TREASURE FOUND! Metal Detecting 1850 Plantation House. AMAZING Recovery! 2 Rare Coins in ONE Hole!

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okay moment of truth and gentle rock don't think I miss that one oh please no no no no no no no way hey everyone I hope you're having a fantastic day I wanted to put a quick intro on this video to let you know the context of what you're about to see this is a metal detecting hunt that I concluded in early 2017 originally it was released in a bunch of random different videos but I'm putting it all into one long epic video right now I had permission to search with my metal detector and stay in and 18:50 plantation house and the following day also had permission to look around the house built in 1870 across the street now that house that was built in 1870 or at least the early 1870s was built by a colonel who served in the Civil War I didn't ever get his exact name because actually I didn't end up finding any worse any civil war related relics on the property so I didn't follow up with that portion of the history but I found a lot of good stuff around both of these houses some amazing stuff back from the early days of these houses I think you're really going to enjoy it so sit back and have a good time I'll see you on the flip side I know I'm ready for this road trip the question is are you [Music] okay I got my first signal here it looks like it's the end of a flashlight it says Mini Maglite manufactured something instrument Ontario alrighty we'll keep looking alright right down here where there's some excavation work it looks like we have some old pottery it's always a good sign when that's being churned up is that anything there nope that's just a rock all right let's throw that in the pouch and keep hunting and by the side of the house and man you wouldn't want to walk out that door but I got a faint signal here the kind of ring up like a pull-tab it was down a good four inches in this kind of thick clay like Claire here and um I'm not sure on this but I don't know maybe it's a old cuff link oh wow look like it's got it looks enameled yeah that's a butterfly on there man that's an old piece for sure Wow first awesome relic I'm very pleased with that that's gonna clean up beautifully okay so we're on the same hole and you saw this was on the bottom of the hole and in my plug I still had a signal with the pinpointer split it apart and oh I can't believe it I thought it may be another piece to that there but it's not it's led I'm pretty sure this is a bag seal wow this is gonna be 1800s this is very cool I'll have to get it cleaned up later see everything it says it looks like it says 25 on that side yeah that's solid lead right there oh man maybe it was a little 1800 pocket spill that's very interesting okay pretty close to that other hole I just got a nice solid 79 signal only a couple inches deep now I'm not sure if this is junk or not yet but it looks pretty shiny it's not a coin it's got some kind of post on the back so I have no idea what it is boy that looks silver the way that's tarnished that has got to be silver oh my goodness it is I can see under the mud here the beginning of a sterling mark and sweet let's see I'm not sure what it is looks just kind of like a button yeah it's probably a button or maybe it came off of something Wow very cool find let me a clean some of this mud off the back and we'll see what it says it looks like those marks at the top are the only ones on it it says Heron sterling fantastic little finder right there it's about a minute later I just dug up this piece I am not sure what it broke off of but it does not look too old you can see I chopped through the roots of some wild onions there and I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of these but I figured I'd show the first one that's my first old Mountain Dew bottle cap you'll have to ignore the train please but uh I would have thought nothing of this but it looks like it has some gold gild on it some sort of tag or something yeah we'll clean up later interesting so I'm behind the property now on this slope in the back you know just chilling out here you know this horse keeps following me around seeing what I'm up to seems really friendly just found this golf ball on the surface a minute ago had an overload signal here was curious wanted to see what it was it was a mountain Dew can that's definitely the beverage of choice around here got my first coin but I could kind of already see it just looking in there on the plug I think it's just a memorial penny from the 70s try to create some shade here so I can see this yeah just Memorial cent from the 70s I think it was 1977 hey first coin though we're on the board now we just got to get an old one alrighty so there's been a lot of ground action down here waiting up and behind the house you can see where all the roots of these trees are completely buried you know it looks like there's definitely been a few structures back here at one point you know just getting some trash but uh I just locked onto my first nice deep target it just doesn't sound like trash pretty consistent in the 80s this could be a coin or he has some desirable targets so I'll dig it up we'll see what it is I hit this one dinner on the money I popped my plug and it's right on the bottom of it I