Transforming a Village in Hardcore Minecraft (#2)

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hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let's play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don't have anything the only housing that we've made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our silk touch villager in we are going to completely revamp this Village over here just so we can look at it from our house with a little bit of inspiration I am absolutely not joking when I tell you on stream it took me only one try to get The Mending book I took me about 50 tries to get the silk touchbook but actually my first try I got The Mending book but we did just buy our first mending book and our first silk touch book right now let's move back inside real quick I have a small amount of enchanting and a small amount of interior decoration that I would like to show you guys that we've done so far the first floor is not entirely done yet cuz we don't have a lot of the decoration materials that I'd like to use like candles glowberries and Amethyst but we'll be getting a lot of that but we did what we could so far with the materials that we have and I am liking this a lot I cannot wait for the decorated pots to have some pottery shirts in them tried experimenting with a couple different block types for what we have so far and I've never used dripstone as pillars that go from the ceiling to the floor on an interior part of the decoration and I love that just realizing right now that the lighting is now getting oxidized I should get some waxed copper but that means getting some honey and that actually means going to find a beehive this guy's taken a liking to the house which I'm pretty cool with I'd like more villagers to come move in here but let's go to the third floor real quick don't mind the stair location I don't know if this is going to be permanent and uh I I think the enchantment setup is going to be up here but I don't know if I'm going to have a more open concept for this flooring over here let's place down our very first Anvil and let's get this fortune 3 pickaxe with a mending book in it we have an unenchanted hoe and you know what let's just drop a low level on it let's just get efficiency one real quick just so I can see what the next enchantments are going to be honestly efficiency 4 on the shovel right now does sound pretty nice also a brand new axe with Unbreaking three on it with silk touch nice not too bad and since we have the silk touch book right here I'm just going to throw it onto an unassuming pickaxe and now we are set to go we can finally gather a bunch of blocks that we weren't able to before this guy's jumping for joy I'm going to follow him outside and we've been doing a little bit more decoration to the interior here as well the second floor actually has a small balcony that looks over into here where the the polar bears and the horses are currently calling this home but uh pretty soon they'll moved outside we have way too much stuff to do in this series there's too much going on I collected way too many mobs in the first episode and now they all need homes but before any of those guys can get homes we got to house all of these villagers this Village over here is starting to look a little bit plain compared to everything that we've been making over here there's a lot of landscaping we need to do as well I kind of want to flatten out this area so I can make a nice looking wall and these guys have been breeding it looks like we have about 10 villagers over here so we have a solid Village we can hook up a security wall closer to this mountain that WS all the way over closer to these ice spikes well maybe not that big but this is a pretty big-sized Village it has two Bells right here so technically it's two Villages all of these buildings are about to be replaced and and what are you doing up there dude this is absolutely not allowed but I'm I'm going to walk away and pretend like I saw nothing so just for the moment the two Librarians that I have in here they're going to just remain in the dirt enclosure I don't want them to perish I had a Mason that was chilling in the house and he's gone now I think a drown got him sometime when I was gone but uh yeah I don't want that to happen to these guys so they're just going to stay in the dirt enclosure until I have more houses for him and everything over here is getting so loud time for y'all to go for a second actually first let's make more cows real quick let's get rid of all of the wheat that we have on us and now that we have that gun let's get some leather this guy's coming to hang out with his friends sir you can't get in the dirt enclosure you actually have a house actually he's like dude you just built me a house right here looks like we can get Unbreaking three on a shovel right here and that's just about it you know what we can combine that with our efficiency 4 just got to level up a little bit more here really trying to get a nice enchantment on this sword we do have a sharpness four sword already but we need something just a little bit more than that so let's drop this in Unbreaking three and sharpness 3 okay this cat can't figure out how to get to the bed it's so funny I have a bed right under the stairs but for some reason it thinks it's just on the stairs but you know that's not the bed dude but guys by the way you did actually name this cat and rocks was the name you chose we're going to name this C I haven't found any name tag yet but we're going to name this cat rocks I saw the name rocks in the comment section at least 20 times now if you guys want to name this puppy right here let me know actually you know what let's give this guy a blue colar real quick just just to make him a little different as soon as we get a name tag rocks is the first guy that's going to get named we also have Paul and poblo the polar bears outside these guys are going to get named as well but now the puppy if you guys have any name suggestions definitely leave them in the comment section down below I'd love to hear him before I leave I also wanted to show you guys we have a button right here on the ground for a good reason if I leave right here here there's not blocks on the ground so you hear a doorbell every single time I open the door and walk in and walk out at first I thought this was pretty cool you know we have an alarm kind of sound every time a villager or somebody walks in the house but I don't it just gets a little old really fast so I put a button right here to stop that now it's time to buy those books we have some emeralds to buy them with but uh these books are kind of expensive since we haven't zombified and cured any of them yet and this guy's stuck in the boat sorry about that dude but I mean we have a silk touch book available for 11 emeralds and our mending book is available for 20 which is not that great also if we hop over to the Village we do have a couple more Librarians that are set up but these guys have a couple different books that we're trading I'm actually just going to hop over here into this little jail so this is a very expensive trade sharpness five and efficiency 5 are usually pretty expensive but efficiency 4 was the one that I settled for because I mean it was half the price and I couldn't find efficiency 5 we can just combine these books for now and we will get an efficiency 5 book later but the efficiency 5 book at first was 64 emeralds and I was like no way so 27 emeralds I guess we'll just do it with a combination of both of these books also in this side of the village we do have a villager that is now selling us feather falling 4 I do not want to fall from really high up and take any fall damage to the point where I perish and so yeah that I thought that was a good idea 17 emeralds is not that great for the trade though so as you can see there's a trend here everything's very expensive so we could either get them zombified and cured which might take a while or we could just make a mini raid farm and you know just get of the village which is definitely the next step in the plan for today's episode but before we leave the Village area there's a couple of beehives over here that I wanted to grab now that we have a silk touch pickaxe you are coming with actually you know what let's just take this tree out and we have beehive number two right here silk touch is amazing all we need is a couple campfires to place below the beehives and we can start harvesting some honey I'm just going to break this right here and break this right here and you know what we will bring this out this out and I'm going to put the be Nest on top of both of those then we can use the and get ourselves some honey now we can use some candles to help with our interior decoration but I haven't even run into any spiders yet I definitely need some string luckily there are other uses for the Honeycombs we can apply them to the oxidized copper well just regular copper blocks I guess the oxidized copper in the ceiling I did want it to just be regular copper so let's take all that down we're going to wax this real quick and wax that real quick I think this is the first time I've got that wax on achievement I have never used the waxed copper before but now it's going to be shiny we can get the land Ln hung right there we'll get the acacia signs on all four sides and there we go that looks much more clean we're going to use the oxidized copper for something else later on I have yet to build anything really with copper in my hardcore series so I really am looking forward to doing that for some reason rocks just won't go to the bed or chill on any floor really he just wants to hang out on the stairs so I'm off to the flower forest real fast I was actually lucky enough to find a nice surprise so there's a village right next to the flower forest and there's also a beehive right here that I can grab now let's go but we're going to go to that Village next to the flower forest and steal a villager instead of all of his items this time we're going to go past this first Village this one's still a little bit too