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[Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel if you are new here my name is Javon and you are on ginger chick rehab where I love to take secondhand thrifted pre-loved items and share the process with you how I'd get these items to be loved again so in today's video this is kind of a Junkin video I have a habit of picking up items that that others might see as junk see as unwanted see as unflippable but here in the channel I love to share with you how to give these items new life just because they're broken or they're huge or they have a bad paint job on them doesn't mean that they can't get some loving so I hope I inspire you throughout this video to give those items a Second Glance now I have this lamp um you can definitely tell it was a project piece on its own um they had put some beading I'm sure that's probably not the original beading it was probably like crystals maybe but I do think it's cool um yeah it does work we tested it out but the thing that I don't like about it is I think that this looks too Barn like um and that it just sticks out other than that it's very cool um so what I want to do is I want to do some type of patina on this not necessarily the inside CU I still want it to be a light where it you know illuminates but this part needs a little bit a help oh let's see take off the bulb there so it does screw on so this whole so the whole light fixture must have been changed out to fit this which is cool but like I said I I want to keep that so it illuminates I'm going to just patina the outside try to find like a color match cuz it's got so much coolness so as I dro the lid so you know you have the Rus patina that was that would match and you got that purple so yeah let's see what we can come up with so I'm going to start off with just getting it clean just some Dawn soap and some hot water I think that whatever's on this will just wipe right off I don't think it's any type of staining at all so there's not really really any like scuff sanding I can do on this piece so I'm going to be using the Dixie Bell's Prime Star as a primer to help the patina adhere properly plus I do like that Rusty color of the Prime start so I'm just starting off with a big old old waxing brush which is perfect and doing a dabbing motion um because rust and patina I really like the texture of doing the dabbing motion and then doing the dabby Motion versus brushing it on I can usually get it on with one coat before applying my Betina paint color I need to make sure that the prime star is dry so I'm just going to have the assistance of a heat gun to help me dry it so now I'm going to move on to the patina paint in the iron I like the rust I have fun playing with the rust and I'm starting off with just an old stencil brush from the Dollar Tree store that's been well loved it's all flared out I really like this for patinas and I started off using it just because I wanted to get like in the Rim part of it and then I'm holding it down because I don't want it to slash around I don't want to get it on the bottom of this and since since that was working out so nice instead of switching to a different brush I just proceeded on using the same brush just to have the consistency in the dabbing motion [Music] now here's where the magic happens when I start to add the patina spray so I'm going for the rust patina first so I'm using the iron paint with the green patina spray and I'm spraying it just a nice Mist all over the entire shade so then I set my timer for about 15 minutes and then I'm going to go back in and you can see how it starts to oxidize starts to change I am going to use a paintbrush and I'm going to start dabbling on some of the yellow I kind of have like where I want to control I don't want to miss the whole thing I just want to have that difference in the rust colors so I just start off with just a paintbrush dipping it in dabbing it on just random places and then after I get it the way that I want it what I think is looks nice I'll go ahead and Mist it again just to spread out that yellow patina the green patina spray and about an hour into it this is what it looks like oh my gosh I just love watching the process I really need a Time laps of watching the process but after a few hours this is what it turned out to be so now I'm going to spray and seal it in with some weather defense clear coat spray on any other project I would have left that as is because I think it turned out beautiful but it just was too red too rusty to match this lamp so luckily in my arsenal of patinas I have this gilding wax that I think just slightly going over that other patina is really going to match what this lamp needs and I'm sure you're wondering if I would have just put the wax right on top of that without doing any of that previous patina yeah um but I tried to roll it around the bottom and it really didn't stick to just the plain metal itself but I love the texture underneath that patina so much [Music] oh [Music] this is an amazing architectural piece but as is it just is going unnoticed so bring it back home and we are going to do some chippy paint I tell you chippy white paint is one of those everybody fits into their home kind of things um it hides the Brokenness where some of the molding is gone I'm it is what it is um so it is large it's I mean it's heavy but not terribly heavy so we're going to get it cleaned up and I'm going to share with you how I'm going to give it more of an aged look cool I mean the the you know the half round is awesome the detail is awesome the thickness it is a big piece huge I mean yeah as Salvage pieces go I'll probably the biggest Salvage piece I've ever done [Music] [Music] [Music] wasn't being very gentle when I was cleaning this piece so some of the pieces came loose no problem there I'll just go ahead and use a little bit of my CA glue which in 15 seconds with the glue and the dryer it will be reattached and it'll be good to go having all that beautiful detail I'm not going to try to sand this piece it's not terribly glossy but I do want to have something to help my painted here to this so I'm going to go in with a couple coats of shellac to prime it my go-to for getting that aged chippy white paint look is flower sack by sweet Pickins so I'm hoping for some crackling some craz some chippiness even though I primed it with some shellac now if you've not used sweet picking milk paint it is equal parts the powder two equal parts water you stir it for 2 minutes and then you sit it off the side and let it thicken up for about 2 to 10 minutes [Music] and I knew this piece was a beast it was large so I actually I did four scoops of the milk paint and I used it