosen super strikas please select your opposing player to I want more shakes nah more power El Matador more speed culture more size twisting tiger more aggression more combined player selection initiated that's what I'm after I'm not sure you should combine players the risk of otin over training induced darker lessons too great you could are you sure you wish to continue yes are you really sure you wish to continue yes really really sure yes I'm sure whoa it looks like I got my training cut out for me you're taking this too far Scara you're taking this too far good morning I hope you all had a good night's sleep because you're in for quite a workout today coach Dude where's my super gnarly training surfboard and the dummy robots [Music] ah yes you have nice easy training for us today right coach this dream is so real what are you all doing in my bed chamber huh welcome to Beyond 90 training coach don't you think I should be doing moving target practice at the secret training compound shakes right now you could hit a 10 cent coin from 100 yards but can you turn the odds in your favor in just 90 minutes start running 90 laps one for each minute of the game it's a nightmare it's not designed to work like this it's dangerous I've been trying to tell you the over training induced I have no idea what language that is but it's starting to annoy me wait listen to me for your own good oh what that's it that's the danger I'm gonna be unstoppable for 30 minutes there are three parts to the Beyond 90 program I like to call them the three s's the first s is for skills keep in control or you're out of the game I wish one of the essence is Wipeout the second s is for stamina keep ahead of the pace or United will leave you behind these are called medicine balls right yeah but they're not making me feel any better oh wow see what I mean [Music] two days left to complete my programs [Applause] the third s is for smarts keep ahead of your opponent mentally by watching his game and predicting his moves smarts is all about finding a way to use the opposition's game plan against them during the 90. I hear you big dude I am totally pushed man looks like our time is up for today dudes um I invited these guys they're here to play you remember this is beyond 90. laughs [Music] match day at strikerland and it's the big one super strikers versus Invincible United indeedy the fans expect nothing less than an epic battle not only are the teams out of survivals but their two young Strikers have a long history that's all we have to do sounds perfect we will rule the last 30 minutes just remember to stick to the plan of course with all this talk of shakes and scatter's long-standing rivalry it seems appropriate to start the day with a bit of controversy question on everyone's mind where is scarra how can Invincible United win this match without their star player I guess this is Shake's chance to keep his gold count ahead Mack no Scara man this is gonna be a breeze Invincible United is not making this much of a contest today could skara really be out of this game this is a walk in the park super strikers are consistent in all areas today [Music] with only the keeper to beat and he beats him go Invincible United is not making this much of a contest today with the match just about at halftime super strikers strike again to go up 3-0 [Applause] oh match measure on [Music] welcome to the match measure so sorry I know it hurts my darling begin test sequence initiating and sequence I will return my tears oh maybe not at first I thought it was just our luck that Scotto wasn't playing but they didn't even care that we scored I'm telling you they're up to something I agree shakes they'll put Scara on after half time question is why have they been holding him back so long we'll soon know one two three super strikas [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] what's up with him are you all right hey what's up not what whoa look [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh whoa [Applause] whoa he's enormous how are we gonna stop that um scada looks like some kind of superhero super strikas look out perfect this is what we train for right anything I think this is anything scar has timed it perfectly timed what perfectly how to deal with this over training induced narcolepsy o-t-i-n you know it now I have ACM acronym creation Mania scarra's training program will make him Unstoppable for the rest of the match [Music] [Applause] this is gonna be fun not if I can help it did I just see that [Music] walk is there oh what no penalty gold Invincible United they are on the board scatter was truly a one-man Army on that run might be impressive you know it dude what is this after 65 they like come alive Barbara What did Coach say keep ahead of your opponent mentally by watching his game and predicting his moves thank you [Music] did you see that and Invincible United can they catch up only 15 minutes to go I think I'll score another maybe two oh why scar only come on now and what is that watch counting down to [Applause] oh someone should tell automatic that this isn't rugby oops sorry [Music] oh come on get up get up in a bit of a hurry are we scarra shakes man are you okay mascara is only this super Scara for 30 minutes are you sure yes he has a timer in that wristband counting down to full time and let me guess you're using your injury time to make the game longer but if you're right they're gonna sub him at full time not if I can help it we make it a minute to make his strength his weakness [Music] this is an unbelievable display foreign oh yes I did I told you so what's with the clock watching Superstar got a hot date after the match [Applause] [Music] he fires the cannon again [Applause] no goal that one actually bent the post [Applause] three minutes of extra time tired no way then why are you being subbed all right ah come on Superstar can't last another three minutes no wait this win is mine mascara Scara no no no no no no no [Music] oh I couldn't have been wrong could I have been wrong I was wrong I have never seen scarra play like this Max he has owned strike a land and it looks like he's gonna score the decider tell me I was right I was right hmm oh I Was Wrong by 27 seconds but the question is why now scar is nowhere to be seen hero to zero in the market of seconds oh now the Invincible goalie has come out dangerously far it's now or never going