Traveling around France in a plane. Big Episode.

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as well [Music] [Music] I was tempted [Music] tempted by your smile I was tempted and for a little while I was starting that I will be the one to change you and you will be mine you you will be hi if you remember once I told you about traveling around Europe by car about a year ago I draw over 10 000 kilometers in my little turbo car across seven or eight European countries and I absolutely love it but exactly one year later I decided to step it up and Notch and this time I wanted to figure out what it's like to travel across Europe on a private plane foreign that's probably what most of you imagine when you hear in private plane and we're not talking about business Jets now because it's a different thing that requires lots of money instead we're talking about a simple light aircraft and what's best is that you don't even need to buy one here in Europe you can just rent it the main thing is to find someone to fly it and you won't believe it but I found one it's time to introduce you guys to someone [Music] Our Story begins in a Swiss Village called grindel an hour away from Basel it's a it's a tiny place with 500 residents in the Jura mountains it's a typical little Swiss village where the air is clean and everyone knows each other awesome and here leaves our person who can fly a plane meet Andrew the guy who invited me to come here and rewards for a large Pharma company but in his spare time his Pilot with 10 years of experience he loves to do it for fun or takes his friends and family for a ride and it's just a hobby that became a part of his life and probably his whole family because Valeria and his kids love the skies too this brings us to the malaos hapshein air drum in France some five kilometers from the Swiss border it's our starting point the Airfield isn't too small there are several hangers with aircraft and 15 or so air clubs where people can rent planes and Learn to Fly how long did you learn to fly around half a year and that's it yeah and that's quite long for those who want to do it really quick there's a fast track course in Florida that takes two weeks at most you mean it's just like getting a driving license that's right for example it takes around 40 hours to get a Swiss driver's license and the parents license takes 45 hours turns out that getting a pilot license doesn't take that long and as a result air clubs are packed with people of all ages this girl must be around 18 years old and she is already preparing for next training flight her mom's sitting right behind her just in case and this little aircraft is being controlled by Andrew's German friend Andres we took a plane went on a business trip to the islands one weekend and he loved it was it his first time yeah it was it was his first time in a general aviation plane and he loved it to such an extent he went out and bought it kept playing on the internet wait a second is that like DIY plane correct just just like with Ikea it comes in boxes and then you assemble it really yeah is it even legal you bet yeah ladies and gentlemen here you can see a plane that was ordered online and assembled by hand I think we got six boxes delivered some came from the Ukraine some other parts from France the owner of the company is it's in the UK and you know it all fit together surprisingly and it took two years for Andrea's father to assemble this Beast it's a kid plane so yes you buy all the individual parts and um and then you put it together like Lego yes like Lego the play in the parade is just fine but it's obvious that the materials are quite cheap I guess that's why there is a parachute installed on it just in case you have a parachute yes and here if you pull out this lever here 50 centimeters come out it could come out right now if you wanted no I don't know the arrow Club is full of planes what's interesting is that they aren't just useful laser but also as a real means of Transport that you can use to travel this is what the air traffic over Europe's looks like despite the pandemic half of this flow is small planes and light aircraft are popular for many reasons France alone has more than 400 registered airfields thousand of Landing strips for ultra light planes plus highly developed infrastructure like Ira clubs restaurants and interesting places and of course we plan to visit and film all of it this is our plan we fly out of hapshein then over half of France reach Avenue the Cote de azur then we fly across the sea and finally get to the island of Corsica we have six days and a French Robin 400 four-seater which we booked beforehand the cool thing about this plane is that it's super simple it has no electronics no Hydraulics there are cables instead of them and even flaps are extended like using a handbrake that's supposed to make the plane safe but we'll see about that to rent this plane you need a pilot license and be a member of the IRA Club the rent itself costs around 160 years per hour I should say that unlike car rentals with payment per day here you pay by hours but the important thing that is that only the flight hours are calculated which means that you don't pay when the aircraft is on the ground only when the engine is on and the propeller rotating here's the money calculator by the way what now we rented the plane and can now just live without informing anybody yep I have the keys let's go [Music] so it's pure math if you