Trial Of Lil Nas X | Cancel Court | Season 2 Episode 6

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cancel court is an improv comedy show some opinions and statements are exaggerated for entertainment purposes the views expressed on cancel Court are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions of defiant digital or their respective Affiliates or employees basically we're going to piss a lot of people off but cancel court with judge Tony towns in this episode The Trial of Lil Nas X if it wasn't from the worst cream the devil we wouldn't have Hot Topics would have no outfits to wear and now let's go to the courtroom in this quarter the defense this time he's looking La as [ __ ] say hello to Teddy Ray and in this corner the prosecution he won his last case now we can't tell him [ __ ] say hello to Brian Taylor AKA Ron t come to order cancel court is now in session with judge Tony towns happy birthday ladies and gentlemen we are here today to determine if Hip-Hop star and rapper monterio Lamar Hill AKA little Nas X should be canceled immediately we have Mr Ron Taylor representing the prosecution and the defense represented by Mr Teddy Ray Mr Ray it's good to see you're in my courtroom looking very clear-eyed and presentable what that should do bro you know it's a little celebration costume Migos for the free goes last night so he looked very presentable you look like a public defender I that's why I brought my very public defender he type glasses you feel me you ain't the only [ __ ] in here with bifocals well I appreciate that because uh last time I recall when you were in my courtroom some questioned whether he was high off the Kush the reefers the weed the devil's nectar I got all of it how much you trying to borrow I don't buy pharmaceutical sir I'm glad that you're here you're Awakening and not baking today so thank you for being here today right on prosecution and defense will begin with opening statements both sides will present factual evidence that will help the Court decide the outcome of this case we will end with closing arguments once completed the jury of your peers will decide the fate of Mr little Nas x with a clear and decisive decision what are the rules in my court there are no rules in my court that's the beauty of council court it's not up to me decide this case it's not up to the beautiful bailiff the Bodacious Miss Ariel though many people are more interested in you than the case I completely understand like that the focus is on this case we will begin with the prosecution please begin with your opening statement alrighty ladies and gentlemen today I'm going to try my hand at canceling an artist I guess not for his personal lifestyle choices but mainly because this nigga's a villain when did we start splitting hairs about right and wrong this [ __ ] love the devil that ain't right this ain't [ __ ] Vampire in Brooklyn okay evil ain't good Evil's evil why would we not cancel him this is not the Joker this is a little boy dressing up in beautiful clothing sucking the devil's dick I'm sorry but the [ __ ] canceled himself for what reason would you slide down a stripper pole from heaven and [ __ ] the devil that ain't right we got to cancel this [ __ ] not just for the kids but for Humanity I'm not following no [ __ ] that worship the devil white people ain't got no time to worship the devil leave that [ __ ] to white people you don't worship the devils that's it thank you Mr Ron t Mr Teddy Ray please proceed with your opening statement [Music] were you not prepared for this I mean you know there was options on who to defend and I stand up for this young black man he's still a black man Ron I don't care who he twerks on why we care about where he go clap his ass cheeks see that's the problem he wants y'all's attention he's an attention or if he's guilty of anything he's an attention [ __ ] he's a troll but he's a good kid I met his brother we smoke blunts at the dime on Fairfax oh brother is not gay but Sharon blunts with a [ __ ] could be looked upon as a gay Act I've heard it especially when Young Thugs start suggesting that [ __ ] were smoking on penises because they blunts were so fat it got weird in the weed game okay you hate seeing nine [ __ ] on one blunt you'd be like that [ __ ] [Laughter] so here we got a man trying to live in his truth and we shut them we beg for these [ __ ] come out the closet reveal yourself and when they do it be like get your ass back in there shut the [ __ ] up that don't make sense so I'm defending a little nonsense because why he's a human my [ __ ] like come on now all that devil worshiping he don't mean that that was a CGI devil you know how much it costs to shoot in hell that location budget you know what that is bro come on now so man shout out to dogs X I don't even know what to say man thank you Mr Teddy Ray you can