Trekking to Everest Base Camp from Start to Finish - Nepal 2023

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welcome to Nepal and this is the Everest Base Camp Trek [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] day one we're just waiting for our flight to flight to Luther as expected it's delayed which is very normal so we're just hanging out with our our family and our wonderful guide to cut on how many trips is this for you uh wow you can't wait we're glad to have you thank you why is ever a space camp on your bucket list because I [Music] beautiful treks in the world I just want to do it we're excited we're ready what brought you to Nepal [Laughter] um you liked the hike enough to go twice that's a good sign that's a good sign s [Music] [Music] namaste yeah okay [Music] thank you namaste [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] if you feel lonely I will be here and waiting for the Sun it's getting closer but it will never let down here by the ocean fire is burning the wind oh the water is cold on my teeth holy moly what are you doing there we're reading and it's cold how cold is it outside it's freezing and it's day one it's only 47 degrees why it's a little cold [Music] the batteries are draining so all the camera stuff is in the backpack so phone video it is oh I have no doubt I know you really want to stay all right day two supposed to be a really tough day headed up to namchi so far it's sprinkling but our body's warming up with the hiking so it is chilly but it's not too bad so it rained overnight and so the tops of the mountains are absolutely incredible they're snow-capped and it's raining down where we are but the higher we go we're definitely going to see some snow this trip [Music] [Music] [Music] on our way to Nam Chief Bazaar a lot of uphills a lot of rocks the uphill steps really get to me other than that I haven't hurt myself yet I'm the slowest one slow is safe safe is fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop are you impressed me and your parents I do we just made it to our lunch spot after this we're gonna go to the famous Hillary bridge and then it's pretty much switched back the whole way to namchi so today's a tough day tomorrow's a climatization day we're surviving it's a little colder than we thought but uh your body warms up as you start hiking [Music] [Music] it's raining [Music] she's never done this type of thing before so he's really amazed feeling good definitely not cold [Music] day too they say the hardest day all right this is what people really even know about the trick it could be raining and then it turns into freezing rain and then it turns into snow okay at least compared to Patagonia this seems way more crowded and this isn't even the height of the season so I was really surprised like you are waiting to go up parts of the mountain like because of people I don't enjoy that very much but other people are okay with it because it makes you just go slow so you don't feel like you have to go really but I don't know a little popular I would say yeah it was really freaking hard mainly because it's freezing and I'm wet we kind of spread out everything turn around here and show you the view from our room which is incredible foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning we are hiking to Everest View Hotel went through some crazy weather yesterday so it feels so nice to get a beautiful view a clear day it's always good to start in the morning let's go [Laughter] oh my gosh this is magical I keep it real if it sucks it sucks if it's beautiful I tell the people it's beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for the first time that was pretty exciting because of the rain yesterday and the slush that we had to trudge through for hours up the mountains are made for a wonderful View today now we're gonna do a short acclimatization hike with our guide and our Porters and then we'll have the afternoon in namsu to explore [Music] thank you this is on the top of our acclimatization hike we're going to Sagar Mata next which is a museum that was actually created after covid and it's all about how waste is taken down the mountain sustainably and they actually create art out of some of the waste which is really cool all right guys I ended up deciding to make this a separate video I plan on doing a little Deep dive on ecotourism in the Everest region I liked seeing them Place more value on sustainability in an area that is susceptible to over tourism so please stay tuned for this one to come out thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] there are different routes that can take you to Everest Base Camp a lot of people we have seen on the trail are going to gokyo that's a beautiful lake so that's an option you can do we are not personally doing that so we're headed to everspace camp and if we did not stop it would take 21 hours from here [Music] 's taking pictures [Music] thank you [Music] foreign elevation 38 75 meters all right on our itinerary it said it was like 5.745 miles my garment says 7.79 miles so I don't know what's more accurate but I feel like I've gone 7.79 miles yeah [Music] [Music] it's protecting everybody [Music] looking good for it yeah good yeah foreign [Music] six and a half hours of hiking so right now we're kind of just hanging out until dinner time one sits around the fire to warm up and we can order some drinks if we end up making it to the top I'm gonna feel very accomplished day five starts tomorrow getting a little colder as we go up but it's still not too bad every morning the weather is just absolutely beautiful so we try to leave early as possible to maximize the weather report on the clouds rolling [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is Chris reading in bed down the hall there's a couple bathrooms there's no hot water but one of the bathrooms does have a flushing toilet which is pretty great because the past couple days we've just been taking a bucket of water and just pouring it down the toilet and then gravity kind of does its thing so that's been an experience and uh cold as you can see by what I'm wearing but yeah other than that it's been pretty good so day five check I'm shooting Sunrise right now and it's just it's absolutely magical look at this oh my God the sun is just coming over the mountains it's just incredible all right so today