Trap Lore Ross on King Von "Dark Energy", Bragging About Beating a Body & 2 Attempts (Part 8)

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well at one point King Von gets arrested for a murder and two attempted murders mhm who was the murder that he was being charged with that was a Malcolm Stucky one where he had the codefendant the guy called Big Mike that has actually just come home recently right yeah Big Mike is doing interviews about well Big Mike basically cooperated against King Von well it was a mess right cuz because essentially I think they separated them I think Big Mike initially was like basically what I understood was like Big Mike screwed up and he basically trying to get his way out of it he said oh like yeah I let off shots but Von was the one that killed him and then V kept it quiet and so you got this guy saying he let off shots this guy's saying nothing and then in the end they were like well you're going to have to either flip on vaugh or you're getting life or whatever he was going to get and then he was like okay I'm going to switch on vaugh waited all the way up to the trial and then at the trial he was like no I'm going to keep it solid so Von got out completely scot-free because of the way Big Mike handled it I don't know if that was on purpose or just it was a mess or big Mike slipped up but essentially Big Mike took the whole rap Von kept it quiet cuz Big Mike admitted oh I let off shots well you you're screwed Von didn't say and that's what the whole song why he told is all about you know Von we's got that lyrics you know uh what does he rap uh he says like we would have figured it out you took the easiest route like that whole song is about Big Mike and like why he told like why he slipped up you know they probably what does he rap he say something like they probably gave your dumbass some food and said you was getting out sit your dumb ass down like so Von kind of breaks it down in that song but the way that all went out you know it was just fluky luck that Von was able to beat that case he kept it solid Mike took the whole rrap and then you know Von was in jail 2014 to 20 December 2017 on that case I believe and then he got out linked up with duck you know he'd had supposedly that point you know them he had them seven bodies under his belt started a rap career and duk just put him on and it just went crazy well how did Big Mike cuz he's home now he's doing interviews himself we actually spoke to him about potentially doing something so someone died he admits to being a shooter but not the killer how did he end up coming home I think again this is off the top of my head so I got the paperwork in front of me but I think what happened was he got something like 18 years for the murder and then um you know maybe it was I think maybe he served like that happened in what 2014 he just came home this year so he probably end up what serving like N9 10 years of a 18year sentence oh you got 50% over a state case okay I guess that makes sense who do you think think killed Malcolm V like I you know I don't know but like I just feel like the way that that played out the way that Von behaves I mean you see that you see that interview on The Breakfast Club where Von's with Dirk and he's beating the thing and charlamagne's like it's I I just find that to me like that moment in that Breakfast Club interview was the moment where I was like Von's Von's on some dark like that bit where he says like you know Charlamagne du's like yeah you know this is V he just got home and he's like oh what were you in for and Von's like yeah body and two attempts and he's like how'd you beat that like how how'd you beat that you must be innocent and Von's like nah lawyer and it's like the way Von's talking is like I did that like he was like how'd you beat it and he's like lawyer and he's and it's like if you watch that back it's like it's actually quite dark like you got to read between the lines of the way they're doing it and like you know Von saying stuff if you watch that interview closely you see like Von's saying some crazy stuff and Dirk's coughing to be like shut up you know if you watch it carefully you can actually see this Dynamic and it's dark Von's like body in two attempts and like Shaman's like body and Von's like yeah and two attempts like he was proud you could see in that moment he was proud to be saying that and that's a crazy moment cuz Charlamagne ain't really clocked what he's what he's dealing with you know the the type of type of dude that he's he's sat there talking to and you know go back and watch just that little segment of that interview it's when you really read between the lines and watch closely what's going on it's actually crazy well yeah because I remember there was a part of the the documentary where you showed van getting arrested and he's essentially bragging to the cops he says the same thing yeah body in two attemps yeah I just came home from beating a body in two attempts he's proud you're telling this to the cops cop as they're arresting you the cops are like this not going to help you they're not going to be like really well we'll let you go then but this goes back to the serial killer thing where it's like Von clearly got a lot of gratification about the things he' done and I felt like it was so much of it was about it was more than just like like for example I did this story on No Limit right and there's a gang in the the the kind of were war with like G herbo's crew called kill to survive kts right and it's like ay guy kts Von you know he allegedly had killed a few people but it's like the name of that like it really stuck with me of like kill to survive I think a lot of these gang members they're killing to survive it's kill or be killed I'm on the Block if I don't kill you first you're going to kill me that kill to survive mindset I'm not saying it's okay but it's like you can kind of sympathize with it a little bit more than I felt like Von it wasn't kill to five it was like kill for pleasure like he's got tweets where he says me and T Roy we kill for fun like I'm itching to catch my next body all this kind of stuff like there was something he was getting more out of that than the average gang member that was killing to survive and it's just all these little moments these interviews like you say with that him getting arrested and he's just like I'll just beat a body like I couldn't even put myself in the shoes of being I'm we we were out one of the homies got pulled over earlier on today and like I'm just so shook of the pce please the the thought that I would say to a cop like yeah I just got home from beating a body like that's that's crazy to me so it it really just goes to show you how extreme he was to be honest
Channel: djvlad
Views: 95,765
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Id: k1V1Vkj_IWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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