always want to say the top but it's actually the bottom this looks like an old one to look in good a nice old buckle right there and you're back hunting around we're old barns used to be and are still standing you always expect to find at least one buckle I'm glad that this is a brass one still got the tongue on it it's a little bit bent still moves pretty good looking there this one's probably from the looks at it just a guess probably of around 1900 turn-of-the-century nice fine and did I pick a day to look around got the lawnmower going and the train at the same time big night crawler just retreated into the plug there he's in there somewhere but I just found a 38 special shell casing it was pretty deep taking a break eating this delicious Fuji apple and then I'm gonna get back at it so there's an old barn there and I'm on the back end of this property I shouldn't even see the back end it goes quite a ways this way I'm working my way down through this valley to a brook down there there was a lot of Civil War activity in and through here and both the Union and Confederate so I'm hoping that I'm able to find some Civil War relics down in here yeah it's I'm gonna have to put the work in but there's got to be some down here and anyway I just got like a 5859 signal it was coming in real solid first signal I've had down here and I see something in the hole I'm hoping it's a nickel and not a shotgun head stamp because they can kind of fool you sometimes and oh I think it's a shotgun head stamp that's what it is it looks like a pretty old one though it's the it's got the old paper cartridge in it so it's probably around 1900 round in there give or take all right so we'll keep looking back here hopefully we can pull out some old relics I'm working down closer to the brook now other than that last clip I found a modern grommet for like a tarp and I just got some horse tack big iron ring and it looks like we have two centipedes meeting here all righty I now crossed the brook and I'm on the other side you know I had a huge overload signal here we're about to check out what it is in a second but when I pop the plug I found this itty-bitty little snail sitting in there and I didn't want to keep him in there so didn't accidentally smash him when I put the plug back so we're just gonna set him right over here and let's check out see what does it see what this target is it was a big signal it was the overloading the coil and it's not very deep so I don't have any high hopes for anything amazing it is a can what kind of cannon and I think I just found an old condom wrapper well it's unfortunate this little opening in here is a can graveyard because the ground is perfect I'm not really finding anything old but maybe this will help at least date some of the trash I mean there's I've just been digging soda cans back here but there's a cap that says Wesson on it so maybe that can give us a date maybe that's 1960s 1970s somewhere around in there all righty don't find anything other than cans out through here but I bet this Creek for all the Civil War relics are at you can see how it swelled up we had a ton of rain a few days ago a lot of flooding in this area so I'm gonna clear out of this area it's pretty groaning here by the creek but I'm gonna head back up this way around that big tree there I was getting a lot of iron which is my first concentrate in tration of iron around here so there may have been a barn or at least something down around there at one point so I'm gonna work my way back up around there and up around at first barn I showed up behind them trees up the hill a little bit further so I'm gonna snake my way around and see if we can find a patch of interesting stuff this has only happened only one other time I can remember I just found a plug in my plug all right it's been a rough last couple of hours on the back end of the property down that valley I didn't find much other than some trash and like some brass shell casings and a few shotgun shells and up here around the house unfortunately there's been a lot of fill dirt over the years and I have no idea if it's ever been metal detected before but the ground is definitely not original and I just trying to pick out any targets that I can they've been digging quite a bit of trash and one of the first old things that I've pulled up apparently looks like I got a fork down in there do get a like to modern coins and I did get a penny from the 60s it looks like it's been down there for a while yeah that's definitely an old one man it's a long ended fork right there all right well uh I don't think I'm gonna have the part that has any markings on it they're pretty neat I'll keep plugging along now when I started this hunt I was on the opposite side of the house kind of on the edge of the property where a lot of stuff had been turned up and that's where I found some of them interesting targets it seems like on the sides here there's still some old things and there's no clay right here so I'm thinking this may be original at least on this little portion here anyhow I just took a modern state quarter right over here real shallow and then I got a nice 80 signal and I got this coin only like two inches down it looks old so let's check it out pretty sure I see Lincoln on there okay it's a wheat penny though sweet that's the