have a seat okay now we will begin with presenting your evidence Mr Ron T you may present your first piece of evidence to the court Bruce first of all I'd like to say I'm not [ __ ] on this young man for being gay let's just get that out the way now there'll be no gay Bastion happening today but I will say the [ __ ] extra that's a lot that's a lot though I mean I don't know if y'all saw his video he was in jail with like 20 naked [ __ ] all choreographed it's not that much organization in jail trust me I know that [ __ ] in jail willing to dance Kelly Fair but not in a row remind you they're dancing in a shower very dangerous you shouldn't be sending that off to kids do not dance in a shower they were all bucket naked dancing it's a lot man I haven't seen a [ __ ] heterosexual video naked [ __ ] they tried to cancel Nelly in Tip Drill for sliding a credit card down a woman's ass crack beautiful scene but we can't cancel this [ __ ] for having sex in a locker room pulling out condoms when the last time you saw a condom in a rap video this [ __ ] pulled out Durex wasn't even Magnum little dick [ __ ] wow that many choices he chose that that's my thing be gay make love to a man but you ain't got to be [ __ ] boys in a locker room this is his video we just put it out there I'm not saying the video shouldn't exist but damn I mean maybe we should bring back BT uncut this [ __ ] just on Jesus's World Wide Web you type in baby videos and what comes up lil Nas [ __ ] a boy in a locker room after a football game I've played football that's the last thing I'm trying to do is do some [ __ ] in the locker room all I'm saying is it's a lot that's what he does he does a lot he had extra ass [ __ ] why would you go to hell and [ __ ] the devil and then come out with Devil's shoes for what reason with blood in the shoes who wants that Montero that's his name what does Montero mean I looked it up Montero is a Horseman's cap little Nas is Cap Lil Nas is alive The Devil Is Alive wow the devil is alive Can we cancel this [ __ ] please I don't want to buy your bloody shoes don't put sucking Bible chapters on your shoe which just Express how the devil lost why would you walk around and lose her shoes for what reason I want to wear winter shoes you put Jesus or Jordan on mine don't put the devil on my shoes we've canceled worse for Less so let's cancel this [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] I can taste the rainbow cancer cork we'll be right back what up this is your boy Doughboy with a very very special shout out to my little brother my comrade Teddy Ray brother we miss you we all love you and uh myself and all your other comrades and brothers and sisters in comedy we're gonna do everything to keep your legacy alive and you definitely going down as one of the ghosts in the same man arrested Power King to my little brother Teddy Ray lady boy to the goat to the gold himself Teddy yo we missed you teddy Ray Real Talk man we love you and may you laugh and your joy live on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever [Music] is it my turn yes it is okay Mr Ray what's in that cup I told you Carson Migos for the free codes I'm not I'm not reading which costume me goes for the freak hoes keep stepping to talk to the Baylor she'll tell you we'll talk about this in my chamber thank you do you have any rebuttals to his presentation and something I only got one thing to say is this church I'm not here to discuss all of this what he does with the devil and all that that's you and your emotions and all of that everybody ain't Christian on this planet okay it's a lot of channels to watch in the world it's a lot of things I like HGTV when I get home you better not change my [ __ ] Channel I want to see Property Brothers I want to see House Hunters I want to see House Hunters International that's what I like but you Mr Montero what do you research what do you look up you a fan of little Naz X congratulations I've never seen none of the videos I'm just here simply to defend a young [ __ ] bossing up doing itself of course a gay [ __ ] go book hella gay [ __ ] to be in this video that's not even a thought Ron if you was gay you would want the thickest [ __ ] on Earth ridiculous why are we even talking about something that's not real you don't have like you don't think about a game on so what's your point mister I'm saying this nigga's been gay since he's been gay and he gonna keep being gay he can't ungay how gay he is say it with me wrong he gonna be gay anyway everybody try to come down on the the Judaism and the blood shoes that was a lot but Charlie Sheen was the seven tigers blood didn't nobody give a [ __ ] you got [ __ ] online selling used panties forty dollars sixty dollars I see the receipts nobody cares women be like oh I get in I got some panties everybody want to do some weird [ __ ] before