Trash Picking for Treasure! Garbage Day = FREE Cash

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well good morning welcome back to nacho stuff kicking off with a TV we can't even talk about him in tessers anymore because we don't have our guy we have a couple of things in here we actually went to the yard this morning with some stuff from over the weekend these were things that I was going to break down in the trailer over the weekend they didn't get done so we brought them with so we can get rid of them but we did get rid of I don't know I think we probably had two 300 lb of stuffs from over the weekend from stuff we broke down sorry no run on Friday but uh we tried to get the wanted to get the truck fixed we was hoping to have it happen over the weekend did not happen the guy that was going to uh work with us uh is Mia I'm not sure what's going on he said that um his shop was closed over the weekend so hopefully he's okay but uh we're going to run what we can and uh hopefully we can get this uh Beast fixed sooner versus later any thing down there we might have to jog back down there but uh let's see what we can find today guys oh nature we got uh one parent and a baby over here and one parent and a baby over here look at them same size as the parents now those are those little babies those those ones were like 4 in tall what been two months it's bigest Mom and Dad but they still got the yellow head versus the red head Howard this particular neighborhood has been pretty dry compared to uh past weeks oh they're still connected oh look at this have all the we have a thing with all our screws connected to it that was in a a bean let's not drop those onward like we said we got to run down there grab ourselves a light and a fan you know what guys we're fans of fans here at of stuff so take a moment and mash that like button cuz that's what we do when we find a fan # fan ofan come on Mr light oosh onward J nature part two we haven't seen these deer in a while oh there they go into the woods let's see if they come out of over by the houses looky americanos I thought that was going to be an actual 4x4 I was hoping when I first saw it coming down I'm like yes we got ourselves another motorcycle well not really motorcycle but we're hoping we go battery out of here what do you think guys yes she's in here half battery all the way come on come on baby score 275 into the trailer you go all the way bab onward possible twofer I don't know if there's anything that pile up there but looks we got a handful of pool pumps here which is pretty sweet oh we love ourselves some nice Motors we'll take these all day long what else we got in here anything that cup right there will be aluminum all right let's check and see if there's anything over Yonder look pretty plasticky but you just never know until you look ooh it's full of money what your signs say sicker than the average what birthdays were the best days when We Sip champagne when we're thirsty someone must have had an old birthday it was all a dream I don't know 40th 60th 100th I don't know there's a couple pieces of metal is in here that are attached to this little still taker see how shiny the truck looks yeah we had rain over the weekend the yard is a disaster man it's like a lake again let's go not tons but it's extruded oh what is that now she the box it looked pretty fancy though didn't it just a bunch of fancy boxes come on let's not let's not make a mess let's not make a mess we just want to eat the screen you guys all go right like here there you go good boxes how heavy is this one going to be yeah we're going to leave that or should we take it h we're pretty light right now aren't we it'll probably break apart just sitting back here I guess we'll take her it doesn't weigh very much but they still Metals got ourselves a chair be great if you were aluminum on top of it can you do that for me brother nope steel here it is well I got hollered down by a guy he gave me a cast iron sink hoping these guys are going to be aluminum maybe they're the right style they're the right weight come on be a stackable set of aluminum yes they are brilliant we might not be finding all the things today but we're singing folks yeah we got ourselves a microwave hey microwave yeah with the platter too uh not really a picker but a looker what is that number one $29 what is that all about we're going to take the sleeping bag and we'll uh we'll donate that they can always use those at the homeless shelters I don't know what this deal with anybody know what the deal with the number one is back's locked for some reason don't know why oh lizard that's going to be it folks really this American flag kind of w take you and dispose of you properly it's more of a banner than a real flag but it's still flag right all right still finding some Staples making up for all those fans we didn't find the last couple of weeks got a pair of them today not our typical Monday but we'll take her we a good stuff I know there was cars parked over here had