Accepting What Is

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[Music] so i'd like to end this with a meditation and it's a meditation of accepting what is so as i said when you fully accept what is it is a surrender to what is it is a letting go so of course it's always good to when you're accepting what is you're accepting the present moment however the present moment is showing up for you so close your eyes sit comfortably in your chair and if you need to be able to help you stay alert you can all move to the edge of your chair so that you're kind of not leaning on the back of your chair so your back can sit straight if you have that tendency to you know when you go in meditation and you suddenly just kind of drop off so let's be alert with what is so that we can then have that movement begin to occur and that transition or that transformation of letting go of what arises so we can be fully here in this moment so let's have everyone take a deep inhale and exhale with this eye just letting go of any excess energy that may be lingering in our bodies and again deep inhale and exhale let it go and bring your attention to your body feeling your body scan your body from head to toe noticing the body maybe there's some tension maybe there's some tightness maybe there's some pain but let go of those labels and just feel and consciously relax your body so just don't think you're relaxed check your body out check where there's tension and then relax noticing your breath feeling the inhale and feeling your exhale just accepting your breath in this moment whether your breath is shallow whether it's deep just notice no judgment just noticed if thoughts arise except those two because it's already arisen but don't hang on to it just simply let it go notice any resistance within you resistance in the mind which creates stagnation a contraction in the body accept the resistance as soon as you accept the resistance and accept it fully it's no longer resistance do you notice the pain body there accept that too welcome it without judgment without wishing it for it to be gone you may even notice the stories that arise for every pain body has a story the story arise just notice it but don't hang on to it just simply let it go like a balloon that has helium you just let go of the balloon let go of the string go of the story yeah notice whether there's anticipation for the next moment that too is just the energy of the mind just notice accept it and let it go back to your attention your breath your body the inner body notice whether you your mind is wanting something different than what is don't believe that thought be present with what is what is right now is your breath the inner body sensations in your body the sounds in this room occasional thought the emotion that arises it's all part of what is here in this moment but there is something deeper that is also here and that is your awareness the awareness of the form dimension [Music] but turn your attention around to become aware of awareness itself allow yourself the experience of this moment your body your mind and as the stillness the awareness that you are allow the three [Music] come together as the trinity as the one don't take your thoughts so seriously thoughts arise just notice them a lot of our thoughts are not important a lot of our thoughts are habitual thoughts come to the deeper sense of i the deeper dimension you are the witness of what is so be the witness and notice as you stay connected to stillness as well as connected to your body maybe there's a movement that is occurring within you within your body the movement and the release of the pain body energy of old emotional wounds and then a movement arises also the movement of consciousness as the inner body and as we are connected to heaven stillness and earth the body for this flower relax your body we want to train our body to let it allow it to be in non-resistance to retrain our bodies to become that relaxed awareness when the condition itself plays out the contraction in our bodies become a habit it's like breaking that habit letting go of that tension letting go of the thought forms and believing in the thought forms begin to feel and sense in sense of stillness feel the air around you feel this moment full acceptance of this moment is also feeling being aware of it being aware of what you feel if subtle movements occur in the body as you are still and allow the energy your life force to move through you may find your body just subtly making some movements just allow those movements to occur for what's happening is that your body is realigning itself it's aligning itself with spirit body mind and spirit as one and when that alignment occurs there's a freedom there's an experience of a relaxation in the midst of being alert and aware the grasping energy dissolves but you first must realize and see that you have grasping energy and to accept it fully accept what is fully as if you are going to and are willing to feel it forever it forms all forms dissolve the grasping energy dissolves the awareness that you are the awareness of your aware of form aware of awareness itself the stillness within you
Channel: Kim Eng
Views: 128,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim Eng, Eckhart Teachings, Eckhart Tolle, acceptance, be present, Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle teachings, consciousness, Kim eng teachings, Presence Through Movement
Id: pfpMYHPadYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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