49 Essential Tips for Notion in 2023!

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hey there guys how's it going my name is carter sirach the host of the productive dude youtube channel and in today's video i'm going to give you guys 49 useful tips to help you get along better in notion stick around and i think that you might learn something new i did want to mention that there are lots of resources in this video and if you guys want to you can scroll down to the description you can skip around the chapters and you can also find any helpful links down there as well before we get into this guys please drop a like because man did this take a lot of research and a lot of work i'd really appreciate it jumping right in with tip number one and that is to spice up your icons guys i see so many people using the default emojis in notion but i recommend you actually head over to either giphy or the noun project or a number of other resources to find different icons for your pages as you can see here i have a nice little gif icon if i head over to giphy i can pretty much type anything in here and it's going to give me just different gifs that might make sense for whatever my notion page might be so if i type something in like check mark something like this could work really well if i'm trying to highlight a task page or a to-do list of some kind so all you do is click on it hit save image as and once you save it you can click up here and you can change your icon by hitting upload an image and i'm just going to click on this task hit open and boom you've got a nice new icon the noun project is also a great resource check this out you can pretty much type anything in right here and it will give you icons related to that that you can download and use on projects but if you type something in here like house you'll get tons of different house icons and they're pretty much never ending guys tip number two is to use gifs for your cover photos so check this out guys i have this nice gif here for my cover photo and it's basically just a city skyline with some nice cars and trucks moving around i can drag this around and save the position where i want it and i found this gif on giphy once again we're going to head over to giphy and you can just type in anything here like city skyline and i usually like to add something like a 32-bit after it so that it gives me that nice like pixelated skyline design and as you can see here this one isn't pixelated but this is pretty cool let me actually go back and see if i can find any that are yeah so check this out this like anime style is what i like to use in notion because i think it just looks so appropriate so you just hit save image as then you can hit change cover right here upload choose an image and open up that image that you saved and as you can see we've got a beautiful city skyline as our cover photo now tip number three is to use full page databases instead of using inline databases let me show you why so if i create an inline database just by hitting slash and then typing inline i can get all these different databases here which is pretty neat it's good for adding a quick database right from here i could you know add my columns and whatnot but the problem with inline databases is once this gets deleted i have no uh access to this it's pretty much just gone but what i could do is i could create a page by hitting slash and typing page hit enter and then if i hit table over here i can give it a name i can go back to my original page and now i've got a table called table and what i can do is i can actually create a link to this anywhere that i want so i can just type slash create linked database and then i can type table and as you can see it will pop up here i can click on it and now i have a database that's linked and i can hide this page anywhere in notion that i want so you could make a full page that's just storing all of your database pages and then they're out of the way they're out of sight but at least they're saved and if i delete this table right here i can still go into this page and it will still exist even if i've deleted it off the front end of my page so that's why i recommend using full page databases rather than inline databases tip number four is to utilize multiple levels in your list i'm not sure if you guys knew this but you can actually create these awesome lists uh if i hit the dash button and then i hit space it's going to start creating a bullet list and i can just type something here and then i can hit enter when i'm ready to go to the next line and then tab will bring me in one so now i'm on my second level of the hierarchy if i hit enter again i can do as many on the second level as i want just by hitting enter over and over but if i wanted to go in another step i would hit tab once again and boom now we've got a third level to the hierarchy tip number five is to turn into a toggle list if you don't want to see everything so right here i just have some basic text and underneath it i have some bullet points but if i wanted to hide these bullet points within this text all i'd have to do is click on this button right here hit turn into and then we can click toggle list and then i can highlight all of these items and i can drag them right inside of this toggle list and we can hide them nice and tidy you can kind of keep things hidden if you want to i could also turn this into a heading toggle list if i wanted to so that will make the text a little bit bigger right here they have a heading three a heading two and heading one toggle list tip number six is to create a synced block menu so as you can see here if i hover over these pages they are surrounded by this synced block right here and the reason that i set this up this way is so that it could be a menu at the top of my page so if i cycle between these pages as you can see we're switching between pages but this is staying the same because it's a synced block so in order to do this all you would have to do is hit