to make sure I'm out of the way I saw a bunch of look like DVDs and maybe even a fan oh look at all these CDs sometimes these do really well American Idol Oh yes we got here burn burn Christmas what else we got here burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn and Chris some cordage those are just sleeves don't keep those sleeves sometimes people are like that didn't send me in a protective sleeve well now I got protective sleeves we got here the best of the animals ooh V it's a movie what we got here all kind of stuffs whoa those rck Burns Burns uh-oh we got traffic oo I've sold some of those ones before get back oh no okay burn burn burn burn still burning I know you guys always got to look up these CDs sometimes they're good sometimes they stink oh gosh need a box [Applause] I need a box oo look at this flag that's kind of fun are all good CDs here look at this mess I'm making do we got a f down here nope you guys are burners they're all burners right oh a bunch of burns I want to do I want to use the Box they I'm use this box so I don't got to go back to the car this is about the right size for a CD anyways come on guys everybody in the Box everybody in the Box I hope these are good make up for our lack of metals today oh [Applause] no sh think we got any good ones guys did anybody see any good ones in there I didn't see any of that one one I've sold before it was a a Christmas one I don't know I have to look them up that's all you can do pick up look up and decide onward more Thrifty drifty kind of stuff here I think just the one picture it's kind of fun though I haven't seen one like that multi-picture into one we'll take her I still got baseball bags back here I looked back here earlier I was like oh still got baseball bags back back here from over the [Music] weekend I know what you going to do exciting but we'll take it Closets By Design thank you for improving this home and helping my load get rid of all the old shelves let's get all of [Music] them all right let's go ah what kind are you the steel [Music] kind hoping for aluminum one today guys all right last stop of the day unfortunately probably going to be one of the better stops of the day got these little baskets pretty uh pretty non- exciting out here today guys but we got ourselves a another one of our singers hey microw yes we take the brass off that we're have to clean that up since our microwave lost our glass how did they even come out the door's closed all right time for us to do some cleaning and we got to take that off too we'll see you guys at the yard guys we've made it to Water World I know it's a mess here today mess mess mess look at the lake trying to stay out of them moisture look at all the rails or the wheels from like it's probably from a huge garage door opener or something o I think we're just going to turn these in today versus chase the copper off of them like we normally do this one here I'm going to try to get the these little brass these are all brass I took one of these apart the other day and those were all really brass just want to get those too Jill said she's going to give me cast iron on the cast iron sink not prepared but pays I think she said a penny and a half more [Applause] pretty late load today hey we broke some glass though there's that come on guys work with me here that was fun breaking that glass in the street wasn't it always love doing that it's a forced [Music] break we should probably check this one time we didn't check it it's going to end up being aluminum it's heavy enough it should be Steel to [Music] steal oo there's a a Jack in there wonder if she's in any good shape ouch look at that something just bit my [Music] finger remember the good old days when these were counted as electric motors oh the good old days now they're just jump junk now they're just [Music] [Music] junk ouch ouch oh just double checking guys we got it today a light load you got to try to get as much as you can out of these guys oh it's going to Jeffrey forgot to move the pumpkin once I got the back unlocked oops she's still in one piece though that might be a d not a one what do you think guys a d I think it's a d it just just popped up to me that I could be a d not a one definitely looked like a one when I first looked at it all right going to get this that's it a little baby pile right there that's it not going to do the breakdown since it was just cealing fans on microwav you guys have seeing that I might start doing it more on the regular basis we'll have to see I know a lot of you guys like it but think there's a high probability I'm not running tomorrow so we might just do a breakdown video for tomorrow's video all right go back there we're going to break you down this goes to Jeffy this goes to Jeffy this goes in the back of the truck all right we got stuff to break down and we'll go over to Jeff I'll see you over y let's do some nfj what we doing here guys what are we doing here guys I'll do this one ah [Music] ah oo Legend scrapping Legend yeah yeah