all so I guess Four Scoops is what it's going to take to do each coat so I'll just mix Four Scoops as I I go so now I'm applying the second coat which of course looks like it's covering but once it dries and soaks into the wood you know that it won't so it ended up being a total of four coats to achieve the whiteness that I was looking for now as it was drying I really wasn't seeing much crackling or crazing or the look that I was hoping for so I decided to get the heat gun out and start helping it along as it dries and look at look what it's doing oh my gosh I get so excited when I see that crazing oh my gosh now if I just get some chippiness I'm going to take my orbital sander I'm going to distress it yes I did get a few spots of chippiness where it chipped right off yes that's what I was going for I would have liked a little bit more but you know you can't really force it too much I can sand it down to that but I didn't want to sand into the wood and I definitely want to sand the details get some of that wood from underneath showing up and sorry about my finger band in the way just the way that I had to sand this and hold my camera even though I have a neck Mount I see my my hand was in the way I always tried to do as much as I can with a power sander but now I'm going back in and getting some of those detailed areas that the sander couldn't get into I am loving on the white on this piece I'm loving on the random distressing that the milk paint did now I'm just taking the air compressor blowing off all that sanding dust because I need to seal myt milk paint in you have to seal your milk paint in and I'm loving on the color so I see no reason to add any dark color so I think I'm just going to go ahead and add the homestead clear your wax to seal this in [Music] you [Music] think I'm invisible [Music] so I picked this beautiful mirror up at an auction and it was one of those things that I'm like I know that it has Brokenness but the mirror is not broken it has beveled glass mirror it has 90% of the detailing left and so I'm you know thinking about what I would spend on it and I'm like how many people are going to bid against me cuz there was plenty of people touching it and looking at it but you know when it came time to bid against it nobody bid against me so it got to come home with me I was so happy and as is you may see the Brokenness but painted paint hides a lot so now I'm going to go ahead and tape off the entire mirror just to protect the mirror from me getting paint on it and also I'm going to go ahead and shellack it to prime it only because scuff sanding is kind of out of option there's so much beautiful detail on this mirror that I don't want to have to deal with trying to get sandpaper in there and maybe you know um break something off I'm hoping whatever's left on there is going to be stuck on there with paint one thing about this mirror is you can see the back so I'm going to need to tape off make a nice clean Edge for the part of the mirror that bevels out at the angle that you're going to be able to see cuz I'm going to need to paint that also and then I not going to be reusing this hanging system so we'll go ahead and get these wires cut off I'll put something that's a little bit stronger and a little bit um weight appropriate um yeah sometimes you just hang with what you have so and I would like to clean that back up just a little bit [Music] have done many mirrors like this and I've always painted them white chippy but I decided when I was flipping through my paint colors to go with old Olive you know you just go with that intuition and I'm like okay stepping out of my comfort zone here we'll see how old Olive which I love this color looks go ahead and start off with my back side because if I would start off at the front as you can see I would be rolling it over and then hitting my fresh paint now the front the back of this is more of a raw wood even though I did seal it in also with some shellac just using a smaller brush trying to get into those detailed areas trying not to have a lot of paint on my brush because I don't want to have it like dripping and running onto the other side and then having to deal with that after I did two coats on the back now I can flip it over and I think I'm going to stick with the same Little Brush because I think that I can get into look at all that detail that I have to get into now it's just going to be one of those areas that it's I think the paint's probably going to pull on me more than I wanted to um but that's okay cuz it'll probably where it'll probably get more of that crackling crazing I'm hoping I don't know so you know milk paint is unpredictable you can help it along with heating but it kind of does its thing with what it wants to do [Music] I gave the mirror two coats of Old Olive and now I'm going in with some of the Fusion's aene wax to bring out the details so whatever is going to chip off is going to chip off why I'm using the waxing brush so I'm going to wax on and then I will take a shop cloth with just kind of like a paper towel but a little bit thicker where it doesn't live any lint and it's stronger you buy them in like a box of th000 at like your um I bought it at Menard's I think but yeah so so wipe on get it into the detailed areas and then I'll go ahead and take that cloth and then I'll try to wipe off the excess and then I'll take a dry waxing brush and try to get out any of the other details so there's not so much that I mean this is a lot of detail to get into and I don't want to leave like clumps of wax in that detail so as you see some of it is chipping off and that's exact ly what I'm going for some aged Perfectly Imperfect piece it's got that Brokenness so let's make the paint look like it's been on there for a long time also now I know I aged the piece but I'm not going to leave this back unfinish and it was well worth the time to tape off and keeping that wood nice and clean and trying to have a straight line like that but now I I cut a piece of contractor's paper to cover up the back where you can see all the nails and protect that back a little bit more I'm just going to go ahead and hot glue it on contractor's papers come in rolls the same you buy them at hardware stores or places like that and just cut off a piece to make it nice and clean but a little bit of hot glue will keep it on there and then when I get it all four edges done then I just take some sandpaper and then just kind of run it back and forth so it will cut the edge and make it nice and clean one thing I like to do when mirrors are not completely square or there's you know like there's not a rounded top that give them a couple different ways to hang the mirror so if I'm adding new