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if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet now say this in my life [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] but i [Music] jesus is my righteousness jesus i spirit everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord i would never ever the same [Music] will be filled with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of god's word and given russia that the eyes of our understanding being enlightened a border shall take a libra that of the inheritance of the sense that we may know the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believes is we are coming out of this conference stronger we have come out of this conference built up by the power of god's word again we are growing in the world god let us thank god for the grace of god that is given to our purpose he said the grace that god has given to me was not in vain he said that labor man gave us so tired let's thank god that by the grace of god our proper labors he labels accidentally he labels he says yet not i but the grace of god which is with me let that grace of god that is in our purpose and with our purpose let that grace continue making functional effective and efficient that the word of the lord will have a free cause and be glorified a gay moral satire [Music] that the whole world as speaking the world as he's teaching the world that the whole world will open up to this gospel marco por chateau the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the water has covered the sea mango the whole earth is being reached by the world that is preached out of this house a brother a prayer we are praying that the service that the ministry that our paper has for the world will be accepted everywhere in the world that the service will be accepted his ministry be accepted of the brethren will be accepted of the saints will be accepted of everybody all over the world magoo satyatha let man's heart be opened to this gospel everywhere markup the bible says that as jesus was teaching a man to say biatcha the power of god was present to heal that apostate we want to declare this morning as our purpose is teaching manchester city he's teaching the world aka shutter where the word of a king is there is power marco shutter shutter a computer the power of god is available and so we declare miracle signs wonders healings of diverse nature will be done in the name of your holy child jesus a go robert shorter reproach the sick be healed the brown be lost those [Music] so shall my word be says the god the word of god that going forth out of my mouth and god post shatter he shall read no return unto me void but it will accomplish what i please have and it shall prosper in the thing where to i send it i can push attack as our purpose is teaching marco shutter the word of god is going to accomplish the pleasing of god is going to accomplish the pleasure of god a robber russian thank you lord jesus we give you praise leave your two hands above your head and give him thanks for trying that there is tremendous flow of power in this house again that the god word of god that is present in this house as the word is preached his own accomplishment healing science wonders miracles and that we are not only here we are also doers of the worker a gay boss should hire thank you father for the blessings thank you father for the grace thank you father for revelation in the knowledge of your world in jesus christ's name let the believer shout out amen hallelujah join me put your hands together let's celebrate our papa in the house celebrate with a club celebrate with a child somebody shall glory two hands above your head keep clapping and keep shouting as we receive our power doctor abe damina glory amen well today we begin ted training evangelism and discipleship and i'm excited that we're going to have a great time of learning the whole of this week lift your hands together let's pray father we rejoice that we have the privilege of being equipped the privilege of being trained and prepared as walkman that need not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and we rejoice that our hearts are ready and our hearts are excited about the realities that the holy ghost will bring to our attention thank you for the resources that are made available to us to enable us carry out the mandate the assignment the vision that you have given to us as a family as a church and as a body that you have set apart to fulfill this assignment so i ask that as your word comes with clarity your people are built up equipped edified and i decree that bodies and yokes are destroyed whatever is not planted by god is rooted out and we rejoice that by the end of this service you'll all be the better for it we give you praise glory honor for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service this morning we also want to welcome the acquire bomb state community connected to the service by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm heritage fm inspiration fm we're so glad to welcome all of you to the service we wanted to do us a favor help me invite a friend a family member somebody you really love ask them to tune into this service it's gonna change their lives forever and of course social media like we've always done let's get this water to the ends of the earth let's get this word to talk to blanket the entire mobile planet blue bible planet with the truth of christ jesus so help me share the video on your page tag some people you know reach out to some people and of course share with all the groups on your page put them on monogram telegram put them on whatsapp groups let's get the word all over the world all our campuses around the world we're glad to welcome all of you this is ted season 5 and it's going to be an adventure as we study the word of his grace together are we excited to be in church this morning can we celebrate our fellowship with a shout this morning [Applause] is that a shout is that asia glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get in the world this morning we're going to be examining the disciple and the church the disciple and the church 10 season 5 we begin today every day till next sunday so it's going to be an exciting time the book of matthew chapter 28 verse number 18 to 20 matthew chapter 28 verse 18 to 20 and jesus came and spoke unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach if the bible is mine i will underline the word teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father end of the song and of the holy ghost next verse teaching them if a bible is mine i will underline teaching them teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even until the end of the world amen we are emphasizing the importance of the local church the importance of the local church your conduct and what is your responsibilities your conduct and what is your responsibilities coming with our rights in christ coming with our rights in christ jesus is our responsibilities in christ and through christ so you must recognize that as we learn the word of god we were going to be looking at our rights and our responsibilities in christ and christ through us the word teach that i ask you to underline that what teach all nations there is where you have the word make disciples make disciples the greek word matatio m a t h math e t e u o mathew it means to make disciples to make disciples in other words that's an important element of the work of the ministry that is an important element of the work of the ministry and of course you know that all of us are called to the work of the ministry so the act of making disciples is an important element of the work of the ministry thank god for members people who say well you know i'm a member of power city i'm a member thank god for members those who come to church you know when they have their time and when they are able to