far away there we go I see poppies tulips okay there's the sunflower Forest go right past the flowers and on the other side of the hill we should oh there's a pathway and here we go we have our villagers I'm going to have to take one of you guys which one of y'all wants to get in the boat actually I see a guy down here without a job let's just put you in the boat right here he just walked the other direction okay how about you get in the boat then all right I'm out of here with you sir let's go now I'm going to try to get us as close as possible to where this raid farm setup is going to be and actually there's another beehive right here I should take before I forget it did I see a bee fly away from it yep there was a bee that just flew back in I heard him and we're taking his home that horse is looking Majestic up there slowly making our way across the field into that Savannah Biome and we probably should get rid of some of that creeper grass we are some Speed Racers these guys probably can't even see us right now we're going so fast passed through the flower Forest just a little bit longer and we're almost in the pond and if you can look to my right just a little bit you might see something special we have a Pillager Outpost that we had found all the way out here right next to the flower farm if I had just actually looked to my left just even a little bit in last episode I I would have seen this thing but uh nope I didn't look to my left at all and this thing went unnoticed the sunsets looking gorgeous as usual and I actually have yet to go into the building I want to get the goat horn that's probably in there now in order for this to work I need to get this guy closer to the composter and what do you see are you over here bud what what are those what are those green dots he's doing it it's working so far I really hope he doesn't fall into the Trap I hope he just goes straight into the glass cube one step two step three step oh he's all the way in okay so we are going to lock you in right here bud you are now a farmer wait where are you going no no no no no no well never mind he's gone and actually wait wait do not go in here I'm going to turn all of these trap doors like this so that guy doesn't even think about walking over them and now I'm getting shot from behind what you know what you're going in get yeed if you guys haven't seen this design before it's basically just four corners of water sliding into the middle to send every mob that goes down now this guy's just getting further and further away now he's coming back slowly you know what just get away no no no don't go in there okay please sir just get in the boat this guy is just living on the edge I why why are you doing this right now please get out of there maybe he'll get into the boat yes there we go okay over here we we go dude this is why are you being like this villagers are always causing trouble break the axe and he has no way to get out I'm going to break this glass and oh wait no no no no no no sir uh why does he want to escape just not going to allow that okay he has no way to escape so here's what we're going to do he's in and now you're done place a dirt right there and boom boom boom boom you are now locked and loaded let's break everything down real quick now we can just kill a captain and get a raid started reflip all these guys real fast we already got a guy following me right here but you are not a captain I'm looking for a captain you are also not a captain actually you know what let's just run inside real quick where is the front door it's not here where's the front door please is it on the other side looks like it's on the complete other side okay boom boom boom and let's see what's in here well what do you know nobody's even spawning in here well this is kind of great no one's even spawning in here got a bottle of enchanting and we have a goat horn I'm taking this whole chest and let's see what the goat horn sounds like absolutely beautiful we do have a captain let's go okay so I will just run down here real quick and let's just go boom there's a lot of dudes out here hold on we just need to go boom all right so we just got voluntary Exile let's run all the way over to the farm and pretty soon a raid is going to start cuz we have a villager right here quickly as I can I'm going to get that closed up and the raid should be starting I finally have a little bit of an area where I can watch it from looks like they're going to be falling in one by one there goes one is this guy just going to fall right in and there he goes looks like we got one guy that's having a hard time finding his way over and he's gone break these right here and right here that way I can creep in just a wee bit closer and boom we will make this room look much nicer right now it's still just a bunch of stone and granite on the walls but I just wanted to make sure it works which it seems like it does but I am actually going to move everything down now we have it moved down about three more blocks and it seems like more pillagers are being added to the raid the numbers went right back [Music] up well all right we got our first ravager over here and everyone's about to fall in and you might notice that we have just moved a little bit I did spend and with an arrow in my chest I spent a little bit of time on stream moving everything from over there to over here we needed to move about 50 blocks over to the west or actually this is the East over here I did not know that if you build your raid Farm a little bit too close to the Pillager Outpost it's just going to infinitely spawn Raiders in over and over and over again it will never end we just need this witch and this Captain to fall actually I don't know if the ravager took fall damage all the way down jono there we go okay so yeah it seems like he's still right here sorry buddy I should have made this drop just a little bit farther for you dude these guys have so much health okay we got that guy in and we got some banners already only one left fine finally about to move on to the fourth round and there he goes oh and there's a spider I still need to kill a spider we need string there's so many things that we can craft with string there's the horn and here comes the fleet what's going on every oh my God there's a bunch of witches this time it'd be cool if the raids were like completely different mobs every time like if there was an entire raid of only witches that'd be terrifying and of course it's raining it is always raining this guy has no idea that he's walking right on top of me and see you I'll just wait down here for a second let them all fall in and okay there goes the ravager and oh wait we do have a totem I am actually putting this on right now let's go I still haven't seen an evoker I just want to lay my eyes on one the raid's about to begin oh right over there and oh there's an evoker riding a ravager right now dude these evokers are so fast there's two of them sprinting right at me this would be terrifying if I was just standing right here without the glass barrier I am so vulnerable I'm going to hop down I see a ravager maybe two of them that we have to take down another totem I'm going take this and it looks like we have another I'm just going to keep on taking all these okay oh we got it that's hero of the village right there okay so now we have uh okay there's another totem let's take this right here and we have some glowstone dust I will be back for a lot of these items I'm just going to put them in here for now I'm taking these Saddles back home I'm taking all the totems back home we did it and again I will be coming back here I'm going to leave this bed here for now but I'm going to come back and make all of this look much nicer I also need to to build a minecart transport system that's going to take me all the way out here in case you guys are wondering how much work it took to get everything moved we had the first hole right here I just filled it all in and then if we walk all the way back over to the pond I had to refill it all the way back up with the dirt that we had taken out over here and almost half of all of the dirt that we took back at the first house and I put a grid in the Pond cuz I didn't know if stuff was going to spawn in the raid all the way out here in the flower Forest so I figured you know what here's a bridge for them to run all the way across we will be back buddy thank you for the totem I really appreciate your hard work that Minecart transports system will be nice to come back here anyways cuz then I can come back here and bone meal the ground frequently when I run out of tulips I'm thinking next time the nightfalls I'm probably going to have to let it remain nighttime for a little bit because I need to have a run in with a few spiders I need some string also now that we have some totems I have a little bit more confidence to get into those Lush caves that we found last episode barely made it in time the sun's going down home sweet home pretty soon this Village is going to be looking like home sweet home for all these guys as well it's nice to see that all the cows are still here and I think we have way too many cheap first thing I'm doing as I get home is making a nice little Barrel here for all of the totems I'm placing them all actually you know what we're keeping one on me at all times but now we have a place to put them and since night has fallen it is time for us to go outside and hopefully we can find some spiders and as soon as I get feather falling on these boots I will be heading to the Lush cave to grab some glowberries and drip leaves and pretty much everything else I can grab down there I was thinking maybe grab some extra iron so we could bring some extra buckets cuz you know there's going to be some aelott down there on my way there I'm going to see if I can get some cheap trades real quick okay perfect I'll sell the clay and if we go over here what's our mending book looking like that's okay that's not a mending book accidentally just purchased some bookshelves was not trying to do that so let's hop back over and get it done right this time