slash and then type synced block that's going to create an empty synced block and then i could type slash page hit enter and then we're just going to call this synced item one and now we have synced item one in here but if i wanted to i could duplicate this a couple times and then we could grab this entire synced block right here just by clicking it and then hitting copy and sync and i could go over to these synced item pages and we could add this as a menu on all of the synced item pages this way i can toggle between all of the pages and this will stay the same on all of them tip number seven is to use template blocks to quickly add new templates so i've created this template block right here and what this will do if i click on it is it will create a to-do list for me whenever i want a new to-do list so all i have to do is simply enter the day so let's say tuesday january 1st 20 56 we could change the color and then here i could write out my day and i could add some times here so let's say 8 am wake up go to the gym at 9 am all you're gonna do is hit slash and then type template button hit enter and now we can create our template so you're just going to enter whatever you want right here to create what you want to show up when you click the button so let's just say we want to give you guys a high five every time we click this button so i would just put a little high five maybe we'll have some lightning coming out of our high five and then i'm going to name this give a high five now i'm gonna hit close and if i hit this plus button right here i can give you guys high fives all day or i can use this template button to give myself a new schedule tip number eight is to use call outs for title headers to separate areas better so as you can see right here we have three different headers and these are called callouts so this is a special type of block and notion so let me show you how you can create this and then how you can add multiple columns with these so if i hit slash and then i type call out hit enter now we've got a nice call out this one's red so that can be used to kind of signify something important but i am going to just change this to a paper clip and we're going to make this one let's just say blue and then i could type something in right here so this could be my title of whatever it is that i'm going to put under this so i'm just going to call it important notes i'm going to drag it down here and then i can click right here to duplicate and i'll duplicate one more and then if i just drag this to the side here now we've got some columns that we can work with so if i click into this one and hit enter i can start typing something for this callout it's also nice to note that you can drag within callouts like so and i could do the same thing down here start typing something else or in this column right here tip number nine is to change your font in notion if you've ever wondered how to change your font in notion all you have to do is head up to the top right corner click these three dots right here and then you can toggle between the default text the serif text and mono which is a more spaced out version you can also make your text small by clicking this button if you want to so you have more space to look around or you can even go full width so you have even more space tip number 10 is to use formulas to concatenate redundant fields in a table now let me show you what i mean because that might sound confusing just upon first inspection of this tip so what i'm talking about here is using a formula column like this one right here to put these columns together so as you can see i have a first name column with carter john and productive and then the last name column with sirach smith and dude so if we wanted to connect these together we could create a concave column so let me show you how to do that so if you click this button right here you can add a new column you just call it full name if you want to i'm going to call it full name v2 because we already have a full name and then we're going to change the property type to formula and if i go into the settings of this formula by hitting edit formula i can paste this text in right here and that will actually tell notion that we want to concate or connect the first name property and then we want to have a space and then we want to have the last name property so that's basically what this is telling notion so if you want you can copy that i'm going to have it in the description or you can mess around with this because there's tons of different formulas and notion you know they have lots of different math formulas they have lots of different logical formulas so it's pretty neat tip number 11 is to get a custom avatar designed for your personal notion account this is particularly nice if you have a team of people and you want to have an on brand notion theme within your organization so as you can see here this little icon is a picture that was made for me based on this picture that i sent over to this designer who actually provides very affordable rates and as you can see here we have [Music] my picture added to my column next to my name so if you're working with multiple people this can be nice and as you can see this is some pretty cool artwork pretty simple but if you want to check this out i'm going to have a link in my description and they will send me a small kickback but this is just an artist that creates these custom notion-styled avatars and he'll do it in two days for 25 dollars so check out the link in my description if you want to get one for yourself tip number 12 is to add columns in notion so as you can see here we have four columns and you can pretty much add as many columns as you want i haven't found the limit yet and you can drag around between these if you want one to be bigger or smaller than the other so let me show you how to create these columns so what i always like to do if i'm going to have multiple columns is i like to kind of plan this out ahead of time