first one let me clean it up a minute we'll get a year off of it looks like it's gonna be in 1934 not bad happy to get on the board with an old coin I've been out here about three three and a half hours sweet I'll keep poking around this side got in between the back and the side yard now you got that wheat just up over there on the other side of the little path and I don't know how I keep finding these this year this was a really deep one that came in faint I had to bump my sensitivity up to check the signal again to make sure it wasn't iron and uh I've got a good eight inches down and it looks like I got a pocketknife I'm pretty sure crazy it's all rusted out in the middle look fun in these though all right I'll get it cleaned up later see how it looks hey still here in the back and back here is where the kitchen used to be and in some of the older homes that's what they used to do they would build the kitchen separate from the house that way if the kitchen burned down if there was ever a fire in it it wouldn't take the whole house with it so I'm back here you can see just digging a hole I'm chasing the target or all this old brick is that's all from the kitchen that used to be back here so every hole back here who's just full a little a little bits of orange brick just finally a brass padlock that one doesn't look too incredibly old see what it says here on the bottom [Music] it's a master walk whoo I am completely spent I've been out here doing this about four-and-a-half hours now I came back over here by the side kept working in the back that is definitely all fill and it's all brick mixed in there's just a few modern trash targets other than that super deep pocket knife I got but I came back over here where I found that wheat penny working along the side for the driveway I found a couple more modern quarters and if there's gonna be an old silver coin this would be it it's actually registering a little bit of depth not too much but between like three and four inches and all the modern stuff here it's really shallow except for the stuff that got pushed along with whatever was in that filled dirt well dig this one up see what it is hopefully hopefully it's at least an old penny okay I popped open my plug and I found it with the pinpointer sticking right on the bottom there and in all this gravel from the driveway this looks like it may be old hopefully it's man seal and little pebble stuck to it well it's high relief what's that I think it says 1962 so just missed a wheaty hey at least there's a couple sixties coins in here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Oh so how do you guys like that old stove anyhow I'm up and ready to go here for the day yesterday was a little bit rough on the fine spent about five hours metal detecting the property and didn't find a whole lot there seems to be a lot of fill dirt here and it's possible in the past some people have metal detected it before but I did find some neat odds and ends and you know I did find that silver button and a few other cool things so I have permission to be across the street today to meddle to take a place that was built in the 1870s that was built by a colonel in the Civil War I have to get more information on it so I'm excited to do that hopefully it's a little bit better than around the house here you know we're gonna get in the dirt see what we can pull up it's definitely spring check out the pollen on my coil that's what it looks like when you start swinging around the grass in the spring around here East Tennessee is known as one of the worst places for allergies so if you have allergies probably not a good idea to move here there she is the 1870 house that I'm metal detecting around now and man it seems like this place has been picked over pretty good it's hard to tell if there's been ground work but I just think that in the pasture then some metal detectorists over here maybe back in the day that most this was cleaned out by the old-timers but uh I got a nice nickel signal here down under these roots and knew it wasn't gonna be foil at the very least and I got me a buffalo that's awesome I'll have to clean it up see if I can see a date on it very pleased with that I've been out here about 20 minutes other than that Buffalo the only other things I've dug up so far is that a little ring a 1979 penny which probably hasn't been down there more in a few years an old rivet and that little piece of brass right there slim pickins but hey if there's buffalo nickels in here there could be anything okay I just got a fairly deep coin here not sure where it broke off the plug but you can see it on the bottom of the hole right there so it's about three to four inches down and let's check it out see what it is I'm assuming it's gonna be a wheat penny it rang up in the low 80s which would be high for an Indian coins are coming out of here really dirty that's for sure yeah I'm pretty sure that's the wheat penny awesome I'll clean it up later it's definitely some stuff left in here okay you can see this is where some dark soil is that's where the first one was connected to the plug I still had a really faint signal down in here and the first one was sitting about right here on the hole but I push some dirt up and covered it now I went down another two inches you know it looks like there's