A Moment Like This - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] let's turn our attention to the word of god we're going to the gospel of saint matthew chapter 21 verse 1 through 11. the text itself may shock you it may seem out of season but it is what the lord gave me to share with you hallelujah there is a sense in my spirit as i begin to prepare this word that it was a prophetic word and i want you to listen with it to it with a different ear to see how this word maybe god speaking to you at this moment at this time about details that i am not privy to no more than the mailman is privy to what's in the envelope when he drops off the mail god's going to speak to you to the specificity of certain situations and what shall be hereafter what shall be hereafter let us look now at matthew 21 verse 1 through 11 and he reached like this and when they drew nigh unto jerusalem and were come to bethlehem unto the mount of olives then sent jesus to disciples saying unto them go into the village over against you and straightway ye shall find an ass tide and a cult with her loose them and bring them unto me and if any man say art to you you shall say the lord have need of them and straightway he will send them all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying tell ye the daughters of zion behold thy king cometh unto thee meek and sitting upon an ass and a cult the foal of an ass and the disciples went and did as jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and put them on their clothes and they set him there on and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and straw them in the way and the multitude that went before and that followed cried saying hosanna to the son of david hosanna to the son of david blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord hosanna in the highest and when he was coming into jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this and the multitude said this is jesus the prophet of nazareth of galilee can you say amen take me back to about that second verse saying unto them go into the village over against you and straightway ye shall find an ass tied and a coat with her loose him and bring them unto me i want to use a subject a moment like this a moment like this look at your neighbor and say this is a moment spirit of the living god falls fresh on us now as we seek thy face i come to you asking you to anoint these lips of clay with the fresh oil and action of the holy spirit that i might enunciate clearly and succinctly that which you have imparted unto me you have given unto me that which is not mine i am only the steward of the text deliver the texts to the receiver in such a supernatural way that their lives are changed if it were for me alone i could have held it but because you sent it to me that it might get through me let it penetrate every barrier and tear down every wall and minister to the needs of your people in jesus name amen you may be seated you know as a pastor i i live all the time between uh life and death people having babies and people dying and and and you get to see everything you especially in a church of this magnitude you get to see everything and and i've preached a lot of funerals and i've been to a lot of memorial services and i've lived life long enough myself and lost enough loved ones to reflect what is what is life all about my father said to me he said by the time i figured out what life was all about it was time to go and i was about 15 16 years old and it scared me to death i think it has a lot to do with how i pursued god because i was pursuing god not to preach no no no i was pursuing god for answers to what is life all about and throughout the duration of my life as i entered in and out of situations and circumstances families in crisis and families out of crisis families going through drama and trials and tribulations i have collected a lot of data and i have concluded and i am convinced that life isn't a collection of seconds minutes hours days weeks months and years instead all life is really about his moments you don't remember every day every week every month every year every second of your life when you reflect back on your life all you remember are the moments the highlights in television when we produce a film we call it a sizzle reel and a sizzle reel just shows you the highlights the moments of the life have the greatest impression on our life whether those moments are good or bad they have a lot to do with our outcomes and how we perceive ourselves one moment of life can leave you crippled and wounded for years and years and years one moment can happen in your life that can alter the way that you process things the rest of your life one positive moment in your life can build you and build your self-esteem and your self-confidence that you live the same life but you live it with a different point of view because of those moments that have been imparted unto you all of my children are grown now you're supposed to clap right there yes that's calls for celebration glory to god hallelujah all of my children are grown now but when they gather around the table and they talk they always talk about the moments the moments and and the funny thing about it is i worked real hard and when they were small i worked a job i worked long hours i worked shift work i took on extra work and when they were smaller the older ones were smaller than that i created jobs where there were no jobs to survive to feed them and to give them things that i thought was important to give them and they never mentioned any of the things that i worked so hard to give them they don't sit up as adults and talk about the toys that i stayed up all night putting together and couldn't figure out how come i had five boats left and then decided to read the instructions at 3am they don't talk about that at all they they don't talk about the things that i paid for on a credit card and paid 18 interest for and was paying for it after they had gone to college they don't talk about any of those they don't talk about the wrapping or the bowls or the packaging or the presentation or they don't talk about they talk about moments core talked about me taking her to tcby and as a great moment it was just me and her she stole me from all the rest of the kids and she and daddy went out and and had some some cream and at tcby and what a great day it was they talk about