Transparent River Table with Epoxy

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hey guys in this video we turn this burl wood into a translucent epoxy table by sanding the bottom of the table we got a perfect frosted effect we started with boxelder burl we cut it in half and we used our slab jig to get it nice and flat in this video we're gonna show you the simple steps of creating a successful project using epoxy and wood learn all the steps right now from building a form to prepping your project right we'll demonstrate right now how to hold your project down during the pour we're also gonna show you how to add little bits of metallic powder so you get the perfect translucent effects in this video we pour a large mass of casting epoxy and we finish it by swirling around the faint metallics to give us the desired looks whether you're a beginning woodworker or a seasoned professional we hope that tips and tricks found in this video will trigger creative genius we trim and router and prep the edges for our final pour we're gonna show you exactly how we apply our seal coats and how it brings this wood project to life learn how to finish your project smart by filling final pinholes before your last coat learn why woodworkers love stone coke countertop epoxy we were thrilled with the final results of this project we loved how the light could shine right through the clarity was amazing visit us anytime at Stone Koch countertops com stay tuned and enjoy the video remember when you subscribe to our channel click on the red subscribe button and be sure to ring the bell so you get notified every time we have a new video thanks again a good friend of mine brandon brought this boxelder to my shop so we could create a project for his wife so we'll take this set this level wherever it is you want to make this cut yeah right here after we cut the piece of wood in half with our skill saw we use an angle grinder to remove the saw marks we're gonna do some sort of a live edge we use that 50 grit metal sanding disc to also take this straight edge and make it more organic so it resembles a live edge do you like it I love it alright let's get this thing built we decide which sides will be top and bottom and then we're going to use our slab jig to make sure we have a nice flat bottom so we can build our form and we won't waste casting epoxy underneath an uneven bottom side a surface planing router bit makes short work of the uneven wood it had a slight crown in the wood but we're only going to address the bottom side because we know after we fill it with casting epoxy we'll come back and make sure the top is just as flat the design of our router jig is ideal for this setup we kept everything nice and rigid by toe nailing screws in and keeping our project steady while going across it with our router jig [Music] we make a decision on the final dimensions of the table and we trim each piece so that they're at the right size woodworking with epoxy is simple when you break it down into steps we're going to use three quarter-inch melamine as our base and we're also gonna rip strips of melamine for our sides so that we have a form that's slightly taller than our finished project height we like using a Craig pocket jig to pre-drill our side rails so that we get a very nice snug fit so this one I'm placing square it and then we'll run our two side rails equal [Music] so we traced their lines in so we knew how our River went back in just in case we forgot okay let silicon these joints so it becomes a watertight form its insurance silicones a lot less expensive than a gallon and a half of epoxy the first thing you do [Music] applying thai vet tape to the outside of our form is simply insurance just in case there might be a small hole or a leak for the casting epoxy this ensures that we don't waste any we're cutting the excess melamine away from our form to keep the weight down it's good practice to remove excess dust from your live edges before applying your seal coat silicon we're ready to apply the seal coat on the edges of our slab table let's do this right now what's your dare you guys having fun do you like this type of project let us know in the comments below what do you want to seem done next from stone countertops calm in the next step we're gonna seal the edges of our live edge by mixing up by one to one ratio of our fast setting epoxy our quick coat this will dry quickly we can apply it with a brush and this will seal the edges so that air doesn't leak out into our casting epoxy it's good to apply multiple seal coats to the edges this stops the air from leaking into your cast in epoxy you want to work quickly with our quick coat because it's our faceting epoxy you have about 15 minutes to work with it Mitch what do you think of this thing man this is gonna be awesome I cannot wait to see what what color are you gonna do Brandt Brandon this is for your eyes present you you and the doghouse are you just that nice [Music] I'm trying for 20 years to surprise my wife but she's too clever she's good this could be the first big surprise in 20 years yes what color are we gonna do man I don't know all right we'll go check out the metallic option we're gonna cut three quarter inch square tubing to hold our project down during the epoxy poor guys we did a really fun life we're going to show you how we took this live edge slap table we kept it iridescent is this color not amazing totally amazing do you see which way it goes oh yeah okay Luke you got to get a close-up of this pearl how beautiful I mean it's just such a unique a unique Pete took months to find the exact right one so we wouldn't want to cover that with an opaque mix right we really want to showcase it