Transform Your Game: Fundamentals Bowlers Should Implement!

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welcome back to rev up bowling my name is Jason robar and we have a different type of video for you today in the comments people have mentioned my form and kind of breaking it down now I've never broken down my form I guess for anyone else uh but we're going to go over that today and I'm just going to touch on some key points that I want most Bowlers if you're trying to bowl kind of my style to to emulate there's certain things that most Bowlers should be doing however there are so many different styles out there as long as you hit these basics you can become a very good bowler what we're going to be doing is comparing myself to my magical camera guy Ace he's been a newer bowler he's been bowling for about 2 years now and we've been working together quite a bit to just develop him as a bowler he didn't really have't experience starting out during the comparison you're going to see probably quite a few similarities between him and I just because I know my game the best so what we're going to be doing is using an app called on form we're going to be comparing the analysis and will be just talking about it and touching on some key points if you guys have any questions about form or anything like that I am not a goal level coach or anything like that I just know bowling for the most part just been doing it forever there's certain things that I can definitely spot out however regular coaching with people like Mark Baker Jazz now is my coach we get lessons couple times a year but he coaches a lot of guys on tour so look out for Mike Jazz now you know the kegle pro program go down to USBC in Texas stuff like that that can definitely help your form but video analysis by far is the most important and you can do all that at home without further Ado let's get into it what we're going to be doing first is I'm going to pull up a video of mine I'm just going to talk about a starting position uh to start out then we'll do some comparisons as far as my game goes what I try to do with my game is uh really pay attention to transfer of energy uh try to be as efficient as humanly possible the some of the guys on tour are just stupid efficient when it comes to um the release and everything like that they can put a lot less into the ball but get more out of it and over the course of 20 games or so it definitely helps for me my number one thing I always focus on is efficiency and trying to be not necessarily smooth but just try to transfer energy from myself to the bowling ball uh in an efficient manner of course what we're going to be doing first is I am looking at a uh backwards view of my Approach it's pretty simple uh what we're going to be doing is just starting out with starting position to to start um the first thing you're going to notice about my game is I've taken a lot of key things from a lot of the good Bowlers on tour uh some of the guys I love watching um Kyle Sherman I went to lyndenwood bowl with Kyle and when I went to lyndenwood I was not a great bowler uh I was good but I wasn't great by any stretch so bowling with te ose and now PBA winner Kyle Sherman uh I stole a lot from him it was just he was there I get to watch him every day a lot of the things he does I've tried to put into my game also guys I've tried to look at Prather uh certain parts of his game I really enjoy uh Darren Tang of course uh and EJ tacket for the most part those are the guys I like to to emulate when I was young it was Tommy Jones Bill O'Neal those guys that had a very modern game for the time and still have a modern game today I would probably describe my game as I wouldn't say totally a power player uh I would say like a smooth like a smoother Power Player you know I'm not as High Rev or as high speed as uh mun right uh or even tack it he just has a g Godly R right but so for me I can hook a bowling ball but I'm definitely not doing the sort of things that you know EJ mun those highpe High rep players are doing uh I would definitely say I'm a high rep moderate speed kind of player I can get the speed up however it's not necessarily my aame what we're going to be doing is talking about starting position first um the first thing you guys are going to notice uh when looking at this uh recording is when I start my Approach or when I get set up basically what I'm looking to do is get up in this set up in the position to where my head ball and shoulder arm are basically within a swing window we like to call it uh this will allow me to you know drop that right shoulder a little bit get my head over the ball over the swing and be able to have a straighter swing path in order to be more accurate uh if I get my head over the bowling ball I don't have to worry about perception as much um and and kind of if I can start that way it kind of helps throughout the whole approach with my starting position pretty basic again I'm just trying to get you know that bowling ball basically right about here in some videos if you're right behind the shoulder this one's a little bit to the left uh you should maybe see a Teensy bit of bowling ball but you don't want to see any more than half a bowling ball and you don't always want to see it hidden either um if I'm really trying to swing the bowling ball I might pull it closer my body just to get a bigger Loop however um for the most part everything's going to