Trap Lore Ross on 7 Murders King Von was Allegedly Involved In (Part 6)

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well you broke down all the people that he allegedly killed or was involved in their murder it starts with King dock then dirty re Modell P5 Lil James Lil Mark Malcolm Stucky Ki we mentioned manman Tyreek and then FBG Duck FBG Duck let me just say this clearly he wasn't physically involved with the killing of FBG Duck but there's a rumor that he put up 100,000 250,000 it's it's hazy can I just clarify so that's the list of bodies that I discuss in the video that's the list of the murders that he's been associated with like if you if you see what I say in the video especially the end I kind of circle there's seven basically that I I would say there's enough evidence for me to conclude I believe that he did those okay so I just listed 1 2 four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 I might be missing one maybe is 11 yeah this is 11 but you're saying there's seven seven that I would say I've seen enough evidence yeah cuz in in the I think at the end of the video I Circle seven cuz the whole this is the thing the whole idea for that video was like I'm basically it's like true or false every single body the Tyreek one for example if you see in the documentary I I essentially explain what people say about that there was this party in Atlanta and a guy got killed and some people say vaugh and his crew were involved there was a fight that led to a shooting but I've got uh you know in that video I refer to some footage where um tyre's uncle basically says n that's just a rumor like we don't think Von was really involved that's just some some internet so it's kind of like the point of the video is I'm trying to look at every single body true or false and I would I conclude by saying I think seven the specific seven and who are the seven out of the ones I just named so doc re um uh sorry Modell doc real Modell P5 Malcolm okay hold on Lil James Lil James Lil James Lil Mark not Lil Mark he was there for that he filmed the crime scene afterwards but Story Goes that was uh some other people anyway Malcolm Stucky Malcolm Stucky you got Ki KI yeah so man man Tyreek and FG duckers that's the thing like you say he didn't actually kill FBG Duck but at the same time the way he was wrapped up in that and seemingly cuz even it's like the thing with a $100,000 Bounty it's kind of like uh did he didn't he he goes to the hood he's breaking down $100,000 but as far as it goes he was basically the leader of the gang at that Point like King vaugh was the leader of the oblock gang at that point by the looks of it you know if he was here he'd have been wrapped up in that Rico I think he'd be in doing life now
Channel: djvlad
Views: 56,681
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Id: Op5bmmsuFBA
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Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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