What Do You Do When It's Not For You? | God's No Is A Blessing - Marty Ocaya

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it's bow down our heads and close our eyes let's pray father God thank you so much for a wonderful time to listen to your word once again we just want to I just want to hear from you Lord we just want to know what you want for our lives especially in this series what do we do and it's not for us Lord - luján Yagami how to evaluate things how to process things may override my preparation Lord may you allow all of us to be attentive to your word and again thank you for this opportunity that you brought all of us pray that you would the McGurk million PowerPoint in the connection everything Lord and I pray that all of us would receive your word wholeheartedly and with humility in Jesus name we pray amen okay so how long in is delay and we are in this series what do you do when it's not for you in the reason why we want this to be our series and as we close this it's because the reality is there are times in your lives the Magnum no see God there are times in your life the Lagaan hindi para so yeah it can be a relationship it can be a career it can be a course in college a school in a gap like a tapas Hindi Kapoor masa have you ever experienced that I kept like as I sang college the customer and then unique upon my side right so what do you do when it's not for you some things it's quite easy to deal with like in the parasite on food data so I'm not gonna eat that Oh Kayla in the policy and shown Ian so I'm not gonna go there in the Paris a young getting a classing things or indeed it's okay they were but there are times the man that it's quite difficult how do you handle that lapa Cousteau kusuma telega I want that thing I want that persona I want that career path I want that course or it's just like what Joey mentioned I want that organic know the great Jack it's their loss they were gonna buy the patent approach that and so how do we deal with that but before I answer that well happily know how do you know if it's really not for you I think it's good to answer that question you can say of course what do you do if it's not for you better how do you know if you need that like a parasail I think a lot of young people are struggling with that one now for them they're thinking behind my bodice and oh but how do you really know if it's not for you let me give you three ways to how you know if it's not for you number one if it's sinful if it's sinful if it's against God if it's bad if it's really wrong God is not this with that I think all of us agree with it for example someone is married and then main acoustician young girl of course literally it's not for him it's not for that person or for example is cheating for you Iowa but ANOVA and cheating sqm are these for me now answer my question is cheating for you but I say we are no because it's bad you don't do that right it's not for you or is hurting other people for you shanira my nickname endow so of course it's not for you right of its sinful if it's not aligned with God's will well I can't clear the clear sub eyeball no to immorality no to sexual sins note all of those things definitely it's not for you clear not clear you okay if it's simple it's not for you but what about those things to my night it's not that simple it's not sinful the man it's a gray area it's something that within a month another one is God if how do you know if it's not for you he will lead you through godly authorities so either your parents would say Anna Iowa embarrassing or let's say for the love life but that is lovely enough Indian virus i oh right so he will lead you through godly authorities or sometimes you must spiritual either small it can be a past or a small group leader but again for the small group leader here the okay moving abusive a now Summa Lucas Arkansas vinegared Libra more today and they've all gone yeah no and me Indy kasama is a villa guru Savannah then okay but he will lead you through godly authorities meaning to say he will send some people that are spiritually mature that will help you process things now okay maybe it's not for you because of like this and explain yeah and hopefully maintain beyond you so you will know through other people you will note or other godly counsel another one is he will literally not allow him for example you Oregon then try gonna once twice indicated like Apple Massa he will not allow you to pass for example you want to pass in a certain college you first option conic college now when I was having this college exam I have this college that we soon saw this is my number one option one Morgan in school and more in tuition fee in second College Circus tour same London level for me Simon 11 school chemical appeal and Sylla parama Holland we should be savvy go danila also much more par you mean the same sake nella whooping - I had my selfish motives I did then I passed my exam okay I pass the exam because I saw my score but I didn't I didn't qualify in the cutoff Kissimmee cutoff a greater number of students non-gaap a success school at all so Lauren so it wasn't for me because God didn't allow it practically pen in Bank city of Omega RL same school there another town is in the province but I didn't want to so what I desire course Oh God didn't allow me to pass in that X in that school to get into that school so me Margo no and either it's sinful either he will guide you through godly authorities that it's not for use I want to teach you it I want you I want to help you understand let's say five years from now or next year what if you go to in that situation okay is this for me Lord or it's not for me he will guide you to what through his word if it's simple clear not leaving a man what gonna go in if it's you know godly Authority savvy well of course we're gonna go in or Telugu Hindi Nia Papa yog and among heroin let's say some of you you want to go and work abroad Indian Alana God Nichkhun have been again a US visa I love damning that the deniers are us we saw some of you of may may have experienced that he just won't allow it to happen not to let them PowerPoint nothing only Lord so anyway you won't allow it but