I'm Not Okay | In Every Pain, God is Working | Pastor Marty Ocaya

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[Music] hello everybody welcome again to another online youth service i'm glad you can join us as we start a new series so very exciting i'm serious nathan for this month because a lot of people actually this is what's happening in their lives i am not okay can you tag your friends and tell them if you're okay or not i hope everybody who's listening right now or watching us or joining us by a live stream i hope you're all okay but i know some of you you know you're struggling or you have friends who are struggling it's normal a lot of people are experiencing that but before we continue i just want to give a shout out to everybody who's watching to the different districts of elevate maine also i want to give a shout out to elevate cebu i know some of you are watching online uh i also want to give a shout out to kumi ortega san diego hello hello hi cino baba i want to give a shout out as well i want to see david milicor hello david i miss you bro i hope to see you again um and also who else who else go post your name see joshua hello joshua are you okay i hope you are okay eric see andre cjc santos c gonzalo hello uh cfl as well hi so thank you for joining us and also those people watching us on youtube so thank you also for joining us again we have a very exciting series because this is the title of our series i'm not okay and this is what we want to happen how do we navigate through the pains of life and why is this a very important series or a nice series because everybody or a lot of people are experiencing the not okay feeling why look at what's going on in our in our world right now we have the kobit 19 we have family conflict because there's ecq there's gcq you're just staying at home of course all the more you're gonna experience more tension more conflict in the family and then there's toxic social media you see negative post you see people bashing left and right you see people that are you know just ranting about whatever is happening in their lives so toxic social media and then there's that economic crisis although a lot of you are not yet working but still it has a toll on you because your family is suffering from it maybe some of your family members they're experiencing job loss and just recently the beirut explosion in lebanon i mean that's just shocking a lot of people they think now what is happening to 2020 when is this gonna end and then for some people this is their problem slow internet connection and a lot of you whenever you experience this oh no i'm not okay but again just like what i was saying earlier it's normal to experience these things it's normal if you feel that you're not okay but through this series we want to help you understand we want to help you answer the question of why why am i experiencing this why am i experiencing emotional pain why am i experiencing pains in this life why did god allow these things to happen but specifically in today's topic we want to focus on emotional pain why does god allow me to get hurt why does god allow me to to experience people right why does god allow me to experience people who will break promises why does god allow me to experience family members who are demanding they're not that loving they're not that caring why do i experience all of those things and it's okay to ask those questions it's it's not wrong to ask those questions all of us we have that why question why am i experiencing it why is god allowing that to happen in my life and the reason why we want to answer that specifically with our emotional pain because a lot of us got hurt already maybe some of you are already in an emotional crisis right now you are experiencing emotional pain or maybe some of you you have family members who are experiencing emotional pain and you don't know how to handle that you don't know how to help them go through it they have these questions and you cannot answer that the reason why we want to help you answer this question is because a better understanding of god's work in our lives will help us navigate through life's challenges that's why we are in this series because once we have a better understanding maybe not completely understand the picture because i don't think we will in this lifetime we will understand why there's a beirut explosion i don't know maybe not i don't think we will understand also completely why there's kobit 19 i really don't know also i don't know why if we will have the answer why you got hurt emotionally before why that guy cheated on you or why that girl pina asaka ops so i know some of you are have experienced those things i we might never know the answer to that but we may have a better understanding of god's work through our pain because once we have a better understanding it will help us navigate through life's challenges because here's the truth okay look at this uh graph okay a lot of us or all of us will experience pain whether it's an emotional pain physical pain relational pain meaning say we hurt one another or spiritual pain all of us we will never escape that every single person in this world will get hurt can you give a thumbs up if you got hurt already can you just do that or say hi or barangan yes i got hurt yes i got her can i see i hope i can see that thumbs up or repairing ray's hand so if you can do that can you post that there's a chat so that people will know that they're not alone in experiencing pain so all of us we experience this one way or another in our lives and all of us we have this desire of healing we want to be healed from our emotional pain we want to be healed from our physical pain from our relational pain we want restoration we want healing also from our spiritual pain and then we have this desired healing but you know what i realize about healing sometimes our desired healing or a lot of times our desired healing and god's healing can be different meaning to say maybe this is what you think that will heal you or you think the healing