"TRAIN Your Brain To MAKE MORE MONEY Using The LAW OF ATTRACTION!" | Bob Proctor & Lewis Howes

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well the earning of money is is an exact science it's governed by law the amount of money you earn is in direct ratio to the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing it we've got to learn how to earn money and most people don't know how to earn money most people think you go to work to earn money i think you gotta have a dream the school of greatness really yeah please welcome us if you could share or reveal some of the shocking habits that you've noticed from some of the biggest performers in the world on how they've been able to handle adversity and thrive and what the difference is between the ones who have been successful during a challenging time of adversity for the world what are the habits of those people thriving versus the other people that maybe who were successful but fell off a little bit over the last year what would you say are some of those habits that differentiate the successful during challenging times well there's it's it's really obvious you know the law of the animal kingdom is adapt or die and if you let the outside world control you you're toast because when anything goes wrong it's in control when you control from the inside like we're in control of ourself we're in control of our world so it doesn't matter what happens you figure out how to get to where you're going um the goals don't change sometimes the methods of getting there do but i have never i think probably i had great teachers i had a half a dozen phenomenal mentors and i think i was raised the right way you stay in control regardless you know yeah what would you say are some of the habits that you have that people wouldn't expect that you would have maybe they would expect certain things like waking up early or journaling or you know getting eight hours of sleep but what are some habits that you do differently that maybe are unexpected in the personal growth space i study every day every day i've studied every day now for 60 years i started to study this book in 1961 and i read it every day same book think and grow rich i have uh just here behind me i've got the laws of success the original ones that napoleon hill wrote in 1928 and then he came out with this in 1937. and the man that gave it to me he said if you'll study this every day he said you're going to have a wonderful life and he pointed out napoleon hill spent his whole life studying the lives of 500 of the world's most successful people he was mentored by andrew carnegie who at the time was the wealthiest man in the world and he said since he spent his whole life putting this together he said it would be a prudent move on your part if you spent the rest of your life trying to understand and apply what he was teaching and right you know that just seemed to make some sense to me and that's what i started doing i've never stopped if there was only one principle inside of think and grow rich that you could only live by and only talk about and you wouldn't be able to talk about anything else inside the book what would that one principle be persistence he said there he he said in the book he said there may be no heroic connotation to the word but the quality is to the character of the human like what carbon is to steal see i think the trick louis is get some good habit patterns and live with them all of your life because you're either going to grow or you're going to die it's uh it's create or disintegrate there's no such thing as leveling out and staying where we are and some people think they can just hold it where they're at but they can't do that you're either going to go ahead or you're going to go backwards it's create or disintegrate and so if you have good habits you're going to keep growing way back i think around 1938-39 albert ian gray worked for the prudential and he wrote the common denominator of success it's a great article and he said the common denominator of success is informing the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do and he was speaking one time a young guy said why do successful people like doing these things and he said they don't that's why they've turned them into habits you know i thought that was beautiful because that's why they've turned them into habits they don't like doing them you see and of course what do you think well a habit is something we do automatically without any conscious thought we just it's part of our paradigm we're programmed what do you think are the three most difficult habits to develop that actual actually will support us for the most growth long term if we can take these habits on one of the i think the most difficult is repetition of studying the same thing i have a uh a book here on my desk it's in a book holder and when i went to visit earl nightingale way back um 1968 six no it was other than that it was around 66 and i saw he had this book stand on his desk and i asked him what it was he said it was a book holder and i said why do you have it he says because i want to read those two pages every day for the next month maybe two months i said really the same thing and he said yeah he said then they'll become a part of me and he said that's really the success the secret of success is the repetition of an idea you see that in sports you play ball i mean it's definitely part of your game you know how many how many plays would you have in your head who um well a lot of different plays but in football there's really only like nine different routes a receiver can run yeah that's part of the tree of running a route but there's so many different variations within plays that that one receiver could run and then another person could run in tandem with that yeah so you have to there's a massive playbook that you go through at the beginning of the season and you've got to remember a lot of different things but if you typically know the route you need to run and what other people are doing around you then you can you can figure it out but it's repetition that enables you to do that isn't it over and over and over and over same route over and over that doesn't just apply to football i think that applies to life and if a person will really understand that it's through repetition that you program your subjective mind and it's your subjective mind that controls your behavior doesn't make sense to some people but if they would study it and start to understand it they would start to do it what's the most important thing on those two pages that you have up in front of you most important thing here read it to you the lesson to be learned from the practical aviation of the present day is that of triumph of principle over precedent of working out of an idea to its logical conclusion in spite of the accumulated testimony of all past experiences to the contrary with such a notable example before us can we say that it is futile to inquire whether by the same method we may not unlock still more important secrets and gain some knowledge of the unseen causes which are the back of external and visible conditions and then by bringing these unseen causes into a better order make practical working reality of possibilities which at present scene but fantastic dreams they're talking about the wright brothers he said there was a secret they got off the ground because nobody knew how to fly and neither did they until after they got it in the air but he pointed out that it was principle over precedent and we let president control us too often what's the difference between principle and precedent well president you're letting something that has happened in the past control you the principle uh is that there's always a better way it doesn't matter what you're doing better is a beautiful word what's something in your life that took a long time where you were holding on to the precedent of something for a while maybe it was months maybe it was years decades that eventually the principal finally started to fly and you had a breakthrough is there an area of your life you can think of absolutely absolutely as soon as you said it yeah you see when i started in this when i first got this book um i was such a loser and i mean in every every way you look at it i um i went to high school for two months and i didn't quit they kicked me out they didn't want me there um and i was kind of happy because i didn't like it there anyway um i held dumb jobs i never had a half decent job the idea that i could even get a good job never entered my mind i had such low self-esteem i didn't understand that at the time i didn't even know what self-esteem was and letting go of the fact that i didn't have a formal education that i never had any business experience the man that gave me the book he said none of that matters bob that's the past he said let it go well i had a difficult time letting that go because we're programmed that if you don't go to school you can't get a good job that if you're going to earn a lot of money you've got to be really smart well you see i didn't think i was very smart and i didn't have any formal education that's a hard thing to let go of but through the repetition of studying this over and over and over and as he pointed out to me edison had grade three and he pointed at different people that had no formal education and i finally made a break got left it behind i'm not quite sure exactly when but i let it go yeah what would you say are some deciding factors that can help someone with their self-esteem because you and i are very similar where my childhood i didn't i didn't have much confidence in myself or esteem because i was in the bottom of my class in school because i was you know had tutors and special needs classes because i just wasn't able to understand it and comprehend that well and felt awkward and goofy in my life what are some some things you think people that in their teens or even in their 40s and 50s who don't have confidence yet what are things we can be doing differently to gain confidence to build self-esteem because i think this is one of the key factors of successes believing in yourself it doesn't matter if the world believes in you if you don't believe in you what can we start to do to change that well i think a person has to start to study themselves most people know very little about themselves they think they're their body you're not a body you have a body and you have a marvelous mind and when i first started to study this i thought you know studying the mind that's for a psychiatrist psychologist behavioral scientist and the man that told me he said no it's not he says that for anybody that's for little kids and so i think as we start to understand something about our mind and something about our higher faculties see we're all