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base camp alarm's just gone off because we're heading up to count one today oh it's early let's get up go breakfast in a minute last few things to pack and then heading off into the ice fall it's gonna be awesome um [Music] making our way along the edge of all the camps to where we enter the ice floor takes about 10 minutes from where we're coming but it's a beautiful night it's pretty crisp and cold and it looks like we might be just ahead of the main routes at the moment which would be awesome nice journey through the ice floor way further up about an hour ahead uh but nothing in front of us which is perfect so we're gonna roll in now for about half an hour till we get the crampon point and um all right i've just got to cramp on point where the sort of snow and ice deepens up a bit uh we've been going about 40 minutes and we've done just over a kilometer from uh from leaving camp which is cool i haven't really gained much height yet that's all good that's what's about to happen yeah we're sticking our crampons on here before it gets a bit steeper and a bit more committing it's absolutely perfect tonight we've timed it really well uh just behind the sherpas who are heading up through the ice floor in front of the roots it's actually not that cold so what time is it now just gone 20 plus three perfect all going well we might be at camp for about eight or nine o'clock hopefully before the sun comes up all right first pretty steep bit in the iphone 10 meters kicks up to about 85 degrees see if you felt coming up most of the time in the ice floor we just clip them with one or two carabiners for these short steep bits i'll just stick the jumar on and assist myself a little short steep bulge just coming up to 4 45 bang in the middle of the cumberland about two and a half hours nearly uh just over maybe two and a half k we're just about 5 600 if you can see it but the uh lights at base camp are way below a couple of climbers behind there's a few climbers just ahead of us as well and we're heading for the gap up there between the west shoulder of everest and the side of nupsi you can just see just spin background first light is coming up that's palmori uh just started to shine a bit brighter and the sun will be coming up behind everest our first ladder of the ice floor pretty cool just a short one spanning a little gap and a nice angle a couple of folk down there having a rest base camp right down the back there see a few torches so sun's coming up slowly we're still somewhere in the middle of the ice wall about 5 6 70 but we can now turn our head torches off and just start climbing through on the horizon some cool ice blocks we'll just keep moving through here quickly about 5700 do really well just came through a little bit of a scary bit with a few and the overhangs is coming up it's a beautiful day just come into the sort of uh upper middle part of the kumbh ice pool uh you can just see down below me like an area called the football field where a couple of guys just chilling a few more coming up behind them super cool morning it's just gone 6 30 and we're at about 500. so just trying to weave our way through carefully and quickly soon we'll be at the top of this and into slightly safer flatter terrain and come on just on the very last uh obstacle in the icefall before we top out into the western it's a pretty monster crevasse wow look at that huge uh [Applause] is uh oh [Music] good morning uh it's just gone nine am and we're setting off come on heading up the western coming to mostly pretty flat uh undulating i suppose probably gonna be a few ladders and a few bits and bobs but it should take us about three or four hours i think it's a beautiful day a little breezy a little bit chilly in the wind but pretty awesome maybe just a little bit less but the weather is good slight breeze keeping the temperature down one is just back down there a little bit i spin around come to just there otherwise we're in the magical western comb flanked on all sides by nipsey loxi everest running back down this is everest summit this is lotsy absolutely awesome today uh [Music] okay that's fine the trail from camp one to where we are now uh sort of weaves around and there's lots of s's because lots of uh crevasses some of them are massive ladders this year between one and two pretty deep so it's a pretty easy journey from one to two doesn't usually take that long um so we're not far from camp now probably half an hour 40 minutes we're right in the middle of the western comb it's absolutely awesome just got 12. that means we've been going for just under three hours which is totally cool uh first rotation from one to two would normally take three to six as you hours see [Music] taking off most of my clothes pretty hot just more sunken i'm looking forward to getting to come here we go just coming into the edge of camp 2 which is uh 6 400 meters just situated on the edge of glacier on the left of the western comb looks good like this the camp 2 is long and thin through the moraine and the ice fall up to our camp which is just ahead looking forward to sitting down having a complete just got one o'clock so that's four hours from leaving camp one first rotation really good so we're now at 6400 meters perfect so here we go in the tent just been sorting some stuff out and faffing around empty my bag and yeah changing my socks all the usual sort of admin just had a quick drink and a bit of lunch so feeling really good i might even treat myself to bit of snooze but here we go 6450 here as we're at the top end of camp two and settling in to ten life so all right it's just gone nine o'clock and so it should take us about three and a half four hours a little bit lower than normal it's a beautiful day here up on the face i can see people above count three making their