just by writing out column one column two column three column four and then you simply drag them from there to the side of the other column and you can drag these out multiple times and then right underneath it if you hit enter you can start typing something here i like to turn this top one into either a heading or a call out and like i showed you earlier you can also drag within these callouts and maybe to make this look a little bit nicer we could hit command b and highlight that text there so now we've got a nicer title now let's say i wanted to have a second section down here how would i do that well i could just hit enter and i could create a section two and we're just gonna drag this until we get that full bar across the bottom of the screen then we're gonna delete that extra space and here we're going to start creating our second row of columns so column one column two so let's say we just want two in this section then i could go ahead and delete that and now we've got two columns down here so start typing here so as you can see we have a four column row and a two column row now and you can continue this process as many times as you want tip number 13 is to use the master search shortcut to find any page that you're looking for in your notion account i know for me i got confused once i started coming out with a lot of different pages so it's really nice to be able to find any page at a moment's notice just by hitting command or control plus p so let me show you what i mean command p so if i wanted to find my notes page i could just type that in and now i can go over to my notes pretty cool right tip number 14 is to edit notions look and feel using notion enhancer check this out guys you can make notion pretty much look however you want this developer actually created this tool called notion enhancer and i have a full tutorial showing how to install it so if you want to you can click the card up in the corner it should pop up right about now and that will take you to a video where you can see how to use notion enhancer how to get it installed and from there you can have your notion account looking absolutely amazing tip number 15 is to sort your databases so that they only show relevant dates so as you can see we have a list of different tasks here walk the dog water the plants go shopping film a video and i've also created a column right here that's set to the date property and that has a whole lot of different dates here so we also have this check box you know you can check things off as you go so now let me show you how to make this database a little bit more useful using sorting and filtering so if i click on this button right here and i go to filter i'm going to add a filter and the first filter we want to add is to the column for the checkbox so if the column is not checked then we're going to show the boxes if we do check it let's just say it's going to disappear okay so it's not completely gone if i get rid of that filter you'll still see that task in there next click on these three dots again hit sort and we're going to add a sort by due date now if i set this to ascending i'm going to see the closest due date so i know that filming the video's top priority watering the plants a second and then walking the dog is last however if the dog can't wait i might have to move this up my priority list tip number 16 is to turn on dark mode or light mode and you can toggle between these by hitting command plus shift plus l or control plus shift plus l on windows so let me show you how easy that is boom we're in dark mode we're in light mode we're in dark mode hey guys comment below are you a dark mode or a light mode fan tip number 17 is to lock pages and databases so that no one else can edit them this is particularly useful when you have a table like this one that you want to share with people so this is a table of different tutorials that i've made for people and i actually showed how to create this how-to wiki in a recent video so if you want to check that out go for it it's got this pretty cool app called scribe that allows you to create these step-by-step guides very easily and quickly and it even has a great free version i'll leave a link to scribe in the description as well but anyways let's get back to locking the page so as you can see i can't really do anything with this page aside from change these statuses i can't add new columns or anything like that normally if i clicked around i'd be able to drag them or do different things with them i'd normally be able to do a lot of things but because this is locked as you can see right here i can't edit as much so this is particularly helpful if you share this with somebody and you don't want them to be like messing around with the database itself you just want them to be able to utilize it and look at these different um you know different tutorials in here so in order to toggle locking all you have to do is click these three buttons up in the corner hit this button right here and that will turn it off and as you can see we have all of our options back if i wanted to lock it i could just hit lock once again tip number 18 is to edit your link sharing options so if you want to share a page in notion this can be useful if you want to you know share a roadmap or if you want to share a database like the one i showed you in the last tip and i just want to give you a few tips on sharing because it can be a bit confusing so when it comes to sharing let's say i wanted to share this global share page or actually let's say i wanted to just share page a on the inside of it so what i would do is i'd come in here and i click page a and then i would hit share and here i can hit share to web if i want this to be shared to anyone and there's a few settings here there's allow editing so do you want people to be able to edit this page if you do you can turn this on typically you probably don't want to allow editing on a public page so i'm going to turn allow editing off here you can select