programmed to live through our senses we go by what we see here smell taste touch well i've got a little dog at home that you can see here smell taste touch all the animals in the world they're completely at home in their environment they blend in they operate by instinct which is perfect um we had instinct removed and we had higher faculties put in our place in the place and if we would study these and gain an understanding your self-image would automatically start to improve you have perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition those six faculties will give you the ability to create your own environment see we're totally disoriented in our environment where all the other little creatures are completely at home and theirs and we're we're disoriented in ours because we can create our own but we don't know that school doesn't teach us that school is more interested in the development of your intellect than in the development of awareness like um a person doesn't earn a hundred thousand dollars a year because they want a hundred a year they earn a hundred a year because they're not aware of how to earn a hundred a month awareness is really the key and when we become aware of who we are and what we've got working for us you know marvelous things start to happen to us and that's really what happened to me i never went back to school um i um i built a very successful company it operates all over the world um i didn't do myself i have tremendous team of people i've got a just an absolute genius of a business partner a a woman who's an attorney i mentioned to you before you should have her run sometimes you she you'd be fascinated with her she's that interesting but there's a group of people we've attracted a phenomenal group of people in our company and we're operating now in 91 countries wow teaching this information you know it's i don't know another company that teaches what we teach like i think tony robbins has probably done more for our industry than any individual the secret has probably done more for it as much as tony has um the movie um but there's i don't know anybody else teaching what we're teaching and what we're really doing is teaching people how their mind functions and how to expand their understanding of how it operates what are the six faculties again you shared this before which i which i love and i think if people really understood this perception help them build their self-image perception the will imagination memory reason and intuition which one is the hardest for people to i don't think any of them are awareness they're they're all equally valuable um you take your imagination think of this for a minute lois nothing is created or destroyed look here here's a little cell phone what you can do with this almost blows your mind when you think of it yeah well when i was a kid we didn't have a phone we didn't have a phone because we didn't have any money for the first reason but the second um not everybody could have a phone we were not aware that there was an infinite number of frequencies today there's what a zillion phones because there's an infinite number of frequencies this phone is on its own frequency yours it's on its own frequency if i have your number in here and i hit send you and i connect we're on the same frequency won't matter where you are we can see each other we can communicate because we get on the same frequency well the good that we desire is already here it's on a frequency the way to build this has always been here we weren't aware of it but somebody took their imagination that went off into no place what they were really doing is going on to a higher frequency and if you'll stay on that frequency you'll attract everything that you require that's why um dr warner von braun when president kennedy asked him what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and then bring him back safely to earth von braun said the will to do it the will is the mental faculty that gives you the ability to hold one id on the screen of your mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions see if you take your imagination do it you have goals take your imagination and then take yourself there see yourself already have completed the goal and then hold that picture with your will when you go there with your imagination there is a place whatever it is you want you went there with your imagination there is a place you stay there in your imagination you will attract everything that's required for the manifestation of that picture you saw brady doing it last yeah as sunday machine yeah absolutely phenomenal so holding the imagination the picture that you want in your mind and then attracting it on the steps to get yeah you see we don't work toward the goal we work from the goal you get the goal in your mind our problem is we measure everything on the physical and yeah you look at the physical and you say well i haven't got it yet if you think your conscious mind if you get an image there of your goal you've already got it intellectually if you didn't have it you couldn't share it with me but if you have it you can share it with me you can share with me the idea that you've got in your mind so you've already got it there haven't you right as you get emotionally involved with that idea you've got it also on an emotional level you've got it there you've got it intellectually you've got it emotionally the only place you haven't got it is physically right there's a period of time muscle lapse for that idea that you have intellectually and emotionally for that idea to move into physical form we understand how much time pardon how much time does it usually take we don't know we don't know that's the only thing we don't know is the gestation period for an idea we know what the gestation period is for wheat we know what it is for a carrot we know what it is for a baby moment of conception is about 280 days we didn't always know these things but we do now we don't know what the gestation period is for a spiritual seed and that's what an idea is but it grows by exactly the same law and so if we hold that id in our mind it must by law manifest in form it moves into form now that is called the perpetual transmutation of energy it's one of the laws of the universe wow uh there is something that i uh that you shared um just a moment ago that reminded me of an interview i did with uh joe dispenza recently where he said we're really good at remembering the past and actually building a story in our mind about something traumatic that was actually way worse in our mind than it actually probably was in person we're really good at remembering these stories but what we need to do he said is to remember the future and when he said that it kind of triggered something different it's like what you just shared it's like have an idea of the future of what we want to manifest and hold on to that idea and remember the memories of the future as opposed to holding on to the memories of the past so we can move into that as opposed to be stuck in the past that's totally fine that's what that is yeah yeah yeah that's hard why is it so hard why is it hard for us to hold on to or maybe not hold on to but keep in our minds and imagine the idea of a greater future for us as as opposed to constantly being stuck in the past why is that hard for so many of us because we're programmed to go the other way you know what language do you speak uh i barely speak english how about russian priviate gag de la that's all i know well the point is you were raised with the english language yes you don't know another language i was raised with the english language i don't know another language i was working with people over in kuala lumpur a number of years ago and they had a little boy four years old that little boy could speak four languages they thought nothing of that there's people speak many more than four languages because that's the way they're raised we're the product of our environment from the time we're born but prior to that genetically we're programmed you're genetically programmed at the moment of conception you get all mom's dna and all dad's dna and god knows how far it goes back on either side well that is programming that's in our subconscious mind and that's called a paradigm that's what it is it's a program in our subconscious mind now here's the crazy part you have programs in your phone or in your computer the people that write the code for these programs are really smart when it comes to writing code they really know what the hell they're doing the people that wrote the code for our bio computer had no idea what the hell they were doing [Music] they don't they did not they were writing a code for my subconscious mind and for yours that's our paradigm and that probably controls our life to an enormous degree it did with me until i was 26. now i was fortunate when i met ray stanford and he got me into the think and grow rich book and that led me into god knows what else i have been working at changing that program since i was 26 i'm 86 right now so i've been at it for a long time and i work at it every day most people don't even know that they have the problem so they stay stuck their whole life listen you interview some pretty interesting people um i watched the interview here a billionaire a while ago [Music] which one i forgot i forgot who it was anyway ray dalio charles coke it was a pretty interesting interview anyway but yeah the point is anybody can become a billionaire if that's what you want to do you say well wouldn't everybody know everybody wouldn't i wouldn't want to put all my energy into that now does that mean i don't want money no hell i earn all kinds of money and i probably want to earn more but that's not my focus we are programmed to live a certain way and rarely do we change that now i change it and i teach people to change it but most people don't stop and think of how few people are really well off three four four five percent maximum if that and 95 percent are struggling and these are some of these are really bright people you've got people that have a um a doctorate degree in commerce and finance and they're broke how the hell could that happen well they never learned how to earn money they learn how to count it invest it and what to do with it they never learned how to earn it school doesn't teach us how to earn money it's absurd when you stop and think about it right they teach us all kinds of stuff that's a lot of it's useless but they don't teach us about how to earn money and money is a medium of exchanges negotiable all over the world you know yeah what do you think of the programs or the programming that hold us back the most the maybe the two or three things well we were talking about earlier the self-image that's programming mm-hmm and um i have a