trash to treasure * home decor ideas * new paints

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so it's time to dig into my junk pile and see what items that have been sitting there that need to get made over this suitcase though suitcases are awesome for extra storage and display it's a little bit worse for wear and then I always have a stack of Windows oh my goodness do I always have a stack of windows so we all need an idea for those and just a cute little bench just a bench that could use a paint jab to make it a little bit more appealing so do y'all have any junk laying around that you bought with the purpose of making over but you know we kind of collect we buy faster than we can make over sometimes so today's video it's another junan video I just absolutely love to shop I love to buy and it's time to get some of these items made over so if you are new to the channel my name is yvon and I like to buy secondhand items not necessarily just to decorate my home with or to resale but I also love to share my inspiration with you all of my ideas of what I do to these items to get them to be beautiful home decor we going to go ahead and start off with the bench it's probably a homemade piece it had a purpose for why the person made it it does have some cracks and it has some knots and I'm not trying to take away all the imperfections of it just you know some of the large ones so I'm just using some spackling nothing too fancy to fill in a lot of these imperfections it was a natural piece the the screw Hol the nail holes they weren't filled in and that's not a that's not a fun detail I want to go ahead and see so we're going to go ahead and fill those in also some of the spackling spots are drying I'm going to go ahead and take some 220 sandpaper and sand those nice and nice and smooth just where the spack clean is and then where it's been cut and it's really rough I'm going to go ahead and try to smooth that down a little bit cuz that just seems to catch Dustin debris [Music] I did notice that some of my spackle was kind of turning the brownish red color meaning that the wood is probably going to bleed just a little bit so I'm going to go ahead and give it a couple coats of shellac to seal in where I spackled and seal in any of that from happening and bleeding through my paint I get my Fusion paint from vond from The Painted heirloom she just happened to be carrying two new lines in her store and she sent me a couple to sample and I absolutely love the color of this now this is a not a chalk paint it's a chalk paint so it actually has a top coat in it I believe um new to it but I absolutely love the color so I thought this would be so cute on this little bench my first inpression of it is it goes on nice and smooth the coverage looks to be pretty amazing especially where I had those knots and then covered up with spackle so I'm liking on the coverage so far [Music] I'm F it's funny because I know I'm like why is it labeling on upside down I'm sure that they have a purpose for that I did find the name of it Just Ducky so cute cute name but I know really not a lot about this paint um so the labeling is the way that it is I know you're supposed to shake it in the container but pretty pretty funny that they have the labeling upside down I'm a person that just jumps right in sure send me a paint color I'll give it a try long as it's something that's pleasing to my eye and I'll just test it out and it's the perfect opportunity to test it out on my junk pile stuff so now that I have two coats two coats seem to be covering just fine one you know your first coat kind of goes on and then it attracts the second coat is still nice and smooth unlike a chalk paint that sometimes as you're painting it on you know as the chalk paint dries it kind of tries to take the paint off this is not doing that by any means well it wasn't called a chalk paint but I think it's similar that it does definitely has that matte no shine finish that a lot of us are looking for sometimes so that is a plus of this one so yes I always like to flip my items over first get the underneath painted so I don't miss a spot that should be painted like the underneath of the bench and the underneath of like that little 2x4 that's holding this a piece is this piece perfect no it's got a little crookedness when it comes to that support beam but it was nailed in it was not a feature I was going to try to take apart for what you can get for this would have this piece had a lot of texture and I know that this has a top coat in it I believe if I read right so I'm going to go ahead and start distressing the piece I want to see the texture the wood like I said had a lot of texture to it so let's see starting off with the edges getting it down to that wood and see what it looks like just some 220 sandpaper on my orbital sander to distress it love seeing all the graining of the wood that popped through when I distressed it now if this does have a top coat and I read right I don't need to seal it in but I don't know I am a creature of habit and so I'm just going to use a little bit of the homestead clear wax just to finish this piece off [Music] now what to do with a suitcase that has seen better days we got