create the time they come to church you know we thank god for them they love this church and they attend this church but you see the call of god upon the church is to make disciples not just to attend church once in a while the call the intent the purpose on the mandate of god for this church and for the church is to make disciples or to make students to make students is not to have people attend church and be entertained no that's not the mission of the church is to make disciples which is similar to a school similar to a school where you enlist to learn by precept an example where you enlist to learn by precept an example in other words the gospel is like a course curriculum the gospel is like a course curriculum the gospel of christ is like a course of study that you embark upon in a school like a course of study that you embark upon in a school the gospel is like a course curriculum where you investigate the details all the time where you investigate and interrogate the details all the time in doing that investigation you become a student of the gospel you become a student of the gospel so when jesus said make disciples is that word mateo mattitu or to train people to make students or to train people you find that word used in three other places matthew chapter 13 verse 52 matthew chapter 13 verse 52 then said it unto them therefore every scribe which is instructed if the bible is mine i will underline the word instructed which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder which bring it forth out of his treasure things new and old the word instructed into the kingdom in other words you are groomed into the kingdom you are groomed into the kingdom so discipleship is a grooming discipleship is a grooming that is the essence of our church services the essence of our church services is to groom people grooming to groom okay so our church services is not where you come and look for how to be touched you know i was touched in that service i was torched no you don't come here to be touched okay it's not touch and go you don't come here to be touched church services is not a place where you come to look for a word i need a word i'm looking for a word you don't come here if you're looking for what there are other places you can go and get a word this place is not a place to come and get a word this place is where you are actively groomed where you are actively groomed sometimes it's nice sometimes it's not nice grooming is not always nice sometimes it's nice and sometimes it's not nice in matthew chapter 27 verse 57 you will see that word again matato matthew 27 57 when the event was calm there came a rich man of aramatia named joseph who also himself was jesus's disciple acts 14 21 so he was a disciple of jesus joseph of aramatia acts 14 21 and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught taught on the line thought and had taught many they return again to lystra and to iconium and antioch the fundamental way discipleship is done is by teaching teaching that's the fundamental way to raise a disciple by teaching or to produce a student by teaching the greek word teaching in matthew chapter 28 verse 20 is the word died that's called teaching teaching them the word teaching there is applied in schools in the greek language is applied in schools in other words the church is a school you know i have told you before for especially for those that really went through have gone through my mentoring academy and those who are students of my mentoring academy i have told you before that the idea of a bible school is not found in the bible at all isn't it funny bible school is not found in the bible the idea of a bible school is not found in the bible at all what is bible school in the bible are regular church services we are not supposed to be going to one place to attend bible school if churches were doing what they ought to have done the reason for bible school is an indictment on the failure of the church to do what was necessary so that's where there was a need for an institution somewhere where people are selected and taken there who are serious to be equipped to come and do the work of ministry but that defeats the purpose of ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and 12. he that descended they see that ascended up on high and when he ascended up on high he gave gifts to men apostles prophets evangelist pastoring teachers why for the perfecting of the saints not a selected group of people for the perfecting of the saints believers for the work of the ministry so every believer ought to be equipped to do the work of the ministry meaning the church ought to be the bible school so that the body of christ may be edified so that's why we took time to establish that the bible school or the church has the gospel and the gospel is a course curriculum it's a course curriculum so you don't just say jesus died jesus was buried and he rose for our sins that is the title that is the topic do you understand jesus died he was buried he rose again ascended glorified that's the topic okay so it's like i wrote a book and the title of my book is jesus rose again there is a wonderful glory i now know what is in the book jesus rose again something must be wrong with you that is the title of the book you have not even opened the introduction you have not even looked at the table of contents jesus died he was buried he rose again it's the title that's the topic that's the topic of the course is not the details now you have to explore the details patiently and painstakingly so discipleship is actually a practice a practice discipleship is an art and i want you to learn it and be able to disciple others effectively to be able to disciple others effectively and discipleship is like training up a student bringing up people in the details of a course curriculum bringing up a people in the details of a course curriculum a practice or a trade a practice or a trade that's what jesus is teaching here he said go and make disciples discipleship is something you know by observation something you know by observation in acts chapter 2 verse 41 acts chapter 2 verse 41 acts of the apostles chapter 2 verse 41 then they that gladly received this word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls next verse and that continued if the bible is mine i will underline that they continued steadfastly continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers in the apostles doctrine they believed they were added to the church then you read further those who believed acts chapter four verse four those who believed acts chapter four verse for helping it many of them which had the word believed and the number of the men was about five thousand those who believed then you also see it in acts chapter 2 verse 47 write down and acts chapter 4 verse 32 those who believed so they were called believers in acts chapter 2 acts chapter 3 acts chapter 4 acts chapter 5 they were called believers those who believe but by acts chapter 6 verse 1 something changes acts chapter 6 verse 1 and in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied they were no more called believers they were now called disciples chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 believers were added chapter 6 the number of the disciples so they migrated from believers to disciples there is immigration from being a believer to a disciple why were they not called disciples in acts chapter 3 4 5 because you only get to know disciples with time you only get to know disciples with time it's not touch and go it's not hit or wrong i didn't come to this church to get a word a word a word no i came to be discipled and you only get to know disciples with time those whom you observe are actually imbibing a practice they are actually imbibing a practice a doctrine or a lifestyle they are imbibing a practice a doctrine or a lifestyle so in acts chapter 4 verse 13 observe