Perfect Match - Supa Strikas Season 7 | Moonbug Kids TV Shows - Full Episodes | Cartoons For Kids

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[Music] four games into your super league career and you've won man of the match every time how does it feel to be in the spotlight max power well rob pretty rotten actually and why is that max feel a bit bad taking scar a spot yeah it's not his fault he's injured feel a bit bad yeah ha whatever schmuck my injury has helped me relate to people in need megastars with minor injuries vince took a risk giving me this chance with him it's about united i just don't want to let him down oh i'm sure you won't max although you do have some competition you having a laugh well with five awards the only player to win man of the match more times than you this season is shakes from super strikers well then it's about time you gotta run for his money in it oh it's time you gotta level with us max how do you run so hard for the full 90. ooh now that would be telling robbo shakes home tab yeah um sure all right we get it shakes he's your rival for man of the month but dude you're obsessed what how am i supposed to figure out how he does it without a little research a little research yeah shakes you're taking this rivalry thing to a whole new level [Music] what you've been here all night uh looks like you've been busy i think you've got a problem shakes i know i know it probably seems kind of stalkerish you think where'd you even find this stuff did you go through his garbage you can tell a lot about a guy by studying his trash okay block's right why is this rivalry so important to you shakes meh i'm just collecting some info on him before the game if you have to collect something why not collect super league temporary tattoos they're free in this new circle gum lock's grandma said the whole bunch from brusslovia yeah it's like chewing an old band-aid and those tats are lame keep knock-offs they don't even look like a shaky at least your hairdo's improved oh well matasha that's not funny le squido that's better uh hey klaus this one's blank oh that's invisible united very rare but to use some kind of crazy industrial glue that doesn't come off i had to scrub my arm for like 20 minutes that's nothing check out my leg my back whoa whoa if we want any chance of beating invincible united we need to do our research as a team [Music] [Applause] we're in the dying minutes of this match palmentieri's samba style is taking streams united's new striker is living up to his name max power [Music] invitations 23 attending zero [Applause] the defenders just can't keep pace with it neither get his own forwards [Applause] and he still has enough juice left for a gymnastic celebration and the man of the match is max power that's five wins in five matches for the new united striker the kid's a natural mac anyone can win man of the match if they hog the ball all the time back off scarra what you gonna side with happy face new kid over here hey brav i've been injured before it's so frustrating you got some kind of charity going yeah it's an awareness campaign to create awareness for people suffering like me that sounds great i'll be there cool whatever nice move calming him down just be careful no one must know not even scar no worries geezer i've got this governor thanks to max power's stamina united keep winning matches in the last 10 minutes we need to identify who's most likely to keep up with him till the end but coach where is dancing rasta prof calls it the match activity emulation device but i prefer the staminator this is great coachman almost like playing for real but what about opposition players ah dot avoid them or lose points and when you've reached your limit hit the stop button [Music] [Music] [Music] my toe poor theodore his tiny nail is broken excuse me coming through sorry oh there we go [Music] how was that coach 76 minutes at peak speed but you dip steadily till the 90. hmm that's when max really has to edge don't worry guys i'm on the case guys help me and theodore dude you sound like scary's pathetic awareness campaign 24 5 assigned matches in 24 hours all to raise awareness for megastars with minor injuries sounds like a worthy cause we should go negatorial matter dude max power and some other super leaguers will be there well good luck to those guys oh come on don't make me and theodore go alone guys jakes mega egos of minor importance no thanks ah so this is why you're so intent on winning man of the match he's always with me your dad used to say keep your friends close and your rivals closer maybe el matador is right get close to the man behind the pizza boxes and you could beat him at his own game [Music] [Applause] huh shakes wow never thought i'd be kind of sort of pleased to see you get up here whoa whoa watch it lame brain but scarra i've never worked one of these before everybody's gotta do their part dingon remember it's for a good