have a pilot's license or are about to get one you will save a lot of money on your flights but what to do with that free money today's video sponsor Masterworks and I have the answer to that question they've already sold over 45 million worth of RC Distributing the net proceeds right to Everyday investors even through covet inflation and now as cost stay high because Masterworks is the only one platform in the world allowing you to invest in multi-million dollar Blue Chip art without needing Millions Masterworks allows you to invest in shares of paintings from Legends like Picasso basquia and Banksy and if the piece sells for a profit you get a return so far each of Master Works 13 sales has delivered positive returns to their investors now the Masterworks has to control the base of synapse so there is a wait list but my subscribers can skip the wait list and start investing right now at the link in the description [Music] this is all our stuff and our main piece of luggage is not backpacks and Tents but this small tank on the right it is filled with oil engines consume oil run unleaded have gas so we need to take some extra oil you know so we don't run out men you'll keep it under control right sure but try to remind me we've got lots of stuff packed and the question is where to squeeze it in unlike a car with a proper trunk this place has only a small shelf and two free back seats since it's just for the two of us there is not a lot of space here but at least there is some [Music] man this is heavy a car could just drive up the gas pump but with a light aircraft it's not that simple [Music] by the way what the consumption of this vehicle they say it's 33 liters per hour if you fly at 220 to 240 kilometers per hour after a quick conversion to metrics for cars we get about 15 to 16 liters per 100 kilometers which is roughly comparable to a large SUV since this is a rented plane how do you make sure that it wasn't Trashed by the previous Club member well there is a special technical journal for that where every pilot locks in their observation plus you visually inspect the aircraft before every flight to ensure everything is tipped up well we are rushing to pack and fly off because the weather is getting worse and where is getting caught in a storm which is a worst case scenario although I have tons of questions I'll leave them for our flight let's go what can I say our European trip no wait our European private plane trip is kicking off right now [Music] foreign so let me share my first impressions the first and cooler thing is that this plane flies pretty low and unlike passenger Airlines where you feel like staring at Google Maps while looking out of the window with this plane you get to see the towns you fly over fill in the presence of it all at times you can even follow the terrain and be lower than some land objects this is awesome and here goes The Logical question how do we know where to fly Andrew has a special navigation app for that like Waze but for planes where you make a route and these marks tell you how long it takes to get somewhere 2-5 or 10 minutes respectively I would love to tell you more but we hit a storm Throne after all and such discomfort made it slightly hard to talk everything is okay though we landed safely alright this is our first stop and we're in bargain day [Music] we'll end it on a small Airfield called Saint George and there you can even see wine yards right at the end of the runway that's burgundy for you right behind the aircraft parking there is also a small air club with the tiny restaurants where we decided to head first [Music] it's friends so it's not hard to guess what's in the bottles and what the people were up to this is a tip the typical Ira Club where Pilots have some rest after flights and other Travelers like us Park their aircraft and then join the party they drink meat and chat the atmosphere is great so we got quickly sucked into [Music] guys it wouldn't be a burgundy if apart from the wine there wasn't a castle within one kilometer it's just statistics and of course there is one [Music] yep here's just an average 16th century castle where for example Empress of the French and Napoleon's first wife Josephine or something like that would stop by the best part about it is that it's only 300 meters from the Airfield see our plane park right there this isn't all though nowadays the castle operates as a hotel and you can stay here for a night room prices range from 120 to around 350 Euros two minutes from the airport what unfortunately the hotel was fully booked so we packed up our luggage and the guys from the air Club brought us to a budget hotel not far from there and that's how our first day went [Music] to try a Burgundy wine yesterday but we still have a chance to catch up on it in Avignon and off to Province we go [Music] to be honest before this trip I always thought that flying implied plotting an official Road and reporting to some air traffic control about your path but in reality it's much more simple if you fly within one European country you just fly wherever you want to it gives you an Ever present sense of freedom so you can just change your Road in Flight right correct if I tell you that I would like to get closer to those beautiful houses which aren't actually that beautiful yeah let's go see them maybe they are beautiful no I was joking another Factor worth mentioning is speed listen since we're flying so close to the road right now I wonder