Transitions | Take Heart, Move Forward | Pastor Marty Ocaya

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[Music] so basically we're continuing our series in a series Nadine is the series on transitions and satins octal again series on transition because our country right now actually the entire world is going through a lot okay a lot of stuff and this is like a transition for us so how do we respond to it what are we gonna do about it how are we gonna act I mean that but nothing going especially in times of transitions and the question basically that we wanna answer in this series is the question how do I handle transitions in life and I'm not just talking about what's going on right now but basically we will all experience certain transitions for example we will experience transition transition to school we're being grade seven kalyan and then you're gonna become great eight or high school carry on you're going to be a senior high or senior high you're gonna be in college so those are transitions it can also be transition so location that before you were living in this place and now you have to transition to a new city or before you were living in the province and now you're getting a transition to the city in this city or you're gonna go abroad so there's adjustments there and usually transition it's not just a week or a month it usually takes time and also with career maybe in a shift kind of course or maybe in a shift gun and then direction must work before after you work more and now you're doing this you want to do this so those are transitions and transitions are family when I say transitions are family maybe their sickness in the family and it affects the entire family or we're doing my own death in the family and you're having to go through it simply it's uncomfortable and it takes a not a short time sometimes it takes a long time to adjust to that kind of situation or like what's going on right now transitions a world know what's gonna happen when I say transitions a world there's a lockdown what are we gonna do about it that's a violin viola game an Illumina Netflix I know number nine Kingdom season two in some of you are watching that already getting long been Gaga Winco and there's also that news about a curfew 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. I don't know if it's finalized now but if it's gonna be finalized so what am I gonna do about it how am I gonna adjust my schedule and of course suspension apart Messiah Pharaoh a lot of students matter I miss my friends I miss those people how can we hang out on young friends go right so it's a massive transition not just for our country but for the entire world for some people among transition illa-allah NBA or postpone and when I heard about it of course then look what the leg aho well as i boppin or in so hopefully my continued but we don't know again all of these things it's beyond our control so the reason why transitions are tough and the reason why we want to discuss this in Saku Saku not something is going on and we are in this series it's because most people don't like transitions because these seasons it all transitions that though are uncertain it's uncomfortable and it's outside our control right so it's uncertain like what am I gonna do about it how am I gonna live my life in on a normal way how can I do that it's it's so uncertain it's uncomfortable augusto my baths the spa while I could shop I'm under some oil and I want to watch this movie my garden and moulana how can i watch that in a new much name up on the bus so how is that gonna happen and it's outside my control like data control on that day I know what to do but right now I don't know what to do and it's not just you the students are watching this or even some people are watching this but for your family it's a transition and in my families of transition my kids are happy they're always at home but I don't know if they're gonna happy happy five days from now maybe they're gonna ask when I'm on when are we gonna go out maybe they're gonna ask when are we gonna go to kids sooner because they miss that so it's a transition that we don't know how long it's gonna take it's uncertain it's uncomfortable and it's outside our control that's why we want to answer the question so how am I gonna respond to this how do I handle this either this transition about the coronavirus or whatever transitions you're facing right now in your life so how do I handle these transitions now I'm really glad that there are people in the Bible in throughout history that they had to go through different transitions and it was quite painful at the start but they were able to go through it so for example we're gonna look at today the life of Joshua but before that if there's one thing that I want you to remember to handle our transitions this is our message for the day take heart move forward you cannot tell your seatmate anymore take heart move forward it tight when Ellen John all right our message is take heart move forward you know this phrase take heart I love it and it makes up in a phrase take heart whether in the dictionary or biblically when you hear the phrase take heart it means take courage or if you're losing courage already or you lose you but I'm gonna handle courage because you lose your heart lalana but I am so discouraged right now when you say take card okay I'm gonna take heart and be courageous once again so if you lost your courage already because of what's happening this word is applicable to all of us meaning to say I need to take heart once again I need to regain my courage once again because I got discouraged with the situation so that's why we need to take heart we need to take back our courage once against better part nothing out going on we're gonna learn in a while and then we're gonna move forward we