that you need but this is the healing that you really need right do you get that maybe what you think is this healing is what i really need when god is brewing something working in your life because he has a healing that you really really need that's why a lot of people forget that there is a process before the healing right we want the healing whenever we are in pain but there's a process before the healing that line there is the process where god is working that's why through the process he wants us to respond properly he wants us to rely on him he wants us to realize whatever lessons he is teaching us through that pain so our message for today as we start this wonderful series is very simple let's read this together in every pain god is working can you chat that on the screen on your chat box whether youtube or facebook can you tell your friends tag them in every pain god is working god is really indeed working in every pain in our life and today we're going to look at a story we're going to look at actually not a story but the life of david and the psalms that he wrote he wrote a lot of psalms we're not going to look at all of those things but we will see there if you've been reading your bible specifically the book of psalms you will see the psalm of david emotional or a lot of times he was emotional he was pouring out his heart because he experienced a lot of emotional pain let me show you some of the emotional pains he experienced for example david's emotional pain his father did not see his potential how do i know that you remember samuel went to his father's house because samuel is going to anoint the next king and david wasn't there and the father just called the other brothers the older brothers because the father thought they will be the next king one of them will not david because he's a young lad he's just a shepherd that's his role so his father did not see his potential another one is he was childish in the eyes of his brothers when they were fighting goliath david went to that camp of the israelites to bring food and other you know the fa what the father was asking him to bring to his brothers and the brother said what are you doing here you're just out here to play games that's what they think imagine imagine the emotional heaviness my family doesn't believe in me my family thinks i'm just too young king saul when he got his potential already when he was already working in the king's palace king saul tried to kill him because king saul was jealous and he wasn't doing anything bad his men when he was running away from saul there was a situation in his life when they're in their camp with his men around 400 men they were attacked and raided by a group of people while they were away in a war when they went back they saw that none of their wives were there and their possessions were not there and the men tried to kill david imagine the emotional heaviness he was experiencing not just that when he became king already one of his children died because of his sin when he committed adultery with bathsheba they bore a child and the child died because of his sin emotional heaviness one of his sons eventually later on tried to take the throne away from him this is absalom tried to take the throne away from david and then at the latter part of his life he saw the death of thousands of his people because of his sin if you read this story he made a census and god said don't make this census because these are my people not your people and as a result of that god punished david by destroying a lot of people that's why he experienced a lot of pain emotional pain and that is also the reason why he wrote a lot of psalms one of the psalms that we're going to look at is this one psalm 143 someone psalm 140. i like this song because it's the it's like i love you psalm okay psalm 143 so if you want to memorize islam or to be reminded of islam just memorize psalm 143 it shows how much she was desperate for the lord why what did he say look at verse 1 lord hear my prayer listen to my cry for mercy in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief you see how much desperate he was for the lord he was crying to god the enemy pursues me in verse three a lot of people were trying to kill him he crushes me to the ground he makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead he was so helpless he was running away from people from people who are trying to kill him there was there was emotional heaviness in him i believe and then look at what he feels how i know it he has emotional heaviness so my spirit grows faint honeybee sweet and faint lord i'm always i'm almost ready to give up because of the heaviness i'm experiencing within me my heart within me is dismayed i'm so discouraged i'm so down i cannot handle this that's why i'm going to you and that's why i'm telling you it's okay to question god why am i experiencing this lord because god wants us to do that whenever we're experiencing emotional pain don't handle it on your own go to god go to him ask those questions cry out to him just like what david did and then verse five i remember the days of long ago i meditate on all your works because he knows god is working and consider what your hands have done you know what encouraged david when he was pouring out his heart what encouraged him is he went to god and he remembered the works of the lord what god had done in his life and through his life and because of that i spread out my hands to you it's like surrender i spread out my hands to you i thirst for you like a parched land deserted land you know what david is saying lord i'm like in a deserted land when you're in a deserted land right or you're in a desert all you long for is water what david is saying i'm like in a desert lord and all i long for is you because of the emotional pain this was his response because he saw that god is working god worked in the past god is working right now and god will work in and through his future that's why our message is in every pain what god is working i don't know what pains