we leave this earth but he the one [ __ ] that said no I'm gonna do this [ __ ] 70 million views 100 million views that's why you hate me how many views your podcast got another thousand you want that [ __ ] fan base you wish [ __ ] would clap their ass to your podcast Club Mr Ray you had some interesting perspectives there you might ask out of curiosity did you purchase any of those pennies hell no interesting people with Hustlers women that really get money out of [ __ ] huh they tell me what's up interesting it's interesting that last time you were in my courtroom you were saying that uh hip-hop rapper Lil Wayne should be canceled now you're saying that hip-hop rapper Little Nas X shouldn't be canceled and don't do me like that bro I come to court I pick a side I'll go home my [ __ ] I'm just here for a chat bro I respect that and I get that but that just makes my point here that's why we brought in today a celebrity expert witness who has a background in controversy we have Mr Billy sorrells here [Music] just come to stand up Mr Billy sorel's you're no stranger to controversy you're no stranger to rumors you have a profession in which a lot of people judge your work your creativity your Artistry they question your sexuality they question a lot of things but you seem to stand grounded in your belief in who you are how have you been able to navigate throughout this business and handle the Limelight thank you George um good to be here something I share with in common with little knives XL what everyone cares about what I'm doing with my dick uh it's an infatuation it's a sick disease in which case it is uh ruined the mind of such a brilliant comedian here who is had his mind overtaken with what little nazex is doing with his dick on a daily basis foreign do you want to be a part of this dick activity so many times they always give hell why and you can't unless you two are going to suck this dick in which case I asked the question when [ __ ] ask me stuff like that they say yeah you did this I'm gonna suck my dick uh maybe to get you why you ask me about my dick in your honor this [ __ ] is baiting he trying to catch and I ain't going for it it's about the third time he didn't threw his dick out there I thought he's supposed to be telling us about little Nazis we don't want to hear about your dick boy yeah this ain't a big promotional that's the Trap of the dick you continue to wander you continue the search I much like Teddy Ray have not looked at any Illuminati's ex's videos see what I used was simple common knowledge once they told me he was advertising dick I know I'm not buying I'm not watching then the argument is what are we really canceling for you said the children correct I've got four of them once we knew what he did when he slid down that pole down to the dips of hail and then I just had sex with the devil but killed the devil is he truly the opposite or is he for the Lord see he went to go do Jesus's Dirty Work do you want your lord and savior down there sled down a pole to cut the devil's throat after taking his soul in a Shang Tsung s [Music] your soul is mine dick suck move it's a Dixon fatality if you ask me so when he went down there and did that job I understood what he had to go do and then I heard what he was doing on the BET Awards because my children don't watch the Beauty why are you letting our children subscribe themselves to this alas we put that responsibility upon who a 19 year old man reaching gross popularity ranty who's reached his gross popularity with uh I would say uh 11 000 viewers on his podcast wow you know what this ain't about me though sister Mr Taylor the question is now asked what not has Lil Nas X done for our country wow but what have we done for little Nazis hey we're all this [ __ ] [ __ ] bro he worshiped the devil and that's what I'm trying to tell you [ __ ] man but if he worship you sat on the devil's Throne I'm the new Devil now this ain't about sucking dick man [Applause] look at that big Spirit upon him that dick Spirit has got it Mr Taylor we will get to you in cross-examination I have one question so are you saying wow that little Naz X is doing the Lord's work yes and that you think he should not be canceled I adamantly agree that little Naz X is doing the job that none of you want to do who wants to get that close to the devil to then kill him at the end of it see most of you didn't watch to the end of the video to find out what the true message was who wants to go do that Daddy you want to go down and twerk on the devil to kill him hell no all right God gave me a different Mission don't move cancel Court I'll be right back man it just ain't enough to say about Terry man we love you we miss you you the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying always been the [ __ ] just humble with it too you know what I'm saying these