be pretty much straight so with that said we're going to start it up a little bit when I start my Approach I am a five-step bowler four five it doesn't really matter as long as you're consistent with it and you can transfer energy properly with my first step what you're going to notice and this we look at the side view a little bit more on my first step with a five-step approach I really try not to move the bowling ball much um the five step is really just for timing uh some momentum and I I don't need to get the ball started if anything one of the things I've worked on with uh Jazz now is holding that ball through the first step and then dropping it into the second second but as far as starting position goes that's about it um you know just get that should right right shoulder dropped a little bit and this is really geared towards you know my style of bowling of course you know if you're um you know used to the old style you know keep everything Square play up the lane maybe you're a little bit older you might be able to take some keys from this uh but especially the younger crowd to be more power players the youth right now are are really really good uh they can do their you know put their body in position to get as much efficiency as power as possible and we can see it with the use coming up right now so um I'm not going to compare this to Ace right now uh just because our starting positions are pretty dang similar but the most important thing is just getting the head ball and arm shoulder uh all in roughly a straight line that way we're not you know looking one way and arms another way um so our perception and we can uh hit our Mark a little bit easier so as as we go with the push away we're going to go to a side view real quick and this is where we will definitely do some comparison with the side view as we start as you can see right now um the ball itself you know right there of course um I'm not trying to do anything crazy with my setup what I'm trying to do is put you know 60 70% of the weight in my left hand make sure I keep my right arm as um Loose as possible I want to put as much grip strength into the B to hold on to it but not much more than that I want to keep that hand that arm as Loose as possible to be able to transfer efficiency uh when we start muscling the ball we will start losing that efficiency um and there's guys of course that muscle ball and they're really really good but for me being kind of an average sized person not the strongest not the weakest I need efficiency for sure um especially with you know wrist injury and stuff like that I just want to make sure that I can get the most out of the ball without tearing up my body too much when we start our approach oops that was the other way when we start our approach again on that first step I'm really not trying to move the ball much now I will say if Mike watches this right now he will tell me I'm moving the ball too much on my first step which probably is true but uh that's not something I've paid attention to much but it's a lot better than it ever used to be on my first step here we're still roughly in that right that same starting position now once I start with my right foot then that ball starts engaging starts moving downward the idea is to have my feet carry the weight of the Swing so when I take this step I don't want this ball to be you know out here a lot oops to be out here I don't want it to be you know pushing away a ton this way or anything like that I really just want that ball to be able to be in a position to where my right foot can catch all of that weight and you you can kind of see that here once we get that foot laid down once we can take that step that ball is now here right over the top of my toe uh about you know I'd say about right above your kneecap to about a ball above your kneecap is pretty much what we're looking for um and that way once that ball kind of hits that bottom of the Swing here right right about there uh that foot has it's planted and I can catch all of that weight right and then when I step through through you know it's still pivoting off that foot that ball is still moving backwards however I'm able to catch all that weight with that right foot with a comparison to Mr Ace let's hop into here let's see Ace side view where's he at where's he at where's he at Boop that one all right with Ace let's get this backed up a little bit all right let's get right there link oh a little bit too far Link Link okay as you can see here with uh Ace and myself uh we have a pretty similar starting position uh the biggest difference is where Ace starts his ball he starts a little bit lower which isn't a bad thing um again it's still all about timing and efficiency uh so I like to sometimes start my ball a little lower if I need to throw it harder kind of shortens up the swing makes my feet move a little bit faster and I can transfer that energy however with this one um there's some things that Ace does really really well and there's some things that he definitely needed to work on it uh for sure the first thing is with his first step as you can see our first steps are pretty different so he probably takes a full foot and a half or so I'm about one foot in front of me as far as how far that foot that step goes good and bad like for Ace you know he doesn't move that ball in the first step which is great but he's kind of carrying the ball it's not in a position here to