how much faster we move compared to a car and how much quicker we can get to places by plane than by car our current speeds around 200 kilometers per hour actually a little bit slower than usual due to do some headwinds but still you know a little bit quicker than the cars that are going 130 140 on Autobahn but found that a plane just goes in a straight line taking the shortest Road and not wasting time on traffic detours and so on it's safe to say that planes are about three times faster than cars I've done many routes both by plane and my car the difference in time is substantial when you drive you might only see trees around you for half an hour but here it's the same trees but with the added view which you can see 20 kilometers around you which is definitely a bonus despite all that a light aircraft isn't as comfy as a car so traveling might be a bit more tiring at times how are you feeling tired not really would you like to stop for a coffee we have 30 minutes until we get to Avignon quick break wouldn't hurt are you offering me to land for a coffee break yep we just landed for a coffee break guys why because we can crazy we landed for him a coffee at the walrus visan airport which also has its iron club and even a small Ovation Museum and you had to make some work calls while I was exploring the local hangers now the most interesting bit we use their Runway to land header rest drunk some coffee and paid nothing for it not a single Cent look it's Community thing local Pilots come to our airport too and they also get treated hospitably we're all friends anyway this is lovely so after having some coffee we took back off to the skies foreign I forget to mention that private Pilots have some harmless tricks up their sleeves such as so-called flow pass it's when you fly at high speed very low to the ground without touching it when I ask why you would do that Andrew said and I quote to chase the birds away so we pulled out our lasers and went for the birds above Leon Airport dude this is scary at the trees [Music] didn't sign up for this 30 minutes later we touched down in province [Music] unfortunately our freebies ended here in Avignon since we had to pay 18 Euros for landing and parking look a day of parking costs 18 Euros at this airport while you would probably pay five to seven euros per hour to leave your car somewhere in the city here it's 18 Euros per day quite a difference [Music] the best thing about aviation in Europe and especially France is that the infrastructure for flying is highly developed here as you can see there is a cool restaurant with great food right next to the landing strip also you can rent a car here or call a taxi everything is designed so that you can relax right after you land in Province perfect and as it typically happens in many places in France you start drinking right from lunch uh is it okay that you drink before flying no it's actually encouraged here meaning yeah 0.5 is acceptable half per meal yeah it used to be 1.2 no way 1.2 promo exactly which is like a bottle of wine wait but that's a lot 1.2 gets me wasted as long as you don't screw up you're fine we didn't screw up but I advise you not to drink before driving regardless of the country we came to Avignon the capital of province which is famous for its Fields let's go and check them out then this time we drive though no flight [Music] we rented the car and went to explore what province is most famous for here they are the ICONic Lavender Fields of province isn't it although there is some problem with this video it's not mine I bought it from a stock footage Library I just wanted to show you what Lavender Fields looks like in a blossom that's how Lavender Fields typically look in June and even the beginning of July but as for now this is what you get [Music] yeah not the picture we were hoping for my initial plan was to come here at the beginning of June when all these Lavender Fields were blooming but then the lockdown happened and I had to postpone my trip now it's the middle of August and all that's left is stubble oh well despite all that you can say that the place is short of tourists as they still flock here to see one of the province Hallmarks Cinemark update 13th century architecture is of course great but it's still a shame that we don't have blooming purple fields in the background instead of these bushes the thing is is that Lavender Fields don't follow a strict timetable and fully depend on how hot the summer is fields at times Bloom until the beginning of August or get moved by the middle of July I've come here a few times trying to catch the bloom every time it's either too soon or too late just like now them nevertheless there is no footage that a good colorist can fix so this is what it would look like if you're lucky with the time as for us we continue our trip through Province to see the most picturesque Village on the region [Music] besides its beautiful old town with the castle and everything gourdes also boasts a couple of cute hotels which take up the old building things right on the hills of course prices here aren't exactly low [Music] this is definitely not for traveling on a budget so we need to find something cheaper luckily we have our private plane for that oh my god it feels so nice saying it we just took off and would you just look at this golden hour use with the sun slowly rolling down the Horizon the romance of Aviation is really growing on me right now although nothing comes