what they said about these guys that followed jesus acts chapter 4 verse number 13 now when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with jesus something has changed they used to know them as illiterates they used to know them as ignorant people they used to know them as unlearned people but because they became students of jesus after a while what jesus carried reflected on them they took note of them and they concluded these are not the same people we used to know this man have been with jesus because the signature of jesus can be seen in their lifestyle you get to know disciples with time it takes a bit of time when you find the word disciple use the most in the book of acts when you get to the epistles you won't find the word disciple you will see the word montano montano means to learn that's what brother paul will say we have also learned christ ephesians 4 20 to 22 we have not so learned christ but you have not so learned christ if so be that you have had him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus as the truth is in jesus that's the word montanu montano where you have the word disciple so it's not a prominent word in the epistles because a disciple is an eyewitness something you see something you observe by practice by instruction by learning something you observe by practice by instruction and by learning so in the book of acts they now saw that those believers have now become disciples they have become disciples people who were listening and making a practice of what they were learning people who were listening and making a practice of what they were learning so in acts 4 13 where we read it says that knowing this men were unlearned they were uneducated they took note of the fact that this man must have been with jesus because luke tells us for example that jesus had taught these people for 40 days in acts chapter one verse two and three acts chapter one verse two and three please pay attention until the day in which he was taken up after that he threw the holy ghost and giving commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen next verse to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god so when he taught them then acts chapter 1 verse 14 acts chapter 1 verse 14 now says after the teaching this all continued this all continued that's the mark of the disciple he continues with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and married the mother of jesus and with his brethren why because they have been taught so since they have been taught what was if what was the result they continued they continued they continued in one accord in prayer and supplication with the women even mary the mother of jesus made herself a disciple a student of jesus mary was part of those that continued with the teachings that jesus gave them for 40 days that means for the 40 days jesus was teaching mary was taking notes she did not say he's my son after all no she knows that there was something about jesus that is not ordinary in fact she knew that it was a privilege for her to have carried him she had understood that is why she was up with them praying and i guarantee you it was in this prayer meeting that the holy ghost came and mary spoke in tongues on the day of pentecost i'm talking about the mother of jesus they continued so a christian ought to be a student acts chapter 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly in the apostles teaching prosecutorial in the greek steadfastly in the apostles teaching they didn't only continue but they continued steadfastly they didn't just continue there was a steadfastness in their continuity they were not just continuing there's a way you can continue sluggishly they say well you can continue without commitment without dedication but you're continuing but these guys continued with an attitude of steadfastness that means they were steadfast in the things they were taught they were not lazy steadfastly prosecutorial most times we often have what is called in the church you know in the church world worldwide foundation class foundation class we did it in this church foundation class and then foundation class used to be like six weeks or something you know where they give you fundamentals of teaching the foundation of the basis of christianity you're a new creature you're born again you're a child of god your sins are forgiving i scrapped that foundation class because what is supposed to be taught there is what we are learning now everything we are learning in these services is foundation school everything it's not supposed to be a few weeks of foundation class the diet is the same for life is the same diet are you understanding okay so we scrapped it then we started discipleship classes which is on now because everybody ought to be discipled by somebody because discipleship is just is beyond just learning observation is part of it rebuke is part of it correction is part of it all of that there's a grooming there's a deliberate intentional grooming that takes place in discipleship and now if you remember very back in the days we used to have what we had so we called sunday school you know i remember in our in the church where i attended we used to sing that sunday school song everybody ought to come to sunday school sunday school sunday school the men and the women and the boys and the girls everybody ought to come to sunday school we sang it every sunday morning before we started classes and the songs stuck with me i've not sang that song for 30 something years but it is still there everything clear everybody ought to come to sunday school and they taught us scriptural songs my heart was dark with sin until the savior came in his precious blood i know has washed it white as snow and in god's word i'm told i walk the street of gold to grow in christ each day i read my bible and pray they teach us those songs and we sang them in sunday school you know sunday school the church had sunday school a lot of us are products of sunday school because sunday school did a lot of good for us when you arrive church every sunday morning everybody is broken into classes and then we had a curriculum that ran for one year there is memory verse and there is a body of truth that was communicated systematically it wasn't haphazard teaching it was organized teaching by the time you go through the teaching will have gone through you too you go through it it goes through you so by the time both of you come out two of you are looking like each other i went in church this morning so there was sunday school and then sunday school became replaced by first second and third service first second thursday the church growth madness came everybody wanted to grow his church grow his church so church grows church growth church growth and then i remember back then sun exclusively one hour 30 minutes every sunday morning and after sunday school we will ask questions answer questions learn our memory verse and all of that then they will give us a quiz or a test then after that we will not enter the church for celebration service you remember that when we come into celebration service we will sing we will praise we will give pastor will preach again in the same service and then after that we all go home and then you go home with homework from sunday school that you walk on through the week next sunday you are back with your homework and then there's a review of last week's teaching it was organized teaching and a lot of people were molded by these teachings but when the church growth madness came in the scraps on the school first second thought service took over so what i decided to do in this church over the last few years is that the entire church service is cool how many of you observe we come sing a few songs pray and then i teach for the greatest part then we take our offerings and a few announcements and everybody's gone home the main thing is the teaching of god's word