moments in their lives where they experienced something or went somewhere with us or did something around us and we were laughing around a table with pancakes in hawaii they talk about moments moments and i i concluded if i had it to do over again i would be a lot wealthier because i would cash in at least 50 of those gifts i would i would get the capital offer it would make me a wealthy man and i would give them less stuff and more me because a moment is a powerful thing to give people moments is important like that the other day i had all of them over the house and during the holidays and and they did most of the cooking thank you jesus uh but i did some and and and my son-in-law asked me he said uh dan why are you in here cooking like this you don't have to do it i said because i want my grandchildren to wake up and smell food the smell of food in the house the luxury of being able to go in the refrigerator and eat something and taste something are memories that still adorn my thought life from my childhood i can go right now and just transpose myself and be in the kitchen in west virginia and smell mama's rolls up on the top of the oven they rising up on sunday morning the smell of rising bread i can smell it right now those moments those memories stay with you longer than she did and if we would be more intent about understanding creating moments if you can't give anybody but a moment give them give them a moment that they will remember till they die not because it's expensive not because it's mighty but because you were fully invested in the moment you were awake and you were present and you were engaged and you all laughed about something and then in in the end my wife and i were were sitting out on the back porch and we were we were laughing we couldn't believe that we had been married all of these years and raised our children and successfully raised our children and got to the end of it and i said to her i said can you believe we made it and we burst out and started laughing and that moment will stay with me the rest of my life that we we had this moment because moments are important they determine destiny they fulfill prophecy they cause us to defy a definition of who we are and how we are who we are and how we are almost everything about how we are can be traced back to moments that rooted a certain behavior or mechanism of acting or responding or what you mean when you say love we say the same words but they don't mean the same things what you mean when you say love might not mean what i mean when i say love what you mean when you say excellent may not mean what i mean when i say excellent what you mean when you say you're hurt might not mean what i mean based on our experiences when we look at these moments and we begin to understand them we step into each moment and take them a little bit more seriously and you have to be intentional right this time you have to be intentional about moments sometimes you have to be intentional about moments to make sure that you leave an impression a moment an imprint and effect intentional moments making sure you go out of your way to make the moment happen your responsibility as a believer as an adult is to make the moment happen you're not a child anymore children just receive moments adults make moments happen and if you don't value that and if nobody teaches that you'll be busy giving people things as placeholders while you are absent and the real treasure is to give them you i say all of that as a prelude to put this text in context because we have just stepped into a moment this is a supernatural amazing moment this is the first day of the holy week what we would call holy week today they didn't call it holy week then they didn't have that term at the time this would be normally what we would call palm sunday they didn't call it palm sunday then that's something that came much later jesus did not do it to create a ritual for us and instead the bible is clear that jesus is on the precipice of the weak that would lead him to calvary and he starts it off making an entry into jerusalem where he knew his haters had galvanized a strategy to destroy him and as he prepares to enter into jerusalem he controls the moment by telling them exactly what is necessary in order for this to be fulfilled jesus did not do this so that you could get little palms and make crosses and pin them on your dress he didn't do it so we could have a day off from work he didn't do it so we could have an international holiday or a spiritual memorial jesus did it the bible is clear to fulfill prophecy that the prophecy had said that the king would come in humbly riding on an ass entering into jerusalem and to fulfill the past in his present he was intentional god is intentional he could have walked into jerusalem he he could he could have walked into jerusalem he could have took a horse into jerusalem but he was intentional about making sure that the word of the prophet did not fall that it came to pass and he was so intentional about causing this moment to happen that he sent them to the village where they were not at having left befitch and headed toward jerusalem he said i want you to take a detour and go to the village now understand what we talk about when we look back at it we look at it through our religious eyes and through our western eyes and we get these ideas about it and we think about it in terms of holidays but the truth of the matter is the early church did not celebrate palm sunday it's about 4 bc before palm sunday ever got celebrated so the early apostles did not even celebrate it because it wasn't so much that jesus was concerned about setting in a religious tradition as much as he was fulfilling a prophecy when god gets ready to fulfill a prophecy he is intentional about making it come to pass it wasn't like he ran into the donkey he had to make it happen he had to make it happen there are some things that god has promised you he is so intentional about them that they are not in your path he has to go get them you didn't hear what i would say he has to go get them he has to put it together there has to be a synchronization between the traveling pattern of the messiah and the cult and the ass that were tied up in another village and jesus told two of his disciples go get them now first of all before i talk about the command let me talk about the fact that he knew where the ass was because