Trevor Noah on Trump, His Book and Aiming Beyond Your Dreams | BigBoyTV
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Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 858,814
Rating: 4.85255 out of 5
Keywords: BigBoyTV, Big Boy TV, Hip Hop, Big Boys Neighborhood, Interview, Full Interview, Radio Big Boy, Big Boy DJ, Real 92.3, Real 923, Big Boy Radio, Big Boy YouTube, trevor noah, the daily show, president trump, donald trump, kendrick lamar, south africa
Id: 2Dt0sf2a9K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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I haven't heard, 'das Pen' as a German translation for, the pen. Maybe it's used in Swiss German, but I, as someone who once attempted to learn German, would say Die Feder ist Rot. There are other words for pen, but I liked Feder, meaning feather.
I think in NZ-Maori, Ka towhero te pene is correct. And in NZ-sign-language, I'd guess it is PEN-RED-PEN, where PEN is a writing/scribbling motion, and RED is a 'come-hither' double-tap on the chin. But, I only really know English, sadly.
As a kid I 'learnt' French and Arabic at school, but wouldn't have a clue how to say, the pen is red, in either.