Trello Basic Training Tutorial for Managing Projects and Tasks

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so here we are at the main trellis screen and there's plenty to cover in Trello so what we're gonna do in this video is just focus on the basics of boards lists and cards other things we can talk about in separate videos so let's talk about how you create a board and the board is the basic construct for how you work within Trello and so let's first create a board and then I'll just show you what a board looks like and then I want to give an example what it's like to work with a board and I've got a board that I've already created that will help us in taking a look at how we can leverage Trello but just to create a board all you have to do is go up to my boards click on new board and then you can type in the name of whatever the board is called you'll see some items for organization and privacy settings we'll go over that in another video but for now let's just create a new board once the boards created you'll see that there are what's called lists there's a to-do doing and done list and each of those can be modified we can add new ones we can remove these lists this is just what Trello creates by defaults and the idea is that within these lists you have individual cards and the cards are components of lists and lists and cards are both within a board on the right-hand side you can see we have access to the members of the board bunch of board settings options filtering we can add additional lists you can see all the activity of the board in the bottom right and in the upper left-hand corner we can see that we have a number of other settings we'll take a look at that in another video and then there's a search bar up on the top so lots of things that we can do within this board but let's start diving into a board that I already created and for the example today what I want to do is work with a board called birthday party so we're gonna go ahead and use Trello to help us with a birthday party that we need to plan so the first thing I want to do is have us working with cards and like I said cards are really the basic elements the building blocks of using Trello and let's talk about all the things you can do with cards so here you can see that I've got four different types of cards all related to activities that deal with the birthday party and for some of these items I might have particular things that I need to do within each card and so let me give you an example of adding a card and then also I'm going to add what's called a checklist to it so to Carly just click on add a card and then I'll say select restaurant and we've got our card and we're ready to go so one of the things that I want to do is I want to add some items into this card so if I click on it you'll see that the properties of the card appear some people will call this the back of the card and it gives us access to a lot of different types of information and things we can do with the card and on the right hand side you'll see this action for add a checklist and checklists are a great component of working with cards because it gives us some flexibility to not only have a card but have detailed steps that need to be completed in order to mark this card is done so you can name different types of lists you can name checklists whatever you want I'm going to just call this one checklist the default you can also have multiple checklists and so for this one for selecting a restaurant let's just put a couple of checklist items in here let's say determine type of food determine location select menu and sign the contract ok so once I've got these created there are a lot of things I can do with them I can go back to any of them and I can delete them or convert them to a card if it becomes a significant enough checklist item where I want to track it separately if I want to change the order of these I can also click and drag and move them up and down on the list and as I'm working with them I can also check them to indicate that I've completed some of them so before I do that one thing I want to mention is that you can't assign individuals to items on a checklist you can assign to a card and we'll work with that next but you can't assign to checklist items but as we're working with our checklist and we've we finished a couple things as soon as we start checking items off you'll notice that this progress bar starts moving forward at the top you'll notice that there's a 2 out of 4 with a little checklist icon and if we close the card out you can see that at the top of the card you can there's a little checklist icon showing that out of four tasks I'm - were completed so checklists are really a great part of working with cards and give you a lot of ability to break out individual items related to a card inside the properties of the card next thing I want to take a look at with you is how to add members and so you might find like in this example maybe I need some help planning this birthday party and so I want to add a member and I've got someone who's a friend of mine and his name is Jimi Hendrix and so I typed in his name and he now appears here as a member on my particular board and so adding a member is a very simple process and you just click through add members and you can add people in and once you've add members you can then go through the process of assigning those members to the individual cards so let's do that now so let's take Jimi and assign him the select date for party card sending the invites tipping the staff and then maybe as the info share account that I have I'll assign myself to selecting the date for the party maybe that's something I'll do with him and I'll be responsible for for also working on thank-you notes and then maybe I'll be the one responsible for selecting a restaurant so that's assignments assignments are very simple and very easy to do one of things I want to show you related to assignments in some degree is the topic of subscriptions and subscriptions are a way that you can keep up to date related to the activities of a card and when you assign yourself to a card we're in the things that you'll notice that with all the ones where I'm assigned is that there's a small like an eyeball and I and I and what the eye means is that I'm I'm watching the card or trouble is watching the card for me because I'm subscribed to it and so anytime that you're assigned you assign yourself to a card you automatically are subscribed to that card and so if I click and look at the back of the card you can see that subscribed shows as a checkmark so that if you wanted for all the items where you assign yourself you automatically subscribe yourself you can unsubscribe yourself it's just that you're automatically subscribed and you can also subscribe to all cards that you are not actively working on where you own that card so for extending invites maybe I want to subscribe to the one that Jimmy is working on all I have to do is go into subscribe check that and now I'm subscribed to the card that Jimmy's responsible for you can also subscribe to individual lists so if I go to the top of the list and I click on the drop-down I can click on subscribe and you'll see that an eye and eye appears up here and then you can also subscribe at the board level so if I click on birthday party I can click on subscribe and you'll see that there's a small subscribed appears at the at the top so that's subscriptions the next thing we'll do is talk about card descriptions so any card that you have can have a short description associated with it so let's take a look at this one particular card for selecting date for a party and then we'll click it edit the card description and let's just put in something really basic and just say activity relate it related to picking a T pretty obvious but let's just put that in there for the example and then you can see that there's a small pencil or pen and it shows that the card has a description and even at the top of the card you can see that that same icon now appears so you can't see the details of it from the top level and and that some people have said that that would be a nice feature to have but at least you know that the card has a description and you can drill into the details of it next thing we'll take a look at our due dates and it's possible to assign a due date to an individual card and so let's say that we want to have a due date for this particular select date for a party card so if we click inside it you'll see that there's an option on the right here for a due date