here's our problem so Baba sighing : i other parts here we can't we couldn't see here I want you to be attentive here's the problem the problem is this wait so it's simple he will lead you through godly authorities who won't love the problem is this even though it's not for us even though we know I lambda nothing that it's not for us we look for me ways to make it for us let me repeat that even though Ala Moana it's not for you our problem is we look for ways to make it for us can you ask your seat me Toto be entire map in lidka Bambaataa combat arena even though mr. vinegar Allah forgives him about it but I am attendants in agony on even though Allah WA not ending a parasail we look for ways para Maggie in Paris Aden we look for ways para mug work out we look for ways para de Lagaan Puma and along Z Lord sagina dialects upon billet the manga bhaga bhaga or even different things that are not really for us so that's why I want to teach you a perspective this afternoon a different perspective as we close this series because here's my question okay have you prayed for something that if God gave it but Bennigan's dealer de you something nyan nyan Ala Moana you know now that you will regret it have you ever prayed for something maybe years ago in a breaker Lord son I became Otto fast but Nagisa Lord owns a prayer more now you on Ala Moana night I regret more than I am thankful Iike a lord boot in Allen hindi mabini guy she needs another experience and again yeah so you find even our experience maha a same appeal it pairing guy oh okay so but you get what I'm talking about right you get that question now maybe neckbreaker that they are years ago maybe five years ago or I don't know last year prima donna de tournay Anahita man but in a lot just like that person I don't know if it's really a true story but there's this guy I think Bennett we bring in a hadisha malate doing say interview Nia done sir Twin Towers during the September 11 so my interview sha this is a building they own in a sovereign traffic Nolita in East Anisha guess what no Nikita Nina yari he was so grateful a lord boot in the lead right of course not at the expense of the other people and I'm at I don't but it's something uh you know maybe he was praying the Lord teach them an interview tow job interview I want to get into that company I want to be there in the alumni Impala among a array so there are things now and alumni nothing I always thank you Lord Buddha hindi movie night so that's why our message this afternoon is quite simple it's one phrase long it's not yet there but eventually it's gonna work out but nonetheless a backstage maybe you can just splash it the last one in Sunderland so our message for the day is quite simple the message is this gods know is a blessing let me repeat that gods know is a blessing and you tell your seatmate whether they are gods know so I want you to have this perspective so in case magno see God next year next week next month you will have the perspective now okay God's know is a blessing but not know see Lord blessing Yin I think it's one of those knows that polygon or maraca booty Sorrento because a lot of times when we hear the word know it's a bad thing like my children every time I dunno accordion asila when they ask for a toy sometimes I say no when they ask for McDonald sometimes I say no when I when they ask for these things to watch a movie to watch YouTube sometimes I say no so every time they hear the word no button B and I want it name and a lot of us are like that when we're asking for something and the response is no no no I am NOT in a bucket no legate Landon epoxy got you know maybe not literally mnemonic nothing or debris no meaning that is sometimes that happens the parent Allah and God is speaking to us clearly as loud as possible but a lot of times we don't but we can see through circumstances no no no no see Lord Aion of message I deny God's no is a blessing again shake the person to your right and left God's know it's a blessing okay so I want you to have that perspective it's a really good perspective because there's this person that we're gonna study today that we're gonna look at the day his life then ignosi Laurie Supriya and this guy was a powerful person meaning to say God used him mightily and if in fact this guy was able to destroy around 750 prophets in a single battle there was a big battle between this guy and 750 prophets bad prophets and he was able to destroy that he was able to prove to the king his name is King Ahab Ujala banya no Guyana though he was able to prove to King Ahab into the profits that your gods are not real bail is not real but my god Yahweh he's the only God he's the one true God and we are to submit and to follow him you can find his story in first Kings chapter 19 if you have your Bibles with you Siddappa telega may Bible first Kings chapter 19 open it there we're gonna look at the story of Elijah when he prayed for something and God didn't answer with a yes God said no to his prayer it was a very sincere prayer it was a prayer that the Lagaan wholeheartedly see the sobbing I got Lord please answer this and God said no so what happened to Elijah in first Kings chapter 19 just eventually I'm of a passion but least if you don't have your Bibles you can just check your seatmate okay lemma copy for today okay any more copy but check with your seatmate verson 1 let's look at verse 1 you mean ard table now Ahab so what happened the chapter before this was the great battle for tonight 750 prophets were there and here's Elijah and he won the battle the prophets died King Ahab was so sad and Natasha he went to his wife so King Ahab went to his wife told jessabelle everything that Elijah had done and he killed all the prophets with the sword so they all died he won so of course no no could see a hub he told his wife and the wife got so angry that in verse two he sent a message a messenger to Elijah so the messenger said to Elijah made the gods he'd appreciate me while I got me my good intelligent ow you know there are people in this world and you have you will have friends classmates were like that but even though they've encountered the power of God they will not believe