easy as you know our GoPro just got blown off the right wing and I even saw it happening too bad especially given that I bought a new 70 Euro case for it some two hours ago [Music] [Music] when I was talking about finding a cheaper place this is what I meant to [Music] it also happened to meet some amazing people who had never met us before but they said something along the lines of guys we'll keep the hangar open for night so you can take a shower at any time also feel free to grab some beers from the fridge needless to say we did grab some beers and left some money for it in a designated box this call Aviation Brotherhood is just something else but to tell you the truth I love it [Music] morning [Applause] I finally have some time to tell you about our current location we are about 50 kilometers from Marcel in southern France at the vignon Airdrome turns out it's a fascinated place too first of all five or six kilometers to my right there is a top secret object which you can't fly over it's the largest thermonuclear experimental reactor in the world it's a massive project worth tens of billion dollars and if they succeed with their experiments that should provide Humanity with an exhaustible source of cheap and green energy in a few decades I wish them luck apart from it all vinyon airport itself boasts the largest gliding Club in France more about it coming up honestly it came as a surprise to us too but vigned turned out to be the mecca for gliding attracting fans Not only from France but also Germany Switzerland and Austria and before we delve into its uniqueness let's find out what gliding is all about a glider is an aircraft without an engine but with a quite a wide wingspan of over 10 meters turning walking around 1 entire challenge due to this design feature gliders must be kept in special hangers and transporting it to the landing strip is a challenge of its own gliding is a super popular sport here with an air Club of course where I met Dima from cave who's lived in France since 2011 and works as an instructor pilot Dima flies gliders planes and even helicopters which begs a logical question what's the difference between all of them the difference between a plane and a glider is kind of like the difference between a motorboat and a sailboat you jump on the plane turn the engine on and off you go the engine does all the hard work this is for gliders though it's kind of like playing chess with uh with nature it's the aerial version of Chess in a way to make sense of these words let's figure out what requires for a glider to fly firstly thermal streams the Sun hits up the Earth and the Earth releases warm air that provides gliders with lifting force and this is key to vignon's uniqueness because it has over 300 sunny days in a year you can fly as much as you want another critical factor of gliding is the so-called glide ratio in short it's a distance a plane can travel horizontally with its engines off while losing ammeter in altitude our plane has a glide ratio of 1 to 9 translating to 9 meters of horizontal travel distance by losing one meter in altitude meanwhile a glider's ratio is 1 to 70 allowing for 70 meters of travel with one meter of lost altitude as you can see gliding is all about searching for ascending airstreams that lift you up and let you Glide but for all this you need to take off first here goes a logical question how do you do that with no engine of course with the help of the whole plane you attach a glider with a tow rope to the plane which in turn speeds up and toes up your long winged aircraft after gaining altitude the tall plane release the rope and you start gliding what's most surprising is the Gliders can fly very long distances I thought that you just have to remain within a fixed area and that's it but in reality you can fly thousands of kilometers on this thing I have just met a guy who flew to Austrian back last week in a glider which is at least thousand kilometers or even more you spend nothing on fuel you just need someone to lift you up and then it just air streams and wind and you fly the latest gliding record was set by two Frenchmen in the 90s when they completed a non-stop flight from Binion tomorrow which is 3 000 kilometers a glider flight can take up lots of time spent in the air lasting 8-10 and even 12 hours part of my question but what if you need to go to the bathroom ooh it's something that can indeed be resolved but for men it's a lot easier than for women uh actually men can just use a plastic bottle it's it's the most Simple Solution but women have a little different fix to the problem they usually have to resort to resorted diapers I mean no wonder they might need diapers given these mind-blowing views do you invite invited me for a test flight on a glider but unfortunately I can't make it today we are running out of time and must go on with our flight [Music] we took off towards can and immediately the skies met us with some pretty heavy turbulence making it impossible to film not sure if the camera captures it but it's rocking wild I guess these are the thermal stream that gliders used to fly yeah yeah that's right there are lots of them over here we basically jump from one thermal to another which is like a rough Gravel Road in a way look how it's pushing us up I'm not even touching the Yoke and we're going 1K feet per minute so tell you the truth it's hard to call these flights as comfortable as in a car when it's so shaking without any air