Epoxy Resin Flood Coat Tutorial | Stone Coat Epoxy

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today knotty nation welcome back today I want to talk to you about flood coats what's the flood coat what do you do to prepare for it and how you can have the most outstanding look and finish to your work when you're done we're using stone coat epoxy countertop epoxy for our resin and it is suggested to be at a temperature of 65 to 80 degrees when you mix it today in Vegas this morning was a little cold cold for us it was 45 degrees so I actually took this thing I set it out in the Sun warmed up my resin a little bit for about 45 minutes got nice and toasty it's gonna help a mix and blend really well this piece here is 20 inches wide and 70 inches long and stone coat or your flood coat you want three ounces of epoxy per square foot so that's roughly two feet by six feet so that's twelve square feet so 3 by 12 is our 36 core ounces which is a little more than my measurements but I also have this lip right here that we want to account for as well and I'm going to use some additional epoxy to add a few more little waves in here it's gonna add some extra depth and dimension to our piece here now epoxy is is a fluid and it moves and every time you add a layer it's adding another dimension to it so on this piece here we did our first pour we've got our our look in our design in here I've added in some vinyl stickers for the the client so this one is Waterworld scuba and swim I put this in here for their name that's what they wanted and then I got a little nod for myself down here we got a way for people applying me when they come see this awesome cabinet there's my web address and there's my phone number and the guy who made it so that they could do it so something you may want to do so this is just a little cheap vinyl sticker we bought a Cricut machine I'll leave the link below where you can find those but they're just a little die-cutting machine where you can make your own vinyl stickers we designed it on there printed it out and stuck them on ourselves real quick real easy and we're able to do that we want one I want all right to the mix I'm gonna use a regular old screw drill with this this mixing device you can get any Home Depot I'll drop a link for that as well as you can see I don't clean it as well when I'm done it just has these these nibs and knobs and stuff on them it helps mix it up as well you can pull it off but there's no need to really it just helps you mix it up some more I use these measuring buckets that I find at my local big-box store you can also buy them online conveniently as you can see here they've got measurements on already now this particular mix we've decided we need 36 ounces yeah my lines go to 32 ounces I know it's going to go a little bit past the 16 to add those couple extra ounces on and I'll do the same about 32 stone coat that we're mixing is a one to one ratio so that this just helps it helps me gauge where I need to be I try to be as accurate as I can on my resume expected prior to pouring on this piece or mixing up the epoxy we want to prepare the surface to receive the second layer of epoxy this is set up and it's a little little hard as there's no tacky feeling or anything like that I can run my gloved hand across it no problem so all you need get yourself a piece of 220 sandpaper it's just regular old sandpaper that you can find anywhere 220 and I'm only gonna apply very very light pressure don't worry I don't really need to push down or I'm really gapping out I'm just putting the lightest amount of pressure on and I'm gonna rough up that surface a little bit I'm just given the next layer of epoxy something to grip into and hold on to and and nailed itself to the top layer there in doing that you you're not gonna have any chance of somebody getting a fingernail start Network pulls off a whole layer that have stuff don't push crazy hard this makes more work for you it's just gonna scratch up the surface of this it's gonna look like I just ruined what I did and what did I do don't worry the flood Pope fixes all becomes crystal clear just like a piece of glass and it looks really really beautiful a finished effect so I'm gonna go ahead and take this sandpaper rough this up real quick and then that show you guys how it goes [Music] make sure get the entire surface cover here you can see it I got these little surface scratches I'm going easy on these these vinyl over here I don't want to tear those up and have to redo my work so I'm just gonna kind of work around them a little bit as you can see I've got a little bit of bono let's come up you'll have some dust as well don't forget your edges your edges a little you want that nice st. smooth last look across them as well so I'll kind of rough this up make sure our poxy as it flows over has something to bite on as well all right and then just for a quick cleanup I scrapped some blue shop towels another thing you can do is just grab your ear air hose give yourself up quick blow then take your your shop towels here just wipe off that top layer so we don't have any of this residue