Notion Tutorial for Beginners in 2023! (Full Guide)

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hello and welcome to the ultimate notion tutorial for 2023. in today's video I'm going to teach you everything that there is to know about notion so if you're a beginner right now by the end of this video you will be a notion Pro I'm going to start with the basics and work our way up to the more advanced topics inside of notion what is notion notion is a simple software where you can create pages and within those pages you can add text bullets or toggle lists and this is only the beginning you can also add these Pages as many of them as you want in fact to databases and Within These databases you can assign properties and attributes to these Pages things like numbers email addresses phone numbers basic text formulas and relations between Pages now that all these pages are in a database and they have data associated with them in the form of properties you can filter these Pages sort these pages and search these pages in any way that you want notion even added buttons recently that allow you to add different things to your databases it's safe to say that notion is a versatile tool and it makes a great place for your second brain I'm currently using notion as a second brain and it allows me to quickly capture new tasks notes and bookmarks it also allows me to focus with Focus mode and focus mode basically just shows me exactly what I have planned for that day on my task list and it also gives me some words of motivation using a quote below then there's the planning mode and the planning mode is amazing because it allows me to drag tasks around change my priorities and move things within a monthly view or a weekly view I can even drag things onto my back burner if they're not something that I'm working on right now or I want to shelf a project for later this gets it out of my calendar out of the way but not gone for good speaking of gone for good if I hit complete or archive any of these tasks they will all still be here unless I delete the task but I have a special status on these tasks so that we can store them all and you can always go back and see everything that you've done in the past using the reflect page the reflect mode allows you to go back and see what tasks habits and metrics happened on certain days and then finally we have the calibrate mode where you can go and actually set your goals whether they're ongoing or one-time goals and you can also categorize those goals into areas of your life on the home page you will get a form every single day that allows you to fill out your habits that you've completed and also enter any metrics like your sleep hours or amount of time you spent working Etc if you want to learn more about this every evolving template that you get lifetime updates to click the link in my top pinned comment and that will take you to the landing page for this template where you can watch the demo video and purchase this template for yourself if you're interested next let's look at notion's pricing the first thing that you're going to want to know about notion pricing is that the free plan is more than enough for most individual users especially if you aren't uploading a bunch of files pictures PDFs and things like that free will work just fine if all you want to do is invite up to 10 guests if you're going to be uploading tons of files and inviting more than 10 guests I recommend upgrading to the plus plan this is going to give you unlimited file uploads and it's going to allow you to invite 100 guests business and Enterprise are for teams and anyone that wants to add notion AI to their plan is going to pay eight to ten dollars per month based on what billing terms you select I think notion AI is great but if you're looking for top tier AI I recommend just sticking to chatgpt when you first sign up for notion it might look something like this the only difference is you're probably going to have some different pages in your sidebar over here right now I just have one page called personal if I want to add new pages within personal I can just hit this plus button right here and that's going to create a page in personal I can click out of that and as you can see here it's created anything inside of personal I can also hit add a page down here and I can give it a name you can change the icon by hitting add icon and if I want to delete a page I can click these three dots right here and delete let's go ahead and also highlight this anything page here and hit backspace to delete that now let's imagine I wanted to create a new page because I want to keep track of all of the dog breeds that I'm interested in so I would hit add a page and type in dogs so this is the title of my page I'm going to give it a dog-worthy icon like this bone here I'm going to add a cover using unsplash and I'm going to reposition it save position this is going to allow me to hit the slash command and this is really an open empty canvas at this point guys but if you want to you can hit the slash command and this will give you a starting point for adding blocks to your page the most basic block of them all in the most straightforward one is text so if I click text or if I were to type out text and then hit enter it's just going to allow me to type into the page so I can type anything that I want here I can write this is a page about dogs and from there if I want to I can highlight this and I can change the formatting in any way that I want so you can italicize bold underline straight through you can Mark different things as code if you highlight specific areas as well and if I wanted to transform this to a different block type entirely I could hit this text drop down right here and I could turn it into another text type like a heading or I could turn it into a to-do list item a bullet list item a number list