Is Expensive Sim Racing ACTUALLY Worth It?

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so far in the series of videos where I realize  I'm not nearly as good at driving as I thought   we've looked at racing some setups from  near the bottom of the barrel somehow   this stand is managing to be worse than the  steering wheel the mid-range used market and   in today's video we're going to have a look  at the high end namely this monstrosity I'm   currently sitting in but we still have a  little bit of climbing to do before we get here [Music] now it's impossible to talk about  oil Baron type Sim racing without mentioning   direct drive which as we discussed in the previous  video apparently is the best way to connect like a   fake steering wheel to a motor to have it feel  the most carry and I'm real curious to see if   it's as much a step up from the other options  as people say luckily a company that makes the   direct drive basis MOZA reached out and was kind  enough to send a whole variety of direct drive   stuff in today's video we're going to be looking  at an entry-level direct drive set and something   quite a bit more high-end but the steering wheel  bit and the pedals isn't the whole story when it   comes to oil Baron Sim racing the way that you  mount that stuff is equally important so that   it can really feel like you're sitting in a real  car and one of the companies that makes awesome   cockpits giggity track racer also reached out  and sent over a real wild setup for us to mount   all of our direct driess to to have it feel  real badass but before we get to that let's   have a look at an entrylevel direct drive set ooh  with direct drive bases one of the main specs you   gauge their worthiness with is Peak torque output  which basically tells you to what extent the motor   can rip your arms off the R5 has 5.5 new M Peak  torque which handily amount mascul Ates the very   popular Logitech G29 from the previous video's  poultry 2.1 Newt M ooh that's a real chubby   gripped Little Wheel it feels good I like that wo  that's so heavy it's all metal you can feel that   there's a pretty serious motor in here on the back  there's a whole bunch of connections for pedals   handbrakes all kinds of stuff and then finally  the all metal pedals which I'm kind of struggling   to get into the shot here which oh what's really  cool about them is you can change the position of   the pedals along this base plate and you can buy  a separate clutch pedal to add to this generally   the MOZA ecosystem is extremely modular and  upgradeable which is nice with that let's set it up and after very pretty much not being confused  by the software installation and setup process   I was ready the first thing I've noticed before  even putting the wheel on is that the pedals do   not like carpet very much they really want to be  mounted to a rig cuz it's it's not very stable oh   game force feedback intensity let's put it on  50% but before racing Could Happen Aseto Corsa   needed its own setup procedure before playing  nice with the mosa kit oh it's so smooth and   there's like very interesting feeling bumps and  stuff so this is at 50% power oh so many little   bumps Everything feels so much clearer through  the steering wheel because you can't feel the   mechanism naturally I then turned up the power  oh you can really feel the road the way you feel   the like Wheels lock up is really crazy like  when you break real hard oh W wo there's so   much detail and after a whole lot more pleasure  moaning while driving over some grass I decided   to try some terrible drifting instead this  feels so different oh oh damn this feels so   different to the G29 a you can instantly feel  the additional power which I'm not really used   to to having to deal with yeah really need to  get used to it but it feels so much better I   then decided to try my hand at some beam andng  which was immediately terrifying oh this is like   table destroying stuff going on here oh my  word despite turning the force feedback down   it was still going ham I love how quietly this  thing just destroys your desk oh that's so much   feedback it's almost gratuitous to be honest  this is how you drive a pickup right right   oh no no it's all broken ah we're drifting our  pickup truck in a field in Italy very exciting   it is busy tearing the desk apart but that's part  of the the realism yeah it looks like it's doing   pretty well we've lost some windows but that's  to be expected oh yeah the these are not the   correct settings to be using this wheel with  it feels like I'm driving on a teenager's face here I then went back into the settings to see if  I could tame the Beast which was better until it   wasn't it's way better now I then discovered  the game specific setting presets in MOZA's   pitous software those setting changes made it  a lot angrier if anything this is the R5 as   well there's an R16 waiting for me in a box over  there I'm just going to destroy my wrists with   it I have driven an old car and it does kind of  feel like this I'm not going to lie like it does   it does feel like you're wrestling a bear in  the way that this feels I understand now why   something like an R16 doesn't come with a desk  Mount because it would rip this desk apart oh   oh oh waa having survived another violent crash  I decided to try and mount the R5 base to the   stand I got with my used setup from the previous  video which despite the fact that the mounting   plate of the stand looks like it took some buck  shot to the face still needed me to drill extra   holes for mounting the base and the pedals so  mounting compatibility is really something to   pay attention to I also added the awesome brake  upgrade for the SRP light pedals which gives it   a lot firmer brake feel finally having the R5  mounted to something a bit sturdier made a huge   difference the pedals weren't walking around  anymore and beam and G crashes weren't nearly   as