to provide much energy when you do make the push away it's a little low and he's kind of carrying it a Teensy bit stop it some of the things that I would probably work on with Ace would be to get to get this ball maybe up a little bit more and in a position to where it can fall into the swing a little bit more efficien efficiently as we move forward a little bit more right here I'd say right there right now Ace's bowling ball has kind of moved from here kind of went kind of straight down a little bit um he's kind of carrying it a Teensy bit and hasn't dropped into the swing quite right yet we'll definitely be working on that for sure but you can kind of see the comparison here where um when I take my first step that ball is still in a basically horizontal line it hasn't gone up hasn't gone down really and hasn't really moved outward uh it's still in that position to where when I drop it into the swing and my right foot can catch it it's going to be as efficient as possible for the most part obviously I still got stuff to work on too I will always have stuff to work on but then we get to this position and we get to this position so clear that so Ace's right foot has now planted right I'm going to unlink this that way I can get into the same position right there Ace's right foot is planted as we can see here you know where that ball is right here and then right here we can see that uh my bowling ball is kind of right over my foot I've dropped it into the swing now at this point and that when that Ball's coming down it's going to hit the peak of the down swing uh basically right over my foot that way I have all of my right foot to catch that ball with Ace right now as we move forward a little bit oops that's not what I wanted clear uh as we move forward a little bit we can see that ball has already kind of got there and it's a little bit ahead of time also when he drops into the swing he kind of just lowers it there's really not much of a drop there um and what that does is it doesn't allow Ace to have as much energy on the back swing what that promotes is pulling up on the back swing which makes your arm tighter which usually promotes pulling down on the back swing as well so uh one of the things ace and I will be definitely working on is working on the starting position in order to get that ball dropped into the swing at about my timing or so obviously everyone's a little different um in order to create some more efficiency as we move forward a little bit more with the side comparison right ace is right here and honestly he's in a very similar position I am about right here very very similar I mean we can see the similarities between him the biggest difference is is that push away I've provided a lot more uh potential energy with my push away dropping into the swing uh Ace is kind of carried it a little bit and right now there's not much moving the ball backwards uh besides himself which again we we want efficiency we want to use less muscle uh and we will actually get more out of the ball when we're just smoother and you can just see that with guys like Prather with Kyle um tacket of course um those guys really don't pull down or pull up on the ball much at all they just let their body work and let their shoulder position as a pendulum you know Swing Swing the ball back and forth without doing much to it so uh as we move through the approach a little bit we're starting to get to this point right and move me forward a Teensy bit all right again pretty similar uh there's a few things I would probably point out the left arm does mean quite a bit um what's connecting the left arm to the right arm while your shoulders if you do anything to the left arm it's probably going to affect your shoulders and then affect your right arm it's very much like a live axle on a car if you guys can think of that one side will affect the other side so when we're pulling back and everything you can see Ace's left arm it's kind of dropped down in front of him a little bit maybe off to the left uh one of the things with definitely going to want to work on is getting that arm swing a little bit more in front of him early what that's going to do is he going to provide him more balance um also it's going to keep this left arm a little bit quieter and there's going to be a lot less um loss of efficiency and you know potential energy because this left arm isn't doing a bunch of stuff so uh with mine I do move my left arm a decent amount I I need to get better at it but at the end of the day I get to the right points which is about right here now Ace his left arm again is dropped down quite a bit in front of him what we're probably going to want to do is get that left arm pointed a little bit more in front of him that way he has just general balance um and that can kind of help him with that when we get to the top of the Swing when we get to the top of the Swing now obviously my arm swing goes much higher but we're not going to focus on that too much it's the efficiency when he gets there so he is now pivoting off of his power power step and his arm swing is going down about right there that's about the peak right my Peak is about right here in these positions it's pretty dang similar obviously Ace is a little bit more compact uh in his in his swing and everything uh which is fine it's no big deal it's just no body differences so uh when we get to the top of the Swing we really want the ball to