scratches we got water damage yeah so it's kind of been like sitting around in mustach until sometimes you just need to get inspiration so I'm going to go ahead and get it cleaned off with some Dawn dish soap and some hot water see if any of the staining comes off I don't think a lot of it will but let's see what it does while that's drying in my studio I'm going to go into my office and I'm going to use my Cricut to make some signage so I think why not make a sign on this some wording just something fun now I'm looking for a pointing hand so I went into my Cricut I typed in hands I'm like okay I want a point finger hand I've seen them on antique signs before I don't know if the cricet oh my gosh it does have it I was so excited when I ran across that cuz I'm like it just has yeah that's exactly what I was looking for those little Godwin moments when you find what you're looking for because yeah there's other ways to create it but anyway so I have the size that um I can create the sign my words so I always try to remember to measure before I go into use my Cricut so I'm going to go ahead and size my hand my pointy finger um to what I think will fit onto the supcase so when you're sizing it even though you have like your Dimensions you still have to look to see does it make it wonky is it stretching it oddly um so you you don't always get to have the size that you want to fit on the item just because it stretches it out and makes it look weird inspiration is coming from a board that I saw in an antique mall so now I am just texting out the word antique I have to figure out a font oh there's so many fonts when so many fonts out there so you just kind of have to play with trying to remember the vision in my head because no I did not take a picture but find it's always about finding all those elements to put together to create your vision so so I'm going into my search engine again to see if like is does the Cricut images have any antiques not really they don't have a lot of antique wording they have a lot of vintage they have you know like they considering old stuff so no that's a nogo I'm just going to have to go ahead and find a font I knew that I wanted a font where there was like that shadow lettering um not positive then I'm going to be keeping this like the lower case but now it's time to play I've got my two elements and this is a feature I have not used on the Cricut yet which is the warp feature I'm still learning my Cricut I don't use it a ton but I'm always learning so I'm like oo yes that is kind of like what I was looking for something to make like some curve to the word oh my gosh love that now now I'm just going to play around and we see what I create ended up changing my lettering all to uppercase and then actually flipping my hand so that it was pointing the other direction so they didn't give you two hands but you are able to do a flip in the other direction using your Cricut those of you who love to see Tater he is interested in what the cricket is doing he's like why is that moving back and forth what's that sound oh I love this curious kitten that does not sleep this kitty cat does not sleep and he is curious about everything Tater would like to help with all my projects today so how can you not hang around inside and let him out oh my gosh he's so stinking cute can't do it all in here but got some weeding to do with the help of a ke kitty cat he's too cute too cute love to bring him out in the studio with me but he is so curious and he is a climber he climbs on everything so I cut my antique and my stencil out as close to the image as I can get because it just helps me be able to Center my object I just doesn't have to be perfectly centered but you know close enough anyway so ruler helps um and this ended up being like a fabric I wasn't sure like if it you know all the suitcases some are made of paper but this ends up it ended up being a fabric I was a little worried that my vinyl would like pull up the paper but I'm glad that this is a fabric soup case I'm actually putting my wording on the bottom of the supcase that way if somebody doesn't want to set it up and you see the wording they can definitely still use it to stack on top of each each other um if they [Music] choose and then because I cut my wording my image so close and cut it out I'm going to go ahead and now go back in with some masking tape to make sure when I go to paint it that I don't get it on areas I don't want paint'll be using a stencil brush to do a dry brush technique using INF fusions cold black paint so when you're doing a dry brush that means you just have minimal paint on that brush I'm doing a swirling motion and I'm only doing one coat and this should grab onto that very dry fabric [Music] I am going to go ahead and see if I can bring a little bit of life to the soup is very dry fabric and I'm going to use Wise Owl Sav oh my goodness look at how it just is like hello we needed that drink a long time ago so it's not really going to change probably a lot of the imperfections of it but at least I don't smell sometimes these old supcase do D does could have a mildewy smell this one does not but I just want to give it a little bit so um yeah I definitely needed some