if you want to allow comments so this could be useful if you wanted to share like a piece of text and you wanted people to be able to comment on it and in that case you could just invite specific people but let's say i want to turn this off because i don't want people to be able to comment and this button right here is pretty cool it allows you to duplicate as a template so if people want to actually use this notion page in the future i mean this blank amazing notion page well they could um they would get a duplicate button up in the corner if you turn this option on when you share this link with them and then search engine indexing so do you want google to like try to rank this for you if you do you would turn this on if you click right here it'll show you uh some of the people in your notion account and you can actually share this with them or you can share your page with different integrations if you want to integrate with something and you can also copy the link by hitting right here just remember you don't want to have any private information within here if you're sharing this to the web should be pretty obvious but i did want to note that tip number 19 is to embed videos in notion so if you want to have videos on hand maybe you want to embed one of my videos in your notion page i don't know you could totally do that you can embed youtube videos and you can also embed looms so let me show you how to do that so if i delete this one out of here and then i hit enter and then i type slash embed hit enter once again here i can actually embed a link so let's just say i go over to my youtube and let's say i copy a video link head back over to notion i can paste that in here and hit embed link and boom as you can see we now have this video embedded and i can change the size of it if i want to as you can see it centers it in the screen but if you want this to just align with one side you can do that column trick i showed you earlier so column one column two and then we can drag one over here and let's say i wanted it to go over here and maybe have some text about it on this side now for adding looms this is similar if you don't know what loom is this is a recording tool i'll leave a link to it in the description this allows you to create very quick uh easy tutorial videos or showcase different things like right here i'm going over my youtube analytics so let me just delete this out of here and if you want to embed a loom all you're going to do is hit slash and then type loom and they actually have a set loom embed integration here so you'd hit loom and then you can just paste the loom link right here after you create your loom so loom is this chrome extension i can just click this button right here hit start recording select the screen that i want to record three two [Music] one boom we're recording so this is kind of how it looks i can drag my face around i can do uh all sorts of things with this change the size of it i can hide the menu here and i can even hide my face if i wanted to and then once i am done i can hit stop sharing and it will generate this loom video all i do is copy this link right here head back over to notion and i paste that hit embed link and voila we have a nice little loom video with a cool like moving preview and everything and a play button here so we can actually uh play this back right here in notion and you know this is nice if you wanted to share tutorials in notion or you want to create a database of loom videos tip number 20 is to use the web clipper to grab large amounts of text so the web clipper is a tool that was developed by notion to help you basically grab text from websites and turn it into your own notion page so if you want to download this you can click the link in my description and it will take you to this page right here all you have to do is hit add to brave or it might say add to chrome for you if you're on google chrome by the way i believe this is just on chrome they might have it on firefox i'm not sure but i'm just going to hit add and then we're going to hit add extension now if i'm browsing around the internet and i come across an article that i want to save in notion so that i can read it later i'm just going to come up here and i'm going to enable this notion web clipper and then we can click on it it's just this little notion icon up here and it's going to take a second to load up but once it does we can give this page a title or you can keep it default to whatever the h1 is here so i'm just going to call it meta shares down and then you can select where you want to add this to so i have a database called web articles so i'm going to type that in and as you can see it'll pop up right here if i hit that and then hit save page that will be saved in notion and if i want to go straight to it i can hit open in notion as you can see we have zuckerberg's beautiful face right here in our notion account along with the text from that article and it's even linking up to different things here tip number 21 is to highlight using different colors to express different ideas so if i go to my web articles database you'll see that i have our web clipped article that we just grabbed if i hit open i can come in here and i can actually highlight different things so let's say i just wanted to highlight q4 earnings report right here so i would just highlight that with my mouse and then i'd come over to this button right here and you'd go down to background and you could use yellow or if you wanted to you could highlight something in a different color let's just say this was an important piece here so i could highlight that in pink to signify something else this can be a really useful way of looking at different articles and i actually think that the highlights look a lot better when they're in uh dark mode so if i hit command shift l like i showed you guys earlier as you can see you can see them a little bit better here tip number 22 is to import and export multiple different file types so did