because that's the way church is supposed to be if you're following say i hear you that's the way church is supposed to be the truth of the matter is that there is nothing really called believers sunday sunday class or believers foundation class where you attend four weeks every sunday every wednesday every thursday every time we gather we have to continue steadfastly in the apostles teachings in the apostles because christianity is apostolic and historic so since christianity is apostolic and historic we are supposed to continue with what has been handed down to us brother paul says as a wise master builder i have let the foundation and another man build it upon that foundation for other foundation can no man lay than that which is late meaning i have led the framework of the body of truth that is supposed to be carried faithfully and handed down to one generation that will hand it down to another generation that will hand it down to another generation that is actually what it's supposed to be we're not supposed to be found inventing we're not supposed to be found inventing or innovating we're supposed to be found excavating and bringing out what is already there that's bible teaching that's how it's supposed to be in church you see all of that all through the scriptures we read in acts they were all called disciples look at acts chapter 4 chapter 8 verse 4 acts chapter 8 verse 4 acts of the apostles chapter 8 verse 4 therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the world why were they scattered abroad persecution persecution came to the church the people were scattered everywhere people were being arrested people were were being you know killed people who have been murdered there was intense persecution on the church now there's a pattern i want you to observe because in that acts chapter 8 one story was handpicked and that's the story of philip going to samaria the first thing is they were taught they were taught they were taught chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 then chapter 8 persecution they were taught and the outcome is that they could now go everywhere preaching the world they could now go everywhere every one of them was a preacher of the world something significant there is it was during persecution what a time to run away what a time to abandon the fate what a time to deny that you have ever been a christian and somebody was telling me some time back that the kingdom of god will take over we are taking over papa were taken over i said what are we taking over we're taking over politics we're taking over government we're taking over entertainment we're taking over football taking over i said to him no there's no such thing he says in the bible i say you're reading it upside down there's no such thing jesus came as a king a ruler not like caesar jesus came as a king and a ruler but not like caesar in fact jesus emphatically said my kingdom is not of this world clearly in black and white my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were to be of this world none of you would play around with me none of you will even arrest me but because my kingdom is not of this world that is why you can treat me the way you want to treat me sins are ruled with the sword sins are ruled with money sins are ruled with men that's the kingdom of this world if you're going to be anything relevant governor president whatever you want to be you must have assault you must have money you must have man you must you can rule in this world without a sword you need an army you need guns and then you need money and then you need men who believe in you and believe that you are loyal to them that when you get in there they will all be represented that's the way the world system works what are you talking about okay let me give you another an example if the governor leaves the govern the the the governor's house you think he will drive through this street alone huh there will be escorts there will be pilots there will be sirens there will be military men there will be all kinds of you know all kinds of military stuff so that if you try anything on the road the way they will handle you you will not remember that you are a party category member why because that's the way the world system works is is is is a form of tyranny it's a form of tyranny intimidation harassment harassment why because that's the way the world system works but the kingdom of god doesn't work like that so that's why we will not take over government we will not take over politics we will not take over entertainment we have a mandate to preach the gospel get men from darkness to light say i hear you that doesn't stop your personal ambition to be a governor to be a president brother if you have that ambition and you have what it takes go by all means and when you are there remember me that's your personal ambition that's not the kingdom of god that's your personal dream that's what you want to do with your life as a person on it but that's not the kingdom of god am i teaching here righteousness peace joy we are in the holy ghost that is what the kingdom of god are we teaching okay so i had to correct him jesus ruled by sacrifice jesus ruled by death jesus ruled by death it is true death that he became the king of kings when he rose from the dead god gave him a name so except you want to drop the cross and go for caesar's sword and go for caesar's army some people imbibe the wrong thinking you know because they are not well taught there are things you learn in discipleship please listen carefully in discipleship you drop what you used to think in discipleship you drop what you used to think you must think the word not think for yourself in discipleship you think the word you don't think for yourself somebody says christianity allows critical thinking christianity wants you to think no christianity says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind romans 12 he says do not think like the gentiles think ephesians 4 17 we do not think like the gentiles so in christianity we don't question everything say no you have to question every no you don't if you have to question everything then it is no more faith if you have to question everything then it is no more faith it is called the faith because there are things you don't question there are things you just believe there are things you just believe am i teaching good if you have to question everything it is humanistic not christianity so these guys had an opportunity to run a time to escape because there was persecution but the bible says they went everywhere preaching the word because they had learned from the apostles they went everywhere preaching i thought they would have gone to united nations with placard you know activism placard discrimination against christians preaching united nations we have come discrimination they are not allowing religious freedom of expression united nations do something about it no persecution brings the best out of the church yeah it brings out the best it is when there is persecution people pray anyhow people pray because it produces that is when you see power in the midst of persecution that's the way it works you can't pray it off you can't pray of persecution you can't that's why in acts chapter 3 when they were when they healed the lame man and they were beaten in acts chapter four they were humiliated for miracle bible said they went back to their company and reported how they were handled they didn't pray judgmental prayer they lifted up their voices to god and said to god lord you are god you are god who by the mouth of david your servant have said why do the hidden rage and the people imagine vincent's the kings and the rulers have risen up against christ and against his anointing but lord behold they are threatening behold they are threatened see how they threaten us and grant us boldness they didn't say stop them let them continue but give