float up there like if I was to catch this bowling ball on my swing right here if I was to catch that with my hand my elbow here the feeling I want is it to be floating again when you muscle a bowling ball typically you're going to decelerate and a lot of the times you're not going to be as efficient musing a ball as just letting the ball swing itself uh and also it's going to be a little bit easier on your body when we get to the top of the Swing the biggest thing we really don't want to do there's a there's a couple key things that we'll look at here real quick here we have on form has a nice little a nice little like joint thing uh in order to kind of show uh where your arm swing elbow all that sort of stuff is we're going to create this nice little T here Bam Bam uh that kind of that definitely helps it's kind of that classic or that sorry that modern game that we're all kind of looking for but at the top of the Swing when it comes down the number one thing I see a lot of people do is they'll start pulling they'll start pulling down now when you start pulling down from the top of the Swing there's a problem with that we really want a pendulum effect really want the ball to go up and then down right we don't really want it to to do a much of like dropping straight down and you got to catch it kind of thing when you pull that ball from the top it really promotes That Swing path to go straight down and then you got to catch it and then send it Forward of course right if we can let that swing just drop from the top and let that swing just naturally create that Arc we we're going to have a lot bigger flat spot and I will get into what a flat spot is here in a second um um so on the top of the Swing uh one thing Ace does a little bit is he does pull down now again it's not because he pulls down from the top I think a lot of it has to do with his push away right now he's having to muscle it up to the top which tightens up the the muscles right you're activated those and the tendency is to just pull down from the top that's one thing Ace does a little bit here is he will start pulling down from the top what that does there is promote a little bit St greater downward swing Teensy bit now AC's got a lot better with this he used to be really bad but right now it's kind of promoting a downward swing one of the other things too is timing everyone has a little bit different timing right it's still all about putting your body your feet in the right position to catch all that weight so as far as timing goes that can be kind of variable however one thing about Ace's game that we probably want to fix is his timing he's very much early um our timing for the first two steps or so is pretty similar but once that ball gets to the top of the swing it definitely changes so oops I keep touching it there we go all right so when we get to the bottom of the Swing some things that Ace does really really well and we'll zoom in a little bit here he really gets that hand underneath the bowling ball which is great uh that's really what we're looking for um really just make sure that hand is behind the ball and under the ball as possible if we can get under the ball more and we can get out of it quicker that equals to higher rev rate and that's why you see guys like tack it um and two-handers especially two-handers are already underneath the ball I mean their whole ball is sitting on their palm and they can get under it quite a bit that's why it's much easier to have a higher rev rate two-handed than one-handed because you don't have to clear the thumb and you don't have it in the way to get under the ball but for a one-handed with a thumb Oops stop it there we go with a one-hander with a thumb we still want that ball or that hand right basically where Ace is is with me zoom in a little bit oops no sop there we go with me we get to a very similar position here again my hand I mean it's not the most under as a lot of other people uh lvery spars for example he's a very unique approach but he gets under the ball super super well and it's great so as we go to release there's a few things that I want you guys to look at in your own game the first thing is making sure that your head foot and knee are all on the same plane as you can see here my head my knee my foot is all over itself it's all within one line what that's going to do is provide you the best base in order to have that ball swing through without pulling you off balance the one thing Ace needs to work on a little bit more is timing as you can see here if you watch his slide foot it's still sliding a little bit now there's guys who are still sliding when they throw the Bowling Ball but their timing is usually a little bit later so t uh Ace's timing is a little too early right now and what what's happening is he's not having he doesn't have a solid base under him to to carry that bowling ball to carry that leverage so um in order for him to throw the ball he just has to kind of get out of it he loses a lot of efficiency at that point what we're going to be doing for sure with Ace is try to get this arm swing you know get this ball you know once he stops I want it you know about right there uh when I stop sliding and I know I fouled guys it's okay so I stop sliding about right here Ace is still sliding and his ball is very much more in front of him what we're going to be doing for sure is getting this bowling ball a little bit more behind in