Did We Make A Mistake With This Vintage Chevy Car Build?

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[Music] there's always something else War Rich that's wet dude how did you do that cuz I'm freaking good new day in the shop we are back on the 55 we got some parts here and we are going to see if we can get some stuff finalized in it so I got the ride engine plates we're going to get the motor mounted I have this here oil pan I have my fingers crossed that it's going to clear some steering if not we may be putting a rack and pinion in this car so we'll see how this goes I don't want to cut this oil pan up because it's it's pretty nice piece we're going to make that fit somehow what other parts do we got today uh drive line so we called up Adam's drive shaft told them what we were building and they said yeah we can help you so this is kind of a different drive shaft because this Camaro transmission that we're using has a three bolt pattern they knew exactly what we needed had the parts shipped us out of drive line so thank you Adams so when we first put this motor in here I didn't realize all the differences between the LT and the ls Motors so we had LS conversion plates which are in there currently and they don't Bol up these don't fit right there as you can clearly see they are not the same nope so we ordered a set of LT ones and we'll go ahead swap those out put their the right bolts get everything bolted down and then we got to drill these two bolts still on each side then the motor is fully mounted and we can roll back weld the trans crossmember in solid put a drive line in it I think we can take the rubber out of the way and then we got good ones for that we bought a little better M motor mount to put back in this car cuz it was going to be permanent we just had the factory style rubber ones in it we're going to put some high energy On's in it they will uh help with the torque when I'm grabbing gears we just need to pull bolts out of the back let's see how this fits in here hey look at that that bolts up even like we bought the right part this time now if we can just make the motor mounts fit and we bold it in tight we'll be good to go and then we can take it back out paint the frame we got a bunch left to do grab that other Mount wherever you took it the old one well the bottom let's put it back in so we know where this all goes is that where it goes is that how it goes it have to be like that it it have to be to get it to go in there but that means that's as far as it can go oh that's awfully ni get a different one of those [Music] she should be right up town we want snug these don't we what to the plate yeah we got to going to let it down a little and see if we can get this side to B into the plate it's got to Pivot some kind of or she ain't going to fit I guess snug those down we're going to have to go push the transmission over to get it to drop into that and then we can drill those two holes and life will be good we're winning things are looking better and then we'll put an oil pan on it and see it's killing me right now I just want to bowl it in there and see if it fits we got to pull this dampener off first the oil pan kind of slips underneath of it I don't think I can put it on was it well this new one may not the cast one did more more than that little bit oh it's just barely more yep that's it okay in that's in the mouse look way better yeah that's in we can probably put a clamp on that pull them down tight and I'll bet we can drill them with that little angle drill and a short step or bit just I I got to lift it up and try to little man we're a little sidetracked but it's killing me probably going to have to take the flywheel off not even well we got to lift the motor yeah okay we're learning that should probably do it go up a little more yep that will do it well this is that now we're going to put some bolts in it let's grab some bolts off the table there [Music] all right than let's see what happens here nope it's a bunch Too Short cuz yeah holy cow we're going to have to go racking [Music] pinion there's always something else Twisted melt it officially it's about to be here put them back in that gives us a little more room in there probably don't have to cut steering column off anymore cuz that rack's going to come up right here two U joints and it'll it'll get to it we'll just poke that through as far as we need to to set the seat in it and headers you won't have to yeah yeah everything fits easier okay we can pull the back mounts off and then we should be able to slip those out of the way lift the motor up enough we can drill them drill them then we can Bol it back in solid okay grab that drill in hey you in the right spot yeah are you sure screw this up I think I am in the right spot I need to go up there right there work what are you going to do when I'm not around to give you such a hard time all the time I don't know I mean Hunter and sea are hair true that sub Mission how many steps probably like three don't go three go two two Perfection work where was he at when we were drilling all those holes in the F the other day Hunter he melded a whole drill bit off speed's not your plan here yeah you ruined her I like them sweet I'll other side things are happening we are uh currently tightening down the motor mounts they're all drilled and then we set this down then we can weld the crossmember in fully underneath and then drill a hole for the shifter Monumental stuff is about to happen here see if Merlin's hold right it's not going to be no you never know I mean a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while okay now you going to Ren and tighten those bottom ones up then the frame will be locked in those mounts actually look pretty sanitary that's pretty straight isn't it looks pretty straight to me moved the motor back down and lined