hardware why not take the extra step and then just add couple more pieces to make it a little bit more versatile [Music] so I don't know what it is about Cubbies but my obsession for cubbies is strong I absolutely love them I usually don't care what shape they are in now this one the paint job is not complete and I usually love patina but I don't know that's a little questionable what that patina is and like I said the paint job is not complete so as a reseller somebody who's looking to flip it I think that somebody necessarily for what you would probably charge for this piece would like it to be a little bit better paint job that not NE really do they want to come into an antique mall and have to paint something so that's where I come in so oh my gosh if you all love Cubbies like I do please give me a comment down below because I have a hard time passing them up when it comes to the paint color I've already power washed this piece so this is as clean as it's going to get so I don't know what the residue is a lot of times Cubbies were used in a workshop so they might have grease on them or anything like that so I'm not going to do a drastic color change I'm going to look in my paints I'm going to see what I have and Cherry Pie I think comes very close to the color of what this is so if it chips off if it crackles and crazing it'll just be a hue off it's not going to be an exact match but that's why I'm picking cherry pie [Music] it's funny not like funny haha but for as much as I love Cubbies I hate painting inside Cubbies it is not the easiest job luckily these holes are big enough that my hand can fit into but man you hit your knuckles you're trying to get all the way to the bottom you're going to have to use a long handled brush but my love of Cubbies and making this piece be the best that it can be overrules my like I really don't like to paint the inside of Kes oh you know that's you know that's what we we do we you know we complain about something but we do it anyway [Music] so I'm pretty much doing color on color it's kind of a close match one coat I just did one coat because look it I have to flip it over and get the top side now so I think one coat is going to be plenty oh more of the inside so I find it the easiest way like trying to do Cubbies like this is just to keep flipping it from side to side so I'm not trying to do weird angles with my hand [Music] so finally all painted and now I'm going to take my orbital sander and this is where you'll be able to see the color on color so the Cherry Pie is lighter than the original like a burgundy color was going on but I like that because I really think it's going to give it that vintage age antique look that this piece has been painted and it's been around for a long time so I've just got some 220 sandpaper I'm not trying to take it all the way down to the raw wood I just want to get bring back that wonderful chippy age patina I didn't get any crackling crazing I didn't shellack it or anything like that I didn't use a heat gun I just let it the paint soak right in because I felt as if I could distress it using the orbital sander but my orbital sander does not fit inside the cubby so I do have to take some 220 sandpaper and yep there again I've got to sand all four sides of the inside of this cubby I didn't even count how many cubby holes there were you just you just do a project until it's complete that's just how we roll do love being able to have a workshop with the air compressor cuz then I can just blow that sanding dust all over the place and sweep it off after I'm done with the project so yep got it all sanded and now we're going to bring it back to life using some of the Jolie black wax I really do want an age look so this is going to look a little scary like I'm painting this black but yes I'm rubbing the Julie's black wax right on top of the Cherry Pie straight on so then I will take some of the homestead CLE your natural wax on another Rag and then start to wipe it off trying to blend it in now there's different ways you can add wax to get the patina you're looking for but I really wanted to have that salvaged dirt aged look to the Cherry Pie color so I went right for it with that black wax as I said it looks a little bit scary at first but the nice thing about a clear wax is it's kind of your eraser and you can start toning it and tweaking it the way you want it to look what I do to the outside yes I do I have to go in and do all those Cubbies it'll be beautiful when it's done the vision will be beautiful so same a little bit of black a little bit of clear and rub it in until it looks beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you so much for watching today's video and have I inspired you yes the big mirror that was broken so what you know do I try to refix it I'm never going to get my dollar value out of it so just paint it make it chippy make it even look older with a new paint job and I'm glad that I rerouted myself from thinking I needed to do white to doing that old olive color it is absolutely gorgeous and then we got the Cubbies that I absolutely hate painting the inside of Cubbies only because CU I always end up hitting my Knuckles and you have to get down and get all those little crevices with a long brush but I do it because I love Cubbies other people love Cubbies yes that paint job just it it wasn't complete it didn't look old and vintage enough and yeah with sweet picking milk paint and some black wax we can make it look old and vention and what about that huge art oh my gosh yes there again huge unpainted nobody really wanted it at the auction but I knew that if I chippi it and it looked like more of a salvaged piece that somebody will definitely love it and I think that I hit on the nail of matching up that patina to that lamp now the rusty crusty I thought oh you know I might yeah keep it that way but I knew that I had some a more of a bronze color that would match up I absolutely love it so give me a quick comment down below which of the items I made over today were your favorites and if I have inspired you in any way to look look at secondhand finds pre-loved junk pile items in a new way again thanks for watching and as always if you're part of our YouTube family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out this channel for the first time and you enjoyed watching today's video please hit that subscription button along with the notification Bell so you know when we've uploaded a new video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what we're up to bye [Music]
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 22,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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