Bought VW Thing That Won't Go Over 30, and thats Why It Was Sold

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got that a little pet talk see if that'll do it been sitting for 6 months at least the battery hasn't charge I wouldn't think it's out of gas but could be trying to fill up the float ball there we go hey guys and how's it going I'd like to introduce you to my 1974 VW Thing give you a quick little backstory on it and we're going to get into some wrenching I was at a uh car show at a museum Volkswagen show and this was actually for that museum had this for sale at there at the show and nobody bought it by the end of it and uh I counted contacted him on the out and we made a deal I bought it uh I believe it came off of an island I think it was Mar's Vineyard it came off of something like that and so you know couldn't get driven very much but um it sat for a long period of time when I got into it all the fuel lines were rotted out it ran all fuel lines are rotted out had mold inside it on it under it around it brakes were all locked up all the way around the wheel cylinders were all seized so we did all that kind of stuff got it running a friend of mine came cleaned up the paint best he could and uh went to go do go for a test drive and we found that after anything over third gear the clutch pretty much slips pretty bad so it got put away for the winter time it is now Springtime T the season to have it out and go play with it so I want to uh finish up getting whatever it needs fixed up plus we also got uh some bling to put on stuff to make it look a little better so let's go get it back to the shop get it up on the lift we'll start getting the engine out of it get the clutch done and of course whatever else we find working on it too but uh we could also make it look a little bit better too without further Ado let's go get her in the garage and do some [Applause] wrenching hey got up in here see we got any other issues I can see one right now looking at that muffler to the bumper see the muffler is on the left down more than the right side it looks like actually might be the bumper itself I'm looking at the bumper it's not quite level with the uh back of the car so kind of keep that in mind I do think we had I thought we had an exhaust leak on it yeah it's looking like right there at the heater box there's a hole so we may have to weld that we may not we'll see I might even have another heater box for it again this thing sat on an island so the climate wasn't all that great looks like the rear main seal is leaking see all the wet oil so between the engine and trans when we take that clutch out there's a seal that's in there it's notorious for leaking and apparently this one's doing the same thing and let's go think we have an axle shaft that the grease is coming out of but I don't I don't know I don't see anything missing they really don't run clamps on the iners they just kind of like a gravity see the other side's got yeah other side's dry we'll keep an eye on that it looks like that clutch return spring trying to get you up in there so up there you I can see a little better there is a spring bump it with the light that right there that's wiggling that clutch return spring is not doing what it's supposed to be doing it's worn or it's broken so that's probably part of our clutch issue the pedal feels kind of weird too so I don't know sometimes the pedal cluster gets a little bound up that arm up there and the transmission can get a little bound up combination of all of them so probably what happened maybe that's spring failed that's the return spring so was kind of like slipping the clutch all the time and it caused it to get burned up plus the um oil leaking on it it's not helping things neither think El look pretty decent if they put somebody put a newer tank in it it looks like good all right well I think I'm going to jump ahead I'm going to pull the motor out I've shown it quite a few times on videos if there's anything interesting to show I will show it to you just trying to look at that the engine is sitting a little wacky too I'm looking at um this support right here going across you might need a motor mount or to we'll find out when we get it apart if that's sitting a little weird we could try to change them all right so a this is pretty much the same as a bug or an early bus as far as the end removals you have heater cables there is a fuel line up on this side to get removed these little tubes can come off and then on the upper side you have a like three or four wires that got to get removed there's a belly pan that comes off and then essentially four bolts that go around the engine and you set it on a floor jack on that oil strainer right there and you walk the engine out so I'm going to go get a bunch of that done we'll get the engine out we'll see what we got hey everything underneath already been disconnected just knock out some of the stuff on top this is this is the uh air cleaner air cleaner is a uh oil bath doesn't have a like paper filter in it it just directs the air through oil and then the dirt kind of sticks to the oil I me when you change the uh oil on one of these you use like three quarts 2.7 of it go into the crank case and then a little bit goes in the air cleaner a lot of the newer ones don't have um they went to a a paper air cleaner these are that's a preheat hose these are the hoses that go to the heater box the big fan back here and it shoots air through the heater boxes that picks up heat and pushes it up into the cabin we got um couple of cables coming across batter's already been disconnected it's going to have three wires on this side oil pressure switch power for the coil that we just removed we got one more which I believe is uh the other side of the coil it should be all three of them get them out of our way sometimes like a paint stick or a marker helps I just put a one dot on there one dot on the coil and then the other wire I put two dots and two dots on the wire not that I can't figure it out anyway again it's fairly simple you tell they did plug wires after because they have it running up down and around come on out there you go so that's those three up top is a a little fuse holder that is the reverse light up here runs across picks up power off the coil and it runs over to the uh the reverse lights that are off the side two wires are going to go pull off of here for the alternator actually three you have power out you have a a field wire which is this one the smaller one so that's the field wire that's power out in the back is a ground wire take someone's mauled that up a little bit we get on it we B scripts get it to turn there it goes so normally you would just take this harness with the three wires three or four wires and it runs behind the carburetor it is that one right there you just kind of pull it up out of the way but somebody put a new carburator on it and they pinched it they pull the carb down right hard against this I got that carb get it to pull forward towards us a little bit and then we should be able to get that harness out of the way and again the reverse light one I just disconnect the clip on it and I believe I that one runs across and over and down to the side and after that this belly pan Which is this tin right here just got a bunch of Flathead screws in it I'm going to pull that