Everest Base Camp Trek: Part 1 (No Guide, No Porter)

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good morning so it is just after 5 a.m the ticket says to be here an hour and a half before the flight which is at 4 45 and the airport is still closed I was the second one here and now there's a pile but airport still closed oh I don't think I've actually told you and what's going on so I am in Kathmandu Nepal going to start this morning the Trek to Mount Everest Base Camp oh and I'll be doing this with no guide and no Porter [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] puppies [Music] [Applause] this puppy's been following me hey hello [Music] are you still following me there's two of you hi hi thank you hello hello I don't have any food hello there oh hi they have me surrounded because you're no longer hiking solo yeah I got all the way down way down there by the flags and I cannot find the place to pick up my permit and it's upstairs you can't really ask anyone because they'll just try to Usher you to their business so I did all of that for nothing and now I'm almost back where I started oh [Music] now the only option is a hole in the ground I was mostly going the right way but the Sunday's out so now I need my hat what do you think just bought this one two cups about 20 steps this way is where I turned around thinking I'd gone too far and 10 steps in front of me is a big sign for the track card s thank you welcome to look looking Amanda Martin thank you I got my check card finally finally found it and my permit to get into The National Park but I think I'm gonna turn around and have breakfast just in case there isn't any more along the way [Music] thank you it's harder than it looks [Music] so lunch was really good actually it was breakfast it was my first time having Nepalese food it was also there for my first time trying doll bat it was delicious it cost 500 rupees which is about 3.50 for the whole dish and some hot tea and some water that I purified using some tablets the right path is down this way but there's a beautiful bird with this giant long tail that I've never seen before so I'm stalking it with how high my pack is and my hat do you see anything oh he flew way why are we still chatting my first Yaks I saw my first yes yay thank you here's another one coming all by himself [Music] my toes hurt so bad I can't move anymore I found some beautiful water and it cheers me up just a little bit ow my first hanging Bridge Crossing it's a little windy and I'm pretty sure there's water below I don't want to lose my hat see the wind oh my goodness there's ground right below us wow that's really wobbly I didn't think it would be but this is actually quite scary so high don't be scared don't be scared I'm hoping that this is the next Village I would just have to go all the way down the hill there's loopy loop around and then come all the way up the hill it looks like maybe up a bunch of stairs oh please because every stuff is like ow ow that's a big delicious an hour and a half an hour and a half well he said for you an hour and a half so maybe easy as we like being along but at least we're going uphill and up it's way better on the toes up and down hollow tree helped me oh oh my God [Applause] okay so WC does not mean wash Center like it does in many other places in the world they'll live here my dream home right here [Music] [Music] look what I found side of this Tea House says and that is this the village I have been searching for oh please let my hotel close please please please starting to sprinkle okay my reserved tea house is called Hotel Beer Garden I'm hoping that I get to cross that Sky Bridge to get to my hotel the bridge isn't part of the trail [Music] I think I found a monastery and very likely all the rest of the hotels [Music] it's not this one or this one or how many of those I passed down the hill how cute is that one look at what I see it is ginormous Hotel Beer Garden do you want to say hi hi hi do you want to see yeah bye all I have to do tomorrow it's just look down the steps and I'm already on the path to the next destination huh wow oh my goodness oh they're so beautiful and there's some water right here outside well this is like the prettiest View the whole day okay this is it number two zero one [Music] good morning I do not feel well it's just after 5am and it's time to start hiking again but I felt miserable all night dinner is still sitting in the windowsill and I just I feel absolutely miserable I'm not sure if you can see but there's a lot of snow up on the mountains this morning I can't see with my hood laughs blah I feel blah the rooster's growing right around the corner from mighty house is all of this and all of this which means there's animals [Music] I love this thing is wobbly dear prayer will please let my toes be okay do the rest of the hike please let me not be sick my pressure now the kids here are so cute there's there's dozens of them coming going um from school well I don't know if they're coming or going it's just after nine so maybe they're going they're all going in the same direction but they're so cute oh that little boy just asked me for chocolate not in English at first so I'll have to learn the word for chocolate and then when I asked me English she's like chocolate it's so funny thank you there's chickens I love rooster cover roosters and a volleyball