cannot move forward if we don't take heart we cannot do what we need to do if we don't have the courage we won't do the right thing specially when the right things are scary or uncomfortable if we don't take heart that's why our message is take heart move forward and Joshua is one of those characters in the Bible who had to experience this because he was going through some transitions and what's that transition let's look at Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 so this is what happened imagine the intro of the life of Joshua the book of Joshua Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 it reads after the death of Moses so Moses was the one leading the Israelites towards the promised land but they were stuck in the desert for forty years and God told Moses you cannot enter anymore the promised land your servant Joshua will be the one leading the people so now God took Moses so he died the servant of the Lord and the Lord now said to Joshua this is your time son of nun Moses aid this is what God said Moses my servant is dead now then you and all these people over two million people get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I'm going to give to them to the Israelites so imagine the transition the transition that he's going to about experiences like this he's leaving her is dead so he's no one no one leading now that's one transition another transition is this before they were in the desert just roaming around now they are to battle so that's another transition imagine how uncomfortable that is Israelites Joshua you will lead the Israelites to go to the promised land now the promised land there are many kings there you have to fight them so another transition imagine what goes in the mind if I'm Joshua Lord poggle gointo I'm not the leader of these people and some of them are quite disobedient or a lot of them are quite disobedient and then I'm gonna battle we haven't really experienced much battle and now you're telling me to gather these people and go there to the promised land and fight these kings and it's not easy it's uncomfortable it's uncertain and I don't know what's gonna happen it's beyond my control imagine that so how will I be able to do that another transition I'm going to a land that I'm not familiar oh of course it's a different kind of transition with what we are experiencing but it's the same thing uncomfortable ioan if you feel in Joshua I believe none Dominion doubt now wait a minute Lord we try this before but we lost how do I know that we they try this before when they were about to go to the promised land they sent 12 spies in numbers 14 not disobey Allah first when they went to the promised land Sabino 10 out of the 12 spies we cannot conquer this land they're too big we're like grasshoppers so God was angry at them because of their disobedience they were stuck in the desert for forty years better before they were stuck in the desert some of them pushed through sobbing no no Goleta by sigue sigue we will go on along to that place and conquer that land nevertheless up in the Sabini Moses I know don't go there God is not with you nevertheless in their presumption they went up toward the highest point in the hill country though neither Moses nor the Ark of the Lord's covenant moved from the can kill and Kisame Ark of the Lord's covenant if they're gonna battle in war but they push it they said okay well I own were gonna go as a result the Amalekites the Canaanites who live in that hill country came down attacked them and beat them down all the way to Harman imagined the the past okay this was the past we were losing already they were losing they lost already and now here's God saying Josh why it's time you have to go there now God is saying to Joshua my servant is dead now prepare the people go to the promised land you will be able to conquer them so how will you be able to do that that's why we need to take hard and move forward what does that mean how do I take heart how do I regain the courage once again how do I regain the drive to move forward the positive attitude that hope in the Lord how do I do that you know what I realize first thing if we look at what happened to Joshua I need to hold on to God's promises if I am to take heart if I am to regain the strength the courage once against to stand up or the comedy now before or uncertain too many array oh I don't know what's gonna happen oh it's out of my control if I am to regain the strength the courage once again I need to remind myself and hold on to his promises I mean it's so this is basic we know this already but what I realize is bugged me among a problem we forget his promises but may my problem we try to remember him past you know Gary Malay and we tried to make problem so big that we're not focused on God's promises that's why after God said to Joshua okay you go there you conquered that look at what God said to Joshua after he said this look at what he said I will give you every place where you set your foot he assured Joshua on the promise I promise this the Moses Joshua is what I'm telling you Joshua you're gonna go there and I know you're scared and I you know God Joshua was really scared you're gonna you're gonna see that in the entire chapter 1 the Joshua was quite scared he might not was able to say it to God it wasn't written there but the fact that God kept on encouraging him it shows that he was scared and I know a lot of us are scared and that's why we need to remind ourselves of God's promises I will give you every place where you set your foot as I promised Moses your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon and from the great river the Euphrates all the hittite country to the Mediterranean Sea in the West do you know how massive this is there were so many kings around that area and God is saying Joshua all