if we head over to both of you right here you should be able to sell me all right that is a silk touch book and we have a mending book hero of the village is absolutely amazing it's really saving my life right now since we don't have everything zombified cured yet might as well get some silk touch-up in on this shovel okay and now we can finally head out towards that Lush cave we're going to have to say goodbye to our home for a little bit and go on one more Adventure and of course I forgot a bed so I'm going to take a couple of these sheep here thank you always for getting at least one thing and boom we are in the water okay it should be right across this ocean might as well pick up some of this kelp we don't really have any yet back home so now we can plant some and I do see some spruce trees over here so we're getting pretty close well here's the valley that we had to go to to get to that Village back there but I actually just see an aelia tree right here right away so we might as well just start digging down from right here I'm going to take these leaves back home we'll take all the oak down and you know we should probably start getting this place a little lit up I do not want any surprises from any creepers while we're digging straight down ooh I also just remembered now that we have silk touch on our shovel we can start to take home some of this podel I'm going to start using podel to pot some plants on the side of the houses all right here goes nothing let's see hopefully it's not too dangerous down here all right and right away we seem to have just hit a giant opening in an underwater cave Let's uh let's explore real quick okay actually I see some Moss this place is massive and there are drowned everywhere down here we got a baby drown following me I should just I'm going to go back to my cave real quick okay so if we go over here on top of the Moss and actually just break one I bet we'll be able to see through the ceiling and there it is and if I'm not mistaken we got a nice little aelott oh a couple of them right down here sir do you want to be my friend there we go oh and we got Spore Blossom right up here let's go okay we hit the jackpot immediately I'll take this right here you're going in the starter house okay and the luck just does not run out we just found a nice little amethyst geode right here I am very happy to have brought the silk touch pickaxe cuz now I can get my first little amethyst right here let's go now the interior decoration is finally going to start taking off I'll be taking all the DP leaves home and I think these small guys right here you might have to silk touch them never mind I think you just need to shears them I hope there's more yep okay there's one right here do I use the shears I do oo this guy's got a nautilus shell I will happily take that out of your hands thank you very much and okay my inventory is full that's the reason I was actually coming back up here anyways I will be back for that nautilus shell where did it go it's right here actually let's just get rid of the diorite sorry diorite drop all the goodies off in the boat and then we head back down okay it's actually not often that I really care about any of these tropical fish but this purple and black one right here I like this one a lot so I'm taking this guy home and I guess you can get a tactical fishing advancement if you do that we've pretty much already explored this area let's go there's going to be some more Moss down here we can hit up oh and there's a free aelott let's go I'm going to pick this guy up right here and we have two friends now okay this one actually looks like it goes much much deeper slowly floating down it doesn't look too dangerous down here let's just uh let's hop down and start torching the place up a bit we've definitely found a much larger cave system and yep there's a creeper but we did find a another aelott I will take you sir and up here looks like another handy dandy Spore Blossom there's still particles though so there's got to be one hanging around over there it is I was going to say this guy's ruining my peaceful Adventure but uh he's just kind of stuck right there on the drip Lea so easy fight right now dude doesn't seem like it'd be too dangerous down okay there's diamonds down here too but the real gold prize are these Spore blossoms I can hear and N now I see another aelott there you are oh and that's a skeleton please sir leave me alone I just want some aelott okay that's a couple arrows in a row I'm just you know what and a baby zombie please sir how about you just leave me alone too this is you know what this is starting to become not so peaceful and now you're in the water look at him taking a bath see you later dude be gone and I don't even know how I skipped over this guy but we have another one maybe he just spawned in right now but we have five aelott that we picked up so far I think we are a okay on this trip we can come back to oh there's another one we can definitely come back to get more but since there are creepers here right now I'm just going to go ahead and get out of here cuz that guy can see me let's swim on back to the cave and climb back up to the boat let's go home and bring our decorations back okay we have fresh air that smells really good and you know what actually I'm going to take some of this mossy cobblestone before I get back I don't have too many Vines yet to try to combine this with regular Cobblestone so might as well just mine this out while we can also ferns I love ferns can never forget about ferns back home we go this is exciting not only are we going to use all of these decorations on our starter Mansion but we are going to incorporate these into the custom Village that we're making I am sprinting back to the first floor right now because I just absolutely cannot wait to get these glowberries in instead of the ladders into the corner this is just going to make the room pop so much more let's actually climb up here to the second floor real fast and we'll put the glowberries right there and right there bone meal them to make sure they're lighting up the place we can now start to take out some torches gradually and these are going to fall down to the bottom so we do not need these ladders anymore to have a Spore Blossom too let's get one right on the front porch right when we want walk in so we have these particles always and I'm going to take this right here too soon we will have a home for all the axotal but I'm just going to put them in a barrel for now also very big moment we can finally add some drip leaves to the side of the house these always make everything look much nicer back here also we have our first spider right here hopefully dude you can give me some string I have yet to pick up any string and you have none there's a witch and a creeper right here okay well there's bound to be some more spiders in this field and we have another spider okay let's go sir I'll see you later no string left though okay hold on we're going to have to do some work for this I hear a spider oh he's right behind me are there any creepers around I'm actually just going to hold on I'm going to lure these spiders over to the water cuz I there's just too many creepers oh my God there's like five spiders right here one two three oh string let's go never mind it was just a spider ey dude all right come on one string here please give me string statistically you have to okay there's two strings and Creeper you know what I don't have any gunpowder yet if I can get a gunpowder that'd be cool and you gone gunpowder got it we got a zombie here now boom you gone now after today we got a bunch of things we can craft we have a beehive over here we can make some scaffolding for some decoration oh wa hold on we need a string not a honeycomb and then we can use the honeycomb to finally start making some candles turn the candle red real quick and I'm going to put it on the upside down copper Rod there we go not too bad let's grab a flint and steel real quick and light this guy up okay it's finally it's about time we got some candles in this place also we finally have enough iron to make a sufficient amount of iron tra doors which I'm going to use for the top of these little tables over here and I immediately I'm placing them in the wrong spot but we have a desk in the corner of each side of the room and I figured using some iron trap doors would look good next to the andesite I love that we're just slowly adding every single type of block in here let's take out this electron real fast and oh hold on we got a doorbell we need to fix let's put the scaffolding right there and a beehive right there does the doorbell continue nope it's done look at that it's about time we head over to the Village to get give it a little bit of a revamp and we can fall all the way down without worrying about taking too much fall damage because of feather falling we absolutely cannot stop over here without taking a little bit oh my God I already got some steak we cannot stop without taking some of these cows out because it's getting way too loud over here Bing and bang and boom and Bop well now we have to do the scary part and jump in with the cows and grab all of the steak and all the leather what have we gotten ourselves into see if I can make my way out of here excuse me there we go okay there we go all right let's go back to the Village what's up nitwit how you doing I'm going to flatten out a couple of areas and okay we got to fill this area in right here this has got to go we're going to build a barrier wall but first we got to make the landscape seem a little bit more smooth so let's start taking out and ooh that efficiency is very nice got silk touch on here too so I'm grabbing the grass now man we are moving along nicely in this game Let's uh let's start smoothing the place out just a bit I want to keep a lot of the natural landscape but places like this you know let's just let's fill this in we'll make a nice gradual incline that goes up to these upper buildings I'm glad this knitwits here because I will be getting a nitwit Sanctuary going I've always wanted