Transitioning from an RTX 3070 to an RTX 4070 Super! Does it improve Sim Racing in VR?

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in this video I transition my PC from an RTX 3070 to the new all singing all dancing RTX 470 super and try to see if there's any Improvement at all for Sim racing invia using the quest 3 and all from an older Gamers [Music] perspective rdle released a great Fan Fair at Cas a week or so ago the 4070 super on paper at least teases a big step for anyone with the old 30 series or even older even apparently someone with a 3090 however specs on the page don't always translate to a better Sim Racing Experience sometimes it's not even a little bit better the 470 super as you can see here does have a lot more high-powered stuff inside it including in the all important 12 GB Ram that it now has as opposed to the 3070 which was just restricted to 8 GB and that combined with an increase in kudor and lots of other improvements can only help when pushing out Graphics to the computer and ultimately to the VR headset which means it should be a bit of a boost at least for my system and initial tests seem to support this Bland Assumption of mine that throwing money into a PC is always going to make it a better faster meaner machine you're deluded I am testing on an i53 600k with 64 gig of ddr4 and the OS on an mvme and feeling hap if you want to know more about my PC there is a video on this channel where I show how it was built and explain my rationale for picking the bits I did pick including the now defunct 30 3070 sad but true the 3070 that's coming out of my PC is the vanilla version no T here and is also a gigabyte 3 Fan solution which has always been a bit of a tight fit in my case so for the 4070 super I have gone with the two fan solution from Aus this is the OC variant of the Aus 4070 super which I bought as there was only a €10 price difference between this and the non OC version once I introduced the 4070 super to my PC the 3D Mark test software suite showed an increase in comparison to the 3070 which was not that surprising but the results for time spy looks something like this not too shabby with a graphical increase of around 47% which seems to agree with most benchmarks on YouTube not sure why the CPU in this test is 0.3% worse possibly I had something running in the background that I shouldn't have the other test and 3D Mark software suite tell a similar story with Speedway and Port Royale both showing similar results which themselves seem to confer with GP user benchmarks own findings it's a nice increase not mindblowing but it should be within everyone's expectations this is a 4070 super not a 4090 super but none of this should be a surprise the 470 super is effectively a slightly less powerful version of the 4070 TI which itself was rebranded 480 that's a even long story so it's going to do well in The Benchmark tests when compared with the older 3070 that's a given in my experience these Benchmark tests don't always indicate how a PC will stand up to the rigers of playing an actual game especially if that game is a resource hungry Sim Razer even more so when I use VR to play the aforementioned Sim racer so what sort of difference can the 4070 super actually make to the pixel hungry meta Quest 3 when subjected to the performance demands of iRacing ams2 and AC let's find out ASAP Benchmark settings When comparing the 3070 to the 4070 super in VR using the quest three in my case there are lots of variables lots and lots of them and they all need to be taken into consideration so in the interest of full clarity let me tell you about how I conducted my tests to compare the 3070 to the 4070 super using iRacing ACCC and ams2 firstly the quest 3 is connected to my PC via a USB 3 cable which connects directly to a USBC socket on the back of my main board for this connection the ocul app reports a pass through of 2.2 gbits per second I have seen this g 2 2.3 but on this particular test occasion it was 2.2 so make of that what you will absolutely surreal secondly I'm going to test the 3070 and the 4070 super using the same settings in the Oculus lap as seen here and with the Oculus debug tool set to these modest settings I'm going to push that a little bit later in the review for the 4070 but for the moment this is the Baseline lastly for the iRacing tests the graphic settings will look like this I'm going to look at ams2 and the ACC settings a little later in this video They Don't Really apply to each other they all have different types of graphical settings so there's no real Baseline but for iRacing it's this your settings are going to be different from mine so take that into account when looking at my results as you might not seen the same sort of performance on your PC the astute of you will have noticed that I'm using 72 Herz and also that the Herz is doubled up here that's a bug that meta still haven't got around to fixing but yes I'm using 72 Herz and the reason for this can be expressed in two words performance Headroom while 9 HZ looks undeniably smoother it sucks the performance out of my system when using with 3070 which can lead to some very erratic frame rates on some tracks which is the last thing you need when you're in the middle of a race look at this example here I am in the formula V racing an actual multiplayer Race not AI these are real people at the charlotta track with a layout designed for this car if I display the VR headset recordings for this particular session at 72 HZ and 90 HZ Side by by side you can see the performance Headroom for the 72 HZ on the left here is hovering around roughly 55% with some variation up and down depending on where I am on the track but on the right the same track the same car and the same graphic settings in iRacing shows a performance Headroom that drops to about 38% sometimes with a few lows in the 20% but I can hear you asking older gamer you well preserved Sim racer you even when the performance headro drops to the low 20s there is still no loss of frames so