all I have to do is click on that find the date that I want let's say February 28th click on save and you can see that not only does the date appear here but if I close the card the date now appears at the top of the card and the way dates work is that as you get closer to the date if you're within 24 hours of the due date that February 28th will turn yellow and if you've extended into where it's due it'll turn red so there's some really good color visuals one of the things that we didn't take a look at before as we're talking about colored visuals is the checklist if you've completed all of the items related to a checklist you'll see that it turns green and so now we can visually see that all of our checklist items have been completed so that's how do dates work next let's take a look at activities so any card and let's open up select restaurant any card you'll see that it has an activity section at the bottom of the card and activities are designed to help you track all the activity the specific activity that's occurred with with a card and so here you can see all the details at six minutes ago we I added this card to the to-do and added a checklist and then here you can see that info share completed a number of items and it's just kind of like a blow-by-blow list of everything that's happened with that card so really helpful reference point let's take a look at another card if we take a look at select date for the party you can see here that I did some things like I added Jimmy and and it's just really helpful to have all that types of other activity in there and kind of see a running history not only can you see activity on a per card basis but if you notice on the right hand side you'll get all the activity for all the things that have been done on the board and it will list it for all users there's also the ability to look at activity on a per user basis so if you click on any member you can look at view members board activity and you can see all the activity of that particular member so in my case because I have a lot of history you can see all the activity that I've had related to all the cards in the board next thing we'll look at our comments and comments are really helpful way to make notes for yourself and in a particular card so let's go back to our select feet for party card and in the activity section maybe I'll put an activity or just a quick comment here of having a hard time picking a deeds and so now that becomes a note which is part of the activity log so comments are part of the activity of a particular card one of the things you can also do is include we can reference other members who are members of the board in the comment so for example maybe I need Jimmy's help with pick picking a date out so I'll say at Jimmy and you can see on the right-hand side a mention I section appears say at Jimmy need your help and I'll click comment and you can see that Jimmy's referenced here and based on Jimmy's notifications he may receive an email he may go into Trello and see a small red notification icon but he'll in some way be alerted with his notification settings in his interactions with Trello that he's been referenced as part of that card and that's Commons next thing we'll take a look at is a concept called labeling and labels our method for tagging cards with a particular color and so to access the labels and labels on a per board basis you click on the name of the board in the upper left hand corner and go down to labels so you can see here we've got room for a couple different types of labels based on color and the way that I'm going to use labels in this case is it if you think about the party there's three parts to it there's the part of the party the planning the actual day of and the post party activities so let's put in three labels one for planning day of party and post party save that and now what we can do with each of our cards is that we can assign the label to it so select date for party let's open that card up will click on edit labels and we can indicate planning there let's go into send invites that's also planning tipping the staff is going to be something that's a day of a party and so while I'm just tagging one item or one one label per car per card you don't have to do just one label you can do multiple labels so that's it's it's pretty flexible in terms of how many labels you want to use every there is a fixed amount of labels but you can apply as many labels as you want to the cards and then selecting the restaurant that is a planning component and so now you can see we have these color-coded labels associated with our cards and it's very flexible and labels are very handy of course you know one of the things that you might notice is that you might say to yourself you see the color green and you might say what was that color for again and so there are lots of easy ways to reference what the labels are but you can't see from a top level what that label is you'd either have to drill into the details and take a look at what green represents or you'd have to go back into labels and remind yourself what each of those colors mean but anyway it's just a handy way to be able to look at cards and to color code and classify them next thing to take a look at is the ability to add attachments so with any card if you click on it you'll see on the right-hand side there's the ability to attach a file and a files can be attached from your computer Google Drive or Dropbox you know the options in this area can expand and change over time as Trello adds more options and once you I'm not going to attach anything here but once you attach items you have the ability to display the attachment at the card level and when you have time you can click on the board welcome board and you'll see that in your own Trello instance and you can see how you you can see what the attachment is at the card level so with without even drilling into the card you can see what the attachment looks like it's really helpful for images and for other types of documents mat as helpful so we talked about we talked a lot about cards now let's talk about lists and in the same way that we could add cards by clicking on add a card we can also add lists and so you can do that on the right hand side and we might find that in this case where we have to do doing and done we might have certain activities where we're not actually we've started them but they're on hold so I'm going to create a new list I'm on hold I'm going to put it into the third position from left to right so we now have four lists and so one of the things that I didn't do as we were working with these cards is you have the ability to move cards as well as moving lists so in this case there's this item of selecting the restaurant we did a lot of tasks related to that we can click and drag and move that over to done and then as we're working on items because we know that we were working on selecting a date for the party we can move that to doing and we knew that when we were working on this card we are having some problems and having a hard time picking a date now that might be a good example of when we take that card and move it into hand hold so cards are really flexible in terms of how you can move them around and the same thing with lists I can click on a list and drag it into all the different locations and you can add as many lists as you want it really just becomes an issue of managing that many lists within Trello and just how there's there's a certain point where too many lists are just too much same thing with cards too you might have so much scrolling to do on the cards up and down that it's not practical just to wrap things up let's review what we talked about we first created a new board and looked at the basic structure of the board such as lists and cards we then started talking about cards in detail and went over a checklist adding members assignments subscriptions due dates activities comments labels and adding attachments then wrapping things up we talked about creating new lists and moving cards between lists and even moving lists well I hope you enjoy using Trello as much as I do please click on the link below the video if you enjoyed it and feel free to leave any comments below the video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: InfoSharer
Views: 238,919
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Keywords: trello, project management, project management software
Id: 7najSDZcn-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2013
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