you're going through in your life right now emotional pain uh heartache family emotional a heaviness that you're experiencing you're depressed you're down all of those things that you're feeling it's normal it's natural most people if not all feels that during this season but there's a there is a solution for that and also there is god working in the midst of our pain because in every pain god is working so what does that mean marty what do you mean that in every pain god is working how is god working in my pain and why is he allowing that to happen what is the work that he is doing in my heart through my life that's why he is allowing the pain maybe that's your question and i'm gonna give you some three points that will help you understand why god is allowing this pain and how he is working in the midst of your pain so are you ready of course i cannot hear your answer but i hope you're ready number one god allows the pain because he wants us to repent he wants to change our hearts he wants us to realize if we made a mistake and change that or in tagalog gusto lord he allows the pain to change us to mold us how do i know that another psalm that david wrote psalm 51 let's read that together have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions what is the basis of psalm 51 what is the background of that you know what the background of psalm 51 this was the time he sinned against god by committing adultery so he got bashiva which but shiva was married already he killed the husband of bathsheba he took bashiba as his own wife and then eventually the child that was you know as a result of their immorality the child got sick and prophet nathan said that you sinned against god and now he wrote the song he was so guilty he said to god lord i've sinned i used my emotions to control my actions i've sinned against you i thought i was okay already the reason why i'm experiencing all of these heavy consequences heaviness in my heart because i made the mistake i've sinned that's why i ask for your mercy according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions not just that against you look at how he admitted against you lord you only have i sinned i have done what is evil in your sight you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge it's not just okay i'm i i'm confessing but i'm also agreeing with you lord that i was wrong you know that's very important if we want healing from our emotional pain if we know it's because of our sin or our mistake that's why we're experiencing emotional pain then we need to repent we need to have a change of heart because if we're not willing to repent then we're not going to grow we're not going to learn and that emotional pain will not get healed that's why god is allowing us to experience the pain because he wants us to learn that's why i look at the david's prayer create in me what a pure heart you know an impure heart will cause pain an impure heart will cause emotional pain in your life and in my life and not just emotional pain to us but also to the people that we love that's why david prayed please lord create me a pure heart oh god renew a steadfast spirit my life renew it lord within me because i cannot manage my heart i cannot control it i need you dear god deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed of god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise do you know do you see the shift because of what he confessed because of the repentant heart that he had god was restoring healing him and teaching him that david you need to have a change of heart you need to renew i need to renew your heart so that you will have healing in your life because look at what god said through david you do not delight in sacrifice you know some people they would just go to church pray for the just to you know pay for their sins no it's not about the sacrifice that god wants it's about obedience because if it's about sacrifice look at what david said i would bring it you do not play take pleasure in burnt offerings what does god desire my sacrifice oh god is a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart god will not despise you see god welcomes your broken heart really and he wants you to give that broken heart to him whatever is the reason for that brokenness and he wants to heal it he wants to teach us he wants us to change to repent and to obey him that's why one of the reasons why god allows emotional pain is for us to grow for us to learn for us to repent he allows emotional pain to wake us up i mentioned this before i think i was speaking in prayer and fasting i realized that sometimes or a lot of times he allows us to get hurt to wake us up or in tagalog or mean because seriously he allows that to happen to wake us up sometimes or a lot of times that's the only way for us to wake up and to realize sometimes emotional pain is the only way for us to realize that i was in the wrong direction that's why he wants us to repent you see look at this if we fail to learn from an emotional painful experience then let me tell you this expect god to allow that same pain to happen again until we learn now i'm serious with this i'm really serious with that if we fail to learn if you fail to learn from an emotional experience painful experience in allowing the god because of your sin because of your mistake you know what's going to happen expect god to allow that same pain to happen again until we learn because god wants us to grow what's our message again in every pain god is working now we've asked someone one of our student leaders to share her testimony of what happened in her life and how god allowed the pain to to help her grow help her mature and help her depend on the lord more so let's welcome veronica and i hope you are you will be blessed with this testimony my family has been a follower of christ since i was 10 years old they brought me to sunday school every week and read bible stories to us but i didn't take any of it seriously i was also never satisfied with the love and care that my parents showed me