here we want this clean a surface for our epoxy to be here too so that we get a nice strong seal you can see I picked up the bits there let me get the sides alright I don't know if you can see this on the video but this surface is far from perfect and I'm not sweating it if you look right here I've got a little hole where the surface tension didn't get broke I'm right through to the board there and I've got little dimples and little imperfections that are in this board over here the the epoxy didn't come across the wood the way I'd like it and solid not a big deal that's actually why we do the flood coat it's it it will self level filling in these dimples and imperfections and giving us just a gorgeous smooth finish and that's the what we're looking for in this particular case so I'm gonna mix up this epoxy and be right back alright when you're when you're pouring your epoxy it's suggested that you pour be before a I don't know why but everybody always tells me it mixes better that way and I don't want any bad results so I just do it I suggest you do it as well so I'm gonna take my B which is my hardener and I'm gonna get to this is a one to one ratio remember so I'm filling this just past my 16 because I want at least 36 ounces and a little bit more because I'm gonna mix up a little white here all right so I'm almost dead center between my 16 and 24 ounce marker here so they're giving me a good place to stop and now I'm gonna add my a in which is the actual resin now the resin is a little thick it's much more thicker than the the hardener so I'll just squeeze it lightly which kind of causes these surges here and it helps it come a little quicker so I'll just sit here and wait for it to drizzle a bit and get me where I wanna go and right there close to my one-to-one as I can be it table put this right here alright I don't know how well you can see this but if you look you can see just like oil and water don't necessarily want to mix the hardener and the resin to kind of separate that you've got the yeah I believe that's the hardener on top of the thinner and then the thicker resin that's sitting there on bottom they're not blended very well at all so you really wanted to take the time and blend your epoxy really really well if you don't you risk having it not set up correctly for having tackiness throughout your project on the finish layer which is not something you want at all unless you want to do is come across a nice smooth countertop and you get a tacky spot it's terrible now if that happens to you not a problem it can be fixed just mixed up another flood coat and do it make sure you mix it thoroughly the next time and for over that would be the easiest fix but honestly the best thing to do is just to make sure you mix your resin so that doesn't happen to you so here we go we're gonna mix mix mix I'm gonna mix this for printing three to five minutes wonder you're using this particularly this drill when I'm in the center here and not touching any sides I'm gonna go ahead and I'm cool full speed on my drill and then you also want to scrape the sides of your buckets and the bottom as well to help get any of that residue I'll slow down to a slower movement just like that as I'm hitting my bucket to get it now these are hard and you can blow your bucket out so be careful about going really fast being pressed up against the side you'll blow out your bucket your is resin spills everywhere and it's a nightmare so those are some tips on mixing now the art I'm also gonna introduce some air in here it's gonna look real white not a problem we'll address that later on in this video and those are just air bubbles that are being incorporated into the epoxy as we mix also one other tip make sure you've always got one hand on your epoxy I've worn my share of epoxy but just even just adjusting my grip shortly once this epoxy gets moving it really it really likes to fly out if you leg up so make sure you hold on to your bucket here while you're mixing okay our epoxy is all mixed now with some pill we've got a little bit of working time it's really really nice I've worked with other epoxies men you've got to mix it you got a port you gotta rush it get all your bubbles out it's setting up on it and damn it makes it tough to get a good result one of my favorite things about this brand of epoxy is that we have a long working time meaning we've got time to do what we want with it and get it just perfect before start setting up on us typically about an hour here in Vegas were a little bit warmer and you're more temperate climates you're gonna get an hour of 15 maybe an hour and 20 you'll know when it's starting to set of affects you a long time to be working with epoxy I'm gonna this the things that we have where I've got a one-inch notch trout you can order this on the link I'll provide below comes from stone cut it's specifically made to have just the amount of poxy left behind to coat the area that's there and not leave too much on the board and not leave enough on the board as well so it's able to evenly distribute as much you want as you can see this one's going to use quite a