cause [Music] nice one bonesy it certainly is for a good cause [Music] chase you made it and now you're right next to the guy you've been stalking for the last three weeks hey it don't hurt to do your homework on the opposition yeah it hasn't hurt yet [Music] not bad mate not bad all right campaign supporters one game down 23 to go grab a snack while the fresh legs come on for round two so shakes do you want the cheese or the pineapple burger huh dig in bruv hey thanks hmm never mind but don't you usually eat too yeah i always take a double but today hey how'd you know uh read it in a magazine yeah i eat a lot because i burned through tons of calories running around on things but today i'm taking it chill yeah conserving your energy is that one of your tricks for developing stamina oh wouldn't you like to know how about a trade i'll show you my famous bicycle kick for real mate striker's honor all right then stamina is simple just focus on three things posture breathing and stride for posture you have to run tall imagine a string holding you up straight next is breathing keep it steady and deep right into your stomach finally stride make sure your foot lands under your center of gravity and that's it these chumps trying to be best pals yeah shakes you can't be buddies with your opponent yeah max where's your loyalty come on nah bruh just the one match for me what no point tiring yourself out before our big game next week you can't please sorry mate i've got whoa [Applause] [Music] guys please help me up every man for himself [Music] help me from got you bro huh come on you totally saved my life you saved mine too kind of annoyed actually was starting to enjoy the view up there boy be careful you bozos it's minor injuries okay [Laughter] so you're gonna keep up your end of the day oh yeah the bicycle it's easier than it looks jump off your kicking foot lean back till you're parallel to the ground and snap you've got just one chance to make it good my dad taught me and your family they play footy yeah even me grandmom if you count sl4000x she's wicked good [Laughter] [Applause] finally given up here shakes remember your theory about altitude training in the himalayas guess that one was wrong he was created by mad scientists my favorite was he just drinks a lot of coffee actually it's none of those things i got max to open up to me it's all about posture breathing and stride you guys like best buds now yeah i saw them sharing secrets and watching sunrises and stuff hey shakes who's that my dad had a mean bicycle kick anyway it's time for a max power failure pull the plug on power as a sign of unity we should all bear tattoos of each other how come max gets to ride in the limo i'm the one with the injury i'm the one who deserves special treatment remember after that stunt at the sky pitch shakes thinks your best pals just keep it friendly and he won't suspect a thing since their dramatic rescue at mega stars with minor injuries shakes and max power have become known for their friendly rivalry ah that's not how you do rivalry where's the anger the venom the sneaky elbow in the ribs yeah no jokes about his hair no mockery of his pathetic sports car collection what gives [Applause] the question is who will have the perfect match now super strikers start building from the back [Applause] twisting tiger tears of the right wing and shakes his fountain's face it's a classic shakes bicycle kick [Music] [Applause] what can i say my dad taught me well your dad oh uh cause he also played footy yeah i told you the other night oh right my family plays football too yeah you mentioned that [Music] klaus you got some of those tattoos left yeah sure how many do you want hey whoa just one oh huh hey max nice work out there sorry you didn't score we might be mates off the pitch shakes but not hero huh oi what's with the cheesy kids tattoo laos is trying to get us all to wear these they're so lame and that one's the worst jakes we thought you were done with the stalker wall yeah what about the running and the breathing and stuff at least that made some sense he was just throwing me off the trail well you can't just go around hugging people dude i stuck a tattoo on it great that explains everything okay okay check it out notice anything in this one he's striking with his right foot in this one his left and look at this he always eats two of every kind of takeout meal and he had no memory of what i told him about my dad you see he's two different people two of everything shakes i eat enough for three people honestly i've forgotten almost all the emotional stuff you ever told me and shakes mine you strike both left and right forget max brother yeah and the man of the match trophy and let's focus on winning the game but if max doesn't have the tattoo in the second half fine let's see how your hunch plays out [Music] let's do it mate you see he's covering his arm because he's second half max that is pretty