a nitwit sanctuary and it's about time we get one going first we'll have to make a villager breeder and then we'll have to get as many nitwits as we possibly can see now over here is looking way better already I'm going to take this tree out eventually we're going to get some custom trees in by next episode I'm going to start working on getting a lot of custom trees like these cherry trees are probably going to be the first ones that I work on then we'll slowly move them over into this Village but uh right now I should probably get some torches out because these Iron Golems are starting to get a little beat up this guy looking brand new though I probably also took some torches out when I was taking out some of this grass over here but for now we're just going to torch everything up oh we got some spiders okay I'll take the string get over here buddy and boom and oh my God he's fast okay we got more spiders right here everybody come oh my God these guys are really really fast dude this is insane how is everybody Enchanted all the sudden that's another reason why we got to light everything up out here also these Creepers out here man these guys got to go they think they run the house but uh we're going to build a wall donkey is just still chilling here way to go dude thank you for staying here I haven't really brought him back over the house like I said I was going to but I'm going to bring him down one level hopefully he just stays chilling and I kind of hate to do it but uh in order to keep the land a little bit smooth over here we're going to have to take down this animal pin I'm sorry donkey but uh we'll we'll get an animal pen going pretty soon this guy is looking beat up we're about to make this wall just for you dude we've collected a lot of the andesite stone and the oak so I figured I'm going to use that for a lot of the wall place is a lot easier to be able to hop through and I'll get some slabs so that it's easier to walk through as well so we don't have to hop up all these dirt blocks but I'm going to start on the back side of the village cuz it seems like all of these houses are just in one straight line I'm going to set up shop right here bring a lot of the oak logs out and Okay so so we're going to start by just probably measuring out a wall with a lot of the stone bricks some of the wall is going to be in the water which is pretty cool it's going to add a nice little element to the Village we can have a little pond in here I'm going to do my best to leave as much of the natural elements in here as I can this guy's on the city perimeter I'm I might be taking a right turn here and you are outside the wall let's start back up the hill a little bit and start working some of the oak logs in jump down strip these real quick I'm actually going to have to probably make a stone axe get these stripped here we're going to get some Oak slabs in between them and let's get a spruce fence with a little Lantern hanging not looking too bad so far let's actually start working some more of the stone in here it looks like me Landscaping over here has brought the donkey on the other side of the bamboo I'm sorry dude he he doesn't look as happy as he once was you will soon have a home dude get off the wall you don't want to be on the other side of the wall when this thing gets built up this guy truly is a nitwit okay so now for a small part of some andesite and some Stone to protrude a little bit we're going to have 3x three towers in between three spaced out logs of Oak here and actually let's put some Oak slabs right here again we're going to keep the lighting going all the way around this is going to need a lot of lanterns Wall's not looking too bad but it is missing a little bit of color oh my God I can't even build the wall without it raining it is always raining luckily the sun's about to go down also that's pretty cool right there the sun rays peeking through even though there's a rainstorm right now I'm about to sleep and then the rainbow's going to come out then we can decorate the rain is gone and the rainbow is out out oh that's perfect so let's hop around the wall here there's a couple things that I'd like to add let's get some of these flower pots in with the acacia saplings we'll get this repeated every time we're going to need to get ourselves maybe 50 more decorated pots but then in between all of the oak logs let's get some moss in here for an extra green color with some dark oak trap doors to hold it in then once these sweet berries are fully grown that's going to add some extra spice here too that already added so much now we just need to keep getting everything replicated and that's nothing that a which stream can't handle couple of berry bushes here around the Deep slate Corner Tower and we got some lanterns to throw in decided that oh man the nitwit looks like he's trying to leave let's not even allow him no way dude I'm going to build these deep slate Towers up a lot also I think I might do a little bit of landscaping with this side over here because it drops off just way too harsh I think I accidentally locked this guy outside I could let him through we could just have an opening through the tower real quick and I actually should probably get a light in here in case something spawns I'm going to start plugging in a little bit of the water also covering up this old path here as this is just not going to be part of the new Village I can hear some Rushing Water we just need to take out all that sound and build up I'm thinking maybe just about right here only about three or four blocks up from where we are right now also every once in a while it's nice to fill in some of this with the Moss you can bone meal it up it starts to look much nicer around here got to make sure we have this backside lit up as well let's build up here a little bit don't want to get a better look okay so not looking too bad I'm going to make these deep slate Towers just a little taller but it's nice to finally see this place a little fortified now before we start working on any specific buildings I just want to make sure all of these towers on the corners are tall enough let's make sure this guy is tall enough right here and we'll come back to him eventually I'm thinking these smaller guys over here we need to work on yeah like an iron golem just climbed on this is yeah you know it's short when the Iron Golems can climb right on them couple of Bings couple of bangs couple booms couple of Bops so this Tower right here unfortunately is being obstructed by the old cleric Tower and I thought it might be cool if the cleric Tower was a part of the wall just to show a little bit of History here but I kind of want to finish the wall so this guy's probably going to have to go let's just make this guy a little bit taller that should finish this up right here and we'll start taking the cleric Tower down I've never made a custom mini cleric Tower before so I'm kind of excited to tackle that project I'll be sure to replace this Cobblestone ladder Tower in the next build so this guy trying to be a cleric right now dude now is not the time I built out just a little bit of the dirt to hang out over to the tower here cuz I didn't want to build all the way down like 50 blocks all the way into this hole but I am going to build a gate actually all the way down here if I open this up just a moment I might take out some of this Berry on the other side I'm going to turn this into a door so that we can use this as a dock but right now I am going to leave that closed so that no villagers try to escape also this donkey you're not escaping Bud I'd like to have a small pond in this area but I don't think all of this needs to be water so we'll probably bring a little bit of moss over here just make this Pond area a little bit more circular and this whole area of water we're just going to fill it in get some grass mixed in with some Moss the wall has been replaced we have Towers up in all of the corners and we will make these Gates but first I think we need to get some better enclosures for all the villagers it's time to make some custom villager houses we have the city center right here but I was thinking let's slide past this Iron Golem and what are you doing over in the pond buddy yeah this farmer is lost he needs a little bit more space over here to just live and work comfortably so let's start with the farmer's house this wasn't originally the farmer's house but you know now it's going to be first things first let's take out the roof and let's take out the frame I like the oak for the roof but we should wrap it with deep slate or stone and all of the oak logs here let's replace them with some stripped Spruce or maybe some dark oak I'll try to leave the Terracotta in but let's work the spruce logs into the frame start stripping all the spruce we're going to use deep slate stairs and slabs on the perimeter of the roof so now we have a completely new style for the roof and okay that actually does work a little bit we'll bring a little bit of an awning out for some shade and we got to get the rest of these pillars stripped take these Oak stairs out and raise the roof by just one level and we can make an awning down here starting right now okay and I misplaced one but we we actually might not even bring it over that far but I'm going to just bring it out about four or five for now this will actually make the path seem a little bit more immersive cuz it's going to go right over glad we have silk touch now we can just grab those anytime and this is getting loud let's take all these out get some trap doors here and some trap doors there this Iron Golem's trying to get in the way here but we'll turn the front porch into some stone bricks and we'll get some deep slate to connect onto the roof and that's not in the red spot we'll even slap a double door down I have yet to use any dripstone blocks so I figure let's use it for the ceiling in these little builds we're going to hook up some moss on the back side cover that up with some dark oak trap doors like we did on the outside walls now we have a little bit of a flower bed on the back and