you know that you can actually publish or export things and you can also import different files into notion well if you click on these three dots up in the corner and then you go down to this button right here that says import or export you could click export for example and then we could export this as a pdf and you can change a few settings here so do you want to include the content yes or no page format you can change the size of it scale percentage 100 let's just change it to 90 then you can hit export and now as you can see i have a nice pdf with all my highlights in it uh from this article that i web clipped using notion tip number 23 is to create a notes database instead of independent pages so i see a lot of people that just create pages within pages within pages and they fill that up with notes but what i recommend is creating a proper notes database and i have lots of videos on this they can go more in depth with and you can learn more about this with and i even created a notes dashboard recently where you can quickly add new notes and then you can sort them by note type or by person that the note is related to so it's pretty nifty and it just keeps your notes nice and organized so i recommend checking out those videos tip number 24 is to explore notion chrome extensions to improve notion i'm surprised not many people actually know about this but there's tons of chrome extensions that you can use outside of just the notion web clipper so i'm going to have a link in my description to this page and you can check them out there's tons of different things that you can do notion boost right here let's see what that does so it basically is a chrome extension that adds different visual features i guess it adds like an outline table which is pretty neat so it shows a sticky outline set small text and full width for all pages so like kind of a mass small text full width setting let's check out this draw.io so this allows you to draw diagrams and then embed them in notion pages tailored notion this looks like it's somewhat similar to notion enhancer it's probably not quite as good but it looks like you can change the sidebar color if you want to you can change the look and feel of some things so that's pretty neat tip number 25 is to check out the notion reddit page this is a subreddit which is like a sub forum on a popular website called reddit i'm sure that some of you guys have heard of it and if i go over to this page i'll also have the link in my description uh as you can see there's just tons of people in here posting all of their notion content like this guy he created a space repetition flash card system for his for school classes as you can see he has you know a school page and then he has course notes and uh within that he has the the course um and he has tons of different tables in here and then he has these nice flash cards down here and this looks very aesthetically pleasing and i i don't know i just really like the look and feel of this so you can scroll through here and what i actually recommend is messing around with these settings so if you hit top you can see the top for like this month to see kind of some of the new trendy things on notion there's also some memes my to-do list redesigning my notion workspace me that that is actually pretty funny tip number 26 is to check out the what's new page and this is the official notion what's new page where they actually add their newest features and they keep us updated so it says last update was january 19th better text editing and copy and paste as i continue to scroll through as you can see they pretty much have just tons of different updates and this is nice if you want to just keep up to date with different things that they're adding like in november they added tables so simple tables not just databases so if you don't want anything to slip under the radar when they're coming out with it i just recommend bookmarking this page and checking in on it every now and then there will be a link to this page in the description you guys may have seen me using this one in this video but tip number 27 is to use the slash shortcut when you start typing something so this saves you a ton of time and let me kind of show you how that works so if i'm typing something in notion all i have to do is hit slash and then i can start typing text or i could type page and then you could just hit enter and it's going to create that for you uh and then if i go back in the breadcrumbs here as you can see we have a page tip number 28 is to convert blocks by hitting turn and two so for this here we could turn this list into a number list if we wanted to just by doing that or we could turn it into a to-do list so it's nice that these blocks are pretty flexible tip number 29 is to drag blocks around so as you can see here we have some different elements and as i was showing you guys earlier you can kind of drag these like i was showing you with the columns and you just want to basically look for that little blue dash and wherever that is that's where it's going to go so as you can see here if i wanted to turn this into a call out for instance we could also drag text within that tip number 30 is to create a home dashboard for all of your pages so that you have a quick glance at everything that's most important to you so if you check this out right here this is my home page in notion and as you can see i have a nice little task list over here i have a past days tracker on this side and down here we have a few menus that will bring us the different parts of my notion account tip number 31 is to set reminders in notion so if there's something specific that i want to remember i can just type slash reminder and then if i hit enter it's going to allow me to enter a date so let's just say feb uh fourth i can hit that and then it's going to have uh at friday and then if i hit remind it'll set an alarm and it will remind me when this is going to happen tip number 32 is to tag team members with the at symbol