court didn't think I'd see any of those thank you Dad you can hear some in the distance crowing and then this one does it immediately after there's an outhouse probably the most beautiful view I kind of want to try it but I just went right back there when I did the checkpoints Gary this was also unexpected didn't know there'd be a waterfall here and this one is gigantic it's so tall like I can't even get I can't get the whole thing in in one frame it looks like you can just walk down to the waterfall no one else is doing it everyone else is going straight by so very hard to do with a very big pack on Plus their bundle up bamboo okay that was awesome back to the trail oh my gosh there's so many stairs and these ones go straight up like you almost have to like get on all fours to make it up the stairs but this is one million times better yesterday I'm almost eyes I put the tops of some of these mountains thank you [Applause] [Applause] I thought a couple of those were going to keep walking and then they came right next to me to drink at the water it scared me a little oh [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] bye part this has been my favorite part I think they're using the horses and donkeys oh I hope they're not carrying bags of rocks um there's a ton of bags lined up here so I'm thinking that's what the horses are being used for and all they want is drink water so they get yelled at when they stop please be another waterfall it is it's another waterfall [Music] oh oh it goes oh it goes all the way up there's your little rainbow going across the bottom of the Rock it sounds like a rainforest over here and this little Nook [Music] thank you you have to walk around the piles of horse poo I do not mind mine namaste namaste [Music] [Music] um it was a little sad that there were no animals in there and I almost walked right past all of these Yaks and then I heard their little bells that's one you're having breakfast which is something I should probably do my toes are starting to hurt again oh oh and the positive this is the first time huh I've had don't blow off I've had the entire Bridge to myself this one is not moving at all it's a little of course there's more stairs I found more yeah cause you just see like the Teeny top of their little heads poking out above the brick I wanted to ask you the last place if I bought a coffee if they let me pet their their Yachts but I was a little bit nervous so I didn't ask but I think I'm gonna try it here there's chickens under those baskets that wasn't actually a coffee shop so I will just keep liking there's got to be a petable kissable yak around here somewhere here's a nice Cape or an unexplained reason oh it's cold in here but all the teenagers come here to make out I found the cutest tea house for lunch and they're making me coffee the food was so amazing and she let me hang up my wet laundry to dry you can barely walk straight [Applause] out out foreign okay this is number four oh my gosh it's so high I don't know how to get over there um hopefully this is not trespassing because I wasn't feeling well this morning I changed my reservation instead of going maybe I think eight miles I wanted to stop halfway through just in case and I have finally reached my destination for today at least the village so this is manjo and this looks like it oh my God I can't get over how cute they are awesome hi foreign I think this might be the monastery that would be so cool and here's my hotel for the night because I have to get out of these shoes you would think they were stilettos with how I'm hobbling look what's coming right at me okay I'm gonna get out of its way oh okay slow down slow down okay please let me pet you oh he turned he turned just wait right through the open gate okay I'm not seeing my hotel and I'm also the top of the hill like I don't know how much further it goes okay there it is way up way way up oh my gosh I feel like that's gonna be freezing tonight oh my gosh E2 that's me this is my room but I actually feels very warm I walked in and it was like this heat wave which I'm so happy about look at my beautiful view oh I love it that it's right at your head more windows okay this is nice I love this yes so oh yes oh I beat time to go to the monastery I have this gorgeous view of the monastery my hat hotel and it got really really cold all of a sudden so now that I have boss and laid my laundry out to try it's my undies back there I am now ready to go to the monastery oh my gosh it's so cold oh my goodness oh there's two of them right outside my hotel hotel yaks oh hi gorgeous oh look at that face hi I was told you're friendly can I pet you come on oh my goodness also I was told these are cows so hi hi cow hi hi did I pet you oh my God can I pet you we'll just keep your hands away come on are you itchy I'll scratch you we can make a deal hi namaste can I pet you come here when you let me pet you I'm less scared now that I know you're a cow no look at your curly hair no no and I can I pet you come on no okay I bet you now okay careful with those horns can I put your head I'm scared with anything with feet and I'm gonna head please don't charge me oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I'm gonna lean down but don't charge me yes look at those beautiful eyes you are gorgeous I feel so Victorious feels so Victorious oh my gosh wow okay those are very sharp