little great-granddaughter and her mother and father are really fascinating i'm watching how they treat this little girl it is fascinating her name is nora and if they do and they'll say thank you norah norah that is really good i mean this kid i think is going to grow up with a just a phenomenal self-image now they have been studying this all their life and now they've got a little baby and the two watch the two of them working with her it's phenomenal you know but i think self-esteem has to be one of the biggest problems that's not really taught in school it's not taught in many homes um you take and get into into any of the sports leagues they don't teach much about the subconscious mind the subconscious mind is controlling how well you play the game um what is the thing that's been on repeat for you every single morning to help program your subconscious mind in your favor is there a thing you say is there a mantra is there a meditation is there a practice that helps reprogram in a positive way i have gold card i carry gold card with me all the time my goals on the card i touch that when i when you have a goal and you write your goal you you paint a picture with words your goal is a picture in your mind and you paint the picture with words when you're writing it you impregnate it into a group of cells in your brain when i carry this my pocket when i touch it sensory factor touch is affected it's a light message goes flying through my body and it resonates with those cells in my brain and the picture comes on the screen in my mind this is a ritual i've been doing this since 1961. wow um what's what's on your gold card before i get to the next thing i want to do a hundred million dollars in business wow we don't do that now i'm doing it in here but physically i haven't got there um this is sandy's goal and it's my goal we both got the card signed it's written in present tense um all your goals should be in present tense the only thing you put a date on is you're guessing at the date you don't know what the date is you know so what's what's the second the next thing you do to help reprogram your i read it out ten things i'm grateful for every morning you read it i write it read it write it yeah yeah okay yeah what does gratitude do for someone when they feel stuck when they feel overwhelmed stressed their goals aren't happening fast enough well granted it's an interest it's an interesting question the way you answer the question in the science of getting rich in chapter seven wallace d waddles wrote the chapter on on gratitude in energy said the entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word gratitude the entire process of mental adjustment if you're troubled this some could and it could go wrong um but you're troubled you've got a big problem you're just not quite sure how to solve and it's bothering you it might be something personal or it could be business whenever you feel yourself troubled that's a mental problem the entire process of mental adjustment you need a mental adjustment sit down write out what you're grateful for you'll be amazed what it does to you the entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summoned up in one word gratitude gratitude hooks you up to your source of supply it opens a channel for good to come into your life you cannot feel bad when you're thinking of what you're grateful for it's funny problems just sort of melt go away it's like some kind of mental magic mm-hmm it's better than magic well there's a creative writer you got a mental block on a guy's name and i should remember it because it's such a great thing he said and i've worked around magicians if i work conventions periodically they'll have if there's a magician working at the convention too they'll get me to work some kind of a trick with them so you've got to tell the trick to somebody so i'm the guy i've learned all kinds of how these magnificent tricks work and he said when you learn how magic works it's not magic anymore but he said when you learn how your mind works it's real magic yeah that's what i said [Laughter] so what's the what's another thing that you do to help reprogram your subconscious mind um i i consciously think of how i can help people if i'm if i'm in between particular tasks that i'm working on i'll think of somebody i can do something for i'm always thinking on how to help somebody else you know um emerson said that the law of cause and effect is the law of laws whatever you put out comes back well if you go around doing enough good you don't have to worry about what's going to happen to you it's going to be good and that's really pretty well how i spend my life i know and i know no one's perfect uh me included and i know even though you've studied this for so long i'm sure you still have uh you know missteps or challenges or your mind goes back into a place of you know a a negative way of thinking what is the biggest challenge you face with today even though you've studied this even though you put these things into practice even though you're successful what is that big challenge that you face bob um i get caught up in the minutia and the the noise that's going on around us you know the negative news that we hear i'll get caught up in it every now and then and i know it's stupid and i shouldn't and so when i realize what i'm doing i'll get away from it but i do it um i've often mentioned if we just work at getting rid of our bad habits some of our bad habits we don't want to get rid of we enjoy them but that's really the secret secret is replace a bad habit with something that's essentially the opposite and you take a double jump ahead because you're not going to get rid of the bad one you've added a good one see you know right right i uh i had the chance to interview uh rhonda byrne on the show a few months ago and and i was doing some research beforehand and i hadn't seen an interview of her in over a decade online and either i was bad at researching or i just she hasn't put herself out there so i was really excited to have her on and some of the stuff she was sharing was was amazing we were talking about you offline and how much she appreciates your message and your work and your contribution to the secret i'm curious if you could sum up the law of attraction in in one phrase what is that idea of the law of attraction for people if they're still not sure on it well oddly enough the secret i think led some people down the wrong path with the law of attraction in that we didn't take the time or never got into it in depth the law of attraction is a secondary law and most people talk about it as a the law of attraction it's a law well it is but it's a secondary law um and a lot of people are left with the idea you just think about it you'll attract it well that is a bunch of nonsense that's not true at all um you do attract what you think about but your thought patterns control the vibration you're in vibration is a basic law of the universe the law of vibration decrees everything moves nothing rests the walls around you are moving if you go and look at them through a microscope you'll see them moving the body in a coffin is moving it's um if it wasn't moving how would it ever change the dust the law of vibration decrees that everything moves we literally live in a notion of motion well your mind and body is in a vibration and that's controlled by your thoughts you activate cells in your brain your mind activates cells that sets up a vibration in the mind and body and the vibration you set up is going to dictate what you attract if you're troubled and you're in a bad mood you're going to attract bad stuff to you're on a negative frequency so as long as you stay in that bad vibration you're going to track some more bad stuff it's just going to keep coming and you see it happening all the time to people um it's in the bible it's probably like when it's probably like when you're you know you're not feeling good and you just want more ice cream or pizza you want bad things to make you feel good as opposed to let me have a healthy salad when i'm down you know it's not what we're thinking well you see the trick is really to keep yourself feeling good feeling his conscious awareness of vibration the vibration is the basic law and if you stay feeling good and a good vibration you're going to attract good stuff you just magnetize yourself to stuff that's good there's uh very few people really understand the law of vibration everybody is utilizing it every day all day you are attracting what you're in harmony with you always have how do we put ourselves pardon yeah and how do we put ourselves in a state of feeling good when there's nothing to feel good about well listen they're you know they're stressed about the world they're stressed about their job they're stressed about their health their family relationship breakups how do they change the feeling to feel good when they're in an environment of stress there's a lot called polarity a lot of polarity decrease everything as an opposite you couldn't have enough without a down a hot without a cold you can't have a bed without a good if you're looking at bad that tells you there's got to be good you cannot have bad without good and if you want to feel good start looking for what's good and if you start looking for what's good you're going to find it you're going to find whatever you're looking for and the idea to say well you really can't there's so much bad going on that attitude is not going to reward you at all it's going to give you bad stuff you've got to know that there's always something good you've got to find it why is it so hard for people to see the good when there's so much chaos around them because they're so programmed the wrong way they're really programmed the wrong way we're um we're programmed for bad news you don't find a good news news station you don't have good news people wouldn't advertise they wouldn't go there people are attracted to bad news because they're in a they're in a bad vibration themselves and when they start to understand that and then realize they can control it and change it that's when they'll start winning see that's where i was i was in a bad vibration everything was bad there was nothing good i mean i just had one hell of a life up till i was 26. there was nothing good about it at all and when i was 26 i met a guy that got me on this book and he started to give me some effective education and my whole life changed my income went from 4 000 a year to 175 000 a year in a year washing floors the first thing he wanted to know he wanted me to write my goal on a card is what do you really want i said i don't want some money i figured if i had some money all my problems would go away i owed everybody and his brother money and they're always phoning me where's the money where's