Treating house subsidence in Croydon

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when we bought this house at auction one of the things that actually appealed to us was the fact that subsidence and we wanted to get experience in that area so it didn't scare us stopped going forward to more houses so it's a little bit research on the Internet and then just discovered your attack and their solution and it was just hey presto moment going that's just the obvious way of doing this well the big problem with the Harris was there was a big issue with the drains when we came in that the drains were deleted disconnected the pipe connections were literally fall apart so every time the end to the bath he just washed straight under the driveway and then because of that the houses drops I say a little bit and so we had to correct that so we've dug up the driveway replace the drains and now we want to stabilize the ground and that's where the Eurotech guys come in Eurotech have an ideal solution that injects an expensive resin that fills voids and importantly as the strength to lift the foundations of properties in a highly controlled process that could bic such cases for the long term importantly the product expels water from the target area and hardens quickly creating a new solid foundation layer well the difference in the eurotech solution and underpinning is the euro tech guys come and i'm within a couple of days they're done dusted and they're off away and we can get on with our job traditional underpinning is doing a big trenches around the house going underneath the Foundation's pouring in concrete and doing that in the process around the hair and it's very time-consuming and very labor-intensive work so it's expensive in its life whether a home is empty or occupied Eurotech stabilisation solution is a fast and convenient method to solve subsidence problems and reinforce foundations this property in Croydon can now be fully modernized and used as a family home you you
Channel: Geobear
Views: 31,766
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: house subsidence, walls cracking, resin injection, geopolymer, uretek
Id: oOEAB9Tpj7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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