for it [Applause] s empty moments left to spare [Music] Shake how did Super strikas Come Away with this win today I guess he couldn't go beyond 30. [Applause] [Music] step three he always forgets step three don't mess it up nice play man you used your head yep I guess it's as important as my feet huh good night yeah sweet dreams But Mommy I want a jam sandwich [Music] yeah we play Sultans in the weak boys let's see what you've got [Music] [Music] hmm oh yes see I am most expensive player in super league but I am worth every cent high five that was the perfect setup El Matador just had to put his head in the way lucky it's a pretty big head hey it's perfect size head uh El Matador I think you should see this you're not the most expensive player in the Super League anymore what I am now number two no number four why ah whoa the Amal 3 have been bought by Sultans dudes Sultan's coach is the only man Rich enough to afford these three Mighty midfielders I hope you three are ready for these three Nothing Gets By The Cool Joe Eagle Eye pack your bags boys it's time to do some research Sultans play Hydra tomorrow and we're gonna be there where is there coach Dubai El Matador okay okay Dubai coach I'm going ah what is so special about these three anyway [Music] shortly the wind speed is zero knots and the ground temperature is 42 degrees Celsius ah I'm not even the hottest thing in Dubai prepared to be amazed ladies and gentlemen the Amal 3s world famous Three Blind Mice routine [Music] huh whoa I just want to make sure what I'm seeing is real shikalism has been keeping his triple one to under wraps in the run-up to their first Super League game against Hydra today you're happy with your very expensive acquisition check so happy I even give them their favorite jersey numbers number one I thought number one was for goalkeepers only Aziz Akbar and alum who's u3 demand anything you want how we're good and how do you feel about today's game against Hydra we feel just great tell us more good we are very confident three heads are better than one three soccer geniuses each able to call the move without speaking I don't know about you but I can't wait to see them in action they have Supernatural mind power yeah far out they can speak to each other without talking three suddenly is a crowd for Hydra here today where one goal behind with little time left to equalize and speaking of the crowd Lee contenders super strikers are taking notes in the stands [Music] alarm step come out of nowhere to receive oh my it's like he thinks the ball was gonna be there whoa he wasn't even looking at the ball and his head is so tiny hmm [Music] three mil looks like Sultan's ready to take the Super League apart they're like totally reading each other's minds out there it's like [Music] coach I hope you got some mean training in store for us [Music] this is our own I'm all three impossible to tell apart and able to communicate telepathically [Music] hey no man [Music] please huh how they do that huh that is some tricky business going down here hey El Matador how are you doing this telepathy thing coach these masks have built-in earphones and microphones the fabric is specially designed so no sound can pass through it hey Cool Joe how do you like being inside the brain of the amount three whoa it sounds like he's inside my head [Music] coming your way North Shaw I'm there dude [Music] man if your Mall three can speak in each other's heads we are in big trouble [Music] this is fun it would be a lot more fun if it didn't mean we were going to lose tomorrow oh right the triplets were found at a young age abandoned in a Dusty small town soccer stadium the only thing they had with them was an old soccer ball and the rags on their backs if we can't beat them all three in training how will we beat them on field yeah I want a chance to work it out before the field enough right now it's time for some r r rock and roll rest and relaxation how came to be there nobody knows but they would never be separated from one another nor their beloved ball [Music] a very good evening to you most esteemed super strikers the TV is talking to us this is crazy magic no my dear her clothes it is merely a video call yeah I know that ah hello coach I'd like to invite you to the Sultan's party tonight we would be honored to attend it's on my yacht see you there good thing I always pack my emergency Funk finery the time for some real RNR after all no rock and roll and I'm done [Music] hey super strikers of hot gosh mag please [Applause] hey you're not in favor anymore yo you're standing right next to me man ah details I got flavor [Applause] [Music] and now what oh don't please you are so nice [Music] I want to see if this deal is real [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see that how they read each other's minds hmm dude a little bit hungry I always eat when I'm nervous man you think they're talking to each other right now like inside their brains yeah I wish I was telepathic so I could hear what they're saying [Music] [Music] three is a very powerful symbol in many cultures and all three were born with greatness here we get our mind off our troubles these incredible triplets will love to love who you see it's a sign I think change the channel Klaus the greatest recipes have three key ingredients because over the last three days the storm has been building look you've got three problems here signs man I ain't losing my cool because some signs tell me I ought to there's got to be something we can do Cool Joe you'll have 90 minutes to solve this puzzle starting tomorrow morning promise me you'll get a good night's rest I promise coach [Applause] and soar the Amal three can't wait to see what strategy super strikers have devised to contend with the world famous triplets I must be the only goalie in the world to wear number four I hope you're worth it yes when I spend money I expect results [Music] have we thank you okay let's see if super sneakers are any nearer to solving the riddle of the amount three time to solve this riddle once and for all thank you [Music] only minutes into this game and super slick has already look confused [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it just gets tougher and tougher Mac as Aziz himself says three heads are better than one not if you're a Super Striker they don't know where to look yes [Applause] how in the name of disco do