as i kept searching for more i disobeyed and dishonored every advice that they gave me i thought that being in a romantic relationship was the answer to the longing of my heart and so even if i knew that having a boyfriend who did not share the same faith that i did would dishonor god and my parents i still pursued one and made all the excuses and lies just to keep the relationship however the void in my heart grew all the more and so i turned to focusing on my academics and extracurricular activities thinking it will also help me feel the void in my heart i grew proud and thought of myself as better than others because i had everything that i wanted but i was wrong i also stopped reading my bible even though my parents would constantly remind me that nothing and no one can fill in the void in my heart only jesus can but my parents never gave up on me they prayed for me and made sure i would hear them pray and this made an impact in my heart their prayers slowly changed me and eventually my boyfriend and i broke up that's when i started to seek god for answers i had questions like why did god allow this what would happen to me without my boyfriend because i was so dependent on him for happiness and security how will i move on my questions led me to open my bible again for the first time in almost 3 years the first verse god showed me was in psalm 37 4 where it says take the light in the lord and he will give you your hearts desire during that time my only desire was answers i asked the lord how i could delight in the season of brokenness with the help of my parents who intentionally discipled me and prayed for me they shared the gospel to me again they shared a verse that changed my life it was in first john 4 10 and it says and this is love not that we have loved god but that he loved us and sent his son to be the pro-appreciation for our sins it was the first time that i truly understood what real love was real love cannot be found in my ex-boyfriend nor anyone or in anything in this world but it can only be found in jesus christ alone with that i decided to surrender my life to jesus as i move on i prayed to god to put me in a specific university where i wouldn't encounter my ex-boyfriend i thought god would answer that prayer because i prayed for protection but god changed my heart and instead i prayed that he would put me in a university where i could serve him best it says in proverbs 16 3 commit your works to the lord and your plans will be established as i commit my life to the lord i am no longer afraid if i have truly moved on because i know in my heart that there is nothing that i deserve more than to serve the king of kings and the lord of lords i praise the lord that he has put me in a university where i can have the privilege of being part of a.d group and also leading one in my campus i also serve god through elevate ubis discipleship group management ministry now i no longer want to please the world but instead i am after god's purpose for me and that is to make disciples i also do not desire a romantic relationship anymore until i graduate but i have a strong desire to focus and seek god first and to maximize my waiting season in serving god more and more i am veronica gelshiwa now safe and secure in the love of my heavenly father to god be all the glory and praises my family has been a fan thank you so much veronica i hope you were blessed and just like what i said right he allows emotional pain to wake us up just like in her story she had to learn that and she had to learn it the hard way you know what i realized experience is not the best teacher but it is often effective god uses painful experiences to wake us up the bible is still the best teacher jesus is definitely the best teacher but if we don't listen to him as a message then god will allow experience because a lot of people would say experience you know sometimes we could avoid unnecessary pain if we just obeyed right we could avoid that day if we just obey that's why what's our message in every pain god is working but here's the thing some of our emotional pain it's not really our fault right for example your parents they are they are they are having conflict it's not your fault and then you're suffering from that or other people you're being kind to them and they're rude to you so it's not really your fault and then you're asking god why why is this happening and i realize it's not just about repentance why god allows emotional pain that's one reason if you're sinning if you're doing something against god that's one reason but the other reason why god allows emotional pain is to realign our hearts because maybe we are headed in the wrong direction we're not yet sinning but we are going there we're not yet making that wrong decision but we are running towards that that's why he allows emotional pain how do i know that look at psalm 143 the continuation of that passage answer me quickly lord my spirit fails do you see how desperate david is how down he really was during that time do not hide your face from me have you ever felt that that you don't feel god you don't see him anywhere working in your life that's what he was feeling do not hide your face from me or i will be like those who go down to the pit but look at verse 8 let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love maybe it was night time that he was writing it and he was about to sleep and then he was asking that lord may tomorrow bring me another hope another encouragement from you because i know you're faithful i have put my trust in you lord he was praying at night crying out to god i trust you show me the way i should go for to you i entrust in my life realign my heart to yours dear god realign my heart to yours i entrust my life to you teach me to do your will for you are my god may your good spirit lead me on level ground show me the way teach me your truth teach me the path towards righteousness teach me how to live my life guide me realign my heart to yours and a lot of times he allows pain so that our hearts will be