it saddens me even though they don't they go to church they're not gonna obey the Lord even though they have seen miracles from the Lord Stillmatic aspirin and Anila tell your seatmates a nahin dekha ganas and I need him at the gas on ulama oh hey Dana I mean even me I'm shocked sometimes that I see people who are like that that now keep happening power in the Lord Naheed Ala Moana that God sent his son died for your sins resurrected naxaiites see no atheists cannot disprove that you will still not believe in God it just doesn't make sense it's crazy but that's what's happening in the world right now so there are people like that that's who Jezebel was Jezebel still didn't believe in God he sent a messenger to Elijah telling Elijah make God's the gods deal with me be it ever so severely sano-sama done if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life that like that of one of them meaning to say I'm gonna kill you Elijah I'm gonna destroy your life I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna destroy you just like as you have destroyed these prophets and see Elijah naman even the minion aracataca Elisha us again chuckling bro deepen our okay Anitha Winnemucca Elisha Nikita Ana nearing miracle knee guard the back of possible presidents a girl the dark with my shot wound up a pain in a 750 profits why would you be scared if you seen the power of God because in the next verse okay in verse 3 and then also a diversity first Kings chapter 19 function is Chuck Miller first Kings chapter 19 verse 3 now Sarah died let's see what happened there versus Lee and wasabi Don and he was afraid and a rose and ran for his life and came to birth Shiva which belongs to Judah and left his servant there he ran away from Jezebel because she was he was so scared and not just that in verse 4 what happened here but he himself went what a day's journey into the wilderness upon the thing he said Bathsheba he went a day's journey in a glad javi ever tried walking for a day she were in there but during that time you don't have a choice there's no grab there's no taxi well on jeep neglection my camel pero in dicen a command economy in the end go ahead but anyway he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness came sat down under a juniper tree because he needs to be converted and eaten a prayer then a prayer beside me chopped verse for verse 4 and he added a prayer Annapurna he requested himself that he might die look at the prayer it's a very sincere prayer maybe you can equate it us major depressive Elijah actually I don't understand why he was so afraid and he wanted to die but look at what he said here why did why did he want to die okay he and and said Lord it is enough now O Lord take my life for I am NOT better than my father's please God I'm so tired take my life this was the request it is no better take my life I am no better than my ancestors they did these things I know they were very fateful for to you they've been serving God but I hope I would the pagoda Oh Lord I've been so tired just take my life and guess what God didn't answer the prayer with a yes I'm so glad Hindi Sheena yes Tina may answer any boy in the next verse in verse 5 LeBaron anyway battalion Bible say in verse 5 everybody says here then he laid down under the bush fell asleep and at once an angel touched him and said get up and eat imagine been a two log yeah yay it'll buy an indie indie do I change change in Alana all right so he laid down under the bush fell asleep at all at once an angel touched him and said get up in each soupy not to lose any Lord so instead of us imagine could a cancer see God I mean some of us might have prayed that prayer Lord cudamalloc Oh was he gay bound he's no good I'll be honest with you I think I prayed that prayer when I was maybe in high school I was down I was really discouraged if i lord please indeed Emma Cooney man I'll be more of Lord Steyn I do my thing can add I'm not gonna pray or say boom Jenna sometimes she free crazy prayers means you gonna pray another Lord singer who wouldn't want a parents let's be honest we monetize good on political it gosh you can you cut in colored please yeah or maybe classmate more learning classroom it goes again a boosts in money and now seriously we prayed those prayers or maybe not like this but we prayed some something crazy enough that you know it's or or even other prayer like even in relationships Lord Sai national on right oh so yeah what they've been akkanee Lord had imagined imagine bennykenny Lord the hot numb prayer request more degree but yes exciting but you don't know what's gonna happen and that's why we're studying this because I mean LM what's gonna happen so in that verse instead of God answering with the yes peanut to look you see Elijah he slept because of he was so tired imagine about a day's journey so I was walking there in Egypt in Egypt some somehow young whether dawn and it though he was in bursary by major southern partying a southern part young birth Shiva it's quite hot there so walking a day's journey it is very exhausting it was very tiring and the next verse look at the next version look at what God said he looked around so he got up Maggie sing shot an angel of the road woke him up he looked around and there by his head was some red baked over hot coals imagine instead of saying yes be naka in the law see Elijah NASA wilderness ah where can you have bread baked over hot coals alone being wilderness barren desert right so it's like a desert and place in Monaca Honda my chef I don't know me chef there are my bread may not be in it Maina glute oh right a jar of water in a NASA wilderness he ate and drank and then laid down again you know I really appreciate the grace of God I say you know many Lord it's a blessing it's a sign of His grace instead of answering with a yes he provided with the strength that's what happened here so he was able to eat he was able to drink and lay down again and the angel of the Lord the next verse came back a second time touch him and said get up and eat for the journey is too much for you I love Neil earned up a good name you know sometimes when we're so tired we pray the craziest prayers you pray the