everything else up where it should have been like it it's sweet almost like we we planned that out right let's test a drive line let's see what it looks like in there by George inch and a half don't want two Ines we or eat a tape measure I like it we got to come up with some of those you bolts UB bolts and some bolts to bolt that on and we got this thing and the motor's hooked to the rear end well it fits Adams did us an awesome job so we'll uh we'll weld that in and then we can install this thing all right there's that all right we're going to make a four-wheel or a shifter not four-wheel drive shifter it's definitely a two wheel drive I don't know how to that's terrible new plant naal phone pound of punch through it all right we're going to go ahead and just put a little mark on each corner of this all right how far off is Marlin going to be what are you doing I'm trying to figure out where the shifter holds where I don't even know set her on the ground that's good we got stuff to do here he's way off way off oh oh Marlin you're terrible all right let me show you where this is at that shifter is going to be right here it's going to go just like that it's going to go just like that he is marking his spot all right so that's where we're going to be cutting it out that's what he says that's where he'll be cutting it out okay let me let me show you where this is actually at I mean he was the right like width but just not the right spot that's probably a good thing you didn't cut that I'm glad I didn't let Merlin cut that out ah let's turn that to a frowny face you're off you're way off Merlin we'll square that up cut that out of there and put a shifter in it and hey you want to see uh you want to see the hole uhoh the hole did you get her on the money isn't it no can you see it you look no I don't see it where is it goes there oh this is you were there no you moved my thing nope nope we uh I got underneath and put some uh dents in it and then we came on top you were the your front two were just barely I'm glad I didn't give you the air chisel so you guys moved the motor forward no no it's all right where it you know you can't win them all wi 98% of that's right all right we thought we'd just show you you were close but you weren't right well one line was correct one line was right yeah it would worked on one side see you guys see you all right land hand me that death [Music] whe that looks like it's right on the money yeah give me a 13 mm on the impact gun that says it all right there I may have wrote that afterwards but hey on camera anything looks like I want except for lawn low race that just didn't look like I won oh man lift me up enough we can get under it land we'll have to roll under it put a jack under it unbolt those two bolts let it down I pull this off warmish okay L just let it down just barely okay that's good shifter shifter's over there on the floor like grab the box for me can you pull that sensor out of the side which sensor that one right here that is the one that was it that's it the back one man that'll let the shifter go over to where reverse is at I can't wait to see this car polished can't wait to watch you polish it should be good should all go up yep I think we put it in without the spring spring okay let's try that all right there's reverse we got her land okay shifter's fixed we're going to bold all the brakes on this thing try to get some brake lines built we're going to change the leaf springs out for this four link kit that we have here may we get the drive line Boling in it no they going to fit that's light you going top one fits now after a little adjusting they're working bad news is is no one's pushing on them I don't know what's rubbing in there oh the pad maybe too close you're right uh it's a good deduction my friend hey I was just throwing it out there just throwing her out there it was a good one it's a good throw you're right the pads are too close that's more buing if this one will fit behind it I think it's skinny no I think I think we're about to have brakes are on again all right we got this side form fitting that look turn it now it's pretty good so on to the other side we'll get it done they look good on there I think they're going to they're going to do their thing what you all four are the same we are putting the shots together for the rear perfect perfect y that's what you're doing that's what we're doing we've got a box of parts with no instruction instructions so it's just getting put together coilovers of some sort we're uh we'll get something together [Music] [Music] I like it one step [Music] closer all right grab that in buddy got it yep I'm going to stretch this out hold on to it I need a Hammer Hammer YY she's in perfect that looks fast take it for a drive yeah let's go 1116 is out here 58 is inside and cinch them down tight we've got a real live Drive Line we've got a four link setup here these leaf springs are going to damper dampener about 2 in of my Fender well here so I need a wider Tire executive decisions were made leaf springs are out four links going in so probably gon to ride better anyway with coilovers and four link those are the top links I get that those other ones are the bottom links top links are shorty shorts they weld in close I believe this here bar we probably ought to read some instructions I'm just going to go out all them and say that [Music] that what's hitting that rivet too I don't know goes the other way we got it upside down bottom of the drive line bottom of the drive line I knew that the whole time I was just testing you guys so the middle ones come right off the right off of right here basically other ones hang clear below and come up to this which is upside down right right there and then those triangle pieces weld in the front side of it as a gusset to hold it clear's mud well you get that