here he is on the last week of his life headed toward calvary and he knows where the ass is he knows exactly let me try it again they're getting ready to crucify him and jesus is thinking about a cult how many of you facing the most tragic week of your life are thinking about menial things but the difference between great men and poor men is giving uh attention to detail your god is a god of detail details make a lot of difference and when god has wield something to happen he also has made provision for that thing to happen and he says to the disciples i have a provision that is not in your path [Applause] yeah 10 people got it they're going to get the blessing he says to the disciples i have a provision that is not in your path but i know where it is and i've been holding it for you and i'm going to show you where to get what you need to get to fulfill that which has been prophesied unto you don't be bothered by the fact that you don't see it in your path right now don't be bothered by what you don't see it what's not around you and what you don't have and what's not in your pocket and who's not in your life and what happened it's still yours oh god oh my god somebody ought to shout me down it's still yours it's not in your bank account but it's still yours it's not in your purview but it's still yours he hasn't proposed but it's still yours you haven't met him yet but it's still yours the deal hadn't closed but it's still yours the papers haven't been signed but it's still yours it's not under contract but it's still yours the the tumor hasn't shrunk but it's still yours healing is the children's bread it's still yours god says i know exactly what it takes to bring it to pass i've been saving it for you see see i'm not so much right now gonna focus on jesus as i am the ass and the cult who has spent their life tied to a pole [Music] i want you to understand that god will tie up your blessing you don't have to be up at night worried about who's trying to get your blessing and who's trying to take your blessing who's after your blessing you can let all of that go god will tie up your blessing he will leave it tied up to you get to the place that you need to be he will put it on the hole the coat doesn't know why he's tied up the ass doesn't know why he's tied up but god has reserved it for such a time as this i want you to get two things out of his one i want you to know your blessing is tied up and nobody's gonna get it until you get to the place that you're ready to receive it you're not waiting on your blessing your blessing is waiting on you your blessing is waiting on you to get to the place in your journey that you're now ready to receive on the level that the blessing is going to take you to i want you to get that out of the message number two i want you to get out of the message if you've been feeling a rope around your neck like your life was tied up and your career was tied up and your finances were tied up and your future was tied up i want you to know that god has you on reserve waiting on the right place at the right time and when he gets ready to loose you nobody can tie you up when he gets ready to set you free nobody can set you down i want you to know that god is a conductor an orchestrator that he's in control of everything and he knows where everything he is and now in this moment [Applause] [Music] this is the moment where god starts pulling everything together this is the moment where crazy things start to make sense this is the moment where you begin to understand why you had to go through what you had to go through to get where you are this is the moment why you understand why you've been a whole for years because nobody has chosen him nobody's running in on him nobody's ever touched this is the moment that you begin to understand why you're anointed but you haven't been used god said i had you tied up and when i'm getting ready to loose you i don't know who this is for but god said i had you tied up but i'm getting ready to loose you don't worry about the bands around your neck don't worry about the restrictions on your life don't worry about where you can't go and what you can't do when i get ready to loose you no devil in hell can stop you from being loose because i'm god all by myself and when i get ready to make it happen i will make it happen there is a term called the pilgrim of the pilgrimage of etheria and the pilgrimage of etherea is a documentation that it was done in the for about the fourth century that begins to talk about uh this woman traced back when people the early church started to commemorate this moment it is after the resurrection it is after the life and the death of the apostles that the early church really started to commemorate in a major way this moment in retrospect in hindsight we look back at this moment and we understand that this was a magnanimous moment a huge moment a moment of massive proportion how many times in your life have you had a moment and you didn't really appreciate the moment till in retrospect and you look back at your life and say oh my god that was a moment hallelujah now you start talking about those were the days but when you were in the days you didn't know they were the days now when you look back and you got something to compare it with you have different appreciation in retrospect than you did in real time are you hearing what i'm saying to you so this text is the convergence of the past prophetic content the present crisis and the futuristic outcomes all galvanize themselves and collide in this one simple text the past prophecies the present crisis and the futuristic outcomes all collide in this test well it's just an ass and a cult yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but jesus isn't doing this so you can have a religious ceremony he is illustrating his ability to put his finger on whatever you need and to pull it to you flood the timeline with go get it go get it go get it go get it go get it go get it it's not going to come to you you have to go get it oh y'all didn't hear what i'm saying let me try that again it's not going to come to you you got to go get it see we have raised an apathetical and different church that has been made to believe that if you praise god enough your blessing is just gonna come to you you don't have to work you don't have to do overtime you don't have to negotiate you don't have to labor you don't