craziest request when we're emotionally drained my manga request I oh my god but bubbly cannot attend the Lord's on Oahu Kauai future go I don't think I'm gonna have this I'm gonna have that if you answer those prayers when I was so tired when we're emotionally down and when we are so physically tired never ever make crazy commitments some people do that when they're emotionally down physically tired mokomichi let's again along the bar how good the bug would guess you know I should know so me my crazy commitments tank in Ogawa all because emotionally danke ke young important you know any God because look at him this story when God said no he fed Elijah and then here's what I realized look at the next pray phrase when God says no he gives the strength to move on that's part of his blessing that's why it's a blessing when God says no because when he says no my strength song be big guy so you can move forward and move on because there's some people but not no one isn't ow for example ah who I've experienced this when God said no and I had this relationship before and it wasn't listening to the Lord I was still after I graduate girl in a college I was in a relationship that wasn't pleasing to God Christian young girl / well and blessing and bear in slamming and thence alumni Ala Moana Ione Lord no not a legacy Lord so I was cutting off the relationship he says a request I got Lord sagina naman I'll cut off the relationship you know sunup and eliminate feelings / India Shama miss Naomi said get an A I owe nothing you mahira a pantalla but you know what I realize a lot of times Hindi hey Topanga Lin Ying emotional pain nikka God a lot of times but not nausia at the sack panca the next in a new perineum pain the next week man a new poem pain pero no kasama Nandu new strength you know well then don't you strain and I experience that then don't you strength for me not to communicate anymore with a girl then do new strain for me not to dwell on that person kind o meet ya na ho almost every night during that time then ignosi gotta like get a shot off gonna mahir up and process Paran and do not strength Nia a lot of people iom process a lot of people I owe you man don't bring your negative feelings it's there God allows that to happen but it doesn't allow us to go through it alone he's gonna give us this thing Elijah look at the next part jelena Saranya he got up because the journey is gonna be long why is the journey long Lu male who is he shy from that place luma yuusha he got up ate and drank strengthened or the world lengthened by the food God helped him move on I want you to move on so he got up he was walking travel for how long 40 days and 40 nights until he reached Horeb the mountain of God I want you to I want you to see this the next part I want you to see this look at the next line conga no Alya so he approximately from birth she behaves in 302 Mount Horeb in your Mountain so look at the tree and look at the mountain that's a pop approximately four hundred twenty kilometres honor usually you can walk from that area to that area sabi nila 12 days kya kya da and some people ask bucket Kaylin and forty days and forty nights young laqad nee nee Eliza maybe he was resting he was taking it slow they won't be my friends kid named Abigail McCloud you know I don't know if I'm gonna maybe get a burger right we address enchanted kingdom god that was a bad girlfriend singing us a flying festival and I don't know where to go Vogel see Elijah but it took him for today so pacing shall see go wrong he will stop he's gonna pray and he's just tired is depressed he's scared so he was walking and again I was in Egypt last week my Enid young gay so you walk this you hadn't that's not that's not like my machine so you're gonna look from one shape to another shade it's it's it's the heat is very bad I think when I was there I was estimating it's hotter than the Philippines if you like to beans so maybe it was way it's a dry heat my socket socket is the skin so getting your luck at me Elijah from birth Shiva to Mount Orab approximately four hundred twenty kilometers and then the next verse so yeah look at the next verse when he arrived after forty days he arrived Mount Horeb he went into a cave spent the night there because he was scared he just wants to be alone but usually if you're so down you're so depressed discouraged you're gonna hide yourself and eternal long ago ball and I'm not gonna come come back anymore I'm a failure I don't want to live anymore and the word of the Lord came to him and said sorry nothin what are you doing here Elijah in Tagalog but Canon dito didn't wake up anymore so be my question [Music] I love this question it's not that painful it's a question that reveals what's happening in your heart it's a rebuke but it's not very direct now Malika Marcel and then god you're evil today it's a question that you know pattern in idea what are you doing here it's a question according about Papa no oh you know what I realized when God says no move to the next slide when God says no he helps us if it helps evaluate our heart because we need to evaluate our hearts okay we saw in Noah Thank You sobbing Nonnie Lord because he strengthens me as when he answers no he strengthens me as I move on and when he answers no he helps me understand where I'm coming from what's going on in my life and what's best for me because why do we need to evaluate our heart because here's the thing why do we need to evaluate our heart three things because our heart can be wrong I don't know if you know this C column nina petre play demon comely and poo so evil ain't easy but it can be wrong we have been wrong many times because of our heart so maganda magno see god para my pain by to evaluate classical enhancer in Emily so it can lead us astray it can lead us to the wrong direction it can lead us to the wrong path and not just that it can cause more pain when God answers yes to something that's wrong for you it's gonna hurt compared to when he says no to something that's wrong for you when God says yes if he says yes of course he's not gonna say yes to something that's wrong but sometimes he allows it a moment second Ania people attend me can you people