people be out here cocky for nothing but not you said it you know what I'm saying he was humble and hilarious and that's just what made you you made me feel good you know I could be out around a million people and I'm just like blah when Teddy come I'm like hey oh yeah oh over I've changed man I know that you watching us that you proud of us and we're just so proud of you and I hope y'all enjoy this episode because why wouldn't you God damn it Teddy in it love you forever babe what up y'all shout out to my bro Teddy you know I miss you to death but the cold party is the whole world miss you you was the goat love you [Music] thank you well at this time we will have cross-examination where you have an opportunity to question the expert witness be respectful Mr Taylor but you may proceed with your questioning as the prosecution what is that um not sure can't see eyes have been hurt [Music] don't what is that oh my god oh those are titties what's that titties all day long beach students nobody liked it nobody wants to deal with that this little nazex [ __ ] look fine great enjoy do you like his music uh Panini with me you [ __ ] with that I don't the catalog I can't say that I'm attached to it do you listen to his music uh I'm in a dope male no okay [Applause] what are we holding on to what has he done you don't [ __ ] with his music you don't [ __ ] with this music yet it shouldn't be canceled why Mr Billow seeing as how you've had some controversy and different things of that nature did any of it ever really phase you I don't know let me tell you why I was fully accountable for my rules it was truly I that it was totally accountable responsible for my actions it's the problem we had here in this country and in this registered system is the people of lack the accountability like this man has no accountability for those Puma shoes to go with those G's there's a disrespect that is happening there to your ankles there well what voice are you using this is the voice of disdain oh disgust Abraham Lincoln no no no he was he was much more hickish some slave owner we can say that it's not a true voice right it's a fake voice can't really say that he's about anything absolutely you don't really know much like little Nas X first of all stole his name from a great rapper why would you do that you [ __ ] thief and he has no has loyalty to anybody first I believe it was 2020 one he tweeted out this gay ship was fun at first I miss [ __ ] now not women not hanging out not beautiful young ladies he relegated and reduce the entire female sex to [ __ ] excuse me [ __ ] women are worth more than just [ __ ] so this was all about fun to you I know a lot of gay people I got gay friends they life ain't about [ __ ] all day boy rap about something else what has he contributed to us I'm watching BT fine you don't let your kids watch BT that's terrible how they gonna see baby boys they come on every Friday I'm watching the BET award I'm gonna see some of my friends on there I'm watching little Nas X bam he kissed a [ __ ] in the mouth cool bam he kissed another [ __ ] in the mouth wait a minute that's promiscuity we can't promote just being a hoe you can be engaged we have to be a hoe so are you saying Mr Taylor that is a propaganda that's led by the left the Democrats uh uh the gay community is there a propaganda is that what you're saying hey because I don't want to get canceled in real life but I will say this that this [ __ ] is doing some other [ __ ] all right it's more to life than sucking dick and worshiping the devil that's all this [ __ ] has contributed to us so far cancel this [ __ ] man cancel Mister do you have some questions for our expert witness here I just want to remodel this last statement if it wasn't for second dick and worshiping the devil we wouldn't have Hot Topic little [ __ ] would have no outfits to wear so there you go um Mr sorrells you hit on a lot of points and then you somehow slid your dick to a lot of points that I'd feel like it didn't really need you know but I got what you were saying you know just about right worrying about the placement of another man's penis and background is why you should cancel yourself whoa this [ __ ] been fantasizing about little Nas X just preparing for this case he watched every video this [ __ ] fully hypnotized based off his own arguments he should cancel himself I did my homework Mr Ray that's what the job entails but based off what you're saying you think this [ __ ] has gay hypnosis dick dick Ferry does he just fit a circle on America and make everybody gay I said it wasn't about the dick [ __ ] worship the devil that's enough okay you got you gotta go you can't be here playing with my God hello hello you can't put them in blood in shoes you talked about the Pumas I had Nikes but I said not today Jesus I will walk with you so when Billy said it what if