of that will be yours all of that will be for the Israelites so this is my promise to you ok I call Joshua no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life look at the promise of God no one Joshua will be able to stand against you as you battle them all the days of your life look at the promises that's why God reminded Joshua these are my promises to you hold on to this promise and I know God has so many promises to us but here's the thing why would I believe in that why would I believe on God's promise I know some people are asking especially when there are transitions unquestioningly Lord some are promises a pattern happening here and he couldn't maintain the hand why will I believe in that and also in this case Joshua believed in this because he saw God's power he saw the miracles of God he saw the parting of the Red Sea he saw not just the parting of the Red Sea he saw the manna from heaven not just the manna from heaven he saw water coming out from the rock he saw the power of God when they were in the desert they neither got tired nor yung shue Stila was was destroyed because of their travel staying there he saw God's power but here's the thing here's the funny thing hindi let's see Joshua a hawk even on even the Israelites Nawrocki Doronin but the Israelites chose to rebel against God right you know the story not all of the people enter the promised land only those 20 years old and younger were able to enter the promised land including Joshua and Caleb not everyone even though Nikita lilium parting of the Red Sea even though Nikita named power in a God but you know what I realize about Joshua the reason why he was holding on to God's promise because he realized that God's promises it works it really works and Pegeen dica nicole bonds a promise ya Younker Cissna it really hurts union experiencing Israelites when they trusted the Lord I give them a promise net really works but indeed Allah trusting God nation of holders of promise Makita my younger sister really hurt our problem is this our problem is this we trust our heart more than we trust God when our heart knows so little about our life for example I think one of the reasons why God is allowing corona virus to spread is to wake up the world and hopefully to wake up different individuals for us to realize now hui you're not in control so sana Sabine tell your seatmate that oh Allah just type it belong there we're not in control I mean nobody knows how to make this I mean nobody has a vaccine yet and they're trying their best to make it and some say it's gonna happen in the next months some say kill a man and test so that elegant our motto and then hopefully next year we will have the vaccine so what's gonna happen to our economy it's a just thing our economy is adjusting how about those people on a daily wage earners what's gonna happen to them what's gonna happen to our money what's gonna happen to our savings what's gonna happen to our health all of these things it just shows us that hey wait a minute you before Nacala nothing in control tire you can before in a calendar that I know what I am to do in the next five days in the next weeks in the next months right now even our government leaders even powerful people they don't know what will happen because we need to trust God not just our heart not just what we feel is right not just now a guy on the money so to monitor Keanu whenever we are in transitions we hold on to his promise as we hold on to his promises we will be able to take heart and we will be able to move forward what's our message again take heart move forward and Joshua it's not just about alumni Yahweh Allah Yana okay if I obey God at the promise it's gonna really work and if I disobey God you curses now it will really hurt me it's not just about that because a lot of people know they know that but they still don't hold hold on to God's promise it's also about relationship joshua has a relationship with God he trusts God with all of his heart and when you have a relationship don't cut them open taka bugged me among our transitions that are uncomfortable shaky and it's questionable it's out of your control you go to God just like my son my youngest Jaden whenever an apple let's say pon da Mesa Toy Story managed to I got poison at the powerchair for example at the table was just a dinosaur so cushy anything done from afar pair up igloo Muppet now Ione luma bet Lala you shy is gonna get scared but when he's with me congregating gonna shot Sesame's I can go there go there go to the area where the dinosaur is you want a scary dinosaur because he thought India crying how often Master Liang so why am i sharing that he has a relationship with me when he's with me he's not scared when he's with me there's the comfort when he's with me a place that is uncertain hindi sonnet about a situation that is questionable hindi region of the doubt because he knows that his father is with him do you get that picture when we hold on to God's promises we are holding on to God himself and we are comforted every time we are going through transitions whether don't and session at all that's happening in our world or whether whatever transition you're going through with your life right now we are not in the more Sabini God K Joshua no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life look at the promise of God as I was with Moses in the Keeton an Australian they reminded God's in Joshua Joshua you remember I was with Moses you remember many people trying to hurt Moses they were against Moses rebelled against Moses they were grumblers I was with him I will be with you you remember that you saw that I never left Moses nor have I forsaken Moses that's what I'm gonna do with you as well I'm not gonna leave you nor forsake you see this promise is not just for Moses nor for Joshua it's for us