my and i said god if i knew where the money was you wouldn't have to phone me i'd get upset with them for phoning me and so i said i want twenty five thousand dollars if we had taken those we had taken all the money in the neighborhood where i lived you wouldn't have found twenty five thousand dollars i mean this was it was an absurd goal and what he he said write it on the card and read it often and what happened it's only in retrospect that i became aware of what happened because i kept reading it he said like he said to me your way's not working try mine mine way is working he was happy healthy wealthy this guy so i kept reading this and what happened is it got me thinking of earning money now prior to that i wasn't i was thinking of debt all i was thinking about is data all this money all that money they're all phoning me [Music] and since i was thinking about i started to hear people talking about it and i remember this guy saying there's good money cleaning floors i said i'm not there i don't clean floors in five years i was cleaning floors in toronto montreal boston cleveland orlando london england i mean i was having a hell of a time you know you gotta change the program yeah one of the things that i stopped doing many years ago uh when i had no money i stopped i got rid of my tv for a few years um because i found myself being you know caught and just consuming a lot of news or just shows that weren't really supporting me because i was sitting there as opposed to creating inaction doing something to to help me earn more to generate what i was looking for and to work on my health and wellness my relationships everything not just money and after a few years i didn't miss the tv and i started making more money than ever and i was in great shape and all these different things happen and today i have tv now i mean i watch netflix i watch sports mostly but i don't watch the news it's very rare if i watch the news and i get criticized for this sometimes from people because i like they're like well you should be aware of what's happening in the world you should be educated you should be you know mindful all these things and i i was i live in a in a building here in los angeles and they have a big tv in kind of the uh in a general room where people can walk in and i went in there the other day and i sat down and sipped some coffee and literally on this massive tv screen they had four different news channels up at once kind of splitting the screen in four parts and for 20 minutes all they were showing on the new screens all four channels was just this bombing and this is happening here in india and this is happening in the u.s and the writing and it all it just was chaos and i was just like man if i sat here and watched this every single day my mind would be chaotic because i'm consuming chaos and like you talk about it's changing the frequency it's turning the channel off and getting into a different frequency is what we need to do and not consume that we can still be aware of it you know i don't want to live in a world where i don't know what's happening but i don't need to watch it all day to still be aware of it isn't that right you know i think anything that that's i don't know very important that you know you'll you'll overhear it in conversation you don't have to watch the news to get it you're going to get it somebody's going to tell you so i agree you know it's a waste of time sitting there and soaking all that up because it it does you no good and it does you a lot of harm it does a lot of harm when i was saying before it makes you feel bad if you feel bad feeling is a word we invented to describe our conscious awareness of the vibration we're in when you are feeling bad you're in a negative vibration when you're feeling good you're in a positive vibration that's just a basic thing that we could go by so how do you feel good well there's all kinds of ways to feel good think of something really pleasant you'll start feeling good do something kind for somebody you'll start to feel better help somebody out somewhere you'll start to feel good share a good idea you'll start to feel good when you're feeling good you're in a good vibration you're going to attract good stuff to you most people don't understand that feeling is conscious awareness of vibration and the vibration you're in is dictating what you're going to attract oh it's a basic thing it's so basic but it's not understood it's hard for people to change the way they feel because they get i feel like they get trapped in it they're like this is how i'm feeling it takes some days to get out of it until they go to sleep wake up and maybe that resets the programming because they got some sleep i don't know but i feel like and i've been there many times in my past where i would hold on to things for weeks months and and hold on to the negative feeling so i get it i've been there but it's so much better when you can shift it faster or just be aware of it and i'm not saying don't feel grief and sadness and anger and frustration these are all feelings we we probably should have a balance of feeling but don't hold on to them i feel like that's what hurts us in the long run when we hold it on to those feelings yeah because i'm sure you still feel angry and upset and let down and sad at times right you know i don't get angry that's good i can't remember last time i got angry i may be not very pleased with people sometimes but i i don't get anything no i really might be disappointed i used to i used to get angry i used to have a hell of a temper i had red hair too i think red hairs have bad tempers they that's what they say well it was true with me um i can't remember the last time i was angry i just decided it was a a really silly waste of energy you know um what do you think shifted for you in in deciding that well there's no question about what shifted it's the studying you know you study if you study the right material you're raising your level of awareness and people that are angry all the time are on a pretty low vibration they're not really very with it you know so how long were you angry for in your life how many how many years did it take to oh well 40 50 60 how long i was probably i'd probably be 60 60. and how how young are you now bob i'm 86. yeah you look great man i hope i look as healthy and young as you at 86. well i'm still going strong i have no intentions of slowing down it's amazing so when i say i haven't been angry for a long time probably you know it was probably up around 60 when i i think i eliminated it you know as i was going along and i realized i think i got to the point where i realized just how silly it is to get angry and you start to see other people getting angry you think why are you doing that you know they feel justified you know yeah where do you think you'd be if you let go of anger at 40. where do you think you'd be in your life now further ahead than i am really i don't really know where but oh yes there's a tremendous amount of energy that's wasted in anger it's a dumb waste of energy why do you think we get angry we don't learn what is it what is in our mind you know if a person would take do you have a little book as a man thinketh i've had it before but i i think you actually sent me one but i i might have given you i'm going to send you another way i'm going to send you yeah i might have it but yeah yeah if you take the last chapter and as a man thinketh it's on serenity and you start reading that and you read it every day if you wrote it out every day i often have people write it every day for 90 days it changes your life it starts off calmness of mind as one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom it's the result of long and patient effort and self-control you see anger is when we're not in control of ourselves we're letting something outside take over you're letting another person or a situation maybe a flat tire control your being you know the tire's flat so the tire's flat so what the hell get get it fixed you know um but we let we let stuff control us and we've got to stay in control i want to ask you about uh money and relationships yeah you you've been around the block a long time um you've seen a lot you've met a lot of people you've you've had many different relationships in your life [Music] how important is it to have alignment around money mindset when you're in an intimate relationship with your intimate partner or a business partner what conversations should we be having around money to make sure that the partner we're in business or life with is going to support us as opposed to be a you know kind of thorn in the side of energy if you will well i think money plays a very very big role in our life we should control the money we should never let money control us i love earning it i love giving it away too um if you're in a relationship um understanding money in the relationship plays a very big role you can't have one person with a let's say a poverty consciousness and another one with the prosperity consciousness and expect to have harmony and that relationship is just not going to be there because there's too many things where money comes into involved in uh decision making in conversations and if you're not on the same page there's trouble in river city you know in the music man you and that's just the way it is so i think it's very important but the truth is not many people understand money very few you know i was mentioning my business partner sandy gallagher she was a securities attorney when i first met her she came to a seminar and she ended up being my business partner she owns 50 of the company and she's the ceo of the company she runs it but she's a damn genius when it comes to money on i have a pad here where i write things i'm grateful for the very top thing sandy's financial genius that's number one in uh my gratitude list every day i've earned millions and millions of dollars but it wasn't until she tell she became a business partner about 15 years ago i guess um that everything in my life changed with money because she knew how to manage it and if you don't know how to manage it you're not going to do very well yeah i how do we first manage it in our minds and not let ourselves become afraid of it or hoard it or well that's where it's got scarcity it's got to start everything starts in the mind us anderson said thought is the preamble to everything he said when we fully realize that thought causes all we'll know there's never any limits that we ourself don't impose everything starts in thought so if you want order with money it starts here relationship starts here and your business starts it all starts in your mind and the problem is lewis hardly anybody understands the mind and it's something that can be understood i oddly enough i teach it to