oh my gosh I'm very nervous you're so beautiful can you see a little back see okay see okay okay stop walking towards me okay stop towards me okay okay this one let me pet him okay he's taking me to the small one I like the idea of a small one oh this is a small one oh there's a little one in here good oh that that one yeah oh my goodness okay [Laughter] oh my goodness aren't you gorgeous oh my goodness can I go inside yeah yeah okay okay you're tight I like that oh it's okay come on oh my goodness [Laughter] oh you like to lick oh my goodness wow wow oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh I do not have teeth does he do not have teeth oh I just spilled gums oh oh you're just chomping me with your gums that's okay it's okay you're not scared you don't have teeth oh you don't have teeth look at that you must be a little baby oh oh don't lick that oh can I have a kiss good morning I'm on my way to Nancy it's about 7 30. I'm actually feeling pretty good today it's my very first time hiking three days in a row I'm a little bit sore I haven't been able to eat much and I Not only was able to eat breakfast but I ate all of it and had a coffee and I'm on my way ready to get some cows okay after a great start I've gotten the wrong way twice now when I first left the hotel there was a sign that pointed up the hill for nanti and so I went up the hill and I got maybe a couple hundred feet and a very old cranky woman chased me away and she's like down down I think Luke will add the starting point is that way so I think I gotta go all the way up the hill again hi puppy good morning look at that damn good morning good wrecking is this the right way yes okay thank you sir they're so helpful okay I have the monastery again on my left my hotel okay that's my hotel so I came this way yesterday this way it is okay a little more signs would be great foreign oh my gosh another waterfall we try not to fall down the stairs wow [Music] [Music] oh my goodness what is it going join you cutie oh you want to play don't you oh here's a stick foreign [Applause] [Applause] bye bye puppy water to the left wider to the right and a great view of the whole city Village to Village it felt like someone's behind me because the whole Bridge started doing this I thought they were like immediately behind me and I turned around and it was just me foreign there was so many stairs and I can't even see the end of the stairs this way but the water's encouraging me it's like go girl you got this oh my gosh there's horses Crossing there's horses in the bridge okay I gotta hurry up I'm dying to see this oh that was too fast wait for me slow down oh my gosh are you kidding I was hoping this is thank you [Applause] four kilometers to namche oh my gosh it's so windy laughs big pack behind me I can't believe and of course there is more steps more steps this way it's like this why do you like a Candy Land I've just steps just steps thank you thank you so much I don't want to get too excited because it's 10 15 and it has been nothing went to stairs stairs for hours but I see a building and what could possibly be Flatlands please don't please oh please TV time I am here and my final destination all the way up here not every Space Camp my bag is so heavy and now I'm struggling you're going up [Music] it looks like maybe a shrine it's just going up and up and up so steep another waterfall please me then I can't open my legs it's 11 30. so it's been four hours okay and I was a little bit nervous that I was going the right direction and then I saw the elderly gentleman behind me carrying his giant load and I recognized him because he always smiles at me and he passes me in the iPads him and he passes me and so I saw him and I was just perfect timing I think I see the village there but of course there is more stairs oh no this might not actually be now I'm saying because the sign says here me slang Rick 3 440 meters okay so the road splits here I'm not really sure but there's my guy so I think I'm just gonna keep following him I hope he's still going to know today in Alaska oh not too still decide okay namaste foreign I found my room but I was in the restaurant checking in all of a sudden I got really dizzy and the room started spinning and I got really hot and I felt like I was going to vomit and I think that was a lot of emotion really fast and my my room is my room is ice cold ice cold it does look like possibly maybe like I can have a heated blanket Maybe just gonna take more Ibuprofen and lay down for a little I can't even wait for my lunch or like I just I just ran I feel like I'm going to vomit everywhere would you like to see my room really fast good morning oh yeah good morning it's day four not feeling so great but off I go I'm trying not to cry it's hard to breathe everyone makes it look so easy and it's not easy like it's so hard okay I'm done crying for the moment I'm at the point where you either have to turn around you have to keep going so laughs that view is just beautiful okay I thought it was that correct but maybe a little bit more in some parts of this it's amazing in some so bad I hope the sucky part's over [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Mandi Martin
Views: 46,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m0ks7Iy6Rrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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