around the sides can never use too many decorated pots get a fence with a lantern under it and you know what let's get a decorated pot under it now we just need some Greenery on the top and if we go down to the bottom we can slap some Greenery on the bottom here too I decided I wanted to switch these fences over to some jungle wood get the gates up there okay that's a little bit more colorful let's get this moved over from left to right put a Spore Blossom up that we found earlier we're going to move this bed from outside to inside and we'll slap this guy down right about here we'll get the interior decorated but uh let's just take a quick step back and for right now this seems like a house that we could easily duplicate let's quickly fix the roof real quick I just wanted to add the rest of these trap doors add a few barrels maybe a pumpkin up here and you know what actually let's get some chains on the side with some aelas hanging this is just going to add a little bit of extra spice and while I'm thinking about it let's just add a little bit of extra interior decoration I was about to walk away and start duplicating and then I'm I just I just kept thinking of more things to add crafting table up top okay now it feels much Cozier in here some full-sized aelas on the side to wrap it up what are we looking like if we zoom in near the South Gate let's hop up just a couple blocks here and okay you know what I like this house now we can duplicate it and duplicated they have been on a twitch stream we actually built four brand new houses and thank you guys for joining if you did it is wax frod we stream every single day and feel free to join if you want to can all come up pretty quick cuz the bones of the house are there you just have to you know just build around it make everything look nice put some flowers up we have the landscape crawling into the side of this house and I believe I'm going to have some of the grass crawling into the side of this house too you know what we should take some of these buttons out so I can put some lilacs in here looks like I missed one over here so we have number five to do but number four we just got to get the lanterns down actually wait let's take these buttons too we can get some rose bushes in the side bing bang and then a boom and a Bop we'll put small overhangs in in front of the doors and above all of the windows a lot of these houses were the same exact structure except for the initial Farmhouse and we have this house right here which we could change into something special let's just take out all these logs let's take the roof out too time for you to go buddy there are so many Iron Golems around at all times I feel like I'm always about to accidentally slap one I'm just got to be extra cautious and I actually just realized right now that wait do I have trap doors I do have Mangrove trap doors we need to put some Mangrove trap doors on the side of this building give it a little bit more color over here too okay so that's looking much nicer I'll keep the same basic shape of this house but I think instead of using the Cobblestone for the walls we're going to use Cobble deep slate just to try to switch it up a little bit Mr librarian you will have a roof over your head soon one thing different I'd like to do to the frame is get one Oak beam down the middle and we'll actually get these twoo wide on the Windows slap the rest on the bottom and get all these stripped and I haven't been sleeping we have some Phantoms coming in but I do have an iron golem here to help hey wait whoa hey you didn't do anything buddy to be fair I also didn't do anything that guy needs to get away ah I'm getting ambushed and you're done now we can get back to the building I'm going to make some stairs from the bricks and the regular Stone and we can get to the roof we're going to use these blocks interchangeably this roof is a little strange because it's an even amount of blocks so I'm having a little bit of trouble trying to figure out I don't think I've ever worked with an even amount of blocks cor a roof so I'm going to use some trap doors and maybe we can just finish off by using a little bit of the stairs again bring some stairs out like this and I'm wondering if two lanterns hanging is going to be the best option we'll go one two and actually okay that's not too bad it's always nice to try new things I've used a lot of combos so far we've got the acacia wood with the granite and the brick over there we've got the spruce and the jungle and the dark oak over in the back we've got the oak with the spruce and on the other side down here we just did jungle wood and some Spruce and then of course with The Farmhouse we did some dark oak and some Spruce again but we haven't used any bamboo planks yet so let's get these up here on the roof slap some campfires down we'll take all these out man these bamboo stairs and bamboo planks actually look pretty good I definitely need to start building with this wood type more often I'm going to get the chimney moving right through here still more Spruce trap doors are going to get put up here in between all of these Mangrove buttons now we have quite a bit of color on the roof and if we walk around the side we have a little bit of an awning here eventually these paths just going to line up to one another but uh for now we don't have the slabs put in we do have to focus on the interior of some of these places though like if we were to take out some of these original blocks and replace these with a scaffolding now that already looks a lot nicer and actually if we just take these out right here we can actually shift the bed one this way and actually take some Oak trap doors and create a wall we are going to need a spruce desk put in the corner whoa okay that's a thunderstorm it's always raining let's sleep get a couple tulips on the inside and we'll get a couple tulips on the outside so just a couple extra pieces of decoration here we're going to get some trap doors loaded up at the top and I think some note blocks here at the bottom and not too bad just a small amount of blocks will actually go a long way here and you know what I'm going to move the blast furnace right back in there one of the villagers will take that Blast Furnace as a job block and I'm going to move slowly all of the rest of these into the houses we already have a bunch of fishermen so the barrel over here doesn't matter too much we have quite a bit of barrels included in the builds already the house right across the street Street we can go ahead and put a bar so get out of here we already have a fisherman in here but we can put a barrel right here and then we can set up our little bedroom these are going to be very fun to decorate take the Cobblestone stairs out and we'll get a nice wooden desk in put some saplings and some flowers for some more color we'll use some lightning rods for some decoration and without any lighting from the torch we can need some lanterns now this place is already looking much more cozy I've also been enjoying just kind of randomizing these work blocks on the outside of the builds too so now we have a couple more work blocks to get you used up and in this house there's not really well there's a guy sleeping in here but we don't have any work block so we'll take the middle block out of the desk and we'll put a loom in now the villagers will just assume those work block positions and we'll just wait for them to do so run back into this house let's slap a cauldron right down in the middle slap the cartography table down next on the list for me was the brewing stand here so we got to get a cleric back in this town we made him disappear when we took it away so I think getting a brewing Tower or a cleric trading hall right in the center of town right next to this gate would work pretty well a lot of the front side of town is already used up and so I figured you know let's get a couple of builds maybe one more house in the claric trading hall right here I think it'd be cool if the landscape was moving into the build just a little bit so let's start with the build right here we start off with a 9x 11 Foundation the back side's going to be much taller than the front right now I'm using only stone bricks but I will working the stone blocks it's just a little bit faster for me to spam these start smacking a couple of these out of the wall now for a 5x5 Square for the tower shape going to start using some Cobblestone walls to go up the sides now we have a solid way of seeing where we can put all of these windows just got to take them out in between all the pillars feels good to finally have to need some scaffolding we have a build that's finally tall enough to get some going now some stone brick stairs to enclose the 5x5 Square give oursel a small platform to stand on once we get to the roof then as promised I need to make a way to get up there via ladder I'm going to try to make this a little bit more interesting by putting a second layer here let's make the outside a little bit more exciting I'm going to take some of these away and just add some slabs Bing Bang Boom and Bop get some flowers outside on the window sills before we actually get any of these glass panes in we got the front door put in and I decided to install two back doors just in case the villagers have any issues getting in and I'm not going to put any ladders on the bottom shelf right there or the bottom block because I feel like they're just going to get stuck up on this second layer but I will put the ladder going all the way up to the roof and we're going to get this lit up here too put a lantern on all four sides just to make it extra bright now for some interior decoration let's head down we can put the brewing stand right in the middle and let's get some desks right here got some Acacia trap doors for some extra color let's get that plant down and voila we got ourselves a nice little room this guy's just been staring at me it's kind of strange I'm going to get this uh this last trap door right here and we'll get some lanterns hooked up on the outside taking a step back I like this it's like