aligned to his and look at another psalm that he wrote psalm 23 a very familiar psalm the lord is my shepherd i like nothing you know what he's saying god you're my guide if you're my guide i lack nothing if you're my guide i'm secure if you're the one guiding me to the right path to the green pasture to the quiet waters then i'm safe and look at how god guides even though i walk through the darkest valley i will fear no evil david was saying this why because god is with me you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me how does the rod and the staff comfort us you know how the rod and the snap comfort us the shepherd and a lot of you know this already but some of you may not know this but the rod and the staff the shepherd use this to guide the sheep for example for the staff the but there's a hook if the sheep is about to go way water to another direction and there are wolves there he uses the staff with the hook to pull the sheep back to the the group of sheep that the shepherd is taking care of so he's going to pull the sheep back and sometimes it's a little bit painful have you ever experienced that young patek tapas big glam sabine lord wagner it's painful when god allows us to experience that and he uses that to protect us from the wrong direction and sometimes muslim sheep and when the sheep is going farther and farther away he uses the rod it's a small stick maybe that this big and he use it as a weapon to ward off the the wolves but also to hit the sheep whenever the sheep is far away he will hit the sheep so that the sheep will run back to the group and sometimes so that we will be protected from unnecessary pain because if the sheep keeps running away towards that wood or the wood that the dark place okay then the wolves will eat the sheep then the sheep will die so the shepherd wants the sheep to just be nearby he uses the stuff and he uses the rod you know what i realized he allows emotional pain to guide us and protect us he allows emotional pain to guide us and protect us because if there's no pain then the wrong direction that we're headed we will go there definitely but when there's spain we will pause and say wait a minute god allows the emotional pain to guide you and to protect you i remember before when i was courting this girl i know a lot of you know this story and then they reject girl girl okay sorry i had to say that but need to check out a girl i was so hurt i was emotionally hurt but i stayed i decided no i'm still gonna pursue this girl guide my socket and here's what's more painful i like the girl and then i got hurt i still pursued the girl and the girl like someone else so every time i pursue the girl let's say i'm going to call her right just to ask how she is montgomery conversation big glasses but i was just i was hurt really i had to endure that but here's the thing eventually because of that pain i had to give up eventually i realized this girl was not for me if the pain was not there i wouldn't be married now to the right person if the pain that i've experienced not just with her i had other relationships it was a wrong relationship i experienced pain if i didn't experience the pain then i wouldn't be in the right relationship you know what i realized i got hurt so i won't make a wrong decision that will cause me more pain i got hurt so that i won't make a wrong decision that will cause me more pain some of you need to realize that you are getting hurt so that you won't make a wrong decision that will cause you more pain we need to appreciate pain sometimes because that's god's megaphone that's god telling us who we malian bro that's not the right direction that's not the right relationship that's not the right attitude that's not the right thing for you what you're doing is not pleasing to me don't go there or you're headed to a wrong path don't go there i'm pulling you back here in masakityon i'm throwing this to you so that you will realize what's our message again in every pain god is working can you again tag your friends and tell them in every pain god is working how does he work he works because he allows the pain for us to repent when we are sinning against him when we are doing something wrong when there's something that is against him and he's waking us up he allows the pain to happen to realign our hearts because maybe we're headed in the wrong direction maybe we're about to do something that's not right so he's pulling us back to the right path and finally he allows the pain sometimes a lot of times to restore our hearts to restore us to show that he cares for us to show that we need him and we need to depend on him you see if there's no pain if everything is okay a lot of people will not depend on the lord no seriously if there's no pain if hualan's suffering here then we won't want to go to heaven i don't want to go to heaven because i'm not suffering here but because of pain i'm realizing hey wait a minute i don't want to be in a world that there's so much suffering i want to be where there is no more pain and there's no more suffering and that's why god is offering heaven to those who believe in him that's why he wants to restore our hearts he wants to restore our soul he wants to restore us look at another psalm that he wrote psalm 34 look at what david wrote here the eyes of the lord are on the right should so if you have a right heart if you are honoring the lord because here's the thing maybe some of you are experiencing pain your heart is aligned now align the lord your heart no you're not really sinning against god but somehow you're still emotionally having emotional heaviness in your heart because of what's going around you're anxious you're worried there's pain in your heart and you feel like you're connected to the lord the man here's the promise of god to you the eyes of the lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry when you cry out to god he's he hears you but the face of the lord is against those who do evil to blot out their name from the earth yes he's against evil the righteous if