Going Through New Recruit's Camera Roll (SUS)

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game master Network right now we are getting ready because the new recruits are coming in and we're doing game master trivia with them to see who deserves to be a game master spy that's right the game master chose Isaac to be part of the game master network no the test is true no no you guys said that Amanda is the actual one the game master chosen Isaac did something to make it look like he's supposed to be that makes no sense at all trust me Isaac can't be trusted here they come [Music] oh hello hey Amanda Isaac we're gonna be doing game master trivia to see how much knowledge you guys have about the game master Network you guys ready yeah I'm so ready if I get enough answers right can I finally get a full-size t-shirt at least you get a shirt I've always wanted to be a part of the game master okay you know what I have a seat get on down yeah boys versus girls oh no zadie's babysitter she can't watch so a terrible time right now I know it is right now and smash that thumbs up so you know that Matt can do the trivia good luck you guys I think this might be zadie's shirt game master surprise xavi's babysitter did not actually call but guess what I got Isaac's iPhone did you see that I just need to sneak in so I can go through its camera I can't know though today's trivia just got super extreme if you guys get it right man you get it right but if you get it wrong do a punishment today's first punishment is going to be a marshmallow pickle smell it get in there smell that thing oh it's awful two terrible things together no one likes either one of those we're gonna start off with true or false okay Zane fam I got Isaac's phone because I do not trust him I have been listening to you guys I can't prove it and no one else in the game master Network believes me I'm gonna go through his camera roll and figure it out hopefully there is no passcode true or false is it true that the tunnel system from the back of our house leads to the lake of Secrets true where else would it even lead false Pickle Time Isaac is actually right so it's marshmallow pickle time you gotta try the punishment Bon Appetit this is the grossest thing I've ever seen but does it taste gross hmm do you want the rest of the pickle I have it I think she said yes lucky I try to eat I told him the game after the network fools Sam fam I cannot believe Isaac did not have a passcode I could not know that I'm up here here's the first thing on this camera roll pretending to be happy when you're in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a person it's kind of a weird quote right yeah she's smiling but don't let that fool you look in her eyes she's Breaking Inside why does he have these quotes on his phone I mean that does not seem like the Isaac I know right game master spies comment below if you think the game master really chose Isaac to be part of the game master spies I wonder how he's doing down there with the trivia next punishment it's time to wax your nose ears I've tried this before it is horrific true or false the game master only has one brother true Mr false I think I watched one of Rebecca's videos where they did a musical for his sister Amanda you are correct yes which means you have to wax your nose yeah I've heard you've done it before because I said it in Australia the right one is always the decision right it's the always the right one okay it already hurts and hasn't even started it's hot wax all right well we're gonna keep on going while that's drying the art of the LIE how the manipulation of language affects our mind he's reading a book on how to lie do you think Isaac is telling the truth or do you think he's been lying this whole time I mean we gave him lie detector mixture last week but some of you guys said that he might have given it to Amanda go back and watch that video I just don't know how he could have done that I mean Matt poured the lie detector mixture into his Red Bull next punishment tis the season for a pumpkin Burger yeah is this true or false Maddie has never gone on a date with the Halloween hacker boss I went on a date with Maddie one time and she would have told me so she has or hasn't has not true she has you guys answered it weird but I'm glad I got the clarification she has gone on a date yeah you're gonna have to eat that pumpkin But first you want to take out those I'll try a little bit longer yeah how's it taste I don't know the fear of my nostrils keeping me from very pumpkiny I think it was a McChicken to be honest at first Amanda's winning right now looks like she knows more about the game master Network than this guy it's a picture of him and the game master so I guess this proves that the game master does like him it looks kind of weird whoa it shows the game Master's skin is that photoshop zamfam zoom in I can't tell that's really sus okay that's him on an airplane is he a model or something or maybe he's trying to be a model maybe that's his Tinder profile when he's trying to date we know he dates a lot of girls okay wow a red outfit he's hip he's stylish oh my gosh this is funny question next let's find out the punishment mystery drink smells terrible the question true or false has Rebecca ever been hypnotized ladies first oh no I'll let you go first yes she has I'm gonna go with Isaac on this one and say true yes she has you guys are both right