us boldness that with all boldness we may preach your word in the midst of their threat by stretching forth our hands to heal and that signs and wonders may be done in the name of your holy son jesus and the place was shaken and they were filled with the holy ghost and went everywhere preaching the world you don't pray persecution off when there is persecution you pray for boldness because the best of a believer comes out when there is persecution am i teaching good we pray for boldness we pray for miracles we pray for utterance that in the midst of trials we are not deterred we are confident we are bold to declare god's word these guys you know these are the same guys you said they said peter you jesus said i know him not did you say jesus i don't know him please don't be calling down him near me they denied jesus they were not even the ones to be crucified it was jesus that was to be crucified they were denying jesus but after thorough teaching after a thorough teaching the bible said when they beat them they rejoiced that they were worthy to suffer for the name of christ they were not running from persecution they were running to persecution when believers are well touched the word of god nothing can stop the preaching of the gospel nothing go to northern nigeria and see christianity go to northern nigeria go and see christians that are not sure that if they go to church they will come home go and see that they are not deterred ah i remember when we used to be back in zaria under the persecution our house was burned to ashes the muslims came and burned down our house intimidated us wanted to burn down the church in the midst of that i was preaching i was entering everywhere i will preach in the day i remember in my school one time they declared me wanted they were looking for me everywhere in the night i was sleeping in a female hostel under the bed brethren gathered made away from every night they would take me to some sister's bunk and put me under to sleep during the persecution one of the one of the presidents of a fellowship was slaughtered castle they laid him down and slaughtered his neck they were looking for us in the midst of his prayer we pray all night and preach all day pray all night preach all day pray all night preach all day we will walk close to them and say receive you see them falling under the power and they will run power past power they come with sword we come with lakota you know persecution brings out the best it makes you pray it makes you fast because under persecution you know that the only thing you have is god all these bottom bread christianity praise god they went everywhere preaching and they said i bear in my body the marks of christ i bear in my body the marks of christ somebody say let us pray that nobody can touch us because we bear in our body the mark of christ that is why they will touch you because you have a mark that will make it easy for you to be identified the mark of christ doesn't mean touch not the mark of christ means much of persecution because of christ that is we have marks in our body that have been put on us during persecution because of our faith in christ that's the meaning of mark of christ mark of christ means marx that came as a result of persecution for the gospel that's why his brother possessed for let nobody trouble you because i have chatted my course i am on a journey where persecution is part of my journey the marks are already on me are we teaching here so in case you have been praying mark of christ's prayer you better stop that father i bear the mark of christ nobody can touch me that is why they will touch you because the mark will make it visible am i teaching here mark of christ is marks of persecution praise god jesus said if they hated me they will hate you no servant is greater than his master if i was abused they will abuse you if i was rejected they will reject you so these guys had seen the pattern the disciples had seen the pattern now you know there are four synoptic gospels four of them matthew has 28 chapters mark has 16 chapters luke has 24 chapters and john has 21 chapters listen carefully in all the 28 chapters only two chapters of matthew didn't talk about the ministry of jesus but the two chapters pointed to he does chapter one and chapter two mark has 16 chapters and all the 16 chapters talk about the ministry of jesus luke has 24 chapters only two just like matthew didn't talk about his ministry but the two pointed to his ministry so out of 24 22 chapters talk about dedicated to the ministry of jesus john has 21 chapters all of them dedicated to the ministry of jesus the son of god yet he is the servant of god he is the son of god but he makes himself a servant so if you claim to be like jesus if you claim to be as he is you must serve like jesus served that is why even though he is the son of god he is called the servant look at matthew 20 27 matthew chapter 20 verse 27 somebody getting blessed matthew 20 27 and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant next verse 28 even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many in the kingdom of god leadership is service leadership is service there are about nine or so words used for leader in the bible and most of those words were used for the gentiles what you have in scripture is servant minister you know people like the word apostle apostle there are a lot of them in town opposed to this apostle that apostle that apostle that and many of them think that name apostle is a name of dignity and there is a name for respect oh jesus ignorance is not good with all you are getting get understand the word apostle is used either for an ambassador who serves on behalf of one but most of the use of the word apostle means errand boy an apostle is an errand boy so when you say i'm an apostle what you are saying is i am an iran boy a messenger someone you send for dirty jobs that's the meaning of apostle someone you send for dirty jobs to clean the floor to mop the chairs to wash the toilet that's an opposite contrary to what some of you think when they say it's an apostle it's apostle around boy they are not titles they are not titles of athlete or no they are not titles of ethnic grammar they are not titles of earthly glory those apples to prophets they are not titles at all they are words that depict service the son became a servant they die conor he became a servant in philippians chapter 2 bible says jesus taught not himself to be equal with god he stripped himself of all that makes him god and took upon him the form of a servant he took the form of a servant you cannot follow jesus without serving jesus you cannot follow jesus without serving jesus service is discipleship actually the proof of discipleship is service the proof of discipleship is service when we are saying making disciples it means we are training man to do what jesus did we are training man to do what jesus did we are learning to do what jesus did i mean look at the four gospels in teaching jesus picked out 12 people then 70. in luke chapter 9 and luke chapter 10 he sent them out to go and preach how can you be a disciple of jesus and you do not preach the gospel what are you discipling john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave us land rover jeeps for god so loved the world that he gave us mercedes-benz hey talk to me power city for god so loved the world that he gave us mansions what did he give us he is the only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life so if you really love the world what you will give them by preaching the gospel is the gift of eternal life when you really love somebody you want to give him the gift of eternal life yes you can say this is my best friend and you have never preached the gospel to the person you are a hypocrite you are a liar you are a big liar because if that person is really your best friend the best gift of god is what you want