so if i wanted to share something with someone i could just hit at and then i could start typing in a name so let's just say i wanted to share something with myself tip number 33 is to use grouping to organize databases as you can see here i'm utilizing this grouping feature uh just to sort out my notes into different note types so i've got my introspective notes that i've kind of written and come up with and then i've got my learning notes here and these are the notes that i have basically just taken on different youtubers or different books that i've read and we have like reference documents for instance and these are just like databases or color guides for instance as you can see here this is just a list of toggle lists with some colors inside tip number 34 you can easily duplicate blocks to speed up your notion designs so let's say i have this callout right here if i click on this button i can hit duplicate and that will actually duplicate this block i can also highlight all of these hit command c and command v and that will actually create three new blocks and then i can drag these out and set them up however i want to so that was the quickest way to create six call-out blocks in my opinion tip number 35 is to create a task database and assign specific tasks to specific users within your notion account so if i wanted to assign these tasks to specific people i could just hit this plus button and then i could go to person and i could add the people that i want to do these tasks and right here on this column so assignee and i could type like drake and i could tag drake or i could tag myself or lauren and as you can see now we have a list of different things that people can do tip number 36 is to type notion.new into your browser and what this will do is we'll actually create a new notion page on the spot so i'm going to paste notion.new then i'm going to hit enter and that's going to create a new page within my notion account tip number 37 is to sync notion up with other apps using zapier or automate.io these aren't your only options and lots of apps are coming out with like native notion integrations now so there's tons of different options for integrating but if you want to learn more about connecting different applications like maybe you want to connect a google form or your google calendar or maybe your email with notion you could definitely check out my videos on the api i will have those as a card in the corner [Music] and basically this allows you to set up triggers so when something happens then do something over in notion that's basically what it does so for example if i get a new event added to my google calendar i could have it added to a database within notion tip number 38 is to drag between databases that are side by side so if you have two databases in one page like i do here you can drag pages between them so this is pretty nice it inherits the name it inherits the tags and you can simply drag and they're kind of interchangeable so this is something that i didn't know for a while when i first started using notion and this can be useful for a lot of different things when you're putting databases side by side it can be a little bit tricky let me show you what i mean by that like if i try to drag this it's not going to allow me to just drag it over to the side very well so what i can do is i can just type column one column two and then i can drag my column two very easily to the side of this column one and then from there you can just drag the databases underneath them and then once i'm ready i can just delete these column names out of here tip number 39 you can also drag blocks into pages so anything that i have on a notion page that i can grab and drag can be dragged into another page so if i wanted to add this text to this page i would just drag it into it and then i could click into this page and now we've got this text here this also works for pretty much any kind of block so if i wanted to create a table i could so i could have this table here and we could make it look a certain type of way if we wanted to and then i could drag that whole table into this page so that's a quick way to sort of drag things around i think if you get the hang of dragging things in notion it's going to help you out a lot with your speed and just with creating new pages tip number 40 is to use color to direct attention and notion so obviously color can play a huge role in where your eye goes when it comes to designing anything so we have gray for the less important stuff and then you can use like yellow or red so in order to create something like this these are just call outs and all i did was hit slash call out and then you can change the color of your callout on the side here just like so so let's say we wanted to create a purple one and then you can add an icon and as you can see i've added these gifs here so these gifs um i got from giphy like i showed you guys in the beginning of this video so if you wanted to search up some gifs you can add them here and you can just upload an image very simply so as you can see i just went ahead and uploaded this gif right here and then i could type something out and if you highlight it and hit command b you can make it bold and then you can drag text into the call out now i also wanted to show you some text examples what i like to do if i have something that's not super important but i do want to note it is i just make it gray and italic or you can just do like a solid gray but red is good for highlighting an important area or just an important piece of text or an example or something within your text and then you can also highlight things like i was showing you earlier tip number 41 is to quickly change colors so i showed you guys how to highlight something and then go over here and then click on the text color that you want but if you want this to be a little bit quicker i could type whatever i wanted to type so let's just say i want to type quick and then i could just hit slash and