psychiatrists and i'm very good at it that's my strength i really understand the mind mind is movement mind's not a thing your brain isn't your mind anymore your toenail is your brain is electronic switching stations um mind is movement body is a manifestation of that movement so if you just stand and just observe a person you'll get a hell of a good idea what's going on in their mind i can stand walk by a person just i'll feel their energy because you send off energy i'll feel i can tell what state they're in in seminars i'll read a person's energy i'll scare them because you have an intuitive factor you can pick that energy up and read it you know but everything starts in the mind so whatever benefit or any any good that you want that's where it starts you can start to understand it study it and i think the best thing to do there is to go to somebody that really understands it ask for help and learn go for the best i was doing a seminar for prudential in let's see 1974 75 i uh i did seminars for the entire company and we raised our sales by hundreds of millions of dollars teaching them just a couple of basics about the mind but i was doing a seminar in chicago at the hillside holiday inn i had 450 different district agents in the room the number one agent whose name was ronnie sempertrain he was the number one of all of their agents in the world and when i found out he was in the room i got him stand up and i asked him a few questions i said ron how many people in the past year have asked you if they could take you to breakfast or lunch and had a list of half a dozen well-prepared questions to ask you not one this is the best in the company you won the president's trophy with the number one agent that would be like having conventions at quarterbacks and nobody asked brady anything what the hell is going on where's their mind you know but that's not unusual i wasn't even surprised the truth is most people don't think remember earl nightingale marvelous man i loved working with him he one time said if the average person said what they were thinking they would be speechless and i'm kind to agree with him if you listen to most people what they're saying it's really obvious they're not thinking or they never say what they're saying or stand back and watch what they're doing they'd never do what they're doing if they're thinking just move into action don't think you know who was who was the greatest mentor for you was it earl was it oh that's pretty difficult i've had well the first guy ray stanford he wasn't the wisest but he's the one that got me started he's one changed my direction um and there was zel vanderwaal he was the first one that really taught me about the mind and then i got studying with his mentor dr harry roder um and then i got earl nightingale and lloyd kona his partner then i got bill gove he was a great public speaker bill really taught me how to speak i don't speak anything like bill gove people pay me a lot of money to speak and i speak nothing like him but he was my teacher what he did he taught me to be totally relaxed in front of a thousand twenty thousand unmattered and that's really the key you know yeah so do you ever think it's do you ever think it's too late for someone to reprogram their their mind around money if they're in their 40s and 50s and they've never made money none of them is possible to make money oh hell no no listen if a person can fog a mirror if they can breathe you know it's not too late because when you think of the good you can do with it i do a lot of good with money our company sandy and i do a lot of good with money we built schools in africa um oh there's so much so many things i can tell you that i've been able to do with some money so no it's never too late it's never and anyone can learn how to earn money the secret to wealth is have multiple sources of income you don't have one of all kinds of them i mean you can earn more money when you're sleeping than you could spend when you're awake we don't we don't really know very much about money at all yeah and for you what's the what's the lesson you need to be reminded of that you continue to struggle with or continue to have mistakes around the most that you have to often relearn for yourself oh well you know you don't you don't get angry anymore but if that was one that you continue to have to relearn on how to have peace when you're angry what's what's something that you still struggle with i probably don't take uh good enough care of my health now at 86 i look back when i was 26 i should have should have started 10 you know and i could probably take much better care of my health because i have no intentions of slowing down so you have a you have a full-time nutritionist and trainer no oh we gotta we gotta get you on on that asap bob we need you around for another 50 years you know well i've got the blaju booked for my hundreds on july of 2034 i i'm going to do a seminar at the bellagio wow that's pretty cool you've got it booked already yeah you already have the deposit down you got the date you got everything yeah that's that's cool i like that yeah so you got it now you got to you got it in your mind and you got it physically you got the date booked but now you got to do the action steps in between yeah to make sure you can manifest it right yeah yeah i could i could treat myself better physically i just going at such a rapid clip all the time you know [Music] what what's it gonna take for you to commit to either uh well i'm just about at that point full time i'm really i'm really at that point right now i'm in lockdown here so it's you know they're getting through to me and um the house is being rebuilt it'd be done in about a month and we're talking about uh really building a gym there so i'm on the right track here's my challenge to you bob you can you can decline or accept my challenge is to hire someone full-time to be your dedicated health and wellness coach that works with nutrition maybe it's two people someone that works with nutrition on you and someone that is there in person at least three days a week helping you with movement physical rehab prehab training whatever it might be to keep your body moving as well what's the date today today is the it's like february 10th the day of recording geez i know today my day is my brother's birthday for god's sake i shouldn't know that yeah uh so what day can you co what do you think i can tell you what before the end of the month before the end of the month okay i'll have you who those people are and what i'm doing with them perfect yeah it's got to be they've got to be full-time like year no you've got the money to invest in it you've gotta you gotta have and they can be virtual on zoom right now i don't care if they can't come in person you can do it over zoom and they can coach you that way so i'll get it done i will have a nutritionist and somebody had worked with me physically i have a guy here who's mr canada um and he's always phoning me he's going to be shut down i'm going to give him a call we got to make sure that you uh if that's the biggest challenge for you i will have i will have that to you by the end of this month you'll text me and let me know i will yeah okay text me with the coach in the first session i will they'll know who they are what they're going to do great great i love that what do you want to continue to learn what's the thing that you want to continue to learn personally that you haven't mastered yet well i want to learn more about the mind hold on a minute there's i'm going to here's something that i want you to just listen to this this is this is one of the best pieces of literature i have ever read i'm going to read it through it's only about 20 lines and then we'll talk about it for a few minutes great my mind is a center of divine operation the divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression this means the production of something beyond what has gone before something entirely new not included in past experience though proceeding out of past experience by an orderly sequence of growth therefore since the divine cannot change its inherent nature it must operate in the same manner in me consequently in my own special world in which i am the center it will move forward to produce new conditions always in advance of any that has gone before i'm going to um i'm just going to photograph i'll take a picture of this page and i'll i'll i'll send it to you that please the start of this is the key my mind is a center of divine operation now if i held a basketball here there's only one point in that basketball the center isn't there and that's determined by the outer measurements of the ball agreed there's only one center in this studio i don't know where it is i don't even know how to find it but i know somebody would know how to find it in all things there is only one center this literature says my mind is a center which should indicate there's more than one center so if you study this long enough and i finally figured out why this the man that wrote this is one of the most brilliant writers i think i've ever studied thomas troward my mind is a center when you're dv when you're dealing with divine operation you're talking about infinite there is no outer ring so any point centered your mind louis is a center of divine operation and the divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression this means the production of something beyond what's gone before so there's something coming it's going to be better than everything in the past i'm going to send this to you i want you to read it every day for 90 days okay yeah send it to me this will stretch your mind when you say what do you study i want to i want to expand my awareness i want a greater awareness of my relationship with the whole scheme of things isn't it crazy that we are standing on a moving ball in the middle of infinite space yes yeah when we when we think about that sometimes that it's we're on a little ball a little dot on a little ball that's rotating yeah in the middle of infinite space moving at a ridiculous speed you know the more you study this the more you realize what a magnificent creation you are when you stop and just take a look at your hand there's enough potential energy in that little finger to light up this building for probably a month there's about 11 million kilowatt hours per pound potential energy locked up in the electrons in the atoms of the body we are a living dynamo the blood circulates through your body hundreds of miles of passageway every 33 seconds carrying all the food and all the garbage out room like that one sweeping change for you to move any part of your body you must activate brain cells the brain is an electronic switching station the more we study and look at this the more mind-boggling it is