out of the way and that'll allow the engine to come back a little bit and the other thing is the throttle cable which is that right there yeah you had it crushed right against there that wasn't going to get out of there now we can though that set that carb right back where it was there we go pop the base of the air cleaner out me want to get that harness out of there you can see the there's the oil that's in it how it works you just dump that out wash it out and put it in new we to the point where there's only there one nut on that top right hand side that's holding it the other three are out it depends on what year of Volkswagen you're dealing with earlier ones um access to different parts of it were in different locations like on this one it's later what they did was uh they moved an oil cooler on the back of the engine in that fan trout there's an oil cooler and air would flow through and an exhaust uh around each cylinder head well what they found was on number three cylinder was overheating because that oil cooler was in the way so they took the oil cooler and they shifted it backwards and it's right up against the wall you won't be able to see it right now but it's up against that back wall when the engine's out I'll show you so they moved the hardware your access to it so now you have to go underneath where like with the fuel line that clutches the cable and take a bolt out from there two nuts on the bottom and then from up top right here there's one more that's holding it I have a jack that I modified and it's kind of meant to uh I just welded another plate on it where it it kind of goes around that oil strainer a little bit better this one's got a cage underneath it kind of like a skid plate so that might interfere but it generally will balance on a jack pretty good so I'm going to get that up underneath the oil strainer get a little bit of the weight off of it and get that last one out and we got to play the the wiggle game so that nut it's back around here right about there and to try to get a wrench on there and try to move it a little bit there's not enough room for a ratchet a ratcheting 17 mimer is your best friend that and an S rench if you're working on Old air cool Volkswagen two specialty wrenches that you would want are those to these allow you to get to the the back of the carburetor the distributor um the fuel pump I already cracked it loose but you can imagine trying to reset that wrench each time like I said you can get a socket on it but then you start working it out and the socket backs up to the motor now it's stuck in there ask me how I know sometimes the threads will get really cruddy that bolt holds your starter in too it's got like a half moon on the back of it and the bolt will push in then the whole thing rotates that sucks we got it the other good thing to is when you're putting it back together take a wire wheel and clean all those threads up so that you can kind of spin it on with your fingers as much as you can lost a washer back there all right we should be able to kind of Wiggle That free I'm going to back you up a little bit and uh do the shake engine comparet gasket just holding on it's I got a there's a seal that goes around it it's just kind of caught underneath the tins I'm going to go underneath and work it back on both sides so I don't tear it we got it the thing has an extra bracket right here that's usually not here on a beetle or a bus that may be a problem with the belt we'll see got to send the wire through for the reverse lights and we want to grabb the throttle cable pull the throttle cable out too should be able to kind of tilting it back too to clear the um the bell housing in the back so I got it kind of pitched backwards I'm also off my Jack little so was trying to hang to this side come on down putting it back in I may uh take that the fan belt off pretty much got it wires binding on anything this has a um early odb2 just a plug that you would plug into in the factory I tell you what's going on so the car has to go up then we pull that motor [Music] out make sure I'm not going to drop it nothing's hanging [Music] all right let's go take a peek and see what we got curious about like those those transmission mounts and everything too I don't think this it's ever been out yeah you can see the uh the wetness on the bottom there all the oil that's sitting in there and all the crap that's behind let's go check out out the light throw up everything is noisy and this should move here's the here's the uh when you hit the pedal up top that's what that's moving that all feels free although there's rust on the the thrust part of it and gets a little less like there you go that doesn't look very healthy the rust that's on there and again that should have a spring that pushes that backwards so that this throwout bearing never touches the clutch disc it's going some cleaning up I'd say those motor mounts lot times if they get oil soaked in them too they also kind of go to crap I think I have a set of them so we're definitely going to throw them in I'm sure all that's original probably never been apart I have a complete uh clutch set to put in there just peek around see if we see anything else that's a out of the ordinary so the fresh air comes in through the vents on the side there's a hole there and a hole on the other side the fan sucks in through the back of the engine and all the hot air exits out the bottom so this seal right here is kind of important so as the back one it uh allows it when you you're in traffic you don't keep drawing the hot air back up and around again let's go look at the back of the engine so you could see where the one bolt is here and how I had to go get the nut off from the backside well this one they put a bolt in the top before none of this was here this is all this is the oil cooler and they moved it out it used to be inside the fan rout so you had room same as the other side you would just reach up top and and take the nut off but now they ran a bolt in from on the other side does look terribly wet we got to get that apart I again we're going to do a seal on it anyway see if anything stands out do those heat that heater box that exhaust leak let's um grab a little uh ratchet wrench and we'll get the clutch disc off and take a peek inside we removing the engine that's all there is to it those pieces right there Hardware wise all right let's go grab a I got the impact gun normally if you're going to reuse the clutch and definitely when you reassemble it you would this is all pre-loaded has a big it's a big spring those are the Springs you would kind of want to uh remove it evenly and push it back on evenly we're just going to buzz all the bolts off and take it off cuz we got a new [Music] one you kind of tell right away so normally I'm sure I got them all normally this clutch would pop out a decent amount we don't have much preload at all on it little down to the rivets it's wore right out so the clutch is so far worn with the the rivets on the clutch have dug into the flywheel I mean the pressure plate so got a new one of those definitely got the money's worth and it looks like it started the touch the flywheel we near as bad as the um the disc though see the marks where it was touching right there so behind here is a main seal let's go get a big socket and take the flywheel off and we'll