another penny in the hole so this looks like it's a really old coin spill man this barely rang in but I only have my sensitivity on the standard setting which is 60 so I'll definitely have to crank it up but yeah looks like that's gonna be another I did check the other one it was a wheat penny and this you can kinda almost see the date' area looks like I might be knife might be 1940-something okay cool to Wheaties in that hole and I'll check it again hey so anyway this is that hole I just popped man you can still hear there's like this faint little peep down there so what I'm gonna try to do is I have my sensitivity on 65 not 60 I'm gonna crank it up to 80 or let's say 85 and see if it gets any louder or fit nulls normally when you do that if it gets louder it means it's a good target that it's deep and if it nulls a little bit more when you turn the sensitivity up that usually means it's iron and it did get a little bit of louder and more consistent so that's probably another coin that's down there a good 6 inches so I'll dig it up we'll see what it is okay I just got something awesome here I'm going to show you guys where there's less noise and I'll clean it up it looks like a penny that's been flattened by the railroad tracks there's a railroad as you know if you watched my last video very close to here so it clean those coins up real quick and that one hole did have another wedi in it they're really caped with dirt even though I rinsed them you still can't see the data on all of them but you can see one of them's 1941 so the other ones are probably from the 40s or 50s this is that smashed one I got to scrub it a little bit more I just rinsed it under water but I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be a flattened wheat penny it has the same kind of patina as the flattened wheat pennies and I've found before I look like so that's probably a railroad flattened wheat scent which is awesome I did find a flattened Indian head once I was still able to tell some of the detail on it and it doesn't look like that buffalo nickel is gonna have a date so let's get back out in the field okay so something just crazy happening I'm glad I stopped to film it the way I did so anyway I'm back inside the 1850 house here the guys cutting grass at the other house today so if I would have started there yesterday I came over here today it would have been a lot less noisy but anyhow I'm over here in the kitchen here's the backyard of where I was hunting through yesterday and down over the hillside and even though I didn't find much over here yesterday I'm Bill combing over it again because I didn't do the front yard real good and I just found the wheat penny and I cleaned it up and it's a semi key date that I've never found before it looks like it's a 19-12 dee that's awesome so even in Doug condition I don't know that should be worth about five bucks or something I'd have to look it up but anyway that's not all it's a spill so we're gonna go out and take a look right now there was a sketchy 60s signal right next to it and I thought well if that's gonna end up being a coin then it's probably gonna be a nickel in there with it and it was and I left it in the plug so we're gonna go get it together [Music] I was chilling out on the balcony a little bit yesterday it's real nice up there [Music] so since that one's 1912 I was just gonna hope that this was a I'm a buffalo nickel because I was expecting the weed pain to be from the 40s or 50s so I was thinking it was going to be an old Jefferson or a buffalo nickel but since that's 1912 I mean heck this could even be an old vehicle but oh this is the plug right where I just pulled the penny and the nickel was only a little bit off to it so that would have had to been dropped at the same time and there's the nickel right there you see that imprint grew right over top some grass roots I can already see the Indian on it so that's gonna be a buffalo let's take it back in the house and I'm gonna clean it up and I'll let you guys know the date this is sweet okay so not sure how well you're gonna be able to see this cleaned up because the buffalo nickels the worn dates are hard to read sometimes but when this is wet you can kind of read it it's actually in 1917 so this is a near 100 year old coin spill or a hundred years old if they were dropped in 1917 but they could have dropped probably been dropped anywhere up until the early 20s considering these two coins I'm gonna check the back and it actually has a demon mark so this is a semi key date too for the buffalo nickels now even though if the buffalo nickels have a high catalog value they're still not worth hardly anything in doug condition because they're coins that people can use nikka date on to restore them so even though you can have a rare buffalo nickel if it's damaged like this it's only worth really about probably 20% of what the book price is but hey I don't care you know I'm not selling this this stuff it's just awesome that I could get a to rare coins in the same hole so maybe it was somebody out visiting from around Denver who knows I normally find the Philly mint coins around here a lot of Denver too but a 1917 d buffalo nickel 1912 D weed penny man what an awesome spill and I'm gonna go check that hole again okay so I'm about maybe a yard and a half away from