timing uh that way he can create that flat spot and be more efficient upon release the other thing I just wanted to touch on on the side view real quick is your left arm position and then also your shoulder position position so uh I'm sure everyone's kind of heard of the pendulum effect you know we want to keep that right shoulder static keep it back right keep we want that shoulders open a little bit more uh and just let that shoulder just pendulum Let It Be Free what I see with a lot of bow Bowers especially newer um they want to see the ball hook right they're gearing up they're trying to put their body into it the problem with that is like I mentioned before it's not very efficient uh also there's a lot more moving Parts in the swing and it's harder to keep everything in time when there AR that much more moving Parts one thing Ace does that's actually pretty decent uh and he's he's learned how to do this quite a bit but it still needs some work is this shoulder position so when we're coming through on the swing right if we're watching Ace right now we want this shoulder to stay back right stay open of course a little bit but we never want that shoulder to roll over once we have that shoulder roll forward roll over this elbow will promote ch Wing a little bit right you're going to lose a lot more leverage if you're lifting something heavy and you're lifting it out here it's going to feel a lot heavier than if you have your shoulder back and you're lifting it kind of like a curl exactly the same thing when we're looking at shoulder position we really just want to keep that shoulder static as possible we really don't want that thing moving forward now if you feel like I'm trying to keep my shoulder back but nothing's working it keeps coming forward check take a look at your left arm make sure that that left arm is staying in front of you a little bit longer cuz once we pull that left arm back this right arm will move forward and that's one thing I've been having to work on quite a bit when I dropped my ball into my swing my natural tendency especially uh here a couple years ago would be to get this left arm out and then when I come through with the bowling ball I'm really creating a washing machine effect and pulling that left arm outside of me and that closes my shoulders and gets my elbow outside of my swing position so um that's just an efficiency thing pay attention to your shoulders again we just want that swing and that body not necessarily detached we just really want that shoulder in a static position kind of roll back a little bit and just really let that swing fall into the slot when we get to the top of the Swing we don't want a pull or anything like that we really want that swing to drop next to our body keep that shoulder back and that provide us the most leverage as possible with that said yeah as you can see with mine obviously when you release the ball like right at the end it's going to roll forward some it it's just it's happens is the body but when we were releasing the ball we really just want to keep that shoulder as static as possible and that will help keep our arm swing loose and in the right swing path now uh as I mentioned swing path we're going to look at some behind views of both of us when not when I'm talking swing path when we throw a bowling ball it's technically going in a straight line to start right if we have a lot of left to right movement with our body our arm swing or anything like that it can really throw off our project one of the things I want you guys to look at uh as me as an example right my head's here you know I'm just going to go right through my butt and then right on the right side of my shoulder now I drift off a little bit it's probably one of the worst parts of my game uh just because it throws off my perspective my angles if I'm drifting left the angles where I stand on the approach are going to be different than when I slide I've got pretty good at managing that uh but I used to slide like 10 nine 10 left my drift uh now it's down to about four to six or so sometimes I'm it varies a little bit so but at the same time when we drift left a little bit it's fine you can drift left some you can drift right a little bit no big deal but the most important thing is making sure your body doesn't get in the way or out of the way too much as we watch this one oops there we go go back go back go back all right as we watch this one I'm going to move this a little bit a little too much little too much as we're looking at this go back to the first video there we go all right the idea is to have my head myall my shoulder my arm kind of all in the same line I got my head I got my elbow and I got the Bing ball we really want that ball that swing to be kind of in that straight line we don't really want it to balance outside or inside of this kind of box we want to keep that swing not straight by any means you know if you're a power player you probably have a figure eight you like big angles you want to get the ball looped right however there are some similarities that we do want to tackle and that is U making sure that your your head your elbow and the Bing ball are all kind of within the same line right as we're going through this approach right everything's in a straight line straight line straight line straight line and then this is where once I get to the top of the back swing I really get that ball moved inside next to my body