kind of a drink [Music] how many of you watching have the that pile that pile of Windows because you never know you're like I may never see an old window again so you pick it up for a couple bucks at some type of sale yeah I'm just as bad as everybody else and I seem to always have the big ones left these full size windows and coming up with something cuz decup paper a lot of times doesn't fill the whole I wish they'd make decupage paper that large um I you know I try to order as large as it can but it still doesn't fill up the whole window so it's always like sometimes these windows kind of get set on the back shelf but and they're always filthy dirty because they've been sitting in somebody's shed somebody's Barn yep so let's let me share with you an idea um so hopefully I can inspire you to get into your stash of Windows and work on some of these larger windows up the window if the glazing is coming off that hard crusty stuff I just take it off because I'm going to be sealing in this back and I don't want it to come loose on my design now there's still the metal glazing points that are keeping the glass in so I don't have to worry about that and now I'm just going to go ahead and try to get some masking tape in those edges so I have a minimal clean up when I'm done painting on the window so unfortunately a lot of the times these are the the part that we're using is the part that you see in the outside of the house so there's always usually like the raw piece of wood that leaves a lip from where it's been painted this window's only been painted once it looks like so I'm just taking some 8 grit sandpaper knocking down the super shiny of the paint along with trying to even out that raised edge of the paint actually sent me a couple different paints to try that she is now carrying I don't know about you all but I'm ex always excited to try new things and when I saw this color Vonda has my heart because that shows that she knows what colors I love this reminds me of Curry from the Piglet's closet in the sweet picking paint line so why not test this out so this is a all-in-one paint it has paint primer and top coat allinone so let's give it a [Music] go great thing to use for these large Windows if you want to do a backing is drop cloth fabric it's inexpensive you can buy a whole bunch of it you can leave it the color as is as it comes or like me you can go ahead and put some instant coffee in a spray bottle and give it a little bit of age now when I get my drop cloth fabric I always pre-wash it no softener just detergent and then dry it [Music] I ended up having to do four coats to get this to completely cover where the raw wood was and then where the white paint was it just could be the raw wood and the bright white of the paint I actually weighed down the four corners of the drop cloth fabric put a fan on it to help it dry now I need to get the wrinkles out because I have I don't even know the largest piece of drop cloth that I could get from and a lot of times I just buy it at Harbor Freight CU they're it seems to always be on sale it seems to be good quality to be able to craft with but the way that I folded it it just has a lot of wrinkles so I'm just taking my mini press my Cricut Mini press some parchment paper and working out those wrinkles did not want to do this before because I think the wrinkles add character in the way that the coffee stained dyed it so now I'm going back to my Cricut I'm going to do some vinyl lettering on this window so the drop cloths going on the back the vinyl lettering is going on the front and my idea is a bed and breakfast we here where I am in Michigan in the little area there we are we are surrounded by a lot of cottages we have a lot of lakes going on we have a lot of people visiting the airbnbs are you know just a huge thing and lakeh house rentals are a thing around here so it's nice to come up with the idea for somebody to stage and decorate their house with love the bed and breakfast idea so I'm going for the cottagey like okay like what do I name the bed and breakfast so I picked out a like a image off of the images not sure if I am in love with the font but I think I'm liking this font a little bit better so I just did Cottage By the Lake and the thing about the bed and breakfast image is it won't let me separate the you make both which is just always funny to add in I don't want it to be that large so it would not let me separate I could not figure out how to separate to get that to I mean other than hiding it I could hide my Swirls and all that but I couldn't get it to separate so I ended up just creating the bread and breakfast using the font that I used by the cottage by the lake and because this was so large to fit cuz I think the window was like the glass was 25 by 24 in so I had to cut out my wording separately oh yeah it would have been much easier to put it on the window if it was all together but that's just not how it was going to cut out and when it comes to weeding out my like lettering and swirling like this I just cut it in sections so it doesn't accidentally grab my in because the vinyl does stretch so just going in there very gingerly to remove and weed this [Music] out so what do yall think of the