EVEREST BASE CAMP Everything in 10 minutes (Guide)

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I'm Steph Morris and this is my 10-minute guide into everything that you need to know to complete the every space country every step sort of this is unbelievable and this is where you'll most likely start in the crazy Capital Kathmandu Kathmandu is quite a big city with a population of 1.4 million it's colorful chaotic and Brilliant so make sure to leave a couple of days to explore the city either side of your track some amazing sights to see include the monkey temple turbo square and the burning gats and the main hub for Backpackers and Trekkers is Tamil this is where we stayed here there's loads of good restaurants and backpacking bars so it's a good place to meet people and also there's loads of cheap hiking gear on offer this is where you want to buy a new jacket or hire a sleeping bag for your Trek like we did so firstly what do you need to bring with you to do with the track here's a list of everything you need to bring our weight limits were 10 kilograms for our big bags and 5 kilograms for our day packs this can be different with different companies or if you're on your own you'll have to bring everything yourself some very useful things that I brought including my lightweight trail shoes but boots with ankle support might be better for you a featherweight jacket to keep me cool but still protect me from the Sun and wind and this sun hat which I got in KTM for five pounds a sleeping bag is mandatory because some of the tea houses can get very cold these can be rented in Kathmandu if you don't want to buy one just for this trip make sure to bring power seat them all and tablets to help an upset stomach and when packing make sure to bring only the things that you know you'll need what time of year should you visit the peak the peak season for Everest Base Camp it's February to May and October to December this is when the skies are most clear and the nights aren't too cold but this is when the trail is at its busiest especially in the spring when the climbing season is on the winter offers amazing snowy scenery but it can be extremely cold and the summer months are wet because of the monsoon but the trail is really Lush and green I went at mid-september when the monsoon was coming to an end I was a bit worried because there was a lot of rain in Kathmandu however on the track we had amazing weather and hardly any roads but another worry we had was flying to luckler because the weather here can be very temperamental because of the weather we had our flight delayed by several hours but some people had their flight delayed by days or even had to use helicopters the end of September is probably a perfect window to do base camp because of the clear skies and less crowds however you will be risking your flight to luckler I was just hoping that the plane could come back and take us away guides versus solo I did this Trek with a guided group with a company called Intrepid this meant that our pyramids and accommodation were taken care of as well as our safety as we had regular oxygen tests and our guides were experienced in understanding the signs of AMS our guides are also great in knowing where what and what not to eat and know everything about the area so all our questions were answered which meant we learned loads about the landscape and the culture [Music] trade off for doing the Trek on your own is you'll have more freedom this means you can spend more time or less time where you like doing it solo can also be less expensive but you will need to do more research into permits and accommodation personally doing the track with guides meant all I had to do was focus on enjoying and I could enjoy the whole experience hassle-free this is unbelievable Fitness the trail itself from luckler base camp isn't too challenging there are steep inclines in some areas but a lot of it is gradual having said that you will be hiking from six to seven hours a day for the majority of the days so it's important to be relatively fit to be able to do the track comfortably you can stop as much times as you need to so I wouldn't worry too much but mixed with the altitude and sleep deprivation a seven hour hike can be quite tough going so don't underestimate it before I go in I try to run and swim a couple times a week and do some hiking in order not to have any cardio issues overall I was fine but one thing I couldn't train for leads me to my next point the altitude and dirty box you can start to feel the effects of altitude after 2 500 meters which is just under the height of luckler so it's important to keep an eye out for AMS symptoms which can lead to more severe illnesses if they get worse if you have a guide make sure to tell them if you you have the following symptoms headaches sickness dizziness and loss of appetite it's tough to train for the altitude but there are things you can do on the track to help you avoid AMS like drinking at least four liters of water a day taking a hike super slow and steady and keep yourself eating and full of energy something you can take as well is Diamox or speak to a doctor and your guide before doing so for me personally I think it helped I started taking 250 milligrams a day after namche Bazaar with only pins and needles in my hands side effects but it might not work for everyone the most important