that other hole where I got that rare wheaton buffalo nickel and i got a 70 eight signal here and it's a coin and that's kind of a zinc penny signal so at an old property you know what that means if you've been metal detecting for a while check it out right here I looked at the back of it I am pretty sure I saw a wreath this is gonna be an Indian Head Penny unless my eyes are playing tricks on me there's a lot of dirt on it so let's go ahead and get this in the kitchen clean her up and see what it is I tell you the soil in this yard really does a number on the coin sticking to him I got to cleaned up enough though that you can see the outline of the Indian and that the date is 1907 so that's one of the common ones toward the end of production they made Indian heads until 1909 and you can see the wreaths the shield and the one-cent on the back and since that's a later one 1907 I mean the yard and a half away that could have been dropped with that wheat penny and buffalo nickel you know these would have definitely still been in circulation especially especially the later ones it's pretty cool okay I'm back across the street now hit the 1870 house and I'm on the side of it and the first good signal I got was a 79 you know it looks like I got another Indian Head awesome hopefully this one's a little bit older than the last one I won't be able to see it until I clean it up hopefully that's a good sign for this little side yard and in the back I'm gonna keep working my way around I'd love to get an old silver coin today for a civil war relic alright I've got a solid 80 signal nice consistent depth and reading and look how this came off when I pulled this I pull this out of the bottom on my hole like this look at that stuck to the bottom of it let me get it in the shade here see what this is turn the pinpointer off there we go oh what a sight that is right there stuck in the clay what is this could that be another penny no it's a button sweet that's an old one there oh it's heavy it's got to be brass Oh I like that sweet I'll get it cleaned up let's keep on the hunt so it cleaned off that button I found and it is definitely a flat button and one of the best ones I've ever found it's very plain but it has a beautiful back mark on it looks like it says Robinson and company I think extra rich so this should date somewhere from between the early to mid 1800s I would assume beautiful looking button right there okay so I'm researching that button and as it dried off the back mark popped out beautifully so I am on this one website here under the Robinson buttons and it appears that this one is from the 1820s it's one of the earlier back marks I think these went up to about the 1850s and you can see this federal Navy button here from the 1820s which has the closest back mark to mine and if you use if you pull that up you'll see right there it says Robinson and company dot star dot and it's this extra rich the only difference on mine is this one doesn't have the dots but this is definitely the closest and all the later ones have a different design to him so I an 1820s flat button in great shape I'm loving it alright I'm hunting the field right where their property ends leading up to this old church that was founded in 1880 which is not too long after the house I'm hunting was built and I'm surprised I just ran here on the whole way in the back corner of the property just to hunt in the shade here while it's really hot and right away I hit a coin signal and looks like we got an old penny in the hole that's a good sign that I just randomly hit this out here bring up low 80s so I'm thinking wheat penny but it could be an Indian for sure let me clean it up a second it's a wheat penny but it's an old one I'm not sure how well it's gonna show up there it is 1919 awesome I think this back inside yard is gonna be really good just hitting good targets and the very back now doing this little strip been a lot of groundwork right around the edges of the house but there's some original dirt up and through here and I don't know what this is but when it pulled it out of the hole it broke looks like it is to rivets on the end of it and I'm not sure if there's any writing on the front this looks pretty old hopefully there's some writing on the front but I have no idea what it is what it would have been attached to potentially eighteen hundred's oh so I'll put it in the good pouch we'll keep swinging okay check out this signal this is the best one I've had so far it's been about a half-hour I came back over work on the Indian Head in the old button 86 83 86 real tight signal do a circle no signal around it is small some depth three to four inches maybe [Music] that could be an old silver coin I want to do this one live if there's not too many tree roots figures on my next push that's just a small one right there yeah we'll do the best we can to hollow out get some dirt out of both sides of this under that root it's just this one on the top so shouldn't be too bad should still be able to get down to it no problem I'm good County got the right area here on the first go all right okay we should have it now almost right on top of it just going behind it just a little bit don't want to scratch it if it's good okay a moment of truth and hope that'll Rock no thinking if that wasn't it Oh oh please