or a toggle list I could turn the whole thing into code a quote or a call out or I could turn it into a toggle heading which is a combination of the toggle list and the heading block type you'll also notice that you can turn this into columns so if you highlight multiple pieces of text you can turn it into two columns if I hit two columns you'll notice that it doesn't turn this into two columns because this is its own block I'm going to hit Ctrl Z to go back and now I'm going to create a second block by copying this with Ctrl C and I'll just hit enter right here and now I have two separate blocks if I highlight them click into it turn into and I click on columns now it's going to turn these into two columns another way to create columns is just duplicating this and dragging it over manually I can do this as many times as I want and now we have three columns but if I wanted to start a new section I could do so very quickly just by dragging a bit of text underneath this entire thing and we could even go a step further and add a like basically another set of two columns down here so now what we've effectively done is we've created this big section here we've created three columns here and we've created two columns down here if I want to change the look and the feel of My overall workspace one of the things I can do is hit Ctrl shift L and that will turn notion into dark mode if I'm in light mode already at least if I'm in dark mode I just hit Ctrl shift L again and it brings me back to light mode I'm going to stay in dark mode for this tutorial so if you appreciate dark mode and you're trying to save your eyes like I am then definitely leave a comment below you can also change some notion page settings by clicking the three dots in the upper right hand corner if I click on these I can can go ahead and change the font type for notion so there's serif mono and default there's also a small text option which when toggled on it turns all of the text nice and small or if I turn it back off it's just going to turn it to a regular size I prefer full width Pages which allow you to see all of your information spread out in a full width view you can also export Pages by hitting the export button right here you can choose the export format scale percentage page format and then you can hit export and save it on your computer whenever you're ready now let's plug in everything that I've taught you so far with notion AI to use notion AI you can just hit slash and ask AI at this point if I hit enter it's going to allow me to ask AI to write anything I'm just going to say create a bullet list of the top 10 dog breeds if I hit enter it's just going to do just that it's going to create this bullet list for me now it's formatted this nicely it's put a heading one but I don't need that heading one I also don't need this bit of paragraph text right here I can delete that and from here since this is a list like I was showing you earlier you can actually turn these into different things so if I highlight it I can hit this sidebar right here and turn into page and that's going to turn all of these different dogs into a page now I could click into Labrador Retriever and I could add an icon for that and we could add a cover photo as well I'm just going to paste that name in there drop in the dog type reposition that let's go back to dogs and we could go ahead and do that for all of these pages foreign [Music] I've gone ahead and added a few of these dogs and I'm just going to delete the rest of these Pages now as you can see when I click into these individual Pages for these dogs they're going to have their own custom title and it's going to allow me to type in this page as well if I want to look into this hierarchy further I can click on dogs and from here I can see all of the pages within dogs I can also click back in the breadcrumbs right here and now we're back to our dog's homepage this is how most people use notion when they're first getting started they just create Pages within pages and they might even add some fancy images inside of here by hitting slash image or they might add some embeds whatever it might be that they add on these Pages you know they're filled with text notes whatever it might be but these pages are not as effective without databases so let's head back to dogs and let's actually turn these items into database items so there's two ways to create a database the first way is you can create a database as a page or you can create an inline database within a page if I want to create a full page database I just hit add a page up here and then from there I hit table board timeline calendar list or Gallery these are the different board views that you can choose from I'm just going to go with table and as you can see it just opens up this empty table if I hit new database it's going to create a new database I've created a full tutorial on databases that's updated to 2023 so definitely check out that video using the card in the corner if you're interested now I'm just going to give you the basics of this full page database I can give it a name so I could have started here and called this dogs let's call it Dogs 2 for now as you can see all it is is this database in here and these three blank items I can delete these blank items out of here and if I wanted to I could just start dragging pages into here so now our dogs two page which is a full page database has just become the database for these different pages and as you can see it is a table if I click back into dogs as you can see we don't have those pages in here anymore I'm just going to go ahead ahead and delete this page head over to dogs2 change the name to dogs and we'll go ahead and add our icon here and a nice cover photo at this point another way to create pages is by clicking into a page that's not a full page database and clicking into some empty