as much as possible to provide as much leverage as possible it's okay to have a figure eight that's no big deal I mean tack it I mean it's one of the biggest figure eights on tour however I mean he's a power player he likes big angles but he can play straight if he needs to just close up the shoulders a little bit so um I will say like my eame is definitely Wheeling the lane a little bit uh playing up the gutter takes me a few shots to just get comfortable uh so it's definitely not my a game I'm going to do a comparison with Ace again here but the similarities is we just really want that swing path relatively in that kind of Swing path that box right that I created we're going to go ahead and compare this to Ace compare add Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace where'd you go Ace there you go select all right what we see with Ace is again we're going to go ahead and create this little little window little box and I will say one of the things that we probably need to work on with Ace drop this right shoulder down a Teensy bit uh right here just drop it down just a little bit um in order to move his head over a little bit get it over the swing a Teensy bit more let's go and redraw those lines oops that's a really bad line move that over move that over all right let's give me back in my starting position it's about right there I'm going to go and Link them like that boof boof all right as we travel oops other way we're just going to keep moving forward in slowmo all right everything looks pretty good my Line's a little off right there and right there here we go all right we can see now again drifting your box may move a little bit Ace does drift a decent amount especially on his third step here you can see his left just walk dead left that's one thing we're going to be working on as well he's kind of walking away from the swing a little bit one of the things that that promotes as well is getting the ball behind your butt now as you can see top of the back swing is about right there on both of us Zoom those in a little bit as you can see Ace is completely walked outside of that swing path and right now his ball is right behind his butt right behind his back obviously if he was to drop the swing straight down it's just going to hit him he's going to eat it and fall down and cry a little bit but his body smart enough to be like hey I don't want this 15lb ball hitting me in the back of the leg what happens is right and it even gets even farther behind you can see in this position you know my head and the bowling ball uh and my swing slot right right here when I talk swing slot is right about there right it's all basically in the straight line especially at the top of the back swing with Ace you can see that it is moved quite left out of the back or out of the swing path what that does is when it comes down you can see Ace have to redirect the swing or it's going to go in the gutter which if we watch it it nearly does right it's a ton of open angle uh and we just don't want that uh what it does promotes a lot of angles or open angles early uh and it's a lot harder to get squared up also with that said the in order for him to correct that swing and not hit his butt he's going to have to put put some muscle into it in order to redirect the swing he loses a lot of efficiency at that point which affects everything else his release and everything when he gets to the bottom of the swing and I will unlink and then move me forward a little bit when he gets to the bottom of the swing it actually looks very similar between the two of us the problem like if I was to take this screenshot you'd be like oh they throw it probably pretty similar however if you watch you know literally the last half a second you're going to see Ace's ball have to come from behind his back and get redirected forward a little bit more what this does is in order for him to redirect what he's probably going to have to do is close those shoulders that way the ball is not sending it to the gutter which we've already learned that we want to keep that shoulder back for uh efficiency and to provide as much leverage as possible just from him having that ball Loop a little bit more behind his back he's losing so much efficiency in so many different areas uh we're going to clear that we're going to go ahead and just watch Ace a little bit in slowmo from the top of the back swing in this position you know everything looks pretty good right then as we're going a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more that ball is really looping behind his back when you guys when you watch like EJ tack it the ball Loops obviously we can see that but the ball never gets behind his back he's not having to redirect much at all when that swing comes down is as efficient as anyone else on the planet and it's still within that swing path so you know one of the things we're going to definitely be working on with Ace is make making sure that we get that ball more in a straight line he's got plenty of loop we don't have to work on that if anything we're going to calm it down a little bit get that in a more in a straight line that way that ball can be more directed down Lane and not have to be uh redirected left to right in any way with that said the last thing I just want to go over as far as breaking down the form uh again I think very methodical with my game I I'm I'm really into energy you know especially with