it's kind of like the original shape but I think I'm forgetting this front balcony area so right up here on the roof of this this first room if I jump up I should be able to actually yep let's break this real quick bring our pickaxe out and break through yep okay now we're going to have a door cover this up with trap doors and yep okay so this definitely doesn't even have a railing cover that up get some stairs on the top now if I can hop around the corner here I should be able to get this last Lantern boom okay there we go now it's all lit up we'll round out the corners up here now we can I think that might have been the last step and okay you know what I really like this very simple yet very effect of cleric trading all now you may have noticed that I have actually started adding a small walkway slowly here that I can get up to Via stairs next to the gates or I can actually go into these deep slate Towers I can open the gate here that blocks the villagers from getting up and then I can go to the tippy top here these deep slate towers are really just not going to be much for function though I just I don't really want the villagers to use them that much but if the villagers want to make their way over to this staircase they certainly can I think that' be pretty cool and more immersive it only really needs to be two blocks wide the entire way and actually if I get some jungle trap doors here for a nice railing I think that'd look pretty nice as we set these up all the way around I'm actually thinking some Spruce logs could actually go around where the corners are it's going to leave a little bit less room for walking but at least it'll give it some more structural Integrity I'm going to strip these down real quick and put a spruce trapo on the outside cover the bottom with them too now the beauty of the towers comes right here where I can just take a step back and look at what I've done and then I can pop through the build right here and we are at that exact same level I'm debating on whether or not I should keep that it is very convenient though drop down get some more Spruce logs in and strip strip strip strip couple more over here get some logs going all the way one 2 three and four and strip strip strip strip jungle trap door here jungle trap door there everywhere a jungle trap door these slabs are going to be a little difficult I can put one right there on that level but as far as the half layers go I only can really put it right here which doesn't really end up looking too bad the only thing is if you just want a higher up railing you kind of just need to start maimum like this now if we're running around the corner this way we don't have to feel like we're about to fall off get you right here you right there and as far as the stairs go we should probably do the same thing where we stack them up stack one flip stack two flip and stack three flip stack four and flip maybe one on the bottom to start it off okay this is cool now the town is breathing with life and all these buildings and the wall is as well and of course it's raining again what we're going to do now is I put a bunch of campfires on each of the corners and I'm going to load them up with some Mangrove trap doors on the sides just to give the color a little bit of Pop slap these down on the top and in between these and the spruce trap doors we're going to get some Birch buttons going place is really starting to come together just need a couple of these on the inside and I'm noticing we have a blank space over here where I need to put the farm in but let's get that taken care of right after we get these Pathways lit up all of the houses are now connected between these small paths that I would normally have in a regular Village that I set up but now I just need to have the lanterns everywhere all of these guys are connected but with no lights in between all of the paths let's take out the Torches here for the temporary lighting and get some permanent Lighting in we have a deep slate tile wall three Oak fences two Spruce strap doors and then we will drop down and use a lantern and that will create one lamp poost we'll use some lampost to separate the paths over here on the hill where it gets a little messy and I think I'm going to pop one up right over here too now we have a lot of those lanterns up around town we can start to take out these torches but first I really just want to get this Farm done right now it's only wheat but we can make this a multicrop system I'm going to separate each block with one Spruce log throw some polished and aide in between all of these take all of the old oak blocks out got all of the old weed out I'm going to get it replaced I'm going to throw some new dirt up in the corner start raising all of these Spruce logs by one running back home to grab a bunch of these carrots I'm just going to move this carrot Farm actually I I don't really need these in front of the house anymore decided planting some trees in front of the gate or what will be the gate would be a good idea cuz I thought maybe just adding a path in between the trees would make it a little bit more immersive as well this guy was escaping and then as soon as I had the carrots he followed me all the way in here with all these lamp posts at all the street corners and the pathways having just a little bit of color and decoration in them it's all starting to come together I'm going to put some carrots on this first row let's ho down all the dirt and we'll move all the water that's needed into the middle I was thinking about making this half of a wheat farm but we could move the wheat farm to the other corner of this Village and just continue making this one giant carrot Farm where there's no lanterns I'm going to throw down some Acacia trap doors now up on the other corner I did the exact same thing where we run through the pathways and we can find ourselves at a nice little Wheat Field it's not as big as the carrot Farm but this will do the job I think the Iron Golem keep taking out some of these little dirt patches but uh we we'll take care of that now we just need a Shepherd to take care of some animals we got to have some Livestock in this Village before we do that I do have one more building that I need to finish decorating I needed to make more decorated pots and in order to do that I had to go on a journey to find a lot more clay decorated pots are awesome but they take a lot of clay slap some flowering aelas right on top of those I'm actually trying to figure out why I still have some scaffolding up here and I believe it's cuz I didn't finish the roof and actually it should be on the other side there's one more campfi yep it's right here how could I have forgotten that one and there's one missing dark oak stair okay and what do you know there's one dark oak stair in the double chest let's bring this back up okay the roof should be completed I'm going to finish the roofs by trading with the Mason I'm going to get a bunch of quartz for all the flags on top but that is for a later time we have some livestock defense in we have a wide open space in this corner so I thought it would be perfect we have some chickens and a cow here already we have a lot of Oak fence gates and a lot of Oak fences left over from these builds so I'm going to use them for the animal enclosure as well besides I really do love the Oak and the Deep slate combo close this up right here and I think we have one yeah we have one cow already stuck I have a little bit of wheat to take some cows out of my personal Farm but I don't really have that many cows left yeah as you can see right here there's just not that many cows I'm not really sure why I I don't really feel like I should take from here I'm just I'm running low on cows so let's get a wild cow there is plenty of wildlife we might as well grab some sheep while we're out here too all right single file now all right one at a time man everybody in let's go come on now all right now we officially have an animal enclosure we can make some more cows let's make some more sheep now that the town looks a lot more cozy and a little bit more livable it's a lot nicer to be here one thing I'd like to focus on next is and of course it's raining but the one thing I'd like to focus on next is this gate area it's looking a little bit plain and I'd like the entrance to look just as detailed as the center of the village the stairs over here everything looks nice I like up here so far but the gate is looking plain and so do these deep slate Towers I think I'm going to construct these to be just about maybe three blocks taller than they currently are so let's just go up one two and three whoa oh my God why why is there so much lightning why is it always raining I don't know any other hardcore world that rains this much we used only deep slate tiles so far so I'm going to line this top layer with some deep slate bricks under this we'll drop down and we'll use some stairs to make it look like it has some more structural Integrity then we stagger the top to give it a castle effect okay that is a cool castle effect I do like that we just need to add that to all of the 12 Towers on the side but but in order to light up the corners I feel like just a chain maybe two chains and a lantern will do wait I'm going to one up myself let's use a cobble to deep slate wall right there okay perfect we'll actually just take out two blocks with some slabs on each side and a spruce stair in the middle break some windows out over here as well okay did not mean to break the lantern get that broken and where's the lantern at we'll get this hung right back up get the glass panes in for the window a fern on the bottom and you know what we'll get an aelia right at the top close this off with some Spruce trap doors on that side and over on this side too got our last window made right here and a couple extra blocks to grab from the ground these are not looking too bad except we actually did miss some lighting right here I have some slabs on me we'll throw one right here and one right here do I have any fences I do throw the fences up and the lanterns and we got