have to do anything we have left god doing everything while we do nothing but jesus told his disciples go get it look at somebody and say go get it god's got something for you but you got to go get it god's got a provision for you but you got to go get it god wants you to have a great message marriage but you got to go get it god wants you to have a great anointing but you got to go get it god wants you to have a sensitivity but you got to go get it god wants you to walk through an open door but you got to go get it it's nice that you prayed about it but when you get through praying kneeling by your bed you still got to get up and make up the bed god says you got to go get it you got to make it happen i'm going to tell you where it is but you got to go get it you cannot absolve yourself of human responsibility because you have divine prophecy [Applause] you cannot absolve yourself of human responsibility because you have divine prophecy the prophets prophesied but jesus told them in order for it to happen you got to go get it i'm gonna tell you where it is because i held it up for you and can't nobody get it but you the bible goes through the trouble to tell us that never a man had ever shut on these coats before nobody's been able to get it the reason nobody could get the property is because it's yours the reason that the house couldn't sell is because it's yours the reason that nobody got the position is because it's yours the reason nobody got that building is because it's yours i don't know who i'm talking to but i'm talking to somebody the reason that nobody ever been able to marry that individual is because it's yours when if god's got something for you he'll keep other people from riding in on what he has in reserve they can't ride in on your reserve it's been reserved for you and before you ever get it you ought to take a minute and praise him because your blessing is on reserve yeah my blessing is on reserve my blessing is on reserve it's not late it's not late it's not too late you're not too old you're not too short too tall too dark too light too bright too anything too fat too thin you're not doing it god has taken everything that you need into consideration it's gonna be able to hold you when you sit on it what god has for you is for you your weight load can handle it your stress load can handle it your human ability can handle it it is in the scope of your talent to do it god has calculated everything before he did anything and now he's saying to his disciples to the people who have discipline because you can't go get something that you don't have the discipline for after you get it he didn't just say to the travelers anybody can go get it you got to be a disciple to go get it you got to have discipline to be able to go get it you got to have discipline to have a baby and be a mother a mother not just have a baby but to be a mother you got to have discipline if you're still trying to get your groove on don't have no babies because you got to have a discipline to be able to go get it if you get married you're going to need a discipline for every blessing that comes in your life there is a discipline open up a business there's a discipline start a restaurant there's a discipline whatever it is you're getting ready to do do you have the discipline because only the disciples can go get it are you a disciple they were talking earlier about april getting bad news last week and still doing the pre-show that's discipline when you can put your feelings to the side and still function in your capacity that's discipline it's not that it didn't hurt it's not that she didn't want to burst into tears it's not that she didn't feel like falling out in the floor it's not that she probably didn't cry all the way to the house but while the camera was on she looked into the camera i said good morning potter's house that's discipline in order to get what god is getting ready to release in your life you have to have discipline i have preached this gospel when i was well i have preached it when i wasn't well i have preached it when i was sick i had preached it when i couldn't stand up i have preached it with my back swole i have preached it after surgery because it has been given to me and when god gives something to you it takes discipline for you to keep it you don't get to have 25 years in it if you don't have discipline you don't get to have 40 years of marriage without discipline you don't get to raise children without discipline and the problem in our world now we've raised people with no discipline you don't like asparagus i won't cook asparagus you don't like grits i won't cook grits whatever you like however you want it that's what i'm gonna give you that's why your kids can't make it when they get grown because the world is not gonna fix up whatever you want however you like it and you got them ready for a false reality we were raised with discipline whatever mama cooked that's what you ate and mama said you'll eat it before it eats you and i didn't understand then but she was teaching us discipline so you send an educated undisciplined child into the world and you can't figure out how somebody with a master's degree can't hold a job and the reason they can't hold a job they got the degree but they don't have the discipline they got the ability to start the business but they don't have the discipline they thought if they started a company they wouldn't have to do any work you're gonna work harder in your own company than you ever did working for somebody else and if you're not going to have the discipline don't get the building what shondu shot oh fool with me i'm preaching here this morning because i believe in discipline i don't believe in foolishness i don't believe in excuses i don't believe in pity parties and feeling sorry for yourself it's pretty soon you got to stand up and have the discipline the bible said to him whom much is given much is required the more god gives you the more god requires of you and if you're going to enjoy the blessing you got to carry the burden note to self go get it don't spend 2022 praying for stuff and looking around in the heavens waiting for it to drop down out of the sky if i'm going ride in on it i got to go get it i have to have human responsibility involved in divine prophecy it's not that god didn't say it but it won't happen if you don't go get it stop telling me tithing don't