what's the problem play it at 90 HZ on the 370 and enjoy a race without glitches the answer to that response is just one word okay Yama at the start of 2024 season 1 iRacing updated a number of their tracks to include realistic vegetation and 3D curves the latter allowing you to feel the curve hers with more authenticity I have tried them and they are pretty good but these additions come at a cost and have made the track a nightmare for performance Headroom specifically if you are using a VR headset like the quest 3 at 72 htz this track is very unpredictable with the performance Headroom only obtaining a Max of 40% in some parts of the track while falling to the low 20s in others at this particular Corner pretty much every time I encountered it the performance headro fell to single digits with the system often resulting to dropping frames in order to cope similar story when coming past the pits at 90 htz oh wow it is predictably worse with the performance Headroom rarely hitting double digits for the entire track and often languishing in the negative area showing drop frames all over the place for a fastpaced racing this is pretty much unplayable and this isn't the only example of a track offering some pretty poor performance at Virginia International it's not as bad as okiyama but I see a performance hit at the same Corner every single time if I stop at the corner during a practice lab you can see the drop in performance and it has nothing to do with speed or other cars there aren't any it's just simply that this part of the course is for whatever reason poorly optimized I would love to keep my headset at 90 HZ using the 30 70 but the unpredictable performance head room on some tracks means I can't afford to risk binning my car due to a large frame rate drop especially when lots of other cars are around me lots of other players in my experience it's much better to keep the headset at 72 HZ and enjoy the smoother drop frame free version of iRacing with plenty of performance Headroom on most tracks and then I don't have to keep remembering which tracks need to be at 72 HZ and which need to be at 90 Herz I can just go in and race with confidence of course the question now is can the 4070 super improve on this situation can I start to use 90 HZ consistently with the quest 3 with the slider set to maximum to give native resolution in this headset but at the same time maintain a stable frame rate on all the tracks in IR Racing or for that matter ams2 and ACC let's test now the 47 super and try to answer those questions iRacing the quest 3 and the 470 super before I tested the 4070 super with iRacing I ran the USB connection test again just to make sure everything was working as expected and it returned a result of 2.6 which is a bit quicker than the 370 at 2.2 I have no idea if the 4070 super influen this result or not comment below if you know the answer to this conundrum I am testing the 4070 super with the same settings I used for the 3070 Oculus app is set like this the Oculus debug tool is still set on the modest 250 and the iRacing settings are as shown here and on the track at Charlotte again in the v the 3070 is on the left and the 4070 super is on the right both running at 90 htz and straight away on the line the 47 super is displaying more than double the performance Headroom in comparison to the 3070 through the first Corner the readouts are about equal but with the 3070 struggling to consistently hold this performance hrom while the 4070 super shows more consistency and what looks like a much more assured ability to hold on to this higher Headroom but as we saw earlier charlott is a relatively undemanding track in iRacing performance-wise the question now should be what can the 4070 super do at these settings at okama again on the left is the 3070 at 90 HZ and the 4070 super on the right at 90 HZ on the line at okiyama things look better with the 4070 super not ideal as the performance Headroom is only just into positive figures although the 3070 is languishing permanently below the line and turning in constant negative percentage values as the race moves on the 4070 super does improve but the 3070 is left well behind at this particular demanding Corner the 3070 super drops down to 45 FPS and the 4070 super remains at around 80 FPS this test would seem to indicate that I can keep the quest 3 at 90 HZ for even the most performance demanding tracks using the 47 super but it's clearly not the optimal way to use the quest 3 with iRacing and the 4070 super so which refresh rate should I use unsurprisingly the refresh rate that offered the best stability with the 4070 super and iRacing was one with the words recommended setting written next to it go figure here you can see all three refresh rates left to right that is the 90 HZ the 80 HZ and the 72 HZ while 80 Herz did show a slight performance Headroom advantage over 90 HZ I did find there are some areas of the course where it dropped frames and the 90 did not which is weird but if you look at the 72 htz on the right you can see the 4070 super offering a performance Headroom that is far superior to both 80 or 90 HZ for okiyama and its new 3D curbs the performance headro offered by 72 htz is pretty impressive if I comp compare the 3070 seen on the left here with the 4070 super on the right both running at 72 HZ you can clearly see the remarkable Improvement the 4070 super offers sure it's not what I wished for which was playing at 90 HZ but to be honest if I am being honored this sort of performance Headroom on a track as demanding as okama while playing an AI race arguably more demanding on the computer than a multiplayer online race then I'm going to grab that performance head room with both hands I might even in my most optimistic mood of the day decide that the 4070 super when used at 72 HZ is actually ready for when iRacing introduce rain whenever that may be and to be honest with you I've never really been that hung up with refresh rates I play on a monitor that offers a refresh rate of 75 