see that seal that's back there and see how much um oil is pissing out of it speaking of specialty tools one other thing that you kind of need a 36 mm socket it does this gland nut it does the back of the generator and you can't barely see it uh the axles on the back to get the rear brake drums off all use that same socket [Music] so there a shims behind here that um pick and playay out so you just got to watch you don't lose them and the uh flywheel is dowel pinned on going to walk that out there you go and there's the seal that's the seal that's pissing you can actually see oil underneath it right here so this seal over time just gets brittle there's a spring behind it you know it just kind of kind of craps out over a while and it rides on the back of the flywheel we just going to take a quick peek make sure we don't have any bad grooves in there which we don't all right I'm going to go clean some stuff up we're going to go shopping and uh grab some stuff we need a seal we need of course the the U whole new clutch set up and we got a hunt for a clutch return spring couple of different styles has a bit of a pain the asses that spring this spring right here again that could have also even led to uh part of its demise is that it never it's kind of like keeping your foot on the clutch because this lever is never to pull back all the way and get your your pressure off the clutches essentially that that throw bearing when you're not when you're not um pushing the clutch down this should not spin this should not touch the back of the clutch and with that being out of there that probably was the case so let's go look at the I did buy a clutch kit for it I knew uh let's go make sure we have all the right components cuz there's different styles let's go crack her open we just make sure we got the right style throughout bearing if you do is got the larger hole to to work with that collar new pressure plate the uh bearing for INS inside that gland nut that we took off is a bearing that goes in there for the uh input shaft the rest against and this is a clutch alignment tool when you put it back together the uh disc probably show you later when it's on there the disc when it's bolted up can go a bunch of different play area in I'm exaggerating you get the idea so if you're trying to go put say the engine back in you're trying to line this up to the transmission but it's off kilter you're not going to be able to get it together so they give you a little tool call a little tool little tool when you're assembling it goes through the center of it lines everything up and when you're done you just pop it back out and everything should be in a straight line I'm going to go put those next to the other ones just eyeball them and make sure they're good yeah it looks fine I think this is the original one too cuz it's got a BW Insignia right on it so I'm sure it's never I don't think this has all the many miles on it I think what was it like 54,000 let's go look yeah not even 29,000 mil on it but again was on an island I think Nantucket I it wasn't Martha's Vineyard I think it was n Nantucket Massachusetts so how far can you go on a island that's probably like 30 m long we are in the Lan of broken Volkswagen stuff actually it's all a lot of it's new so we need a room main seal should be down here somewhere that should be one right there I believe there's a couple of them graat you to bring down with us we need a bearing it's carb kit oh we also need the um the repair kit for the heater boxes too don't know if that's and motor mounts right yeah wheel cylinders one that I try to keep like a decent amount of stash of stuff I have enough of them so if not I got you know your phone a friend all the local B BW people around they call me up for stuff and I call them up for stuff and then we replace it as it's needed and plus like when I go to the BW shows or you buy a car it's got a bunch of parts in it kind kind of throw them this is just one of the locations let's go look for those um heater box repair kits I know hopefully somebody didn't borrow it m cylinder and I didn't get it you know one of those I didn't get it back let me go hunt in another location I want to say possibly the heer Box things are here somewhere there they are there's one of them you got more go bring so what you do is you cut cut off what's left and you Hammer these into the boxes I got a bunch of them grab two of those and to grab a grab this one it's got a clamp with it anything else I don't think we need the seal these are the Seals that go around the engine bay keep an eye on it yeah it's holding another rack of Volkswagen stuff more Volkswagen stuff I don't have a problem not at all yet another location I'm still looking for the um clutch return spring these are a bunch of used stuff that I have there's a preload tube there and there's some smaller clutches for earlier cars I don't see anything uh might have to phone a friend on that one and a friend had all three just three different styles for them smaller diameter larger diameter and then I think it's the orientation of havos like that one's got a double hook on it where I think ours just have the the straight on one side this is just mineral spirits safety cleaning using like your parts washer and I got a got a new barrel and uh so we Christen it cleaning all this mess up garbage can down below I'm just dumping it on the floor so I'm going to give that a bath and I'll probably H it with an air gun and uh rinse out all that that brake dust kind of good to take care of it while it's wet you know old clutches old brakes orous not sure on this but generally you kind of want to wash it wash it wet and then like I said take an air gun and blow out the crap that's left we still have to go take all this crap off yet but I rather deal with it where it's not so crappy dig that mud out you guys find a lot of sand is the um the front bumper has those was two rod holders on it so I'm sure it was kind of like taken on the beach and used for fishing or at least trying to look like they did and rinse you be able to pull that pork forward should just kind of come right off those Keepers there we go the old yeah she's growly definitely time the spring on the other hand that's going to be a bit of a man have some colorful language I I get the throttle C uh throttle C the the clutch cable off I'm going to grab it with a pair of ice grips and take the wing nut off of it which is the adjustment cuz it's got to come off through the arm anyway sometimes I've had to kind of like move the fork unbolt the fork and pull it away but uh we're going to try to wiggle it with um how it is get that right off same thing with this too I'm going to hit it with a wire wheel before we put it back together cuz we have to reach up under there one-handed to adjust adjust the clutch later this is what the adjustment is wing nut it's got like detents on it too so you think like would it move afterwards no it's got like a bumps that are on it it falls into a a groove on the arm all right let get that out of there and generally this requires a lot of like prying with a big screwdriver you get that out of there like say sometimes you got to unbolt it and you let it slide to the side and gives you a little bit room to work with sometimes I've had luck with getting them right out in and out and sometimes they