to share maybe it's not your best friend maybe it's somebody you enjoy using and you're using best friend to cover it up because if somebody is really your best friend you want to shout the person the best gift the best gift the best gift sometimes you hear christians and non-christians having the same ideology it baffles me the same ideology they will tell you what is the high point of christianity what is the high point of christianity is it not if you have two clothes you share one with your neighbor that ideology you have three shoes you share two you share with your neighbor is he not distributing food to the poor is that not the high point of christianity equip struggling believers with skills train them on marketing network marketing forex trading bitcoin equip them is that not the high point then you have some churches that are driving with that kind of talk that's on some churches first service is interpreted service second service is agricultural farming you understand they buy tractors for the church to have to to give to brethren to go on farm say that church is a caring church it's a caring church they train you to make money and how to make it in life very caring church see that is where the real christianity is they tell you i must impact my world how agriculture producing food for the foodless to eat then they take all of you to a seminar where the speaker says i don't believe in jesus but i believe in humanity i believe in humanity the last six months our organization sent 40 million tons of food to sudan three months ago we brought in face marks 40 million for nigerians i don't believe in jesus but i believe in humanity right now we are putting together 40 million dollars to send as relief to brethren in i mean to human beings we have decided to give back to humanity you know members of that church will say wow this is christianity indeed this man has become a new pastor they believe that people that do that they are the man of god you see where the idea is worked you see where that idea is worked what the world needs is eternal life through the sacrifice of jesus that's why god loves the world he didn't give us cars he didn't give us lamborghinis he loves the world he didn't drop dumb bags of rice in every family he loves the world he gave the world the gift of eternal life rice you can farm and produce food you can locate that one by yourself clothes you can manufacture but there's one thing no human being can give is the life of god and that is what god gave to mankind and that's the job of the church to give to men the gift of eternal life through the preaching of the gospel if you're following say i hear you that's the job of the church eternal life no amount of entrepreneurship gives eternal life no amount of indominus can give eternal life no amounts of clothes distributed can give eternal life where men are poor is in their heart men are poor in their heart that's where the poverty is in the heart the poverty of man is beyond food to eat close to where the poverty of man is to be without the spirit of god man without the spirit is dead the poverty of man is to be without the spirit of god so dr damina is it wrong to give food to the poor no you are not getting the point here you are hearing but you are not hearing set your priorities right you cannot be a disciple of jesus without the ministry of jesus you cannot be a disciple of jesus without the ministry of jesus the minister of jesus is what makes you a disciple what is the ministry of jesus the ministry of jesus is that he preached he thought he healed the sick and he prayed concerning what he preached he preached he taught he prayed for the sick and he prayed concerning what he preached so that man will believe his preaching and teaching and have eternal life which is the ultimate reason why jesus came john 10 10 i am come that you may have life and be abundant that you might have life and be abundant life is found in the spirit of a man who believes the gospel so if you're a disciple of jesus that is your focus there are two places in the world today where there is unusual conversion into christianity iran and china that is where the greatest revival is happening right now in iran and china and in these two places they have the strictest stringent condition for worship is very difficult to find churches gathered no buildings no tv lights yet people are getting born again in their millions some in the underground people are getting saved why because they have decided to preach the gospel jesus way believers have taken on the ministry of jesus iran iraq and more nations are opening up to the gospel more nations saudi arabia opening up to the gospel to reach the world is the mandate how do you reach the world by reaching the men across your street that man across your street is how you reach the world people in bus stops moto parks the prostitutes the street boys the drug addicts the drop outs the bad doors in the byways and the highways people in the hedges those are the people you reach out to them you go to them and preach the gospel you go to the one of my sons was telling me you know in accra he said when i went to start church i was busy preaching to believe i am to people who have gone to churches and they were arguing too much with me when i go to give them the gospel they are arguing how can you say christian can be born again and jesus has forgiven him and anything he does he is forgiving they were busy he said just oh god you know lord i'm giving up on these people i know you have no but i have given up on all these people i am going now to look for a drug addict i went to these guys that was smoking a book when he got in there he said gentlemen i just came to share the love of god with you guys say uh okay wait let's finish this one wait we started so you finish okay tell us what you came to tell us he shared the gospel they sat down they gave him cheer he taught and taught and taught and taught and taught and taught the reality of the gospel entered them they melted down and received christ he got them baptized with the holy ghost they started speaking in tongues in the ebola joint he cleaned them up he said right now they are committed they are the first foundation members of his church they go for evangelism every day and he said papa since i have been in ministry nobody has given me money like these boys every day pastor are you okay take this one pastor are you okay that if they take their own they must give me my own he said i didn't ask them i didn't have to teach them he said so papa i have decided all these recycled christians i have given up on them i'm going for raw sinners i'm going for raw sinners who don't know anything and he said these people don't argue anything i tell them is final if i tell them jesus has died for you they believe if i tell them your sins are eternally forgiven they believe if i tell them you have eternal life forever they believe no argument not saying whatever one saved what about uh italia save or not save he said all that nonsense is not there what i'm teaching them is all they know they don't know anything other than what i'm telling them so and they don't know about any other church they are not looking at any pastor in town they are not interested because they all they know where god is concerned is me i say i hope you're teaching them the right he said everything you teach i teach them that's a very good teaching right sometimes you waste time on people that that are not serious there are people that are in the drenches of sin that a ray of light is all they need just a ray of light you just go close to them and just put the light all of them will come alive i don't know if i'm talking to somebody we take the gospel there go to where people who need christ ah don't go to where people already don't need anything we preach this gospel we preach this gospel praise god to reach the world is