Trent Horn vs. Dr. James R. White - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? (Full Debate)
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Channel: Catholic Answers
Views: 185,654
Rating: 4.831666 out of 5
Keywords: debate, protestant, catholic, protestant vs catholic, apologetics, trent horn, dr james white, dr james r white, salvation, confession, heaven, hell, sacraments, absolution, trent horn vs james white, can we lose salvation, can i go to hell, does god actually exist, can christians lose salvation, can christians go to hell, will i go to heaven if i'm baptized, eternal security, james white highlights, christian apologetics ravi zacharias, trent horn james white debate
Id: 72TRODe8BdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 50sec (9290 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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I'm watching carefully but I'm not particularly excited about any discussion that gets framed as Roman Catholics vs Reformed Christians