like bowling balls and stuff like that very very nerdy uh and when I take a look at my game that is the definition of what I want is as efficient as possible um that way I can bowl as long as I possibly can without hurting myself now I did have to go to 14 which is it's fine for me right now uh but I would like to go to 15 at some point so what we're going to look at next is release position we're going to have that one we're going to go here we're to clear and then we're going to compare it to me close up reiew okay select again clear all right so again we were talking about keeping that hand behind and inside of that bowling ball right and making sure this elbow stays tucked in we really want to promote if you want to be a Power Player you're going to need to learn the yo-yo effect rev rate doesn't come from the wrist it comes from the elbow uh basically having the elbow the elbow what the there's a scientific word for it but basically how much the elbow will bend will kind of be based on how much rev rate you have as well for me I am a High Rev player however I don't have a massive Bend in my elbow if you watch tack it th those guys their arms just bend in Crazy positions however there's more than one way to get higher rate if you guys look at Prather you would think like oh he you know really gets his elbow into it which is true but he is a very much a more great arm kind of bowler uh he doesn't have tons of elbow fluctuation as far as that yo-yo effect however he's so efficient that he can transfer all the energy into the ball that he needs he's still a 475 500 revay kind of guy and he's silky smooth doing it the yo-yo effect is very very important however it's not like you have to gear up really get that elbow inside and do some crazy stuff um we just really want that elbow position to stay underneath our head and then upon release we can go ahead and unleash it you can see here with my game when the ball gets inside I'm working I'm behind the ball as you can see here my hand and everything is nicely behind the ball right oh that's not what I wanted I want where are you there as you can see it is nice Le behind the bowling ball now there's other guys who work the inside of the ball a lot more again tack it two-handers can work the inside of the ball a lot uh but for my physical capabilities I'm not not going to be working much more than this however I don't necessarily need a lot more rev rate I have quite a bit of it uh if anything I need a little bit more speed and be a little bit more efficient that way when we go to release the bowling ball again we want that elbow tucked inside of us and when we go to release it that should be basically at our foot or in front of our foot we really don't want to promote hitting the ball a little too early we're going to get it jammed into the lane we're going to lose efficiency um and that's kind of a little bit what Ace does at te bit uh his as far as his hand position goes he used to be his hand and everything used to be completely on the side of the bowling ball I mean his hand was like right here just from the last couple years working together uh we've been able to correct that however he needs to get a little bit more efficient with it uh one of the things here you can see when we do release the ball you can see kind of how far his right shoulders move forward as you can see mine is still stayed back a little bit and that really promotes that yo-yo effect you can get that shoulder and moral leverage position uh with Ace he kind of brings it forward a little too early however the reason he does that is again he has to redirect quite a bit as you can see with this shot the gray boards don't hook so the reason for that is is again that swing Gana Gets behind his back some right and then it promotes sending it right early and it also promotes you know when you get the Shoulder roll around you're going to get your elbow outside the ball that's kind of some of the things that we're going to work on on as far as what I look at when I break down my form efficiency as much as possible you know I want you know when the ball comes down I want my body to be able to catch it and then put my body in a position to provide as much leverage as possible and as efficient of a way as possible um again I'm not a big person by any stretch so muscling the ball is not my forte uh so I need to do everything through efficiency when you guys are looking at your own game there's a few key points I want you to touch SE and hopefully caught some stuff from this review um that you can emulate into your own game um the number one thing is making sure that you know your head your shoulder your ball all relatively in a straight line a lot of the older Bowlers were really really good at this just because you know that was the name of the game a lot of up the boards keep everything square and a lot straighter arm swings uh the modern game has a lot more Loop in the swing just because they're going to be hooking the ball a lot more provide more power more rev rate the second thing is making sure you work the inside or behind the bowling ball uh a lot of people a lot of newer Bowlers especially um think in order to hook the bowling ball you know they're going to flare their arm out and try to get as much into it as possible a ball is a lot like a car tire it needs to roll in order to do what it's supposed to do uh if you're spinning the ball and just