in Sumatra legaia you want that cuz he means a pugnac Daanish are people eating body not and it's gonna allow it okay you'll do it it's gonna lead you astray and it can cost you more pain and let's be honest some of your friends have experienced that no see Lord and damning consequences some of your relatives experienced that no see Lord must my damning pain painful but not noisy Lord permis maraming pain but in Allah pineal it more you know knee Lord but pineal it means I hung on ya mus maraming pain that's why we need to reevaluate our hearts and that's why what's our message gods know is a blessing again shake your seatmate gods know it's a blessing let's go back to the story go to the next verse so that's why that's this question what are you doing here Elijah you have experienced the miracles of God already you were able to feed this Widow you were able to be fed by Ravens and you were able to see fire come down from heaven now push the islands a single bite but I'm gonna need love lady well I guess Valentina I'm at the power you're insane let me God John thanks for your might in the unit your nude story all right so let's go to the next verse so after God asked that a Tennessee Elijah very honest very sincere he was very down he replied Lord I have been very zealous for you God Almighty the Israelites have rejected your covenant meaning to say there was a promise debar with Abraham with Moses there's a covenant confident with David but they have rejected it Lord in other words belong not to serve now Hawaii pero para Newman Italian I've done many miracles pero para a long long way away maybe his desire was after the killing of the bail worshippers maybe his desire was hopefully sign okay Neil had goodbye debugging okay Lord you tore the they've torn down your the installation rejected your and torn down your outdoors put your profits you my friends yeah Pina PI to death with a sword I'm thinking yeah I am the only one left and now they are trying to kill me imagine when that's also what usually happens to us when we were emotionally down feeling that in dianella Melissa feeling nothing nobody else is helping us nobody else is there to encourage us that's what Elijah was experiencing if mayoral term now okay he's just so depressed Union experiencia I'm all alone I'm running away gusto Allah Melissa Cooney Mona or Lord but look at how God answer them look at the next part and get an answer Deloitte go out and stand what on the Mount so the Lord said so after Yuma pour out the heart Lord I'm the only one left I've been so passionate for you instead of God answering of Michigan and ass again okay I understand you know what the ad said go out now silo up concave don't stay there go out stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord you know I really appreciate this encounter because God knew the only thing the only person that can heal the brokenness that Elijah is experiencing is he himself so in God wanted Elijah to encounter God even more not through the miracles not through the fire coming down from heaven cuz even experienced Elijah those powerful miracles experienced an Elijah but he needed to experience God himself what do I mean by that look at the passage Mountain the presence of God for the Lord is about to pass by then a great and powerful wind toward the mountains amazing and a great and powerful wind toward the mountains apart have you ever seen a wind tearing a mountain if only a villian guys nappeun it parent papel you great powerful wind toward the mountains apart shattered the rocks imagined rocks shattering in front of him their earnings are be done but the Lord was not a powerful wind came so he saw the miracle of fire coming down from heaven he saw that he saw the Ravens feeding him miracle Ian he saw young supplies to Widow was not depleting when he was there so all of those things but again he saw this but look at what God is saying here it doesn't mean that when this these are happening these things are happening that my presence is you know that's it that's my presence only no no no I made that happen but that's not me me as you presence to God look at the next one after the wind there was an earthquake Malik Malik mother said there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake he allowed it but that's not me passing by I just allowed it to happen there's an earthquake so imagine I'm doing send it on your own oh that's wrong with a magical Saint innama ana win opponent now mounting same day at is the wind was there he just saw it Wow there was an earthquake Wow and look at the next part next verse verse 12 after the earthquake came there came a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and somehow is related to the miracles that he experienced the earth the the shake the wind maybe it's connected to you in the Ravens feeding him it's a miracle the earthquake the supply in the earth it was not depleting and now the fire the fire coming down from heaven I mean he experienced all of these things but the Lord was not in the fire where was the Lord and after the fire Anna came a gentle whisper may belong a gentle whisper look at the next verse when Elijah heard it he pulled his cloak over his face it's a sign of humility it's a sign of Lord prostrate before God went out and stood at the mouth of the cave then a voice said to him what again the same question there came the Lord his presence it seems like God was reminding Elijah Elijah maybe the reason why you're tired because you're focused too much on the miracles that you've experienced you focus on too much on the you proceed yato when all you need is my presence the quietness with me because when you experience me you're gonna have rest and you will be reminded what you need to do this is sometimes the reason why we're tired the reason why we pray crazy prayers because we're doing so much without God's presence in our life okay now you see Lord you can't do it I can evaluate me God you hardly lies you know what are you doing what's in your heart why are you focused on so many things why are you so tired when you've experienced my power maybe you've experienced my power but you haven't really encountered me do you