because we're pouring deep we're using our super cast which is designed to be poured nice and thick and you want to go tropical turquoise we're gonna just make it very translucent and we have a very scientific way to measure that and that's what the plastic spoon gonna start very little because we can always add more right so I'm going to start there it's splashing man where's your work oh I just borrow a cup I just got a see my love it's showing up too let's go ahead and pour that in go nice and slow and they kind of let it work its way and then we'll torch it as needed I like look at that color brother as we pour super cast casting epoxy we torch every quarter inch this allows the air to release and then we continue our pour until we fill our project to the top if you want to watch the entirety of this process we did film this portion live we go live in front of YouTube every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time watch the arrow right here this will lead you to the full episode so you know what we did today Mitch is is we tested our customer service and we measured length width depth yeah I called him pretended I was somebody else from Brandon's phone and Patrick Anton and I was like can you tell me how much to use and he did amazing I was testing him did they not pass with flying colors after after he ate the test he said also like I know that yeah but I even tried to change my voice and you know like he did this really funny and then you like Vinings like wait is this really him like you could tell he was second-guessing it's about if you're watching man you got there how much do you love seeing the pens and the detail that parole how it's like you're in my mind seriously I will never charge you rent dude that's just I love that yeah thinking about what we do too is we're gonna overfill this and then this material will shrink slightly and when it shrinks that's okay we're gonna get everything sanded flush and then we're gonna do our normal don't go countertop in Pakistan by swirling the casting epoxy it makes the metallics create a fun design okay guys the next morning I came into the shop or our casting resin is dry where it's a big mass but over here where the river gets smaller it's not so dry it's still really sticky it has shrunk a little bit it's going to get below the surface because the super cast will shrink and I'm gonna use our original casting epoxy to fill up this last Oh eighth of an inch or so I'm gonna fill in some of these voids here where it's a little bit shrunk and that kind of thing and we'll get this thing all filled up because I know that our original casting epoxy is gonna dry much faster than our super cast will in small increments let's get started because the top surface of this wood project wasn't planed yet we haven't used our router jig on it it's bowed so we do have a high point on one end but we're gonna fill the remainder of this project with our original casting epoxy because it's designed to be poured three-quarters of an inch or less after our casting epoxy has set up it's time to take our project out of the mold any piece or part of our form that comes in contact with the epoxy needs to be wrapped in a bec date this will make sure it releases cleanly and with ease during our live video we tested wax as a release agent to allow us to pull our project out of our form we show the results of this test and it didn't work out too well to see those results watch the very end of this video we're sanding the bottom side of our project to prepare for the next step I wipe off the dust to get a glimpse of how that frosted look is going to appear next we're going to use our slab jig to make sure the top of our project is just as flat as the bottom we're using those Craig screws to hold our project in place we'll get our mask and our ear protection on we're using gloves so that any of the chips don't hurt our hands and we're gonna get this project flat [Applause] [Music] I'm going to use a fine-toothed wood cutting saw blade on my skill saw I'm gonna use my straightedge to make sure I get nice square edges around the perimeter of my table directly out of the mold the edges where the epoxy is are just slightly imperfect so we're gonna make them perfect by cutting them nice and square by adjusting the depth of my saw blade I'll make multiple passes to ensure I get a nice clean cut [Music] next we're gonna use our angle grinder fitted with a flush 50 grit metal sanding disc and we're gonna remove our saw marks on our edges as well as the router marks on the surface of our project let's prep the surface for epoxy by using our random orbital sander starting at 60 grit and working on all the way up to 220 grit this is going to give us a smooth finish perfect to accept epoxy on the bottom side of our project we're going to use a 1/8 inch roundover router bit to prep the edge will flip the project over and we'll use a 1/4 inch roundover bit on the topside we really like the way this looks on all of our epoxy projects especially tables like this [Music] [Music] again we'll finish the edges in the top side of our surface with 220 grit and we're ready for the next step [Music] [Music] next we're gonna mix up our epoxy for our first of three seal coats we're using our normal stone coke countertop epoxy we'll mix it with a drill for two minutes and we'll mix it at a one-to-one ratio we only need one ounce per square foot we need to stop air from getting into our flood coat that's why we apply three seal coats it's simple use a shower squeegee spread it along the surface and use your gloved hand to apply it to your edges wow oh my goodness oh my goodness look at that oh I love the color of this wood look at look