few times the epoxy is dry it's hard it's not going anywhere I don't bother cleaning this kind of looks cool the one thing you want to do is when you are done using these don't set them down your table like this if you do that your epoxy will block up your your trowel hole and you'll have a problem so instead when you're done just use the back of it you can see this is gonna sit down several times just set it like that the epoxy will roll down your trowel leaving plenty of room for your next project and you won't run out of teeth so that's a little tip there getting ready to pour I'm gonna want to have my chop brush now when you get your chop brush this one's a brand new make sure you wanted to get all the bristles outs and kind of grab it and I use my gloved hand I'm just as hard as I can right here I want to get all the loose of Bristol's out like that so that they don't end up in my piece now if you get a little piece that comes through when you're chopping it just take your brush and trying to scoop it out like that it's not a big deal but the last thing I want is as I've learned through it the finished product to see a bristle embedded within my resin that would be suck so anyway here's this top brush got my resin and my trowel this is all I need to get going I'm actually gonna mix a little extra waves in this for 3ds some of the dust put a little bit on my resin resin here for this project and away we go okay when I pour this I'm gonna pour right down the center and try and keep a equal amount of mass or epoxy right down the center so that I have it evenly distributed something to push it around the board be a little bit more on one side than the other it's not a big deal the travel level about just makes your work a little easier so I'm going to start here just go right down the center like that as you can see we've got a nice white looking color there and that's just the air incorporated in and I didn't do a great job pouring on that set that there you can see I've got more maps here than there so when I start my traveling I'm gonna start from this side and work this way to make sure I get a nice even cover the prime my chop brush along here as well just get that on I'm gonna get some epoxy on the reason we primed that is when I go to chop it I don't want to pulling up the epoxy that I've already put down I want the dead epoxy to stay worth that and this just just helps you have to start priming my brush up here pull this out I'm gonna set this right in here and we're gonna get the trailer down when you trout it's important see the angle that this is this is out right here you want to keep that angle when you're on your piece so I don't want to push it down flat like this where I'm pushing my epoxy everywhere if I go to straight up and down it's just a little awkward so right there that angle which is the same a little set gives me just the perfect amount down as you can see the trout trout lines are just where I wanted so with this I just want to get right up to the edge without going over at this point I'm just trying to evenly coat my board if you find yourself and I've done this week and I think most everybody has done this if you find yourself to the point where hey you didn't mix up enough epoxy you're not quite getting there I think it's best just to go ahead and mix up a little extra epoxy and make sure you've got your board adequately covered then to try pushing it especially we're gonna heat this up the resin gets flown a little bit we want to make sure we've got enough on our board to do to do the project we want a nice finish look this is the where the magic happens with the finish that glass smooth look that people go crazy for comes from the nice flood coat that's been put down you take the time to to do it and do it right so I've got plenty here I think we're gonna be flying on this piece as you can see I'm just making the core I'm not trying to push it over just yet I'm gonna bring this mass here with me and the trowel lovely and yes enough behind for me we'll make sure you get a nice even coat here let me go ahead and bring some of this and begin to let that come over the edge it's like that all right that's a pretty good even spread right there okay we're gonna take our top brush which is already primed and we're going to chop our piece now when I top it I'm just breaking the surface tension just like this and another key when you're chopping is not to go in linear lines I don't want like lines like this I want random patterns but I want to make sure I cover the entire board you know so we'll just come around here and chop this baby out surface tension is you know when you fill your cup but you can go above the brim of it when you're pouring your drinks or whatever when you were a kid you would pour it above the brim that's surface tension it's just the tension that's in the water or the liquid in this case that holds holds it together you want to break that so flattens out level the other thing that we're doing with this chopping is you can see right here there's trow lines that are from us traveling it out I don't want to see that my