that's why we hold on to his promises you see fear not the temporary by reminding yourself of the eternal don't be afraid of the temporary single capelin and feeling bahama coronavirus iike lord naman diba don't be afraid of the temporality remind yourself of the eternal promises together let me show you some of the promises for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us what what's what's a result an eternal glory that far outweighs them all so it too virus that oh and whatever tragedy were experiencing is light and momentary and it will achieve for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all you know perspective nepali you know if we look at the life of paul his situation during that time there was no coronavirus but he was being persecuted they were trying to kill him many times he was beaten to death many or hopefully he they wanted him to die but he never happened God protected him stone him to death many times whipped him and all of those things but he never stopped living for God because his mindset is light mental persecution like them yes Paul momentarily again so if Paul was here I believe that's what he's gonna say what you're experiencing what the world is experiencing light momentary trouble because eventually our eternal glory will far outweigh them all and then our part is what fix our eyes not on oh I don't wanna see of course when we look at what's happening you are not alike if you look at your social media every day I'm not saying don't look at your social media and your watching through social media so it's okay but if you look at it you're gonna get discouraged I will be honest with you every morning when I check social media may face smoke means and happy I mean send me my encouraging posts now wow I'm gonna heal wow 80% unhealed or fit more than 50% and healed or 80% mild lang and then my mana post nah you know it's not an ordinary flu you have to be careful you have to do this this this or that and some post Spanish inside me if you have cough don't worry just stay at home long me remember a post but make up an up on Danaher get the most happiness about you couldn't be where how will Wow how will I respond see the Papa do a Lanka so if you look at those things but we have no money talk but if I fix my eyes on and what is unseen then since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal if I fix my eyes on what is unseen mean to say to God if I fix my eyes on his power his promises if I encourage him anyway oh he's lifting up my soul did amazing you let me Peter Peter also wrote this the God of all Grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ you know he wrote this during the time that they were persecuted so he was telling the people yes you will go through persecution but the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ eternity there is that hope that we have after Aetna you have suffered a little while ha telephone system see Paul light momentary trouble see Peter suffered a little while even Jesus you're gonna suffer a little while will himself look at the promise of God will himself restore you make you strong firm and steadfast that's why our message is take heart move forward we take heart by holding on to his promises because condon Dayanara hold on there's that encouragement in our hearts that will help us stand up once again help us not to worry help us not to panic help us to have hope help us to be joyful and you know go study God day I'm gonna hear for us to be joyful for us to be at peace an indicia during the time the oak island when God says that he wants us to be joyful to be at peace it's in every situation whether we like it or not whether it's a good transition or it's a challenging transition he wants us to take heart and move forward if we don't take heart we're not gonna be able to move forward so first is we hold on this promise then the next one is we trust this man that's moving forward trusting this plan is moving forward better you cannot trust this plan if you are not reminded of his promises or if you're not holding on these promises and you cannot move forward in this family now being under similar problema 19 can do some questionable things but once that I think I say okay I do you promise to God so what do I need to do now now I know what I need to do that's what happened to Joshua after God said to Joshua okay you're gonna lead this people III want you to this is the promise that I have for you after God said this is my promise for you you're gonna conquer these lands all of these things these territories will be yours so I want you to be strong and courageous because what's the plan you will lead these people Joshua that's a plan you will leave this people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them it's not just a plan as you lead this people I want you to be my pilot only Nagada sad minutes and verse six be strong and courageous submissive verse seven be strong em any word very courageous Alamo don't bother might get among I believe Tasha was quite scared he was quite scared I mean if I'm there I was a Joshua I'm gonna be scared how will I be these people they haven't I haven't trained them for war I mean maybe I trained them a little bit but how will we be able to conquer many kingdoms I don't even know what their weapons are I don't even know if they have big got a big you know stuff that they used to destroy people I don't I don't know so God was saying be very courageous and then look at the plan here's the plan Joshua be careful - what obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left that you may be successful wherever you go you know God wants us to be successful he wants to bless us not in our own terms don't get me wrong but I see Benny supalen he got many successful Tangherlini and coronavirus not in our own terms