this was his mission for God to slide from heaven and [ __ ] the devil and kill that I didn't read that in the Lord's Bible I'm sorry I didn't hear that I didn't hear I will send this young man down a stripper pole in some [ __ ] fishnets with his hair braided like the bread the [ __ ] was cute and and [ __ ] the devil I didn't I didn't read that passage what what part of the sermon was that I I didn't read it either I'm just saying what is what if a frog had wings would it what was wrong when it jumped I ain't here for the hypotheticals brother 's life God was one of us yeah yeah just a [ __ ] giving it up wow Taylor this trial is out of control and I like it cancel Court will be right back Teddy Ray will forever be a comedy Legend hands down one of the funniest people to ever walk Earth one of the most enjoyable people to work with and to be around and I just want to say thank you teddy for all the laughs all the memories all the Bloods we got to smoke together all the stories we got to share like I really love you and rest in peace until we meet again my friend hahaha foreign [Music] let's get focused because this is a serious case we have little Nas X on trial he has a lot of followers he has a lot of supporters he means a lot to a lot of different communities one he's a black man one he's an openly gay black man one he's an influence for people that are adults for children so this case is very serious because many people will be watching closely on this case and we want to make sure we get it right for the jurors to make a decisive decision Mr Soros I would like for you to talk about being on the other side of the Limelight where a lot of people like yourself present information out to the public for people to ridicule for people to judge you've said and done some questionable things a little non-sex also presents himself in a certain way as a troll he mocks himself he laughs at himself are you held accountable for your own actions on what you post and what you do very good question here's the thing that I think people forget about this what is social media is it real no it is a figment of our imagination that solely exists in the devices that we have that's not reality if I post a don't post my wife or my girlfriend or my significant other does it make her any more valid or invalid the question is why are we put so much angst clout value in something that only has perceived value what can you truly do with those followers can you take those followers on your phone and show up at the bank and say give me five thousand dollars no you can't can you eat them no somebody has no true real value so our question really is is a person who's put out much information is what is the value of the people's opinion who will observe and receive it once you take back that power you then have power over the media and much more importantly power over yourself I don't know what this [ __ ] talking about cuz I'm be real with you I don't even know how he strung all them words together like that you ask this [ __ ] do you take accountability for putting all that [ __ ] [ __ ] out on the internet and this [ __ ] is is is doing some [ __ ] docking from some political boy yes yes I do you take accountability for that [ __ ] do you take all that crazy [ __ ] you put out there that you say ain't nothing that should get you killed [ __ ] that should get you in jail do you take accountability for allowing the things that you watch and observe on social media to take control of your life don't take control though but you know control when it takes value on real estate inside your brain see I took accountability for what I put out you have to take accountability for allowing that to penetrate yourself penetration that's a good segue to my last he's gonna be gay anyway it's my last Point that's it thank you for that Mr Billy Searles thank you so much for being here with your expertise in Limelight and social media interactions thank you for coming and speaking to our jurors to help make a wise decision just out of curiosity for Mr Teddy Ray for the defense I have a question for you what basketball player would you say where you were most inspired by basketball probably on some Royal [ __ ] [ __ ] Allen Iverson Allen Iverson and would you say this person had a pretty big influence on your life as a basketball player yeah but I already know where you're going with this bro but as a celebrity a lot of people are influenced by certain people right but I got a father I feel like if you got family you should they should tell you that the world is [ __ ] right right right family should be like the world is [ __ ] until you get grown and then you can go out there and do what you do right but at the same time Mr Ray a lot of people don't have fathers a lot of people don't have family to guide them but they got seven seasons of