kind of whipping on it you're going to be really inefficient with it and really it doesn't promote hook much at all uh especially if you're top you know spinning it like a top it's not going to do anything uh we really want that ball to be rolling forward obviously we want some rotation you know tilt higher tilt lower tilt kind of depends on you as a bowler pro shop operator should drill accordingly uh but the most important thing is making sure you stay behind the bowling ball and get under it as much as you're physically able to as you can see I have a 475 sometimes a 500 rev rate I can fluctuate a little bit um and I'm not you know totally inside the bowl and ball I don't have the biggest you know yo-yo effect or anything like that it all comes from efficiency and being able to just you know transfer the energy from my body through the bowling ball so um the other thing too is strengthening um I'm a big advocate for doing work outside of bowling um you know if you are bowling you know maybe drill up a lighter bowling ball that way you don't have to put as much stress on your body uh but if you're not bowling there's certain things that I try to do to just strengthen my body get a little bit more flexible being flexible is a big thing you know just spending the 15 minutes or so stretching every day will help reduce injury I'm very prone to injury so I need to do that uh but also be able to put your body in a position that it's not typically used to if it feels weird you're probably doing it right it's just like anything else I took up golf last summer it feels all sorts of weird when I do it right when I do it wrong I'm like oh that looks great and it's slicing 30 yards right so um if it feels feels weird it's probably in the right direction the other thing too guys is when you are working on your game video video video video is everything if you can sit there at home and watch yourself throw a 100 shots well that's 100 shots you don't have to do physically it's a mental portion of it and that's what helps me quite a bit I honestly haven't done a full practice session in in months I I do bull League I bow tournaments I do YouTube I bowl enough right to stay sharp but I'm not really working on anything at the moment during the season I don't really like to just because I want to focus on making sure that I can uh be comfortable focus on one swing thought or if I'm in the zone no swing thoughts at all and not have to worry about oh where's my left foot going oh where's my right foot going just try to kind of throw all that side and just work on scoring so um if you guys have any questions about form or have any questions or anything I missed on this again I'm not a professional coach uh I can break down my swing help people here locally and everything like that but there's guys out there again like Mark Baker Mike Jazz now all those kind of guys if you guys go to Nationals check out Mike uh he's down there in Vegas right now for the next couple I think the next couple months and he does lessons and he is a wizard he works with a lot of the pros so a couple years ago I worked with him for the first time and it transformed my game as far as going back to strength thing a little bit uh if you guys have hand POS or hand problems or wrist problems grab a bucket of rice and just squeeze the hell out of it it really works on uh strengthening your hand in a low impact kind of way or grab you know stress ball or something like that to keep that wrist warm uh and work on that hand and flexibility so uh again if you guys have any questions please let me know um this is kind of a first time a video kind of like this again I'm not a professional coach so please don't destroy me in the comments like hey you're an idiot what about this what about that I'm all for learning I'm all for comments stuff like that uh but again take this with the assault I really really know my game I know Ace's game I've worked with a lot of people here locally but I would not call myself a um professional coach by any means I'm just a nerd and I've been around Bowling literally my whole life so uh if you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments and if you like this video smash that like button helps the channel more than may you may think and if you want to go a little bit step further hit that subscribe button we're growing pretty quick and we're excited to see what we can do over the summer we're going to be releasing quite a few videos uh in the summer just because it's the offseason I'm have a lot more time in my hands um and I'll be practicing a lot more so expect some practice sessions that come up talk about things I'm working on personally and kind of go from there uh the goal is to bowl tour however I am trying to figure out that fiscally to make it all work without you know putting my mortgage and all that stuff in Jeopardy and kudos to all the pros out there that just focus on bowling just do that for a living it's a stressful job and it's a job you know it's a passion but it it's it's a full-time job so uh if you guys like this video uh please let me know my name is Jason robar my man Ace is here on the tablet and behind the camera uh we're rev It Up bowling much love peace
Channel: Rev It Up Bowling
Views: 22,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jiXGVsp1Cmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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