work it'll work if you work it stop telling me that faith don't work it'll work if you're working stop telling me that you tried jesus and it didn't work it'll work if you're working it can't work if you won't go get it [Applause] and i apologize for all the opportunity preachers who made it sound too simple you thought you'd run up here and throw twenty dollars on the altar and that would be the end of it you didn't understand you had to show up on time for work you can't give 20 and be late every week and now you're talking about it's the devil no it's not a devil it's not a demon you didn't go get it i need some go get it people in here ain't no needing you having another year if you're not gonna go get it ain't no need of you having a new year if you're not gonna go get it ain't no you declaring and decreeing and decreeing and declaring and speaking things into existence that you are not going to take care of go get it don't speak nothing into existence that you ain't gonna go get stop letting your mouth write checks that your body cannot pay for i'm going [Applause] i'll let somebody say go get it this is my year to go get it this is my year to go find it thank you lord for pointing me in the right direction if you just point me in the right direction i'll go get it for myself if you just show me which village if you just show me the spot show me the place show me the time i'll go get it [Applause] one of the things that the holy spirit told me to be sure to share with you is one of the deep rich reasons that we worship god that we have worship service that we have praise service is to put you in an atmosphere of spirituality because some things god is going to reveal through his spirit and if you don't learn how to access spiritual communication you won't have the ability to receive what god wants you to hear the bible says in hebrews that we didn't have our senses exercised by reason of use the word exercise in the greek is where we get the word gymnasium it means that god will put you in a gymnasium to work out your spiritual ears your spiritual smell your spiritual touch by reason of use how does that start it starts in the worship service because if you can't feel god in the worship service if god can't give you an unction and a praise service if god can't get disciplined just in a worship center with music with professional people up here singing for you how can you get the glory when you're out there somewhere between beach and jerusalem you got to hear what the spirit is saying to the church god said to tell you i want to give you direction but you're too carnal your senses are not exercised by reason of use i tried to work you out in the praise service but you were bored and you sat through it and you didn't do the exercise and now you cannot do the work because you haven't put the work in praise service should be a workout it's where you shut out the outside world and zoom in on the holy spirit and you focus on the anointing of the holy ghost and you're speaking to god and god is speaking to you and you're connecting with him on another level and you don't do it at church and you don't do it at home but if you start praising and worshiping god in your house then your senses start to work out and get exercise so that in the time of trouble and you need god's provision to speak to you your senses have been exercised so that you can hear what the spirit i feel like preaching now so you can hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church somebody say shut up i need to hear i want to shut up all outside noise i want to shut up all the confusion i want to get out for instagram i want to shut down social media i want to shut off my phone put it on do not disturb because i got to at least have an hour where i can hear what the spirit is saying then i can do all that other stuff but i'm tired of talking to people more than i talk to god for the kind of trouble i get in i'm going to need a word from god is there anybody in this building that needs a word from god holla at your boy let me hear from you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i need a word i need a word i need a word from god i need direction i can't spend another year wandering around hoping i run into a cult show me the village tell me where it is so that i don't waste my time knocking on empty doors for me personally i'm too old i don't have time to knock on empty doors i don't have time to try to make something happen where ain't nothing happen i don't have time to argue with that be i don't have time don't fool with me i know after i got past 60 i'm not safe the clock is ticking you cannot waste these years i got to make these years work talk to me somebody and all of a sudden god says to him go to the village and there you will find a cult and an ass tied up waiting on us shaun double kushaya wonder what god has tied up that's waiting on you [Applause] wonder what you've been driving past walking past that's tied up that's waiting on you just a normal thing a normal situation something you wouldn't even pay attention to this is not a burning bush this is not the opening of the red sea this is not anything supernatural this is a natural thing that you could walk past but it's waiting on you and the lord sent me to tell you it's waiting on you i don't know what you've been talking to him about but he told me to give you the answer this morning it's waiting on you i don't know what you've been asking him to do but the holy ghost said it's waiting on you god told me to tell you he doesn't have to make it he doesn't have to create it it's waiting on you hallelujah to god he doesn't have to go somewhere and get it he's got it tied up and it's already waiting on you and i want about 10 people with real faith to just praise god that it's waiting on you it's waiting on me it's waiting on me my next miracle my next opportunity my next door my next breakthrough it's waiting on me and i'm just praising god that it didn't get away i'm just praising god that i'm not too old and it's not too late it's waiting on me i'm just praising god that it's still there and it's waiting on me somebody give him 30 seconds of crazy praise you got 10 suckers left i said give him some praise you got to learn how to obey i said give him some praise i said give him some praise you got to learn how to give him some praise you're too carnal you got to learn how