we get past three guys who talk in each other's heads man if there is a way super strikers will find it well the eagle eyes got nothing man [Music] [Applause] if you're telepathic what's with the hand signals man huh and if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing all the signals are coming from one guy [Music] maybe we can solve this riddle after all [Applause] man I'm telling you I was looking for Clues at the Hydra game in training and when they did that three blind mice routine but I was looking in all the wrong places what do you mean bruh back on the yacht two of them bashed heads if they can communicate with their minds why would they bump into each other like fools oh I'm so true dude their brains were like touching and there was still no telepathy there is no telepathy man just well-practiced routines and there's only one guy who calls the moves oh we thought they were three hit a snake but but there are actually three snakes with one head they got the whole world full brother fool but how do we figure out who the ringleader is huh I already know man trust me let's see what super strikers have planned after the break number one is the guy you got it man Mark that sucker and we are riding into a town called Victory they're focusing all their attention on one of the Amal three [Applause] oh somethings are taking no prisoners today super strikers are now two goals down looks like their focus was on the wrong man I can't be wrong I saw it didn't I it was number one or maybe we have to do it now Cool Joe is catching on after the next goal make the switch [Applause] [Music] the switch remember oh [Applause] no no no no no no no you don't watch number two we can't afford another goal against US stick to your marker Sultan's going for their third goal [Applause] oh perfect oh and that time's a charm for Sultans Captain you have to trust me number two he's the brain look at him for a minute don't you think there's something [Applause] something strange Well Good Golly Miss Molly that's it they've been fooling the World by simply switching jerseys it is just one soccer genius calling all the shots those slimy sneaky sneaky and they must have done a switch at halftime too but now who's who the only way to catch a snake is to force it out [Applause] laughs what are super strikas doing looks like a desperate measure But A desperate time supersai can seem to be playing a game of piggy in the middle and it looks like a game the Amal 3 do not like much of an earth has happened to the about three it's him [Music] all right [Applause] but it's impossible for super strikers to catch up to Sultans a nice Jersey you want to swap with me duh how did you know pieced it together man again super strikers Target One ammo do something do something do something [Applause] [Music] ah oh my what the turnaround for super strikers they've almost neutralized the Amal threat [Applause] it's really strange For the First Time The Amal 3 have failed to deliver a consistent performance it's like a plan to focus on what a mile is working finally but how yeah they've already marked number one it could be a mall three's gift have been a ruse all along only one genius among the three I feel [Music] well their game now has truly fallen apart foreign needed to go ahead nice one cool joke excuse me and not bad for super League's fourth most expensive hand I think you'll be back at number one in no time El Matador you will never play again you are off my team you lied on your resume it was him finally Cool Joe you cracked the code yeah how you doing yeah man let us check this telepathy Theory which card am I holding Rasta four of Hearts man you have telepathy I can't believe this let us do another oh man it's gonna be a long flight home [Music] this is incredible I told you you'd pick it up fast brother well Joe check Al Matador check Rasta check North oh altitude adaptability warning shakes in North Shaw hmm what have you got professor it's uh much worse than I first thought coach take a look at this well vacation's over we've got work to do huh breaks over see y'all back at striker land tomorrow [Music] [Music] but why are we in these things you are in altitude simulation domes they help us to analyze your ability to adjust to different altitudes because our next opponent is Ion tank on their home ground they are undefeated at Fortress Stadium undefeated they are used to play in at a higher level but I thought the Super League was the top level no look this graph explains it okay now I get it yeah Fortress stadium is the highest stadium in the world way higher than strikerland correct [Music] I feel like I ate 10 cheeseburgers before I started running dude I always eat 10 cheeseburgers before I start running but I've never felt this bogus everybody reacts differently to altitude when you're at this higher altitude there is less oxygen in the air and your body needs oxygen to function if you're not used to high altitude your body will not work as you expect it to what what happens do you hurl you may feel dizziness distorted vision and a loss of coordination I feel that way every time I look at a pretty lady therefore you all need to be prepared for playing at that altitude no team has ever beaten iron tank on their home ground the last 15 minutes of the game will be Beyond tough for all of you back in the dome back in the dome [Music] may I have permission to stand at ease combat Readiness is vital that is we must match super strikes at their own game we must develop machines like they have the fans we saw in the football 360 show nonsense we have the advantage remember we leave the cheese altitude if we stick to our ridiculously intense training program there will never be a strap to iron tank in our Fortress so yes sir super strikers will crumble in the last 15 minutes like everyone else hmm as I thought coach nor Sean shakes just aren't ready to play at that altitude yet if these two aren't conditioned properly iron tank will drill the ball all the way to the goals I think what we have planned should get them ready I don't like that look in coach's eyes let me guess another machine very good shakes you two get dressed and make your way to the striker jet and what do you have to concentrate on most against infrastrika's coach Von Pusher lucky for us we have nature on our side I don't see how sick and stand up to the iron tank or should be up