The Cosby Show that they could re-watch get that good game I understand Cosby that's kind of wild that's [ __ ] that we got Bernie Mac show Absolutely My Wife and Kids it's all kind of little absolutely Educational Tools oh how to be a regular [ __ ] so you do say as someone you look up to this basketball player that the person you're influenced by their words matter would you say that as a kid that whatever they say it matters to you someone so we have to be mindful of the things we say right you can't but then [ __ ] that [ __ ] at the same time the reason why I bring that up is is because your client did an interview on The Breakfast Club where he said [ __ ] those kids now this is the same man who built his platform off of children with Old Town Road a lot of parents had their kids watching the videos they really rock with the song they loved and they looked up to him and he really played into that now he's saying on The Breakfast Club this is the evidence that was entered into my courtroom he said [ __ ] them kids how would you feel the person you looked up to said [ __ ] you [ __ ] them kids how would you feel hey man I'll be like that [ __ ] hard you know did he just say [ __ ] me on TV that's my that's my hero everybody loves somebody that don't give a [ __ ] Tupac said it best [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] that's why they love me my attitude is [ __ ] and everybody loves it thank you my attitude is [ __ ] that's why [ __ ] love it thank you thank you thank you Mr Ray she worked for Siri but I just want I I thank you I just wanted to make that known because it was evidence that was entered into the court that we need to make sure we say both sides of the spectrum you have a lot of celebrities that have come forward and their disagreement with little Nas X Nick Young who is a former NBA player he said and I quote this is what he put on his social media my kids will never play Old Town Road again they should have never played it to begin with this [ __ ] is singing about singing sipping lean running trains on hoes pour the lyrics up that ain't no lullaby [ __ ] that's what I'm saying bro y'all nothing to do the homie like that just cause he tagged it and twerk on the devil my [ __ ] like he says my kids will never play Old Town Road again I'm still debating about wearing Nike after this Blood drop on these shoes little nice X responded does not make sense if someone influences you to suck [ __ ] you probably wanted to suck [ __ ] already that part that part so he's saying that I'm not responsible I grew up in L.A I've been seeing gay [ __ ] my whole life it ain't nothing ever jumped out of me was like hey be him interesting like I live two miles from West Hollywood do you go there often it's a nice little burger stand they got the cool little restaurants and [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] so you're a supporter of the lgbtq plus Community get my [ __ ] bruh how else am I gonna live in this world if I got all these Ops it will be the fate of Lil Nas X find out when cancel Court return and it's your boy Lewis built rest in peace my dog teddy Ray he a Forever Young OG we gonna keep his Spirit Alive so I hope you all enjoy this video thank you I love everybody [Music] laughs you ain't writing nothing down I did I just can't read it because I'm pregnant okay yeah everybody loves to mention Drake Mickey Drake Nicki Drake Nikki did we forget gotta gutter what about McMahon little twist not every shot you take it's gonna go in little twist is not little one little Chucky I don't even know who that is your honor exactly Tiger Tiger might be the best one Tigers a w cause he fell off and saved himself twice maybe three times he's making a lot of only fans money right now that was the song that did it yeah yeah little one because I'm saying that to my grandkids when I'm stressed out [Music] at this time we will have closing statements and we'll begin with the prosecution please proceed with your closing argument um look man I think I say it all I really need to say once again I am trying to cancel these young men for no [ __ ] reason I ain't got nothing no no issue with his sexuality or his sexual preference or any of that all I'm saying is this we do have people who don't really need to be dealing with that type of stuff so there's some violent movies that shouldn't exist just straight up there's too much violence too much blood too much Gore I don't want to see this young man [ __ ] the devil trying to sell Devil's shoes devil don't even wear shoes [ __ ] it's hot down there it only makes sense putting blood in shoes that's probably how we got covered what you extracting blood from [ __ ] for putting them in shoes that's nasty that ain't safe this not a person we want to follow look yes you should have some accountability and take care of your own kids