but in his terms but our role is okay obey all the law what is the law that Moses wrote is the first five books the Pentateuch that's the law that that is what they were reading you obey these things what's the summary of that law this is the summary of that law love the Lord your God with what all your heart with all your soul with all your strength it's not love for God because here's the thing how do we respond how do I trust this plan what do I need to do what's that plan the plan is this we have to model to the world that we love God especially in times of transitions we have to model to the world that we love God especially in times of transitions I mean okay see okay Linda McKinney okay with your health go going man washing your hands my legal car whatever Millican alcohol better how will we model to the world that we love God especially during this time how will we do with that how will you be able to model to the world non-priority masih God more than yourself because when the going gets tough let's be honest soon if I already read it of course myself myself when the going gets tough I'm prioritizing under my family I'm not saying it's wrong but during this time God is telling Joshua this is your priority you have the model to the people that you love me you have the model to them that you trust me you have to follow what I tell you to do the problem that we're experiencing right now a lot of people they just look to themselves now no under none then I need another looming eros again Billie nothing McGee I'm not saying we can boom Elena your mode or don't buy those I'm not saying that but how are we gonna model to the world that we love God you know three things three simple things you love people that's not one way to model the world you care for people that's another way to model to the world you talk about God to people that's what Joshua did he led the people guided them yes but he never stopped talking about God to the Israelites this is one of the best opportunities that we have to tell people that God loves them and God wants them wants to bless them and God wants them to have eternal life this is one of the best opportunities that we have we love them how do we do that I mentioned this earlier when during the first video when I was inviting you guys how do we respond aside from taking care of your health you know being good hygiene so he'll immune but I want to reiterate this you respect you help you maximize pray expand go again I see some of you might you weren't able to watch it but how do you respond in this situation right now in the in a way that shows the people that you love God first it's respect and why did I start with respect Chrissy and diamond and basher snare online they don't respect the government they don't respect the OAH you don't respect impaired it with Singapore with on killing them and then South Korea I mean no offense okay I understand those are good things what they're doing is good our government is not perfect but God placed our government there and God called us to submit during the time of Peter when they were persecuted you think Peter bash the governments among our Christians do you think Peter said grabbing persecution of Malika insignia Rahway Iraq do you think that happened do you think Paul when he was being persecuted rebelled against the Pharisees Cindy riding in Vienna grab it again of course well a social media Dan didn't Sulochana these people they're liars they're gonna in fact if you look at the book of Acts there was this situation there the sinem palsun is a church leader high priest and then he said something bad to that high priest and then the people rebuked him why are you talking to the high priest about that that's the high priest and then Paul apologized oh I'm sorry God said that we shouldn't curse or to say bad things about these leaders Paul see Peter so I don't understand why Christians would do that or join with other people sharing things that disrespects our country doesn't promote peace it doesn't promote love it's not what God wants that's why one of the best ways to respond in love is to respect them of course we respect people upon may sakit God don't go out in the land you stay at home wear a mask we understand that but where the respect is respecting those people who have God is placed as the authorities not bashing them not also joining other people maybe in the clinic but very enjoying them you share you post an acapella means any but we also know it's not honoring how do we respond we help I mentioned this in that video and that short video that we need to help our family you're there at home there's a curfew already help with the dishes help with with cleaning the your room your house whatever you can do to help help people you know one of the things that we are doing right now in an elevator is we're opening our chart ministry that's why if you have any questions if you need prayers if you need counseling we want you to communicate with us we have people here who will chat to you on a regular basis who will pray for you that's one of those ways to help them help them see the Lord in this situation that's telling people about God it's in this situation right now maximize means the same with erol can demand never there will be assignments for some of you maybe while on assignment then read a book read the Bible do something to maximize your life I'm not saying don't watch him on a favorite shows mode only computer games but what I'm saying is maximize and then of course pray we need to pray we need to be on our knees look at what God told Joshua keep this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night the Word of God so the plan is okay what's the plan hey Joshua Joshua you're gonna leave this people and imagine well as strategy mitigate Sagada at this point