out of there now I pounded it in you'll be I'll go weld this stuff together all right I don't know if you guys have noticed my brand new Fab Ratz welding gloves but uh go ahead and find these on our website they're pretty dang nice they're they're TIG gloves so they're not super thick so you can still do stuff but go check them out all right we're going to go ahead and weld all these inserts in and then we'll know exactly where that middle bar has to go so gas is on isn't it [Music] [Music] got those all welded up we'll let them cool off start putting them in the car uh I am cutting these brackets off so we can put whatever's going here here I don't know what's going there but it's one of those parts on the floor but I'm cutting off so I can I can grind it up and we put that on on [Music] it so we're hoping we can just leave this rear end in IT that'll locate it for us and we don't have to mess with Center it up cuz it'll be in the factory center location that's pretty much the spot right there we'll weld those in probably ought to Center that crossmember up tack it in place get it square off of this Mount probably tack it in place and then we'll be good to go you're happy with it she Square at least straight it is okay straight forward before we go to welding we might as well make sure this all goes fits as [Music] planned right against the well that's awesome [Music] okay now make the other side match it all right two of the pieces you you hold the front end up and I'll weld the other end and hold it up okay something like that okay cuts that ground on the frame right there okay grab that other one let's do it pretty close to the sameish maybe it's a here lower all right now we figure out the shock mounts we're getting [Music] closer we're getting closer finish welding all this in and then we can get the shocks in it [Music] now we got to get that top piece in there and we got it what do you think figuring it out I think that's the right way I still don't know what these little Tabs are we have those I have no idea what those are yet bump stops are ready so we're pretty close that goes like Oh so I backwards already faces hold hold this I got to look at the picture can't remember if that face forward or backwards it faces forward just like that and those come off the back just like you got it and that which way is the bottom just like that just like that yep that goes to the bottom of the rear end so if we can fish it around yeah if wishes were [Music] fishes up there why am I a quar inch long I have no idea how much too long is it ways I should probably mark it cut it off right there yeah Mark that and then we'll split the difference that pull it out we'll measure it we may just take these freaking shocks off straight over the back like take the shock off all right are C where's that crooked tape measure that's sides CM see another sides inches so when you got it up there see top to bottom 10 cm is not 4 in it's off just it's off yeah it's not very good with people with like I knew what he was talking about it's like a quarter a little more than a quarter 3/8 so we need to split a 16th on each side I was just entertained by Hunter's baffled this like how could it be wrong on one side think that's going to fit War that's wet dude that cuz I'm freaking good it's the guy that marked it that's what I'd say it's the guy no way good job Sean I didn't mark it let's let's leave it wedged we'll put the these shocks on and Tack the bottoms and then adjust the top tighten that top one clear up and then we'll try to get her squarish with whatever we can money on this side I don't I I think maybe we ought to stretch these out and pull that down to the bottom of the frame that I think so how's that look from the side Sean is that shock pretty much vertical yeah not bad not bad Jack it that there mat device [Music] are the leaves staying on it too no they're coming off in just a second all right we've got a four-link system in this thing plus a leaf spring system we're double suspension currently but we're going to go ahead unbolt these and get the leafes out of our way and this should stay in and not fall out almost killed me a gas tled yeah if you want to grab stuff to take leaves I'll finish [Music] these oh I'm not as tough as I once was but I'm way Smarter Than I Used to Be we got tools for that fle SL out come on Betsy of that God that's uh four link now we've got some Tire space in there are you put a sway bar on the back of it oh yeah yeah the rear sway bar is somewhere here we'll get it put on looks good finish welding stuff that needs finish welded definitely more room for tires we uh we got a bunch accomplished today motor's fully mounted the rear suspension is all in it the brakes are all on the car we got we're waiting for brake lines for the back and then we can build brake lines waiting for a clutch pieces we can't hook the clutch up cuz I don't have the right pieces for that yet so uh next time fuel we'll put the fuel tank in it we'll build all the fuel lines and hopefully we'll have a computer system here and we can hear this thing run so we've decided in the interest of our oil pan that we have to go with rack and pinion on this thing so steering box is out we tore it off the front it'll get used on some other project we're going to put a rack in it make life easier so with any luck in 27 years this thing's driving so thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 283,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offroad, fabrication, welding, hotrods, ratrods, diy, fabrats, metalworking, engines, building, horsepower, burnouts, offroading, recovery, rescue, fab rats, vicegripgarage, chevybelair, chevy, vintage, runanddrive, run and drive
Id: NSgjkx9g3hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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