space hitting slash and typing out inline this is going to give you the option to create an inline database just hit database inline and it's going to give you the option to name your database and now that I've given it a name I'll be able to find it when I'm looking for it in my database searches so the difference here is this is an inline database it's actually inside of a page and I can delete it and it won't get rid of the rest of the page or as this is a full page database I can't add anything else to this page and the only thing that I can see on this page is the database and all the database settings the beauty of this though is you can actually link to this full page so what I oftentimes recommend people to do is to create databases for all of the things that they want to track and then go ahead and reference those pages throughout Different Page views and notion so let me show you what I mean this is my full page dogs database if I wanted to reference this on another page I could just hit add a page I could call this my home page and here I could hit slash create and I'm going to see linked view of database if I hit linked view of database I can find dogs inside of here and I can click dogs and it's basically just going to pull in the exact synced up copy of this database right here and now it acts as an inline version of this database so we have the full page version here and we have the inline page here so I can add other info on this page opposed to just sticking with the full page alone where you can't add any info to this page or continue editing on it so This lends itself nicely to being able to create some cool areas in your workspace by hitting slash call out for instance and you can actually drag these databases into a call out hide the title and give it a new flashy title here and I quite like this look overall you can also rename the database from here or at least the database view that is and that's why I like using the full page database and then linking to it in your other pages so then you have these nice modules or components or whatever you want to call them that you can open up and you can bring your databases anywhere and see them in all types of different ways next I'm going to go ahead and hit add a page on the side and we're going to create a full page database for my tasks so I'm going to name it tasks and hit table from here I'm going to hit new database and it's automatically going to make the name tasks here in the name column this is the only mandatory property inside of notion you have to give each of these rows a name essentially and it gives you these three blank rows right off the bat I'm going to check these and delete them now as you can see if I click into this empty row I can add a name to this first row so I can enter a task of walk the dog and if I hit enter you'll notice that it's now actually a page similar to how I dragged the pages into the dogs database over here now we've created a task within this tasks database this is also a page though so whatever is in the name column is what the Page's name is going to be so these are tasks these are dogs but all of these different things that you can click into are our pages so if I open Labrador Retriever it might have different information about a labrador if I go into my tasks database and I open walk the dog it's going to have some different properties or information associated with it because this is a task and these are different dog breeds so for tasks I want to add some special properties I'm going to go ahead and right click this tags property and hit delete then I'm going to hit plus and from here there's a few ways we can track our tasks we can use dates to track different due dates or action dates we can use the status to tell us where we're at in terms of the task if it's done if it's in progress whatever the status might be you can also do a similar thing with the select property you can select a state for this to be in or you could use a simple checkbox property and that is one of the simplest properties so if I click checkbox as you can see I can just click this check box on and off and I can downsize the check box that's one special thing about it to just a quick little square and as you can see it's very clean organized and this is a basic to-do list already I can hit new and add new tasks and then it automatically gives me an empty checkbox that I can use in the future let's go ahead and create a date and we'll call this the due date let's set the due date in the future for both of these and let's go ahead and uncheck these as if we didn't complete them yet so this is essentially how the date property works again if you want more in-depth property talk and you want more in-depth database talk go to my notion full databases tutorial for 2023 because I cover every single little aspect and this video is meant to be a bit quicker but definitely go check out that databases tutorial if you want to learn more about some of these other properties in here next we're just going to ramp things up and we're going to look at some different views in notion and then I'm going to show you the formula relation and roll-up property work after that we'll look at ways to filter and sort your databases now let's look at a few ways that you can view this data so if I click on these three dots in the upper right hand corner I can change the layout type right here I can view it as a table a board a timeline a calendar list or Gallery each of these comes along with its own settings for instance if I change this to Gallery you'll notice that we have some new options appearing down here and we have a new view for our task list it's more of a Museum collection look rather than a list or a table look so let's go ahead and head back to Gallery actually and let me show you how you can kind of tweak the way that your data