here down there unbeaten at home their opponents scoreless in the last 15 minutes is the GPS tracking device working like clockwork you will man dude coach totally cut her travel budget our hotel is intent here we go time to put these on parachutes good one Rasta you are welcome to jump without it but I hear that make for a rather uncomfortable Landing no airport either coach's budget cuts are going way too far [Music] ah if you don't want to you don't have to jump really pull your shoes on three one two three guys status report they just landed safe and sound so this was the plan drop us in the middle of it nowhere we're about a day away from the Rendezvous point we have to get all the way up there by tomorrow dude that's not possible of course it is we even have one of coach's machines to show us the way now let's get started we have reason to believe that the strikers are summoned in Europe training in the mountains you sink yeah get me over immediately tell him to have a security issue no [Music] wait just need a little break totally where did all the air go I can't find it either it's okay Brothers some people take longer to adapt so there's nothing I can do relax man why don't we set up camp for the night best idea I've heard all day but first thing in the morning we'll make that Summit and meet the super strikers on the landing strip below that's the problem with going up you gotta go down afterwards not if you want to win the Super League man the only way is up sleep tight super strikers [Music] thank you [Music] okay I could have five pages uh pepperoni and sausage with marshmallows please well bacon shake that would hit the spot totally [Music] foreign [Music] see you later or maybe I won't [Music] oh coach oh I lost them what [Music] it was here last night how did it just disappear guys Footprints and ski tracks this was sabotage someone doesn't want us to get to the March onwards and upwards in upwards Capitain of it [Music] where could they be there's not a lot of time until the match I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they arrive and if they don't that's why we have this [Music] almost there guys I don't know if I go do it if you want a good reason why you should finish Sheikh's man it's because turning back now would be way harder [Music] huh I'm on top of the world now to find a striker jet before it has to leave we need a sign dude how did you do that you think it's coach I'd say that was a good guess man now we gotta get there fast any ideas [Music] tree trucks make awesome snowboards dudes all right come on we gotta blame the catch if they don't get here soon we'll have to leave without them I cannot wait any longer I will Brave the element and rescue our friends myself [Music] good luck my friends I tried [Music] never give up looking for you my friends what is that oh I never give up and now I find them stop this plane um should we be worried the last 15 minutes are always tough on any visiting team up here big mistake huge much there today and the Fortress Is On Fire you mean ice can super strikers break iron tanks home winning streak if they can make it to and through the last 15 minutes you gotta admit it this place is even too cool for me this is nothing compared to being up in those mountains this is like a day at the beach chicks north um the GPS [Applause] [Music] super strikers look good hey OH Close shade for iron tank River super Slackers you are well prepared [Music] what kind of tactic is this [Music] hey you want to play some soccer now [Applause] hmm and that's the half the scoreboard is still asleep I don't know Mac can't see the home team winning with his hands-off strategy you have worked on an excellent job of tired they will never stand the chance in the last half shakes North and hostile we're foolish to stay in the starting lineup civil obviously failed in the last 15 minutes [Laughter] sir yes sir [Music] okay now here we go item tank hammers of the pressure that's right Mac things are finally getting interesting can no Shaw stop him not this time wakes up the scoreboard they go up one nil ah how can super strikers score if their lead Striker looks like he's already run a marathon I don't know if I can do it Captain you've come this far shakes man you really want to turn back now [Applause] [Music] super strikers are getting their second wind they're moving the ball well we had enough dude [Applause] somehow super strikers have shattered the 15-minute cast but can they push through to the end to a winning goal or will it go iron tanks way there are ways to overcome the altitude yeah I think we figured it out on the mountain it's about conserving your energy you you got like totally efficiently come on we can beat these suckers here and now but only if you two can stay Standish [Music] yes breathe the boy is rubbing on air oh we spoke too soon [Laughter] too tired just find your reasons footprints [Applause] it was it was you huh you stole our navigation device ah clearly it was not enough it's enough for me bro [Applause] nice move hmm [Music] [Applause] did I score shakes you did it look at the replay how what an ending iron tank has been defeated here at home for the first time this is one for the record books I guess you didn't make a mistake after all coach bruh we did it too [Music] you would give me 100 push-ups sex you cannot beat the tank it's your home ground just did dude it is not fair you are so immature just chill [Applause] now that is chill brother laughs [Applause] super strikers are really pummeling farming and no other sneakers player has done more permanently today than tiger yes show us how it's done Tiger but even twisting Tigers unlikely to squeeze another goal past saw Ming's defensive wall [Applause] tiger style [Music] seen a player with such a hit point accuracy does twisting Tiger have crosshairs built into his brain whatever the Tiger's secret I hope it takes them along to their upcoming game at hydra's thing amazing wondrous incredible floating Stadium oh have you prepare the Machinery yes [Music] yes this is how he will ensure Victory against super strikers [Music] I'm glad I wasn't the star main goalkeeper today no all thanks to lucky charm a great soccer player and he's modest too El Matador he learned a lot from Tiger what everybody knows that I am the best at being modest [Music] dude not that charm stuff again hey this is real