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welcome back to rev up bowling my name is Jason robarge and we have a good ball review for you today what we're going to be doing is reviewing our first deviate ball actually on the channel the new DV8 chill the chill is part of their like Benchmark flippy kind of line length with flip is basically what they say it Sports the igniter Max flip cover stock along with 1500 Compound on top of it it has an RG of just under 2.5 for a 15 and just over 2.5 for a 14 with a 051 differential the layout I put on this ball is a 5 1/2 by 60 same thing I did on the Fireball video that we were releasing right around this time as well um this has a higher differential what I was trying to do with this kind of bowling ball was have it for the fireball I mentioned was for like transition burn this is more more transition when the heads start going I need to get through the heads but I need enough ball to make the corner down line with as higher differ itial and with just how flippy this ball is naturally it should give me a pretty good motion what I'll be doing today is bowling on house shot I'm going to be try to just get lined up throw some shots with the ball just play around the lane and then what we're going to be doing is changing the surface on it these kind of bowling balls most bowling balls after 3 to six games the surface has changed pretty drastically and we should redo it retouch it with whatever preferred surface you have so I want to do a ball review that we change the surface that way you can get an idea on how versatile some of these balls are are and how important surface is without further Ado let's get into it all right first shot with the chill I'm going to stand a little bit far the right and then we're going to move it left across the lane and see kind of what looks best if about the guess it's going to spark up really quickly and it's not going to hold the pocket but let's see yep I figured it was it just too much friction on the right side the Pearl cover stock that's shiny it just it's like a drag Tire once it sees the friction it grabs and goes we're going to move left a little bit this kind of B ball from a numbers perspective definitely reminds me of the stealth Pearl and I've used that example a lot in some of my videos because that ball is so good is it going to be a direct replacement we'll see the layouts are very similar going to move left a little bit keep that speed up some very nice all right I definitely have to throw it hard from there it's just too much friction but overall they had a pretty smooth shape but you can definitely see that flip at like 45 ft and then it's set up into the pocket pretty well all right let's go and move left a little bit more I will say Brunswick's colors they put out recently and all their balls have been gorgeous the effect the beyond Infinity the fireball now this thing all right left a Teensy bit more three boards or so very nice all right so what I saw with that one I was in the oil a little bit more however it still provided its flip pretty well it's sort of a little bit more energy but I will say if you watch how it went through the pins and deflected a Teensy bit more that kind of tells me either my speed's too high it needs to get to the friction a little bit more but it needs to roll a little bit more towards the pocket see if we get the same reaction or if it's going to store more energy and flip a little harder compared to the fireball I just did significantly more even with the same layout remember when you have RG and differential of a bowling ball at your starting point and you adjust it up or down kind of thing with this ball and the fireball everything's very similar except the RGN differential it starts much lower going to end up much lower than this ball as far as diff goes let's go let's go about three or four more boards left see what this does I don't know why every time I get left I just send it right I didn't mean to send it far right but it did recover so that's that's a good sign it definitely bowl like this is going to need some friction um it's not going to be meant for I mean maybe take some surface on like put some surface on do it but it has a high diff but it has a very clean cover stock from what I've seen this kind of bowling ball house shot for sure with surface without surface but for me this is going to be more of a transition ball get through the heads some maybe a little bit of the mids but make sure that it still rolls up not early don't get me wrong but still reads the mids a Teensy bit so we'll see what happens as we move left a little bit more all righty move left a little bit more it's probably the farthest left I'm going to want to get in this video doesn't really help us when I just wheel Lane going keep it a little tighter oh God I sent it right why am I doing it uh we're going to go throw one more I'm missing like 54s right down Lane Ace you're going to have to do a form video for me next you're going to have to coach me don't get the ball behind me okay all right don't get the ball behind my back got it all right let's try that one more time there we go aha that's what I thought the other ones came back just fine cuz they hit the friction early enough that one I kept in and it just wasn't enough friction with house shots sure you know especially when I lived in St Louis cliff diving the patterns get really cliffed house patterns meant to have a lot of volume in the middle not a lot of volume outside so they can get kind of Cliff get it in a little bit sails get it right quick checks for this Tye of bowling ball and the current breakdown of Lane I'm too far left if I get that