what a strategy if you read the book of Joshua maybe Nagaina strategy see God okay Joshua this is what you're gonna do if you're gonna battle this this people this is what you're gonna do if you want to destroy the walls of Jericho so my plan there initially in sin appeal on you God gave Josh okay this is what you're gonna do you're gonna leave this people you're gonna obey all my Commandments and you're gonna keep this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night especially this season be connected to God so that you may be careful to do everything written in it I like that phrase careful to do everything if the word of God is not in our hearts then DC is we're not gonna follow it if the word of God is not in our minds or we're not meditating on it dwelling on it daily I don't think we're gonna follow it I don't think we're gonna be careful to do everything and the result of this is then you will be prosperous and successful that's the plan of God he wants us to be successful he wants to bless us you know I remember before one of them toughest transitions that I've experienced in my life is when it was 2011 when my father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and after him a month he passed away it was a tough transition because it's gonna affect my schedule of course my heart is so down because of what's going on with my dad we don't know what to do I mean there's no medication to cure pancreatic cancer we just be with him as much as we can of course we pray for him daily and there's that emotional emotional pain that I experienced I cry almost every night and then when he passed away the adjustment we will be with our family first stay with them just you know have some family time together because my mom was discouraged my sister was discouraged I was discouraged also of course there were people encouraging us but that's a tough transition but you know what kept us hanging there and kept us encouraged and kept us moving forward and help us to take hard it's because of the Word of God it's the Word of God because look at what promises look at what God says about his word remember your word to your servant for you have given me hope it gives us hope in times of tragedy in times of crisis in times of I don't know what's happening it gives me hope and it's not just given it doesn't just give me hope it's a comfort for me my comfort in my suffering is this your promise preserves my life can you promise me and I don't know how to fully explain this but whenever you dwell yourself on God's Word it does something amazing in your life some people are questioning it you know money maybe because you haven't tried it or maybe you just tried it once or one week you don't dwell on it one week Lang Chi Yong a meditate on it one day and night let me challenge you do it a year at least this year do it meditate on it when I say meditate it's not just okay I'm reading but you talk to God and your life will be changed I promise you you chat us after a year if anything area because I don't think God will not speak to you when you read this word and meditate day and night impossible God wants to speak to you God wants to help you see his span in your life God wants to encourage you God wants to bless you pair on problema not entirely male oh hang on our message is we take heart and we move forward we take heart by holding on these promises we take heart by trusting his plan and when the going gets tough let's say to Miguel Palo Alto I don't lock down I don't know how long this will last of course I know one month long I mean our president said reading a few weeks long waiting after a week on a daily basis they might say okay or in a lahar sign again on but what if it doesn't what if it's gonna move you know a few more months or it's gonna expand again entire country now I don't know but you know what I realized that's why number three we rest in his presence because that's how God encouraged Joshua God said to Joshua in verse nine little like I see Lord a mini God yeah Joshua have I not commanded you in other words do I hope this will really stick in your mind and in your heart have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous oh my lord owner owner Lord because he really wants to remind Joshua and hopefully the Israelites will be reminded you have to take heart and be strong and be courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged because he was a bit discouraged and what's the promise of God the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go I like that statement wherever you go right god no how about on journey in a compensation at all Joshua I will be with you wherever you go my presence will be with you I will guide you through the sickness I will be there he sometimes can say I'm feeling nothing now you presents they got darkness all blackness sickness that's not what God is saying here God is saying I'm with you as you about them I'm with you as you I'm with you as you face the challenges I'm with you as you face problems and also he's with us if there are victories of course very impressed sense to God it doesn't mean everything will be okay physically emotionally sometimes it's not okay sometimes it's challenging sometimes it's beyond our control but his presence will be with us wherever we go you're not a big Sabean no we rest in his presence and I hope that will clarify in our hearts and in our minds that we can rest in his presence in times of troubles like this I mean we don't know what's gonna happen I don't know how God will solve this but I know I can rest in his presence I mean this message is also for me because I'll be honest with you any more times ago worried oh no I worry for myself for my family for my kids I worried that I'll get the sickness and then I'm gonna get quarantine finally in kids