then type red and what that's going to allow me to do is pull up red and if i just hit enter it's going to change that text to red so quick orange boom that's much quicker to change text colors than going through the process of highlighting clicking scrolling to the color that you want tip number 42 is to create an archive for all of your old pages you wouldn't want to lose all that hard work right so what i like to do is create an archive page and if you remember right like i showed you earlier you can simply drag pages into other pages okay because that's a block type so if i hit page and then let's just say this is a new page and then let's say i wanted to get rid of it but i don't want to lose it forever maybe i did a lot of good work on there i just don't want it to show up in my main area well i could drag it into my archive and this archive that i've created is just a whole list of pages that um that i basically don't use anymore tip number 43 is to create different views for different needs so i like to kind of just label these views like i did here so in order that they were added and what i've got set right here is a sort to uh basically show created in an ascending fashion so this is going to show the order that these were added in from oldest to newest so if i scroll through these i can check out some of my older recipes up here and i can find my newer stuff down here and then i can click this button right here and i can go to my second view in alphabetical order so these ones are listed in alphabetical order or i could go to grouped by experience so these ones are actually grouped by what i want to make or what i want to learn to make and the tried and true the things that i've made you know dozens of times that i know i can make again in the future so this can be nice if you're just wanting to look for something new to make or maybe you want to you know have the easy way out and you want to make something that you've already done these ones i used the group and then you can just group by whatever you want whatever property you want here if you want any more info on grouping or learning more about these databases and how to create these different views i recommend checking out my databases tutorial that is going to give you a comprehensive view at databases and people have said that that video has helped them a ton when it comes to learning about databases i don't know what it is but something about the way that i was teaching in that video just broke through to a lot of people so i definitely recommend you check out that video if you need extra help with databases don't give up on notion tip number 44 is to create a projects database and a task database and then link them together so let me show you what i'm talking about this will actually give you guys a little bit of a idea on how to use databases a little bit better if you're not sure yet so what i would do is i'd hit slash page and then i could create a projects table and if i go to table now i can add projects okay and i could add tons of different properties here but for the sake of this tutorial i'm just going to have just a projects column so let's say website for abc company website design create my own website decorate the house for christmas hey christmas in february uh whatever i guess that's kind of random but hey um i'm actually gonna delete these and then we're gonna go back to my uh initial page here and i'm going to create a second page for tasks so these are the tasks within these projects so if i hit slash page and i call it tasks table then i can click table and we can have tasks here we can add some check marks and a cool thing that notion just added is uh it used to be you could only drag it to a certain point like with with these normal columns you can only drag it to a certain point with check boxes you can actually drag it all the way down to the check box which is a great new feature that they added kind of a small add-on but just super nice and then if i hit this button right here and i go to property type relation this is where we're going to select our other database our projects table it's going to pop up here and i can click on it and then i can hit create relation and i'm going to name this project and then we can go in here and we can find the project that we want to relate to a task so website design for abc company and then here i would add a bunch of different tasks so mock up the abc company website create a site map for abc company set up hosting for abc companies and then let's say i add in some more tasks for these different projects that we created so put up christmas tree and then maybe we have some tasks for create my own website come up with color guide hire designer to help with graphics purchase domain name so let's say those are some of my tasks here and now as you can see this isn't super beneficial as it stands right now but if i go up here and i click on group i can actually group by project and then my tasks table just got a whole lot more organized right i can hide this top one and as you can see we have these toggle lists of the different projects so if i just want to focus on creating my website i can open that up and i can see the tasks within and i can also add a new task down here and it will automatically add it to that project so let's add a new task for the website and as you can see we now have this list and if i go over to this button right here and i hit filter i can hit add filter and we can go to check box is unchecked and then anything that gets checked it disappears from the list and we can actually add a view here we can call it archive make it a list if we want and this one will be the opposite so we're going to go to filter add a filter where check box is checked so it's only going to show the completed items and then i can go back to my table and i can continue with checking off my tasks and completing my lists of things that i have to do one thing to note is if you do want to bring these tasks