condition but then again it's only at 20 20 and compared to 2 hours or so by car with traffic included it's going to be even less than 25 minutes because we get a strong Tailwind right now I bet we'll save seven or eight minutes since we're flying one and a half times faster than usual so compared to driving I prefer this instead 15 minutes of turbulent flight yeah it's still still better than three hours of traffic if you ask me 10 minutes later we safely landed in can the funny thing is that the turbulence was so intense that I scratched the wine screen with my camera a bit and I even thought that it cracked at first but it turned out to be just a scratch it was quite intense actually I think it's pretty standard for this region oh come on dude I don't even want to hear about it just admit that it was intense [Music] actually we didn't pay for this room instead Andrew used his travel points to get it for us yes that's possible every time you stay at a specific chain of hotels they assign points to you for every Euro you spend given how much traveling I do for work I do manage to save quite a bit by the end of each year does it mean that you never pay for hotels no not when I travel with family that's cool those are my work dividends here's a story not for the faint heard it one of Andrew's colleagues saved up so many points that he can now live in hotels two years in a row yeah no need to rent an apartment he can just chill in hotels with such views for two years dude is your company hiring right now let's move on to nice instead of strolling around local beaches I decided to do something different but not less interesting we're now going to meet someone who works with the people and faced by the current hard times in nice [Music] ground welcome to the port of nice where we are meeting with Katya she is a Yacht broker after a quick check of party acts I was eager to ask the main question so how much well let's see for example we have a 2019 40 meter boat it's called Exodus and its weekly rent is 190 000 Euro and that's without taxes and other expenses uh wait did you just say per week correct you mean it costs 190 000 Euros per week yep that's right plus you should add 10 to 20 vat which is a must also there's a 30 deposit on other expenses like fuel food drinks and people do rent it there aren't enough boats strange right well what can you do the boat I just mentioned isn't even the most expensive one and today we are lucky to see another one that cost 1 million per week this is Phoenix 2 a 90 meter Yak that fits only 12 passengers and 28 Crews it has a small helipad Spa elevator swimming pool Cinema gym and God knows what else unfortunately we couldn't get in I wanted to see what these Yaks are like inside and what people pay 200 000 per week for but even though we had been planning this for 15 days cartel didn't manage to find something for us because all the Yaks are now rented out so there is no way for us to get inside reach life is something else but I doubt I'll ever be able to understand those who pretty much spent a chunk of a small African country's annual budget on a week's yard Trend it's just beyond me really actually I'm not a big fan of crowded Resort cities with lots of transports and people I prefer something more quiet something like the place we're flying to next ready as we are going to fly over water the flight rules specify that we must wear these life jackets which I suppose are a little different from the standard ones they look like this [Applause] of course we couldn't live for Corsica without flying one more time over the Friendship Yara to enjoy how it all looks from about [Music] is looking outstanding from about [Music] [Music] thank you it takes about an hour from the south of France to Corsica so we had a quick snack and since there is nothing interesting Over the Sea we started to gain altitude apparently Innovation the higher you go the better it is first of all it's better because it's safer as you increase your Glide range secondly we fly faster thanks to thin air thirdly fuel consumption is more efficient see this green circle here shows our Glide radius just in case the engine dies out on us so the higher we fly the safer it is exactly 30 minutes later the Corsican mountains started to loom on the horizon ladies and gentlemen this is captain speaking we are now currently [Music] all right we're in Corsica decided to Camp right at the end of the runway there is sea right next to us so we made an impulsive decision and pulled out our stuff Andreas now taking the plane to its parking spot so let's see what we make of it [Music] back when were we planning this trip and dreaming about camping right next to runways it was something very similar to this place I had in my mind it turned out to be an Airfield near the southern town of propriano in Corsica this is where the puzzle was completed the tents the runway were related our plane somewhere nearby and the Sea of course that you can't see yet it was at this moment that I realized how fantastic traveling on a private plane is because you end up in places you would never visit by car or on foot just for us [Music] a very windy but extremely beautiful morning [Music] thank you [Music] yeah the morning was magnificent we quickly packed up and took off the capital of Corsica called ayajo there we rented the car and went sightseeing now let's figure out what we know about Corsica first and foremost it's Napoleon Bonaparte and that's