to give him to pray you got to get over in this holy ghost you got to get over in this spirit you got to get over in this anointing your answer is waiting on you you remember that song in the color purple god is trying to tell you something through every trouble through every pass through every trial god is trying to tell you something through crisis and disruptions god is trying to tell you something even through kobe god is trying to tell you something even through downsizing shut-ins shut up shut up god is trying to tell you something and you running around listening to what all the people are saying you need to shut up and hear what the lord is saying god is trying to tell you something in this season of your life god is trying to tell the whole world some i'm still gone i'll shut down the whole thing i'll shut down all the countries i'll stop all the disputes i'll shut everybody down send you back in your house make you look out your window i'm god i'll do it with something you can't even see i'll shut you down you talking about nuclear warfare god said i'll send something you can't even see i'll kill you with a sneeze [Applause] [Music] oh you don't need god you're not coming to church you don't serve god you don't have time you into something else you in the buddha you and let me tell you something when god gets through shaking this place he will bring you to your knees he will make you fall out on the altar he will make you clap your hand with your cute self you'll come out your cute outfit to shake your hair down get on your face before god and say i need thee oh i need thee every hour i knew bless me now my savior i come [Music] and so the lord says he said it's waiting on you but you have to go get it and when you go get it if any man tries to stop you [Applause] if any man tries to stop you their arms are too short to box with god if any man tries to stop you they don't have enough authority to stop you i am the king of kings and the lord of lords if any man try to stop you don't argue with them don't fight with them don't yell at them don't cuss them out just tell them the lord has need of him and they are going to have to give it up don't waste time trying to change your haters [Applause] [Music] because they cannot stop what god has ordained this is the providence of god the providence of god deals with divine guidance or orchestration that god has it all of under control not just people but things we're talking about animals god controls the animals god controls the wildlife god controls the locusts god controls the plagues god controls everything god said i got everything up under the heavens are telling the glory of god you just trying to get up in the air i was already in the air you just now trying to learn how to fly in the outer space i was in outer space when you was in the inner space i'm god i'm the ruler of everything i can do anything when i tell you to praise me i mean praise me praise me glory to god some of you all don't even praise god like people do at a beyonce concert they get more excited about beyonce than you do about god they get more excited about preachers than you do about god they get more excited about presidents than you do about god but when i say praise god i want you to praise him like he's god [Applause] praise him like he's god praise him like he's god praise him like he's god praise him like he's god god over your disease god over your diseases god over your affliction god over your crisis open your mouth and praise him like he's god praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him like you know he's great praise him like he's lord of everything praise him like everything you need is in his hand the silver is in his hand the goal is in his hand the resources is in his hand your boss is in his head your situation is in his hands your kidneys are in his hand your emotions are in his head praise him like he's god like he's got a lot of power in his hand praise him like you know who he is if you don't praise him the rocks will cry out i can't hear you give the lord some praise [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see when you praise him like that you see how your troubles shrink you see how your stress dissipates you see how your problems go away when you praise him like that you see how god moves in a supernatural way the more you praise him the bigger he gets in you the bigger he gets in you the smaller your problems are in you let everything that have praise she the lord if you ain't dead give him a praise right now [Music] i told my wife i told my wife about maybe about three years before kovit broke loose like it did i said i feel like we're racing towards something not just us but the whole world is racing towards something and i can't tell what it is but there's a there's a certain anxiousness in my spirit that everything is moving real fast like it's headed towards something and whatever it is is not good it was at least three years before kovia had ever hit but when you are spiritual let me tell you when you are spiritual you can sense things i can go in a city and sense the spirit over a city i can walk in the room and sense the spirit over when you are a spiritual person you can't prove it to nobody but down inside of your belly god will let you know my wife can remember anything and when we talk she'll say oh i'm talking about the lady in the red shoes i don't remember who had on red shoes i won't notice what's on you but i always notice what's in you i will know what's in you i will discern what's in you i will know what's in you long after i forgot what's on you you need to exercise your discernment [Applause] you need to exercise your discernment because we're coming into a time that the very elect will be fooled if possible and you've got to exercise your discernment so you don't join the clan get tied up in the mob and be involved in something don't even know how you got there now the lord said to me [Music] there is a moment coming to many of you for which you have been waiting on all your life [Music] everything else you did was just how he kept you tied up [Music] how many people in this room sense that god has something else for you [Applause] everything else you've been doing is just how he kept you tied up how he kept you occupied how he kept you doing something how he kept you moving but god is about to give you a moment nudge your