harrowing anymore at least that's what I  initially thought oh oh oh terrible things   happened what oh oh no let me please change the  oh my god oh there's so much vibration oh Jesus   but with that let's get to the big boy gear so  we can see how much more you get for quite a   long more money track racer really went to town  this I don't even think this is half of it the   all so heavy lots of metal and stuff happening  it kind of seems like I'm building an actual car today now this is all of it and by all of it  I mean just the Trak Racer stuff this doesn't   include any of the MOZA gear yet I am so excited  to build this bewildered by the massive boxes I   just open opened all of it and hoped that the way  forward would somehow make itself clear either   way it quickly became obvious this was a serious  piece of kit that thing is one piece where does   is that like the stand that holds the holy crap  and then under that is a slightly less obscenely   massive piece luckily the instructions were very  clear even for an idiot like me and soon things   were starting to make sense I find the way the  assembly Works fascinating you've got these huge   pieces of extrude aluminum with these grooves in  them and then you have these little threaded ball   bearings which slots into the groove in the metal  with the bowl bearing holding it in place and you   can move it using that and you can kind of set it  anywhere along there and then screw what the thing   is that you need to screw down into it that's  a really smart way to make a system like this   very modular I then spent the next two days with  a couple Allen keys and a whole bunch of elbow   grease screwing until my eyes watered I just  wasn't prepared for how physically demanding   building this Frame would be but at the same time  deeply satisfying this is easily one of the most   obscene things I've looked at on the channel thus  far I am super excited to finish it uh I'm pretty   close I'm actually at the point where I need to  start whipping out all of the mosa stuff so that   we can get the mounting in order for that now when  it comes to the other MOZA stuff we have not just   a round steering wheel but it's a full-sized  round steering wheel it's a 13in in diameter   one which is nice and thick and then in terms of  pedals they sent over their SRP racing pedals uh   we also have a clutch for it they're very similar  to the SRP light for the the other setup but the   breake on this this has an actual load cell  in it which instead of using the angle of the   brake pedal to determine how much input you're  giving the load cell measures the force you're   putting on the pedal and it apparently feels a lot  more like a real breake pedal and finally MOZA's   monstrous R16 base the R5 has Peak torque output  of 5.5 newm whereas this has a wrist shattering   16 strong enough to murder a small child but  what I find more interesting is the higher bit   encoder in the R16 which gives it almost 10 times  as many points of detail over the rotation of the   wheel back oh wa that is absurdly heavy oh oh  look at that thing it's metal I mean that thing   feels like it's made out of solid uranium it is  so sturdy feeling the physics defying density   of the R16 did make mounting a little bit of a  hassle however mounting the pedals was the real   struggle because of all of the mounting holes on  the plate which you very much need for Universal   compatibility but finding the correct alignment  for your pedals is like playing a where's Waldo   game designed by Satan I ended up taking the  plate off and mounting it to the back of the   pedals but then it turns out that some of the  screws that MOZA gave weren't long enough to make   it through the industrial strength base and by  the time I bought long enough screws and mounted   the seat I is exhausted oh I can finally sit in  it oh this is a crazy device the next challenge   was dialing in the steering wheel angle first I  tried swapping to a front mount which would let   me get the steering wheel lower without impeding  leg room but infuriatingly the track racer front   mount wasn't compatible with the mosa base  and the mosa front mount wasn't compatible   with the Trak Racer stand so I had to remount  the 100 ton R16 to the top mount but use MOZA's   extension Rod to get it low and far enough back so  my knees had room but once I attached the monitor   mount the three day construction process of  This Magnificent Beast was finally [Music] done [Music] oh that feels remarkably like  you're sitting in a real car which is very   cool uh I also like how adjustable this thing  is although having said that it is the most   effort ever to adjust anything on it it feels  like moving a Mountain every time just cuz of   how heavy everything is and how many bolts it all  requires I am super excited to give it a try so   let's fire it up as was the case with the R5 we  had to tweak the crap out of the settings before   we could get going but at the moment I have the  base set at 40% power which should put it just   a little bit more powerful than the R5 at max  power that feels so much like it's attached to   a real car oh it feels really different there's a  lot more like variability in the type of feedback   that it gives you so you have this like really  smooth tug that it gives when you can feel the   weight transfer of the car but then there's  lots of tiny texture detail when you hit a   curb you can feel the weight of the car really  well with this wheel let's turn the intensity up   a bit and see what that does oh that 10% made  a big big difference at 50% it's it's already   scary like this is really strong that's a frisky  sounding car I like that one of the things that   I really like about these direct drive bases is  that you can clearly feel the character of the   different cars next a quick jump to 55% power and  a terrifying old Lamborghini oh it's so heavy oh   oh it really wanted to to kill