HZ so for me using the quest 3 72 HZ is not a big thing if you're on a monitor that offers 100 HZ or something like that maybe it's going to be an issue for you finally after some experimentation I found I could bump up the Oculus debug tool to 500 and use these settings in iRacing with sharpening turned on and the Shadows turned on with no impact on performance as shown here it really is nice to see the Shadows from track objects such as trees and cars back again in the Sim as this really does add to the immersion Factor especially when driving in VR with these settings in place I also ran a test lap at Virginia International and guess what that Troublesome Corner well it won't be bothering me anymore which is a massive relief and then just for Giggles I ran a 60c car race at another demanding track in iRacing Norway's Rutan motor Center or however you pronounce that and the performance Headroom on this track ran smooth and Problem free seen here I am starting in the middle of the pack and saw little to no drop in fps at all throughout the entire race even with the 60 formula V's puffing smoke out all over the place one last test I tried was to ramp up everything to 11 with all settings at high and then took yet another tour of okiyama in the formula V in an AI race as you can see the performance Headroom once it settled down from the start where I normally see a fluctuation averaged out at around 50 % for most of the course and with virtually no dips at all in fps and it has to be said that at this level of graphic Fidelity iRacing looks pretty damn good still nowhere near as realistic as ams2 or indeed ACC but still very nice and a little less PlayStation 3 that it did look like on the 3070 however that being said I'm never going to sim race at these high settings most of the options are in my opinion completely unnecessary for racing day-to-day I mean will cheering crowds really make you run a lap faster I doubt it but it's nice to know the 4070 super is capable of doing this should I ever be mad enough to want to do it so I'll be turning down a lot of the settings but I'll probably leave Shadows on because I found those to be very immersive needless to say at the end of all this testing and seeing how much Headroom the 4070 super gives me in iRacing orbe it at 72 hurt I came away as a very happy bunny ams2 the quest 3 and the 470 super so that was iRacing but what does the 4070 super do for the ams2 in VR that the 370 found Troublesome here you can see the 3070 on the left and the 4070 super on the right again the settings are the same for both tests as seen in Championship mode here you can see I am and gain gifted and increase in performance Headroom by The Virtuous power of the 4070 super and I'm able to push the settings a bit not all the way in ams2 but I still have a safety margin here to play with when the developers improve something or other and drop the FPS for everyone and it has to be said it looks gorgeous and in my opinion a little less gy than iRacing and a little more realistic in a future video I'm going to look look more closely at the settings of the 4070 and how it can push ams2 but the too long didn't read conclusion is the boost for ams2 using the 4070 super is not massive but it's certainly worth having ACC the quest 3 and the 4070 super next up is ACC which I have to admit I have only just got into so my ability to test this software is for the moment somewhat limited that being said I still threw myself into Championship mode in ACC using both the same custom graphical settings for the 3070 and the 4070 super you can see the performance Headroom on the left for the 3070 and on the right for the 4070 super and in some sections of the track the 4070 super is significantly better than the 3070 so much so this allowed me to push the settings the graphical settings a little bit further I couldn't manage to get anything playable with the VR epic setting a modified version of VR High worked very well but as I say I am just getting to know ACC so if anyone has any tips for me on how to improve the graphical settings while keeping the performance Headroom in the safe Zone please comment below either way it has to be said that ACC is probably the prettiest Sim racer I have tested in this video if you know have a better looking Sim racer please let me know in the comments ACC also seemed to benefit from the power of the 4070 super using the quest 3 and offered a more stable and consistent Headroom over the 3070 at pretty much any point on the track and in the rain as well which is really impressive GT3 Brands hatch on all three Sims just for a laugh I created this completely unscientific test with all three Sims racing Brand's hatch driving the GT3 it's unscientific because each Sim approaches graphical settings from a different angle so there is no real Baseline that can be set but just for fun and Giggles here is a rough comparison of the three Sims from a performance Headroom point of view here we have iRacing on the far left ams2 in the middle and ACC on the right at the top is the 3070 at 72 Hertz and at the bottom is the 4070 super at 72 htz now as you can see as we go around the track there the 4070 super has definitely made a difference you can see that there is an actual performance boost here in these Sims I wouldn't say it's like mindblowing it's not night and day that you would see this it's not like the the performance Headroom is blasting through the ceiling here but at the same time it's not insignificant either and as I've said earlier with iRacing it's going to introduce rain soon and with ams2 and ACC there'll be improvements on that as well which will probably hit performance so it's good to have some kind of wiggle room in your performance Headroom into which your computer can grow as the Sim racer that you're using becomes more taxing becomes more detailed it becomes more in iracing's case weather three conclusion all in all then the 4070 super is a significant Improvement to my system over my old 3070 a card