power North charm was blessed by zen master centuries ago as long as I have it on me I will have good luck the striker yacht awaits are you all prepared for our Voyage to hydra's floating Stadium this is all I need to be preparing oh what I just want to be prepared [Music] [Music] yeah bro you are on fire today [Music] I collect an old lady like why you talk so funny shakes it's a secret language we made up when we were kids so what'd he say oh I think nay hmm ah canope thanks [Music] um could I please have some ketchup with this I do not think so my friend my name is Jacques Cousteau the best chef in Europe is my Creations come on I need it man it's my birthday don't let him fool you man it isn't his birthday okay but it's my birthday soon so it's still no on that ketchup Barbarian nope I'm the best for you you are not worthy huh deadly [Music] hey finally we are here now oh floating Stadium Check It Out [Music] here I will show you how huh whoa I got a live one but dude [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry thank you as the Machinery being inspected preliminary inspection complete complete with super strikers Locker lying at the bottom of the ocean no one will suspect the thing it's match day at Hydra stadium looks like the loss of Tiger's charm haven't heard Strikers one bit initiate gradient phase one [Music] deadly accuracy Jake's the twisting tiger oh and it's off maybe I spoke a little too soon I know what you're thinking forget the charm bro say what you want I have never won a game without it uh [Applause] [Applause] hmm take a stop [Applause] huh [Applause] uh oh it's not so much that Hydra is playing better than usual it's just that Hydra is playing better than super strikers I think twisting tiger would much rather his child was in his locker huh as opposed to Davy Jones Locker getting that thinking feeling twisting tiger yeah they don't suspect a thing good we'll start moving back up the table after a Super League game tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] dudes you've got a lot of people coming to watch you lose to Hydra again sorry hey we were just warming up in our opening game tomorrow we not lose but yesterday I actually saw and felt a difference in my game like your sights were totally off right felt like you're not Super League player anymore yeah Ain't Got The Power Man the power of charm charm I told you but it is worse than I thought it is affecting us all without charm we lose again maybe but the only way to know for sure is to get the charm back and see if our luck changes [Music] thank you bro our masks are fitted with underwater communication devices let's find that lucky charm knucklehead hey who said that hmm [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] no sign of the charm no bro it's a red herring [Music] that is not a red herring yes it is no it is the charm case my lucky charm I'll sneak over and grab it [Music] wow I'm right underneath Hydra Stadium huh what is going on down here why all this security [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can jump back now we get locked up not so sure bro we gotta get out of here like pronto hey what is he hurry see the secret is to be the peanut butter imagine how much money a restaurant could serve on dishes you're okay for a double cheesehead huh I wonder how shakes is doing that net certainly wasn't to keep sharks out it's to keep something in we have more important things to think about right now Shake's mind besides we have lucky charm back this what we need to win I'm not too sure I know that look if something has gone down Spencer Pi we'll get to the bottom of it in this case literally tiger [Music] you see shakes accuracy back for me and whole team thanks a few time to prove it on the field ah remind me again why I am here it's my birthday and nobody should be alone on their birthday [Music] [Applause] looks like Tiger has recovered his charm and his usual great form you see now we have lucky charm we have our skills back [Applause] [Music] ah what kind of sauce would go well with you [Music] foreign [Music] yes I can feel it the power is back tiger style five degrees Southeast Tiger has its accuracy back looks good accuracy on they are cheating coach Del Aqua can control the pitch of them pitch super strikers have no chance their accuracy will always be off wait I'm not going where I think we are going into the belly of the Beast curious scenes here at hydra's awesome floating Stadium if Tiger has retrieved his charm I'm afraid it's all out of pluck Pursuit strike this maybe the charm is angry due to the whole ocean flinging incident liquido moving in Balance pitch immediately I use centimeters each time [Applause] level the page now [Music] the strike is in hot water Mac Hydra leads two nil [Applause] [Music] you get the message to shakes well I find a way to balance the stadium the resistance salutes your cheesehead something is up and it's got nothing to do with Tiger's charm I'm with you six now that we have charm I know there's something fishy going on let's say something beneath the surface somebody's wrecking our game somebody's harboring illville against us Captain any words of wisdom we stick to our game plan and fight against these odds whatever they may be one one two huh uh hello [Applause] um we have a visitor up here says it's his birthday and wants to give a shout out to his best friend XJ shakes I'll be Aqua can I the idiom stay Del Aqua can tilt the stadium [Applause] so the issue so the pitch is at an angle you eaten you need to figure it out to win good luck Eddie Bay aha stay oh I mean love your work well whoever that was for I hope you got it I surely have no idea what that fellow was all about why that downright scheming no good circles Oscar dude please forget the charm [Music] yes coach de Lac was seven degrees southwest corner [Music] Japan that is up to alter the stadium [Music] I just need to get it where is your security badge [Music] supersonic is determined to get back in the game [Music] hmm [Applause] it's hydra's ball again wish I could ever get it together tell me who you are little man never talk [Music] I know who he is he's the best chef in Europe cheated that is only one thing that sloppy is good for you pitched your wash oh [Music] six balance stadium has stopped moving tell everyone we can make the adjustment maybe that charm really is lucky bro