have fought me and I've screwed it for screwed it for about an hour so I'm going to go get a bigger screwdriver and start prying on see if it'll go there it goes that's the easy one though so that's the layout how it was you can see where it snapped off I'm going to go eyeball that I think it's the larger of the uh the ID ones yeah it's that one again so the new one's even harder to put on because there's more to it let's just go see how it wants to play will it just be nice to us and just go maybe don't see nothing now we have just have to get that hook up above that make sure the base of it's in its right location that where that Tong is I'm going to go look at it with a mirror just make sure it's all the way over and then that little flat touches the top of the transmission icept this that's why I missed it so I got to get where you are so you get the idea what I need to do so I'm going to go try to do what I need to do without you sorry I know I know you're going to miss me I'll be back end up putting a bearing on while we were to pull it away I think we got in the right spot let's see if can I need a smaller scoo that Phillips are probably be let's grab a Phillips it feels like I missed the other side of it yeah I little tabbed in lock into where it is I got to get a mirror and look and find out where that's supposed to go I hit it with a hammer think that did anything kind of like drew it in further I still think it's gonna pop off on us but let's see what we get we going try pushing it with something get something that's got like a fork on it cuz I have a feeling when I pull it so far over the bottom half kicks out what could possibly go wrong get out of there the handles in the way [Music] who's your daddy all right good I'm going hit kind of finish up and actually we got the mounts to do yet too take care of them get Sidetrack let's take the end of that cable clean those right [Music] up that nut should spin on there cuz again you're going to be up there like one-handed trying to get it let's just make sure more butter little drop oil probably wouldn't hurt either good let's go throw that back on the arm so that doesn't pull and come apart and essentially when you you adjusting the clutch I make it'll make more sense when it's apart you don't want the pressure plate and this touching each other when you're off the pedal why about if you they call it free play of the pedal which on the pedal is probably about half inch you move the pedal about a half inch and not doing anything till it clut touches this back here it's probably a 16th of an inch maybe see how it clicks see how it locks in that's what keeps it from backing itself out all right I'm going to go now tackle the motor mounts should have just enough room to get him out is H in the tunnel though the mounts of sag so much the bolts didn't have the room to come out get out now worst case we could take the uh bracket right off which is these two see get though we're running the clearance problems up top you should be able to get one out long as you can get one out then the other one comes right out cuz you create enough room for the two of them come on it's like right there [Music] [Music] how' that feel on your toes I'm going to bolt this we'll get it to pull away I got to get a uh a jack underneath the transo cuz it it'll be able to come down much further [Music] does as well anyway gives us a better chance to clean up all these brackets and all that can drop down and they can fall out so it seems you might have a slight clearance issue let just try opening them up I think it's just a rubber that kind of impeded it a little bit that'll work end the trans is all kind of buttoned up so we can kind of move back on to uh the engine I think what we're going to go do we'll take that that table goes up and down hydraulically let's slide that onto there if we were just doing the clutch I'd leave it the way it is and roll it back under but we still have that exhaust to deal with so let me uh clean up a little bit of junk and swap that over ni kicking sideways work coming like that [Music] I'm going to take a minute and clean all this up and then uh we'll pop that seal out of there take a look at things clean up enough let's go get that old seal out I'm just going to press against the dowel with the screwdriver get behind it I should just walk right out of there should there it goes they're not gluing or anything they just that pressure fit again when it be 50 years old and over time it kind of fails I said there's a spring that's in here too should be right there kind of holds tension on it but again over time that the rubber just kind of goes away so there's should be three shims in there might need a magnet and between those three shims you can adjust What's called the endplay the crankshaft for an AP it can without the flywheel on it it's going to clunk forward and back a lot because there is a bearing that bearing right there that you're kind of spacing against see if I can do it I grab the crank on the other side you can see how far that's moving again that's without the fly wheel on it so you pinch between the flywheel back in these shims and it takes that play away for some reason you have to do three my my guess is that you know how they rub against each other but uh not quite sure on that I don't know why you can't use four or whatever but you can dial in and it's about 7 th I want to say the spec is 7 to 15,000 I want to say possibly all right let's go get a new seal we'll tap that in there we'll get the flywheel back on and we'll give her a shakee back and forth and see what we actually have straight from Germany I guess you could put a sealer on there if you wanted to I'm going to get a big socket you got to recess it a little bit also if your flywheel has a Groove in it you can kind of like leave it right there get it off the groove I didn't see one on there take a quick look at it just to make sure yeah sometimes you get like a ridge that'll cut into it and if there is you can you can favor that seal one way or another just to kind of get off that lip but looks pretty good again this is low mile so they make tools that fit on it perfectly but you can actually just take like again the edge of the socket and just kind of you can see it worked its way and all the way around you just don't want it deform this lip right here you see how much soft imp pliable this one is I'm going to take my finger I'm going to rub a little bit oil on that and we'll get the flywheel and shove it back on [Music] click so now we can kind of like feel how much free play there is and it's really nice I'm going to put a screwdriver between the front and the rear you put a dial indicator on it but you can kind of tell you you'll feel it yeah this one's fine you can kind of tell it only has 27,000 lot of lot of uh pushies on the clutch stop and go again if you're on an island but the flywheel kind of looked at it again it's scored from where the rivets were touching but I don't see any uh like hot spots in it so we're just going to go ahead with uh using what's there goit it with some brake clean the bearing in the center feels pretty good that Glen that like I said has a bearing right in there for the pilot shaft that actually feels decent I'm going to give her a little of oil those can be a little tricky to replace and