finished product this mixes it as well helps us go there all right I feel like we've traveled this out pretty good but make sure I hit my edges as well I've got all this epoxy here if it's going to get some on my brush I'm gonna brush my edges want to make sure you got a nice coat of epoxy on our edges as well so yellow piece I missed missed on my corner here one that when I rolled over the top but I got it now okay now it's time to torch our pizza all right something to remember with your torch make sure you take a blue paper towel and wipe your hands off really well so that you don't have epoxy on this is just a regular old propane that you can buy at any discounts or big-box store that goes and like your camp stoves and this top here goes for them as well the porch bit these are a little spendy so if you have epoxy on your hands and you're using this it'll dry up and lock this up making this a piece of junk you got to throw away to replace just a little tip to help your your tools last longer now when I'm torching this out I'm using it to get all the bubbles out you can see they're starting to rise to the top anyways and check the link out I'm gonna have a section on Wendy use a torch how to use it and when to use a heat gun and how to use it the pros and cons of each one and what could go wrong what will even screw it up a little bit so check that out I think you'll be interested in the meantime I'm just gonna torch this out something when I do my final coats is I only do three passes when I torch it and I'd like to change directions each time so the first time I'll go this way the second time I'll go this way and the third time I'll come back over as well in between I'll let it rest a couple or three minutes let any of bubbles that are going to come come back up I don't need to hit them right away so let's check this out when I'm torching I'm using a nice fluid motion back and forth for the women who are watching this I've been told it's like blow-drying your hair that same moment our same movement I don't want to keep it in the same spot and cause it to burn I'm just causing the the bubbles to release I think you can see that on the video and it makes this really clear laughs like appearance that we're going for there for the men if you've ever hosed off your driveway like I have it's a similar motion to hosing off your driveway yeah and that's the easiest thing I can say it don't be afraid to get close to your piece you can see my flames actually touching the epoxy but I'm moving I'm always moving it so we're not overheating it and in any one spot man that never gets old to me one thing to keep in mind when you're torching your surface go ahead and do that don't torch your edges we've got gravity working against this when we torch it it heats the epoxy up a little bit of thins and it wants to move so this is actually moving and flowing this is the self leveling portion and if I'm doing that on the side of this causing my epoxy to run off and I don't want that I want to keep that so now that I've done that I'm gonna go look at my piece real quick and I'm gonna go through and see if there's any little bits that have some surface tension I've got a little couple holes here you just give a little tap with your finger and they'll dissolve I'll see some I see a couple right here on the edge of my my piece I'm just going to tap it out and they're covered up and all I'm doing is making sure we don't have any dimple marks or anything like that in the epoxy I've got a little stuff on my backside to use my fingers and rub that across there a nice consistent smooth edge on my piece as well so I'm just grabbing some extra epoxy on my hands and just rubbing it here anywhere that I saw take your time we've got plenty of time with this stuff to to really get it right so let's do that and your clients will thank you your spouse's will thank you he's just man and ever get tired of it they're just gorgeous the finishes the finished products I can't say enough about it I love working with this stuff okay so I've torch this out twice now I'm going to torch it out one more time just quickly and then we'll be done with this baby and that's how you get a crystal clear beautiful flood coat on your project hey naughty nation if you like this video please subscribe to us ring the bell so you can see our projects when they come up in the future leave us a comment drop us an email we'd love to hear from you you
Channel: Knotty Artisan
Views: 42,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ocean painting, ocean painting tutorials, ocean art, art painting, painting techniques, epoxy, epoxy resin, stone coat countertop, ocean acrylic, epoxy tutorial, acrylic tutorial, resin, resin art, how to epoxy, how to epoxy a countertop, how to make ocean painting, artist painting, modern, modern countertop, stone coat, leggari, countertop epoxy, painting countertop, diy, diy crafts, diy epoxy, diy epoxy table, diy epoxy resin, diy epoxy countertops, painting, epoxy flooring
Id: mrXQTzOSnrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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