Geopolymer Injections vs Underpinning

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Hello, my name is Otso Lahtinen from Geobear. Thanks for tuning in. If you live in a property with cracks on the walls. This video may be of interest to you as these cracks might be caused by the weak foundation soils. And I'd like to share with you about five differences between two common repair methods of weak foundation soils. Underpinning and geopolymer injection. So how do these methods solve the problem? So the principle of solving the problem. Piled or mass concrete underpin are solutions to physically extend existing foundations to firm horizon, in case of these type of subsidence problems Geopolymer injection focuses on tackling the same problem, but from a different angle. So instead of physically deepening the foundation geopolymer treats the soil. So it's injected and expands to strengthen the weak soil zones. Number two; Method of installation. What does it look like? Piled or mass concrete underpin involves breaking the foundation to first expose it and then it requires breaking parts of the foundation's, and casting concrete or installing steel piles through them. Geopolymer is injected through manually hand drilled sixty millimeter holes that usually take place at 1 meter centers under the load-bearing walls or floors right above the treatment area. So how do we know that it worked? In both cases - what's the verification method? The success of treatment in underpinning schemes gets measured by testing of the piles under load and/or testing of the concrete strength within that underpin. Geopolymer injection result will be verified by before-and-after testing We can always use for example british standards. How long does it last? For both of these methods. Underpinning a four-bedroom residential home can take up to six months including everything. Whereas geopolymer injection for the same home can be completed in 10 days. Price and warranty. How much does it cost? We have a Victorian Terrace property, with leaking drains causing softening and washout of the shallow foundation soil under a quarter corner of this house. Mass concrete underpin, would be six to eight thousand pounds, during eight-day treatment. Geopolymer, same scope. Treatment - one meter depth approximate cost: 6000 pounds, duration one day. Warranty wise - 12 years for underpinning 10 to 25 for geopolymer injection. Depending on the provider. I hope these five points help you to consider differences between these two methods. And thank you very much for tuning in.
Channel: Geobear
Views: 5,809
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e5GK2fFKe9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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