his statue in the back born in Corsica Napoleon Remains the main Local Hero there is gravity with his face around ATMs hotels taverns and galleries named after him and of course the local airport Bears his name too friends regards Corsica as its autonomous region but not all locals agree with that you often come across fnlc gravity on buildings which stands for the National Liberation Front Of Corsica it's a separatist organization that advocates for Corsica separation from France they put up corresponding posters on the streets and paint over French writings on road signs leaving only Corsicana ones another thing Corsica is famous for is the local Mafia the mafia is real thin and just so you know the word vindieta which we all know originates from Corsica remarkably the local Mafia deeply cares about saving the island in its pristine State a few years ago there was an interesting incident here at the time some hotels chained entered Corsica planning to build their standard large building blocks with rooms turning Corsica into something like turkey suddenly the construction sites of those hotels started to explode at night and those explosions were organized by the mafia to keep the islands through Aesthetics actually if you go to Corsica now you'll notice that the island has hardly changed for the last 50 years or so I don't just mean the Corsican architecture with its tiny towns scattered across the hills I'm talking about their traditions and corsica's national identity as well to find out more we've met with Ola and Alex who live here I I was born in Marseille and then I moved to Corsica because it's where my parents are from so uh I was eager to pass the tradition to my son and also the culture and and everything else traditionally value family ties for example Alex left Marcel and bought a house in the same village where his grandparents were bird Alex is a big fan of Corsica and since he knows all the interesting Sports on the island we decided to visit a genuine Corsican Village this is traditional Corsican Mountain Village called pente de kasinka it has a population of around 3000 people and it's hard to call it a tourist destination here we met Pierre John who kindly invited us to his family house passed on from generation to generation just check out the year it was built I'm actually amazed at how corsicans honor their ancestor traditions and how important families to them you can find it in many other cultures but here you can practically feel it the house has a bunch of rooms where all the relics of his family are stored starting from the portrait of Pierre John's grand grandfather and other relatives and ending with family utensils and books a real family museum as Jean-Pierre said we've just seen the formal side of the house and now we are moving to the area where some of the less glamorous relics are housed the proletarian part absolutely stunned me some 50 years ago the family lived here and nothing has changed since then including the 1973 calendar on the wall the fireplace used to be right in the middle of the room resulting in walls covered in suit and Beads of smoked sausage that they made here I'm actually shocked that this room hasn't been redecorated it would be logical to utilize this room somehow but instead the room serves as a reminder of the old days now after a short ethnography session in chatting with the locals let's do some sightseeing we have driven through the south of Corsica and here are the three most memorable spots we saw let's start with the mountains the first place is a mountain pass called aguiles de bayella with its massive spikes on the red grenade and absolutely stunning views this place isn't just famous among hikers but rock climbers too we're smoothly moving from the mountains to the main reason why people visit Corsica namely the Sea and the beaches which automatically get at 10 out of 10 and the color of the water in some parts like near the island of Piana is very similar to the Maldives sorry for this cheesy comparison the watering Corsica is gorgeous which shouldn't be surprising considering that we are only some 10 kilometers away from Sardinia which so many adore you can even see it from here that dark spot on the horizon is the mountains of Sardinia still neither I nor Andrew even touched these turquoise water because instead we decided to see the most beautiful city in the south of Corsica the city of Bonifacio when you walk around the streets there isn't actually much the difference Bonifacio from other old towns in Europe but this is the case when we should take a look at this town from the outside [Music] thank you [Music] Bonifacio is built on the very top of limestone Rock its houses hand almost 70 meters above the sea there is even a small Bay that welcomes fairies from Sardinia as well as a regular beautiful boats [Music] this is a super picturesque City and a great place to stop over and chill for a day there is just one issue with bonifacia though you can only see its full Beauty either from a boat or a plane or a drone if you have one exploring Corsica in just two days turned out to be an impossible task so we honestly failed it the weather was getting worse on our route which made us argently return home before we got stuck here nevertheless Andrew promised to make up for this with a little surprise these take off from this small unpaved Airfield was the scariest one of this whole trip we got off the ground at the very last moment and