you know we're taught we're god's highest form of creation um that's taught in all religions there's only half a dozen religions there in california you've got i think 500 but everybody starts their own and the truth is you can start your own religion there and many do but there's a half a dozen major religions they'll teach essentially the same thing we are truly god's highest form of creation and we act sometimes not much better than some of the animals that we keep as pets you know you i think shows like yours you do such an enormous amount of good thank you well what you really do you provoke people to think about a lot of different things and if people will begin to think thinking is the highest function we're capable of and thinking can be taught unfortunately it's not being taught but it can you know it's the highest function we're capable of you know so it's um it's worthwhile learning absolutely i think a lot of us are we're not taught to think we are conditioned to react yeah we don't know what's happening around us and we and we react we don't think before we react we just react and so that's what causes us a lot of stress and overwhelm you know victor franco wrote a marvelous book man search for meaning i don't know if you're familiar with it yeah he uh well he was a marvelous author and he said in every situation between the situation and your response there's a space it might only be a millisecond but in that space you have the ability to choose how you're going to react or respond when you react whatever you're reacting to is in control of you whether it's another person a condition or a circumstance when you respond to the same thing you stay in control so when you react they're in control the environment is when you respond you're in control yeah um sandy gallagher my partner she was she has a niece her niece was at her house one day and i hop on the phone and she says would you talk to anna for me and she was having a problem with her mother and i was thinking well probably you're right but i would imagine your mother thinks she's having a problem with you you know and what they were doing she was reacting and i got i got explaining the tour i said listen doesn't matter what happens doesn't matter what happens you have a choice you're either going to react or respond when you react you have lost control of you and you've given control to the other person or the conditions or the circumstance when you respond exactly the same situation nothing's changed only you respond you could say i wonder why she's saying it like that i wonder why she wants me to do that now i wonder why she's upset with me well her mother apparently if i get this story right apparently got a hold of sandy wanted to know what the hell was going on with that when she went home she was so different that's what that's a huge lesson to learn i wanted to go back to a question around conversations with partners in your life and money because i think we you know you started sharing some other powerful idea and then i kept following up on different stuff what types of conversations should we have with new intimate relationships we get into new business partnerships we get into around money in order to make sure we are aligned on money conversations and money in general and make sure they're a good fit for our life long term whether in business or intimacy well i think you first of all i think you observe the other person's behavior with respect to money some people are very very frugal they just don't want to part with any of it it was like if they hold on to it it's going to grow or something and you would have a pretty pretty serious job on your hands try to get them to change that because that is very deeply ingrained and it's usually inherited it's usually genetic [Music] i think you have to stop and talk about how it's earned and then talk about giving we've got to learn to willingly give and graciously receive that's very important we get that down right and find out what the other person's attitude is in giving money i think tithing is a probably one of the best ideas that have ever come down the road now some people say well tithing they think of giving money to their church and then they wonder what the church is going to do i said no matter what the church if they burned it it wouldn't matter it's that you're giving on a regular basis a percentage of all you're in i says the farmer does that with his crop you know the farmer will take a percentage of the crop and put it back in the earth and i think we should take a percentage of what we earn and do good work with it you know find out what their philosophy is about money frequently if i start to work with somebody one of the first things i ask them is what the most they've ever earned in a year i don't really care what the answer is but i want to know what the answer is because that'll tell me where their paradigm is with respect to money and what if people don't like talking about money well that that's a signal in itself they have they got a bad relationship with it they don't want to talk about it how could someone have a better relationship with money uh if they're afraid of it how do we start to reprogram that money has no power money has absolutely no power other than what we give it first of all money is a piece of paper with ink on it we give it the value i have a book here by um robert russell uh something about prosperity most of the books i have on money don't really talk much about money think and grow rich doesn't talk much about money yeah it's a philosophy it's about you it's what makes you tick almost all the books i've got a number of them here um on money they don't talk much about money they talk about it's the attitude it's the uh it's the programming it's how you use the money if a person's income is not continually growing then it's dying our income should be continually growing and i think you should always want to earn more the not to have it but to be able to use it but it's going to cause you to reach to earn more you have to provide more money is the reward we see for service rendered so you got to provide more service so whatever you're doing you got to do it better than you're now doing it right i've always thought that the the amount of money you make is directly related to the amount of value you bring into the world and your ability to package and position that value in order to receive it oh no question about it there's a lot of peop there's a lot of people that add a lot of value in the world but they don't know how to package it so that they can you know earn to receive the money and have someone give it to them um and so it's learning kind of those skills yeah well the earning of money is is an exact science and it's it's governed by law the amount of money you earn is in direct ratio to the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing you it's the need for what you do your ability to do it and the need the difficulty the reason replacing you now our in this business i'm in you can earn an awful lot of money because there's a tremendous need for a person that does what i do i've traveled all over the world from shanghai to buenos aires to all over europe asia everywhere everywhere they need what i've got there's a tremendous need i can earn more money than a neurosurgeon now everybody has a brain but not everybody needs it operated on you know you know yeah it's then they need it operated in a different way yeah the way you do it's the need for what you do then your ability to do it so if a person if there's a great need for what a person's doing then they've got to get really good at it so you never stop getting better at it you're good at what you do and i don't mean to flatter you you are just good at it i watched you do it thank you and you do it like i was mentioning you're sort of the um well you you're you're much the same as uh um drawing a blank on his name larry k larry yeah because larry was a master larry never talked about and larry he never it was all about you you never heard him say i it was always about you know interviewing the person so there was a great need for what he did he was entertaining a lot of people his ability to do it he was very good at it so he was very difficult to replace now when you're difficult to replace your stock goes up yeah we've learned we've got to learn how to earn money and most people don't know how to earn money most people think you go to work turn money you know i was in a seminar in phoenix i was probably a couple of years ago now and this guy come over and talk to me i knew i'm not well but i know and he was a doctor and he told me he was thinking of quitting i said why are you going to quit well he said the medical profession's almost up now he says you've got to put in more time to earn less money i said well that's true but i said why'd you become a doctor well he said i love it i said what the hell the fact that you're earning any money is a plus you don't go to work for money you go to work for satisfaction there's two rewards in life one is material and the other is psychic we shouldn't work for money we should work for satisfaction you provide service to earn money take some recording stars i got the millions on a recording but look at the millions of people that are being entertained construction workers air flight attendants restaurants there's the music's playing entertaining all the people that can hear that music so they're entertaining all the people and that's where it's coming you see you do what you you work at what you love to do and you'll get tremendous satisfaction like i love what i'm doing i would do it for nothing if i had to but i i just love it i really love it and so the fact that i love it um why would i want to do anything else that's what i said to him you get satisfaction from what you're doing what you love to do so every day when i get up to go to work i'm doing what i love doing you provide service to earn money i have all kinds of stuff that we have stuff that we sell uh programs that we're selling somebody buying them now i don't know who they are or where they are but i'm earning money right now while we're talking and when i go to bed tonight i'll be earning money and i'll learn it all night and i like that idea you know because we're providing service so i think we have to get the money straight in our mind and i don't think most people have it straight if you uh if people don't you you're mentioned if a person didn't like to talk about it they have a problem with it so start talking about it more absolutely yeah if there's somebody that that you're around a partner an associate or something and they really don't want to talk about money you um i think there's a problem there yeah if someone came to you and has