realize that maybe you experienced God's power pal relying personal genuine encounter with the Lord okay yeah in unity any question what are doing here and the same answer look at the next part look at the next word he replied I have been very zealous Lord I've been very very zealous for you God Almighty same answer Israelite so somehow power will it do it but it's just a reminder kasi means a type only told it didn't he huh kinda alimony question in Lord Allah name how many banaba go and Lord probably told it did you say good Pharaoh Lord the Lord let's be honest so it's the same answer pouring down your health or spot your prophets to death I'm the only one left and they're trying to kill me - only Son and then the Lord said Anna the Lord said after in the account or near see God because I believe during this time my job was a business Elijah I believe during this time major Al Madinah sir during this time he was able to breathe in and breathe out because it may experience a he saw the Lord passed by he heard the whisper of the Lord and then the Lord said to him okay I want you to go back huh he didn't answer in the Lord by new prayer of him dying go back the way you came go to the desert of Damascus but Lord for TD style go back there when you get there anoint Hazael king over Arum he guided guide Elijah look at the next verse verse 16 but before that we know what I realized when God says no he shows the right way he D Kenya Baba behind the pattern and dumbing questions market cannot go no he demon answer lahat why he said no but he's gonna tell you what you need to do next he might not answer every question that you have right away why did you say no bakit indicia by writing the onion course marketing the veto bucket in the end there he's gonna show you all I want you to go here when God said no to me this is school that I want them there was the second option in second option Eon I passed their wait list of the school and in that university but God showed me the way how did God show me the way you have an option to go in that school in third option Kaka say I also like that school that was where I went to high school Pyramus Malayalam University denilla it's in the past area and I you're in traffic though don't know offense okay so I don't Quezon City away so he entered also in second option comas Malamud Quezon City tubercular door hey there's a enough possibility for me studying there and then a corona option cassia God revealed eventually now okay you're wait-listed but it doesn't mean you're rejected kasi he bummed out but witness I own any land and chance but someone said no there's a chance when I saw the result I was with my mom we talked that administrator may transfer but the semi no just appeal write a letter give it to us and usually he's gonna get accepted and by God's case we did that and I got accepted so he shows the right way so when he says no to something he's not gonna leave you hanging on a next step more my next step young when he says no to a relationship it doesn't mean my next relationship I'm the you know it makes a me you know huh but I determination upon the notion Ito Lord see plan B our son about work it's my plan C Yaga Antigone old so when he says you know here he will lead you to the right way okay single community and aural commune Anna yeah go in muumuu not wanna so he does those things when he says no to a you know to a country that you want to go to nag rejection he shows the way maybe not there maybe your vacation is here it can be more enjoyable or he's gonna protect you whatever that is when God says no he shows the right way look at the next part look at the next part also anoint Jehu son of nimshi king over Israel you know what God is saying here Elisha King Ahab is not in control I can replace him any time you're scared of King Ahab but he really here's what I'm that I am about to tell you unknowing hostile as the next king the next king of who anoint as Isle as the next king of harem and then anoint Jehu son of nimshi king over Israel he's gonna replace who and anoint Elisha son of Shabbat from al-majalah to what in other words I know you're tired Elisha you're not alone there's someone that can replace you and I want you to go to him and knowing him you're not alone there other people there who will help you and look at the next part look at the next verse Jer who will put to death any who escape the sword of as Isle and Elijah will put the death any who escape the sword of Jehu he was prophesying this God was prophesied this you can read this on your own you can read this in the second Kings Mikey time others a second Kings J who will put the death to escape the sword of Hazael because the prophecy assumed family line nicking a hub but in a Jezebel all will be wiped out because of these people J who has Isle and Elijah and it actually happened so God is saying to Elijah Elisha don't worry Elisha don't be afraid of these people Elisha don't allow those things to cause stress in your life I know you're tired but I'm not gonna answer your request you first request more of me taking your life because it's not good that's not my plan for you I have great plans for you and here it is I'm gonna show you the next steps and look at his encouragement after that don't you know look at the next verse I reserved how many seven thousand in Israel he mo alarm they are all hiding in the caves in different houses all whose knees have not bowed down to bail and whose mouths have not kissed him you are Nicola GSI you're not alone Eliza I know you feel that because of your discouragement because you're scared but here am I to tell you you're not alone here what's her message again God's know is happily sing you know what Elijah could have missed this those prophecies really happen he could have missed the fulfillment of those prophecies saya you know what else he could have missed if in answer any Lord you employer now segi one in a kadhai sea by river you know what else you could have missed look at second Kings look at 2nd Kings chapter 2 this is after you know after quite some time he anointed Elijah already he anointed Elijah in Elijah was one of his servants assistant ya assistant