is coming through in your database you can go ahead and hit this card preview button and change it to none if you don't want to show a card preview or if you want to you can for instance if we did this in dogs went to our layout changed it to Gallery we could actually base it on page cover instead and that would actually include the image of the different dogs inside of here so this would be a good use case for gallery whereas tasks over here maybe we would want to change it to something a little bit more task oriented like a list a table maybe a calendar for instance so for with the calendar for example I can click calendar and from there I can show the calendar by and I can choose which date property I want to use so now I can see it as a due date and I can view it in a monthly or weekly view so let's change back to month open pages in and if I want to I can also open pages out of this so let's select side Peak and I'll show you what that does and we can actually drag these around which will change the due date I can check them off as well and you'll notice that it doesn't disappear from our data set when I check it off but if I wanted to I could filter this so if I hit filter check box where checkbox is unchecked that's going to get rid of anything that's been checked off like so I can go ahead and remove this filter just by hitting these three dots and hitting delete filter and all of my tasks are still here with the completed status now let's imagine we wanted to create a list view for archiving our tasks so that we can always go back and look at them but we want this calendar view to be our main view we could click this plus button up here and now I can create a view called list from there I can click on this button right here and I can type in page for instance this is going to allow me to select list if I want to and then done and this is going to show me all of my tasks so let's go ahead and filter this so that it just shows me where the check box is checked and we're going to go ahead and rename this to Archive so these are all of our completed tasks if I wanted to I could even show the checkbox in here by hitting these three dots going to properties and turning the check box on from there I can check these off and they'll head back into my calendar and let's go ahead and add that filter now for checkbox where checkbox is unchecked and let's also include the property of check box for our to-do list and now as you can see if I check these off they leave the calendar and they go into the archive view like so so that is basically how you use filtering and properties with the different layout types in notion now remember we're still in our full page database here with my tasks so the database is taking up all of our space but if we wanted to truly utilize this in a more aesthetically pleasing way we could head over to our home page where we created that dogs linked database earlier if you remember right we created this by hitting slash and typing in create and then we can hit linked view of database when I hit that it's going to offer me some options here now I have dogs and I have the tasks database that I created so I'm going to click tasks and from here I can select the view that I created so do I want to see my calendar my archive or do I just want an empty view well in this case I'm just going to hit empty View and we're going to start out with another view here let's go ahead and hide this database title and here where it says walk the dog let's imagine that for a moment let's just imagine that I am a dog breeder and I have a bunch of different dogs and I want to connect this task table right here to walking certain dogs so I'm gonna uncheck this I'm going to go ahead and hit this plus button right here and if I wanted to relate this task of walk the dog to one of these dogs here I could type in relation hit enter and that's going to pull up all of my data sources it's going to pull up tasks this current data source that I'm in and also dogs so let's hit dogs if we want to relate these individual tasks to individual dogs in here I'm going to hit dogs and let's go ahead and hit no limit No Limit makes it so that I can select as many dogs out of here to be related to this task as I want if I wanted it to be limited to one that might make a bit more sense for walking dogs I could hit one page so that basically I can only select one dog that's related to one task so it would be one-to-one relationships and then if I hit show on dogs this will create a property on dogs and it hasn't created this property yet but when it does I'm going to give it a name of related tasks if I hit add relation you'll notice that it adds a property to the dogs database and it also adds a property to the task database right here so this is the dog and this is the task let me show you what I mean walk the dog we're going to select the golden retriever and now as you can see walk the dog is related to Golden Retriever and let's add a tag really quick to Golden Retriever let's add one to Labrador and German Shepherd now let's imagine that I wanted to pull some more information into this task list right here well I could pull in this tag column right here for the corresponding dog so let's hit the plus button and you actually have to create a relation in order to be able to roll up this tag right here so next I'm going to show you how to create a roll up you're just going to hit plus and you're going to type in roll up hit enter and now my roll up can select a relation I'm going to select this dog's relation right here it's the only relation that I have available and I'm just going to call this temperament and then from there I can go ahead and select the property that I want it to roll up and we'll choose tags and this should say friendly and it does as you can see we've created this temperament roll up that basically