ball in or if I miss it off my hand it's going to float and bucket just like I did we've kind of reached the limit on this ball so what we're going to do now is we're going to take it back put some 4,000 on it and we'll be back in a second all right now that we've thrown 4,000 on this which it had 1,500 compound it's not much of a change I I doubt it's going to make a massive difference but we're going to go ahead and start where I just bucketed and move farther back right uh I think it was right here yep oh why do I send it right good Lord all right the practice session is definitely in in the works now I'm going to go and throw that again I'm not meaning to throw it so far right it did strike though that was cool there we go all right so that was pretty close to one the one I bucket Two Shots ago maybe it was a tasy bit far the right but it definitely picked up a little bit more in that oil has a little bit more friction to it because it doesn't have a compound on it anymore uh so with 4,000 it helps pick it up just a little bit more but nothing crazy so we're going to go a and move right we'll see what this added friction does as I move into more friction so um we're going to make a pretty far jump bracket all right not too bad I increased speed a little maybe too much but overall with the other bowling ball it was definitely a little bit more flippy you can definitely tell with this one that with the high differential and a little added surface on the cover stock it really wants to read a little bit more a little bit earlier let's go and throw one more I'm going to move a little bit farther right you get that piss 10 pin out if I had to guess it's probably still going to check and go left but see if I can make it work yep all right so it still wants to flip too hard in the dry which is kind of to be expected what we're going to do now is put some 2000 on it this is where I think we're going to really see the difference so we'll be back in just one second all right now that we put 2,000 on this it's definitely more dull than it's has been with the uh 1500 compound from Factory and then the 4,000 I would expect this to be a little bit smoother upon transition however it is still a skid flippy kind of bowling ball so it still should pop some this thing really reminds me of Baja Blast I will say that I don't know why all right we're going to move back left see what it does try not to get the ball so far right that made a big difference last time when I threw the ball there for the most part maybe a few boards in it it bucketed that ball for sure read about two three boards earlier and it was a much slower transition uh we're going to go ahead I'm going to stand in the same place but I'm going to get the ball farther right I want to see what it does when I get into more friction is it going to pop or is it going to burn up we'll see oh God hello I threw it right ace I wish I was perfect every time make bowling so much easier all right so that one was right pretty quick they try to cover too many boards for sure burn up a little bit we're going to move ourselves farther right try to get into that friction play more of that friction all right move ourselves about 7even six right all right that was so good all right so I sent that one to about five right down Lane at about 40 38 40 ft when it started picking up it's definitely smoother definitely smoother more surface smoother shape typically that is what I would like to throw actually on yeah this is definitely what I would want to throw on league night I think the add of surface definitely help mellow this this out however again if I was looking to bowl a tournament with this ball I got plenty of bowling balls that will and surfaces that will kind of help make that shape with this particular combination of cover and core I'd probably want it more for a transition ball so more than likely I would probably throw some compound back on it at least but for house shot that look pretty Dam good let's go and throw another one of those all right I got that one in still picked up in the oil still finished I like it I think that's probably where I would stand if I was bowling a league but we're going to move a little bit farther right see what it does with some more friction remember before when it have 4,000 and compound when we're in the friction this much it like to check and very quickly we still wanted to burn up some so we're going to move right see what this added friction does see if it Blends the lane more without plaing all right much better it definitely Blended better still a little too quick I had to throw it a lot harder normally I probably wouldn't play that however I can definitely see someone putting some surface on this ball and making it more of their house shot smoother smoother Ball but still still Pearl still gets through the heads a lot more if you guys have any comments please let us know let us know if you like the surface changes in barall videos I think it logically it makes sense cuz we're going to be changing the surface on these Bing balls several several times throughout the lifetime of them it's good to know what each surface kind can kind of do if you like this video please remember to like comment subscribe helps Channel more than you may think and we really enjoying doing this especially with these the newer equipment now it's been it's been a good time and we're growing pretty quickly so my name is Jason RAR this is rev up Bolan much love peace
Channel: Rev It Up Bowling
Views: 887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Fd-OAq8E2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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