to get across look at john 20 21 as around them john chapter 20 verse 21 get him blessed then say jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send are you even so sent are you next verse and when he had said this he breathed on them and said unto them receive ye the holy ghost next verse oh glory to god whosoever sins you remit they are remitted unto them and whosoever sins you retain they are retained what does it mean the father sent me john 15 26 john 15 26 but when the comforters come whom i will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father he shall testify of me john 14 26 john chapter 14 verse 26 but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you as my father sent me is the word allah's parakletos that is christ coming to us in the spirit christ coming to leaving us in the spirit as my father sent me even so sent are you in other words jesus tells us the purpose of the new birth or the another comforter is to go to the world and testify of jesus that's why he said receive the holy ghost how do you forgive people their sins by preaching how do you retain people's sins by not preaching so the high point of the indwelling of the spirit in the believer is to testify of jesus what is the essence of life of right living or living right your living right is not to end points with god you're already righteous you're already born of his spirit the essence of living right is because of the gospel you preach that's why you live right because of the gospel you preach it's not to score points with god you are the spirit already and that is all is ever going to give you his spirit as my father has sent me so sender you when jesus rose from the dead to live in our hearts he came to live in our hearts for this course to testify of him all over the world to testify of him all over the world you cannot claim to understand and practice christianity without these elements i am pointing out we preach the gospel the spirit of jesus in you is in you to serve to serve you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem judea samaria to the honorable part of the earth so christianity we begin by learning what you're hearing now this is where we begin christianity from jesus crucified buried raised from the dead now lives in us and begins to do through us the things he did in the four gospels he is doing through us today the same things he did in the four gospels so the four gospels have become a pattern for us a pattern a pattern for us where the spirit of god through us is giving expression to the will of god on the earth what is the will of god on the earth blessed to be a blessing until all the families of the earth be blessed glory to god the gospel of the blessing we bring christ and him crucified we preach him we preach him everywhere discipleship produces in you a heart of service it produces in you a desire to see others experience what you have experienced yesterday i was preaching for the full gospel businessman in ghana and i told them the message that saves you makes a missionary out of you of the same message it saves you and makes you a messenger of the same you are saved in turn you take the same message you preach it so others can be saved glory to god as a glory to god now this is just a foundation i'm still laying of what i'll be dealing with this week you don't want to miss what i'm going to teach in the next service because in the next series we're going to get into the heart of this teaching what i did was to clear the bush so we can start the walk amen we're going to get into the heart of this teaching this week is going to be very explosive very very get ready we're going to learn a lot of things you know um that will help you to be effective that will help you to be the kind of person that god you know god god designed you to be so you can fulfill the plan of god so you can walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful unto every good walk say with me i will walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing i will be fruitful onto every good walk stand with me and say it again very loud everybody stand with me hallelujah i said hallelujah stand with me everybody let's say these words together i will walk worry of the lord unto all pleasing i will be fruitful unto every good walk say in the name of jesus i am strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man i declare i am a witness of the gospel i preach the gospel i make known the mystery of christ i proclaim the truth of the gospel in season out of season i am a bold witness and in the name of jesus i receive boldness to make known the mystery of christ in the name of jesus i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ is the power of god unto salvation i have what the world is in need of and i will not hold it i will push it out there so that the perishing can experience the saving power of god amen i didn't hear your amen can i hear better amen you know we go everywhere preaching bible says they were scattered and they went everywhere preaching they went where everywhere what were they doing preaching the gospel preaching and listening everybody i have taught you this in in ted 4 preaching the gospel is not touch and go my brother my brother jesus died he was buried on the third day he rose ascended and went to heaven your sins are forgiven do you believe if you believe you're born again now you have not started you only announce the title of the message evangelism takes hours by the time you sit somebody down and you take him through the rudiments of the message for two to three hours it is him that will say what shall we do what shall we do to be safe you are not the one that will be saying do you want to be no there's a way you will teach somebody the cry for salvation will come out of him that's evangelism then when he has received christ he has become your disciple you take him through discipleship not that he's born again said let me take you to our church church is no target target is discipleship and you know as a church we have discipleship manuals i hope you know that we have a manual you use for discipleship you just need to stand by the bookstore and ask for the manual and the the training is in the manner all the lectures all the notes even what to say in case you don't know what to say you can read the manual word for word and as you are reading it power is flowing just like you read the bible and power flu the manual too is is taken out of the bible so you just read it explain it read it explain it pray lesson two lesson three lesson four lesson five to help the person have the kickstart to come and join the house where we continue the discipleship see i hear you i say say i hear you say i will raise disciples please say very loud i will raise disciples say like you know what you're talking about our resistance say i will raise disciples for the kingdom of god i will make disciples for jesus christ i am an ambassador of this gospel i'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of god unto salvation and i will make it known all over the world i didn't hear powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven father i pray for everybody this morning in this building online on television on radio everywhere your people are hearing the sound of my voice i ask that these realities continue to resonate in our hearts there's a steering in our hearts there's a staring of the spirit there is a witness of the spirit there is a staring of the spirit there is a witness of the spirit jacob there is a witness of the spirit in our hearts madago jakota malita nakora takaya in this season and in these times to preach this gospel like never before so i declare and i decree and i declare for everyone under the sound of my voice boldness to preach the word in the name of jesus receive boldness to preach the word in the name of jesus and i decree that obstacles are