struggled with money their entire life whether they're in their early 20s or their in their 40s or 50s and they asked you bob what do i need to do to make my first million dollars what would you say are the most important things they should think and act on next well first of all they've got to believe that they can earn the million dollars they got to develop a belief system our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently if we re-evaluate the situation our belief about it will change we've got to understand that money's easy to earn i work with our sales staff all the time um helping them learn how to earn more money i work with members of our staff different members of our staff um helping them develop the desire to earn more money and then i show them how they can do it and how do we believe if we've never seen evidence before or gotten results before of earning it yeah it's true the repetition of it through the repetition of writing it and believing it i had a i had an affirmation that i used for years still use it i'm so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis i am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis i just keep repeating that like a mantra and you're right out you know i'm so happy and grateful now that i have in my possession a million dollars and that's where you started out intellectually then you get emotionally involved and if you keep doing that ultimate you're going to attract the money now you've got to ask how can money be earned money can be earned in all kinds of different ways we have a um a company msi connect it's a pet of mine not my partners i don't think she's too in love with it but i think it's a neat company msi has multiple sources of income connect and there's a lot of people there and they connect with each other and they set up joint ventures with each other they set up affiliate things with each other and you can buy different things there people sell stuff there you know they they study money there you know you've got to get into um into an environment where money is um talked about where it's understood um you you know it's interesting you say that because for for years i have studied money at different levels and those levels of studying have gotten me to those results but i've never been able to really you know but it was always a cap and you've got to learn something new in order to break through that cap into a new level and i've never really understood the stock market i've always just invested in certain things and allowed them to just work on their own but i've never actually taken full ownership of learning it myself i've always had a financial advisor and things like that and now i said you know i just want to understand the stock market i want to i want to learn it because i don't know i'm still uneducated i don't even know how to buy i bought my first stock like a few months ago myself i've invested in stocks and index funds but i've actually learned how to do it myself and i was like i need to find the best people that are doing this and learn from them and have conversations with them and it's been amazing in a short amount of time by surrounding myself with people that are doing at an astronomical level just by having a couple conversations taking the risk and doing it myself and trying and learning and fumbling around having no clue what i'm doing i'm already seeing growth in a couple of months but if i didn't have the awareness to ask those questions and surround myself with that knowledge and then apply it and continue to learn from it i'd still be stuck to where i was before and so i think that's what we need to i love the way you talk about the environment about constantly being curious asking these questions and having the conversations because it doesn't matter how successful we are we'll be stuck to a level of our past knowing until we break through and find a new knowing i'm curious for for those who want to learn the millionaire morning routine they want to master this they want to learn what do those millionaires and billionaires do with their morning routine you've already shared a few things that you do what would it look like if you had 90 minutes in the morning to set yourself up to reprogram your uh money mindset well i don't think it would take you 90 minutes you could spend oh god nine minutes if you just write down write it write this down right now i am so happy and grateful i am so happy and grateful now that i have multiple sources of income i am so happy and grateful now that i have multiple sources of income you know if you write that out every day for the next 30 60 days you're going to become very very aware of having multiple sources of income wealthy people all have multiple sources they don't have one or two they have a whole bunch of them i don't know how many sources of income i got i'm not even interested in figuring it out because somebody else looks after that i don't look after it but i do know that you can do that that's what keith did it down in new orleans god he just his life changed so dramatically and i'll show you different things you can do because anyone can you want to set up multiple sources of income you know i was flying on a plane to um kl i used to fly toronto to kl once a month and back it's 25 hours near one way so wow when i'm on the air in the air i either work with names words or numbers and i wrote down one with six zeros and i thought what is the big deal about a million you know you often hear people say what would you do if you had a million if you won a million and i got thinking about it and i played with that on the plane for quite a while and it dawned on me they do not have one source of income they don't have a job now some people have a job earned a million dollars but that's that's the unusual one and then i got playing with it further and i broke it down they'd have they'd have more than one and then i got it multiple sort and then msi well then i got thinking we should run a seminar teach people to earn a million dollars by setting up multiple sources of income and when i got off the plane i found mark victor hanson down in newport beach i i was in kl i woke him up in the middle of the night and um i got talked and he says great idea so we started the million-dollar forum and he got involved in bernie dorman who just passed away in jack canfield and lee pooles in fact that's where the chicken soup for the soul books came from from that particular seminar and we were teaching people to set up multiple sources of income well they earned many millions from that but that's where that started and you are in a beautiful position to set up all kinds of sources of income so when you think of wealth you know you might only earn 10 or 15 000 from one source you might earn two or three hundred thousand from another but you have a lot of them right and that's where you'll earn wealth like i don't invest in the stock market um my wife have bought stocks sandy buy stocks i think i just don't pay attention to it it's not it doesn't interest me i'd rather earn it by thinking putting an idea to work than let the stock market do for me that's not that doesn't excite me sure i'd rather sit here and think of if i sat here for another hour after we left i could think of a way of creating a source of income and and it would be a damn good one because they're all good very creative my mind is you know conditioned along that level yeah what do you think are three skills everyone should learn in order to generate more wealth and generate more income for themselves or just to improve the quality of their life in general what are those three skills you wish everyone could master we've got to be you've got to be fairly creative you're going to have a free flow of energy energy has to flow through you can't be stubborn you can't lock in on on something and not want to let go of it you've got to have a free flow you've got to um be interested in in ideas new ideas i i you were talking about not wanting to watch television i don't watch much i love watching shark tank though yes great and i like kevin o'leary yesterday yeah he's great well well they were you worked with him yesterday did you say i just uh had kevin o'leary on yesterday yeah well you see now that guy's mind it's amazing the way it works yeah but you watch all of them all those sharks their mind it works like a rocket you know and they they break things down somebody will say something they break all kinds of things down from what the one thing the person will say they are very very sharp every one of them and kevin is certainly one of the sharp ones on there but they all are you know i don't know there's one any sharper than other but they've got a very free flow of ideas yep so flow of energy free flow interested in new ideas what's another i think you have to be service oriented you really have to be thinking of how to do things for people how to help people because money is a reward received for service rendered yeah it's hard to uh it's hard to help others when you're always consumed with the negativity in your own life oh well that means mentality that's why poor people remain poor they're so locked into their problems but if you um listen if a person is like that let's suppose they're really locked in on problems but they hear what i've just said they really got to think of serving others how can i serve others how can i be of greater service you're going to figure it out discipline yourself for let's say 30 60 90 minutes a day sitting down and thinking of writing down 10 ideas that could be of service to other people and you probably won't get very good ones for the first little while but if you keep doing it they'll keep coming you know absolutely or you'll try stuff in the beginning and you'll you'll learn something from those efforts and you'll realize how to make them better and you know maybe maybe don't stick with them when i started i was like doing stuff just hustling around trying to figure it out and you realize what doesn't work for you until you realize what does work what's something else you recommend doing in the morning routine i know you mentioned writing down this sentence every day i am so happy and grateful that now i have multiple sources of income what other things would you recommend for people to develop that millionaire mindset in the morning get books on on money you too can be prosperous as one you that was the one by robert russell you two can be prosperous think and grow rich um who else have i got there the master key to riches when napoleon hill get read in these books um yeah and get a partner to read them with the partner doesn't have to be somebody you're living with could be someone the other side of the country you um why why is that important to have a