strange i'm gonna get close and lift that sleeve leave him to the defense shakes has been all over max in this house the friendly rivalry has taken a turn for the west there's that sneaky elbow oh now we're entering the power soul where max's stamina really shows up is finally rewarded maybe we can be strike buddies after all max you're a legend no scar you're the legend oh again my strike buddy better not get all the goals but shakes is still not giving up he really wants that man of the match trophy what are you doing what had to scrub super hard but it came right off you think your dad would be proud of you today [Music] forget max let him have the award shakes it's all good [Music] cool joe yes jake still has some gas in the tank now maybe he was saving it for the final seconds but can he outrun max tower come on shakes [Music] jake's aims back's powered as winning streak but only just max you did it man i guess all that investigation stuff paid off nailed it it's not over yet we can still win this game uh what hey sorry max i know you really wanted that win but a draw is a pretty good start to a legendary rivalry right yeah whatever huh oh i've been meaning to show you something fine what on earth shakes this is creepy ah you should be flattered hey oy not funny mate and the man of the match award goes to shakes thank you it's such an honor but i couldn't have done this without my friend and rival who pushes me beyond my limits he's twice the man i am max power come on up buddy this prize is yours what a loser even when he wins uh let's help him guys he's shy max power max powerworks come on max power max power max power next power i'm in here [Applause] [Music] you got it buddy where is this guy shanks showtime's over dude i don't believe it huh no way there's two of them shakes was right thanks broth thanks gov knockoff are you gonna side with happy face new kid over here no one must know no worries geezer i've got this governor twins nice one serves you right for not telling me two for the prize of one give it here bro it's mine [Applause] uh shakes looks like you won the prize and the match [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't believe that punk almost elbowed me out of my teeth ah those crazy kids we tried to warn them uh hope i didn't give you the wrong impression slick but we are not friends i know but i brought you again they won't come off nice one klaus man that rival thing really worked don't think i've ever pushed myself so hard sure but there's a bunch of guys here who can push you even further friends close your eyes closer teammates closest after 90 minutes of football no matador that's my face we're in the final minutes of a deadlocked game here in strykerland where the sultan's new soundcloud defense has kept super strikers from even a single shot on board twisting tiger how about we try this el matador and i draw the defense back opening the channel through the sand trap that's when you send a power cross tiger sets it up but the chance is wasted by the forwards throw into sultan's and duval take it quickly the big defender finds zoom it's a lightning fast counter attack another clean sheet coach thanks to the sand trap twisting tiger's cross was the first time anyone's broken through if shakes find a way to get on the end of it the whole sand trap collapses but chic i gave it my best what more can i do i'm sure you'll think of something duvall [Music] run ugh but we were so close to beating the sand trap how about a header next time el matador tried that tiger loop the cross in higher duval wins the ball in the air every time klaus bicycle kick no time to turn and you said that one already give it up shakes yeah get your butt cheeks off my car i'm out of here sorry about this bruno what are you lots still doing here someone's a little obsessed with the sand trap hmm you guys need to take a step back from the problem maybe what you need is a break time out you're not kidding are you how about a stopover on the way to dubai ever seen the pyramids the pyramids going to egypt egypt the kind of place someone could get lost in totally blocked dude can't wait to hit those dunes hit the dunes sand boarding shakes it's the surfing of the desert let's visit the pyramids first they're full of snakes booby traps and mummies close man egypt's greatest secrets are in its hieroglyphics not silly myths please what could be greater than cleopatra's beauty secrets wild honey facials for everyone no ways sandboarding first museums mummies you can't do it all there's not enough time you can each do whatever you like today just get to dubai by tomorrow and stay in touch on the group what roof not another chatsy group so many annoying messages come on they even have super strikers jeff's they're called gifs coach actually it's pronounced gifts who cares those memes are all so old okay then best new meme of our day off win you guys are on [Music] [Music] man