if you um crush the cage a little bit you end up damaging it so if if I don't see anything wrong with them generally I kind of leave them alone so let's get that clutch on there there's that alignment tool again it just holds holds that disc right in the center so when you bolt up to it and then you go to try to put the engine and TRS together it's not uh a skew is that a work all I got to go clean the oil off of that before we put it on now one on the BET when we put this on it's going to stay proud see the Gap that's on this one it's probably about4 inch that's how much preload this one has compared to the other one the clutch disc actually no actually it was scored up I about to say the clutch disc is probably okay you can get away with it but these are uh the whole setups are not very expensive I want to say 100 150 bucks maybe for everything long as you get a good one uh sacks clutches were good Pro problem with anything Parts wise now is names that you knew were good you got to be careful because they try to sell it under the same I'm not saying that this is bad but um yeah they try to sell it under the same name and it's a piece of crap a lot of Automotive stuff is going to going to junk looks like the part but it isn't you'll see it too when I go to tighten it up these fingers that's the preload on it you'll see how far they get drawn in I am going to use a an air tool to kind of run them in but I'm going to use it to again a little at a time you don't want to just tighten one up you kind of want to run it in even but those fingers will probably show up how they move let me go get that and I'll relocate you might be able to see it better that's it Mak you much they drew in that's how much preload how much pressure is pushing on that clutch disc and then when you hit the pedal that throw up bearing is pushing right here these are on a pivot it pivots the other direction and the pressure comes off of the clutch and the flywheel allowing the the disc to spin free from the engine or the engine to say spin free from the disc so if you're stopped at a light the engine spinning around but that clutch that's get inside isn't moving at all and next is that guy there's two ways we can approach it one you can take the muffler off of the the front or the back how you want to look at it but we have to get that piece in there and it repairs it and then it re clamps down to the muffler or you can take the heater box off the other side pull the Box away Hammer this into the box and then oh stop it and then put this reinsert this back in the muffler so I think we're probably going to go with the heater box let's take a look at the other side and we'll see how much damage is on the other one if the other one is okay maybe we'll leave it kind of a deciding factor with the L go let's um let's dig at that a little bit that looks pretty strong oh nope I blew through on that one so both of them got to get done um yeah let's go for taking the muffler off sometimes again it could be a little bit more of a pain in the ass cuz the muffler has um you know much more uh connection points to it and a little harder to get to the studs that are up here and sometimes these can be temperamental I'm going to go remove that we might see if we have a maybe a better Muffler it looks decent just kind of rusty I'm going to go pop that out of there and hopefully these do not break this is where the common spot is and um we'll rep play the heater boxes and then maybe I might even have like a header or something yeah these can be a bit of a pain it's called a speed wrench oh nice speed wrench is nice cuz you can work it back in forward speed wrench old school cuz you can work like say if you you got a little bit of um get a little bit of movement out of something you can work it quickly back and forth instead of like trying to work with a ratchet like now it's find it up so I'll go back in again and work it little bit of oil wouldn't hurt that really isn't the bad side the bad side is um actually that is cuz you go there's no clearance to put a nut and bolt through if you do snap it let's go try the other side with these you can kind of see it goes clear through it so in case you do break it at least you can uh drill it out put a nut bolt on it that I don't think is 10 mm nice also show you that S rench I was talking about earlier looks like a 716 or something let's go try it again got it kind of sitting on top of it though it's called the this the preheat kind of wonder what this is for so exhaust blows through here across the bottom of the intake manifold and back down the other side and it keeps the bottom of the Mana fold anytime you have a carburetor that's very far away from where the the intake is so here's the carb now the cylinder head is way over here as it goes through here there's a tendency for uh ice to build up right inside here it gets really cold so this tube is right below it maintains Heat going through it should be able to blow air through that some a lot of times they get clogged all right so we got these clamps to get out of the way I'm not going to show you that and then uh we'll get the s rench in we'll try working on getting the nuts off of the muffler those clamps are off they're self-explanatory and then there's these this is where that fresh air from the blower housing blows through the exhaust and it's a coupler right here that you kind of line up little sleeve you loosen them up you better slide up or down out of the way and allows this to have movement to it do the same on the other side we'll start getting these to crack loose remember that s wrench there another reason you can kind of get in and it gives you a a distance to travel allows it wrap around all the pieces and so that's good for all four fortunately the hardware is coming loose on this a lot of times if you go to loosen this one right here and it doesn't want to go forget it don't keep going I take a a cold chisel I split the nut right in the center there it opens up and then you can take it off then you clean the threads up afterwards let's go try our luck on the upper one I must say I'm not going to say it cuz you know how that works all right so I'm going to get the these four off and we'll start pulling it away see if we can get that wiggled off of there sometimes you have to hit with a hammer so a lot of times you got to beat these little uh sections up too they get rusted right to it let's you get a little movement out of it though usually it's pretty good yeah it's on these there you right this stuff we can just beat off of there there you go now I can kind of see it better see what's going to happen so we're just going to cut that right off right there with a whiz wheel or saw off and then this hopefully just gets hammered right in as long as they in aart this is the very common spot where why they uh where they rot out so that's why they they even made these cuz the rest of it actually stays pretty good to be honest with you some of the newer again same conversation we just had you know newer stuff is worse than the old stuff much more junk original ones see those fins down in there that's it transfers the heat to the uh inner side you look at the newer ones there's like half the amount of fins amount of surface area uh not that I'm all that concerned about heat in this car but you know and it's