terminated restrictions are taken away barriers are terminated in the name of jesus and i decree that these signs follow you as you go to preach in the name of jesus you cast out devils you heal the sick you cast out devils you heal the sick you cleanse the lepers and the word of the lord confirmed through you in the name of jesus father we rejoice that you're walking with us confirming your word with signs and wonders following thank you that all over the city all over this land all over this nation and the nations of the earth the gospel is preached and men are coming to the light of the truth of christ thank you for clarity through your word thank you that the army is rising in this house and the army is rising all over the world a people that the gates of hell is afraid of in the name of jesus and i decree that this week your steps are ordered by the lord your steps are ordered by the lord i say your steps are ordered by the lord i say your steps are ordered by the lord i say your steps are ordered by the lord every conspiracy of the enemy against you is terminated [Music] i want to pray for you honeycomb come let's pray for pastor there are calculations i see the calculations i see the tables i see them gathered i see them sitting and calculating and i see them orchestrating and the lord shall laugh nego docus [Laughter] let's laugh together with the lord i see two tables i see them sitting on two different tables one table is very wretched poor dirty table like that those kind of tables that people that drink pan wine those kind of you know tata table and i see another one another one is a very expensive table i see them sitting and there's a correlation between this table and the other team but as we're speaking right now they are scattered as well speaking their scattered just cut it there's comfort i say they are scattered and prayers were made by the church without ceasing for peter and peter was released out of every closure out of every imprisonment lord we decree and declare as the church of god right now over your son we speak total protection total preservation their tongues are condemned their conspiracy is cut out their agreement shall not stand their counsel shall not stand in the name of jesus nakoya thank you father thank you father you have boldness no fear whatsoever you have boldness your steps are ordered your steps are ordered your steps are calculated you will go where you need to go and you will avoid where you don't need to go in the name of jesus great grace is yours egg bonjour thank you lord thank you lord it is done it is done nakota khalida and i speak over all of you business people in this church i speak over business people in this church i speak over career people in this church i speak over those of you that are involved in politics in this church i speak over those of you that are involved in different professions by the grace and the favor of jesus christ as i'm speaking right now including those of you watching online on television and in our campuses i decree that every tongue that arises against you in judgment is condemned it's condemned is condemned and as you are your aiming is coming like thunder receive fresh opportunities fresh opportunities receive fresh ideas receive fresh ideas receive fresh ideas in the name of jesus the work of your hands are blessed the work of your hands are blessed the work of your hands are blessed hey let them that favor is righteous god shout for joy shout for joy shout for job shout for job shout for joy shout for job let them continually say the lord be magnified that has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant can everybody say the lord is magnified that has pleasure in my prosperity now you will say that three times then we will shout crazy play the instruments hit the drums we're gonna make some crazy noise he says let them shout for joy let them continually say so let's say together everybody the lord is magnified that has pleasure in my prosperity two more times the lord is magnified that has pleasure in my prosperity now say it for the last time [Music] collapsed opportunities glory your glory out is blessed your coming in is blessed and i declare as you go out you will carry the everlasting gospel in your mouth wherever you are found beyond business and profession your first priority you will preach the gospel you will make christ known you will reveal christ to the world you will raise disciples in the name of jesus it is done it is done done done in jesus christ's name can i help the powerful amen in the building listen to me people there is great victory for you great victory the devil has lost he came too late we're ahead of him amen you don't want to miss the next service but i want to take up your honor offerings all over the world in our campuses you know those of you watching online we give our honor offering to honor the world to honor this world and to honor the labor of god's word we honor what christ has done and the sacrifice of his of of of himself for our salvation so i'd like you to package your honor offerings all over in the building online there are banking details on tv there are banking details and those of you listening on radio mr michael bush will read the banking details in the next segment of axa council but everybody else grab your offerings this morning thank you lord jesus hallelujah the online family you don't want to miss the next service and you don't want to miss the next few days every evening 6 p.m gmt plus 1 monday to saturday the next sunday will be the final sessions of ted season five i'm excited about it praise god all right lift up your offerings father we give in faith and we give with joy and we honor what christ has done for us we decree that as we give today our offering is a sweet smell before you and we declare that everyone giving your needs are met according to his riches in glory by christ jesus you lack nothing you have everything provided i decree that you have all of god's favor at work on your behalf and we are making tremendous power available that is dynamic in his working so through this week expect miracles at every turn expect favor at every tongue because the power of god is working on your behalf in the name of jesus thank you father for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory now just for the purpose of our international community within the week we'll be pulling out the announcements and all the arrangements for power bible school july you know which will also be 30 days of glory uh season eight soteria season eight and then at the end of it the first week of august will be homecoming homecoming will be ted season eight i mean third season seven this is five i'm going to do season six before 30 days of glory and then during the homecoming will be ted season seven it's gonna be exciting we're gonna have a blast so we're gonna pull out the adverts so that those of you coming from all over the world you can get your tickets you can book your hotels you can make plans you can begin to prepare to get visas and we can get all of that on the way we're looking forward to having all of you come back home we're going to have a great time of fellowshipping with one another and just getting to enjoy christ together we love you guys and you don't want to miss the next service at 11am i'm looking forward to continue what i started this morning and until i see you in the next service enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service this morning glory amen true amen praise god for these all the messages and books by dr abell dominant please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,423
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Id: vV-V7Wf3JE8
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Length: 103min 43sec (6223 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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