we were really close to the trees the captain though reassuring me later that everything was under control I should say that after five days of our plane trip I'm starting to feel much more confident in this passenger seat I Now understand intersections and how the plane reacts when it goes through mountains or thermal streams I think that all our fears about flying come mainly from the lack of understanding of the mechanics behind it the more you learn the more confident you get and then you start feeling comfortable as you realize their planes Behavior the more you fly the less scared it gets I guess this formula works [Music] the surprise I was talking about is that we'll be flying over the Swiss Alps and if you get lucky with the weather and the clouds we'll even get to orbit around my favorite Mountain where I stayed for a night in Switzerland it's the mother horn I'm really hoping we'll make it there because the views are already astonishing [Music] to fly over the Alps which are pretty high as you know we had to gain altitude up to 4200 meters what's most interesting is that thermal streams pushed us up to the altitude we already know what those are otherwise this specific plane wouldn't be able to fly so high their streams push us up and here we are flying towards the motorhorn who speak should roughly be at our altitude the only problem is that we can't remain at this altitude for more than 30 minutes because deaths when oxygen deprivation sets in which might led to Mountain sickness which is quite serious and I think I am starting to feel Mountain sickness already I am getting that feeling of light headness and dizziness although I'm not sure if it's from the lack of oxygen or the impeccable views they are just melting my brain [Music] well I think I can see it and there it was in the distance these absolutely outstanding Mountain almost 4 and 500 meters tall which we flew a Victory lap around now when the mother horn is behind us I'm feeling a sense of closure in everything Mountain related just look how beautiful see that glacier on the left in the distance yeah some guys I'm not crazy enough to fly in on their ski planes and they try to land on it that's crazy yeah surprises didn't stop there though because we reached montblan the highest mountain in the Alps and all of Europe if you don't count the kaucasus mountains [Music] check out that uh that UFO looking thing up on the top okay yeah I see it's a it's a refuge for all the climbers who go up Mont Blanc [Music] our flight through the Alps turned out even better than I expected the weather the sunset pure magic and some 30 minutes later we landed at the French Airdrome Animas just a couple of kilometers away from Geneva [Music] wow what a spectrum of emotions ranging from excitement and light fear to the Indescribable beauty of the mountains which I had never experienced from this new angle wow this definitely is a great day as well as the whole trip well Six Days of our plane traveling are over and now on to the part that probably interested you the most the numbers for six days of the plane rental including all Aviation fees parking and fuel we paid 2 000 Euros it's important that there were just two of us and if you split this course in four because there were four seats on the plane you would end it up with 500 euros per person which isn't too bad if you compare this to a road trip by car it would have taken us over two days to cover the same distance by car while it only took us 13 hours and 30 minutes by plane which is nearly four times quicker as an example it takes two and a half hours to fly from here to can and 8 hours and 30 minutes to get there by car and just imagine how exhausted you would be after driving this long of a distance well after two hours on a plane after experience all that on my own I can surely say that I feel fresh and energized I could even hope in the car and drive somewhere all in all traveling by plane is Like A New Perspective of travel and it's an incredibly interesting one because you don't drive through places but fly over them discovering the world from a new angle personally I was glad to experience all the Romans of a such traveling sleepovers at airfields dining all those nearby restaurants it's such a magical thing to feel all that this trip didn't even require a large budget since we slept in tents and didn't spend much on restaurants and hotels it was quite a budget trip and that's amazing too well I'm really ecstatic and it makes me think that I would definitely like to do it again but taking a different route this time and maybe even more than once still though as you know it's not really about how you travel but whether you do it travel because it's still really worth it as for me I think I will stay here in this beautiful Swiss Village for another day to relax and then get to my next destination see you guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Anton somewhere
Views: 35,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anton, antonsomewhere, big episode, big, episode, air travel, airplane in europe, private jet, rent a plane, plane, europe, robin 400, france, corsica, cote d'azur, monaco, provence, provence lavender, lavender bloom, burgundy, european plane rent, airblog, light aircraft, travel in europe, glider, glider flights, gordes, nice, cannes, ptushkin
Id: ppvkFWCU4MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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