prophet he was like the major prophet and here's Elijah his assistant prophet and I know but Ursuline father in son because it Elijah Elijah well I need okay me and Maxie Elijah so don't get that wrong but he'd get on killing them Allegheny Lord right so Elijah and Elijah so Elijah said to Elisha so solution then Cassini Elijah lag is Elijah stay here the Lord has sent me to Bethel so he moved around after his heart was completely restored that he got that strength from the Lord he received again his purpose from God he realized that this sprayer was wrong and now he's seeing the power of the Lord and now he's moving where God wants him to move so he goes to different place one place to another to diminish it to do other things so God told him to go to Bethel so he went to Bethel but ill I just said no as surely as the Lord lives and as you live master Elijah I will not leave you I'll be with you I said man I said stand he's gonna join you so they went down to Bethel together why is Elijah following Elijah Elijah following a harlot or any bar why is Elijah following Elijah because when they went to Bethel look at the next part the company of the prophets we mama prophets in 7,000 some of them are in Bethel came out to Elisha classy Calallen is Elijah popular Elijah and asked do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today in other words you pray here in years ago is going to be answered in during this time he's gonna take your master home and then I'll I'm the Elijah because God revealed it also to him alone the Elijah Shanna yes I know so be quiet Sabino now suma by Sonya I just want to be with him I just want to see him I just wanna you know take care as long as I can as long as I'm with him and then the next part gonna let next verse they'll I just said to him okay stay here Elijah Elijah the Lord has sent me to Jericho so he was in the one place he's God sending him to Jericho and Assyria by Michalek busy Elijah no I'm gonna be with you Shirley Lord lives and as you live I will not leave you and then verse 6 look at the next verse gonna let then when he was in Jericho they'll I just said to Elijah stay here the Lord has sent me to Jordan Simon place the man and he replied as surely as the Lord lives and as you live I will not leave you so the two of them walked going to Jordan and the miracle in Jordan was this look at this when they cut crossed Elijah said to Elisha before they had crossed a river so Jordan Jordan River do you know that that also parted during the time of Elijah may parting then he didn't read see but in Jordan River so when they were at the one side Jericho going to the Jordan the Jordan River was there instead of walking you know by equipment both Scylla and a guac Scylla on dry ground it happened you read that verse eight below it happened he experienced that miracle he could have missed that out and then Elijah said to Elisha tell me what I can do for you before I am taken so I love me Elisha alumnae Elijah the reason maybe he was moving from Bethel to Jericho to Jordan because God is gonna take him home before I am taken from you what can I do for you and a prayer in a Elijah was this let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and he explained us again that's a hard prayer meaning to say if you've experienced miracles let me experience double of that if God used him doubly mightily let me experience that bubbling that God will use me mightily if you read second Kings literally God use Elisha more than Elisha double in terms of miracle in terms of of course both of them are very effective in not comparing pair Elisha experienced a double portion of Elisha spirit and what could Elijah have missed if in answering the Lord you first spray in here before epic let me miss out yeah so as they were walking alone another look at the next verse as they were walking alone talking together suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared separated the two of them and Elijah went up to heaven in a world wind let me ask you did Elijah die he didn't die physically he didn't die physically it was one of those examples in the Bible also Enoch was the one who also didn't die but God just took him home every time I pass on negator para me some Prager Lord sign again young parent Iwasaki empowering may charge itself I look at this picture but I'm getting them but this is this doesn't even show come guy look a grand you'll experience they won't imagine what he could have miss Elijah that he was just walking and then boom a for hire may Chariots of Fire and then I'm doing Satsuma Asia I don't know abandon Aki tiny Lyceum but it's a world wind Asami smoke matter maybe they were smoke I don't know but they like it because he lies a big lie Linda Pelayo where's my master in his soul fire wow what's this what's going on but if he calls he Eliza I mean I really don't know he didn't not even described in the experience a maybe you didn't after knowing about nothing was heaven when I asked you like me but I'm sorry you survived Ethan and I suppose I'm gonna fire you in charge at Vito you caught shame all right so you didn't even watch him on fire wow look at this it's just something amazing he could have missed this out you gotta miss it out this amazing encounter you know what I realized look at the next verse I'll export when God says snow he keeps us from regrets and say when he says yes to the things the hindi neena gupta for you there gonna be a lot of regrets you know when I was still single I'll be honest with you madam Yamaha option is small prayer request on the Lord sana - Kamini Shabbat oh right I mean I was a faithful person about my song gusto it's a LAN oh alright but then Allah my parent made you ready and I mean guys I mean engineer me mama mister but not note off friend someone oh sorry girls have whatever anyway guys I don't even want to get him the ligand guys oh you gotta go Indian Ave you know let's be honest my mother and I tend encina see but not note or a i'm a mother mommy some pocket and we apologize for the girls for here we apologize for for guys doing that now mi richland parent Finny friend mm I mean some Baron back up sodium immigrant Allah God people