this lit this chicken doesn't necessarily belong but I guess he can stay the Iron Golems are starting to spawn outside of the village now which is a little strange but I guess it is what it is let's run up the stairs I'd like to get into one of these Center Towers all of them are decorated and lit on the inside nothing should be spawning in there and none of the villagers should be able to get up because of the fence gates but if we crawl to the middle we have a nice Lantern in the middle the ACAA trap doors are a nice little Accent on the edges and all of the towers should be lit up with all of the lanterns except actually I see over here there's no acaia trap doors I'm always forgetting something I believe this right here should be the final touch to the towers and okay now we are looking fortified all I got to do is lay down a couple of these aelas it looks like I missed I believe I missed some on yep right here as well scaffold up real quick we got a plant right there and a plant right there looks like I also didn't even put any slabs right here so I'm glad I came back over oh my God why are why are all these okay everybody out everybody get out you're you don't need you guys don't need to be in here only for the cows the sheep and the chickens everybody out single file now come on guys why are you guys in there I don't even know how they got in the towers really bring the village all together but what I'm thinking is on the side I laid down some Moss I want to put some Birch trap doors up against here we going to lay all of these up then we're going to put some aelas in here on the wall just to make it look a little bit nicer so many trap doors but the Moss does look pretty nice as a wall accent and continuously flipping trap doors is pretty fun but now at the center of the village we've actually reached a point there is a pond we can get done here but that's actually pretty easy now we just need to tackle something that I haven't tackled ever really before let's take this Center tree down we need to make a first custom tree but right now I'm just going to lay one right here in the center man that is always so much louder than I ever expect and we'll lay one over here next to the animals right here actually I'm thinking these are way too close together let's take this Bell and run all the way on the other side of town across the pond maybe closer to the farmers house that we had originally made and put this guy just right here that's strange it was under the tree somehow but I guess it is what it is let's uh let's grab some of these oak leaves to help recreate the tree I am going to start right here though let's just go up about seven or eight want start making some branches so let's go out this way just a little bit and over on this side we can move up but even one more just a little bit higher bear with me guys I've never made a custom tree before I guess we'll just start spamming some leaves I'm really hoping this ends up looking good I'm going to use some flowering aelia leaves mixed in here as well we got something coming together so far it's looking a little flowery on that side let's go under here get some randomized oak logs on each side with some slabs so no villagers can start climbing get some slabs under the tree over here too I got an oak fence in there but I want to get some more Oak fences we start bringing the branches down like this it kind of reminds me of a weeping willow tree it's kind of beautiful when they start kind of flowing off of each other and I have a feeling I'm about to get very addicted to custom tree building there's a couple things that I'd like to get into the tree and first thing I would like to get in there was some big looking fruit and I thought some raw blocks of copper looked cool I'm even throwing a couple Oak fence gates up in here to get things randomized the tree is looking a lot more full I just want to hang a couple of lanterns to give this tree a little bit of life on the ground sometimes the tree looks a little bit more full when there are some Moss blocks added in here too okay so I believe I beefed it up enough up here I'm just going to check it out from a side view and okay we have okay I like this a lot we have our first custom tree I'm definitely feeling like I'm going to get better at it as time goes on and I want to get better at it which is why I'm going to keep on doing it but for right now I feel like this is not too bad for a first tree we have a nice side view over here on the bridge on the fortification wall and man this is looking nice and cozy I'm loving having this custom tree but right here we could have a custom Pond but we don't really have anything yet let's uh let's get some mossy cobblestone slabs mixed in with some regular Cobblestone slabs take out some dirt throw you in and more slavage start mixing in some of the mossy slabs into the water here just to give it a little bit more texture I'm going to move some of these polished andesite blocks in as well as a little bit of this gravel we need way more sea pickles for these ponds so I'm going to get this bone meal going actually we should be getting good that was a lot right there already got some water source blocks Around The Edge Let's Get Some sea pickles going on there and that is not a source block let's make it one make this place just a little bit deeper I think this will be a nice temporary home for the aelott that we found earlier let's actually get you in let's get you in and wait we have one and two more let's get you in right here sir and you in right there perfect okay so now we can bone meal up just a little bit so these guys have a little bit of foliage also if you guys want to have these aelott named after yourself in the twitch chat make sure to come by anytime these small drip leaves on the outside look absolutely stunning and it's fun adding the big drip leaves every once in a while but I like adding them at different heights then we can add some actual flowers for some extra color around the sides almost forgot to add the Spore Blossom to this tree for major Ambiance and also the kelp at the bottom here so we can get some extra ambian down under the water now the axotal have some foliage to swim through too perfect this Pond is looking nice and cozy it is missing a dock however I think right here might actually be perfect let's take some of this out some of that out this really only needs to be about one block across I'm just going to make some Spruce trap doors come out like this and you know this is less of a dock and more of a diving board take that guy out and not too bad we have a little bit of space out here to watch the a aot swim now this place is really coming together let's take out the scaffolding there's one place that I really haven't focused on and that is the front entrance in the back entrance over here that's leading to the house so if we run over here real quick I just want to add more details in between here maybe get a little bit of an arch going but I might need to go mine for some more deep slate or instead of using deep slate we use these stone bricks that we have been using and I'm going to actually incorporate a little bit of the and aide in here as well we'll bring these over by two get that stair going right there and 1 2 3 4 5 if we drop down that is not too bad now we're just going to bring everything up and over by one block this is going to add a little bit more depth we'll do the same thing to the back side 1 2 3 4 and hop down okay that looks much cooler hop up here real quick I kind of wanted to get some stairs to round off the edges and see what this looks like we'll hop down I think this Arch actually was a little bit easier than I thought it was going to be that's not too bad at all this series is nice I've already been working with a lot of types of architectural designs that I really never work with get this guy down in the corner and okay dude I think we've done it now we just need some walls and a few Oak fence gates to top that off not too bad at all let's get this here maybe some lanterns could go here actually you know what sometimes simpler is better let's just keep all of the oak fences out and we'll just put a lantern there and a lantern wait hold on and a lantern right here and voila something we could do though is hop up here and get a lantern hanging from both sides right there and right there and just for the gates I'm going to slap a lantern right in the middle down there we'll get one right on top of these Cobblestone walls and if I hop down here boom now there's a couple things to clean up I want to make a couple places for these villagers to hang out so I'm going to get some camp fires loaded up stairs on every side and we'll coat these with some dark oak trap doors if you add a bunch of these around town and get a bunch of these wells around the path it adds a nice amount of texture over here is looking a little dark though it does look like I forgot to put a bunch of lanterns in which is not good cuz creepers zombies skeletons anything like that could spawn it'd be cool if this place was completely mob proof we get a couple extra job blocks around town just in case these guys run out of job blocks in the houses got to take out the random torches that are around town add some random grindstones near the entrance and also back here this is an area where it's not necessarily a place where the villagers can go yet but we could open it up right now if they want to there's not really anywhere they can go once they leave there's an island over here and I guess if they wanted to walk across the water they could we're just going to close it up like that and now these guys cannot leave just Spott it out of my peripheral okay yeah there's a bunch of birch trap doors back here that were not Place let's get these all back here get these all flipped up and okay 1 2 3 4 we have a wall it's crazy looking back in this hallway I wanted even the negative spaces to have a little bit of light seems like this area is just a little bit low on light I'm going to get a couple more lanterns around the second Pond