no no no no no no way is this my first large cent oh my goodness oh my goodness I would normally wouldn't say something like this but please don't be a token looks pretty smooth I don't know well that looks like a coin look at the rim on that oh my gosh what is this whatever it is it's gonna be old I'm gonna take it off camera a second and see if I can see anything on it and I'll turn it back on you guys are looking at a really happy dude right now I started cleaning off the back of it back in the kitchen and I saw exactly what I wanted to see one cent this is my first ever large cent there is almost nothing left on the front of this but I don't care oh my goodness I can't believe it this is what I wanted to knock off my bucket list this year and there it is unbelievable this may be an older one too I don't really care what kind it is let me clean it off a little bit more and I'll see if I can see anything else on it I am so happy I'm telling you literally there is nothing on the front of this coin man that thing had to been circulated a long time I can't even see any edges of the bust but if you flip it over there's the one set in the wreath wow I'm just I'm stunned right now I don't even know what to say I knew this would give off a really high signal when I found it one when since I never did before I was just assuming he would be there gonna be an old silver like an old silver dime or quarter man look how slick the front of that is there's nothing there Wow I knew when it pulled it out it was the right size and the right thickness and I just how deep it was I just knew because in that section you could tell the grounds original and all the old stuff was deep like right around that five inch mark oh man okay I'm not gonna draw over this too long I'm gonna take a break and go out this evening it's really hot I was trying to stick to the shady area so I'm gonna call it quits for a few hours and go back out when the Sun starts to go down wicked awesome don't be shy come on into my humble abode so this is the room I'm gonna be staying in tonight what do you think huh I love this forget the name of these little like writers desk loving this model I almost bought one of these a while back and that would take a minute to put together so if you remember last year when I stayed in a hotel we played a game called which is more fabulous so how would you like to play again we're gonna play which is more fabulous and you have to decide which lamp is more fabulous because there's plenty to choose from comment below it choose this is lamp num number one definitely liked that one this is lamp number two lamp number three lamp number four lamp number five which you would say look similar but this was a little more rustic there's a few more marks on it gotta take that into consideration and lamp number six see ya it's about time for me to crash I will see you guys in the morning okay I took it easy the last few hours because it's really hot out today yeah so I was just chilling and I came back out this evening now and I got my first signal I'm not too far away from where I found the large scent maybe four or five yards and I got a nice deep kind of mid to low 80s signal and it sounded nice and consistent I'm just about down at it so I want to finish it live this could be it sounded like an old coin big rock [Music] a lot of roots down in here too just about touching it there okay I should have loosened it up now it's got to be right in here well [Music] that is it not sure what that is get that ant off me looks like just some sort of old cap I was down a good five six inches rang up just like an old coin all right let's keep at it it's rare that you find one of these in nice condition it's an old Rose tag and I got Fountain Square that's pretty neat like I said normally when you find these they're mangled a nice old Rose tag they must have tore out a flowerbed here or something you can see how it's sunken down in a little bit there was the one I just got and there's another one it's the same kind Fountain Square and if you don't believe that's the second one here's the first one just got two of them these past couple days I just haven't been able to escape noises this wing of the house is where a lot of the good stuff has been one of the few areas that all the ground seems to be original except for right up around the driveway but I just got them rose tanks right down and through here had a nice really solid four inch signal I balanced in between high 70s and 80 and I popped it right here this could be another Indian it is look at that see if we can see anything on this one like the date or anything without cleaning it off [Music] I can't see it on there right now but I'll clean it up later third Indian head today that's amazing okay got another nice signal in the low 80s you can see it right here in the little Claude came out just like that it wasn't very deep this one turn the pointer off so let's see if this is a wheaty or another Indian ring up higher than the Indians normally do but still could be because it was shallow [Music] I'm not seeing okay yeah it's a wheat penny because that's Lincoln facing up right there flip it over it's probably an older one sweet a lot of old pennies in this section the whole way from Wheaties the boys back to large cents it's crazy