off going clean those edges up a little bit hopefully that's going to hammer into there this one may have already been done I see the sleeve in there it's already been done and rotted out let's see if we can get like a slide hammer let's see if we can get this old piece out of here we'll just put new ones in again yeah like it's kind of the same size can we drive it no I don't want to drive it [Applause] in make it through think so beat on it with a screwdriver just a little bit see if it'll go we allowed it to like shrink down a little yeah we got it I'm going to grab a hook and pull out on it there we go almost like it wants to go back in there I'm got to clean the edge up just a hair on the bottom I'm going too far because um you want to make sure you're in the window of where the uh clamp will line up rather Taiwan than the other place remember when Japan was the crap see made in Japan you're like a good something's made in Japan do the same thing to the other side yep they did both sides see you can get see if that'll come out without um having to uh slice it it's hard to get a bite on it going to have to slice it let's go look at this Muffler get any crap coming out of it so it's not Rusty internally is good the external part looks fairly decent to it I don't see any blowouts happening anywhere let's go upstairs and uh just for and giggle see if I have anything if not we're going to go put that back on back in the hoarde all over again we got at this thing like a Monza Muffler I kind of want to keep it quiet again that's a beetle Muffler that's on there it's not even a um thing set up and nothing that's going to be there's a couple of newer ones but I think like that's bus that's a 40 horse 40 horse that the width of the nozzles are close together on other there's some old 36 stuff there's some new heater boxes are they good ones maybe I can show you what I was talking about so if you look down the side there see how many fins there are that's what you get that that's the cheaper crappier stuff so it's a whole header setup that would be a waste on this though now I should have a whole Muffler kit that's probably one right there and there's different qualities to that this one I think this is a horn that's a horn we're going with that even like this stuff it's gotten crappier over time these they they need a um a good curve of the shell to draw the pieces together and the newer and newer that they get the more and more they're just kind of flat going across here these are the tail pipe and the muffet are the same size see what these look like probably got these at a swap meat they look pretty good throw that anywhere all right what I was just talking about these just came out of the box they are new and got a lights skin you it's supposed to be a a gasket a crushable gasket that's in it and then a ring and the ring is the other flange you know from the muffler side that pushes up against it this one doesn't have one this one has one like if you would just put slid them on there and not paying attention you would have put the whole muffler on and you got to take the whole thing apart again just to go get that metal ring in there so I'm go grab another one and that's better got it all buttoned up these all them pretty much all the same Hardware all over again couple of new gaskets and you can see how the fitment is afterwards and the The Little Waffle little uh dut that's in there gets crushed with a metal ring on this side and then the existing ring on the muffler and just clamps them together and seals it up same as those all right do we have anything else that we need to do on the engine while the engine's out maybe I'll just take a quick deep with the mirror underneath just make sure there's no bird uh squirrels Nest mice anything like that in there may take a little bit of time and if there is might be able to get it with an air gun see a little piece of something right there piece of leaf I could pick that out cuz that'll cause it to overheat let's look in here too see if we see anything looks pretty good all the thermostat stuff looks like it's still hooked up I believe this thermostat is still down below look back here was a big hole right hey look look at the the rest of the muffler they're blowing out here a little bit but again this is the outer skin this is where the just that cold air is blowing through and there's the valve on the inside of it I'll show you and then you when you turn the heat on you just open that little doorway and allows the heat to flow up into the cab and then the cab has adjustment on it where it comes out with actually on this I'm not sure but should be defrost in feet essentially well before we put the engine back in it does have one more thing I want to take care of not so bad right now cuz the engine is out of it but it has a bit of the Carolina squat which is the ass Dragon ass and uh I like the 70s where everything was jacked up in the rear end and following with the theme of the70s I guess we're going to go with airshop if they fit uh Volkswagen you can um index the torsion bars and kind of change the heights of them I kind of want to make it adjustable with the air shocks depending what I am doing with it whereas you if you uh alter those you have to take the whole thing all apart again it's not like an easy quick thing to uh change the height so air shocks are fast let's um pick a way in there I'm going to eyeball first get it back up here get an air on a light under it and and we make sure that uh we are apples to apples so does that look like look like a man this is probably expanded a little bit but that's kind of what we want long the bowl holes are correct going through you to shrink that down there you go yeah I just where it go the other direction that it doesn't um got topping out and bottoming out try to make sure I still have some more room in this still this has a lot of travel we're fine let's go hit that with an impact gun Buzz out some bolts and see fit up inside the hole I think the chances are the Bolt's going to come out of the shock sometimes it sees up in the bushing good awesome this thing is just begging to be worked on everything wants to come apart I know I said it I screwed up with that washer go let's see that looks fine it looks like a tad wider that was the lower with the spacer I'm not sure if it fits it fits though go find out so I'm pretty sure I probably went to a the local gas station had shocks put on it whatever what they say Rider or something like that and I think this was the normal width of it but they crushed down on I can actually see it concaved on both sides they Crush down on so I'm going to try pulling this back out I don't know maybe I'll stick like a bar in it and whack it with a hammer each Direction and see if I can get this to fit if not I don't mind grinding a little bit off the edges a little off the top it's like right there little bit more we're we're in and through woohoo it took a few minutes and routed some hose they ended up putting the valve on the inside engine compartment kind of keep it out of um getting bumped a lot of times you put them on the bumpers get smashed and that line comes from there through here up to a t they came with these little clips that you drill in and it mounts the lines so this one goes off to that side and this one's going down to