at what it's doing look at that river I like that the river is frosty underneath oh goodness this is just gorgeous [Music] use a torch to remove any air left in that seal coat and remember your seal coats will never be free of imperfections we're simply preparing our surface for that final flood coat after the first seal coat is done we're gonna use 220 grit to send the surface and the edges of our project then we're gonna wipe the dust and we're ready to repeat the second seal coat in the same form and fashion [Music] [Music] [Music] stubborn areas or pinholes left after seal coats are common we have a couple of little pinholes that we're gonna fill and we're gonna show you how we do that right now we're gonna sand the surface with 220 grit and we're gonna use Mohawk burnin sticks these are designed as a furniture repair system but in this case we're gonna use it to fill the pinhole and blend it with the color right now I'm searching for the perfect color and I've found it by simply heating it up with our torch and using it like a coloring cran we'll fill that pinhole I'll do it on this area but I want it a little bit darker so it blends in with the surrounding wood tones this is a fast step immediately after I've applied the burnin stick I can use a straightedge razor blade this straight edge razor blade will act as a scraper I'm gonna scrape the excess right off the surface after i reheat it okay because we have already done a seal coat today it's been about eight hours ago and we're still tacky I didn't need to sand because we're still tacky if you don't have any experience working with epoxy let it cure sand it and do your next seal coat but if you know what you're doing and you know the right time to hit it when it's still tacky that's a good thing to do and you could get multiple seal coats done in the same day [Music] there's the third sealcoat we'll let that set up we'll do the final flood coat I can't wait to see the results of that final coat this project is coming out fantastic [Music] for our final flood coat we're gonna use three ounces per square foot we'll mix this with a drill for two minutes then we'll use our 1/8 by 1/8 square notch trowel to spread the correct amount of material over the surface next we're going to use our chopped brush to remove any of our trowel marks and we'll also brush those edges out with long horizontal strokes so they get nice and smooth we're gonna torch the surface three times to remove any air and look at how clear our project gets brandon is going to weld a steel base and really support each piece of wood so we didn't need to embed steel bars like we normally do on a river table projects once again we're going to use our 50 grit metal sanding disc to remove the drips from the bottom side of our table and then we're gonna use our random orbital sander to sand up to 220 grit so the bottom side of our project gets frosted and it looks even and it looks really professional Brandon and I as well as my son had a great time building this project we invite you to visit stone coat countertops dot-com to see all the products used in this video thanks Brandon this thing came out awesome beautiful burl man what do you think well we're gonna take this in the other room show you guys what this really looks like with some light coming through it let's do it right now [Music] you got this Thank You Brandon visit us anytime at Stone Koch countertops com call anytime for free project support and until next time from Stone Koch countertops you got this we'll see you soon let me show you what happened the last time I went over melamine just testy melamine by itself you interested in that let's just find out right now so right here this is a form that we built and the epoxy held on so tight to the melamine it pulled giant chunks off so that's why we applied wax to test this and see if it works better than raw melamine and I think it's gonna be a home run let's find out right now okay by hand it's not moving so what we're gonna do is we're going to pop the melamine here so I got a spot to start lifting this without causing damage from my clam ready okay I felt it look at that yes look at that okay no transparent that is come on top hello well that's sticking pretty hard dude it may not have been may not have been a good idea you hold that board down [Music] Luke is filming and helping at the same time man good job Luke oh I'm gonna go hard I'd hold right here oh yeah it's gonna come okay let me just want you with this down the hedge there we go that's good the answer to our experiment was clear don't use furniture wax as a release it didn't work out well we had to chisel and grind the chunks of melamine off the bottom side of our project that's okay we got it off we sanded it flush and our project turned out just fine we're gonna be using different sprays and releases to find the perfect one but until then we'll use Tyvek tape as a great release knowing that our project will pop up with ease every time [Music] you
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 3,100,034
Rating: 4.8892927 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, painting with acrylics, epoxy metallic, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy, diy epoxy, leggari, countertop epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, river table, resin table top, granite countertop, how to, how to epoxy, Transparent River Table with Epoxy, transparent epoxy, transparent river table, clear woodworking epoxy, clear transparent epoxy, crystal clear casting epoxy, casting epoxy resin, woodworking video, wood
Id: Z7rmGk2Owlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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