it's gotta be something silver over here so I like to get a quick shot of protein hard-boiled egg meets miniature container of salt shake it on there and munch away alright I got one of those signals that sounded like iron but I shallow iron but then I had notched my sensitivity the whole way up to 88 to check it and it came in stronger so that was telling me it could be a deeper signal and I cut a plug I went down a good bit and actually just uncovered it now looks like a small target probably white rang in so soft see what we got here I don't know what that is Oh that's weird and I'm back over where I found the large cent which was right here and you had all these roots in through here crazy but I got a faint nickel signal but I'm digging everything in this section and it's just a modern trash little inflation needle it still works I can use it to pump up my basketballs man these signals are wearing me out and by this big tree and the lawn maintenance guys cooler and dug down through all these roots worked on the signal for a few minutes finally got down there about six inches thought I might have a silver coin or another large Center something like that and it's just a big old aluminum lid oh well you gotta dig those and that was a surface fun too I'm not sure what that is I look at it more later but it's just modern [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I honestly don't know if I got down to the right signal or not I had a nice consistent low 90s signal which is an amazing signal and I got down into my plug and it was barely getting anything with the pinpointer tipped a little bit in the sidewall but it was deeper so I went down even further I'm about seven to eight inches down now and I got a reading with the pinpointer brightening my Claude here so I'm not sure if this is the actual signal if this is gonna be that a nail like I was chasing the iron with that or if this is something good so we'll do a live and then I'll check the signal again I don't know this definitely would have been the original signal let's figure out what it is looks like it's brass hmm [Music] that's strange I'm not sure if that's some sort of supposed to be some type of buck or that could be Civil War period there but I'm not exactly sure what it is it's definitely an old piece of brass though haven't dug anything quite like this as far as the shape is concerned it's very interesting let's clean it up and take a look at it later I wanted to give you guys a quick look at this it's a square nail collection it's a pretty cool idea obviously they're not ones that have been in the ground or at least doesn't look like it but just kind of cascading down in size it's a pretty cool idea they're alright it just came in the shade to film this part because it is really sunny and I did it I just found his silver coin I did excuse me I didn't even think it was gonna be silver ring in low 80s so I thought if anything it was going to be like a wheat penny it wasn't very deep it's just down by the base of this tree right here the large cent came from over there and I found I think two of my Indians or maybe all three of them was right in that area they're got right down in between the main roots of this tree thankfully it wasn't underneath it popped out down here and flung this out of the side I'm just gonna grab it and run back over into the shade at least come around this side of the tree here let's see what it is it's a barber dime well that's probably why it rang in low let's knock some of that dirt off beautiful super happy with that amazing took about between today and yesterday got to be getting close to 10 hours of detecting and there's the first silver coin well worth it I'm happy with everything I found this is just icing on the cake awesome there she is who rinsed it under water and patted dry a few times cleaning up beautifully I knew from the bold strike of it it was going to be one of the newer ones most likely 1910 to 1916 but look at that ass mint mark this may I can't remember this may be the first ever estimate Barbara diamond I've ever dug but it's a 1916 the last year they made them when they transom here they transitioned into the mercury dimes and the details not too bad on this one there's some kind of dirt right here at the top but it has Liberty lettering there it's faint this is around a fine grade just an absolutely beautiful coin you should be a fine 12 or a fine 15 and a little bit of pesky dirt that I'll still be able to get out right about there but couldn't be happier with this one normally the Barbara's you find are pretty worn because they were heavily circulated what a beautiful coin if this was a 1916 D Mercury dime that would be in this condition worth probably about $1,500 and this one I don't know probably it's not extremely rare maybe five bucks but hey this is beautiful I'm gonna get back out there I got about an hour before dark okay working the edge of the driveway really well because we're on these old houses I mean that's right in the front that's where a lot of action was taking place you can find good stuff even under all the modern gravel and stuff that's been pushed around I pulled all these big rocks out of that hole about five inches down just got a little fired lead bullet it looks very oxidized it's not a three-ring er but