over here is looking nice I'm going to start filling it up with tropical fish that I come across next thing on my list I'd like to get a bunch of flowers in here and we also need to trade for that quartz so I think we could kill two birds with one stone by going to the raid Farm to get some hero of the village real fast I decided to build a staircase right here so I could easily get in and out of the bridge on the fortification wall on the side cuz I only used to be able to enter through that gate over there and the gate on the front side also I'm pretty sure I keep switching the names between the front side and the back side they can both be the front side and the backside though let's uh let's head out to the raid farm and you know what while we're out here we're going to be going to the flower Forest so might as well grab as much as we can and bring it back to the Village to get it decorated and we have arrived at the shore of the flower Forest I'll be picking a lot of you guys up on the way back home we just have one quick pit stop at the raid Farm let's go find a captain I hear a lot of dudes we have a lot of them right here but no Captain and when you finally find a captain you can get the raid going to these evokers are so fast they're so Speedy quick look at him go looks like we just need one more oh never mind there he is I think that is it and we got hero of the village okay perfect we can run back and yeah as you guys can see it doesn't look the nicest down here but uh I think a YouTube stream or maybe a couple twitch streams should get that taken care of okay I'm going to get every type of flower that I can real quick just we don't need like a stack of all of them but I'm just going to grab a lot more than I currently have oxid daisies over here get more corn flowers over here too every single color a tulip you're coming with me take all the big boys home too right now I'm declaring it a goal I would like to come back here I want to turn this flower Forest into the best flower Forest that anyone's ever seen I took a lot of flowers from it from right now but I'm going to come back and I'm going to bring a lot more okay and popping around the mountain side look at all of these towers they look so pronounced in this area looks like I forgot to get some zelas and ferns up there but it's okay we have plenty of planting to do right now let's hop through the gate and if I can make it through there we go all right let's get these tulips everywhere get some tulips over here get some tulips over here we'll hop around the pond get some tulips over this way the little flowers are nice but I feel like these rose bushes the panes and the lilacs these are the guys that really bring the most color out cuz these are just they're so tall looks like this Iron Golem is just spawned back here and he's stuck for eternity sorry buddy but I I don't I don't think I can get you out looks like I forgot a lot of the plants up on the cleric trading Hall let's hop up here real F literally I think all of the plant pots don't have a plant in them how did I manage to do that even the ones inside don't have plants in them what did I do aha there we go I see some ferns that oh and I fell trying to run up here cuz I also need to get all of these Birch doors in the tower throw the fern up there we can jump over here we got a fern right here and I believe on the other side where you at Fern oh man it fell again well I'm glad I fell cuz I noticed over here I didn't put any ferns over here and also there's no more Birch doors here or here so many small details I'm missing also the glass panes for all these windows I don't know how I let that happen but uh let's get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and8 yeah these look much nicer already now let's run back inside I have a small stash of clay that we can use to sell now I just have to find the stone Mason throughout all of these parts there's a couple of stone cutters throughout town maybe he's just in here but he is not home so maybe oh wait he is right here hold up buddy let's sell you some clay thank you very much and I'd like to buy these blocks of quartz and I will turn these into slabs real fast so that I can make some Flags seems like these trap doors are making this guy get stuck I'm going to take this out for right now so that he can at least reup his trade and he's getting stuck on this one now he really wants me to take these down and now we can climb up on one of our roofs let's start right over here let's get up here with the scaffolding and now we just need to get these Up on the Roof let's jump over okay perfect let's get the flag up here now we just need to get these flags repeated on every roof and if I can just stop falling and go over here and go boom okay we got a flag right there looks like the sun is coming up over the ice spikes let's get the last part of the flag right there okay I think that might be the last one if I see any other flags that need to go up I'll definitely put them there but for now let's get some random decorations here around town this little combination of scaffolding barrel and lever is just a little place where villagers can drink from now walking through this this place I want to make sure that I'm not missing any details like right over here there's some missing Acacia saplings let's run back home past Paul and Pablo what's good guys how you doing I didn't even say what's up to them the whole episode we'll run back with the acacia saplings and actually you know what now we have this Village made we could actually set these first Librarians free looks like we've actually caught a couple of these villagers you know what let's let let's let you guys go and let's let you guys choose if you want to go to the house you can go to the house if you want to go back to your village you can most certainly go back this guy is getting very close and personal it looks like most of them are just wandering right over to the house we got to keep this nitwit safe though for the nitwit sanctuary and now we finally have a little bit of a clean pathway that leads all the way from the house over to this giant village take a turn past the minuscule cow population that we have going on we definitely need a lot more of those but now we have the front Gates that we can open and explore if we just walk straight we'll go right under the custom tree and this is kind of the Town Center I love that we have a house with multiple job blocks right here so I feel like a lot of villagers are running in and out of this one and across the street we have the little Fisherman's house running up the hill we have the small Stone Mason house and across the street from the stone Mason we have another identical house and the far back where this Farm is we do have another identical house but all of them are just slightly different with the interior decoration on the inside and I need to hop all the way around town over here next to the water troughs I have a couple Acacia saplings that are missing let's get the chains right here and let's get the flower pots right boom and boom and then we can get the Acasia saplings right here even the negative space has a bunch of flowers and a lot of color now with a little bit of extra time on our hands we can take some of these decorated pots throw a pot into them and put some saplings on top if you walk in from this way and by the way this path is going to lead through these cherry trees to another build eventually but if this is the entrance we're going to use the first thing you're going to see is this little cleric trading Hall take a right to see the buildings that we just toured or you can take a left to see this Pond over here we can go see the other Pond we have the carrot Farm behind all of these Wells and we also have the original Farmer's house that I had created back all the way over here this is exactly where the village started I think my favorite thing about this Village though is the fact that we can hop up from any of these towers open up the door pass this gate and walk through the second door and waa we are on the bridge that gives us a much better view of the Town it is cool cuz we can jump up from there and now we can get up on this tree and get a giant view from the town also it's kind of cool that we can Patrol this bridge as if we are the guardian of this Village maybe some plants along this wall would be cool now that I'm walking along and I'm going to be patrolling up here you know maybe something nice to look at would be cool more Acacia saplings never hurt anybody anyways but guys thank you so much for watching this episode I really do appreciate it I know these episodes are a lot longer than they usually used to be but I think I'm going to keep it this direction I am very much enjoying making these very long videos they're usually over an hour long but I mean I'm just I'm really enjoying it and so I really hope you guys are too and again thank thank you guys to all the twitch subscribers patreon supporters and YouTube members there are going to be plenty of upcoming streams so be on the lookout for those all of the notifications are going to be in the Discord and also be on the lookout for a bunch of custom trees they are definitely on the way but again that is it thank you guys so much for watching I really do appreciate youall remember to take care of yourselves do something nice for somebody and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: WaxFraud
Views: 144,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore let's play, lets play, let's play, survival minecraft, waxfraud, waxfraud minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival, hardcore minecraft, chill minecraft, minecraft chill, waxfraud hardcore, minecraft starter house, starter house, minecraft longplay, minecraft let's play, let's play minecraft, minecraft building, peaceful minecraft, chill let's play, minecraft perfect house, minecraft 1.20, 1.20 house, minecraft custom village
Id: 4pZvCnnATmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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