here I don't think I'm going to really I don't think it benefits trying to there's nothing near that at at all I think just letting it maybe have a little room maybe one clip right here possibly yeah maybe I will that should be about it everything else looks like it's really out of Harm's Way real far away from the exhaust and all let's um put like 20 lbs in it I'm going to go call it a night and then tomorrow if you still got air in it we know we're good plus you could you know soap up the connections a little bit they're just like hand tight there's really not much to them there's an O-ring and then a uh fitting with a taper on it just kind of squeezes it together all right let me H go drill one more right there it's already pretty sprung in the back I let it down but again the suspension is kind of not able to slide you got to roll it a little bit and plus the engine's not in it well let's go put some PSI in there made noise let's um that is 20 psi little [Music] more that's is 60 lb let's let it sit overnight with 60 lbs in it problem with these it's not like a tire every time you go to to check it you lose like 5 PSI cuz it's a very short system uh let's head overnight and we'll see what we get well the next morning the asand still appears to be up in the air let's go throw a gauge on it see what it looks like and let's see what we said 60 lb which is right there it is going to slowly cuz it is now at 35 but every time you check it so I'm going to go soap that up see if I can go tighten up a couple of fittings that my guess is where it is is all right so we're going to move things along and I'm going to get the engine thrown back in there it's pretty much the reversal of everything we did to take it out which isn't all that much only thing is you you put the car in gear you put the emergency brake on to line the spline up as you're trying to get onto the uh transmission you rock the belt back and forth and it turns so the splines can line up so the engine can slide forward I'll get that knocked out well I soaked them up I don't see anything coming out of any of the fitting it could have been actually the shraer valve you know the tire valve not sealing I don't see anything even coming out of that at the moment let's um let that be also could be inside the shocks too unfortunately I'm going to give them each like they're only hand tight anyhow I'm going to give them each a little bit of an extra twist I gu said I'll throw the motor back in and let uh get this project moving on so set putting on a floor jack and working the you know the engine up underneath and dropping the car on it so why we just leave it on this and know try to lift it up underneath and of course that failed so it was still about 2third of the way up I was able to get the engine up underneath it but I had to work with the lift settling it down but it's nice it's a little bit higher to work with I do believe we are all buted up together the carb may be again out of fuel I don't know cuz we uh tipped it so may or may not fire up easy let's give her a couple of them give her a crank and see what happens so I went to go and crank it and I got nothing there's that top bolt right up in there I went reached my H up here and pushed that bolt in forward got it started and must have touched that wire well if it was that brittle it was on its way out anyway so I got to go take a minute and uh redo the ends on here that's not good well it's kind of better that it happened now anyway took all AP cleaned wire wheel all the contacts put new end on it check the other ones make sure they're okay and uh would have left us stranded very shortly because you got to figure this this engine moves around on the motor mount so that wire would have eventually broken off kind of gave a little bit of stress test to the other ones too that should help it everybody does the battery terminals anybody thinks about the other end having corrosion on it let's try it again take you well dos better hold that warm up a little bit no more exhaust when you rev it like that you end up take you ended up taking it off the choke see got to let it kind of warm up a little you have an air fuel mix to adjust it you can't do that till it warms up nice go push the clutch in to make some odd Godly ungodly noises bit let go it's a one wheel peel either one wheel or the other it's going to spin open differential doesn't help having it in gear let it warm a little bit more on the side you have um addal speed in the air fuel mixture are down below over here I can hear right now it's kind of off see if the choke is open all the way yeah I can even hear that they got it kind of the mix is off that's better stroke's off now that s's right too good so you think we went through all that work to throw air shocks on there for nothing come on now we going to show you something else so I was searching for a set of wheels and a friend of mine had a set of four two them more shot and another friend had a setup for two of them were shot so I took them all sand blasted them down cleaned them all up put some new tires on them how about those let's go throw those on there I also got nice Chrome center caps for them too think them all pretty yeah I spent some money right huh real ketchup Betty yeah we're styling I don't think I have fancy lug nuts for it though decent amount of difference probably 2 in overall which raises it an inch you know in the center of the wheel definitely beefier though oh one last thing I want to take care of before we take it down and out of the garage it's 50 years old and it's starting to suffer from a cataract I'm go change that lens out for that one so it's kind kind of matches the other one over there and all this time I thought there were just a set of Super Beetle lenses she does not fit unless you cut that base out it's got a notch on that one and that one doesn't have it all right for another day we'll deal with that later let's go put the original one back on let's see if we can uh turn some of that frown upside down a little bit of tilt that's on that bumper by jacking up on the low side [Applause] it's pretty stout there it goes too much I don't want to wreck the paint got to wonder if um the other side should drop down a little maybe it's hit upward on a regular BW thing the exhaust actually comes out of here again that's a beetle that's on there it's better about jacking it up and jumping on the other [Applause] side wait for that Jack to shoot out I can see it on the side you can see this guy going uphill it's better still down about 3/4 of an inch a half inch on that side and I clean out the car get ready to go for a ride uh-huh I did think of everything I just forgot I'll throw them m [Music] all right let's go Runner through the gears a little bit of a windy roads front end's out of whack just looking at the steering wheel you see that's the angle it stays on it's got a little bit of growl to the left I had the front wheels off I did not see an issue with wheel bearings I wonder if the alignment is out of so much that like the tires are scrubbing a little bit doesn't really pull you know see seems like it goes straight handles everything okay that's leaning into it pretty good so clutch the throw up bearing was making noise at first when I first fired it up I oh no I got to pull it back out but it went quiet so