before you get yourself run over [Music] thank you for choosing anubis tours our first stop is no i can't do it i can't pretend having super strikers on my tour isn't a big deal it's a huge deal my name is salma and i'll be your guide to wherever you want to go uh can you suggest something involving mummies for example or a museum with ancient artifacts and hieroglyphics hmm i may know a place that'll suit you both they've recently discovered the tomb of pharaoh nemesis iii it's still close to the public but the archaeologist is my aunt maybe i can get you guys an exclusive tour hey what about the rest of us yeah close to the public we want in yeah i also want to see the tomb because i love secret secluded places where you can just you know disappear sure all aboard welcome to the tomb of fero nemesis the third it was customary to bury pharaohs with their most prized possessions accompanies in the afterlife you know isn't this fascinating close mind someone's aren't just a real deal oh professor nasri do you think we'll see any spitting cobras no me use tantalizing danger of any kind the only danger is dr badawi head of the egyptian relics commission he's constantly monitoring the tomb and the relics we find he can be quite serious about the rules so don't touch anything [Laughter] okay [Music] these hieroglyphics suggest this uncharted tunnel leads to the greatest treasures of the tomb incredible spears trap doors whoa [Music] careful kid wouldn't want to get lost down there ah new memes from the boys sandboarding radical ah wild honey my skin has never felt fire ants this place is too much i knew a break would do them good and through here we have the wall of secrets hieroglyphics yet to be fully understood but they suggest there was more to ancient egypt than science and art our ancestors also knew how to have fun uh this could be just what we need against the sand no flash photography that's right irk the egyptian relics commissioner i warned you artificial light damages the sensitive limestone of the walls so no photos okay okay sheesh hey you don't mind if i borrow that do you what hey hey that soccer guy just took a picture of the hieroglyphics what i told you no photos but i i didn't do anything then what's this uh but the relics commission takes this sort of desecration very seriously mr soccer you'll have to explain this to the authorities let's go i can't i've got a game in dubai in a couple of days not anymore not as long as i have this as evidence hmm gotta show tiger uh sorry dude [Music] really didn't want anyone stealing his stuff [Music] this way horace [Music] oh man this place is worse than sultan's sand trap and tougher than training with coach hmm anyone seen shakes oh that sucker dude he left ages ago oh that i suppose he didn't find it quite as fascinating as you did it was fun but uh no mummies it would have been cool to at least see a trapdoor a snake pit or those balls that close in on you i suppose that stuff really is just a myth yes [Music] [Music] well well mr soccer it seems your troubles have come to a head heads you may win doc but tails [Music] you big baby on our way coach dude cleopatra's beauty secrets will be revealed anyone heard from shakes nope this is shakes this is shakespeare you add him to a chat ski group not sure if shakes is avoiding chatski or legitimately missing and we should be worried shakes knows what he's doing ignoring chatzky is the best way to live free whatever dude that's gotta be the most ancient relic i've seen all day [Music] huh why are we stopping here [Music] what are we [Applause] [Music] there he is [Music] you freddie cat huh no ways zama shakes hey you have a seaplane like i said i'll take you in the engine start the engine [Music] hey dude need some help let's go [Music] so far i've managed to avoid my two least favorite things chat skis and jet skis so are you going to tell me what this is all about well it started at the tomb someone planted this photo on that dr bottawy guy i.e was chasing me through these tunnels spears trap doors a human skull a ravenous dog on my heels hiding in a sarcophagus that's why i gotta practice this move and get to dubai in time for the sultan's game well you just left egyptian airspace that's good right yeah now you're an international fugitive uh actually pull that thought we're out of fuel you're gonna have to land this bird how can you land on land you know how we call camels the ships of the desert well sand dunes are like the waves so north was right sand boarding is like surveying surfing ah the arabian desert so beautiful yet so dangerous lucky for you old ben here's seen it all okay that's new [Music] shakes be like don't leave us chaski auto removes you from a group if you take too long to check it in trouble guys check this out now that's one hilarious maymay no coach it's real that's crazy oh man we've got to help him yeah but if we help him we'd be party to