this is a probably post of war probably late 1800s just a gas heap fun anyway hit something very solid that's the base that's the what was the front okay so when to show you guys some cool stuff real quick this isn't stuff that I dug up but um the previous owners of the properties I'm hunting had found these things when they were doing gardening and very various type things like that digging around I'm not even metal detecting I found this awesome old stir up and this is a bayonet holder which would have been from the Civil War so it goes to show you they're definitely our Civil War relics in here and they found this awesome old buckle so that's a few the things that were specifically found on this property that I'm hunting with somebody that didn't even have a metal detector so it's awesome to see that and he showed me this - he wasn't certain if this was found at this property or not he has some things that he has collected from over the years that are from not from this property but that's one of the Confederate black-eye infantry buttons I actually found one of these a few years back and it's to date still probably the best of war relic that I found the sun's going down over the hill and I'm quickly running out of daylight I'm working here on the side and by these trees up behind the house where it's real trashy right up by the edges of it and I think I just squeaked out one more Indian solid 78 signal about five inches down and they can't really see much on it but I'm pretty sure that's gonna be an Indian from the patina on it that's what it is it's the fourth one today awesome okay I officially ran out of daylight but I'm still looking I got a light on the pinpointer you know you really just need a vibration anyway keep getting spoons of dirt out until you hear a signal and sift through it I'm not back over by the 1850 house just giving it one more pass over the front here I dug a small piece of lead deep I dug like a big brass ring or something I'm not sure what is off of it's pretty dark but it was like all two foot deep and I'm here by the sidewalk which according to the viewfinder you can't see you can see the white fence so I'm right in the middle and let's put it up to the light just found a penny and it was a couple inches down could be modern but this one may be a weedy this is close to where I found that uh spill a semi key dates earlier today so I'll clean it up we'll see what it is okay here comes the train I really like detecting at night though because you can really hone in on the sounds and what you think that targets are gonna be and I just got this little tiny target which I think may be a civil war buck and ball shot [Music] I'll clean it up we'll see when we get in the house while the train was going by cleaned up those two finds turns out that little piece of lead is not Civil War period it's not oxidized white and it's not quite the right shape and size either but it kind of felt like one out there in the dark that kind of shape definitely thought it was a bucking ball but anyway that wheat penny which is a wheat penny turned out to be old I scratched the tar out of it so at least it wasn't an Indian but it's another old one you can kind of see there in 1917 so I'm gonna go out there another ten minutes in the dark see if I can squeak something else out I'm still out here it's just remembered when that guy was mowing the other day rape on my car I saw some change in the gravel and I didn't pick it up because I was gonna film it but he was right next to the car and it was really loud but right here next to where I parked there was a nickel right there you can see a penny right here that's all I saw before and a pen probably fell the side of somebody's car not the sifter on there a minute see if there's any more but glad I remembered to pick that up six cents see whoops make that five now darn it the nickels not of 2009 which is a more rare one 2010 we'll still take it [Music] so I'm back in my room it's almost midnight and I decided to look over there and grab a book to just do a little bit of reading as I wind down and get ready to go to bed and looky looky Treasure Island and this book was from grandmother to underwear in 1891 the [Applause] toffee right on it MCM L xx x IX is 1989 M stands for a thousand cm 900 L 53 X's is 30 and then the I X stands for 9 1989 and this is kind of interesting you go right into the very beginning or I should say about the author and it says Robert Louis Stevenson was born born in Edinburgh Scotland on November 13th 1850 the interesting thing about that is the house and I'm staying in right now was built exactly in 1850 I don't know if getting pumped to go look for treasure is a good way to wind down or not it'll get me so excited they can't sleep so we'll find out that guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe for more my next adventure is always just around the corner take care and happy treasure hunting
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 39,195
Rating: 4.8244171 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure Found, Metal Detecting, Found Treasure, Rare Coins, Coins, Plantation, Plantation House, Detecting, 1850, JD's Variety Channel
Id: 3yoj4NUG5ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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