color of the window that's definitely out of the box for me but I think with the coffee stain drop cloth behind it it it will all tie in together so I'm just taking some 200 grit sandpaper on my orbital sander and distressing and yeah oh my goodness I do love this color of the window looks too freshly painted to me so I'm going to go in with some Jolie's black wax which is always scary and I didn't know like because this has a top coat in it how would this take so you can see some of the white paint was showing through some of the wood now that area I'm hoping that the black wax is going to grab onto and really give it some character like this is the old window this is the color the old window has been painted for years now the nice thing about the Jolie's black wax is that I can use the homestead clear wax to rub it in and make it all like not be so dark [Music] black going to do one more cleaning on my glass make sure that there's it's like there's no dust or debris or anything like that that'll be moving around once I close this in and then to put the drop cloth on I'm just going to staple it in [Music] place cut my piece of drop cloth fabric I just got the general size and then when it it was wet of course it stretched a little bit when I was ironing it so now I just need to go in and trim some of that excess fabric off [Music] like to make my backs look pretty so I'm just using a piece of contractor's paper which is like a heavy brown paper I just hot glue it back on in place this just gives that back that finished look and then after I get it hot glued in place I'll cut off the excess of the paper and then I'll take a piece of sandpaper and then just make sure that all the edges are nice and cleaned up and it's flush I don't know how many times I can clean the glass of this window but one more time before placing my lettering on so now I have my lettering on my transfer tape I love the grid pad and transfer tape now I did when I was like had the idea what my sizing and this whole grouping of words were going to be I kind of knew how much extra was going to be like 3 in and what I had cut so just for placement and my sanity because once I start sticking this lettering on it is not very forgiving it's not going to just come up because as I said vinyl is very stretchy so I'm just going to place masking tape as my guide when I go to start attaching my lettering so here's the time where I forget to breathe even though I'm using the back to make sure that I don't actually stick my vinyl where I don't want it see that masking tape just saves your sanity it's squared I cut my vinyl transfer tape or my transfer tape to the square so that it all kind of fits in there it just helps when it comes to place but all those little details helps when it comes to the placement [Music] [Music] one last step is to add a hanging system I just get these eyelets off of Amazon buy them in the bulk I don't put it on like when I was doing the front area because I wanted it to lay nice and flat and then I get this 17 gauged wire because windows are heavy I want to make sure that it is good and attached and that it has a secure hanging system [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you so much for watching today's video and did I kind of shock you when I painted a window yellow yes um Vonda sent me some of her new paint lines that she has for sale I'm testing them out I'm trying to see if I like them or not you just never know um yeah it's kind of fun I did like the yellow color of it all I wasn't sure like four coats was it because of the white or with the the blue the ducky color on the bench oh my gosh the distressing was amazing on there like if you want to show the texture of the item underneath that just distressed wonderful and it has a built-in top coat so I didn't have to seal it in by any means but just a creature of habit and I just love to give it it one more level of Extra Protection just in case somebody decides to put it on their front porch it's plant season here in Michigan and you just never know what somebody's going to use an item for so let me know down in the comments which of the items I made over today were your favorites and also have I inspired you to look at your pile and gave you some ideas of what you might do with a few of those items so thanks again for watching as always if you're part of our YouTube family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out this channel for the first time and you liked what you saw please smash that subscription button help me get to that 100,000 I just I am not one to really promote the subscription thing but man I'm only 4,000 away so if you are new and you are not subscribed to this Channel please take the time to do so I would love to by the end of the summer 100,000 oh I yeah i' I've never been one of those to promote it but heck I'm so so stinking close so thanks again for watching today's video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what we're up to bye
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 18,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Id: wbqBZuZRzjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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