school or one of my kids get sick and kalanjiam a quarantine sino a sound when you're done and what about our finances I mean all of these things but somehow while I was preparing for this happy class happened when heard that this is the topic today this is week two and it's about Joshua Casey they remind Ernie now we need to be strong it seems like God is also telling me Marty you have to be strong and courageous during this time don't be afraid because I'll be honest sometimes when I wake up Lord what's gonna happen and then when I read the news Lord empanada mine and then when I read another case in Amman to have more people I don't know if there's gonna be a new case later on and it'll unlock it do not be afraid do not be discouraged and why because I can rest in his presence because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go you know because of what Joshua did because he was able to be courageous take heart and he was able to move forward look at Joshua's accomplishments Joshua was able to broke though they broke the walls of Jericho Joshua saw the Sun stand still so first year we know the story if you read the book of Joshua I think Union a 2 Union Battle Abbey army of Jericho a fortified city called Jericho nobody could go there it's so hard I mean to say nobody could conquer that area easily because it's so hard it's a big wall he was able to break it because of God's power he saw that happen and then he saw the Sun stand still meaning say in one of the battles heap I was asking God what's the sign and one of the signs that he asked is young son it's gonna stop and it stop it son stand still nunik move meaning to say like stop young time he defeated 31 Kings in their army you know how hard that is for Joshua and his and the Israelites imagine one battle after another after another parallel unrest and there was even a time that he had to fight five kings at the same time and he won as a result of that he was able to bring over two million people to the promised land Joshua was God's instrument to lead his people to the promised land that's why Joshua chapter one is very crucial because it's the encouragement of God to Joshua it's the vision casting of God the Joshua it's telling Joshua Anna this is gonna be tough for you you will be scared you will be afraid he will doubt you will be tired but I'm telling you right now be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be do not be afraid do not fear because God is with you what's our message take heart we move forward how do we do that we hold on these promises remind ourselves promises they hold on to these promises we trust this plan because these plans are always the mess and we know that I'm in the basement under Ninian plans his plans are the best but trust in deal aluminum his plans are the best but I do I trust in the point that I do something about it do I trust to the point that I obey trust without obedience it's not trust at all Trust will always result obedience if I trust God allow me if I trust God I'm not gonna worry if I trust God I'm not gonna bash my leaders if I trust God I'm gonna love people if I'm trust god I'm gonna promote peace if I've just got I'm gonna tell people about God's love about Jesus because I trust his plan and whatever the results will be I will rest in his presence that's why we take heart and we move forward you know it's not just in the Old Testament that this be strong be courageous is mentioned even Jesus himself as we're about to close even Jesus himself mentioned this in John chapter 16 verse 33 did omission have any Jesus so disciples yeah sobbing I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have troubles but there you go take heart I have overcome the world why did Jesus say take heart I have overcome the world why did he say I have told you these things what are these things for the disciples alamos obvious my disciples verse 32 a time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered you're gonna be persecuted each to your own home you will leave me all alone and that happened when they were in the garden and the Roman soldiers were there they were they all left Jesus yet I am NOT alone for my father is with me and he was telling them that you're gonna experience a lot of things there will be persecution there will be challenges in their case and to him trouble that they're gonna face because the truth is in this word there will be troubles that's normal that's part of life that's beyond our control God has already said that it's gonna happen he said they're gonna be earthquakes he said there's gonna be famines he said there it's gonna be tribulation he's there he said there's gonna be wars because this world is not our final destination but look at the hope take heart because I have overcome the world be courageous because God has overcome the world do not be afraid because God has overcome the world you know Jesus said this before he was captured and eventually he was crucified falen last statement yet before he was persecuted but a mucky dynamo no disciples no no it's a metallic image challenges ksama tell again troubles I am up in my impact I Peter I didn't mean back I be there I mentioned this verse again I'm gonna show you this verse again I showed this earlier but I think impact i Peter when they were being persecuted when they were in a situation now it's uncomfortable it's uncertain it's out of their control Alamosa being samehada or guys the God of all grace and destination itand is in this eternal glory in Christ who called us to be with him for the rest of eternity after you have suffered a little while until we perspective yet this is all a little while William self restore you and make a strong firm and steadfast market Cocina lolani take heart I have overcome the world it's just like watching a basketball