just rolls up the corresponding tags to Golden Retriever so that's how relations and Roll-Ups work let's go ahead and quickly add this task here to a nice little call out like we did with dogs I'm gonna hit slash type call out hit enter and we'll just call this tasks and then I'm going to bold it we'll change the background color here and we'll add a new icon then we'll drag tasks inside now I'm going to show you an example of how to use formulas I'm going to use a formula that I already have created for this first example because this formula is quite Advanced and I'd go over stuff like this in my other videos this is more of an all-encompassing guide so let's go ahead and just paste the formula as is let's create a new formula and then hit enter we're going to call this days until due and hit enter and here I'm going to paste in this formula and this tells me how many days I have remaining or how many days over do I am if I am overdue or if there are days remaining I want this to flash a specific indicator for example if it's one day remaining I want it to be green and if it's one day overdue or any days overdue I want it to be read to show that it's overdue so in order to do this I can create another formula and I can call this do indicator and I can say if contains if this property days until due contains remaining then we'll make it green and if it contains overdue then we'll make it red so let's say if contains and we have to enter the property days until due comma remaining you have to put it in quotes here then we want it to be green right if it's remaining so let's hit green and let's put that in some quotes let's clean this up and add a comma and then what do we want it to do if it doesn't say remaining well in that case we want it to be red so let's select this red emoji and then let's go ahead and close this off from here if I hit done you'll notice that this one has a day remaining so it's green whereas this one is two days overdue so it's red if these things happen to change at any point then the color of this due date indicator can change as well I can also drag this down a bit we could drag this over and let's even go ahead and just change this all together so that we just have simple indicator that tells me something about my task whether it's do or overdue so I'll actually just type in indicator that's probably fine and that is going to change as I said based on whatever the due date is from here I can go ahead and hide anything else that doesn't really matter to me and if I wanted to I could even create a view that shows me everything that's passed to do and then everything that is currently in regular timing so let's go ahead and hit plus and we're going to click tasks we're going to name this View past due from here if I hit filter I can filter by this indicator right here so if I filter by contains red it's only going to show me tasks the red indicator meaning they're past due so if I go ahead and update this due date it will be removed from here the other thing that I want to note is that if I check this off it's still here but you can also add a filter here that hides it if it's checked or unchecked so then if I go back to task here you'll notice that we still have this red task it's checked off let's uncheck it and as you can see it's back in past due now let's filter this one by indicator and we're going to enter the green indicator and now this is going to allow me to see all of my green tasks that are within range and I still have time to complete and then you'll also see my past due tasks let's add that same filter that we added to pass due for checkbox is checked or unchecked and let's hit the plus button one more time hit tasks and we'll go ahead and create an archive view well we already have it so let's click it and hide this View and then let's turn this into a full width page if I click into task now you'll notice that I have these green tasks that are not past due and then I also have past due tasks let's say I complete a past due task I can just hit check or I can check off a task on my normal task list and they'll all show up right here in my archive I can uncheck them if I want to send them back to my to-do list and that is sort of how you would use formulas and filtering to create these different sort of views within your task database or any sort of database that you want to create you can also sort database information by hovering over the database that you want to sort in hitting sort from there I can select what property I want to sort by I'm going to sort by name and then if I want to sort ascending it's going to put them in alphabetical order so if I hit new and I add Australian Shepherd it's going to have Australian Shepherd at the top there and if I added shitsu for instance it would include that towards the bottom if you enjoyed this video please drop a like and then head over to the notion A to Z playlist with over a hundred notion videos that are going to teach you notion for free or if you want to you can check out the most up-to-dated databases guide on YouTube and that is the notion databases explained for 2023 guide so you can check that out using the link on the right alright I hope you enjoy this one we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Productive Dude
Views: 146,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion tutorial, notion tutorial for beginners, how to use notion, notion app, notion, full notion tutorial, full notion guide, beginners notion tutorial, notion for beginners, notion beginners guide, notion app for beginners, notion setup, how to use notion 2023, notion app tutorial 2023, notion 2023, notion tutorial 2023, 2023 notion tutorial for beginners, notion app 2023, notion tutorial for 2023, 2023 notion tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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