way through the yellow band and above the yellow band and probably making their way into the south coal but the weather for the next three days is perfect so we're hoping to summon in two and a half days from now pretty cool we're going about half an hour a couple of people just below it and a few people just above the bushwind and a few people on the face it's a beautiful day nice cool breeze keeping the temperature down it's pretty bright and sunny so heaps of sun cream loads of fluid loads of water yeah all good making our way up camp three to the summit so yeah pretty spectacular today a couple of our team have gone ahead most are waiting for the next weather window in a week or so [Applause] alright uh we're almost at the lazy face there's just a couple of crevasses to cross but this one is so deep and so dark that i can't even see the bottom amazing oh here we go on the lots of face feels good to be here the recent snow has stuck to the face the beauty and now we have some really good footprints to kick into thinking about two and a half hours from camp two to probably about six thousand nine hundred meters just put a massive hard-boiled sweet in my mouth so i can hardly breathe talk and suck at the same time it's all good do really well probably about 45 minutes from camp beautiful day you see if your climb is up there if you're coming down so we're just under 7 000 meters on the lots of face and we're just kicking off the main open face onto a sort of icy shoulder so it's getting a bit steeper and a little bit slower but it's all good probably only sort of 45 minutes from camp we're just at 7050 looking over quite a steep bit it's awesome the conditions are perfect today the light breeze perfect snow conditions just around the corner the whole camp 2 1 western comb all looking amazing heading back totally cool up there you can see bits of the yellow band geneva spur south coal summit really really good should be about three and a half hours into camp from cap two which is awesome just below come three seven thousand nearly one hundred nice short steep icy bits oh here we go country surfer 7 100 meters [Applause] oh [Applause] all right just left camp three at six am i'm making our way up the lotus face up towards the yellow band a few other fake around today so far pretty cool days not too cold blue sky it's going to be amazing here's a couple of folk about 7 300 7 400 coming up to towards the yellow band there's an up sea behind the other folk coming up as you can see it's got a bit hot so i've stripped off the top half my down seat see camp two right down the bottom the rest and comb and just up there top everest no wind today so it's pretty hot hot in the face so um we're going about four and a half hours and we're now at the legendary yellow band it's just here the recent snows have uh helped i think we do see a sherpa on the crux of it now just a yellowy orangey band of rock that cuts across the lots of face and then we just go up and across they didn't even spur and it's coming sounds easy still probably another three hours i think at least big day so hmm been going just over six hours and the weather has just come in a bit cloudy and a bit snowy but not too bad it's not very windy quite scottish really doing good above the other band there's a big snowfield so we're just making our way through that and then over to this this lump here called the geneva spur uh so we're gonna head across and to us through that and then once we're out the other side it's not far to get into camp pretty big day it's gonna be an eight nine hour day probably about seven thousand eight hundred here you can just see the pinnacles on lotsy yeah it's got a bit cloggy now so we're just coming out to the edge [Music] so my once over the uh steep section of the geneva spur we've got this really nice relatively flat [Music] it's a bit windy and uh a bit a bit scottish but i'm good you can see here and then a guy in the distance in red yeah it's like 15 20 minutes from camp awesome time for a cup of tea it's exactly 100 and we're now at 7 9 50 in the south carol this is the uh the high camp for everest see a number of tents here and it is always windy here funneling between lotsy and everest totally intently awesome pretty tired but nothing a quick cup of tea and maybe noodle soup might swell out hey just shy of 8 000 south coal let's go in a cup of tea all right here we go summit day it's just going to happen 10 00 uh p.m in the evening about 100 meters out of camp now and it's a perfect night the stars are out there's not a puff of wind feeling really good there's quite a few folk out heading for the summit tonight on everest all right here we go [Applause] and now we're heading up a bit in the next few steeper we'll be heading straight up here towards the balcony quite a distinct future on the summit so far so good [Applause] so we're about eight thousand five hundred and fifty we've just come to the balcony swapped our oxygen had a a cup of tea back to me now we're heading up towards the south summit uh a little breezy on this bit of the bridge always is but i'm now tiptoeing very cool okay [Applause] just um five o'clock and the first rose of sunlight hit in my face oh it's absolutely awesome such an amazing morning but there muscles [Music] [Music] finally just coming around into the south summit and you get a full view with the whole summit ridge in the summit much halfway across to myself on the amazing everest summit ridge legendary hillary step to do which is slightly different these days and then up and over to the summit here we go [Music] [Music] touch foreign so so so so um um [Music] you
Channel: Jon Gupta
Views: 476,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GGV8axWrYik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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