Transforming into a SNAKE in Roblox!

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what a lovely night for a walk yes it is bob why are we all bob bob's why are we all wearing the same hat today bob yes i think something's wrong with that bob wait what's that sound bobs i don't know about it i'll go and check it out no no draco what's in this bush wait why's your name draco we're all supposed to be bob here it's taking me don't let it take me deserved it guys where's draco bob what's luna bob why did you say draco bob deserved it because his name's draco there is no bob in his name therefore he deserves it okay come on let's go in here i think we have to escape get him get in shouldn't we go look for draco bob he's missing jack above our names aren't actually bob let's stop calling each other bob okay why not rainbow rainbows wait what now i have become something's over there oh draco the snako and now i draco the snako will eat you all what the hell okay let's escape flying thank you drake i have this orange you know what i think it's it's kind of funny because everyone used to call draco draco anyways that's his origin story and he's turned into water whoa draco i think upstairs is where yellow key goes oh you think you're safe on top of stairs right upstairs there's nothing up here where's the pink key go oh we're trapped a dead end oh oh lunar pinky goes downstairs to the basement what the hell that's funny what are you doing he's doing i'm running out of steak he killed luna what do we do no one will escape this house where are you going what where does this go i don't know why is there so many colored keys and they lead nowhere gold yes gold gold i'm not i'm outside what are you doing i'm looking for keys in the garden we have so many keys but we don't know where they go oh no oh my draco the snake you know what they say stay too long in the garden and you will become the garden okay nobody says that no one says that draco the snakehole says that he all goes here but luna's where are you where are you ah we're going back upstairs no we're not funny we're not going upstairs what we're stuck with like two two keys that go literally nowhere and i don't know where luna put the pinky thank you okay oh i'm sorry i just died i got the snake oh yeah i got it gold where are you i'm supposed to be upstairs hey draco how about some bad breath oh you're so stinky come on rainbow rainbow we need the pinky lunar where did you last put the pig um it was upstairs until uh draco snako killed me okay great [Laughter] bye-bye you think i can't go down this i i can't wait wait draco can you try that again i mean draco the snake oh rainbow hurry can you go down the hall oh no that's so good are you afraid of heights i am draco the snake oh is afraid of heights it's my only weakness i don't know where these keys go where does this white come out come out wherever you are i can't can i jump the pinky goes here right okay now we just need to axe okay patch it would be why is there dynamite near this rock gold did you see a hatchet while you were playing nope i didn't sorry great oh sillies the pinky also goes upstairs rainbow i think it's time i'm helping them we're all gonna die okay go go rainbow how many how many snake sprays do you have don't i don't know i think it it got refilled though we're just gonna have to wish that it works or just just sneak our way close your eyes and spray it on here rainbow get up it's coming no no no trap yeah i'm coming let's go let's go run run run run no no no is he in that room he's camping in that is he i feel he's camping in that dark hole jump go right out come on let's go [Music] we tried we tried to survive oh my gosh draco you killed rainbow twice what the hell have you no mercy i have no mercy draco the snake was betrayed so he's cruel cause you guys didn't help him after he got dragged into the bush well guys i've decided i'm going to become a snake goodbye i will eat you luna luna has no mercy okay we guys we gotta go fast yeah she's clearly not gonna be easy on us you have to remember to shut all the doors but there's so much money around here you survived last round show me where all the keys are okay well he has a safe key we need to find the pinky useless i got the pink kids in the kitchen come on grab it let's go upstairs hurry hurry before luna wakes up lunar the snake or should i call her lunus actually leaner with her seven no oh no guys get out of here snake your sister's just pushed you draco oh my gosh she's the train you bust me into her no no he did it no we did it did anyone see that we didn't right you guys pushed him to his death it's all your fault no space you're gonna die for that okay wait i complimented you yeah anyone have a blue key anyway come on if i remember the blue key was upstairs okay none of these doors open okay just go back smart i feel like it's way too small oh good job upstairs quiet grab that hurry she's upstairs oh i got it wait there you go okay let's go ready luna she's so quiet you ready i'm scared of her yeah she's not talking as a snake clear coast is clear coast is clear go go go go it's time to kill everyone else as you can tell i am that's the snake is key why would you say that and now it's time for you to die stay in the house or what or get stepped on you snake [Laughter] get out of here gold accept your death and just die never oh my god they call me safety legs what's what's going on over here rainbow why would you walk by that but you know what that bus does rainbow you know that is the snake blush that is the bush of course we have no time to wait let's just escape i know you know how scary snakes are in this game yeah yeah yeah key anywhere oh grab that um oh kind of safety useless there's a pink key up here we are pinky oh the yellow key is right here okay let's go grab it wait trucker where are you at right behind you what funny through this door orange key got it i'll grab the safe i'll grab the safe someone open that blue door so we could get some spray at least why she's so quiet uh i've awoken in my own spot can i say rain oh you cannot do you know why do you know why i wanted to check the bushes why because i just found a web page for 50 plus snake puns right now can you uh rainbow snakes give us like the safe room is open funny snake pun okay here's the first one why don't snakes drink coffee because it's spicy there's snake this one is coffee spicy fudge i don't know guys we're making progress gold gold standing here staying here i don't know