neighbor say all i need is a moment i don't want to die till i had my moment i don't want to collapse till i've had my moment i was created for such a time as this and so they got their ass they got their ass untied they got the colt untied and they brought him to jesus provision is coming to the prophet the prophet knew where he was the disciples went to get him now the provision to the prophet and when the provision comes to the prophet there is a colliding of destiny [Music] if if the ass could talk he would say all of my life i've been waiting on this moment [Applause] and jesus is saying all of my life [Music] i've been waiting on this moment [Music] and when two things collide that have been waiting on this moment and they shared that moment together see the the problem with you is you've had moments and brought people into moments who didn't appreciate the moment you were pulling them into and you got to drag them into the moment because they have no appreciation of what it costs you how long you waited to have the moment and you are unequally yoked and many times they polluted the moment from being everything that it could be because they didn't have the appreciation for the moment you're in but the ass is just as happy as the master he is because jesus has lived for this moment i'll prove to you that he lived for this moment he called judas his friend and when peter tried to stop the crucifixion he said get the hints behind me satan for this purpose came i into the world i didn't come into the world to play with your fish sandwiches [Applause] i didn't come into the world to heal two or three people's diseases i came into the world to save the world from their sins to annihilate the enemy called death to take the sting out of death and the victory out of the grave i did not come into the world to heal 10 lepis [Music] that's just stuff i was doing while i was waiting [Music] but for this purpose came i into the world to do a job that nobody can do but me there are no competitors being you there are no competitors at being you you are in a class all by yourself stop being intimidated by other people can nobody in the world beat you at being you like you you can do you like nobody else can do you it could have been another ass and it couldn't have been another jesus they were made for each other they were waiting for each other and when they met both of them had been on reserve for this one moment this one defining moment this one prophetic moment all you need is one moment can i go a little bit deeper the bible says in monaco i bring you all the times and offerings into the storehouse that there might be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open up the windows of heaven the word windows of heaven properly translated is the floodgates the floodgates of heaven you don't open up floodgates and expect what happens next he said to pour you out a blessing [Music] i open up the whole floodgate for you to get a blessing all you need is one [Music] the one blessing is gonna be so big you won't have room enough to receive everything i'm gonna bring out of that one that one meeting that one connection that one individual that one decision that one church that one change that one door i open up the floodgates to give you one thing [Music] when destiny collides moments are born this is a defining moment not only for its prophetic value not only for its futuristic value but in its present tense reality being oh god stop he keeps feeding me i'm trying to shut up and he keeps feeding be present in the moment some of you live in the past others of you worry about the future few of us are present in the moment i spent all last year and i'm working on it still this year on being where i am just being where i am because if i'm not careful i'll always be planning where i'm going at the expense of missing the other pathology that's equally as dangerous is you can't enjoy where you are for grieving over where you've been either way the enemy is stealing the present moment and it is only a moment let me show you this it's only a moment if you miss your moment you are not guaranteed a repeat opportunity we we were talking we were talking some friends of mine were talking and said as amazing she's a personal friend of mine uh every time i hear some a song about her it touches my heart because i knew her and loved her and appreciated her but if aretha were to start singing today there is no guarantee that she would be the queen [Music] today because soul music is not even valued it's not even selling in a hip-hop world she had one moment [Applause] if you miss this window can't shine down that hillside if you miss this window that god has opened up for you and you fool around and let that window close you may not ever have the right convergence of circumstances to have the impact that you need to do what you're trying if harlan sanders opened up kfc today he'd go bankrupt cause he would show you a home-cooked meal and we would want to know is it gluten-free i'm a vegan i'm a pescatarian i don't eat bad i don't eat this i don't eat the other but at the time the window was open nudge your neighbor and say this is your moment don't miss your moment this message is a warning do not miss your moment the window is opening the window is opening the window is open here the window is open here on your moment somebody hold out this is my moment [Applause] when it was their moment everybody knew it watch this the disciples laid their coats on the back of the coat jesus climbed on top of the coat and began to ride to fulfill scriptures the crowd almost as if on cue started laying their garments in the street without anybody instructing them to they start cutting down limbs and branches and laying them down in the street nobody choreographed this every person in here that's ever had an amazing moment in your life go back and remember nobody choreographed it no human hand taught everybody how to react to you you just did something and it just worked can i get a witness would you tell them i'm not crazy i think some of them think i'm crazy tell them i'm not crazy when god is in the moment [Music] with god if i tried to do mega fest right now if i've tried to fill the georgia dome the world congress center and the phillips arena right now everybody will say you are crazy in a pandemic [Music] there's a window this is your time this is your moment