do in your link at the mean young guy bout it yeah it's a lie but when I was single wait going back to my story when I was single so make it another so I like this girl I really like this girl and but then there were times now okay there's this another girl okay naman so CAS bikini network toe maybe I'll get to know this person and the bug Nina were again here's another person but of course I'm gonna get hurt but they reject you me some girls have me mad at her table pair oh yeah hey I mean sent three months to move on a rugged young guy yet they were mean some of it by buggers it takes a longer time baguette my guys Casey just to be honest meager noticing tendency and I had those kinds of options and I prayed for every single one of those encounters there was this girl that I like I honestly Great Lord sana sana I there was another girl that I liked I really prayed Lord I want to marry this girl please allow me to marry this girl God didn't answer my prayers during those times and I'm glad he did because look at the next slide if nagesh ah to get an extra well iron never falafel can you seen already today she also but nagesh I will iron I would never ever want to replace them over something that's not good for me or good in a little bit better not amazing I don't want to have I don't want you to have regrets but the problem is sometimes we can have regrets all because Hindi not I didn't appreciate you know any God God snow is a blessing and not just that last part here is this when God says no he is leading us to the bear scare us and annoying Hindi God's Meza Indian gods best the love levelling like a no-no when he says no my god there's really something there's a knee a path that this is the best for us I don't know how to overemphasize that but it's not you telling your name I own you my regrets ghosting it is the best so I Union bad Goosen ambassador do you see what the heart of God is Union experienced knee Eliza that's why God said no for him what's her message again when God's so it's a blessing let's have a recap how is God's know a blessing when God says snow he gives the strength to move on when God says no he helps evaluate our heart when God says snow he shows the right way when God says snow he keeps us from regrets and when God says snow he's leading us to the best I want to give you this sticker so can the ushers distribute this my sticker Obama big eyes on you so you can stick this to your notebook and sabi detour God's snow is a blessing hopefully this perspective can remind you simpler no more there's nothing extravagant but I haven't seen a statement like they say I haven't seen any statement like this but I realized this is theologically true so Pam again Yamuna before we close our time in prayer I want you to have this you can stick it Cosima baba belongs in your class fees money because if you know God snow is a blessing you can explain that you can share the gospel can invite them to elevate invite them to a small group but hopefully this will remind you so one leg wound upper person if me extra will see you can just asks you go to the GSI MIDI group leadership are maricella so get this thicker stick it in your notebooks among I don't know bugs new or something lunch box me lunch box with Molly with my lunch box you bugger oh my god so shoe see I don't know a t-shirt just just keep it stick it somewhere so it can remind you hopefully sometime sometime next month sometime next year or within this week but big London no see Lord Iona Bala gods no it's a blessing so you will remember the series what do you do when it's not for you it's hopefully this perspective ok listen to me here luck madurai sticker just just keep it long with mistake just listen to me here why are we close hopefully I should go on okay with with your life whatever as you see this sticker you will remember when God says no it's a blessing for you mas mandala Kong Maha move on mas Madonna comic obey mas malok on mag persevere Muhammad Ali karma you know max a nohrin to those things hopefully this will give you the emotional strength that you need to move forward with the Lord what's our message again God's no it's a blessing so anybody who doesn't have a sticker yet can you just raise your hand body massages and there you go matter buddy don't like sticker yeah okay anybody else so if you have a sticker already can you just stand up I'm gonna pray for you guys as we close our time so let's just bow down our heads close our eyes let's pray father God thank you so much for speaking to all of us thank you so much Lord for the life of Elijah a wonderful story Namaskar me Lord because you work mighty Lisa behind you didn't answer his first prayer of him asking you to take his life but you comforted him instead you gave him the strength so we can move forward you can move on he was able to go around for 40 days from one place to another and still discouraged still depressed still having so much questions but you reminded him of your presence and maybe Lord God just like Elijah you're also doing that in our lives but every time you say no there's this thing we need to hold on to that every time you say no there's that reminder to evaluate our hearts so that malama nah mean what's really right from what's wrong and as you say no Lord you leave us not God in the right way there's there's that next step but you want us to do and as you say no to certain things in our life story you're protecting us so that we won't have regrets and finally Lord when you say no you're leading us to the best I mean these things is just an encouragement to us so I pray Lord God that we will be reminded of this truth please you know the hearts of these young people you know where they are you know how they are spiritually I pray that from now on every time you say no we will have the strength to move with you thank you for your blessing we love you and we honor you in Jesus name we pray amen amen god bless guys
Channel: Elevate Main
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Id: yu-gvCwXEbY
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Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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