just get me the ball everyone watching is themselves will super strikers disappoint yet again look for Hydra what what come in come in yes but is it enough to turn the embarrassing defeated victory [Applause] go [Applause] bro [Applause] you did it tiger yeah all right dude way to go tiger don't forget Spencer yeah where is the birthday boy anyway it's for you hello Shake we won bro thanks to you now what on Earth is going on around here what can I say best birthday ever oh [Music] tremendous effort from big bow the man wrote the book on goalkeeping literally Mac I'm reading the book on goalkeeping literally how many times do I have to tell you how many times do I have to tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] this guy is in the way of cosmos's third Super League title and money Moolah cashola tamarello doe so super strikers plus big bow equals me me me no no but super strikers minus big bow equals [Music] bolo get big [Music] we barely have to worry about defense what with big bow and goal you're a machine dude how do you do it big Bo because I have to well you shouldn't have to tomorrow you're all going to learn what it's like to be in big Bose shoes maybe then you'll stop taking him for granted a goalkeeper must follow four rules first observation notice every subtle movement of the opposition as they prepare to strike okay I'm ready now second Instinct trust your instinct on which way the opposition will shoot [Music] [Music] third reflexes react to movements and kicks in a Split Second I can do this you can do this I can do this oh I can't do this often finally fearlessness I have no fear only complete commitment [Music] big bull makes goalkeeping look easy but it's not totally [Music] time to take big bull out of the Super League here's the plan we jump on him wrestle him to the ground okay okay you're right he's too he's too strong Plan B we'll dress as waiters and take him to the oh fancy dressing well if it isn't Ninjago looking forward to our match gentlemen big big butt coincidence bumping into you like this [Music] where am I dude do I know you of course are we big big rivals in Super League Of course old buddy old Pals we better gets you home eh home hook home oh so you know where home is yeah Middleton Littleton but that's hours away hmm hey you're gonna be okay after all buddy let's get you on a bus home [Music] Cosmos is a strong team with pinpoint Strikers we're going to need a great game from Big Bull but a phenomenal game from the rest of you speaking of the big dude like where is he yeah how often is Big Bo been late for practice ever we gotta find him [Music] who did you say you are again Spencer Spencer Pi best friend of shakes and often times pi guy right okay well then big Bo lift with his two friends friends you sure who I don't know said they were taking him home banana memory foam I think I know where to find him I'm sorry but big bow is not at home he's not ah I was sure I'd crack this one wide open he hasn't returned home since yesterday I'm frightfully concerned hmm Albert we think big Bo has lost his memory and we need your help to find him eyewitnesses who have ear Witnesses heard big bows say he was going home home he's lived here for years I can't imagine where else he would call home unless unless what there is one room where you might find some useful information great let's check it out it isn't quite that simple [Music] if there is any clue to where big bow calls home it will be in there I feel a buck coming on but it won't unlock unless you have completed each step of big bows daily training program look can we just you know Skip the obstacle course and go right into the memory room the game is tomorrow big boat doesn't take shortcuts [Music] [Music] you look mighty familiar Sunny from these parts yes ma'am at least I think so you remind me of of well the old memory isn't what it used to be tell me about it where are you headed Sade oh here Middleton finally hmm look for the targets and the players as they run towards you come on shakes [Music] [Music] use your instincts to catch the balls shakes hey wait I can't see night vision I'm ready okay you can start now we'll try that one again later shall we on this course you need to use your reflexes to stop the balls as they shoot at you from different directions huh [Music] good goalkeepers are first oh look out wow watch it oh so this is how big Bo stays so good he does this every day Shay this isn't helping us we just need to get in the room oh no shortcuts [Music] Rasta have you seen shakes last I know he was head enough to big bows please what is it about that place now we're missing a goalie and a striker it's like the Bermuda Triangle Noah it looks like you're going to be in the starting lineup tomorrow time to nail this good luck buddy the memory room awaits no no no no okay yes we did it we did it laughs shakes this is no use it's only hours till game time we can't leave now spends we've come this far hey here's what a big boy was a kid yes I believe that is big bows first home team is what team his home team Albert I think I know where to find him it's an electric pre-match atmosphere here at Cyclone with big ball missing there's a lot of tension we can only hope the big guy will turn up soon let's all stand for a moment of silence and hope for big bows safe return excuse me is this seat a little respect man big bow is missing oh sorry well this is the place the place big bow calls home hmm [Music] yes oh come on I just need a lead a clue some kind of sign and there it is a rumbling Tommy third rule of goalkeeping Follow Your Instinct [Music] well super sneakers are really looking out for them thanks guys no sweat performance so far oh it's so crowded excuse me coming through excuse me huh who knew my rumbly tummy had so much Instinct big bow big bow excuse me I think you have the wrong guy no you a big bow you lost your memory you're from super strikers that's why I love this town great sense of humor I'll prove it [Music] he makes any any [Music] questions from Cosmos [Music] [Applause] [Music] is attack and Noah is down [Music] I think ninja should be seeing red too [Applause] [Music] so bogus dudes now what are we gonna do wait a lot of goalkeepers man [Music] coach I think I can do it dude last time I saw you and goal you were sitting at the back of the net crying that was before I completed the goalkeeper