the crimes the authorities would lock us up besides how can we help him if we can't even find him so all we can do is wait guys it says here all he did was take a photo he can't be in any real trouble four hours five at most horus it seems our fugitives made some friends ah look i figure it can work but i still have to practice this move if we're gonna beat the sand trap also i think my camel needs refueling or a nap come on we're nearly there no ways this is just what i need cool i'll figure out how to get us to dubai meet me down there in an hour great see you there you do need a nap oh and a breath mint ah it's no good without the power cross [Music] [Music] mr sucker okay dr baray you got me that's right no one gets away from the egyptian relics commit hey not again that is rather high i'm keeping shakes in the lineup if anything will draw him out of hiding it's a football match good idea coach shakes was on to something with twisting tiger's power cross in the last game let's try that again strikers it's up to you to get on the end of it you got it coach you'll do it four shakes well done on extending shakes day off duval oh i loved egypt i was one of the first people to see the tomb of pharaoh nemesis yeah right stretch it's still closed to the public we are supposed to believe that i'll prove it i've got photos [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's too quick for big bow consultants punish super makers for their mistake up front [Applause] what's the use there's no way we're gonna crack the sand trap hate to admit it huh [Music] what happened to you you need cleopatra's beauty secrets a crocodile egg revitalize your hair saffron oil for your skin and can someone get this many fresh uniform here you go stop i i figured out how to beat the sand trap shakes captain remember the tour the ancient egyptians didn't just master the arts and sciences they also knew how to have fun the hieroglyphics are amazing shakesman but what are you getting at they played soccer in ancient egypt this is a move huh oh come on it's never gonna work trust me all i need is tiger's power cross we tried that epic fail yeah gonna be a meme they scored on the counter it was pretty bad shakesman i told you i went on an exclusive tour with a fancy professor and everything see no we can't see hold the photos lower you dingbat that's just some guy in a hat and glasses yeah my hat and glasses they're in my locker shakes is back and he's bringing new energy to the second half but he'll need a lot more than enthusiasm to break through the soundtrack brenda ah that's the man arrest him super league rule 7.94 never interrupt a match come on tiger you gotta do the power cross you're not ready you've missed four days of fitness training i've done all the fitness training [Music] [Applause] power cross you have any idea how flexible you would need to be trust me the last few days it really stretched me sorry shakes power cross jakes your move would take days of training and that's with the proper support oh i had support [Music] you learned a football move in the sea not exactly come on let's go again i think that's enough again okay we're definitely done here again again okay shakes but this is on you yes [Applause] [Music] the sand trap collapses like a house of cards i think you mean a sand castle mac it it worked yeah i left that one for you [Applause] thanks guys um but i never told you how i got that photo looks like it's time to face the music mr soccer salma here has been doing a little detective work seems you were friend that guy on our tour was duvall yep i found all this stuff in his locker we'll take those this is a super league matter now rule 52.374 don't mess with your opponents on their day off coach have you met met them i've already added them to our chatski group float like a butterfly kicked like a scorpion classic you and salma totally win the challenge shakes dude these new maymays are hilarious uh coach i think you'll find it's pronounced mimi because this one is me this is me me me this is just my toes dipped in goat's milk me me me me me me yeah duval was totally in egypt what why does he get to do all the cool stuff some guys have all the luck stop stop it stop stop
Channel: Moonbug - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 1,740,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american soccer, Animation, best football team, cartoon anime, Cartoon Kids, cartoons, cartoons for kids, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, family, football, football compilations, full eps, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, kids cartoons, kids tv shows, Movie, new supa strikas, season 7, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer goals, Supa strikas, supa strikas in english, supa strikas season 6, supa strikas season 7, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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