back they can be brought back you just have to go to properties on this view and then go to check box and you just have to untick them from here and then they will be back in our list tip 45 is to embed paper notes within notion so let me show you what i'm talking about as much as i love notion and as much as i love the digital presence i also like to take some paper notes so if i write a note here what i can do is i can take a scanned picture of it with my phone so i've got this app called scanner pro i'm just going to click on it and then i can just hold it close to the page that i want to take a picture of and because this isn't flat it's not cooperating but it usually is pretty good so it's going to highlight what i want to take a picture of and then it's going to create a scanned file of that so what i can do next is i can just hit share and i can send this over to google drive and now i've got this note right here in google drive in a digital format so if i wanted to i could download this at this point and then i could head back over to notion and i can add a note here i just have to hit the plus button and then i can give it a name we can also give it a type and then over here i can hit slash embed hit enter and then we're going to upload this file and as you can see it plops it right into my page right here i'm going to open this up and we're just going to drag this all the way down so that it fills up the entire note and then there you have it we have an embedded uh note that i actually wrote on paper and what i would like to do here is just add a tag and i could just type something along the lines of paper note and then that way i know in the future i have all of my paper notes tagged with paper note and then i can sort by paper note and essentially i can see all of the paper notes that i've written tip 46 is to download the notion desktop app and the notion mobile app so these are the links for that if you want to check those out i will have these in the description but you can actually download the app on your phone it's not the best experience on your phone but it can be great if you're just like looking at a specific list and checking off items like if you have a shopping list in notion or something like that if you're creating something i recommend downloading the notion desktop app and using that or you can just stick to the browser like i'm using right now tip number 47 is to build an all-out website using notion and there are two hosts that i know of that you can use for this it's super.so or host notion co and i'll have links to these guys in the description but check out this beautiful website that i made using notion and you know you can kind of code it however you want to using css if you aren't familiar with that i go over that in my tutorial the nice thing about notion websites is you can have your databases right within the website and you can share different information as you add it tip number 48 is to track progress on a project using a kanban board so if i wanted to do this and i wanted to share progress with my team or something like that or a client i could just create a page and we could share it like i showed you earlier but we would just call this progress of project and then i would create a board and i could hide the uh no status and then we could go in here and i could have completed not started and in progress and you can change the names of these if you want to like let's say videos that i that i have in the pipeline for productive dude let's say i wanted to keep you guys updated on that so video ideas i could have planned videos and then i could have like published and we could have the video names right here so let's just say how to use obsidian how to use notion for notes and then 49 notion tips okay and you can drag these around and if you want to you can share this with people just by hitting share and then share to web make sure allow editing allow comments is off allow duplicates is off and you can hit copy and then if i go look at this on a public page it will look something like this so people won't be able to really mess with this as you can see you can't drag things around you can just get a nice view of what this looks like so you can share that link with any colleagues or any shareholders that have anything to do with a project that you're working on and finally guys tip number 49 is to check out my notion playlists i have tons of videos that go super in depth and give you a full-fledged tutorial on exactly how to build different things in notion we have a tutorial on a meal planner we have a tutorial on a notes database we have tutorials on task dashboards tons of different things it's very exciting so check out the playlist i hope you guys enjoyed these tips i hope you learned something new if you want to see more videos like this go ahead and subscribe share this video with a friend if you found it helpful and you think that they could too and like this video for the youtube algorithm you can always leave comments below if you have any questions i'm pretty quick to answer them if i know the answer and usually i do because i've been around the block with notion i also just want to say thank you so much for watching through this entire video if you made it to the end i really appreciate it alright we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Productive Dude
Views: 539,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notion Tips, Notion Tutorial, Notion Tips and Tricks, Notion Tricks, Notion, Notion Keyboard Shortcuts, Notion Templates, Notion Tutorials, Notion Blocks, Notion Embeds, Notion CSV, Notion Comments, Notion Reminders, Export Notion, Notion Pages, Notion Goals, Notion Databases, Notion To Do, Best Notion Tips, Pro Notion Tips, Notion Hacks, Notion To Do Lists, Notion Shortcuts, Notion Video Tutorial, notion, notion app, notion setup
Id: NoLg2qFiOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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