thing is don't let all of this stress you out just drink loads of water take it slow and you'll be fine accommodation and tea houses the main accommodation throughout the Trek the base camp are T hoses they're basic but comfortable the ones I stayed at were fairly clean and had everything we needed from hot showers charging points and food they all had comfy beds as well but in the nights it did get cold so this is why it's important to have a sleeping bag most of them also had lounges with fires so it was nice to spend our evenings here playing cards and meeting other hikers the toilet facilities varied as well some were like the style we have in the UK and others were this type I'd also recommend bringing your own toilet roll to save you buying it and also hand sanitizer in case there's no soap by the sinks food and drink on the trail there's nothing to worry about with the food on the track the tea houses have a wide range of meals from Veggie noodles to pizza and chips the price of food increases the further up you go but even in gorakshep you can still get a full meal of noodles or dalbot for around 600 rupees A good rule is not to eat any meat past namche Bazaar as the meat isn't well preserved further up the trail but if you have a guide make sure to check with them you have to bring a purification method for drinking water either a straw chlorine drops or like we brought purification tablets which were like two pound on Amazon for 100 tablets and also two one liter bottles just drop one tablet into one liter of tap water wait half an hour and then drink it this saved us loads of money and we use less plastic and we had no stomach issues at all try and drink from four to six liters of water a day and there's loads of restaurants and places to get snacks on the trail so going Hungary is not an issue trust me charging and Wi-Fi most tea houses have power to charge things and Wi-Fi just be prepared to pay like most things on the track the further up you are the more expensive it'll be a good tip is to invest in a power bank for your trip because it'll save you money and it's more convenient the Wi-Fi was also more expensive the further up you got but to be honest I phoned going a while without the Wi-Fi was actually a really nice experience cash and tips I was spending from three to four and a half thousand rupees a day and I took around 50 000 rupees with me on the track which was more than enough for me but everyone spends their money differently so if You Know You're Gonna Want More Wi-Fi Western food and snacks then maybe bring a little bit more Nepal is a Cash country especially up the mountains so make sure you get your rupees in Kathmandu either from an ATM or change of cash to avoid the ATM fee I also had 500 on me in case of an emergency luckily I didn't need to use it but I did use it for the tips to the guides this isn't mandatory but they do such a good job and work so hard that is definitely deserved emergency cash is also important in case you need a helicopter which can be 500 upwards but you can pay by card for these a different weather although the majority of our trip was clear skies and dry we did experience all types of different weather so it's important to be prepared the sun can get very hot and the UV index is higher as the air gets thinner so protect your skin and wear high SPF sunscreen it is hot now keep layers in your day pack as the temperature can change quickly when you hike temperatures significantly drop and carry a waterproof cord with you at all times in case of rain up at 5000 meters we also add snow so make sure you have warm clothes to put on as you get higher up especially gloves if you're using the camera here's some bonus tips for photographers and video makers and carrying camera gear on the track number one take your camera out of your bag at the airport before your flight to luckla especially if you're close to the weight limit number two only pay for one charge but get two batteries done with multi Chargers and bring spare batteries number three if you have a zoom lens like a 24-70 just bring that switching lenses constantly especially after four and a half thousand meters is a pain and it'll save weight number four have a waterproof shell and a dry sack in your bag for three layers of protection against the weather and number five bring loads of memory cards this track is one of the most beautiful in the world so you'll be flying through them my last tip just enjoy is the most memorable spectacular amazing experience you could ever do and I hope you found this guide to a completely never space cab useful and you enjoyed and if you have any questions then make sure you comment them below and if you want to see more travel content including more guides and travel Vlogs then make sure to subscribe and I'll see you all in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Steff Morris
Views: 75,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everest, base, camp, everest base camp, EBC, ebc trek, travel guide, guide, travel vlog, vlog, video, making, photography, Himalayas, lhotse, climbing, altitude, diamox, trekking, hiking, hiking video, kraig adams, drone, sony a7iii, gopro, 8000m, nepal, Kathmandu, lukla, dingboche, luboche, namche bazaar
Id: vIgIbgDz8oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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