partner reading with you well you usually will do it and if you take here's a great book power awareness now when you look at this it's got a red band across the bottom the power of awareness you'll find it without this red band don't get that this is the one this has also included awakened imagination power awareness by neville this is a phenomenal book this is going to expand the mind then get into master key on riches you too can be prosperous and think and grow rich non-money this one awareness it's so good this is one of the better books i've ever read well i'll have to get that for sure yeah oh you definitely want it you've been around a lot of successful people uh for many years and the longer the the older we get the longer we live uh unfortunately a lot of people in our lives start to to leave this earth yeah and i'm i'm assuming you've had a lot of great relationships that those people are no longer with us uh what does that do for you when you realize that you're out living a lot of people that you maybe grew up with or you did partnerships with or that were influential in your life uh you know at the same time that you've been around what does that do for you how does that make you feel and think about when you realize that you know i read a book many years ago dry those tears drive those tears by robert russell it's on death and dying it's a phenomenal book after i read that everything changed you are a soul you don't have one you are one you moved into your body you'll move out of your body if nothing is created or destroyed there's only one that's postulates one theory life there is no such thing as death and i think as we start to understand this then we handle death totally different birth and death are both transitions you moved into the body you'll move out of it why are we joyous when somebody moves into a body a new baby but we're so upset when they move out of it well we lose the physical part but you um i think you gain a better understanding of death as we know it um and change your concept of it it's um i don't see anybody as gone i just see none physically you can still communicate with them and you communicate through thoughts spirit's omnipresent [Music] it's in all religions it's not a new idea um i don't hang around many old people though i hang around somebody asked me how i stay young i hang around young people it's true you know it was a joke when i first said it but um it's not a joke it's the truth i um i um i mix mostly with young people the uh we've got a phenomenal team of people in the company and they're um they're great individuals they really are and people stay in our company for a long time like my assistants worked with me for 34 years and and we we helped the people in the country company grow like i often mentioned we've got a chief operating officer she's also the marketing director she was a nanny when she came to work with us she had no business experience at all and she just grew up in the company but we see a lot of people in our company like that and the longer we're around the more we develop people like that you know is there is is death something you think about or is it something you're afraid of or concerned well i'm not afraid of it no i'm sometimes i look forward to it um and then i smarten up and i that women when the time comes it's going to come yeah you know um i am i am so damn interested in what i'm doing uh like i often say i'd be pissed off if i died right now because i got so much to do i'm working on a lot of projects right now and uh i got a lot of work to do and we've got and what what year were you born again 1934. what's the what's the thing that's inspired you the most that you've witnessed in the world in america uh innovations ideas or just anything just the constant evolution of change it's everything changes so fast you know eric hoffer one time said uh that if we let me put it um everything's changing so fast we've got us we've got to keep up with it we can't let the change stop us um kind of forgotten there's a quote that was fresh in my mind and just left me now but he was so right you've got it you've got to stay with it you've got to keep changing you know if you um if you don't you're sunk was there a decade that was hardest for you to adapt to or change well in the 60s the 60s the 60s was held on wheels for me because that's when i get into this book you see and um man i had my past trying to pull me one way and the books and the people were trying to pull me the other way on i mean i felt like i was in a tug of war with myself you know um 70s it got pretty good but the 60s was that was a it was a rough decade what about the what about the advancement of of technologies from just cars to planes to uh having phones and cell phones you know social media all these things that are you know i've tried to stay up with it you know i'm um i'm not as proficient as i'd like to be with computers i'd like to be able to know more how to work with them better but you know i've got a couple of phones and i've got a pad and computer going all the time i make power points myself you know i try and stay up with what's going on so you're on tick tock yourself huh bob no i'm not no no you know the truth i don't get on any of the things myself because we've got a staff looking after all that and if i get in i might screw up one of the routines that they've got they've got a pattern that they're working so like i don't even go on facebook um yeah but your team you've got a team that's up to date with everything oh yeah yeah we've got we've got some excellent people that are on top of that all the time like i was saying we got um we picked up the million viewers on youtube we got the just plaque here from them well ago it's a gold plaque right yeah it's a gold plank yeah we just hit a million so we'll hopefully we'll get that in the mail soon um i love that what's been the the most exciting uh decade or innovation that's happened for you in your life where things started to evolve and change beyond the beyond the 70s what's the the innovation that's been exciting for you that's really surprising i think this the time we're in right now is the best i mean i just love it um there's so much going on and i sit out here in the backyard under an under a big one umbrella and i'd sit out there and i'd look at the back of the yard and i'd had an idea god if i built a little place there and i could put a camera in it and sandy said let's do it so i don't know we got over a million dollars in this place i guess and but we've got cameras all over the place like you the camera you're on comes out of the ceiling i've got a monitor over here i can see and i've got another one here wow i got one two three four five six cameras right in this area and then there's a control and this is a what you call a floating cell this is the building inside the building so the outside doesn't touch the inside and and then there's a control room down there where scott edwards he's the program director he's over in manchester england right now but he can take all this that's recorded he could edit it back there in the control room do it all ship it out wherever we want to go and we've got just all kinds of material and memory back there we broadcast we do a seminar i think the last one we did it was 119 countries we went into um wow yeah it's inspiring so this is this is an interesting time for me and what we're doing now we're bringing some young people in that really understand how to do some pretty jazzy stuff you know and i love just love getting up on it and doing it and i want to acknowledge you i love acknowledging you bob because you've been an inspiration to so many people i think a lot of people really mainstream in the world got to know about you over a decade ago and with the secret uh and uh since then i've gotten to know you even more and i'm just appreciative of your your young heart your curious minds your your ability to stay in repetition on things that are meaningful over and over and over again so you can improve and your willingness to teach so many people you know you continue to show up and serve and serve and serve and you've set a great example for me so i'm just appreciative of you i'm appreciative of our friendship i'm appreciative of how you are in constant giving mode and i hope people enjoyed this this interview but is there any any other final thoughts before we leave today it came to me that i was trying to think of eric harper said the learners will inherit the earth well the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with the world that no longer exists see there's no such thing as a learned person you're either learning or you're not that's it learning isn't something you fill up and put a cap on beautiful truth just keep learning yeah keep learning yeah bob proctor my friend thank you so much for being here and if you guys want to hear if you want to hear bob's three truths and his definition of greatness that's in a previous episode make sure to go watch or listen to that i want to make sure people everyone watching on youtube uh make sure to leave a comment below here on youtube of the biggest takeaway and if you want me to have bob back on for more then just leave a hashtag greatness below in the comments so we know that you want more of bob and make sure to subscribe to bob's channel over on youtube we'll have that linked up in the description if you're listening on audio as well follow him on instagram facebook twitter all those places what's your what's your youtube as well because i want to make sure people go there just bob proctor i guess bob proctor proctor gallagher the company's proctor gallagher institute i don't know what they used to i don't know we'll link it all up they just go for bob proctor they'll find us you know exactly how else can we be of service to you today listen you're doing good now this is great i'm thinking how can we help you i think we're helping each other right now you know that's it that's it if you're looking for more greatness in your life make sure to check out this video right here and also check out our free pdf the three secrets to unlock the power of your mind to help you change your life download it right here people are assuming that anger is happening to them no you are creating anger you are creating misery you are creating joy
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 894,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation, bob proctor, bob proctor interview, bob proctor speech, bob proctor law of attraction, how the law of attraction works, manifest money, manifest abundance, money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 43sec (6523 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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