I don't know about that I hit my mark you did 4,000 sweet oh I saw that this morning sometime last night yeah my short I short get it look at the beach that's okay yeah we've had questionable ones from you before oh come on did you go to your PO Bo I did on Friday Allan said that's not going to be here till like the 12 I think though I think it got lost oh did it yeah he said the other one should be I probably have some up there now but I don't know I might I might wait till midweek guess what I want batteries had five sticks of ram in it wow what's that like like 20 gig depends on how big they if they only if they were only two maybe 10 but this uh yeah come on brass never know ah sounds brass ah sounds brass oh we sinks man oh no so cheap dude so cheap so cheap can't even make faucets out of brass anymore you ready what's that oh I haven't even looked you ready haven't even looked you had a bunch of Motors yeah I did most of them came from that one stop where all those pool pumps were from 98 how do monsters like their eggs sunny side up terra fried tered my my boss told me to have a good day so I went home so you went home I just got electrocuted wasn't it hurts so bad what do I do oh God that's so horrible hey you're not completely useless you can always serve as a bad example what kind of PC can sing really great Apple no Adele Adele why didn't the wife attend her husband's funeral cuz she died too wasn't much of a morning person wasn't much of a morning all righty guys we're Wai and paid not our typical Monday that's for sure but anyways we started off uh we had some tidbits in the back from uh over the weekend so we brought that in this morning dropped it off cuz we wanted to be empty so we could stuffer we could have just run the road with our stuff all right let's dive into our receipt 10 the first load from the weekend just 320 6 cents a pound for 1920 then we went out and ran the road and tried to stuffer we did not just 420 only 100 lb more than just the tidbits from the weekend 6 cents a pound for 2520 I got unprepared on the cast iron sink cast iron Jill said was only paying six so it'd be like shred anyways so she's like I want to give you something as I made you come around so uh we did the unprepared um and at uh 7 cents so we get an extra Penny uh that s was almost 100 lb actually I think it was 100 lb but the again the scale was teetering and that's where that 20 20 lb increment can Crush you any who unprepared 80 lb 7 cents a pound or S yeah 7 cents a pound for uh 560 we had a half battery for 275 our dirty aluminum mainly the chairs uh 42 LB 28 Cent a pound for 1176 irony heavy was the lawnmower engine that I brought from the house 18 lb 18 cents a pound for 324 electric motors that one stop saved the day man it had three pool pumps we did have the Transformers uh from the microwaves we had uh the motors from the ceiling fans 123 lbs of Motors today 22 cents a pound for 2706 better than our shred either of our shreds and then we had a handful full of pounds of extrusions that's if you have six fingers uh 6 lb 67 c a PB for 402 for a grand total of 9883 we're going to call it a win because we could have probably turned in wire and got to our number I'm shocked uh those uh pool pumps made a huge difference um it also helped having a little bit of tidbits from the house I think we probably had 20 $25 uh from the house from over the weekend so so we would have fallen a little bit short but I'm happy with the number we came out with after if you would have looked at the trailer and said it was almost $100 I would have been shocked so uh it is what it is I don't know if we're running tomorrow I I we'll see we'll see how the day goes it's just supposed to be hotter and hotter uh until I get this Beast fixed it's going to be uh not fun let's put it that way so hopefully sooner versus later but we'll see how it goes um if I see you tomorrow I see you I would think I'll might do a breakdown video worst case scenario so you'll see me one way or another hopefully so uh hopefully you guys enjoyed today's run if you did make sure to smash that thumbs up before you get out of here I would much appreciate it it's nacho stuff but that mean you can't take someone else's trash and turn it into cash so until the next time you see me be safe be happy and I'll catch you guys then [Music]
Channel: Nacho Stuff
Views: 5,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street Scrapping, Curbside picking, curbside scrapping, found in the trash, scrap metal, scrap to cash, scrap yard, scrapper, scrapping, street picking, street treasures, treasure hunting, trash picking, trash man, side hustle, spare cash, dumpster diving, dumpster finds, curb scrapping, curb picking, scrapping mess, cashing in, neighbor's trash, rich neighborhoods, Curbside Scavenging, free stuff, scrapping metal, scrap, ride along, recycling, reselling, hard rubbish, cash
Id: ht68BakH9AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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