you have a right heart before god you cry out to him the lord hears them he cares for you he delivers them from some from most all their troubles that's god's promise to you he is the promised keeper he promises to protect he promises to care and i like this passage wherever you are let's read it as loud as you can of course read it so that you will internalize it the lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit some of you are broken-hearted you're crushed you're down maybe depressed you don't know how to handle this the reason why god is also allowing that for you to realize that you need him for you and me to depend on him solely rely on him not on your skills not on your heart not on other people not on the your your solutions in your mind but on the lord because he's close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit you know what i realized he allows emotional pain to show how much we need his care we need him that's why he's allowing us to experience that pain because if there's no pain he wants us to run to him he wants us to hold him tight he wants us to embrace him as tight as we can and say lord i really need you right now and i know some of you you want that you want to do that and that's why god is allowing you to experience the pain you know what peter wrote cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you every worry every heaviness that you're feeling every anything that you're experiencing that you it's just beyond your control it's just heavy right now you cast you let it go you surrender your pain to the lord you offer it to him don't try to solve it on your own because it will end up more pain more heaviness you will end up just lost but when you cast it you surrender it i promise you there is peace beyond your understanding i've experienced that a lot of the people that i know i've counseled experienced that couples about to separate they've experienced that because of the lord you know what i realized about emotional pain emotional pain will show us that people will hurt us because this world is full of imperfect people all of us are imperfect emotional pain will show us that our hearts will deceive us a lot of us got hurt already because emotional pain will show us that the news in this world will bring sorrow right some of us will we will look at i'm just going to look at what's happening in social media and all the more brings more sorrow the emotional pain will show us that the world will cause anxiety with the news that we hear with everything that's going on it's going to cause us anxiety but look at the opposite emotional pain will show us that god will heal us yes people will hurt us but god will heal us yes our hearts will deceive us but god will guide us yes the news that we listen in here will bring sorrow but god will bring joy yes this world will cause you to be anxious and worried because there's no vaccine yet there's no cure yet so many jobs are so many are jobless so many companies are shutting down but god will give peace that's why in every pain god is working how is he working he's working in our hearts so that our hearts will repent he's working in our hearts so that our hearts will be realigned to him he's working in our hearts so that our hearts will be restored that's why he's allowing emotional pain i know maybe a lot of you are in that situation right now you are experiencing emotional pain in your life whatever it is maybe because of the crisis maybe because you lost your job maybe because you don't know what's going to happen in the future maybe because how to manage the online classes i don't know what that is or maybe because of a relationship you know a lot of people chat us online and a lot of them they are asking for prayers because they are in a heartbreaking situ a heart pain a painful situation heartbreak the brake cylinder boyfriend or any locus or maybe it's a family issue that's causing you emotional heaviness whatever it is look at your emotional pain in the eyes of god that maybe the reason why god is doing that is because he wants you to change there's something that's not right maybe because god wants you to grow you need to align your hearts to him so that you'll be protected or maybe god just wants you to depend on him fully so that inika hindiga you're not gonna hold on to whatever is sick feeling more secure in this world because it's just gonna cause you to be disappointed but for you to hold on to him you know i'm gonna end with a story years ago i think 2001 we were in six flags me and my cousin and we decided to write this it's like a pendulum ride basically you're going to be strapped in this this way and they're going to pull you up 300 feet around 300 feet or 280 something like that so they will put pull you up there and then there's a guide down there the main megaphone and the guide once you're already way up there so it's a slow process going up there and the higher you get of course the more scared you are especially when you're already there on top so bro scary talaga so me and the enemy picture i was looking at the video looking for the video i couldn't find it but that's not us okay so i'm not that white okay so we were there on top and when you're that high it's just really scary but you have to wait for the guide the guide will shout i will use the megaphone and tell you that you're already on top you pull the rope so there's like a rope thing here i think that this is a middle when you pull it you're gonna go down like a pendulum and you're gonna swing and once that happens it's gonna be fun parang may release the wow yes okay of course the downward part is quite scary but it feels good in the end because there right so once you're up there the guide would would use the megaphone and tell you pull the rope and dive because pull the rope and dive you need to be in so once you hear that you pull the rope rope so me and my cousin were there and my cousin my cousin did that already so he told me you are the ones going to pull the rope pulled the rope and died so when