training course at Big Bo's house but they're called burglary yeah his Butler coached me so at Big Boss Butler trained you to be good goalie or we gonna be okay then it's true big bull has a training course in his house and it's brutal man that's how the big man always stays in the groove [Music] one two three who would you believe it after the break shakes is taking the field as goalie are they joking but little old shakes in the go it's time to show shakes how tough a goalkeeper's job really is [Applause] huh ah [Applause] it's one on one ninja versus shakes all he can do is he got Direction and dive now what were the three rules four rules uh number one number one oh man I can't think straight where is big bow I hope he's okay most moves have capitalized on the rookie and ghouls it's an ominous sign for super strikers are you okay shakes this is way harder than I thought got anyone else in mind you said it yourself man you're our best shot so you're either going to give up or stand up cheers huh tell him I'm big boy when I'm okay you gotta got it not gonna happen Broski I'm your help I I've forgotten all the goalie training he's forgotten all the goalie training that's fine just tell him tell him observation observation instincts Instinct reflexes reflexes and um fearlessness fearlessness just you know relax take it easy and be yourself thanks okay glad I could help shakes he's not gonna get here in time to help us he's helped us already Klaus [Music] observation [Music] instincts reflexes fearlessness [Music] [Applause] you have mastered the training chance an unbelievable I've never seen anything like it well that may be a first for you mack [Applause] [Music] and another one now it's up to super strikers to defend their lead [Applause] incredible shakes had saved this game for super strikers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa nice pad who lives here uh you do in case you hadn't worked it out your talented successful and Rich Welcome Home Sam thanks uh Albert it's Albert [Music] wow you guys are super strikers oh oh yeah I'm supposed to know that hey wait for that big bow hi shakes I'm shakes it's a well-known fact another Blow To The Head cures amnesia what it's true hey [Music] shakes Penza the cosmos game we gotta get there too late bro we already won you did yep thanks to Albert one killer training course and the man who's the man Batman it's down to the last second of the Super League 3000x competition here at the international gaming convention with the scores tied and only seconds to go who will be victorious lucious D Hive on littenbergstromson for [Music] not this time from the Pittsburgh sin hey X action Pat we all know what you've been playing for the grand prize traveling with your favorite real super league team to their next fixture rubbing shoulders with the Stars so who's it gonna be huh [Music] I'm gonna have to go with Super Striker [Music] where's the coach Meister dude's never late especially when you tell us over and over and over and over again how important this game is let's go let's go I'm gonna ask a matador about that goal he scored in the Super League final last year and big bow about his training program and shakes about don't lose that it has your ticket for the big game in it whoa guys meet the newest member of the team hi hey good to see you how are you doing gaming channel welcome on board dude [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] but with super strikers and their coach nothing is certain double your efforts it is good to be confident but it's best to be sure we're playing Super League 3000x shakes you can have a turn do you heart shakes I do play the Super League game the real super league game like with real people running around chasing a ball yeah well in real life you guys are in so much trouble Man nakama seriously major right now and they'll be like hi super strikers be like losing today the comma has become a remarkable team often utilizing unusual tactics you're going to keep your eyes and ears open inspiration can come from the most unexpected places I have played nakama so many times and I just couldn't get through the final level they have this killer move and then I was all left left and right right simultaneous X but actually we have a very big game coming up so are you right let me tell you oh wait I want to just save this game so let me tell you that nukama huh [Music] [Applause] hahaha [Applause] yeah I'm going directly to the training center settle in at the hotel then practice time [Music] [Applause] are you doing wow [Music] take a look muchacho this kid hears themselves next thing you know he won't be able to tell the difference between the game and not the game foreign [Music] Super League 3000x is the most advanced console game of its kind yeah each player's individual moves have been emulated by a motion cast we got a split plus team strategies have been sourced from countless previous games you know everything it's an awesome game you guys should try it out whatever this isn't what I signed up for [Music] this is very unlike coach yeah we can't just do drills all day we need to know coach's strategy for nakama didn't he say he was coming straight here dude hasn't even sent a message huh it's from Court hi guys I've gone fishing out somewhere for a while I don't know maybe I come back for a game maybe I don't whatever doesn't sound like a coach kind of message does it I think this might be a job for the policeman I want to play a game coach that's a beautiful game I'm not a kind of game who are you no no no no no no no no you don't ask questions coach I am in charge here okay what are you in charge of um stop hmm [Music] coaches strategy for the game is a hardly debated Topic in the sporting World his expertise at tactical planning will be the most important weapon super strikers have against nakama which would all be groovalicious if the man in question wasn't AWOL we'll be playing blind dudes a sign of respect maybe we must forfeit game the police have their best men on the case we play this game for coach and we win it nakama yeah and where's HACC shakesman hack is gone what how do you know this note says I'm gone and I'm not coming back but he left his game behind maybe he left in a hurry we didn't make him feel too welcome shakesman why now all of a sudden you one hacked champion [Music] I want to play a game coach what