whatever was its issue it seemed to have uh cured itself so kind of keep an eyee on it got a bunch of other stuff still needs to be done um go to four there's a gas neck underneath that's cracked it's leaking drive it around you can start smelling fuel I already picked that up again the front end we got to go deal with I think the front brakes are doing most of the work the back brakes although everything is new somebody put a new brake line in and so there's a hard line that goes from the front all the way to the back and um if you use the wrong if you don't use like the German style line the fitting will thread in but it keeps on threading it it threads in so far that it um blocks the tea off so it runs all the way in doesn't leak but it doesn't send fluid to either left or right rear wheel so I have a feeling that's probably the issue I'm looking down at the floor I can see where they uh again a new line is on it plus I like I said this thing sat for a while it looks like somebody went through and was told to like clean it up get it running put a new carburetor on it you know gas tank was new some fuel lines um probably found that the clutch was no good and at that point they were just like you know what I'm just going to donate it take the money for it and um call it what it is so that's where I came along I bought it right I I I think I paid 8 Grand for it I want to say these things pun intended are uh actually demanding a decent amount of money and this one does still need some more love it's got the uh I got a carpet kit to put in in it yet um there's some Rust work to do on the passenger's floor where where it meets the uh the body on that end little Punky there's some you might have saw hanging there's a uh carbon canister goes from the gas tank to the back that has like a brake line that's all rotted out it goes from the gas tank to a car a charcoal canister and then again back to the front I think it actually sucks it in the intake too um so that's all Punky it's all I'll dress all that one time and just I get a little bit more love all the way around I got a fifth rim of the wagon wheels I'm going to put that on the um for a spare I got to get a spare that's small enough to slide down getting where it goes kind of the same as the beetle res see the engine seems like it's fine transmission doesn't grind shift through gears holds reverse doesn't pop out of any gear but if you hit the brakes you can kind of tell something's not right if I use it with like the emergency brake I could definitely feel the you know the Improvement on it so again I still need to look into that horn doesn't work radio doesn't work but I again all the directionals and everything do headlights work give the beans performance 50 horsepower at its finest speedo's got a little bit of a bounce to it that's usually the cable these a little Loop shot down the cable wipers work we already when Brian and I played with it the first time we we took the roof off folded the windshield down folding it up this thing all comes apart the windshield folds down like a Jeep the doors come off of it um I might want to try to find a soft top for it a little bit more useful you can kind of you have it with you where this you can take the top off but you know if you're where someplace where it starts to rain or gets cooler that that's it you got to run what your BR so we'll see and drive it around a little bit more yeah it do sounds nice got rid of that exhaust leak which is nice sometimes that'll uh get into the heat too cuz it leaks right where that um sheet metal is and sometimes that'll come up through the heat if it has an exhaust leak there [Applause] seems like all the numbers that matching the engine matches the transmission that matches the build date it takes right's awesome left it growls a little so and I have a feeling it might have something like we're going straight there's the rack of the steering wheel these steering wheels too you could unbolt them and just index it correctly but I'll look at like the tie rods and stuff and see if that um if if one's got a lot of thread on it one's got a little bit of thread on it that might might be the case what's going on with it all right let go bring her back to the sand pit and uh do a walk around maybe have a friend of mine Fil A driveby and see what it looks like going down the road digging the wheels I thought the gear ratio was get to kind of screwed up you know being a taller Tire doesn't seem like it affects it it's just as slow as it was before [Music] was that was that the horn that's me do that again got no I ran I don't know about 20 miles it seems pretty good I half of that was like I wouldn't call it a highway but you know 55 60 mph you can let go of the wheel stays straight doesn't shimmy doesn't do anything like that I I got on the brakes hard a couple of times and it seems like they're getting better it's new all the way around so maybe they just kind of need to seat themselves not sure couple you again I got that metal work to do on the passenger floor that line going across there's a gas line uh gas the filler neck if you fill it up and you make a turn it seeps out of the filler neck it's like a flexor flex pipe I got new ones for that to go put in again just needs a little bit of love all the way around a couple of more things my guess is it probably sat for 15 or 20 years they brought it to somebody to go fix it up and uh got it running and then found that it needed a clutch and you know they just donated it and said you know I'll take the money right off and then I came along Wheels look awesome don't they it's the Chrome look nuts I know it's um it's essentially like a fiberglass D buggy handles a little bit better cuz it's got a little bit more weight over the front end of it and uh these they they made them in uh I think it's Mexico for us import it was 73 and 74 this is a 74 you can tell by the uh vents those big boxes on the back a 73 doesn't have that and um a 73 I think has a gas heater and this went back to heater boxes like what a a beetle or a bus would have so got to paint the roof too a couple of stuff we got a um you know the BW car shows coming up I'll keep my list um I don't think it's very big but you know there's a couple things I wouldn't mind trying to get their crack Muffler for it it's for another day at least it's up and running and it's able to be driven which it wasn't able you're able to do that before but you can go over second gear third gear forget it it would just start slipping so all right guys that I'm going to sign off I'll thank you all for hanging out with me do a bit of wrenching we playing around and um see what else is on the uh the menu coming up I'm trying to get some of the uh ones that are close to the Finish Line done and um yeah this one was almost there so it's still almost almost there but at least it's drivable now all right guys I'm gonna Mumble so I'll stop at this point thanks for hanging out I'll see you later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 186,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, will it run, barn find, type 181, vw thing, vw beetle, vw bug engine rebuild
Id: b7E_yl_jJuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 40sec (5560 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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