yes your drink stays though these questions are gonna get a little bit harder now but first we gotta take care of the nostril hair and then this one he's like Mr suave in a suit is that the Red Hood zoom in do you guys see that no he hasn't dated the Red Hood right do you think she's spying on him because he's part of the game master spies okay let's keep going three two one you look like a porcupine there oh those have been growing since birth a picture of him getting gas okay I'm gonna move on to the next hold on is that an rhs in the back have they been spying on him this whole time why would they be doing that do you think that they know that the game master recruited him to be a part of this it was true boss I'm not even gonna do multiple choice you guys have to have the real answers it's gonna get super difficult right now and I'm smelling that drink it smells like Harry Potter vomit ew I hope you guys did your study because this is where the rubber meets the road I'm not even a part of the game master Network I can't even spell study why are you here then because the game master recruited me which is more than some people can say yeah I'm talking about her I I can tell it's not me which evil villain loves candy candy queen queen of gems oh it's so cute is why I have the small shirt I'm sure I hate to inform you guys that you guys are both right both love candy dang it what'd you say freak that's it the drink steak don't drink a stand where did the game master first Contact Rebecca and myself Big Bear Captain Big Bear cabin and I knew that without her help wouldn't the game master have told you yeah well I have a lot of things going on it seemed like you didn't know that yeah whatever should he do the punishment right now I think he should oh zamfam this is Isaac and Amanda is that a date it looks like some type of picnic comment below I thought you went on dates with Javier remember when I survived on a penny with my daughter and I helped her with her date and that was Javier did I miss a chapter hit it this is annoying yeah yeah it's bad you drink a little bit no way I'm not drinking that it smells like right before you do the Easter eggs yeah it's sour that's the kind of stuff that'll grow the hair back in your nose that's Amanda again with her BET right you guys know Amanda doesn't matter look at Isaac he doesn't look like he likes rats that much comment below if you know her rat's name I actually don't know I wonder what it is which hacker group wears gold face masks loves gold anything that's your rack's name yeah the quadrant and they're horrifying because they follow you everywhere so I've heard The Shining when you guys got this right one of you guys got this wrong oh that's a tarantula last week when we did the trust challenge Isaac said he had a tarantula as a pet any mini miny moe I love glitter dang it she likes it and it got on me this is another one it says I miss you do you think the tarantula died oh that's so sad no way I mean last week he was saying that it was alive that doesn't make sense and then do anything for the one you love and there's a spider you're not gonna get this one right who was the first host in the first clue in real life Wadsworth easy we were both in that video well you guys are referring to the most recent clue in real life but that wasn't the first one it's actually hosted by the Red Hood no oh cool I have Buffalo soda you guys are both gonna have to take a drink oh my gosh why is it orange Buffalo Wild what's going on in the game master artwork and my nose knows that you guys don't know what happened this was disgusting but you want to know it's not disgusting is the cutest picture that I have of you in that maid costume and of you looking Super Fly in that suit let's see it yeah let's see it yeah hold up you guys see my phone no maybe you didn't bring it in no I definitely had it whenever I don't know I hate it happens to me all the time I leave it in the Park yeah I'll leave it over there I have an idea Rebecca hasn't actually texted me about the babysitter it's on every time I lose my phone I used to find my phone app so why don't you use the Find My Phone app on my phone to find your phone that's genius let's see what's next oh my it's it's beeping that says my phone's up there that's weird I haven't been up there maybe you left it up there that's me all the time let's find my phone I can't know I'm here [Music] it is yeah Amanda talk to me about when you met the game master yeah I don't know why I said that I've never met the game master are you sure yeah I can't remember hey yeah no no they're totally buying it but she's still here all right but if I do all this then you better give me back what I want I'm serious time to go be best friends with the game master spies okay Mr spice did you hear that he was talking to someone and saying that they're buying it do you think they're talking about us I knew that he was fast but no one else is gonna believe me and he took his phone I'm not a hacker I have no proof of this comment below what you think I should do so I can convince the others that Isaac is not good
Channel: Game Master Network
Views: 1,582,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going, through, new, recruit, camera, roll, trust, game, master, network, gmn, gms, game master
Id: sbjQinRLL14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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