game would you like to play a game of I spy might be fun I spy with my little eye something beginning with you me no you [Music] or hear it wait I am not Aura British coaching whole world urugiri it's time to let me go no if this is very trying urugueri okay now I change my mind I go now you have fun here forever hey come back we're a giri let me out [Music] ah brother you were making me look uncool I got a rep to protect man ah why do you do this to me I need that face cheeksmeister what is the point of this oh ouch I just need some time to get this right how is this going to help us against nakama shakes man if I can get through the third level I think I can figure tomorrow [Music] [Music] left left red triangle zero green right green X XX yes tactics and moves are so real nakama are in trouble here you said it back I can beat nakama I can beat nakama yeah level one passed super strikers proceed to level 2 of 250 levels 250 levels oh we gotta find hack but how huh dude have you been up all night playing games I am shocked by your irresponsible Behavior Brougham I figured it out hack has passed all 250 levels against nakama he knows all their tactics if we find him we'll have a chance this is not the time I think coach is in real trouble this morning I got this hmm we have a press conference this morning to put out an appeal for coach [Music] wow cool City maybe other cities are cool as well maybe there's a whole world to explore outside of the game my game [Music] sadly without super sneakers coach urugiri is the one missing his opposite's number today [Applause] come on come on hack must have got my message watch their every move we have to try to anticipate that game man today is a sellout the nakama stadium capacity is 70 000 people and yet the official attendance shows only 69 999 Spectators here today what fool would be crazy enough to Forfeit watching a game like this I can't believe I forgot to take my game they better not have touched it they did touch it and they didn't save my place super stinkers contact the authorities as soon as possible thank you that is all I would just like to say to my friend hack I'm really sorry about what happened with the you know the whole thing and please come back quick I played the game and I think you could you heard it desperate times for super strikers ahead of their crucial Super League encounters [Music] what hope did the men in red have without their beloved coach time to play the game for real the time I have had an impressive spell of Link let's see if super strikers have the antidote without coach they will have no idea what to expect [Applause] [Applause] whoa without coach we are Flying Blind captain [Applause] like taking candy from a baby go go two new [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] hmm sorry I leave you no wait still got it after all these years oh dude we need coach [Music] ah you're back hi guys hello crazy gaming person you can be our coach you can tell us what nakama are gonna do a USC hack you have a new crazy friend he stay up all night playing game shakes hack is just a kid bro yeah man I know he's a champion but only of a game I played Super League 3000x believe me hack knows everything there is to know about nakama's tactics just like coach remember what coach said inspiration comes from the most unexpected places oh you better be right about this shakes now would you guys really need to know is that nakama reserves your most crazy complex tactic for when the going gets rough the harder you play the harder they play back oh kid how do you know this stuff well it's just like the levels in Super League 3000x now remember you equalize in the second half and they're gonna be oh man you know they're gonna use Bushido standard on three one two three eleven pitch condition 124 Paces 17 wind speed Enzo Honda 22 speed freaky success percentage out left footed midfielder [Applause] gotcha what a goal great response after halftime this kid huh blessing in disguise blessing in this guy's watch [Applause] me you control work from the men in red yeah [Applause] who is this tiny coach super strikers won the fight I will give them lucido standard don't think that now is the time to stop worrying nikama are about to start playing a whole lot harder and with the tactic you should have been training for since you arrived in Japan so then what do we do well basically it's left left right green simultaneous x-0 uh okay can you like explain that in English bro left left right green simultaneous X zero simultaneous X zero this thing tiger out sprinted momentarily the ball hits towards Striker's goal the comma have good presence in the Box could this be the decisive moment for nakama they certainly have surprised super strikers with this move [Applause] left left right green simultaneous X zero takes control at the back with a great counter plan the camera scrambled back in a hurry even with the odds against them super strikers have put on a fine second half performance go super strikers have won we won we won oh is this possible [Music] awesome work little dude well done little brother man thank you Hawkman you got the makings of a great coach coach where could he be huh coach we're in blue blazes have you been the Bushido standard how did you guys know the counter inspiration can come from the most unexpected places [Applause] [Music] God you you survived extremely traumatic kidnapping ordeal mail I have my phone back phone why I have your phone caught I'm finally here you have super Striker's theme as your ringtone super struck his theme purple pups in Japan I let go to Reliable voicemail service says coach you know the drill coaches voice also very popular for voicemail greeting [Music]
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 922,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, Supa strikas, american soccer, anime, best football show, best football team, cartoons, cartoons for kids, football, football cartoon, football compilations, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, rookie season, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer cartoon, soccer goals, supa league, supa strikas in english, supa strikas in hindi, super estrikas, super league, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 4sec (7204 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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