Trap Lore Ross Breaks Down Why King Von was a Serial Killer (Part 5)

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so when you decided to do this main King Von documentary you called it rap's first serial killer I did you knew that was going to cause problems so here's the thing that wasn't the plan from the start right so let me take you back so I did those videos about V he nearly packed my channel after that I was shook I took out the Ki stuff he let me slide and then I was like I'm never talking about this dude again cuz I was scared like you know his anr was threatening me V seemingly had killed people it wasn't I was like I ain't talking about this guy again let me go back to do another going to fly to England and kill you though like were you actually worried about that you know what it is it's it's just like I I've explained this before you probably have the same thing like you know 95% of the time your safety like is probably not really an issue but it's just that 1% of a time what if I want to go to Chicago what if I want to go to America I don't know anyway um well I think you called me I think you were like hey I'm going to go to La should I have security I'm like yeah if you hang out the projects in South Central but if you're walking down Rodeo Drive you're not going to need security was that right yeah yeah you're right but you know what it is like this is the thing is like I feel like with the content we make I feel like most people with it yeah you're going to have a bunch of haters but I'm not even I'm less scared of like a gangster pulling up on me and shooting me I'm more scared of like a crazy person that hates what I do and thinks that I'm a culture vulture and they're just crazy and they got a gun and they going to do some crazy like I'm worried about that more than I'm worried about King vau coming up pulling up on me um but anyway setting that aside going back back to what you were saying uh I wasn't going to I was basically said I'm going to leave Von alone and then uh nove was November the 4th 2020 I was doing an interview with another rapper in the UK SE on the news Von lost his life um was November the 4th or no it's November the 6th um I see the news that V lost his life and I don't know something about that man it really shook me up like the moment I saw that news it really affected me cuz in spite of what had happened I was a huge fan of Von's music I would still listen to Von's music all the time and seeing after he died and then slowly learning about this situation that he'd got in the young boy the quondo situation what happened with Lil Tim it it just got to the point where I was like you know what he's gone I'm going to do the full story I'm going to I'm going to break down his whole life because unfortunately his life's over now and I'm going to really drill deep and find out really what was going on and my whole point of approaching that story I didn't say let me do a video called rap's first serial killer that's going to go viral my goal with that story was I want to answer the question once and for all did Von really have all these bodies cuz he's the one who said in songs I got talk about bodies I got a few 4 plus 3 3 plus 2 um let's talk about bodies I got several um you know you ain't a killer if you only got two bodies Von's got lyric after lyric talking about how many bodies he's got so my goal for the project was say let's find out once and for all true or false does Von really have bodies and once I started looking and I'm like damn it's looking like he's got all these bodies this matches up this tweet that news article this police report it all started adding up and it all changed when I just I Googled I was like let me just look up like the FBI's definition of what a serial killer is and I looked that up it said a serial killer is somebody that kills I think it was it was three or more people in different locations with a month potentially like a more than a month between the murders and uh you know like patterns of behavior or people getting personal gratifications of the killing and uh it kind of dawned on me at a certain point that I was I think this guy was a serial killer I think he matches the description and uh I thought that that was a really interesting conversation and that's when the title of the video came about but honestly I think a lot of people think it was like some ma melan's the right term but just some like trying to go super viral but it would I was just doing the research trying to prove or disprove what Von had said in his own lyrics and it just dawned on me at a certain point that like I think this guy ticks the boxes for a serial killer and uh the rest is history I guess right but you knew once you put that word serial killer in the title you can have it sprinkled in through the you know the audio whatever but you titled it King vaugh rap's first serial killer now there's been other people that have killed people in hip-hop you know Gucci although that story is a little convoluted but you know people have caught bodies some of which don't talk about it some of which went to jail for it but a serial killer you're you're kind of putting an extra layer on top of it well because that's not being a killer has some level of respect depending on who you talk to but a serial killer generally you know not respected in society no one no one wants to be a serial killer you know even even like for example when I interviewed Sammy the bull or Terence Gangster Williams and I've asked them do they consider themselves serial killers they're like nah n no I don't I wouldn't say that like they wouldn't even though Sammy killed like 14 people he would not take the title of serial killer himself although by the definition you just said that the FBI lays out he's a serial killer let me let me let me tell you why I think Von a serial killer now I might not I might not say Sammy the bll is a serial killer the reason that I thought Von was a serial killer cuz I I've come across people that have killed a lot of people in gang wars before you know I did the video about No Limit G herbo's crew there's a guy called Mad Max that you know they say he had nine or 10 bodies right but I think for me where I felt he became a serial killer was you got these multiple murders there's more than three murders they're more than a month apart some of them are years apart it was really like when he became famous the personal gratification that he seemed to get out of killing I would say he was responsible for the murder of FBG Duck uh in a way that he felt responsible he tweeted a goat Emoji like minutes after duck was killed you know he got a lot of personal gratification out of these killings I think he wanted to continue these killings and he wanted the whole world to know I wish I'd have thought of this when I made the documentary I've only thought of it after but I feel like Von I feel like he's the closest I could describe him to a traditional serial killer as the Zodiac Killer because Von killed all these people he became famous he wanted everyone to know that he killed all these people you know you ain't a killer if you only got two bodies like talk about bodies I got a few four plus three three plus two like Von wanted the whole world to know that he was killing he was putting out these codes he was getting this personal gratification from killing and he still wanted to kill he wanted to have duck killed he wanted to have man man killed there was a supposed rumored body in Atlanta now I kind of disproved that in the video but it's like he wanted people to know he was a killer I think he was more interested in getting people killed than rapping and I think it's that element like Sammy the ball was killing for just business and he ain't still trying to kill people right now and he he ain't hinting towards in his interviews there's bodies you don't know about and I'm trying to I want you to know about them I feel like the way Von carried himself the way that he communicated these murders to the public through his music and he he got charged up off of that I think it's these are the elements that make him like a serial killer like the Zodiac Killer having these sending these letters out to try and get in some excitement like wanting to be caught and I think it's these are the elements that just to me that made me feel like he tick those requirements to the Max uh and it's if he'd have never started rapping and started teasing the world trying to let everyone know that he killed these people I wouldn't say he's a serial killer I would you know you'd say he's a gang assassin he's a Hitman he's he's a gangbanger but it was it was the way that he got so much gratification out of letting the world know and you know we can get into it a minute but there's there's there's kind of just there's it's it's more like the way that he got so much out of being a killer and having everyone know he was a killer and realistically bro that's why everyone was into Von like people want to rewrite history now and have a go at me me like oh you know trap L Ross you're capping he V wasn't really like that if V was alive and you said you ain't really like that you got no bodies he'd slap you
Channel: djvlad
Views: 151,426
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Id: Veh4KOzM8No
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Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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