that did really well for me not only in the gaming time that I had but also creating these videos that I share with you the 4070 super gives me a performance Headroom gain that is dependent on the software that I am using ACC seems to get a bigger Boost from this card than ams2 but ams2 does show Improvement as well although it wasn't as much as perhaps I hoped and iRacing improved significantly although arguably it has less capable Graphics than the other two titles regardless of this I only saw significant gains if I was prepared to stick with 72 Hertz otherwise the gains were negligible at best over the 3070 so we using my quest 3 at 70 HZ be an issue for me no is the short answer as I said earlier I am used to gaming at 75 HZ on my monitor so 72 HZ on my VR headset doesn't ever feel like a problem to me you may feel differently and if you need the higher refresh rate in your VR headset the 4070 super may not be the card for you even the 4070 TI super may not be enough and you should perhaps be looking at the 480 super with its eyering price or perhaps even waiting for the 50 Series to appear at some point in the future possibly early next year here in the present day my upgrade to the 4070 super is a boost in performance that allows me to increase my settings the graphical settings in all three Sims but still enjoy a drop frame free environment one where all the Sims I am using look absolutely stunning I didn't mention thermals in this comparison review mostly because I don't really have the equipment to actually measure temperatures but I can show you this which is my GoPro filming my PC monitor while I was testing the Sims using the 3070 please forgive the graphics I filmed this with a GoPro because I didn't want whatever I was filming the GPU Z performance statistics with to uh impact the performance of the interaction between the card and the Sim software if you see what I mean anyway here on the left is the 3070 and on the right is the 4070 super using the GPU Z app to monitor the graphics card the major points of interest for these cards are the temperatures the power drawer where the fans max out while all this is going on and also of interest is this little readout on the bottom which tells you why your GPU is maxed out at any particular time with the 3070 you can see the fans are maxed at 100% only two show here but I assure you there were three doing helicopter impersonations during the rigers of an iRacing session mostly because the temperatures of the 3070 were very high and at times climbed even higher than you can see here the power draw was also quite high at 250 wats and at the bottom I was getting green and purple in the performance cat reading green is the card reaching the maximum power and that's perfectly normal but purple indicates the card is showing thermal throttling in other words it's slowing down because it's getting too hot and it's worried it will crash and burn quite literally for real the 4070 however is showing temperatures that are much lower a power draw less at 218 watts and some fan speed that can be best described as relaxed at 50% clearly this card can be pushed further so after all this testing am I happy I would say say yes looking at the speed improvements the 4070 super offers me not only on track with increased graphical settings but as a content creator as well I am super pleased with the super card if nothing else I'm pleased to see the increased amount of ram up to 12 GB from 8 GB which will make my life easier when pursuing my animation projects another story for another time and also I won't have to worry so much about how hot the 3070 was getting or how much power it was drawing as the 4070 is significantly better in both of those regards this Improvement in performance and hopefully reliability should mean that I'm also in a good position to start live streaming at last something a number of you have requested but do I feel the 4070 super offers value for money that's a trickier question to answer overall I feel the cost of Nvidia cards are just too high there's no getting away from it but I use animation software that doesn't work with AMD cards so the price is what it is I need an Nvidia card and you can either afford one I'm willing to pay the high price of one or you're not I will recoup some of the cost when I sell my 3070 but still the 4070 super is a major cost upgrade and one that you should think about long and hard before pulling the trigger on that purchase I did see a performance increase but whether or not it was worth the cost will depend on how long the card stays relevant and how soon I need to replace it hopefully that won't be too soon but with the new Tempest weather system due to hit iRacing soon I really can't say for sure finally I just want to say that this video has been an Epic Journey for me I have really enjoyed putting together the footage and learned a lot along the way about the various graphical settings of the Sims I use every day I learn a bit more about Sim racing and every day I find there is even more to learn until next time race clean and I will see you on track halfway through keep pushing if you enjoyed this video don't forget to click the like button and if you haven't already done so subscribe click the little bell icon if you want to be notified of any future videos
Channel: An Older Gamers Perspective
Views: 12,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Racing, Racing Games, Simulator, Virtual Racing, Online Racing, Multiplayer Racing, Sim Racing Community, Gaming Setup, Racing Equipment, Virtual Reality (VR), eSports, Racing Sim, Sim Racing Hardware, Sim Racing Tips and Tricks, Sim Racing PC, Racing Setup Guide, Racing Gear Reviews, Gaming Montages, Moza R9, Thrustmaster, Thrustmaster T-LCM, Omega GT ART, Quest, Quest 2, AirLink, iracing, RTX 4070 super, 4070super, 3070, ODT, AMS2, ACC, virtual reality, quest 3, PC upgrade
Id: 4_dC59_iIZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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