me there I guess  if you're a gorilla you'd be really excited by it   how strong this is then I put on my big boy pants  and cranked it up to 70 no way no way and finally   I tried something even scarier than the mural  which went well oh oh we've locked up come on   turn into the corner oh I feel like I'm going to  injure myself this isn't fun anymore no we Vlog   okay it does actually save you the crash impact  I was S I was about to lose my life there my word   now I've changed my seating position slightly  I've reclined the chair like one set down and   it feels way more comfy now wao what the R5 with  this pickup truck you're like wrestling it whereas   here it's so like soft and floaty look at that  and this is at 50% so I think this is like 8 new   M we're at but beam G's violence quickly reared  its ugly head okay what about ah oh okay you   don't want to hit a curb clearly oh that's cool  so you use the joysticks to like look around oh no oh it it really makes you not want to crash  the force feedback is a lot angrier in BeamNG oh and the moment you touch the accelerator  in a corner with this thing it's over oh lock up   oh please stop locking up okay we're good I  then decided to switch tactics from baboon to   80-year-old retired dentist fourth gear there  we go that's nice and peaceful fifth nothing   terrifying happening here at all keep it between  2 and 3,000 RPM otherwise you're stressing the   engine is my driving instructor would always  say this is so boring oh my God I need to oh   yeah locking up that's that's got me excited  again the arousal is back very good now we're   on a a really small Road and you know what they  say the smaller the road the more forgiving it   is for gorilla Behavior see this is fine this is  safe what we're doing here 100 oh the the ramps   feel oh oh oh no things are oh oh I'm so scared  I want to go that was a mistake I don't know this   motor somehow manages to shake this whole frame  I I don't know how it does it because this Frame   weighs several times what I do uh but it is yeah  it's it's an angry [Music] thing now after that   amazing beam and G showing I have been comparing  this crazy R16 setup to the R5 bundle we looked   at earlier for the last week and this Behemoth rig  is awesome but its performance depends quite a lot   on the game you're playing because if the game  has terrible driving physics you don't benefit   from the epicness as much with a setto Corsa  for example with its amazing driving physics   there's almost an eerie sense of the wheel being  connected to a real car there's so much detail   and communication through the steering wheel don't  get me wrong aeto Corsa feels great through the R5   as well but it's kind of like going from 1080p  to 1440p if that makes sense whereas beam and   G's physics is violent I think is the only way I  can describe that but then when you get to a game   like dirt rally 2 the driving feedback is so much  more muted than the other games and I didn't feel   nearly as big a difference between the R5 and the  R16 in games like that and the mosa stuff doesn't   have official console support yet uh there is an  unofficial way to get it working there's like a   little device you can buy which I will try out  at some point but as of now you can't plug a   console into the L MOA gear which does limit your  games Library further and the main difference the   frame makes is proper driving position which is  awesome adjustability and sturdiness the fact   that you can just lay into the brake pedal  without something shifting around gives you   a real sense of confidence which brings me to  the value discussion now earlier in the video   I did tell you what all of the mosa kit costs uh  the combination is about $1,400 but we haven't   discussed the track racer frames price yet now  the frame I'm sitting in now is is called the   TR 160s which costs $750 but that's just the base  cost of the frame you still need to add a chair a   monitor amount if you want that there's a whole  bunch of accessories you can add to it which is   pretty cool I like the modularity but it gets  expensive quick with all the accessories this   setup is about $1,400 which with the mosa pricing  is almost $33,000 not including the monitor that's   just for the Sim racing stuff which is quite a lot  of money but track racer and Mosa's ecosystems are   both very modular so offer a great upgrade PA so  you can start with like the R5 bundle for $460   which I feel like is very good value for money  the Logitech g923 which is their current Gear   Drive base sells for about $400 and the R5 is way  better than that so that's like very good value   for money and if you add that onto a more budget  rig or even a half stand which track racer also   has and those half frames are really good if space  is an issue I feel like that is where the price to   Performance kind of peak is when it comes to sim  racing stuff but if you're like a Saudi Prince   and you really like Sim racing or you've been  slowly upgrading a rig for ages getting to this   point is real awesome if you play a setto Corsa  with that I've just been having so much fun with   this Clinging On for de life as you wrestle an  old Lotus Formula 1 car around the nurur ring   is an intensely physical experience and I love  it so much the next step is definitely VR cuz   I think that'll easily Elevate this experience  to something underwear destroying I think that   that is going to be mindblowing considering  the tactility of all of these peripherals so   subscribe if you want to see that and until the  next video thank you very much for watching thank   you mosa and track racer for sending over this  awesome stuff and until the next video [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 169,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: yMdUt3AcFWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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