is day six we are acclimatizing here in dingbuche this is the wonderful little mountain town that we're staying in it's just nestled between these mountains and it's absolutely incredible I woke up for Sunrise and it was just it was and so today we're hiking up I think 300 meters just to acclimatize and get used to the altitude and make sure our bodies are prepared for tomorrow's hike to loboche so we get some pretty views this morning and then we're just gonna head out and hang out in town for the rest of the day oh oh dance party [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] truckers and the Mountaineers that you know are brave enough to come up here and Adventure but unfortunately lost their lives here and it's just it's really sad it sounds like Scott Hall or Rob Hall and Scott Fisher's Memorial and everything and all the Sherpas and the local people that have died but man it sure is a beautiful place so I understand the the Allure to want to be here and explore it and definitely an experience for sure [Laughter] so it's just us and then there were two hey gonna never Space Camp so Raquel and I mom and dad had to turn around my mom wasn't feeling too good so they're getting helicoptery back back down to Lupa it's really important you just got to listen to your body it's unfortunate but they crushed it they made it really far they got views of Everest views of the Himalayas it's absolutely stunning up here we're sad We're not gonna be able to finish it with them but we're gonna finish it for him 60 year old and 66 year old they did great made it to the second to last day pretty awesome all right I think we're almost to Kodak shop you can definitely feel the altitude up here breathing heavier faster but I don't have a headache I haven't taken anything I will if my body tells me I need to but so far I've been so um I've been good so we're just taking it easy it's absolutely stunning I got a little ways to go last push until base camp today [Music] [Music] we're going to drop our packs and then keep going to head towards base camp it's a beautiful sunny day [Music] shop our last hotel room until we head back down small and cozy little a little chilly we're packing a day pack and now we're going to head up to everspace camp and then we turn back around and come back here for the night so [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] every space game 5364 meters so here's my team so you made this congratulations yeah thank you thank you you're married yeah [Music] thank you thank you thanks again I couldn't have done it without these guys they're the best [Music] [Music] okay and then as you can see the clouds have started to roll in it's better to start hiking early beautiful Glacier down here it's official we made it to ever space camp eight days so many miles a lot of acclimatizing a lot of hiking I'm exhausted the Himalayas are absolutely incredible I mean seeing Everest is insane but seeing the other mountains surrounding it is just as amazing it is quite crowded here so there's that it is quite an accomplishment for uh for people to make it this far so we're happy we're happy we made it harder the second time harder the second time we got a little bit older foreign [Applause] sunset [Music] [Music] or sunrise and it's just weather dependent I'm exhausted his parents are rocking Kathmandu at the hospital trying to figure out how Insurance Works those are required to come now we know why we are going to try to make it back as soon as possible we're just gonna try to like hike it all the way down three days three days three days would be great I think I can dance all right so let's uh enjoy our evening and yay we did it I don't think you can see me but this is one of the wildest Things I've ever done wake up at 4am to climb a mountain to to catch Everest at sunrise it's cold it's probably like I don't know five degrees outside Fahrenheit oh bye I think it's gonna be worth it the hardest part is leaving and we're committed now I feel like I'm climbing Everest even though I'm not okay [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all the way down how do you like this guy this is a beautiful view on the way back [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay it's day 11. it's our very last day it has been a epic and epic trip but I am definitely ready for a shower I need to wash my hair it's just it's been a lot it's a lot of hiking and a lot of no hot water so yeah we're leaving namche Bazaar and we are going to hike all the way from namche to lukla today and then we're going to try to catch a flight from Luca tomorrow morning all downhill for the most part so hopefully it won't be too bad um but that's kind of hard on my knees so we'll see how it goes foreign [Music] we didn't get much footage because it was just like sleet rain freezing rain kind of snow slushy conditions it was terrible I was miserable so it's really nice to have it all melted now and it's beautiful walking through the forest and the ground is dry and so it's much much more enjoyable this time thank you [Music] it's in the Hillary Bridge one last time rude person [Music] [Music] I'm tired what time is it it doesn't matter 2 45 we're done we made it to Luke finally from it's really hard nobody says how hard it is pretty hard really stepped today I have 33 000 steps not bad yeah [Laughter] Okay so we've come to the end of the Trek big shout out to Karan and our Porters for making our trip such an incredible experience I'll be sure to link their info in the description if you have any questions just leave me a comment I'm happy to answer and share any advice if you plan on trekking in Nepal I have an entire story highlight saved under EBC on my insta if you want to check that out too I will say if I could do it all over I would have packed a little warmer clothes maybe a few hand and foot warmers for that Sunrise hike to call it patar but you live and you learn I can't thank you guys enough for watching it truly means the world to me please subscribe if you want to see more until then I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Eco-Flight Attendant
Views: 71,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, trekking, everest base camp, everest, hiking, travel
Id: sqtAcf8md1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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