Treasure Hunting In Lost Secret Room Under Junked Car In Forest

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so here I am back at the secret lost room underneath the junked car lost in the forest I got my metal detector my Petzel helmet and my cold steel tactical shovel we're going to see if there's any treasure in here now I just got to get inside start by putting on the helmet well just lower myself down carefully and get in did it I'm in looks about like it did the last time I was here a year ago got some metal objects there well get down the metal detector and do some look well turn this guy on turn up the sensitivity you full and start sweeping that's my metal shovel I'm gonna start with the back wall here just make sure there's nothing I hidden in the cracks back there so looks like there's nothing back there well okay metal detector says that's iron and that looks like cements there's no way I'm going to dig through that probably just a piece of rebar or something now this looks like natural rock here we've got some goodies right here that's it we got please cold steel special-forces shovels this is a lot of videos on them on YouTube I'm showing what a fantastic weapon there but they also make a great shovel okay so it's still down there got a little more day so I found the first object it's just a piece of concrete rebar or something sticking out of the ground says this whole room is made out of cement so be a reasonable expectation that I would find concrete in here now to continue scanning there's the concrete bar there's my next target so that target I was just digging for turned out to be a couple of nails this seems to be metal all over the place like there's a metal cable and over here I have a coat hanger on the ground so I'll do some more scanning and I think what I'm going to do is if the detector says it's iron I'm not going to bother looking there's a little bits and nails and all over in this place there's aluminum can one place to look would be the walls be a good place to brick up a some treasure in the wall and hide it nothing in the walls there more iron over there I have a some bumper and bumpers and trim off that car upstairs Pizza Pizza scrap iron there oh that sounds like your son but this is bracket let's put that aside there's something else down there Oh there piece of sheet metal yeah that's a piece of sheet and women what's under this big rock here of course that is where I tossed this little piece of metal there we sent them there hmm I've had lots of comments that this things are really an old septic tank I hope that's not poo I have in my fingers new so says that's mid-range verging on iron yeah yeah no it's just shell some sort Oh Nick probably just scraps of iron check this wall again there's a spider there's like you happy so wall looks like it's ready to cave in but there's no treasure behind that wall let's check what we got in this wall oh isn't this interesting a rotten old log holding the whole thing up well there's nothing there check down here getting close to the water table that's another piece of iron I'm not going to waste my time on it there's some trim from a car which of course says it could be silver but yeah that's just pieces from the car check this wall here well probably just some nails ume hitting in the concrete the metal detector says it's iron's ok I can taste my time on it so it's break time and I have an MRE here it says toasted pastry frosted brown sugar that's a fancy way of saying pop-tart well let's open it up and see we got and it is a pop-tart brown sugar cinnamon mmm this will be good open that up here there we go perfect nutrition for stopping for a break in the lost room that could be a septic tank or could be something else who knows well break time is over MRE is finished time to get back to looking this wall at the end is where I would expect to find something if there was anything to find but there just doesn't seem to be anything on it there's like two chimney holes or maybe that's where they fasten the toilet if this really was a septic tank hard to say what this is there's minnows down there yeah friggin minnow so this must open up out somewhere must open up out out to the stream out outside there is a stream out there so this somehow that connects to the stream where the minnows wouldn't be in here well there I made it out of the hole got my gear out in one piece and I'm standing on the ground in front of the junk car and all I have to show for it is two old rusty nails
Channel: Bloeski's Wrecking Crew
Views: 1,019,849
Rating: 3.875896 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, metal detector, mre, meal ready to eat, lost room, secrect room, lost secret room, underground room, ottawa, ontario, canada, urbex, urban exploration, forest
Id: NZqEmcNVj-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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