rain snake what because it makes them viper active well that's not funny so sunny rainbow i am traveling i have a joke for you rain spells at the cellar what what's the snake's favorite breakfast [Music] i don't know orange juice um rainbow snake mad funny you shouldn't have done that did i she's already upstairs you guys thank you you're so hysterical wait is actually i think you're very sly might grab this no grab this oh that's right i can't i already have another key i think we need the axe still i'm not sure how cold you might want to go grab the water up here by the rocks okay is she out there guys hello fine okay wait let her do her pawn what welcome to the s club okay what do you call a snake that likes to bake a baker's a python oh come back here she's camping oh oh hello there oh my stun tools out guys i'm not camping this is my garden camp skirt it's just the snake in me this is so bad funny you might be scared of me because like i just like devoured all of them like it probably looks really bad but i am so hungry honestly okay i'm back at the basement thingy you could go get me if you want so what i'm i'm back i think i'm stupid you think i just have snakes in my brain huh i think you're i think you're still i'm just kidding snakes are really smart okay well i'm gonna stay in the bunker because it's safe uh-huh and i'm gonna protect my little cave right here so you go ahead and tell me when you're ready to come out you can't be ripped i hate you that's it i got it draco luna gold thank you so much for your sacrifice do you have another pun rainbow oh um yeah sure can you stop camping so i can i have another pun i have another just what do snakes do when they get angry they throw hissy fits wow die don't worry guys i'll go check out the snake bush this time okay sure you're just saying that because you want to be a snake [Laughter] well can i tell you a joke please since i'm a snake leaving okay so this is not the only jokester nope a drum set and a snake falls off a cliff what happened sorry i read the wrong joke let me go to the right sorry a sheep a drum and a snake fell off a cliff [Music] [Laughter] what the heck guys okay whatever sorry i was just confusion um um what i just took ahead i don't see your i don't wanna you don't see a snake i just see it floating okay luna since you think that's so funny you can have fun oh [Applause] oh no so you're probably wondering this is a cool rattlesnake wait wait spring you probably think rattlesnakes they have like little uh little particle or balls in their little rattle to make that noise it's actually the sound of their bones what yeah oh for real yes what does that mean but the are your bones okay why are there bones everywhere why are there bones i don't know just lay their belts and that's a true fact ah you can google it i learned it from snake talk what's happening you're the only one left but you want snake talk say real stuff no draco i am the best snake around here i'm gonna do a massive takedown where are you going why are you opening the door behind you what he was you didn't see who's behind me luna don't wrap me out right behind you you can't be ratted out dracco fine whatever i'm gonna go hide draco my space buns can hear you your space buns don't have ears you know what snakes don't let people in their houses do snakes have houses yeah because you're just star prey draco where are you that makes no sense if draco it does it's not supposed to be a joke it's just it's just saying yes are you kidding me right now i have to slither my butt all the way back to the cellar yep he's definitely in the cellar right now he's getting the seller's stuff i don't know draco tracko she's hiding she's a snake she can slide anywhere he's not there anymore hey did you like insist to subscribe thanks oh [Music] oh no oh he's praying this is so sad just kill me please jacka i have some snake jokes for you oh no no no no no what do you think you should be a snake team yeah let me out what do you get when you cross a rabbit with a snake jump rope what wait what a jump rope a jellyfish a snake and a snail walk into a bar the jellyfish says this is impossible [Laughter] what what do you get a newborn snake with a basketball [Applause] you tried don't worry guys i'm going to go live life as a garden snake oh goodness things are nice are you sure you're a garden snake not a frost snake don't spicy snake or a shopping snake gold would be a cobra that's for sure cobras are dangerous what do you think she would like scare us with her glare no she'd be a cobra because she's fabulous did you hear that girl like complimented you you would be the queen talking you're suck up she's like you would be queen and cousins and anaconda no anacondas are the large ones but it's like king cobra so she'd be the queen quote you guys sound like a bunch of snakes right now not we're suckas no what funny you just said come on come on can we get the spikes we're not snakes hurry up here we can have someone bring the pinky rainbow has the pink teeth what's that is that for the safe no chocolate ah i don't think oh draco has it nice pink draco is attached to that snake stop talking okay what's we gotta get out what's in here let's just keep the green where does it wait i don't know got it oh you're on the hallway rainbow let's go let's go oh no thanks for the vault too we need it oh no wait oh my god you're free oh thank you i am the goddess princess snake why are you all scared of me because you're trying to eat us and you just eat luna i didn't wanted to talk about hair because it was pretty good guys gold is a fleshy snake color it's very scary she looks like she needs clothes [Music] what come on oh yes albino snakes are rare but i don't think you're an albino snake gold luna the door go go i don't need to happen mortals just pretending to escape oh okay thank you i'll just let you guys get into your holy grail for the kindness gold thank you bob that was close a bit too close we need to find the antidote for our friend wait a minute the snake the snake is never going to be gone it's always there make sure to put lots of snake emojis in the comment section because assistance snakes [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,521,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox snakey, roblox snake, snake roblox, roblox snakey itsfunneh, roblox snakey funneh, roblox snakey krew
Id: 0lNrBy92JH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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