it was our turn we were there i pulled the rope and then we went down and it was a great experience it was scary but it was a great experience now after us there were three girls three girls who were about to take this ride so they were already strapped on this and they were you know giggling and they were scared i saw on their faces they were really scared and when they were there already strapped on that thing they it pulled them up slowly and as they went higher i we heard shouting ah screaming no no stop stop they were really afraid but the funniest thing was when they were already on top then the guide said pull the rope and dive guess what happened the girl who was in charge did not pull the rope so they were staying there for several more seconds unnecessary discomfort imagine you're already there and you're way up there looking on the ground face first it's a scary side so all the more they were scared because they were hanging there and the guide kept on telling them pull the rope pull the rope and dive several more seconds and all we hear was ah no no you know the suffering will not stop if they don't pull the rope eventually putin along one of the girls realized they needed to pull the rope so they pulled the rope or one of them pulled the rope and they went down and the shouting stopped and they felt comfortable once again why am i saying that you know sometimes we are like the three girls we are holding on to the pain trying to work on it trying to solve it but we're suffering even more we're there on top unnecessarily instead we need to pull the rope we need to let go of it we need to surrender it to god we need to listen to the guide because once we listen there's release there's comfort as i end look at this statement the pain that is surrendered to the lord will never be wasted that's why you need to surrender your pain to god the pain that is surrendered to the lord will never be wasted hindi saying some of you have experienced so much pain already i'm here to tell you hindi saiyan if you surrender it to the lord panu hindi magi sayang because if it leads to repentance then hindi sayang if it leads to realignment then hindi sayang if it leads to restoration then definitely hindi saiyan but you have to surrender it to the lord or else you will suffer more whatever is going on in your life that's my challenge to you yes you have emotional pain right now or maybe later on you're going to experience emotional pain here's the reason why you're experiencing that he wants you to repent if you're sinning against him he wants you to be realigned to him and he wants you to be restored so surrender your pain to god because in every pain god is working now i hope this message has blessed your heart and i want to pray for you guys i don't know what's going on in your life right now i don't know what's causing the emotional pain but i hope through this message you have realized that god is working he cares for you he loves you he wants you to repent if you're sinning he wants you to be a realign so to protect you and he wants to restore you to make you realize that you need him so please surrender your pain to god can i pray for you guys let's pray i want to pray for two specific groups of people here this afternoon for the first group that i want to pray for maybe some of you you don't have a personal relationship with jesus jesus is not yet your savior and lord this is your first time attending this someone invited you and here's the reason why you're here god loves you he wants you to hear this message he wants you to give your life to him he wants you to follow him so if you're that person i want you to pray something like this tell jesus something like this jesus i'm sorry for my sins i'm sorry that i have been far away from you today jesus i humble myself and i want to accept you in my heart as my lord and my savior i cannot solve my emotional problems on my own i cannot solve save myself but you came here to save me so jesus from now on i will follow you and live for you all the days of my life for the second group of people that i want to pray for lord for everybody else especially for the christians who are listening right now or maybe some of us or a lot of us are experiencing emotional pain maybe the reason for that emotional pain is it's our fault we sinned against you or we're sinning against you and you want us to repent maybe the emotional pain is because you want to protect us because we're headed in the wrong direction or maybe the reason for the emotional pain is to remind us that we need you we need your care and thank you that today you reminded us once again that you're close to the brokenhearted and that you desire to save us so i pray lord for comfort for protection for guidance for restoration for every single person listening right now experiencing emotional heaviness in their hearts please god restore them help them to repent realign their hearts help them surrender all our pains to you jesus and thank you that the surrendered pain will never be wasted we love you we honor you and give you praise in jesus name we pray amen and amen you know before we listen to our songs our response song later we're gonna have a breakout questions for our small group so please uh wait for that one and if this is your first time we would like to invite you to a small group yes we have a lot of people watching us online but you know what's more important is that you're part of a small group because we don't know what's happening in your life some of you you need someone to talk to please chat with us tell us if you're interested to join a small group or a discipleship group we would love to put you into one and if you need some prayers or if you want someone to talk to again chat with us as well so thank you again for joining us enjoy the next part as we sing a worship song through the lord god bless you
Channel: Elevate Main
Views: 197,732
Rating: 4.9571228 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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