there's a few things i want you to get number one you your blessing is tied up for the moment i want you to walk away with that i want to be sure you get that number two been tied up all your life you have not seen you have not seen your greatest moment in spite of what the enemy tells you in spite of all the miracles you've done in your past you in spite of all the doors that have been over you have not seen your greatest moment you are on the precipice of your greatest moment it has been tied up all your life number three i want you to understand that you have never been it has never been chosen in your lifetime this is for overlooked people do you know how many people walked past this donkey [Applause] until the donkey felt like maybe i don't have it maybe i'm not good enough maybe nobody wants me the rejection is an indication of selection number four you have been ignored and it will be in an area that you are inexperienced because if you had experience you wouldn't need faith it's going to be in an area of inexperience this is coming out of these four variables comes a moment and when it happens all the disciples as if on cue jesus told him to go get the coat he didn't tell him to lay the coats down but almost as if they were in a play they all went to plan their role everything is going to line up right everything's going to fall into place you won't have to fight for it on you as the master orchestrates your life everything around you is gonna lay down for where you're getting ready to walk it was such a powerful moment that right on cue the children got in it and the children who didn't have no coat to lay down and couldn't cut down a branch start singing hosanna hosanna hosanna to the king hosanna everything is lining up it costs such a ruckus that jerusalem which is a cosmopolitan city of diverse ideologies turns around to see who is this dude [Music] that's what they said who is this man that everybody's making such a fuss about god is going to bring you into an arena of people who don't even know who you are so you can't ride in on your previous egotistical accomplishments [Applause] he's going to introduce you into a new arena where you you where your pedigree has no power who am i talking to jesus came into that city now now wait oh god stop they're gonna kill him and he comes in there riding on a donkey with folks singing and dropping down palm branches jesus comes into the city as a king to go on a cross to rise up a king because even the cross could not rob him of being the king because being the king is not something that you do it is something that you are what i gotta stop i'm gonna stop it right there nobody can rob you when you move away from what you do and start producing what you are death can't stop it nails can't stop it the grave can't stop it the stone can't stop it because you are authentic to who you are you have been showing god what you do but god wants to bless who you are and you never have to fight or struggle to be what you already are i am a black man i have never tried to be a black man i have never fought to be a black man nobody could stop me from being a black man because i am i am a man i'm not trying to be a man i don't have to bang on stuff and say i'm a man i am just a man when you are something you don't have to fight for it you just are it god said be what you are and i will do what i'm going to do when you bring yourself to me neither their crosses nor their lashes nor their disputes can stop it from happening this is a moment like this close your eyes i'm closing all of your life all online all over the world everywhere you're listening at me in every tongue in every language all of your life you have waited for a moment like this and i know it's been tempestuous but every mother who ever gave birth to will tell you it's a messy business giving birth it's painful business crisis comes it's a bloody business giving birth god is birthing something in the earth the whole creation groaneth and travail within pain until now waiting for the adoption to wit even the redemption of our body god is birthing something in the earth and we have been into a fail terrible travail on some level in some way in your personal life god wants to give you a moment listen to me you might have been sick in your body but god kept you alive to have a moment whether it's a moment with your children a moment with your wife a moment with your brother a moment with your sister there's a moment coming that this message is to introduce to you and there will never be a moment like this everything will come into alignment the things you are worried about stop worrying about it the provision is made the way is made the door is open the palms have fallen the song has started where are you do not miss this moment god is calling you [Music] god is calling you into a moment like this this is your moment this is your moment this is your moment where are you the ride is ready the coats are ready the singing is ready the path is laid out where are you come out of your pants stop worrying about your future [Music] this is your moment in my head i could hear a moment like this would you receive a moment like this would you open your heart and your mind and step into a moment like this the house is tied up waiting on you the coats are ready the palms are about to fall [Music] do not allow these distractions to make you miss your moment while his about an eyes are closed if there's a person in this room i'm not even sure that this message is to a christian i'm sure many christians can apply it to their life the per you could be backslidden you could be in sin but there's been something pulling at you saying that there's something else god has for me i was born for something and i'm tired of going around in circles [Music] and i need a moment like this i need a moment like this i need [Music] a moment like this i'm tired of medicating it i'm tired of drinking over top of it i'm tired of getting high over top of it i need a moment like this where i step into who i am and not what i do [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 612,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, A Moment Like This, Matthew 21:1-11 (KJV), Get what God has for you, put in the work, maximize this moment!
Id: zn47t2ckHDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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