and make sure that they don't watch certain stuff but damn I mean you should look both ways before you go across the street we got stop signs yeah whatever some rules need to be put in place this [ __ ] can do no wrong just cause he [ __ ] I [ __ ] too I [ __ ] all the time you don't see me out here [ __ ] on TV putting on a little bit condom [ __ ] boys in locker rooms why we'll need to see that unless we watching the porno if this [ __ ] switch he ain't got to get canceled but as long as he calls himself a musician cancel this [ __ ] man he did nothing good for us talking about sandwiches and sucking dick that's not cool thank you Mr Taylor Mr Teddy Ray your closing arguments please y'all know what I'm gonna say Court huh don't be gay anyway [Music] you can't stop it this [ __ ] the deity of dicks wow can't stop won't stop ten years from now guess where he still gonna be Ron where on top of some old [ __ ] that's what he wants he wants all this attention this [ __ ] is loving this right now he wants you to keep making suggestions about where he should go that's why he slid down everybody since he was a kid probably but oh he's going to hell you're going to hell you gay you going to hell he's like [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna slide down the pole backwards I'm gonna get my hair braided and I'm gonna show out in hell since I'm going already but no y'all don't see that what do I see I see a young black man try to support his family we all know how hard that is get pulled over all kind of [ __ ] you don't think the cop don't let little Nas X go anybody gonna try to Pat that [ __ ] down and search them for goods and dope but baby oh you rap gangster they packing your ass down every day I know I've been touched by the police and I hate it get away from my balls officer I'm sorry that was a flashback let the [ __ ] live quit you're not police inteller novellas and cook shows and whatever else you don't [ __ ] with quit trying to police this [ __ ] and talk about why he can't twerk on the devil twerk on the devil wow your wild bull dog I'm just saying [ __ ] like who is the devil [ __ ] a bad guy you ain't met that [ __ ] though I read about him y'all wanna go hell no I don't want to go to hell but if we can if we got inside sources if this [ __ ] can be the CIA for us and tell us what it's like down there hopefully he can eradicate evil by [ __ ] I don't know how you do it I don't know you don't think you want somebody to distract the devil for a little bit so less kids die less hurricanes happen less [ __ ] less Rick get less [ __ ] get evicted all kind of [ __ ] no you just want the devil at alert all times that's type of [ __ ] you are hey my God don't need no help [ __ ] you don't need no help hey dude that's why he made seven billion [ __ ] and Counting Ron I hope you get some sleep tonight with everything you just watched to prepare for this trial brother at this time we will now turn to our jurors it is up to you to decide this case all those in favor of canceling little Nas X please raise your right hand and say I God watching God watching all those in favor of not canceling little Nas X please raise your right hand and say nay nay so the jury has made a decision it is hereby ordered that rapper Hip-Hop star little Nas X is canceled that's so ordered all right all right okay okay let's see what glad got to say about this I'm gonna call all the gay [ __ ] y'all gonna get shut down so I technically lost but as y'all know in real life [ __ ] real [ __ ] win in the end you feel me tell you some wild stuff you know he used some very Progressive things but you can't go against the Lord Ron can take this little Court Victory and he can take it you know to his Barber and to his Jeweler and get a new hoop earring and all that [ __ ] my wrong faxes facts at the end of the day nigga's gonna be gay anyway I'm not coming at any of his lifestyle choices that little [ __ ] got to go and I'm I'm glad that we were able to make that happen today why is we worried the more you worry the more gay [ __ ] be like oh these I think these [ __ ] just thinking about me and then the more they gonna turn up and come keep clapping ass [ __ ] come on bro I'm here to get a job done get that little [ __ ] up out of here and that's what we did today Lord Knows X keep making more of them shits my [ __ ] feed your fan base sir the streets my [ __ ] keep giving them [ __ ] that crap cause they addicted to you bro I'm just out here chilling my [ __ ] drug free but smoke that weed now foreign [Music]
Views: 327,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lil nas x, teddy ray, comedy, funny, standup, rap, hiphop, improv, courtroom, comedyshow, comedians, black comedy, debate
Id: Zkc5ouwvHDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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