game in the replay and favorite team or finals in a limonium result Ala Moana and a low-key knock Ibaka Baba Hindi are you going to be affected capital Amman you calabasas third quarter hindi are you get affected company last few minutes Lamont pan and three points that's the miss no young team were you shot in deeper in mark Adela la morning and result it's the same principle I'm gonna die were confident they'll alumna not Imani array bikini by confident I love the night away array I love the netting Victoria see Jesus and I love the nothing he has overcome the world now alumni nothing everything is in this control sometimes can say because we've heard this many times paranormal Alan but it's a reminder to me to take heart because he has overcome the world it's a reminder to mean yes things are bleak it's dark it's uncomfortable but I have to take courage I have to take hard because God has overcome the world this is not my final destination this is not your final destination God wants us to be with him that's why I want to give you these two challenges as we close what's our message again take heart move forward two challenges first for those who don't know Jesus you're watching this and you say you know God now let me ask you seriously do you know you're going to heaven when you die what if not got Sarika well then there's an earthquake what if you died today are you sure you're gonna go to heaven you know a lot of people who goes to church they are not sure you know why they're not sure they don't have Jesus in their heart Jesus said in John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him you know Samia my new Holika when you believe when you say believe it's not Allah alone as a mind more villainous a heart Masha you love him with all of your heart and promise you will whoever believes in Me will not perish but have eternal life he will not perish but you have eternal life he's not talking about physical death but he's talking about spiritual death in other words you're not going to be separated from God for eternity no you're gonna be with him if you have Jesus in your heart so that's my challenge to you because part of thinking hearts and moving forward it's trusting him first you know the promises already of God you know that God loves you already have you trusted him completely with your life and if you want to trust him later on I'm gonna lead you in a prayer my second challenge is for the Christians who are listening here for our elevate family for the students and even other people or listening here that you have already a relationship with Jesus my question is are you taking heart especially in this situation right now do you have the courage that comes from the Lord do you have the peace that surpasses all understanding or are you responding in panic are you responding in worry are you responding by not loving people are you responding by doubt God because God wants us to take hard and finally are you moving forward are you responding the way God wants you to respond are you loving people and showing people that you love God what's our message take heart move forward can we bow our heads let me pray for you for my first challenge I want to pray for those people who wants to receive Jesus in their hearts right now you that is watching this and you want to receive Jesus in dialog and trust them with your heart I want you to pray something like this wherever you are just bow down your heads close your eyes just talk to God right now God is real he loves you he cares for you so if you're that person and God is waking you up and making you realize that you need him say something like this Jesus please forgive me for all my sins please cleanse my heart today Jesus I realize that you are Lord you are God you are the only way truth and life no one comes to the Father except through you so Jesus with all humility I ask you as my Lord and my Savior come into my heart from now on I will follow you I will obey you please help me obey you fully please help me follow you for the rest of my life thank you for your gift of eternal life in Jesus name pray amen for the second group of people that I'm challenging Lord for all of us the Christians help us to be the salt and light during this transition in this world we don't know what's gonna happen we don't know how long this will last we don't know if there's gonna be a vaccine soon we don't know who else is gonna get sick who else is gonna get healed we don't know but we do know you have overcome the world so teach us to take hard teach us to respond the way you want us to they just love teach us to be your ambassadors in this world because people are lost people are hungry they need you there God so I pray that we will step up help us to take hard and hold on to what you have said that you have overcome the world thank you dear God bless us could you to protect us again we pray for healing for those who are sick with this coronavirus or whatever sickness that they are experiencing right now please Lord we asked for your healing we also ask for your provision for those who are struggling financially during this crisis please you promise never to leave us nor forsake us and we trust in that Lord God please provide for us and for all of us whatever we are going through please minister to us hopefully this video and all of these things this this online service hopefully this has touched our hearts and please allow us to spend time with you daily Lord we love you worship and give you praise in Jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you all
Channel: Elevate Main
Views: 29,865
Rating: 4.9453301 out of 5
Keywords: Elevate Main, Campus Ministry, Youth Ministry, Discipleship
Id: Ud5OAoeFbg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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